
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Vuolos Down Under (Video)

“It’s been really exciting…to be able to let our guard down around one another. I think we’ve laughed together more this week than we have in our whole relationship so far.”
-Jeremy Vuolo

Those who were able to tune in to Counting On this Monday (click here to read our recap) were treated to some entertaining footage from Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's honeymoon in Sydney, Australia (see video below). They  mentioned feeling more relaxed and at ease around each other after their wedding. Do you sense a difference in their interactions as husband and wife?

To view a photo of the Vuolos at the Sydney Opera House, click here.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. What a beautiful couple with wonderful treasures to unfold together with their Loving God, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Enjoy every precious moment, even the bittersweet ones! Blessing!

  2. I think one should be relaxed and at ease with the person they are marrying before the wedding or they shouldn't get married but that may just be me. These restrictive courtships seem so unnatural to me.

  3. I didn't hear them mention the earthquake that happened while they were "down under"! Did they even feel it? Do they even realize how worried we all were about them?

    And yes, they did seem very relaxed! Loved that ep and am anxiously waiting for the new eps!

    1. because the earthquake was in NZ, not Australia, which is a three hour flight (aka seattle to denver)

    2. NZ is also a thousand miles away from Australia.

  4. I cannot imagine never kissing a man and barely holding hands or hugging him, to a honeymoon, in the course of days! Like not knowing how to swim yet jumping in the 10' end of the pool, figuring you'll know what to do.

    1. Good analogy. Sink or swim.

    2. Yeah I could never do it either. I was raised to believe that it was the "right" thing to do and at 25, I can confirm that all this belief has led me to its crippling anxiety regarding relationships and sexuality and an inability to recognise toxic relationships.

    3. Some people are natural born swimmers, not everything takes practice.

    4. Oh, brother. I feel like some people come to this "fan" blog to use it to anonymously substitute it for group therapy. It's a television family and the show is produced for entertainment. Why do so many over-scrutinize and comment about this family' s customs and traditions.If we could all just return to this being a fan page.

    5. Anon@6:49- It isn't just being comfortable with intimacy, it's having the opportunity to truly get to know someone without being followed around by family and chaperones in an oppressive environment. Plenty of people can put on a good act when being monitored.

    6. Why does it always seem that the kids' relationships have to be Jim Bob and Michelle's version of an "ideal" relationship? They admitted they didn't act like that when dating. Why do they expect it of their kids? That's not fair. It's the kids' lives to live, not JB & M's.

    7. I didn't hug, hold hands or kiss my husband before we were married. And we didn't have any problems. It might have taking some adjusting, but marriage does anyways.

    8. Boy, did you hit the nail on the head, 6:54am. I know someone who married an old boyfriend, two decades after they had first dated. He initiated the contact again and wooed her well. They married. The parents were involved the whole time and approved. He even went to them beforehand for their blessing, in good Duggar-esque fashion. Within 2 years, he because hostile and angry to his wife. Then an ex-wife and a child appeared, with quite a story to tell. All had been kept secret. He was a good actor. Fortunately, a lawyer was able to get the innocent woman out of this bad situation. Goes to show you, you never can tell what will happen and what some people try to keep secret, til it all comes out.

    9. I was a virgin when I married my husband. Sure we'd had kissed and hugged but mostly we talked and talked. We courted long distance for yrs and we got married no problems getting used to everything very quickly felt super normal as we'd talked about it so much. I bet this couple talked more than they got all lovey doovy and talking is the key to any healthy relationship not the physical that's an off shoot of the good relationship. This couple have the knowledge that physical contact etc within marriage is exactly where it should be.

  5. That quote is a bit worrying to me, that they couldn't let their guard down before they were married. That they had to cover up some kind of their personality or feelings. This is the person you're going to marry, and you couldn't or weren't allowed to let your guard down? This is your partner in life, you should be completely honest in all aspects of your relationship

    1. I don't think he meant let down their guard in the way you have taken it. They are free to be intimate and physical with each other and not worry about holding back on anything. Physical intimacy leads to more emotional intimacy.

    2. 5:10 - That is how I understood it as well. Obviously, during their courtship they were under constant scrutiny by Jinger's family and the chaperones which would have made things awkward at times. Being married and away from the rest of the family, they were free to enjoy each other in a new way.

    3. 11:04, Its kind of hard to let your guard down and express deep feelings when you have ZERO privacy! Michelle and Jimbob listened and/or read all phone calls and texts! Rarely can they have had any totally private conversation! Maybe letters? Still - not the same! My guard would be up too if I felt others were listening!

    4. its a little sad, that they were so restricted, but also i feel happy for them. they seem the most in love and compatible and "normal" of the duggar marriages. i think jinger is going to grow into her own person now that she can flourish in her own space away from home.

    5. They did what they felt was God's will! They did not do what her parents said to do - they have their own convictions. I am so impressed that a couple puts God's will before their own. More couple need to follow suit!

    6. Anon@7:45 If they were under constant scrutiny by the Duggars and chaperones as you say, how on earth could they really get to know each other under such circumstances? If you are never alone with each another, it would be quite difficult. They are likely in for more than a few surprises.

    7. It's a shame they couldn't have that same freedom as they were getting to know each other and deciding if they wanted to get married. They only saw the "Best Behavior" version of each other. That is not real life. There's not always going to be a chaperone there to snap you back to reality. You will behave differently when married, which is misleading beforehand.

    8. Betty- I do not understand this overused characterization that something is "God's will". A person could use that as a justification for just about anything. If a Duggar left the nest and lived a life of independence, I could say that it's also "God's will."

  6. Isn't that a strange order? I mean the Duggars are heavy on knowing eachother before becoming husband and wife and apparently they didn't ever feel comfortable around eachother. So aren't the rules the Duggars put on a courtship missing there goal? FYI I'm seriously asking and not judging.

  7. "Let our guard down around one another." That is the strangest thing I've heard one of these married girls say. As if courting & being engaged is dangerous! But once married, you let your "guard" down. How strange!

    1. Maybe they felt that way since they were always being observed by their chaperones. Very strange to have never ever been alone with the person you are going to marry. Seems it would feel very awkward to suddenly be alone.

    2. I believe in courtship, but I also believe in trusting that you raised your children right. My husband and I didn't have chaperones at all before we were married, but we never kissed, hugged or even held hands. It wasn't something our parents set upon us, it was what we wanted to do. And when that's the case you don't need chaperones.
      Maybe they should trust their adult children a little more.

    3. They let their guard down concerning physical side of things they are now ONE and these things are for marriage. As a Christian I understand exactly what they meant there is a physical attraction that means that side of your relationship needs to be guarded so this aspect can be saved for marriage.

    4. And what happens if any degree of physical attraction is not "saved" or "guarded" til marriage? What's so terrible and scary about giving in to it?

  8. I felt Jeremy seemed to be teasing Jinger a lot. Esp when he was driving and she was nervous and asked him to slow down and his response was to laugh. I think he needs to stop that or they will have issues.

    1. Agree. It was concerning that he wasn't attentive to her uneasiness.

    2. I dont think so. They are adorable! 😃

    3. Oh my word 1:32 and 5:10! Light hearted teasing is healthy in a marriage. You know what isn't healthy? Being overly sensitive and taking things to seriously.

    4. My husband teases me in public sometimes. He knows the right times to do it, and it doesn't bother me. It makes me laugh.

    5. I don't consider taking someone's fear and "teasing" about it to be funny. Especially not by one's spouse. That seems a bit cruel. If you were afraid of snakes, would you like someone waving one in your direction?

    6. @9:17 Everyone has different levels of sensitivity. A couple must learn to recognize this and respect the other's individual emotional make-up. To tell someone they're being overly sensitive or taking things too seriously is very condescending.
      What may seem to be light-hearted teasing by one person may be taken completely different to someone else and not at all viewed as healthy.

  9. Jinger sure didn't waste any time ditching that cover-your-shoulders rule!

    1. Haa! Knew someone would feel the need to comment on that.

    2. Jinger thinks for herself now and is her own person.
      I'm so glad she married a man with some life experiences and patience.
      She has been truly blessed.
      Exposed arms with her husband by her side shouldn't be an issue. Besides the heat can be intense even leading into their summer.

    3. Why is she only now thinking for herself, though? She's been an adult for quite a while. What about getting married makes her her own person? Nothing. It's not an issue that she is baring her arms, it's an issue that she couldn't until she married, even though she was 22 when she got married.

  10. Loved the episode and watching them laugh together. So beautiful and excited for them. Letting their guard down after all of the wedding hoopla and cameras on them must be a relief. Now for REAL LIFE! Love you Ginger and Jeremy

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. That was funny listening to the others try the Australian accent. it would have been cute to hear the younger Duggars say it :)

  13. Glad they're enjoying themselves. This is off topic but someone told me there was a picture of Josh and Derick on this blog. So ething about them being on the cover for something. Does anyone know anything about this? I tried to find it but I guess they decided to take it down (which I can understand). Just wondering.

    1. I think someone was pulling your leg. There wasn't any picture of Josh and Derick.

    2. "Being on the cover for something" - can you be more specific, and maybe someone can answer your question?

  14. I would have loved to have seen the New Zealand part of the honeymoon...I guess I don't really blame them though, they needed some privacy without cameras in their face😉

  15. I see Jeremy as a relaxed, fun-loving kind of guy and I think that showed on their honeymoon by his jokes, etc. My general sense is that Jinger takes her social cues from him and that is how the Duggars like it (ie the wife "follows" the husband). I think that he may be surprised by her naivety and lack of knowledge in life but as long as she has an open mind to doing things differently than she was raised, it will go well. I'm not talking about their faith here but her sheltered upbringing and strict way of doing life. Happy for Jinger that together with Jeremy she can experience more of the "real world". This is not a judgement on them - just my observations.

    1. I totally agree with you. I love Jeremy's sense of humour. He says it quite seriously - I think he is great and they just adore one another. They will have a wonderful life together. Best thing is moving away from home and starting a new life together - alone.

  16. I think with regards to the "letting our guard down" comment that they meant that they now do not have to fight against the physical temptations any longer. It was very sweet to see how playful and affectionate they are with each other. I don't remember seeing that with any of the other young couples.

  17. Love these two! Love their relationship. God bless them🙏🏻

  18. I was happy to watch this episode - but only once, yes there is a difference, they are married now and that is their life, not mine.

  19. I live in Australia and cant view the video it is very disappointing that this has happened recently as in the past I could watch all videos that were posted.

    1. You can find it on youtube. I can post you the link. Wait for a minute.

    2. Here is the link to the wedding video - honeymoon next.

    3. Honeymoon video. I also live in Australia Carol. If you need help with anything let me know. Good Luck and enjoy.

  20. Wow lots of 'Anonymous' haters on this page! Why come here if you have only negative and nasty comments for this wonderful family? Also if you are brave enough to say nasty things be brave enough to sign your real name!

    1. I went back and read all the comments and honestly didn't see anything that could be construed as "nasty". It's ok to not feel like you have to adore every single thing the Duggars do. People can have opinions of their own and I think it's rude to call them haters just because they do.

  21. Yeah I could tell they loved each other just not until the wedding ..the courtship was stale almost or like the episode where jinger, Jeremy and Jedediah are going to Texas and only Jed is funny - nothing else happens there and Jinger and Jeremy are the focus but the whole season was like that. No big romance - it was dull honestly or lackluster. I'm not saying the people are that, the show was just that. Go Jed!

  22. video doesn't work-again. What has changed that it is now not possible to view it? Had no problem in the past even though I'm not in the US.

  23. They were 5 minutes down the road from my house and driving past Botany cemetary when they said "it's just a weird landscape". I am offended Vuolo's ha,ha. Wish i bumped into you.

  24. You guys look so happy! Proud of yall. ..I love Jingers top....she looks good in blue.

  25. I know where the earthquake was, but if u will remember, back when they got married, they also said they were going to NZ AND Australia! ANd at that time, we did not know where they were during the earthquake. Very scary! 🙄

  26. May God continue to bless you Jinger & Jeremy, you are such a sweet couple! I love Jinger's sense of style, does anyone know what brand purse that is she wears? It's so pretty!

  27. We already saw that photo of the opera house on this blog. Please quit repeating and move forward. Thank you.

  28. Boy, Jeremy's sure buttoned up tight in that shirt.

    1. That's a very European way of wearing a button down. He did live in Europe for a while, he probably just adopted it.


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