
Friday, March 3, 2017

Josh Duggar Turns 29

Mackynzie Duggar (7), Anna Duggar, Josh Duggar, 
Meredith Duggar (19 months), Michael Duggar (5), and Marcus Duggar (3)

Wishing Josh Duggar a very happy 29th birthday! We know you all have been eager to see a new photo of Josh and Anna Duggar and their four children. For posterity, we have also included a couple of old photos of Josh.

Josh and Anna Duggar with Mackynzie Duggar, Summer 2010

Jim Bob Duggar, Josh Duggar, John-David Duggar, and Jana Duggar, 1990

Photos courtesy, TLC/Scott Enlow


  1. Happy Birthday Josh, may the Lord dwell in your heart for the rest of your days.

  2. Beautiful family! Wishing josh a brand new future in Christ, God's mercies are new every morning! Happy Birthday it's a new day!

  3. Happy Birthday Josh!

  4. Happy Birthday Josh

  5. What a spectacular family! Your ways are altogether lovely (song of Solomon 4:7)! Taste and see that the Lord is good! So PROUD!!

  6. Happy Birthday Josh :)

  7. Mackynzie is stunning!

  8. Happy birthday. The kids are absolutely beautiful. May the Lord continue to redeem and heal.

  9. So lovely to see the four children all together in a photo. Anna looks more beautiful with each passing year.

  10. Anna looks stunning...nice to see the kids too๐Ÿ˜‡

  11. Off topic...but I just heard about the fire at the Bates, glad everyone is okay, it could have been so much worse...God sure is good to them...blessings๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ•‡

    They are such are good looking family! They all look very healthy and happy!
    Little Michael I looking so grown up!!!

  13. A Righteous Man Falls Seven times, and he Gets Back up...Proverbs 24:16, and Josh you have gotten back up and I am so proud of you. Happy Birthday Josh!

  14. Happy birthday Josh! Thank yall for sharing an updated picture!

  15. I'm guessing this post is to also squash rumors of them getting a divorce. I wish them well and hope they are happy. She is a stronger woman than me. There is no way I could ever be intimate with my husband again if he did the same things as Josh. Forgiveness is one thing but returning to a normal husband/wife relationship is another...even over time.

    1. Was your judgmental comment even necessary? Who cares how you would handle it?'s HER life and not yours! She's an adult and can handle things however she sees fit. And btw, there are many marriages that not only recover completely from adultery but also flourish and become stronger than they were before. But you wouldn't understand that since you are too busy casting judgment. REALLY sad!!!

    2. If you cannot return to a normal relationship as before, you haven't forgiven.

    3. Curious why my question was ignored, so I'll ask again. The picture of Josh, Anna and the 4 kids was posted by you guys already in September 2016. Do you have any more recent of Meredith and Anna?

    4. Forgiveness and trust/intimacy are two different things.

    5. I'm sorry but I disagree. I forgave my ex but the trust was gone and I had to end it. I did everything I could and he didn't try to change. I do forgive him. God can help you forgive. You wouldn't continue a relationship with someone who harmed your child in a bad way but God can help you forgive.

    6. Forgiveness is easy. Forgetting is what is the hardest to do. Anna is doing what God wants her to do. God bless them all and I certainly hope for Anna and the children's sale that Josh has changed and putting 250% into making his marriage work and making things right with his wife and family. God bless them all.

    7. It actually takes more strength to walk away and navigate life alone with children, not knowing how you will make it and trusting God for every little thing. I've stayed and been the forgiving wife who had a cheating husband over and over, telling myself I was doing the right thing and what was best for myself. Deep down, I was really just terrified of making it on my own. I finally left when he had a child with someone else and I struggle financially and with getting everything done for my six but have found my own self and have stronger faith than ever.

    8. I think it's an old picture because Anna is pregnant but afraid of potential backlash and scrutiny she would like this pregnancy to remain quiet.

    9. I am sure thankful God doesn't 'end it' with us, when we sin. It is our destiny to become Christlike (Gen. 1:26-27). This is a process. God sees all sin the same, so that little lie you may have told recently... it is as serious to God as Josh's sin. God doesn't categorize sin like we do.

    10. I send Blessings to Anna and her Children. Joh still can't be trusted.... there is mental damage there! She is more forgiving than I would be under these circumstances.... I understand forgiveness helps, but I would always be distrustful of him. I lived through the same type of marriage. That's why I have an ex.

    11. You don't understand the grace of God. ❤

    12. Forgiveness and Restoration are two very different things. As Christians, we forgive because we have been forgiven of much by God. However, restoration requires sincere repentance on the offender's part, taking full responsibility for one's actions (no minimizing, no "soft" language, no blame-casting on anyone else in any way). Restoration is a longer process, rebuilding trust and walking out the repentance (the offender daily purposing to do things the right way). Adultery is a selfish self-centered, self-gratifying sin, choosing to put oneself above everyone and everything else (relationship with God, spouse, children, extended family, friends, reputation, community standing, job, etc.) the expenses of everyone and everything else. The offender didn't get to that place overnight-it was a series of conscious decisions, hardening their heart to everyone else and dulling their conscience. To stand in a public forum advocating Family Values and committing adultery all the while, is a very selfish person with little conscience and love only for oneself. Such a person should neither expect to nor be given trust and be restored to their former position and privileges until they have proven themselves.

    13. I wish Josh happy Birthday and hope he has learned from his mistakes. I thinkhe should have another chance. But no more chances after this time. then if he fails again she should leave him and he should move far away.

    14. Happy Birthday Josh Where is the adopted brother? Did he leave?

  16. Happy Birthday Josh! I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating with your lovely wife and cute kiddos!

  17. Anna looks beautiful!!!

  18. can you please answer this question? I thought the duggars do not wear shorts? Jim bod said in no un certain terms in a race he was running in long pants they do not wear shorts why are they wearing shorts now?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. My family doesn't do shorts either, and I know alot of boys that don't. I was wondering if they changed their view on shorts.

    2. i think same episode or maybe during the workout challenge, josh wore shorts, so he doesnt follow the no shorts for the boys like rest of them.

    3. These are grown people. They can do what they want

    4. Josh is an adult and he and Anna can make decisions for their family. Jim Bob said that his family believes 'the thigh is nakedness'. Those shorts certainly cover the thighs.

    5. Once the "children" are adults they can make their own choices on their beliefs. Josh is an adult and can make the choice how him and his family dress.
      Also noticed Jinger was wearing sleeveless tops in this weeks episode.

    6. Different family values.just like every courtship makes their own rules.

    7. Each family unit has the right to choose what they consider modest.I think they all look very happy and very modest in their attire.

    8. I am not sure why people continue to be confused by this. Jim Bob and Michele, as parents in their family, had certain rules that they set for for their family, including.the "no shorts" rule. Josh and Anna, as well as the other adult married children are heads.of their own families and as such make their own rules for their own families.

    9. I think it is okay for the boys to wear shorts. Ben, Derick, Jeremy wear them. The girls dresses/skirts have gotten a bit shorter as they have married.

    10. Jim Bob and Michelle did said once kids are married, they can make decision. thats all i know of.

    11. I think they should all be in burkas, just to be on the safe side.

    12. I read once, that they can wear shorts as long as they reach the knee

    13. Because they are adults and can wear anything they want to.

    14. They boys can wear shorts it's just the girls who don't wear shorts.

    15. Only the women do not wear shorts. The men do wear longer shorts.

    16. I think Ben brought the idea of shorts into the family. He wore them right from the beginning, and others have followed his lead. They've always worn them for swimming anyway.

    17. I think you're mixing up forgiveness and reconciliation. You can absolutely forgive and not have reconciliation. I think Anna made a bold choice, she chose to have reconciliation and forgiveness. I don't think she should be belittled or condescended to for that. Some people can go from great tragedy to great healing, and they are made stronger for it. That is how powerful our God is!

    18. It was an episode of Ben wearing shorts. He is not a Duggar and a grown man. He can make his own decisions about shorts. The Dugguarnchildren had on pants

    19. There's also been a picture on here of Jessa wearing shorts.

  19. Well at least Anna didn't get pregnant as soon as Josh came home. Give her that much.

    1. What a thing to say, when did you become judge and jury. Shame on you

    2. Agree, 1:23. They didn't need more kids, they needed to work things out.

    3. It's smart to not add more children as they focus on healing their relationship. The kids probably needed some extra attention and individual time as judgement, totally wishing them the best.

    4. Just because they haven't announced a pregnancy doesn't mean she ins't pregnant, which would be great if she was. I'd like to hear more updates on Josh and Anna but also understand why they're wanting to stay quiet now.

    5. Any couples counselor would advise against adding a new baby to this situation for quite a while.

    6. That is an awful thing to say!

    7. It's not an awful thing to say, it shows concern for Anna and the situation she was forced to endure. She needs time to straighten out her own thoughts, not time spent tending to another baby.

    8. March 3...1:23 pm...First of all, we don't know if Anna is pregnant or not, I saw where that is a photo of her and Josh and kids from September! Secondly, its nobody's business if Anna is pregnant!Josh and Anna have wisely stayed away from putting their life on TV for public consumption, therefore, all speculation and/or critisisms would be wrong at this point. If they put themselves and/or their children back in the public eye again, then I guess they would expect all the scrutiny, but they havent, so I say - respect their privacy.

    9. No, it's not an awful thing to say. It's a recognition that Anna has acted wisely by not bringing another child into an unstable situation. I agree with the original comment.

    10. I don't think Josh & Anna have stayed away from TV on purpose. Anna hasn't, remember? I think they'd love to have paid appearances somewhere. What else does Josh really know how to do? Flip a few cars?

  20. My heart breaks for Josh. He did not receive proper care and treatment as a young man. Yes, 14-16 years of age is a young man, not a child. He now looks like a tormented man. I hope he reaches out to get proper treatment from qualified professionals.

    1. How can you tell he looks tormented? Was it the smiling in the pictures, yeah, ok, dead give away. smh

    2. Much easier just to wish him a happy birthday since this is a happy birthday greeting for him and not a blog post to bring up past issues.

    3. I agree....He looks like he has aged so much. I truly feel so much pity for him. And I also agree....Let's leave this as happy birthday. Poor family ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

  21. Happy Birthday Josh. So good to see all of your family. Hope all is going well and God is your sustaining strength and power going forward for His Glory.
    Sanby B.

  22. We love this family and are so thankful that you gave a current picture and let us know that it is Josh's birthday. Happy Birthday, Josh. HIS GRace oveflows because of JESUS.

  23. Adorable kids. God bless them all.

  24. Uh, Meredith is much bigger now! So I don't think the picture is that new. But it is very cute nonetheless!

  25. Those children are so adorable and how they've grown!!! Anna, you look very pretty. You really are beautiful inside and out. I hope that things are going well for you all.

  26. Happy birthday Josh! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family! The kids are beautiful! Getting so big! Thank you for showing the pictures!

  27. Nice pic of the kids! How convenient Anna has Meredith covering her rumored pregnancy.Just saying...

    1. Or maybe she is sitting on her lap because she is a baby and needs to be held! What a concept!

    2. Wow! Rude....

    3. Actually, you need to cut Anonymous some slack. Nearly every pic and video clip with Anna for the last few months has her either holding a baby/toddler (hers or someone else's), she's behind something, or it's a head shot.

    4. Anna is not pregnant I saw her in the other day in the grocery store and she didn't look pregnant she looks thin,

    5. Why does it matter?! That is just hurtful!

    6. Actually, this pic was taken 6 months ago, so if Anna was pregnant, she would have had the baby already.

    7. 10:18 PM -- Exciting! Details!! Did you talk to her? I'll bet she's as sweet in person as she comes across on the show.

  28. 4 kids and only 29!! Wow!

    1. I have 6 and I'm 29. Been married for 11 years too. Judgey McJudgerson.

    2. I had 4 kids before I was 29. There's nothing going wrong with that.

    3. My husband was 29 when we had our fourth child.

    4. I'm 29 and expecting my third. Happily married for 9 years. Long as your can provide for your family, nothing wrong with a big one!

    5. I had 3 before I was 22. So what. Happy birthday, Josh. You and Anna have a beautiful family.

    6. Hahaha found this comment funny...I had 7 by the time I was 29...I just turned 34 and had number 11 two months ago! My oldest will be 17 this year! I'm not part of the quiverfull movement btw....just love my husband and kids!

    7. I would love to have more kids. I had my first when I was 35. I wish I could have married younger but it wasn't meant to be.

    8. I am 25 and I am pregnant with my fifth. I could also probably have 7 by the time I am 29. (not part of the movement either :)

  29. Here we go- expect all the old issues brought up about his disgrace and how Anna should leave. I'm not judging. Obviously their family is together, the children are beautiful so let's be kind people!

  30. Happy birthday ! We have all wronged our loved ones at one point or another in some kind of way. I don't judge you. Do the right thing from here on out though. S.

  31. They look so happy together and so happy for them, Happy birthday Josh...

  32. Just beautiful!!☺happy birthday

  33. Have a wonderful Birthday Josh, so nice to see an updated photo of the family.

  34. Happy 29th Josh!!
    May God work in your family and continue to bless!
    Lindsey L. - Alabama

  35. Anna you are so beautiful inside and out. I can hardly believe the kids are getting so big. Hope you have a wonderful day Josh. God Bless each and everyone of you.

  36. mackenzie looks distant with a forced smile

    1. Oh give it up!!!!

    2. Or perhaps she's a little girl who doesn't always want her picture taken. It's not easy to get children to sit still for a picture. Oh how I remember!

    3. Lol she's a child, they dont know what a forced smile is. Are you trying to say something's wrong? Shame on you

    4. Looks distant.......meaning? Some people thrive on imagination and drama!!! Maybe you do?

    5. Maybe she was distracted too. Young kids are distracted pretty easily. They all have gotten so big!

    6. You have to wonder how everything was explained to the kids. Where Daddy went, why he was away so long, why they moved, why they're not on TV like their aunts & uncles & cousins, etc. Mackie is getting old enough to start wondering about things on her own, too.

    7. Kathy -- maybe the most bizarre comment ever on this website.

  37. Happy happy 29th birthday, Josh! You have a beautiful family to celebrate with! Next year is the BIG one. Enjoy this last year in the twenties! So good to see you all. Happy Birthday!

  38. Happy Birthday Josh!! Pray you have a blessed day! Hard to believe you are 29 already! God bless you!

  39. Happy birthday hope you have a good fay

  40. Anna looks beautiful.

  41. Happy Birthday Josh. Blessings to you and your family.

  42. Love seeing new and old pictures. Happy Birthday Josh!

  43. Happy Birthday Josh you have a beautiful family and I pray you all heal and God heals your marriage and the hearts that have been broken.

  44. Have a wonderful peaceful joy filled birthday Josh however you and your family spend it! Keep on moving forward you are doing great!

  45. Happy birthday!! Have a blessed day!

  46. Happy birthday ๐ŸŽ‚ have a wonderful day.๐ŸŽ‚. We love you and your little family.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™❤

  47. Have a happy and blessed day Josh! You have a beautiful family. I wish you much happiness in the year ahead.

  48. What a wonderful family photo! Happy Birthday!

  49. Happy birthday Josh. Sure miss seeing you and your beautiful family. Waiting to hear when y'all will be having a new babe ;)

  50. Happy birthday Josh. Keep smiling with that beautiful family

  51. Happy Birthday Josh!!

  52. Thanks for sharing the picture of all of them! I hope they are all doing well.

  53. Thanks so much for,the picture of Josh and family. Those kids have grown some much..we haven't seen many pictures of Meredeth and Mackynzie has changed so much. MichaleL looks shy, lol, Marcus pitch his jaws. Both girls look like Annas daddy. Beautiful sweet children. You guys look happy to gather as a family. Hang in there your coming out of a storm in your life and marraige. You made it this far with the Lord's help. Kept the faith amazing grace! Happy Birthday Josh hope you have many many more with your happy family.

  54. Happy birthday, Josh! I hope you have a great birthday with your beautiful wife and children.

  55. Happy Birthday Josh. Hope you enjoy your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday and have a blessed year

  56. Happy Birthday Josh! Everyone looks wonderful

  57. Happy birthday to Josh & I hope you have many more with your beautiful family.

  58. Can't beleie you're 19 already! Happy Birthday Josh and I pray you have many more. May the Lord bless you and your sweet family.

  59. Happy Birthday Josh ! I hope you had a wonderful day. Love to see your beautiful family and you on counting on.

  60. Happy Birthday Josh! Today is also my birthday and I am also 29! I hope your day is filled with love, laughter and many many blessings!

  61. Happy birthday Josh! What a lovely picture of your family! We wish you a wonderful year full of God's blessings and provisions

  62. Happy Birthday Josh!! We wish you a wonderful year full of God's blessings and provision ��

  63. Happy Birthday Josh, its great to see you again with your beautiful family, wish we could see more of you, miss getting updates on you all.

  64. Happy Birthday Josh. You've been given another year to take that mess and turn it into a message.

    1. We don't need to hear how he thinks he's forgiven and all is well again. You don't get off that easy.

    2. Nope..don't want to hear his message. Maybe in 5 years if all stays well. Anyone can "behave" for a year.

    3. @ 9:44 Josh doesn't think he's forgiven. He KNOWS he's forgiven! It says so in God's Word and He has even forgiven you for unkind comment. Thanks be to God!

    4. 9:44 I think that is up to God to decide not you. And just to elaborate a bit on the "forgiveness thing" Josh doesn't need the forgiveness of anyone on this blog, he only needs it from God those directly affected by hie actions. Sorry you are just a bystander....with no power at all.

    5. So you can do anything you want in life, because God will instantly forgive you?

      Too bad you completely trample the people around you in the process. But it's OK, because God forgives?

    6. 9:44 PM -- It IS that easy with God! And WE are to forgive, just as God forgives US.

    7. Forgiveness is mandatory as a Christian. That in no way equates to "forgetting" , which with all due respect would be harmful. Anna endured abuse through the breaking of marriage vows. Reconciliation is not required in that case. This picture was from last September. Either Anna is hiding a pregnancy or she and Josh are still working things through...or both. Anna has the right at any time to decide if she does not want to stay in the marriage. I hope she does what is best for her and the children.

    8. Wrong. God only forgives if you repent and change your ways. I have yet to actually see that from Josh.

    9. Anon@12:28 Forgiveness does not require you to continue having the person you forgave in your life.

  65. Happy 29th Birthday Josh. I remember when I used to mail you all Birthday cards. God bless you,Anna and your family.

  66. Continuing to pray for healing for this lovely family. Happiest of Birthday's, Josh.

  67. Wish you a peaceful birthday and hope you all are doing well

  68. Good to see josh and Anna. God bless your family!

  69. I can't see any difference in a guy wearing shorts from a girl wearing shorts. I also don't understand why the girls don't wear pants. Completely covered there, for sure. They can live however they wish. I did what my parents wanted growing up, after that they expected that they had done well enough that I would do the right thing and I did.

  70. What a beautiful family! Happy Birthday

  71. Restoration is beautiful.

    1. Sometimes what should have been completely restored simply gets a quick coat of fresh paint and looks pretty for awhile longer, til the real damage appears again.

    2. Great analogy...very well said.

    3. Very true and insightful comment, 4:43.

  72. Anna shows God's love by forgiving her husband. The family is beautiful and I hope they will have many family birthdays together.

    1. Showing God's love and forgiving is not synonymous with trusting, or continuing to have someone in your life who thoroughly betrayed that trust.

    2. We (sadly) hurt God all the time yet He forgives us so yes Anna forgiving Josh IS showing His love.

  73. Happy to see this wonderful family may God continue to bless and keep you guys,who God bless no man curse

  74. Happy to see this wonderful family may God continue to bless and keep you guys,who God bless no man curse

  75. Happy birthday! God bless you and your family!

  76. Happy Birthday Josh.May the Lord keep blessing your family.Hope you enjoy your day.

  77. Happy Birthday Josh! Hope you had a happy & blessed day! God Bless you & your beautiful family!

  78. Love it!! I hope you share more pics of them in the future!!

  79. Michael and Marcus are so cute!!

  80. Happy birthday Josh glad to see uodated picture

  81. Thank you so much for posting this photo! I love Anna and am so sorry she and the kids have become collateral damage on TLC. Enough time has passed to include Josh, perhaps on a limited basis, on Counting On. I would actually rather see Josh than Ben and his buddy, Flame. With all the garbage TLC shows how can they continue to snub Josh and his family?

    1. "Snub" Josh and his family? Perhaps they're exercising some common sense and prefer to be out of the spotlight's glare and maintain some privacy. If that's the case, I'd give them a thumb's up.

    2. I don't think TLC is snubbing Josh or his family. First of all, if that was true we wouldn't have seen Anna. Second of all, none of the minor Duggars are on the show in general, and that would include Josh and Anna's kids. Thirdly, TLC is in business to make money. They obviously think there is a larger group that don't want to see Jimbob, Michelle or Josh, than those who would tolerate them. TLC must belief the majority should rule in this case or they will loose viewers and money along with the very few advertisers they do have. I'm sure TLC will continue to test the waters and bring Jimbob, Michelle and/or Josh back if they believe it won't cost the company revenue.

    3. true I feel they have all been punished enough. Lets try again. We will go from there. I think the adopted boy should be with his new family.

  82. Happy birthday Josh. It nice to see the updated picture

    1. The family picture was taken last September for their anniversary. It's 6 months ago already.

    2. I don't believe that this matters (my opinion). They need privacy too. There may be contracts with TV show. But most importantly it isn't our life; it is theirs. If you enjoy hearing the news about the family, great. Timeliness is their choice just like it is ours in our life.


  84. What really stands out to me in these pictures is how young Jim Bob looks.

  85. Happy Birthday Josh!! Wishing you and your wonderful family all the best. Hope to see you and your family on the show again!! TLC stop the listening to the haters and their agenda (has nothing to do with what happen) and put ALL the Duggars back on the show!!

  86. Happy Birthday, Josh! All the best.

  87. He looks like he's lost a lot of weight!

  88. I have a feeling that it's only a matter of time before we'll be seeing Josh on TV again. In fact, I thought it was going to happen a few weeks ago.

  89. Beautiful Family. God Bless and keep you.

  90. Happy birthday Josh! Beautiful family! Anna just gets more beautiful every time I see her!!! Those kids are too cute! May God continue to bless your family and give you wisdom!

  91. Happy Birthday Josh you and your family look great in your picture I just know your day gas been blessed with lots of people who love you

  92. thanks for posting this beautiful picture of josh's family! can you please give us an update on how they are doing? saw michael in the video of jinger & jeremy's wedding. he is adorable & such a mini josh!! wpuld love to hear more about them

  93. Happy birthday Josh May God's blessings be with you and your family everyday!

  94. May GOD give you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change;courage to change the things you can;and wisdom to know the difference!
    Happy Birthday! greetings from germany

  95. It's nice to see your family together again. You have a beautiful family, and Anna, you look stunning. Healing after infidelity IS possible through the Lord; Josh, I really hope you're seeking His face. I wish nothing but the best to your family.

  96. I feel bad for Anna.


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