
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Joy Duggar and Austin Forsyth (Pictures)

Yesterday on the Counting On season finale (click here to read our recap), viewers watched Joy-Anna Duggar enter an official courtship with long-time friend Austin Forsyth. The Duggars and Forsyths have known each other for 15 years, but it wasn't until about five years ago that Joy and Austin developed a true friendship.

 Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth

Austin popped the question while the two were sitting together at a scenic overlook called The Rock. Four of Joy's brothers were nearby, but they hung back to give the couple privacy.

“You know, Miss Joy-Anna, I don’t think it’s any coincidence or accident the way the Lord has brought our friendship together,” Austin told Joy. “I would be honored if you would be more than just friends, if you would go to the next step and enter a courtship with me.”

Joy was beaming as she responded that she would "love to" begin a courtship.

The two shared a side hug and sat next to each other during the car ride back to Fort Rock Family Camp.

Will Jim Bob Duggar be walking his fifth-oldest (and fifth-youngest) daughter down the aisle in the near future? Immediately following last night's season finale episode, the network shared a promo video featuring a conversation that showed Austin asking for Jim Bob's blessing to propose to Joy.

Older sister Jessa Seewald shared her predictions, saying that because Joy and Austin have been friends for years and the Duggars know that Austin is a great guy, she expects the courtship to be short.

Do you think Joy and Austin are headed to the altar soon?

Photos courtesy DCL/TLC


  1. These aren't pictures; they're video stills.

  2. I hope not. They're only 19! They are only a year or two older than the high school students I teach. My students have great plans for college and careers. None of them want to get married any time soon and think that people who marry young and don't go to college are missing out big time. They should go to college and travel first. They'll have plenty of time to settle down later.

    1. He's older...25 I think I heard.

    2. She's still only 19. That's way too young to be thinking about marriage. She hasn't even really lived yet.

    3. 25, wow. I don't think I would've been allowed to date a 25 yr old when I was 19!

    4. Why can't they do both? I married at 19 and finished my degree, got a masters and PhD. Now we have 4 nearly 5 beautiful little ones and I run my own business and homeschool our children.

    5. Anon@1:38- Good for you that you made higher education and career a priority! Unfortunately, for many who marry so young, they haven't the financial resources or maturity level to accomplish this. Young women who have little education or few job skills to support themselves, end up relying on a man to do it for them. There are no guarantees that a man will always be around to bring home a paycheck.

    6. Yes anon 9:44, I agree. Not nice to find yourself trapped in a negative situation.

    7. My husband and i met at 18 and 20. We married at 21 and 23. We grew up together, traveled and are still experiencing life together. Getting married young is mot gor eberuone but i think the duggars are mature and can handle it. Austin seems mature too. Most 23 year olds aren't running their own businesses and flipping houses. Plus they have a great support system and wonderful(god fearing)mentors.

    8. They are most serious of the bunch. He has alreadyet map.out his future and wants he wants in life. Joy fine as she always tried to growork up.older to fit in with her.older sisters but she is also a seriousmall more person but also.loves being with her brothersm.over and if he has been around for a long while with working with her brothers he probably already family to her and loves.outdoor stuff anyway. She knows him.better than her.other sisters got to know theirs. Sometimes that makes them bind more growing up together and part.of each other loves snd each family. Maybe not as young nature but this a study mature and committed love that works together for.everything they want to accomplish in their lives. We would all want her to be older but I feel she may be older inside than we know and even.if.not this guy is like a best friend and family.

  3. I have to say, I think it's funny to say the brothers were standing in the back to give them ''privacy'', when they have a camera rolling right in their faces while they are having their ''courtship moment''.

  4. I've had that look on my face, too. It's the look you get when you first think you like a boy. However, after dating him awhile, you find he has personality flaws you don't want to deal with, so you move on. You're under no obligation to ever marry him, and you sure aren't less of a person or "used goods" if you move on! If anything, you're wiser and better.

  5. I hope so! They are adorable. I hope Jim Bob gives his blessing.

  6. Can I just say how much I really miss JimBob and Michelle and the rest of the family whom we have lost from seeing on the show, my heart breaks, its just not the same, we have missed out on so much, I am still kinda angry with that whole situation, its like everyone else is being punished because of one person, why? MAYBE TLC will finally hear us and make some changes, I hope.I don't mind that they split this season up, so as we have something to look forward to this summer😊

    1. Would like to respond 11:33 about everyone else being punished because of one person (Josh). I will be devils advocate here and say - some feel that the parents are just as responsible for what happened, maybe even more so because of how they handled the whole situation. Not saying that is right or wrong. I personally don't get how removing a TV show helps anyone anyways. If people don't like it, don't watch. If TLC stops making money on airing it, then it will stop. Maybe TLC thinks too much Jimbob and Michelle would affect ratings? Regardless, just enjoy what is shown and trust the judgement of TLC.

  7. The brothers hung back to give the couple privacy? The cameras already recorded Austin asking JB and were recording this. Come on. Nothing private here so let's not pretend.

    1. Ya, it's all reenacted, for sure. You know, even my sister-in-law did that. She and her now husband wanted to record the proposal so they made a video but didn't want to admit til years later that it was a re-enactment cuz they put it on youtube! It just seems to be a thing now to record everything. That's why "reality" shows like this are popular. At least these are nice people to watch rather than the other drivel out there. And I'm only 30, not so old, just not into being on social media lol.

  8. why isnt jana on the top of the page with all the familys photos? seems kinda trange to me. Poor girl.

    1. Jana Is on the top of the page of family pics, right before her twin, John David. Josh and Anna's 4 children have taken up spots where Jana and John David used to be.

    2. Jana is right after Meredith and before John-David.

  9. ooops just saw it, i need to wera my glasses. please ignore me

    1. Lol it's OK! With all the lil ones, the big people get lost in the pictures sometimes :)

  10. I would love to be able to congratulate Joy and Austin, and I don't think she is too young, neither is he since he is older. Also, I know Joy feels overjoyed about someone expressing romantic interest in her. However, I'm deeply troubled. He has a harsh air about him, he hardly ever smiles, just in a few of these pictures for the occasion. No natter how long the families have hung out together, there is no way what has happened behind closed doors, and what someone might be like in private to somebody they are intemately connected to / have someone in submission to them. I've been praying for Joy, for protection over her and that if she might be entering a situation in which she'd be mistreated or nothing but a workhorse, that the relationship would fall through before it is too late. I don't mean to hate or be rude, I just feel very troubled in my spirit.

    1. You know, 12:51, women always have to trust their instincts in matters of the heart. So it's good you spoke up with your thoughts (and I'm glad they were posted). I had the same feelings about the man my BFF married. I could see something dark in him that my BFF couldn't. She went thru with the marriage anyway...and there has been trouble...

    2. Anon@12:51 if you are discerning something that is not right then it is wise to keep praying for them.

    3. These two don't seem as "in love" as the other couples have been. But perhaps they are just not as forthcoming.

    4. I haven't seen or watched Austin enough to know who he is like the other guys, but I've had discernment before about similar situations. It's not something to ignore. Hopefully, if there are issues, they get resolved before marriage. Do the Duggar family have the engaged couples go to marriage counseling? Marriage counseling is great to have before you get married.

    5. I agree he does not seem nice like Ben and Derick and Jeremy but I am hoping that he is just shy or uncomfortable on camera and different in real life. To be fair, just because you love a Duggar girl does not mean you are going to be good at being on camera!

    6. She has a long row to hoe and there are lots of life's tribulations ahead for them. I hope they both can handle it without flipping out.

    7. My husband and I got the same initial feeling about Austin, but what we saw is his protective stance. He was nervous and seems put on a stern projection to get through it all.

      I too hope his intentions are noble.

      I am also scratching my head about Jeremy. It's been building up through the season. I do not believe he respects their customs and denominational rules. I think he tolerated them for Jinger. I see him trying to mold her or at least challenge her to see "errors". If she's for it, cool. If not, that may be a challenge.

      With that said, this is all speculations. It is my sincerest of hope that all these couples will find peace in Christ together and develop a solid healthy bond. That is the most all of us can ask for when we make a long term commitment such as marriage.

  11. Congratulations to the happy couple! May God bless you both.

  12. I am so happy to see the love and faith that radiates from all the Duggar relationships/marriages. I, like some of you are in a covenant marriage. It is awesome the things the Lord can do to protect/heal us when we put Him first. I love the encouragement that comes from your family. Thank you SO much!

    1. Non-covenant marriages, non-religious marriages, and marriages of all other kinds can be awesome, too. It's LOVE that matters, nothing else. You are feeling the power of love.

    2. Michelle, I agree with you. We are in a covenant marriage and we've been through alot. We've learned to always put our trust and faith in the Lord and now my husband and I are even closer than ever.

    3. Michelle- The problem I see with covenant marriages is that the rules for divorce are so restrictive, along with no consideration of emotional or financial abuse. I have been happily married for over 26 years without one. Arkansas is one of just a few states with CM laws, yet one of the highest divorce rates in the country.

    4. I guess you'd have to compare the stats of numbers of people who have a covenant marriage and then get divorced. Otherwise the high divorce rate and CM law can't really be connected, can they?

    5. Anon@4:03 There are no statistics available that show covenant marriages are more successful than traditional, mainly because CM is a relatively new option. A CM contract scares away many because of the two-year waiting period before you can file for divorce. It is thought that a spouse in an abusive relationship would be left more vulnerable during that time.

  13. Yay! So happy for y'all,excited to see what God has in store keep trusting in God. Love y'all and praying for y'all daily😊

  14. JOY IS 19; AUSTIN IS 23...can we please settle this? They've posted it many times already. Please get it straight, posters.

  15. She is way too young to make a life long decision like that. She needs to have more life experiences before she settles down. Most of those marriages that start at that young of an age don't make it.

  16. Wonder when Austin actually asked her to court- He's in a short sleeve shirt, she's in a tee with a lightweight plaid overshirt and the leaves are fall-sh. It's obviously warm- temps in Combs AR were warm until mid-November. I'm betting he proposed at Christmas.

    1. I was wondering too,when they were at the Rock....the trees are
      changing colors.....engaged by Christmas,,,married in a few weeks..
      Faster track than her sisters......😳

    2. The wedding won't take place until Jill returns.

    3. I thought Jill wasn't going to return til she was ready to give birth. How can she be in a wedding and be giving birth at the same time?

      Now that's an episode of Counting On that we haven't seen yet. A birth at a wedding.

  17. They are such a cute couple! Love the way Joy looked at Austin after they started the courtship - her look seemed different, kinda like the look of love! God bless them both. So excited to watch their courtship on next season!!

  18. Love these counting on episodes. It's been watching these kids grow up and get married and have their own children. I think the Duggar kids are beautiful and Godly examples. Looking forward to the new season already!!!

  19. One can have a religious wedding ceremony and a spiritual one without stressing a "covenant marriage". After all, isn't that what marriage is??....a covenant between the two? When officiated by a religious or spiritually ordained officiant, it's certainly that without declaring separately to the whole world. Theirs isn't any more "special" or glued than my church wedding was.

  20. Congrats to both of you! May the Lord's grace keep you

  21. The Dugger family is a 💘 family my family have learn a lot of Christian ways that work very good and i love the way they have raised there children. I have also learn that not all family are perfect.

  22. Excited for them that they have found someone they treasure 💘

  23. I have never posted on here before but no one is in any place to judge. My husband and I met at 17/18 and married at 19/20. We just celebrated 30 years of marriage. We went through college together while giving birth to our first two sons. We often joked that our sons are so smart because they started College classes at birth. Later having two more children We didn't "miss" out on anything. We traveled with our family and enjoyed college our way. We are both successful college educated individuals. And I like you are a teacher as well. So let them be and live their life as it is meant to be.

    1. I think your situation is completely different anon. You went on to get an education. Joy won't have that luxary. She will get married and have children right away and that's it.

    2. Yes, college is the difference.

  24. Gretchen MacajauskasMarch 2, 2017 at 11:51 AM

    We are so happy for them, and i agree that no one should judge, its great when folks come together young!! could Austin and Joy please post their love story

  25. The family is so large and there are so many events taking place why not have the show air all year long. I would watch. Then maybe it would also be more current.

  26. Did Joy actually say they were taking the high road by not holding hands? I guess the rest of us took the low road because we held hands before marriage?

    1. She was saying taking the high road in their courtship not that not hand holding was taking the high road.

  27. Please don't wait know. Too.much is happening in to wait.for.just 8 days show everything going on. This time was only 7 weeks. And it was all last.year news. Soon with thr births and weddings and honeymoons and in general will.all be in one season and we be getting frustrated . So current with events during this long time.of.waiting to see next.summer season of filming of jinger snd jeremy and how they are now adjusting to married life Cuz we hear absolutely nothing in that field and got so.much from when it was jill and derek relationship or.jessa and bens. Now joyanna has exciting events going on along with jessa birth and going on with now having two kids to attend to and Jill and derek going to missions and we like to see hoe.she is doing with thr people and life there and then the jana and how she is doing alot.of g with John david. Then a wedding for.joyanna and her honeymoon and jills.birth and so.much in life is happening to fast and it a shame to.short cut all these events that are happening. 4 months are too.much time right now to wait. None knows the future and someday something will be cut short and none of us be happy. you and really want to know and be.part.of your lifes now that you to.follow it. The soap.operas on tv take so.slow to make anything happrn and I dontetest watch them but yours is and right now people will get frustrated by june.or july. Please dated by fqcebook.or sp3cial.announcements alot. Thank u and God bless this crazy faat.time all. Remember none know when thr boys be going on with their lifes too.

  28. Wow you guys say Jana is running out of time because she's not married yet and Joy is way to young. Seems to me y'all just like to complain. It's their choice


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