
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Send Feedback to TLC

We have received quite a few comments about the first two episodes of the new season of Counting On. While many of you have enjoyed the series thus far, you have also mentioned that you are frustrated because it seems that TLC is not listening. The most common critique seems to be that you would like to see more footage of the non-married Duggar siblings. Are we right? 

We enjoy hearing your feedback, and we encourage you to share it with TLC, as well. When 19 Kids and Counting was canceled in summer 2015, we explained how to contact the network, and a short while later, Counting On was announced.

As viewers, it is vital that you make your voice heard. Click here to visit the Discovery Communications Viewer Relations page. Fill out the form with your feedback and the requested information, and click "Submit." Then, post your message as a comment to our blog so our community of readers can see what others are thinking.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. I have written to them in the past, never even gotten a form response back. I strongly believe that their primary concern is money and so will do whatever is in their financial interest. TLC doesn't really care about what their viewers actually think

    1. I agree and in fact I thik it is TLC who outed Josh in the first place and have now lost millions because of it..
      Can't stand them, but Love the respectable, loving and God Fearing life the Duggar's instill in so many of us.

    2. Of course. Any business is in it for the money. They're driven by advertising dollars.

    3. I have written to them to .I agree it is an easy living!I mean that just all hope on a plane and take of think they have enough money there show offs I've had it not more! TLC just how much was the Jinger dress?The honeymoon?

    4. Of course, it is about money. Anonymous @11:24, do you think that TLC airs shows out of goodness of its heart? The network has to pay its employees, pay for its faculties etc..It is not a charity. And if they do get the level of viewership to attract advertisers, that's it. Advertisers only care that enough people see their Ads.

    5. TLC didn't "out" Josh. They "ousted" him from the show, but they were not the ones who "outed" him.

  2. What do we want to see? NEW footage of NEW content. The "Jinger wedding prep" episode should have been episodes BEFORE her wedding aired. Many of those episodes were wasted with repeated content and recaps of that repeated content.
    What would be like to HEAR? The producers ask them questions and get REAL ANSWERS, not side eyes, smirks, or some "joke-tease" answer. Why do the producers let them get away with not answering the questions. We also would like to NOT HEAR SILLY questions, like "what kid of cheese would Jinger be"?. That is ridiculous.
    We would also like our obvious questions to be answered timely and truthfully, like Derick's health. We have noticed this for over a year now and we believe we will be "treated" to a no-information doctor visit for Derick. His gagging most likely is something else that he went to the doctor for, but we don't think his OBVIOUS changes in his appearance will be addressed. TLC and the Duggars have a way of avoiding things.

    1. I agree...dragging out Jingers wedding, which we have already seen with cheese tastings is kind of tease with Joys courtship, Dericks illness, and yet the internet provides more up to date would be nice if the show stayed in time line with what is released to the media (ie we know Jill is pregnant but will spend most of this season re-hashing jinger and jeremy)

    2. I really hope that we get answers on Dericks health. They have a flash back on last first episode of Jill and his wedding and after seeing him compared to now it's sad how unhealthy he looks. I really hope that he gets the medical attention he needs.

    3. I agree with the first paragraph. The wedding prep should have been done before the wedding episode.
      I hate how so much of shows are playing back what was already seen.

    4. Oh my gosh I totally agree!

    5. I agree with this too. We are just getting old stories, old news and since it has been months now since Jinger's wedding, we don't really want to see it being organize, especially since we have already seen the wedding. They need to bring Josh and Anna back!

    6. Agree with all of this. We do not need (and this goes for all tlc ahows) to see what's after the commercial, and then a 1 minute recap of what we saw before the commercial. Thankful for DVR and the ability to bypass all that, but it cuts into the ahow. Why recap when I just watched it?!

      I would love to see the rest of the family more often, however TLC caved to those that don't even watch.

    7. Dericks obvious weight loss and change in appearance is clearly something more than gagging, they should at least be honest with their fans.

    8. Content needs to be more current, I agree

  3. I'll let the ratings do the talking! Go Duggars!

  4. I love watching Counting On and would love to see reruns of the show and more of the whole family so I wrote them and I hope they listen. thank you for sharing the information.

    1. No, they can't show Josh any more. He was permanently removed from TLC. Or so they said...

  5. I want more of Michelle, Jim bob and the little kids! I really miss the interviews with the little ones! Including all the grandchildren. I also would like to see Josh.

  6. Hi guy would love to know the wedding dresses do the girls use them for Christianing or sell on I was just thinking their to beautiful to be boxed away then that got me thinking we haven't seen a christening yet on the shoe do u guys do them I don't mean to affened you love the show buy the way it's beautiful to see all of you dress shopping next lol will we see the new little boy on the show and how amazing for u to do a beautiful thing bless u all

    1. Don't Baptists do baptisms later, when the kids are much older? In a river or lake or special baptismal pool in a church? And the kids (or adults) wear white robes? I don't believe they christen infants.

    2. Christening is a form of infant baptism. Baptism is how one is saved from their sins. Infants are not sinners and therefore do not need baptized. I don't believe the Duggar believe in infant baptism either.

    3. They don't do christening, they do baptism

    4. Baptism has nothing to do with salvation. Once a person is saved from their sons no matter the age,they take part in believers baptism. It doesn't save them, they are already saved. It's a picture of what Christ has done, the death, burial and resurrection.

  7. I also have contacted them several times before. Not only do they not respond to emails, but they don't seem to take suggestions either. One would think that they would be reading at least the fan blog to get an idea of how the fans feel. People have been saying for quite a while that they don't like the repeat footage, the out-of-sequence timeline and the failure to answer simple questions like "what is up with Derick's health?" I am about done with the way TLC controls the narrative, Maybe this blog is not portraying the true feelings of readers in an effort to make it seem like everyone adores everything about the Duggars and no one has any questions or concerns. What about the prenatal care and delivery of the babies? No one is addressing this and I think it is a valid topic considering that Jill and Jessa put themselves and babies at risk with their DIY home births.

    1. "Jill and Jessa put themselves and babies at risk with DIY homebirths"-This OPINION, is only that-an opinion. It is offensive to women who have had blessed and amazing home births. When you become pregnant, you may make your own choices. Why not uplift fellow women, instead of putting them down?

    2. I don't see anything wrong with bringing up the facts of what happened to both of those girls the first time around. Doing that in no way "puts down" other women. These girls already had two scares, so why try for a third?

  8. Sent: Counting on- has been just awful, we don't even watch it anymore. We just read recaps online because it's a waste of time to watch anymore. Your always showing old drawn out content. We want to see the non married kids. And no one wants to see flame. P.s how is it okay to have a show like Sister Wives where a man has multiple wives but it's not okay to show a wife forgiving her husband for sexual sin & them recovering from it? Why don't you do a pole. Do you want flame? And do you want the whole duggar family back?

  9. Yes would love to see more Duggar siblings and less Jessa.

  10. Thanks for this reminder.

  11. Bring back the whole Duggar family and maybe call the show something else. Include Josh and Anna and their kids also of course and also Grandma Duggar! Have very limited time of the Seewald's, Dillard's, and Vuolo's since they are the main ones on counting on. The point though is, I want the old show style back showing mom and dad Duggar and how they run their household,what's new with the non-married Duggar's and ect.

  12. I think the novelty of this show has worn mighty thin... for the Duggar family and many viewers. We get it, they only leave home to get married, they have lots of children, they like to plan weddings and baby showers, and make birthday videos for family. Those things are fine, but there's more to life for most people. The Duggars don't appear to enjoy filming and whoever is scripting the show needs to find a new line of work. Everyone looks tired and the storylines are tiresome. The appeal of the early days is but a memory. TLC must not have heard the old saying, "Leave 'em wanting more." They obviously haven't a clue when it's time to quit.

  13. You should warn your readers that the Discovery site collects personal information, and according to their privacy policy, may pass it on. Bear that in mind if you really feel like giving them all the info they ask for there.

  14. We want some new footage post wedding!! Not interested in Flame!! How about the single young men & what they may be interested in. I would love if ANY of the older kids showed an interest in college or if they lived on their own!! The Bates family is now more interesting!!

  15. Here was my comment: While I have enjoyed watching the episodes of Counting On, I would like to ask for TLC to include more of the siblings as well as Jim Bob and Michelle more often. I enjoy following the older children and married children, but I would really like to see the younger ones as well. I miss seeing the WHOLE family. Please listen to your viewers and let us see ALL the family members and not just the few who are older. Thank you so much!

  16. The season is so boring it's hard to watch, they constantly repeat the storyline. It doesn't seem that the Duggar children have a lot going on outside of a courtship now and then, Ginger's wedding and constantly waiting to see who's pregnant next. Why can't these younger children be given opportunities to get out there and work or go to college, start meeting new friends, get involved in church activities. Maybe then TLC could come up with some exciting storyline. I've never understood why the Duggers don't want their children to pursue education opportunities. It could open up a whole new worlld. Even most of the adults don't even have careers to talk about.

  17. Did josh attend Jingers wedding?

    1. Yes, and when the camera was pointing in that direction, he held his youngest son up in front of his face to hide.

  18. Why is Derricks mouth on the right side big and sticks out.

  19. Would like the program to have the ministry element it had when it first started. That has been lost. The shows now are following stars around in their everyday life.

    1. faux "every day life"

    2. Totally agree! The original purpose of the show has been lost.

  20. Loving it.. got TLC just to watch it!

  21. I love this show I love seeing what all the kids are doing but I wish they would show more of the other kids I know that Josh can't be on there but there is 18 other kids and I would like to know what they are all doing too plz add them to the show to thanks for listening

  22. I would love to see the other family members... Jinger is married already.. let's move forward... What about Derrick... What about the other family members...There's more I am sure... Love this show...

  23. Love the show and look forward to good clean entertainment. It would be nice to see the whole bunch and how they are growing. love your show and Pray that it continues...If God can forgive your brother, seems like TLC could.

  24. Why does TLC show 10 or more minutes of some other show during the duggar show?

  25. I can accept that the Duggar's aren't really into technology but those who love and respect the family would like to see more, whether it be by more stories here, tweets, Facebook, (a personal email to me would be fantastic! ;) hahaha)
    It really is annoying to only see news on TLC or in a People magazine add that we can't get here in Australia, nor watch some posts the family video's do because those videos are only "allowed" to be watched by USA.... There are more and better places in the world, so think of them...

  26. I notice the next two episodes are fotage before the wedding and still hasn't said when we will hear about joys courtship. The whole season is going to be old fotage and stuff from ages ago.

  27. The season is abit of a joke. And asking the children what sort of cheese Jinger would be and what colour would Jana be is just silly. Running out of questions are we?

    1. seriously! What is up with that? Do the Duggars refuse to answer any serious questions? If they don't want to share anything personal, they should quit "reality" TV.

  28. I just sent a message to TLC and they no counting on so I had to pick "other"! vI gave them a piece of my mind! Changing from Tuesday to Monday, no catch up, On Demand not having Counting on. AND no repeats so I couldn't not see the first episode because of change on days very disappointed with TLC! BUT, I loved the show on Monday night!!!

  29. Love, love, love the Duggars. This is absolutelymy favorite program but truthfully I would prefer less Ben and Flame and more of the original Duggars - even Josh.

    1. Yes; how about an honest episode on Josh's status and his family's?

    2. TLC would have trouble doing an "honest" episode on anything. It would always be edited to be exactly what someone wanted shown or told.

  30. I always watch Counting On great show, would really like to see the 19 Kids and Counting back on, I really miss seeing the the whole family.

  31. I sent in my feedback. My personal preference would be to see more of JB and Michelle and to hear more from Anna in interviews.

  32. I want to see a lot more on the single Duggars. There àre 15 unmarried ones so there is a lot of footage possibilities there with no repeats or continued recaps. No more recaps after commercials! We didn't forget what just happened two minutes ago, so no recaps after commercials ! I repeat no more recaps after every single commercial break! I want to know more in detail, real stuff, what each Duggar is up to, nothing vague.And make viewing available for the fans that are not cable suscribers.

  33. The title "counting on" refers to Michelle and Jim Bob's children having children of their own. So it seems appropriate to highlight Jill and Jessa the most.

  34. thank you for sharing. Lily and Ellie, you rock!
    Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  35. One suggestion- keep it on track. Jan.22nds episode Jessa is three and a half months pregnant. The following week, Feb.2nd she's due! Come on TLC, I'm sick of being weeks behind!

    1. They did it for the wedding, to boost ratings in the November Sweeps, but they won't do it now.

  36. They need to focus on more up to date of their lives. Jigger is already married. Why is there so much emphasis on Ben and Jessa. What about the other Duggar kids. What is Ben real job they don't even tell what he does for a living. The show is boring. Love the Outdaughter shoe.

  37. Some of us love the Duggars and their extended families and love seeing the stories on TLC. Thanks for Counting On and including us in your lives. You are showing people what godliness, and virtuous women look like. They see godly men being good husbands and fathers, helping their wives and caring for their children. Your program is very refreshing! God bless!!!

    1. All that good stuff is at the expense of sweeping the bad stuff under the rug. Extremely unhealthy IMO.

  38. This is what I submitted to TLC: I love the show counting on! We would love to see more Christian aspects of the Duggar life… Maybe Jinger could talk about her prison ministries, I'd like to see some more of the younger siblings doing charity work, things that the show used to do on 19 kids and counting. We certainly would like to see more of all of the family not just the four oldest children. We of course love Jim Bob and Michelle and miss them. And the incessant recapping and repeats and the interview chair is kind of boring; other fans have stated that as well. It gets to be a little frustrating when we keep hearing the same sentences over and over and then it's recapped before a commercial and then played after a commercial. We love counting on so much I hope it continues. Can we see a day in the life of Anna? What homeschool curriculum does she use? How is she doing? If you don't want to put Josh on the show I'm sure you could still ask the siblings how the relationship is going with Josh. I know John David was very upset with him is he mending that relationship ?

  39. I want to see the whole family again. The girls are great but I miss the Duggar family, all of them. The whole wedding thing is old and overdone. Go back to how it used to be.

  40. love counting on great show

  41. I love getting to watch counting on!! So glad they are back!!

  42. I absolutely love their show BUT there are entirely TOO many recaps, we could see so much more of each show if you would just stop doing that! I love the Duggars!

  43. Message sent Love the Duggar family

  44. I love that picture of the adult daughters. It doesn't seem to be photoshopped.

  45. I don't think recapping over and over and having 'highlight' shows of high points in their lives that we've already seen four or five times is going to gain any ratings. Also, things are far too late--we're watching shows with Jessa 18 weeks pregnant when she's due in 2 weeks! That really gets annoying.

  46. I just love to see the show about the girls life. Be nice to see the whole family in more of the show. which is all the kids and parents grandkids and spouses. I think the show is a locvely show and I hope you keep it on for a long time to come. Also would love to see it on netflix to.

  47. It is high time to end the show,now!

  48. I love the Duggar, but miss seeing the whole family (except Josh) I miss seeing their interactions. I have to agree that there is way to much of each show showing the same stuff as previous shows. It seems like by the time they do the rehash of everything, show is over. I don't want the show to go away, but it needs a little work if they want to keep even diehard fans interested.

  49. That cheese tasting segment was kind of silly. And after all that, Jinger says they'll probably just serve mild cheddar and pepper jack.

  50. The endless recaps are boring. And most of last week's show was boring, they spent way too much time on Jinger's wedding gown. TLC should look at Bringing Up Bates for tips on how to make shows about families more interesting- Counting On needs more action. It would be nice to see more of Grandma Duggar or Amy and Dillon King.

    1. You can catch Amy & Dillon on that marriage counseling show on Friday nights! But be's not everyone's cup of tea. And that's putting it mildly and G rated...which that show is definitely not...

  51. My comment isn't about Counting On but a question directed to you- how do the Duggars feel about being on a network that has shows about transgender children, plural marriage, Amish people leaving their communities to drink and party, and a show discussing intimacy. These shows don't seem to line up with the Duggar family values, and I am surprised that the Duggars have partnered with TLC for so long when TLC clearly does not hold similar values to the Duggar family.

    1. Others have asked that same question. So far, no answers.

  52. Isn't it odd the way the Bates family was sort of a spin-off from the Duggars, yet their program moved to another network and people (at least here) seem to think that program is more interesting. Things that make you go hmmmmm.

    1. True...the Bates family hasn't had a scandal that necessitated (in TLC's view) revamping the entire show.

  53. I left my comments on the site. Thank you for providing us the opportunity. I know I love seeing an American family with strong values living by those values and not blaming the world for their problems. They don't live off of the government. They pay their bills. They raise respectful, beautiful children who believe in Jesus. I want answers to real questions since this is a real family with a real platform to show their real beliefs. What's it like as a Duggar female to face daily body shaming as everyone thinks a heavy meal is the next baby Duggar? Do they disagree with any of their parents' beliefs/rules? Have they, as adults, done their own due diligence in studying the Bible and realized that perhaps Jim Bob's interpretation might not be all encompassing--like the rule against dancing, and the dresses? Do they want to raise their children differently than they were raised? How so? How do they cope with Josh now that the truth is out? How do they feel knowing shows like Sister Wives promoting polygamy are out there, but they were yanked because of Josh's childhood indiscretions that should have remained sealed...are they pursuing finding out who opened the files to the public? Do they think that person needs to be punished as well? Do the girls want an education beyond high school, and if so, what's stopping them? I want to know what goes on when the cameras are off. I love this family and what they stand for, because at the end of the day they know their eternity, and it isn't Facebook/yahoo/People/etc.

  54. I am sorry but I don't want to see Jim Bob and Michele.(or Josh) They gag me. Also agree with too many recaps.

  55. I love the shows and how they are dealing with everything. It's a Great show and the Family is Fantastic

  56. Wow .... People if you don't like the show anymore don't watch. Get off this site and keep your comments to yourself. So much whining and complaining. I think the show is fine, clean and entertaining. Way to go Jill, Jessa, Jinger and next JoyAnna and have fun doing it. Wish you all well!

    1. I pay for cable, including TLC. I think I have a right to an opinion about what I'm paying for.

    2. Sheesh... Feedback was solicited from the owners of this site. If you don't like the diversity of opinion, don't read the comments.

  57. I love keeping up with all the Duggars, married and unmarried, esp the older kids & Jim Bob & Michelle

  58. Love Counting not love seeing wedding preparations after the wedding has taken not care for rap..Flame seems really fun, but enough with Ben/Flame duo and Ben's gangsta hat. I prefer these older girls and their lives/families. Would like more Anna...not Josh. New content please!

    1. I agree. Wedding preparations are boring. Just show the wedding, then on to other content.

  59. It would be nice to see everyone. I also want to emphasize how people may want to mention the commercials that they play on TLC some are very explicit and My family and I can never watch while the show is on. We have to record the show then watch when we can fast forward the commercials. I know the Duggars do not agree with the commercials.

  60. I fully admit I am not a fan of the Duggars. I never watch the show. But I want to remind many of the fans complaining about what is being air that it is up to the Duggars, not TLC, what is shown. I am sure that there are certain topics that the Duggars want to keep private.

    For example, it is no business but Derick and his wife what is health problem is or even if there is a problem. How Josh and Anna are dealing with life is also none of our business.

    1. That may be true, but it hasn't stopped Derick from gagging on TV, and it hasn't stopped Anna from crying on TV, both for all to see. Whose decisions were those?

  61. Would like to see Jim Bob and Michelle and the smaller kids. Try to keep the shows no more than 1 month behind the current time.

  62. Most importantly, TLC, stop the recaps altogether!!! We do not need to see lengthy recaps of the previous weeks' episode or showing content after the fact (I.e.: Jinger's wedding prep after her wedding was televised!)!

  63. Stop the recaps and filming the same old same old- dentist appointments, courtships/weddings/babies, supermarket shopping, etc.

  64. I like watching the duggar!!! I'm a fan of them.!! Fan forever. Hi.

  65. I love the show but would love more to see more of the whole family and not just the older siblings. I also don't care for the recaps.

  66. Tonight I watched season 3 episodes 1 & 2. It was good to see the girls again. Keep it coming.

  67. I agree with another person who commented here. Would like to see more of the older girls and Anna, but not Josh. Also, enough recaps. New content, please.

  68. I want to see what Jana is doing. I am interested in her commercial property she purchased. Would like get to the bottom of Derecks illness. Show more child rearing. More joy anna. More of the little kids like jackson and josie. Thank you.

  69. Why does TLC insert 5 minutes of footage of another show during this one? I thought I fell asleep and missed the rest of this show and the next one had started. I was ready to turn the TV off...Not a good practice, TLC. Please quit it and give content, not recap.

  70. Its sad that some of the married kids aren't as conservative as their parents. I always fast forward when Flame is on because I don't want my kids hearing that worldly music. He seems like a nice guy but the music is not Christian.

    1. The words may be barely "Christian," but his motions and his angry style of delivering his words are not. He seems so mad!

  71. There is way too much repeating of scenes . Since I dvr the show, I can skip these, which helps. Shows need to be more timely - showing wedding planning after the fact is ridiculous. Also, more needs to be shown besides Jessa and Ben -seeing the other kids would be nice.How about Joy or Jana.Im almost done with the show because of this. Hope someone at tlc starts listening

  72. I enjoyed the show overall but they made some bad choices that made for some very boring moments. Asking the siblings to come up with 3 words to describe Jingers style? Can you get more boring than that? Yawn.... who cares!

  73. I enjoy the show. It's not boring.

  74. Would like to see the whole family.. I enjoy the show.

  75. The show would be far more interesting and generate/capture a larger viewer base if TLC actually shot the Duggar offspring going through their day-to-day life, handling normal situations that arise and challenege most people. Very few people live a constant round of baby showers, weddings, engagements, births, weekend getaways (from what?), flying to and from Central America to visit relatives, going on multiple vacations, shopping, decorating guest houses for family, building backyard tree houses for their 15 siblings, and hanging out with Christian rap artists. The Counting On story lines are neither "inspiring", nor relatable to most. The hook for the whole Duggar Family series was how they managed to do the ordinary things with SO many they managed all those children. That was the draw, what the viewing public wanted to know. Absent that element, there isn't much of a story to shoot with the "Counting On" spin-off. The older Duggars seem to be pretty nice young adults, but they have no marketable talents or real story to tell...they're not doing any thing markedly different or life changing. People get engaged, married, and give birth every day all over the world. They just aren't "exciting" enough marketing-wise, to hold their own, TV series-wise. Their only claim to fame cannot be simply that they their name is Duggar-it's not enough, as the ratings continue to indicate. Competition is stiff for a viewer's attention. If you're asking a viewer to give up their valuable time to watch you do something on TV, it's going to have to be something significant- of value, that relates to the viewer, and inspires them/teaches them/encourages them in some way.

    1. SO AGREE with you, 11:16! For kids that grew up with so many people crammed into one small house, they sure have turned into a bunch of jet-setting young adults who aren't shown doing anything special or relatable now! Time to let them go their own ways, minus the cameras.

  76. I too sent a comment to TLC but not only did they not list Counting On but they also didn't list my cable company. What is up with TLC? We are still waiting to see Joy's courtship and Josiah said something about a young lady he liked, can we please hear more about Jana's business. Also I have mentioned numerous times with no response that in one episode way back when John was going to be given a house for cleaning up the mess around it. Did he ever get that house? Did he clean it all up? Story lines that never got finished. And showing Jinger's wedding before the prep was dumb. Not to mention we had no idea for months who the bridemaids were outside of her family and what happened to Jeremy's friend Luis who helped him plan the surprise engagement? I thought they were best friends and no mention of him at the wedding. The fans are not morons and want complete story lines. And this one time showing at 10pm my time on a Monday night is not helpful. Lily and Ellie please send all of these comments to TLC too. If you have any more details to the questions I asked please share them. Thank you


  78. Too many recaps. Rehash of a rehash of a rehash. Counting On? Move On with some fresh content and I will watch again.

  79. Too many recaps. Rehash of a rehash of a rehash. Counting On needs to Move On with some fresh content.


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