
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Gender Predictions


Jessa and Ben Seewald know the gender of their second child, due on February 2nd, but they haven't told anyone. "My family doesn't really care for that...but we have fun keeping it a surprise," shares Jessa in the video below, as the Duggar siblings share their gender predictions with TLCme host Danni Starr.

The clip features Jana Duggar, John-David Duggar, Jill and Derick Dillard, Jessa and Ben Seewald, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo, Joseph Duggar, Josiah Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar, and Austin Forsyth (Joy's boyfriend).

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. How many more times do we have to guess about this?

  2. TLC is circling the drain. The Duggars should bail.

  3. ok thats fine but they need to have medical care. she is going to have a home birth with no help? hope she remembers what happened last time. guess they cannot afford medical care.

    1. It says they know....just keeping it secret. So that means they have had an ultrasound. So they must be getting medical care of some kind.

  4. It would be a real surprise if they also waited to know the gender of the baby. Of course not everyone has that kind of self control. Lol. I didn't.

    1. It's already been announced that the Seewalds know the gender of baby #2. They chose to keep it a secret.

  5. I think she's having another boy!!!!

  6. This is just sooooooooo boring. TLC--are you listening??????? If this blog doesn't publish the viewers REAL comments, tlc will never know how we really feel. Boring, boring, boring.

    1. This is NOT TLC's blog! Go to the proper place to leave your comments and they will know how you feel! Lilly and Elly put a link in a recent post telling you how to do just that! You are in the wrong place ranting to the wrong people. These girls are doing a wonderful job with all the blogs they do, they are not to blame for anything TLC does.

    2. This is not a TLC blog.

    3. If you want TLC to listen to you then you need to contact TLC! The ladies who run this blog are fans of the Duggars who volunteer their personal time and effort to create posts for us fellow fans. I don't understand why people are so rude to Lilly and Ellie. They don't owe anyone anything and they can only write about what they know and no they don't know every detail of the Duggars private lives.

    4. Don't think for a minute that TLC, People, In Touch, etc. aren't reading these blogs for free viewer feedback. What is said is extremely valuable to them!

  7. I think boy! Born three days past his due date!

  8. I think Jessa is having a girl She will be 7 lbs 10 Oz's.Best wishes

  9. I really think that both jessa and Jill are having baby girls the family needs a few more girls to counter act all them boys

  10. Nobody's been to their house to look at the (one and only) nursery? Nobody's looked in the drawers for clothing styles or colors? Nobody's caught her at a thrift store, stocking up on frilly things or tailored things? There's no baby registry? I find it hard to believe that nobody in that close-knit family has figured things out yet.

  11. I think Jesse and Ben are going to have a girl. Jesss seems to mock her mom's pregnancies more than her sister. After Caleb Michelle got to have and keep Jana and John and since Jana is the older twin I think it is going to be a girl.

    1. What do Michelle's pregnancies have with Jessa's?

    2. Jessa mocks her mother's pregnancies? I don't think gender is decided by this scientific reasoning

    3. How is she mocking her mom's pregnancies? Jill is pregnant too. I pray none of them have a miscarriage.

    4. Miscarriage - isn't that another term for spontaneous abortion? How would the Duggars justify that happening?

    5. Hey I'm not the original poster but I don't think they meant mock as in "tease" or "insult" but rather "take after" other words...Jessa seems to have similar pregnancies to her Mom instead of her sister Jill.

    6. Maybe you mean "mimic"? Still don't quite follow though, since both daughters have had only one birth so far. Too early to see a trend.

    7. Ok, I'm confused. I dont understand the whole Caleb, John, jana connection to jessa's pregnancy. Maybe im missing something.

  12. I'm guessing boy.

  13. Gender isn't as important as healthy delivery and mom.
    Hope they have had the guidance they need. Many blessings and prayers for a joyous delivery.

  14. First I thought it would be a girl because seemed to carry differently this time but then when I saw the baby shower and that they gave the gifts away, I think it's another boy. They'll probably use a lot of Spurgeon'a clothes.

    1. I agree, I Think she's having another boy

    2. That baby shower was done for the show. It didn't mean anything one way or the other for Jessa.

  15. Didn't Jill guess girl the last clip?

  16. Jessa's speech filler is laughter; she is forever filling in pauses after her statements with a "hahaha" when nothing funny has been said. It's weird.

  17. It's not like there are many choices for this guessing game.

  18. Why do they think it is a big deal to keep gender a secret if they find out?? As long as the baby is healthy who cares? They need to move on from this!

  19. I wonder if anyone ever asked Cher if she was having a boy or a girl? In other words, it doesn't matter.

  20. What happened last time could have happened at a hospital. A mother losing more blood than normal is not unique to home births.

    1. True, but if she had been in a hospital, intervention could have come more quickly. Losing a lot of blood after a delivery can be caused by a long and difficult labour which I believe Jessa had with Spurgeon. The Duggars seem obsessed with wanting to have a "natural delivery" for their babies, even taking unnecessary risks to do so. Perhaps, the blood loss and subsequent blood transfusion could have been avoided if she had been in a hospital setting?

  21. It seems the TLC interviewers have an aversion to asking anything of substance or depth. It would be interesting to know if the family generates these inane questions.

    1. Yes. How about they ask how the impact of the scandal is taking a toll on the family? Do they feel resentment for Josh (of course?) Derick's obvious health decline? Why do they never talk about anything of any substance?

    2. I find it really hard to believe their viewers want answers to those silly questions, or to watch the grown kids drink coffee, play at a playground, or shop. What age level of viewership is this program aiming for?

  22. I think boy. Jessa acts so happy. She had lots of patience with her younger siblings when she helped to home school them. I liked the time when she was trying to get a young sister to take a nap. You can tell she likes kids. God Bless

  23. all need to stop 2nd geussing on the gender of any baby doesnt even matter long is born healthly has all parts, plus jessa does choose to have this 2nd round in a real hospital for safety reasons only w/ her choice of midwife and husband

  24. Does it really matter? Maybe to the parents, but that is it. Enough.

  25. I think it is a girl, they could name her either Vivian Ann or Miranda or Charlotte.☺

    1. I don't think they'll get the Miranda or Charlotte reference. I'm sure they're not watched THAT show, haha.

    2. I'm waiting for a Miranda in one of these families.

    3. Maybe a Caitlyn?

  26. I don't care. I'm sure they'll have a lovely child, regardless of the sex. Isn't this kind of trivial??

  27. I hope they have a girl but they'll be happy with another boy also as long as it's healthy and moms healthy afterwards! I love watching the show and seeing all the kids grow up and GET MARRIED. please keep the show going!

  28. Boy, one day early weighing g 8 lbs 8 oz and 21 inches long


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