
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Tonight: Jinger & Jeremy Head to NYC

TGIT (Thank Goodness It's Tuesday) 

Are you looking forward to an all-new segment of Counting On this evening? What are your predictions for next week's proposal episode?

Tuesday, October 4
7:30pm ET/6:30pm CT: The Big Event Recap
8pm ET/7pm CT: Guys' Guide to Courting (NEW)

Jinger, Jeremy, and chaperones (Michelle, Jessa, Ben, and Spurgeon) take a whirlwind trip to the East Coast to see Jeremy's friends and extended family. Will delayed flights ruin a big surprise Jeremy has planned? Also, take a look back at past Duggar courtships, and hear the guys' tips for a successful relationship with a Duggar girl.
11pm ET/10pm CT: Guys' Guide to Courting

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Awww, I thought it was going to be the proposal tonight!

  2. Why couldn't he just put the ring on her finger in Arkansas or Texas, trot down to the courthouse with her, and take care of business? They're adults. Nothing stopping them. In theory, at least. The rest falls into wants, not needs.

  3. "Will delayed flights ruin a big surprise Jeremy has?" Of course not. You already posted the engagement scene on this blog. And it's been all over the internet. Nothing was "ruined." Not necessary to lead us on like that. TLC does it enough of that themselves!

  4. wait, I thought that they were getting engaged this week? And a throw back? Oh no, no one is going to like that!

  5. I predict they will get engaged, because of the fact that they announced they were engaged.

  6. Jinger, Jessa and Jill were not girls when they entered relationships. They were women. Girls are younger than 18.

  7. Hey! Question for your Ellie or anyone else. I don't have cable and was thinking of buying one episode . . . What's been the best one this season or last? Thanks!

  8. It makes no sense to take a baby along for a chaperone. Was TLC going to film Ben & Jessa for some reason, and had to take them along?

    1. Ben & jessa introduced the two. And, the couples are close friends, I'm sure that's a big reason they went along.

  9. I had the privilege of catching up on all the seasons shows today. It was a rainy, I mean super rainy two days and today I decided it was perfect to cut up with my tablet and see the newest episodes. In Canada they can be purchased but not via the TLC site. Wow! I think thee shows should win awards! What great viewing! Excellent content, there is nothing better on television, these shows are just wonderful! I am really looking forward to seeing more. Ben has turned out to be a delightful member of the family. I love his Humble, low key approach to getting involved and doing some great things. The other guys are all super too and I appreciated every minute of them in the documentaries. Plus Jana just keeps on inspiring with her multi dimensional creativity. Love seeing all the girls as they are spotlighted on the shows! Thank-you All!

    1. U sound like u r a secret Duggar PR member. That response seemed pretty scripted.

    2. That would be funny if TLC felt compelled to come here to comment on their own show. Funny....and sad.

    3. Or...maybe, just maybe, she's just a good writer? Take note.

    4. Why "scripted"? Because somebody's positive for a change?

    5. I agree with the poster from Canada that the show has been wonderful this season! I too enjoy seeing Jana blossom and getting to know all the older kids better! The shows have been positive and interesting too. :-)

  10. I started watching the Duggars since the birth of their 14th child. I admit I don't want that many children, but they seem to glory in it. All the children seem to be wonderful individuals with each one having their own personality. I know there's a lot of people that can't wait to see each program ... so, my question is, why punish all the Duggars because of one person's poor choices? The rest of the children appear to be doing well.

    1. No one is punishing the Duggars. Advertisers pulled out from the backlash over the indiscretions. TLC isn't a charity and therefore cant keep a show on the air without advertising dollars. It's a simple matter of economics. No show lasts forever, even really great ones.

  11. I started watching the Duggars since the birth of their 14th child. I admit I don't want that many children, but they seem to glory in it. All the children seem to be wonderful individuals with each one having their own personality. I know there's a lot of people that can't wait to see each program ... so, my question is, why punish all the Duggars because of one person's poor choices? The rest of the children appear to be doing well.

  12. Does anyone know why JimBob couldn't make it to the proposal.

    1. Was that the time he was at the air show with a bunch of the boys?

  13. If I have to watch another counting on episode filled with old clips, from over a year ago, I am done watching!!

    1. I agree. Those old clips are boring. Also, all of those ridiculous questions about who likes what color hair was also bad. I really look forward to the show and this is what TLC puts on. I fast forwarded through much of the show. I was soooo disappointed.

    2. I loved the flashbacks because each courtship was unique and special in its own way, so it was fun to reminisce plus we got to se their married lives this season too.

  14. Very little about the engagement. A lot of time around the rest of the siblings. Trivial questions and answers.
    Jessa will deliver before we see what took place at this rate.

    1. It was a terrible episode last night. Sitting around playing guessing games about who they might court. Rehashing old clips from former episodes. It's now going to take at least 3 episodes to show Jinger's engagement from start to finish. Obviously it was the ONLY story line they had this season, and they are drawing it out until viewers are falling asleep with their remotes in their hands!

  15. It was really hard to watch those scenes from past episodes. I really miss the whole family. (I'm not talking about Josh.) And I miss Michelle's advice. I wonder if we will see more of them.

  16. Jinger should have been accompanied by her parents and THAT'S IT. Ben and Jessa AND SPURGE were not needed there...except for the that the audience is disgusted with Jim Bob and Michelle and we don't want to see them anymore on this awful show. So, we're not punishing all of the kids for the sins of one, are we? No, we ARE, however, holding the parents ACCOUNTABLE ( a word they like to use very much themselves)...except when it is THEY, THEMSELVES who are held accountable for their actions and the decisions that they made.

    1. People learn from their mistakes, do u ever sit and think that maybe they themselves realized that they might have handled it wrong and would do things differently if they had a choice.But we don't know that do we,they might blame themselves and are now doing things differently today.So to assume that they are remorseless or have no guilt is just plain wrong.You don't know them and how they truly feel, so unless you 100% know all... then you can judge and be righteous.Prayers to all and be kind to one another 😉✌

    2. "Should have been accompanied" - maybe she should have been accompanied by the people who SHE and JEREMY wanted on the trip, not who you wanted on the trip.

  17. I predict Jinger will say she needs more time to think about it, and it will be a cliff hanger on that point.

    1. No, I think Jinger will say yes and do a big front hug. And Jeremy will call her "Jinge." And everyone will cry. Then they'll say "Cut!" and do Take 2.

  18. I predict a episode full of 90% recap and old clips. Why would they change their standard show format now?

  19. Jeremy and Jinger (along with other members of her family) seem to be able to travel an awful lot. It was surprising Jeremy traveled to AR only 2 days after Jinger left TX. Sure wasn't much about the NY trip tonight. Pretty much repeat materials for most of the show.

  20. I love watching the episodes every week, but two things have really caught my attention lately. First, Jinger has REALLY lost a lot of weight. I understand wanting to look nice for your guy, but she's actually looking unhealthy. Has anyone noticed how thin her arms are as she's sitting on the couch talking? I hope she learns to maintain a healthy weight and not try and stave herself. Also, I have really noticed how much eye makeup she's been wearing lately. I have nothing against makeup, but her eyes are so dark. After seeing all the old chips on today's show, I saw how natural her makeup used to be and I hope she goes back to that. I think more natural is more beautiful. Poor girl, I hope after she moves to Texas with Jeremy she will be able to form her own life and own personality without alway conforming to her parents and TLC.

  21. I love watching the episodes every week, but two things have really caught my attention lately. First, Jinger has REALLY lost a lot of weight. I understand wanting to look nice for your guy, but she's actually looking unhealthy. Has anyone noticed how thin her arms are as she's sitting on the couch talking? I hope she learns to maintain a healthy weight and not try and stave herself. Also, I have really noticed how much eye makeup she's been wearing lately. I have nothing against makeup, but her eyes are so dark. After seeing all the old chips on today's show, I saw how natural her makeup used to be and I hope she goes back to that. I think more natural is more beautiful. Poor girl, I hope after she moves to Texas with Jeremy she will be able to form her own life and own personality without alway conforming to her parents and TLC.

    1. It's sad when a girl feels she has to be so thin to look for for a man. Our culture and media have really done a number on us women.

  22. It would be more realistic for the siblings to have the occassional negative comment, such as "My brother can be pretty unorganized...or forgetful...or sloppy...never makes his bed, etc.

    1. Haha, yeah, but don't hold your breath.

  23. Anon 11:46, you forgot that Jinger will say "babe". Lol!


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