
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Duggar Snapshots October 2016

What have the Duggars been up to this week? Scroll through these photos to find out!

Mackynzie Duggar turned seven on October 8th, and Johannah Duggar had her 11th birthday on the 11th. To celebrate, the youngest Duggars did crafts at home, had lunch at Chick-fil-A, and went roller skating.

 Jordyn Duggar, Johannah Duggar, Josie Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, 
Jennifer Duggar, and an extended family member

 Johannah Duggar, Josie Duggar, Jennifer Duggar, Jackson Duggar, Jordyn Duggar,
Mackynzie Duggar, Jana Duggar, Jason Duggar, and an extended family member

When Josie turns seven on December 10th, these three gals will be the same age until Jordyn's eighth birthday on the 18th: 
 Josie Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, and Jordyn Duggar

Mackynzie Duggar

And here are the two birthday girls!

 Mackynzie Duggar and Johannah Duggar

Do you remember hearing about Jana's garden on a recent episode of Counting On? Earlier this week, she recruited the younger kids to help harvest sweet potatoes.

 Jackson Duggar, Mackynzie Duggar, and Jordyn Duggar

In celebration of National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day, Joseph treated his mom to a meal at MarketPlace Grill, the family's all-time favorite restaurant.

 Joseph Duggar and Michelle Duggar

Jinger and Jim Bob also spent a few days in San Antonio, Texas, with Jeremy Vuolo and his dad, Pastor Chuck Vuolo. 

 Pastor Chuck Vuolo, Jinger Duggar, Jeremy Vuolo, and Jim Bob Duggar

With Jill Dillard home from Central America for a four-month visit, the older girls have enjoyed catching up on much-needed sister time. 

 Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Joy-Anna Duggar, Jill (Duggar) Dillard,
Jana Duggar, and Jinger Duggar

And here's a photo of Spurgeon sitting on the Duggars' basketball/volleyball court. He turns one year old in just three weeks!

Spurgeon Seewald

Photos courtesy


  1. "An extended family member." Everyone knows by now who that is and what the situation is. Why not say it? I'm surprised they photographed him or made the picture public. Once they go to court, privacy rules should take effect.

  2. Johannah looks a lot like Joy.

  3. How precious this family is. With all the sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers and grand parents. With all the celebrations and the goings-ons in this household no one can cry out to the Lord saying "God, I look for your blessings and I cannot find them." Blessed is the family that lives in abundant love and blessed are we that are able to share in it.

    God bless yall

  4. Is Jill hiding a bump?

    1. Maybe. That would make Jill, Anna, and Jessa all pregnant at the same time. When will the announcements be made??

    2. Anna is not pregnant she just got back together with Josh. Their still working on their marrage.
      Why can't Jessa have a baby when no one else in the family is pregnant.

  5. Come on tlc we missed so much of the family, they are growing up so fast.Please put them all by on tv please.

  6. Were the Duggars aware that the National Take Your Mom to Lunch day is for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL aged children to have their mothers join them in the cafeteria for a school lunch? Isn't Joe a bit grown up for a public school elementary school activity?
    When was the photo of Jinger, Babe and their fathers taken? Were they in Texas this past week when the photo was posted?
    Josie will be 7 years old?! Why is this girl (not a baby) still being carried around? Why did Jana and Josiah have to take the group of little kids out for a birthday lunch? Where was their mother and father?

    1. I was wondering, too, why the parents weren't taking their children to that birthday lunch?

    2. Why can't you just look at the pictures and enjoy this family enjoying each other? Why the critical questions about every little thing? Just enjoy the pictures.

    3. Yes, Jinger and Jim Bob were in Texas with Jeremy and Charles (his father). They were supposedly wedding planning and getting "marriage advice" from the fathers.

    4. Why would you say something negative about a young man taking his mom to lunch? Wouldn't be better to praise him for honoring his mom.

    5. Is Josie holding on to a walker? Maybe that would explain why she's always being carried around?

    6. Why so negative? A son showed respect and love for his mother. More kids need to follow his example. San Antonio is a beautiful city; been twice. I'm sure Jana and Josiah enjoyed taking their siblings out; not being forced. I can see a mixture of all Johannah's sisters in her face.

    7. MY GOODNESS AREN'T WE JUST FULL OF QUESTIONS!! Can't help sensing your cattiness. As far as Joe taking his mother out to lunch who cares about his age, I love it any time my son spends special time alone with me and I know Michelle felt blessed by this also.

    8. I would be thrilled if my adult son wanted to take me to lunch. I don't care how old they get. It is about making wonderful family memories to look back at and say my life was good. Much better then a lot of petty drama. Loved all the pics.

    9. Aw, yeah, that was really nice of him to take his mom to lunch. Whether he knew it was meant for kids taking their parents to lunch at school and was doing it tongue-in-cheek or not, it just shows that he's a thoughtful guy. That's all.

    10. I'm pretty sure Jesse is holding onto a walker designed for those who need help with roller skating they have them at ice arenas as well

    11. Re: Anon at 8:25....what Josie is holding onto looks like equipment that is provided by skating rinks to help people (usually) kids that are not steady on their feetoes on skates. I have seen these at both roller rinks and ice rinks. Not a medical device.

    12. To anon 10/16@ 8:25, no that is not a walker,if you've been to a roller rink you would see they have those little bars on wheels for kids to hold onto that are learning how to skate,so she doesn't fall.

    13. Josie's holding onto that thing they have at the skating rink to help kids from falling while skating. I'd probably need one, too!

    14. What is wrong with taking your mother out to lunch. So what if the stated in honor of that day? It's bringing awareness either way. As for Josie, she isn't always being carried. Again I ask, so what? I have six children and 4 grandchildren and we carry them until they are too big to hold (and not all of the time) as we treasure those moments. And again, so what if older siblings had their own private party with the younger in celebration of a birthday? That shows just how strong the family unit is. Why question everything? Ridiculous!

    15. Thank you everyone for clarifying for me what Josie is holding on to. I'm sorry, but I don't skate so I truly didn't know. I haven't been skating in over 30 years:-)

  7. Wow, I can't believe Johannah is already 11years old, she is growing up so fast! Josie is getting bigger too! Did the Duggars adopt another kid, or is the boy in that first pic one of their sons? I am sure they would have said if they have adopted another kid! I really like the last pic of little Spurg. He is so adorable and getting big too!!!!!!!

    1. I believe they are in the process of adopting him. He is a nephew (I think) of Michelle.

    2. I believe it is the child of a sibling of either Michelle or Jim Bob who has been in a questionable home. I thought I read that they were going to adopt him. Was it on this blog?

    3. The boy is a nephew they are fostering, I believe.

    4. The boy is the son of Michelle's niece. They have custody of him right now and in November, will find out if they can legally adopt him.

  8. Wow, I can't believe Johannah is already 11years old, she is growing up so fast! Josie is getting bigger too! Did the Duggars adopt another kid, or is the boy in that first pic one of their sons? I am sure they would have said if they have adopted another kid! I really like the last pic of little Spurg. He is so adorable and getting big too!!!!!!!

  9. Or is that Mackenzie's brother, Michael, in that first pic?

  10. Or is that Mackenzie's brother, Michael, in that first pic?

  11. why did the duggars spend so much on a basket ball court with the picture of some school? they may support the school sports but they do not allow their children ever to attend that school. why support sports if you do not support the education they give children america?

    1. I've always wondered about that. They support the schools' team, but none of them would ever go to that school.

  12. Another birthday without the parents around? The forgotten J girls at the end of the line...except Josie, who gets attention.

    1. Do you really think the parents are not around, or is it possible they're just not in these photos?

    2. Michelle is probably the one taking the photos. And Jim Bob is in Texas with Jinger for this birthday. He said in his video message that he was going to take Johannah out for dinner when he got back. Gosh, my parents missed a few of my birthdays when I was little and I didn't feel forgotten.

    3. They were at some conference not too long ago (posted themselves there) and then JB was in Texas with Jinger (again, posted pics). Quite possible the parents were otherwise occupied. I can't imagine missing your child's 11th birthday, not if you could help it.

  13. These are all precious family moments. I especially like the picture of Joseph and Michelle. God bless you all.

  14. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Isn't that the roller rink where Michelle was having a blast skating to "YMCA" by The Village People?

    1. I remember that! A song by a group of men who endorsed alternative lifestyles, and there's Michelle, skating away, no clue.

  16. What a shame these bright young kids only get to socialize with each other or like-minded families. I look at them and see doors closed in their minds, and they don't even realize it.

    1. You don't know what's in their minds. And if their minds are closed to some of the ugliness this world has to offer, then that's a good thing.

    2. Somehow I don't believe all the people in their lives are like minded, and as for family I think it's great they have so much love for each other they want to be together. I think people who judge are the ones who have closed minds.

    3. Ugliness in the world? I mean, everyone is talking about how their correspondence with FLAME is so diverse. How about meeting people who aren't the same religion as them and not trying to outright convert them to Christianity? Can you imagine the Duggars befriending Muslims, for instance? I'm certain there are many Muslims that would like to engage in interfaith dialogue with the Duggars, considering that many of their practices are similar; like their views on courtship, dress, and their devotion to their family, amongst other things. I can't imagine them befriending in a respectful manner-just pay attention to their comments on Catholics alone! But their platform allows them to partake in interfaith that would bring some positivity to the intolerant atmosphere we are currently experiencing. Learning about other religions and their commonalities helps to bring respect between others who may be different than ourselves. It very much promotes diversity that is an American value. Unfortunately, I see the Duggars are truly missing out on things completely.

    4. So your answer to ugliness in the world, 11:04, is to close your mind to it and pretend it isn't there? How is that going to help matters?

    5. I am 11:04. The original comment was about "young children." And yes, I sure do believe it's a good thing for young minds to be closed to some of the ugliness this world has to offer, at that stage of their lives. Take twerking and even cursing, for example.

  17. Looks so off with Jill holding onto Joy and elbowing Jana. Is she that sensitive of her tummy? Looks painful.
    Jessa baby bump is showing now.
    Wishing them all the best.

    1. I hope Jessa and Ben can actually afford another baby. I don't understand why they didn't delay until Ben was able to provide more. They are both so young. I guess the parents will help but doesn't seem fair to the children. Didn't Ben just graduate?

    2. Jill is not pregnant so get over it.

    3. This is to the person worried that Ben and Jessa won't be able to afford another baby and all the other concerns he/she has. Don't you have someone in your own family to worry about, or at least someone you know personally?? If not perhaps you could get a pet to worry about. I'm sure this young couple will be just fine without your worrying about them.

    4. Lol😉...loved your comment🖒

  18. The extended family member must be the boy they are trying to adopt. Isn't it Michele's nieces child or something? May be there 20th child soon.

    1. Yes her sister is unable to care for her daughter's boy. If I recall it's a health issue so they are guardian's. Next month if approved the adoption will be completed.
      Being male gender it shouldn't be an issue with family Court.

    2. Just curious; what does the fact that he is a boy make a difference with family court?

  19. I really enjoy all the updates you guys post about different things going on with the Duggar Family. I have always thought the Duggar Family are inspiration of what a family really means.

  20. Please talk to the family about not posting any pictures even by accident of the unidentifiable family member. Foster children have rules about this sort of thing and I really don't want to see this family receive some backlash. I know it is possible it's someone else but I only mean well by mentioning it. Thank you

    1. They are legal guardian's and not Foster parents. Hopefully it won't be a deterrent for family Court to finalize the adoption application next month.
      They always seem to do things the hard way blindly. I'm sure it will make news if they messed up again.

    2. He's not technically a foster child yet, not til the court date.

    3. Agreed. Please protect the childs privacy. I he is with you take the picture from other side so he can't be seen. No social media for him ever.

    4. Maybe the boy's mother is OK with her son's new-found fame within this family.

  21. Hey my birthday is Oct 11th like Johanna!

  22. I also think that Jinger and Jeremy could do as many young couples do in the Northeast due to high housing costs...they could live in Grandma & Grandpa Vuolo's basement and save on some rent while getting established. Jinger COULD and SHOULD get a part time job which will do her a world of good. HIS family would be a great influence on her.
    I also have to comment that this family has gone out of their way to advertise the fact that it's a sin for women to wear men's far as to consider shorts, capris, and tasteful, modest LADIES dress slacks being a sin to how is it that Jessa wore BEN'S SHORTS, which are made for MEN and sold in the MEN'S department of the store..and that's not a sin or immodest? Please explain this twist in action and logic.

    1. Did this family actually say it's a "sin" to wear shorts.

    2. I'm not sure that J&J would want to live in the northeast, as he pastors a church in Texas. Also, it stands to reason that the adult Duggars are making attire decisions for
      themselves. This would be a good thing. Perhaps Jessa thinks men's shorts are more modest than women's. Regardless, I don't understand how a skirt and form fitting top are more modest than a pair of jeans or capris.

    3. There is no logical explanation for that twist. What they say and what they do are clearly two different things. It seems they have forgotten all their own rules. But viewers and readers haven't. That's why things like that stick out so much. This family very clearly told us they rigidly followed the Bible for rules about living their lives. The Bible sure hasn't changed its advice since this program began. So maybe it's time to confess that we follow a lax version of Biblical rules, and only those that are easily adhered to. It's also time to admit that some rules they follow were made by man, not by God.

    4. I believe they had two choices in this circumstance; refuse to partake in the activity or wear something that would cover them while sitting in that position. I don't have an answer as whether or not this situation is a problem with Biblical teachings, but I do believe had they done this activity in skirts they would have been innapropriatly dressed. God convicts us all in different ways. I think this one is between them and God. A verse comes to mind, it talked about girls having to cross a river and to do so they would have to lift their skirts and reveal their legs, which the Bible claims to be nakedness. If I had to rationalize this situation it would be that it would have been rude to refuse to partake in a day at the lake which is not sinful, but to do so in their regular garb would have been. So they did the best they could to remain modest.

      God bless

    5. Easy, that was the parents rule for their household, now that the girls are married they can decide the standards that they and their spouse thinks fit best for themselves.People seem to forget that so often, I dont get it.

    6. Apparently you didn't watch 17, 18, 19 Kids & Counting. If you had, you would have seen a few instances where one of the girls was wearing pants or board shorts. Like when Jana and Jill were on the volunteer fire team, they showed the first suits they had to wear and that they had to wear pants under them. Also, I remember an episode where they were in Colorado, I think, they went riding down the hill in these huge inflatable balls with water in them. There is a scene where Jinger hops out of the ball she just rode in and she was wearing men's board shorts. They have commented many time over the years that the women can do more things in a skirt than most women, but something's require wearing pants and that is fine. They also specifically said in an episode "Ask the Duggars" that they do NOT consider it a sin to wear pants, they just wear skirts because they think it is preferable.

    7. It's not a parental rule, it's a Biblical rule. it's in Deuteronomy. Pretty strong directive there, too. Remember, the Bible (God's word) is above parental rules.

    8. But remember they used to swim in dress swimsuits? This blog used to advertise the website in which to purchase them.

    9. Why would Jinger and Jeremy move northeast and live in his grandparents basement? He already has a place in Texas.

    10. Some comments are just so mundane they are not even worth replying to.

    11. And yet you did, 9:46.

    12. When it comes to modesty, in an activity where you can't sit with your legs closed or crossed for safety reasons, I do believe it is more modest to wear shorts.

  23. I have never read or heard any Duggar Family member state anything about SIN. They state the reason why they cover up their body. I do not wear pants, shorts, sleeveless tops or many other things. Not once did I ever tell any one that the way they dress was a SIN. We have preferences on the way we dress. The married Duggar girls can choose to do what they want now. They have their own families. The in-laws can dress they way they choose. They have their own family now. This just tells me they are their "Own" and not under the rules
    of extended family.

    1. I totally agree. The Duggars would never consider pants or shorts for women a sin, neither for themselves or others. It is a personal lifestyle choice.

    2. They follow the Bible, don't they? Wearing clothes of the opposite gender is forbidden! Read Deuteronomy 22:5.

    3. @4:29, then you'd better not wear a dress, because men wore robes in Bible times. What Deuteronomy is talking about is transvestism.

    4. Who decided in biblical times what was men's clothing and what was women's clothing. They all wore robes. Seriously, this is a non issue. Wearing a skirt while climbing in and out of a boat or on and off a horse is potentially immodest. Nothing wrong with wearing pants or modest shorts. I'm sure men's board shorts are more modest than some women's shorts. It really doesn't matter which gender they are marketed to. I for one am glad to see these young women making at least some of their own choices.

  24. Would that make the boy, Michelle's great nephew,then,and the kids cousin? What is his name?

  25. Michelle, please trim your hair. It would be so much healthier looking. I've always heard that as a woman gets older, her hair should get shorter. I agree with that philosophy.

    1. Agree, there comes a point in time that an older woman should not have hair below her shoulders, can u imagine a 60 year old with that hair, then they look like they are trying to hard to look young and it does the very opposite, but if she and Jim love it I guess it really doesn't matter.Doesn't really bother me with Michelle because she still looks like a spring chicken😉

    2. I love Michelle's hair and I am sure she loves her hair too.I think it looks very healthy! That is bologna that a woman must have short hair as she ages. My mother is 70 and has beautiful long thick deep dark brown hair. I cannot imagine her any other way. Some may be envious of her.

    3. Maybe Michelle doesn't. It's her hair.

    4. I don't think in the "big picture of the world" Michelle is overly concerned with her hair, there are bigger things to deal with. I think you are beautiful Michelle, inside and out!! From a Sister who doesn't stress over "looks".

    5. Her hair has not looked healthy for the last year or two. Stress? Hormones? In any case, it's hard for a woman over 50 to have really great long hair. I agree, hers could use some trimming, especially the ends, which look over-processed. She had that birthday makeover and had shorter hair and looked better.

    6. I don't care for Michelle's hair and think it looked much more becoming and healthier when Cindy took her for that makeover, but I guess she and Jim Bob like it as-is.

  26. Looks like Jinger has a wedding band on in the picture with her sisters.

    1. That's her engagement ring.

    2. Yes, the engagement ring and a wedding band. I think she has both on her finger.

  27. You don't need to be school aged to take your mom to lunch! I think it was a sweet gesture!

  28. Happy birthday to the fantastic duggar girls!!!😇😇😇 Congrats to the happy couple !!! Jana did a great decorating job with the other children !!it's
    Nice to see a family work together

  29. I love all the pictures, thanks for sharing. Also, I have never heard the Duggar ladies tell an female that she should be wearing skirts or dresses. This is the way they fell, about themselves. Michelle has a good friend from school that wears jeans. I have never heard Michelle or her friend tell each other how they should be dressing. The Duggar daughters have female friends that wear pants. I have never heard the daaughters tell there friends how they should be dressing. And we also know that as we grow older we can change. Not in a bad way, but just a different way. There should be more understanding among people.

  30. Can't believe they are taking legal custody away from that child's mother. Why not just HELP her? There must be more to this story than anyone is letting on. It will all have to come out in court.

    1. How do you know they are "taking away" custody. I myself wouldn't assume that unless I spoke to the mother of the child and had facts from her directly.

    2. She's an adult. She can get a job and help herself.

    3. You asked a question, and then you answered it yourself.

    4. They are trying to adopt this boy, aren't they? Or otherwise gain legal custody of him, taking it away from his mother? I don't understand that. How extreme do things have to be to get to that point?

  31. I wonder if you ever get tired of typing "Duggar" after nearly every name in every post. I don't think anyone is confused about the subject of this website (the URL and header are a dead giveaway!) It seems overkill when the photo caption could easily be, "Johannah, Josie, Jennifer, Jackson, Jordyn,
    Mackynzie, Jana, and Jason Duggar, with an extended family member."

    Just some feedback, FWIW.

  32. I love Joy's shirt 😊

  33. Does anyone on this blog know what the "trail is of Jeremy's family" in their religion? What religion, exactly is he, his parents AND his grandparents? Certainly, his family started out Catholic as his grandpa is full Italian, HIS parents from Italy. So, where do they all stand now?

    1. I don't know which denomination his father is minister for. They didn't mention the Church denomination Jeremy was responsible for either. There are many in Christianity.

    2. You can look at Jeremy's church website, Grace Community Church in Laredo, TX, for more info on what he believes. Looks like a non-denominational evangelical Protestant church, to me.

  34. I don't believe the family ever said it was a sin. Their preference is just to not wear those items.

  35. I really miss seeing the entire Duggar family. I want them back. I would even like to know how Josh Duggar is doing, and what has transpired. I don't think its good to leave him out just because he had a problem that MANY men struggle with. We are all weak and sinful human beings, regardless of the sins. Sin is sin. When a Christian's relationship with Christ is weak, that's when our flesh is stronger. So he screwed up. We want to see how he overcomes it.

  36. Awww! Such sweet pictures!😍 All the little ones are growing up SO fast!😊

  37. "A four-month visit." Hahahahahhhhahhaahah

    1. Unless someone gets pregnant.....

  38. Dear Lilly and Ellie:
    Why do you let these hateful comments go through? It really saddens my soul.

    1. Because there's always more than one side to every story.

    2. I have a very sad feeling that these are minor complaints about the Duggars compared to some the blog writers encounter.

  39. Just put pants on those girls and let them play. Maybe when they get to be 12 or so, you can stop worrying about them not acting like "ladies" in a dress, and you can drop the leggings. It's ridiculous to infer that a child the ages shown above are going to evoke any kinds of un-Biblical feelings if their legs are shown. What kinds of people are those kids hanging out with who would even think that? The use of leggings under dresses is a continual reminder of the Duggars' distrust in the world, which is very sad.

  40. Thanks for the October photos. The little girls are getting to be young ladies. They all are beauties. Lets have more of the younger Duggar boys and girls.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  41. Can we please just have one post where Spurgeon and Jessa aren't mentioned? It gets old!


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