
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Building a Treehouse in "True Duggar Fashion"

After nearly one month of work, the Duggar siblings are almost ready to unveil the big treehouse. The inside area has a loft, a play kitchen area, and plenty of windows.

"In true Duggar fashion, our projects tend to get bigger and bigger the longer they go," explains John-David Duggar. "Everybody wants to put their two cents in." Video below:

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Loved it when someone asked, "Will this hold us all?" That's what I was thinking. Crrr-rrack?

  2. Love how those boys (and girls) know how to do handyman jobs. Lots of boys nowadays don't.

    1. The boys didn't do it themselves - they hired a house builder! They introduced him - they said so - look him up.

    2. Isn't it wonderful that they have experienced friends who can help them make a SAFE playhouse so no one needs to comment on how unsafe it is.

    3. Didn't say the boys did it ALL by themselves. But they definitely have handyman skills.

    4. There were plenty of things about that "treehouse" that weren't safe. At that height, you could easily get hurt with any monkeying around on the bridge or the porches or the railings.

    5. Some houses have porches and balconies up higher than that.

    6. Looks like you couldn't even see that thing from the main house, so unless there are security cameras out there & someone is monitoring them in the house, the kids could do whatever they wanted to, away from parental eyes. I think a treehouse or fort in the back yard, near their basketball court, would have been more practical.

    7. Who says kids always have to play in sight of their parents?

    8. Remember the rules put in place because of Josh? All the monitoring?

    9. I sure hope they supervise their kids being that far away from house. Especially as many creepy fans go to the house and take selfies in front of it..

  3. That is the best most well constructed tree house I have ever seen! The younger children are blessed to have such loving, talented older siblings.

    1. AND a professional house builder and his team...

  4. To be a tree house it needs to be in a tree. That's just a high fort. They should plant some real trees around it. In time they will grow.

  5. Is this is tree house or an elevated house? It didn't look very high to me, and where's the tree?

  6. Love the tree house! I know it will get a lot of use between the younger children, grandchildren, and all of the future grandchildren that the Duggars will have. I am glad they had a professional to help them make sure it was sturdy and secure, but I was excited to see them do a lot of the work themselves as well.

  7. Back in the Dark Ages, I remember my siblings and I wanting a tree house. My dad helped us scrounge up the supplies and he gave a few pointers, but left it up to us kids to build it. He did check it over to make sure there were no safety issues before he let us play in it. We ranged in age from 6-15, boys and girls. Mind you, we didn't have a cabin in the end with real windows, and we had to climb a rope to get into it, but we were in hog heaven knowing we had done it ourselves. And it was actually in a tree!

  8. Why don't the kids just play outside like every other kid?

    1. It looks like they play outside all the time. I have seen tons of episodes where they are swinging, sliding, running, riding bikes, etc. A lot of kids have playhouses...and when you have a lot of kids it makes sense to have a big playhouse.

  9. I apologize if this comes across negative, but how is building a "tree house" news-worthy?

    1. It's a reality tv show. It shows stuff that's going on in their life.

    2. The show is about activities of the Duggar family so, since the fort was built by and for the Duggars, it is "worthy" to be included in the show.

  10. Do you have any pictures of the completed tree house? We never got a good view of it in the video clip. Plus where is the tree? They should plant some trees. They could plant fruit trees like an apple tree. Then the kids could have the apples when it grows up.

    1. There is no tree. Its like a big ditch..and the built a fort/tree house on it

  11. Do you have any pictures of the Duggar tree house/fort? We never got a good view of the outside or inside.

  12. Maybe they will house some of the upcoming fiance's there.

    1. No, that's what the space above the storage building is for.

    2. Yes, that's kind of funny. Some of the potential spouses could stay in a tree house.

    3. That is rude. Ben lived in a real house on the property. That made a lot of sense instead of him driving. If they have room for friends/family/fiances, it would probably be stranger if those people stayed elsewhere.

    4. Ben moved into the upstairs of a storage building. Remember, Jessa and the other girls went there to spruce it up & make the bed & hang a welcome sign. There were no windows in the bedroom area. You could see metal walls and that it was basically a loft above a storage space. There was a shot of the view from above into the storage space below.

  13. It seemed weird with Jana- it's like they are trying to make a bigger deal for her. When they talked about the tree house it was mainly the brothers she just stood by with quiet yes or just seemed weird

    1. I was disappointed. The previews made it out to be Janas projects and ideas but she didn't do anything besides saying a tree house will be a good idea..

  14. Some of y'all just neet to lighten up, go with the flo and have a litte,laugh and be merry😉

  15. Yeah I agree, from looking at that pic it looks like a structured building/mini house! No way does it look like a tree house. Where is the tree??

    1. Yeah most people don't spent a couple thousand on a tree house..but as long as they are happy with it.

  16. Really? We have to spend south time talking about a tree house?

  17. The structure isn't very practical for kids with all those windows. Imagine all the broken glass. Maybe it would be very hot inside, also, which defeats the original purpose.

    1. If they don't break windows in the house, why would they break them in their tree house?

    2. I just meant that since this is a playhouse so the kids can get their energy out, some of the children might get too rambunctious, and then smash. I wasn't being critical. I actually love this family and what they stand for.

  18. Typing error- I meant so much time

  19. Very cute they are lucky to have had professional help

  20. I'd like to know why the Duggar's are so polarizing? Why? It seems people feel so strongly one way or another regarding every single thing they do or say. I don't see it happening with other tv families. Thoughts?

  21. Laurie makes a good point. Most tree houses don't have glass windows because they're meant for kids to be kids. This appears to be built as something different.

  22. Awesome treehouse! It's nice to see the whole family getting involved in such a large project! I'm sure it's going to get lots of use - even the adults would want to hang out there!


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