
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Recap: "Girls Hit the Road"

Jill & Jessa: Counting On "Girls Hit the Road"
  • After nearly one month of work, the older Duggar kids are ready to unveil the finished treehouse. “Sometimes I’ll come along and be like, ‘Okay, I know that’s really solid, but we might just want to make it look a little better, too,’” says Jana, as she gently critiques John-David’s work.
  • The little kids are thrilled to finally be able to play in the finished fort. “It just brings so much joy to our lives, really,” says Jana, as she watches her brothers, sisters, niece, and nephews enjoy the treehouse.
  • Jana, Anna, Jessa, Jinger, Joy, Meredith, and Spurgeon pack for a road trip to Branson, Missouri. They look forward to plenty of “undistracted girl time.”
  • Anna comes up with the idea of packing heels and seeing who can wear them the longest. She and Jinger wear heels more often than the others.
  • “Have you tried wearing heels?” Joy, who has more of a casual style than her sisters and sister-in-law, asks the cameraman. “It’s difficult.” Jessa agrees, stating that she feels like an elephant in heels.
  • Jessa and Ben have only been apart for one night since their wedding, so it’s a big deal for Jessa to go on a weekend getaway without her hubby.
  • On the way to Branson, Jana pulls over so Anna, Jessa, and Joy can climb out and attempt to corral a cow back into its pasture. They are successful! “It’s not our first time to chase cows back into a pen,” shares Jana.
  • The gals stay in the Branson Bear Log Cabin. After arriving, they catch up with Jill via video chat and are thrilled to find out that Israel had taken his first steps earlier that day. Derick had also just killed a large tarantula in their house. Before putting Israel on the floor to play, the Dillards say they have to check the area for critters.
  • At breakfast the next morning, Anna mentions that this could be the last girls trip before the next Duggar wedding. “You could always be six months away from an engagement if you’re single and over 18,” she says, smiling.
  • The gals enjoy an at-home spa day, which is something the girls used to do as kids. 
  • Anna gives an update on her marriage: “I can definitely look back on the past few months and say, it’s been a hard road, but it’s been a good road. Daily, there is going to be a lot of work…but we’ll just kind of take it one day at a time and keep trusting God and do the next right thing.”
  • The girls say that Anna has been a huge encouragement and blessing to them during the time that she has lived in their home.
  • When asked what she is looking for in a guy, Joy responds: “Somebody that loves others more than himself.”
  • When asked if she grows tired of questions about marriage, Jinger says: “I think it’s just typical. We kind of just expect it.”
  • Jana expresses her desire to marry a guy with “dirt under his nails,” rather than a guy with a desk job. “The thing is, when you’re in love, you don’t ask the guy, ‘Do you have a desk job?’” Jessa reminds her sister.
  • The ladies visit a 230-foot lookout point called Inspiration Tower, accessible by an elevator with windows. Anna and Jinger are both terrified of heights. (Jana also mentions that she has a minor fear of airplanes.) At the top, everyone is able to step outside and look over the edge.
  • The girls dress up in fancy clothing and head out to dinner. Anna and Jessa joke that they have set up blind dates for Jana, Jinger, and Joy. Jinger says she’s fine with that, as long as she can choose her date. The girls feel a little out of place at the fancy restaurant that they choose for dinner. But they all make it through the evening in heels!
  • The girls comment on the “prairie dresses”—as Jinger calls them—that they wore in the early days of their TV show.
  • “I definitely have those moments I look back and say, ‘Man, that was rough, that was a rough patch,’” admits Jessa. 
  • “Those are the embarrassing days,” shares Jana, who says she did not enjoy the poufy sleeves. 
  • “They were like bags…We wore those until I was like 12,” Joy says of the dresses she wore until her family made the switch to “normal clothes.”


  1. So tired of the girls complaining that they may not be able to find more time to be together. They live in the same house & sleep in the same bedroom! Jessa's a little bit down the road, but they are together all the time.

    1. So true. They speak as though they rarely see each other, as sisters would that live in different cities. They seem like they do absolutely everything together so how is it possible to say how great it is to get time together?

    2. Yeah but they have to babysit all the time, so while away they finally had the opportunity to just relax...i guess.

  2. "Marriage is wonderful, know..." What on Earth did Jessa mean by that?

  3. Joy said "I don't wear dresses," yet didn't we just see her in a black one in the TLC photo shoot?

    1. Sure did see her in a dress there.

    2. sure did! What does that mean anyway? She sure doesn't wear jeans or any other pair of pants.

    3. Yeah, she DID just wear that black dress but that was just for the TLC photo shoot. I think what she means by her comment is that she usually just wears skirts and shirts and dresses a bit more casual. :)

    4. That statement tells me that the whole time she was being photographed, she must have been uncomfortable. Wonder why she put up with it anyway? Don't they have any say in what they have to do for the camera?

    5. I guess that by never she didn't really mean never, but not on normal days. In elegant occasions, like at her sisters weddings, she did...

  4. That whole restaurant scene was hard to watch. They didn't know what half the foods were. They are extremely picky eaters. I guess if it's not from the menu at Chick-Fil-A, they can't be sure what it is?

    1. Don't they have leeks in Arkansas?

    2. Hey, I've never had leeks before, and I'm definitely not a picky eater. They're just young women. Had you tried every single food out there by the time you were their age?

  5. The food at the restaurant looked beautifully prepared, and the sisters and Anna all looked lovely, but the restaurant itself did not look fancy. The table they had was a little beat up, and worn along the edges. No tablecloth, just placemats. I thought that was strange.

  6. Aww Man!!!! I thought that Jessa and Anna were for reals that they were gonna bring blind dates for the girls????? It seemed like it was for reals!!!! Did TLC cut that part when the guys were gonna come out?? Or was it just a joke?????..

    1. It was just a snippet to draw interest In more viewers. Remember the Duggars don't date! They court.

  7. Are we going to hear the same questions every episode about what the want in a future partner?? Can't they show new footage for a change..

    1. We're all on the edge of our seats waiting for an announcement of some sort, so TLC likes to continue to tease us, for ratings. Aren't they nice?

  8. Hi! I really want to see all the episodes, but I live in the Netherlands. How can I watch it in the Netherlands for free? It's a petty that those episodes aren't on 'TLC Nederland' yet.

    1. You can watch them on YouTube but not under TLC's channel. Just enter it in the search bar and you'll find a couple videos, all the episodes are there. :)

  9. When/why did the family switch to "normal" clothes?

  10. "Undistracted girl time" - with 2 babies along?

    1. Babies are about as distracting as it gets! Guess they don't want to pump and freeze for times they can't be there, so they take the babies everywhere. You can stay home & be a mother there. Now there's a novel idea.

    2. What you described is why so many women choose to not have kids. Our lives should not be put on hold for a kid.

  11. They do know who is responsible for the "rough patch" of prairie dresses, don't they? They sure skirted (no pun intended) naming names last night.

  12. Just want to start out by saying that I love the duggars and they seem like great people. With that being said, the show seems super scripted and repetitive. They seem like they are being very careful about what they say and have agreed to stick to a certain script. This, in part, is understandable because of the scrutiny they have been under, but I look at this show as a way to show people who they really are. The show spends so much time debunking rumors about the girls (that they clean and cook all day). I never really noticed this until I watched the bates family show and I don't want to get into comparisons but I'll just say that the bates seem more relaxed on their show. I'd hate to see counting on taken off the air but less scripted interviews would probably help keep them on the air.

    1. The Bate's family hasn't been torn apart or ridiculed like this family. Give them a break.

    2. The Bates family have always appeared to be more relaxed in front of the camera. The Duggar children always seemed uncomfortable while interviewing. IMO

    3. The Bates parents have done far more for their daughters than the Duggers. They encourrage them to work and study before they marry- not sit and wait till the father chooses a man for them- really sad and bad parenting bythe Duggars.
      The pressure for fame and fortune and how it has become or maybe always was a priority in the Duggars life is so very disappointing.

    4. The Bates are far more spontaneous and real. The Bates parents don't control their children like the Duggars.

    5. The Duggars could learn alot about parenting from the Bates. The Bates children and spouses have already branched out much more than the Duggars. Zach graduating from Police Acadamy, Erin's music career. Lawson starting his own lawn care business at such a young age. Son-in-laws Brandon, Chad, and John all have full time jobs.
      Most all the older Bates kids have attended college, or are currently in school.
      It just makes me wonder if the Duggars are no longer on tv what will they do to support their family. TV can't last forever, I think Michelle and Jim Bob should have encouraged furthur education for the children.

  13. How is Jana's being afraid of airplanes a "fun" fact? Not a lot of "fun" in anyone's fear. And that's not quite what she said. She said she didn't really like to fly, and expressed her distrust in aircraft, as in the mechanical soundness of them and their ability to defy gravity for as long as needed. Who hasn't had that thought cross their mind while strapped in and about to take off? Yet there we sit in the plane anyway. That's a bit different than being "afraid" of airplanes.

  14. Jana, do football players get enough dirt under their nails for you?

    1. Yeah, what happened to the supposed Tim romance? Their parents were hanging out together & everything, like they were brokering a deal.

    2. What kind of a comment is that?

    3. You must not be following the Duggar news. 7:41pm. It was rumored that Tim Tebow had his eye on Jana, or vice versa, or the feeling was mutual. Pictures of the families together. Lots of speculation. And then...nothing further.

  15. Interesting that Jana said she wanted a man she could "work along side with." She didn't go into how she was going to do that when the children start coming along. Has she thought this through?

    1. Maybe she'll strap her babies to her back and continue working with her husband.

    2. OK - those slings are pretty handy & could probably hold a few kids at once if needed.

  16. Joy sure was quick to respond about finding a guy who loves others more than himself. It sounded as if she's seen examples of the opposite behavior and has already made up her mind.

  17. I liked when the girls were talking about the "prairie" dresses. They didn't like them, but I'm sure were not allowed to say so. They knew how silly they looked. I hope as they grow into their own identities--they will realize wearing a pair of jeans, a normal bathing suit, listening to Flame--all of these are not impeding their Christian Faith. It's the legalism of the "we don't " that destroys. God gave 10 Commandments. The Pharisees added about 400 extra and it became a "faith" of following rules. I have seen that with the Duggars. An initial desire to love and serve the Lord--then rule upon rule upon rule. Jesus came and fulfilled the Law.

    1. THANK YOU. Well said.

    2. I love you comment so much.

    3. This shows that you are ignorant about the Pharisees. God gave 613 commandments.

    4. How unkind to call me ignorant. The meanness of all these so called Christians on this blog is out of control. Where is it you believe God gave 613 commandments? Are you referring to all the Levitical rules? God gave 10 commandments. Jesus, although not abolishing the Law, came to fulfill the Law. We are under a covenant of Grace--not works. There is no way anyone can obey 613 commandments on a daily basis. I understand Faith without works is dead according to God's Word in the book of James, but you are mistaken about 613 commandments.

    5. Anonymous 9:34 and 9:56 -- we knew what you meant, and it was unkind for the other person to call you ignorant. People can have disagreements without being unkind… or so I thought.

  18. Jill needs to learn more about the tarantulas in her area and how they aren't anywhere near the threat she might think they are.

    1. I opened my dresser drawer this morning to find a huge spider. These things happen. I took it outside, where it can get back to work. Spiders are very helpful. No need to kill them.

    2. I thought the very same,to kill anything seems a little and respect all Gods creatures equally...i get it, hard to love a spider, but let it out dont kill the poor thing.

    3. Good for you but personally I kill spiders when I find them in the house, and if I found a tarantula, I'd probably be scared enough to shoot it, lol!

    4. That tarantula was probably on patrol, ridding the house of other bugs or critters they wouldn't want to encounter either. Tarantulas don't go out looking for humans to bite. Not a tarantula's mission.

  19. So we're supposed to believe that these kids are skilled house renovators, yet last night's treehouse reveal showed anything but, as Jana so sweetly pointed out. And that was with using a professional house builder to do the job!

  20. I was so impressed that the kids well young adults build that by them self, not sure if mine even used a Hamer before. Great job. Shuch well rounded kids, so much talent

    1. They most certainly did not build that by themselves and they even gave the name of the builder they were using.

    2. As if using a hammer is the best you can aspire to in life. It's useful, for sure, but what about studying, culture, elevating your spirit with traveling and reading? Just as an example...

  21. They really didn't need to show the part with Anna musing what it will be like when Josh is out of his "recovery" or whatever she called it. "A long road but a good road" - how does she know it's going to be good? It takes two. Maybe Josh isn't willing to work as hard as Anna thinks he will. He totally gave up on everything he believed in many times before. Maybe he's had it & isn't going to change or can't change. So then there's Anna, musing all hopeful for a happy rosy future. She may once again be blindsided, despite all her hard efforts. So why even talk about it now, on camera?

    1. I thought it was sad when she said S'mores weren't on her diet. I hope she doesn't think that dieting is the solution to keeping a man.

    2. She said it's BEEN a good road. She didn't say it will be. Seriously people. Many negative comments on here are misleading. I know they put themselves out there for the world to pick them apart but that doesn't mean it's okay to do it.

    3. LOL, I watch what I eat and I'm 18 without a man in my life! Definitely not doing it for a guy, doing it for myself and to be healthy!

  22. I cringed when I heard Anna say how much fun it was to dress a baby up with earrings. I'm a firm believer that you don't poke holes in your children for vanity's sake, especially when they have no say in the matter. You have no right to alter a baby like that for some non-medical reason like wearing earrings.

    1. My doctor's office has a notice at the front desk saying they will not pierce the ears of anyone under the age of 18. They must have enough requests to have the need to post that sign.

    2. Sorry but I strongly disagree with you. I was so mad at my mother for not doing mine as a baby. I used to pass the jewelry section in stores and almost cry. I have a phobia of needles and wanted my ears pierced so bad. I would constantly beat myself up for being a chicken. At 19 I finally got my ears pierced after about 7 trys. If I have daughters they will have their ears pierced as babies and have no recollection of the pain.

    3. The American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend ear piercing until the child is old enough to take care of the site themselves. Babies Meredith's age are at a huge risk of infection, being too young to have been immunized against tetanus, for starters. Babies with any heart problems are not supposed to get pierced ears, period, because of infection risk.

    4. The parent can clean the babies ears. That's a better idea the an elementary schooler doing it.

    5. 12:37pm, Why would you risk your baby's health for something that you yourself wanted decades ago? Maybe your baby will grow up to be "mad" that her mother pierced her ears, the way you were mad at your mother for not piercing yours? Not everyone wants holes in their earlobes. And there are definitely state laws covering body piercing of minors.

    6. You are very wrong about tetnus. As a former pediatric and health department nurse, I gave thousands of child immunizations starting at 6 weeks old. One of the first shots is a DPT which stands for Diptheria,Pertusis and TETANUS! Just saying....

    7. I totally agree. I asked to get mine pierced when I was about 8, but I'd consider that about the bare minimum. You wouldn't tattoo your child, so why on earth would you pierce them before they can have a say in the matter?

    8. Almost every girl ends up wanting her ears pierced. If I ever have a baby girl, I'm going to seriously consider having her ears pierced when she's a baby so she doesn't have to deal with it later. It really won't be any more traumatic than getting shots, and I'll be the one responsible for taking care of them.

    9. They can take them out if they hate them. They aren't permanent like tattoos and they are easy for the parent to keep clean. It's not risking her health. My goodness people get their ears pierced all the time including babies. As the former pediatric nurse above said DPT shots are given at 6 weeks. (Babies have to be 6 weeks at least to have their ears pierced) Ear piecing is not dangerous people.

    10. Gracious, don't lead people to believe that after 1 or 2 beginning tetanus shots that it's perfectly OK to take your baby to get her ears pierced! It takes more shots than that over the course of several years to build up tetanus immunity.

    11. It's not risking my baby's health. You guys can choose not to but for me my babies will have their ears pierced.

    12. Whenever anyone punches a hole or two in your body, it's a health risk! If the baby has a heart problem, maybe one you haven't detected yet, and if you introduce bacteria via a puncture, you're in for a potential major health problem. You can also have tearing, scars, ingrowth, etc.

      If we were meant to have holes in our earlobes, God would have designed them that way...

    13. About the DPT - TETANUS shots, the babies actually receive the DPT shot three times within the first year followed by another DPT with additional immunizations such as Measles,mumps and rubella around 18 months of age. After that, they recieve the DPT (tetanus, etc.) upon starting kindergarten or at 4-5 yr. old, After that they should get a tetanus shot as an adult. Most doctors believe a tetanus should be given maybe once every 10 years, unless you have a serious injury. If you get a serious injury, then the doctor would want you to get another Tetanus shot if it has been MORE than 5 years since you last had one.Also would add that it does NOT take years to build immunity from tetanus. If administered as recommended, then, YES the child or baby, in all likely hood would NOT get tetanus. The shots do provide short term protection in the beginning, then you get the shots at the pre-mentioned intervals and you will have continued protection.Would like to add - I've never heard of anyone getting tetanus from ear piercing! Guess its possible, but never heard of it.Bottom line -- the BABY IS PROTECTED FROM TETANUS!!

    14. Child gets DPT vaccination. Parent keeps child's ears clean. Doctors offices can do it with special posts that do not require regular as much cleaning and are not likely to become infected. Much ado about nothing.

    15. "If we were meant to have holes in our earlobes, God would have designed them that way." Do you feel the same way about necklaces, rings, bracelets, hair accessories, etc? We weren't born wearing them either.

    16. Or, child gets DPT vaccinations, all of them. Parents leave ears alone, because they're not the parents' own ears to decide about. Child decides later, when of legal age in the state, if he/she wants extra holes in his/her body. No ado about anything.

    17. Parent does it before child has to remember pain. Child removes earrings later if they hate them.

    18. Some of you people are acting like this is permanent plastic surgery or your cutting the child's ear off.

  23. 1. I think two of the girls and possibly John David are in or on verge of courtships. Lots of comments how could be last time together with single sisters.
    2. Jill is definitely preggers probably not announcing it because of all negative comments would receive. Dertick tweeted something a while back about protection from trials said he would enlighten later clued: Grandma Cathy visited likely to help while bad morning sickness, Derrick painted toes and made breakfast in bed and Jill said they would be home in late summer v
    3. Anna is entitled to her feelings sure she has had many negative thoughts but doesn't talk bad about her children's father. It's her business.
    4. Think contract allies parents to be in cameo shots each episode limits dialogue to comments of maybe one or two sentences.
    5. Think Jana orchestrated treehouse as kind of going away present for younger sibs so when day comes she married and leaves she will have left safe haven to play

  24. I am Christian and believe very much in forgiveness. That said, there is allowance in our Faith for a separation, and today that would need to be a civil / legal separation, between spouses if there are circumstances related to abuse and/ adultery. This does not mean remarriage to someone else. I feel very badly for Anna, she is a lovely young woman who was victimized by this young man. There is something very seriously wrong and dangerous with regard to the Duggar's eldest. I pray for his sincere repentance and acceptance of whatever penance necessary to make things right. I pray that he accept that it might mean permanent separation from his family and life as an outsider.

  25. Several times over several episodes, The girls have discussed what kind of man they would like to marry. And, having a family. Not once does anyone ever say, "In 10 years maybe I'd like to be a nurse or in a few years maybe I'd like to be a doctor, or in 10 years and like to be that the teacher." Sometime, I'd like to hear them discuss their future not just as much as what characteristics they are looking for in a husband

    1. Got very tired of all the giggling about this last night. And with Anna and Jessa trying to play matchmaker. They know that's not their territory! I couldn't believe all the pressure they were putting on those poor unmarried girls to find a man.

    2. They girls need to be more realistic about their future. Instead of staying home they could be studying or working until they get married..example erin, Alyssa and Michal bates all worked and or studied Beofre getting married! The duggars would learn about from them..

    3. I wish we could see the older Duggar children go to college, or plan for a career. What if Jana and Jinger never get married, then what?. I like the fact that the Bates family have encouraged further education, not just for the boys. Erin went to college, Michaela, and now Tori. Michaela, Erin and Alyssa all had jobs before they were married. And Erin still continues to teach piano, and she has recorded three albums. I just think these Duggar girls deserve so much more than staying around the house all day.

  26. I wish they would at least have Jim Bob and Mchelle around the house more often... It's like they don't exsist and the older kids are raising all the kids...

    1. The show's main focus is the adult children.

  27. Branson is the home of Keith Moore. When I read they were going there I thought maybe it was to his church. I would like to actually go to that church for a visit.

    1. They wouldn't go to Keith Moore. His teachings won't line up with the Duggars. He is way to progressive.

  28. I wish they'd leave poor Jinger & Joy alone about a guy. Getting married is not everything for these girls - and Anna to be asking.... yikes. And how does Jana feel being older than all of them and not married.

    1. I think the problem is that while marriage is not the end-all-be-all for many women this day and age, in the Duggar world it is. The girls are raised and trained to be wives. This has been part of the education discipline of the show from the beginning. Many women may not agree with these principles but that's part of the Duggar belief system. So it's understandable to keep wondering why Jana isn't married or when the older girls will be getting married.

  29. I found it surprising Anna thought the ideal man would be tall, dark and handsome. Would have thought she would have listed more character qualities.

  30. I have the feeling Joy would wear pants if she could! I hope she does one day!

    1. I hope she doesn't.

    2. Why not? Many have said I wear the pants in my marriage. Over 20 years strongđź’•

    3. I hope she does, too.

  31. I can't believe how negative and critical almost every comment on here is now. It's ridiculous.

    1. Agree with you. If people don't like the Duggars, why do they come here and comment on THEIR blog?

    2. It's not the Duggar's blog. It's a blog about the Duggars but unless Ellie has been adopted by J-B and M, then it's not the Duggar's blog.

      Have you seen what gets posted on their Facebook page? This site is tame by comparison.

  32. I found it rude that Jessa would ask Anna about Josh's return, especially when they are supposed to be relaxing.

    I know it's their life, but doesn't anyone else find it odd that Anna is living at her in-laws house, and more than likely doesn't have a job to support her and her 4 children. It's not like Josh is bringing in the income. And Josh I believe is supposed to have been at that rehab place for 6 months.

    1. In Jessa's defense - I think Jessa was probably told to ask Anna about Josh by TLC. Maybe as a way to let viewers know what's going on with him since its no secret that he's home now.

  33. Did anyone notice how crowded the girl's room is? There's a clothes rack, and other things on the floor to accommodate Anna and her 4 kids. There were 9 girls in there before, then Jill and Jessa married,so that went down to 7, but now there's 12 people in there with Anna and her kids joining the 7 girls left.

    1. Yes, that room sure has changed since the redecoration. Who knows where Anna's boys are. They could be across the house in the boys' room or they could be adhering to the post-Josh rule about younger ones not being around older ones.

      I would hope by now that if Josh is back, they are out of that house & into the last one Jill & Derick lived in. Not the big white house, but the big brick one the parents bought on the property next door. Last seen housing Jill & Derick, and a lot of the interviews were taped there (dark staircase house). The house Josh was fixing up to live in changed hands very suddenly after the news last summer, before anyone could put a claim on it.

  34. Lily and Ellie, Will you be posting this episode on here for viewers to watch? I would love to see their fancy clothing. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi there!

      The best way to watch the episodes is to purchase them on iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon.

      Thanks for being a loyal reader. :)
      Lily and Ellie

  35. I could see in Anna's eyes she is very unsure about Josh as he returns to her and his children. I think she is quite unsure if he really is remorseful and truly wants to come back to her and his family

  36. Did they call Spurgeon "Spur-jee" or "Spur-gee" or something like that, several times?

    1. They do call him Spurgy..just a Izzy for Isreal.

    2. Sounded like it. Guess those are the new nicknames.

  37. I am taken aback at how snarky, critical and mean spirited the majority of these comments are. It is normal for mothers of babies to bring them everywhere. Not everyone is raised as a foodie so leeks may very well be a new experience for them. Tim Tebow rumors were tabloid fluff. Give these people a break please. Watch or don't watch. It seems like people only want to tear them down.

  38. This episode brought a few close tears to my eyes. It's just all so different! Gods name was mentioned only twice and that was it just His name not as in what He is doing in their lives type of way. I was hoping to see the girls pray before they set out on their trip or before they ate. I felt as if they were quickly skipping through any talk about their faith. I so much enjoyed when they used to speak more direct about their faith in God. It was always so inspiring and uplifting. He is rarely mentioned anymore and it makes me sad.
    Why all the talk about finding a man? This was odd for Duggar family. We all know ( or have been told so many times) that if anyone is interested in any of the children they need to speak to JimBob first. End of story. I feel so confused with this family nowadays it's not like before when they explained for the viewers all there ideas, reasons and convictions which gave a lot of us hope and promise that we weren't the only ones with these ideals. But now everything is so worldly with them. Please Duggars don't let the world pull you in!! Stay true to who you are and what you've always shown us. Or was it all a lie?

    1. I believe this is who they are. Everyone seems so disappointed as if the " world" has changed them. Honestly--what family would fight to keep their TV show going in spite of all that has happened if they weren't enticed by fame and money. I think what we are seeing are the real Duggars.

  39. everyone think about how much God has done for you and that you dont know the duggars before wrighting a comment. negativity doesnt help anything.


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