
Monday, March 21, 2016

Jessa's Turkey Recipe

"It's okay if you don't know what you're doing. As long as you use lots of butter, it'll turn out okay." (Jessa Seewald)

On last weeks episode, Jessa prepared two turkeys for her Duggar family fall feast. A few of you asked for her recipe, so here you go! She found it on Food Network. Watch the video below, and click here to view the written recipe. Jessa also added slices of butter underneath the skins of the turkeys.

Thanksgiving Turkey with Holiday Rub
Recipe courtesy of Patrick and Gina Neely/Food Network

Photo courtesy TLC; video courtesy


  1. I am confused as to why Jessa prepared the Thanksgiving turkeys, since she gave birth weeks before and had significant blood loss. The media keeps reporting how much Jana and siblings are helping her yet she has to prep and cook 2 turkeys. God Bless her!

    1. She chose to its not like they made her I applaud her for even hosting that especially with a newborn just under month you guys should not be so hard on this family like us they are human and not perfect and never once claimed to be

    2. It seemed more that she wanted to rather than she had to.

    3. I agree. Silly to make Jessa do so much, after such a difficult birth.

    4. So Jessa's a tough cookie and bounces back fast. It's not like she was limping around that kitchen, too weak to pick up the turkey pan. Sometimes I just have to shake my head and "lol!" at these comments!

    5. Jessa is a strong and honest person. I'm sure she wouldn't have done this if she wasn't up to it. Can't wait to try this recipe.

  2. I thought one of her turkeys looked "herb-y" and the other one looked like it had been sprinkled with paprika, or something red in color. Nothing in that recipe is red.

    But really, you don't need a "recipe" for turkey, especially if you're using those cooking bags. Just follow the instructions on the package of cooking bags, and go by the weight on the turkey's tag. Or follow the instructions on the turkey wrapper. Everyone tries to make cooking turkeys so complicated, but there's nothing to it. You don't need anything under the skin - no butter. But you do need to remember to shake flour in the cooking bag & slit it, and not have it touch the oven sides. Jana was the only one who had any cooking sense in that episode.

  3. I would like to know how Jessa got the butter under the skin still in the form she cut it. I didn't know turkey skin was that loose.

  4. I've been cooking Thanksgiving and Christmas turkeys for over 50 years, and have never used a recipe. The cooking time & temp will be right on the turkey bag. Just take the bits & pieces out of the bird, rinse it out, and put it in the pan in a 325 oven, tented loosely with foil til the last 45 minutes or so if you want it to brown up & look pretty. Turkeys these days are injected with so much water (brine mix) that you don't need to baste or add butter.

  5. ''Lots of butter'' is definitely not healthy for any person

    1. No it's not, but this was a special holiday meal. Don't you eat special treat foods at holidays?

    2. Our family always splurges at the holidays too.

  6. You bounce back pretty fast after that. I hemmoraged with my last and made an entire Thanksgiving dinner alone while caring for 6 children 5 days later.

  7. The feast looked yummy! But I wonder why they called it a 'Fall Feast' when it was obviously a Thanksgiving feast, especially since the family went around expressing why they were grateful?

  8. Probably because moms can't be stopped sometimes, no matter the ailment! God Bless her, with out this post, I'd have no idea how to cook a turkey this year (I'll be postpartum 3 weeks this coming Thanksgiving!)

  9. I guess Jessa doesn't care about her cholesterol if she thinks using a lot of butter is OK.

    1. Split between the 20-something people that were there, I don't think that butter's going to kill anyone.

  10. So much butter. Everything in moderation, Jessa!

    1. Come on, it's a holiday meal!

  11. i noticed that everyone referred to the dinner as a 'fall feast' 99% of the time. do they celebrate 'thanksgiving' also, or is it the same? my kids went to a southern baptist school & they did a thanksgiving dinner at the school where parents are invited. my people believe you should be thankful for every meal & not have just 1 day of thanksgiving. wondering if they also have the same mindset?

    1. I don't think most of us who celebrate Thanksgiving see it as the only day we give thanks.

  12. Oooo thanks I need a few new recipes!
    Lily if you have a turkey recipe too it would be great if you wrote a post about it on your blog!

  13. Excited for the next episode!

  14. There's an old clip of the when Jessa planned the "dinner theater" for her parents that showed Jessa saying that she was used to cooking "big pots of spaghetti" and that she had been cooking supper "just about every day since I started courting 5 months ago." And now she claims she only cooks a few times a month and doesn't know how to cook very well? What happened??

    1. Obviously that cooking practice didn't work out very well.

    2. I know right? You would think she'd have a lot more practice after a year of marriage too.

  15. You might consider putting your hair back when you cook.

  16. I thought she was really funny!To be honest those turkeys looked delicious !!!I love seeing Jessa glowing now that she's a mom.I think it's great she's breast feeding too!

  17. I ❤️ Duggar family!So happy they are back!

  18. I think it's so nice that Jessa wants to adopt!She is becoming such a great woman!Love her and she's gorgeous!Very naturally beautiful!Shes lucky!


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