
Friday, November 13, 2015

The Adorable Spurgeon Elliot Seewald

Spurgeon Elliot Seewald was born last Thursday, November 5th, to Jessa and Ben Seewald. The first-time parents waited until this week to settle on a name for their son, saying that they wanted to give him one that would suit him for the rest of his life. Jessa and Ben announced the official name on Wednesday evening. To hear the Seewalds explain the reasoning behind their unique choice, check out our last post.

Here is a picture of little Spurgeon at one week old:

Spurgeon Elliot Seewald

Photo courtesy


  1. He is soo cute! God bless you all.

  2. The ironic thing is that this baby was named after someone who's name was
    Charles! That is just an ordinary, everyday name for a boy! Spurgeon was his last
    name. I agree that the baby is adorable!

    1. I have a Charles. I don't find the name ordinary or everyday in our time. It's a strong name and he's named after his daddy.

    2. Charles is a very common name. I think that's what they meant by ordinary.

  3. I love it!😍 ah! He's so cute!😃 -SO

  4. Soooooooooo precious!!!

  5. He`s adorable! And I LOVE the hat. Too cute.
    (P.S. Lily and Ellie, I love the new header.)

  6. What a beautiful baby.
    So like jessa
    Hope you getting better jessa

  7. Oh so adorable!! He's beautiful!
    What a blessing from the LORD:)

  8. Awwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! Spurgeon is ADORABLE!!!!!

  9. I know the patents prayerfully deliberated over this name that they eventually chose for their baby. But I think it's probably a good thing he won't be in public school. Kids can be so cruel about names.

  10. cute baby, not a fan of his name......if they wanted to name him after important people, why didn't they use their first names instead of their last names ?

    1. It seems like many babies, especially girls, are given last names as their first names. Presley, Madison, Bailey, Hayden, Raegan, Bentley, Bridger, Hunter, Oliver and Carter are just a few names I know given to family and friends children in the last few years.

    2. Their baby . . . Their name . . .

    3. I totally agree with you, but I think that thy probably wanted a very unique name.since he is named after Charles spurge on they wanted to use spurge on because Charles is pretty common! Just a guess tho!

    4. Agreed. Why not Charles.

  11. Oh my goodness!!!! Can this little guy be any more handsome?????!!!!!
    I think his name is very unique and it says a lot about how much thought jessa and Ben put into naming thier baby. It's a strong name with lots of meaning behind it and wether or not the public likes it, it's his name forever ( and not our baby to name!!!).
    My guess is that he will be called Quincy though. Which is perfectly fine. My first born sons birth name is Bailey and everyone calls him by nickname which is Mo ( short for monkey Mo which is what my husband and I nicknamed him before he was born.
    I do hope jessa is able to get in some extra rest over the next little bit. Recovering from a hemmorhagic episode after birthing a big baby is harder than it seems!

  12. Baby Quincy's hat is too cute. He is gorgeous.

  13. Beautiful baby and interesting name. Thank you Ellie for the update on blog pics.

  14. The baby is adorable. This Pastor was an anti Catholic hater. As a Catholic who always supported the family we are very hurt and insulted that the Seewalds would honor this bigot by naming their son after him. What happened to Christian tolerance Ben and Jessa? We will no longer follow or show any interest in this family. Isn't there enough religious bigotry in the world without honoring a bigot from the past.
    Joan and Marion

    1. You're going to stop following the Duggars because of what one of them named her child?

    2. Thank you Joan and Marion for your comment. Ben and Jessa's baby is adorable and precious who will be a wonderful addition to their family. I'm thankful for your comment because as a Catholic woman, I stand with you and agree with your stance on the bigotry that should not exist among Christians. It was the Catholic Church that brought Christianity to the world after all. God bless you! Jane

    3. I agree with you, so sad.

    4. I agree as well. Catholics are Christians just as are those of Protestant faiths. We should be unified and uphold each other as believers , not tear one another down.

    5. of you are for religious tolerance you ought to tolerate their choice and religion, non?

    6. I completely agree. I, too, am a devout Catholic. I love The Lord and know whom my Savior is. I have read and somewhat tolerated all the anti-Catholic rhetoric coming from Ben , Jessa and the Duggar family as a whole because of the unity I felt with them in honoring family, children , motherhood etc. After reading the blatant hatred Charles Spurgeon spouted against Catholics,and knowing how this family truly hates Catholics I will no longer support their shows. It makes me incredibly sad.

    7. I agree with you. It's really a shame that theit precious bundle of joy is named after someone so intolerant. As a Catholic woman, I, too, find this upsetting and will no longer be following.

    8. Also, I read Ben's Facebook post (now deleted) about how Catholics have the wrong beliefs and are not truly Christians. I was terribly offended, but when he deleted the post, I gave him the benefit of the doubt thinking he realized he was misinformed about our faith. But this name choice shows their true beliefs. It's a shame, really :(

    9. That is cray cray thinking. Why are you so bitter? I think some people can find fault with anything... sheesh

    10. The Catholic Church did not bring Christianity to the world. Christ did.

  15. Interesting name. My mom and I think he's adorable. My mom loves the hat.

  16. Charles Surgeon was not against Catholics but against what Catholics believe. The Bible says that you are saved by grace through faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9). Charles Spurgeon loved all men's souls, including Catholics, and he realized that they need Christ's salvation as much as any body else does.

  17. Elliott Spurgeon is just as meaningful and way more functional for the child.

  18. #CUTE!!! Keep in mind Jessa and Ben may be supportive and kind to other Christian denominations, but it dosent mean they will plan their child's name around them (:

  19. Charles Spurgeon was very anti-Catholic. As a Catholic, I'm very hurt by their name choice but not too surprised given the anti-Catholic remarks Ben made.

    1. It is just a name. And that is there beliefs if you don't like it please stop following them. And do not post rude comments.

  20. Besides, today most people have no idea who the people they named them after even are. Maybe other Baptist Christians do, but he'll constantly have to explain who he's named after.

  21. Them duggar girls push out some big boys, eh?

  22. Charles Spurgeon was a man of God who all Christians should admire, definitely not a bigot by any means.

  23. Beautiful baby with a great, strong name! Good choice Ben and Jessa!

  24. Adorable pic of baby Spurgeon. He is so cute.

  25. He is a very sweet baby But this whole thing was rather too much

  26. @AnonymousYou bring up a valid point. Thank you for posting your opinion. I have to agree that, in an ecumenical spirit, this seems an odd choice of names. We are one body in Christ - all Christians.

  27. Maybe they don't realize the entire story behind the person. Either way Quincy is cute and appears to be very healthy.

  28. God bless baby seewald so cute! both israel and Meredith look beautiful too. I want a baby boy badly I hope God can bless with me with a son. Congratulations Ben and Jessa and the duggar family and seewald family with their first grandson.

  29. God bless baby seewald so cute! both israel and Meredith look beautiful too. I want a baby boy badly I hope God can bless with me with a son. Congratulations Ben and Jessa and the duggar family and seewald family with their first grandson.

  30. Obviously, Ben and jessa prayed about the name for their baby so it's obvious that God led them to this decision. All the people on here who are, in poor taste, criticizing the name, need to remember that. Who are you to question the choice of names that God led them to? Remember that.

  31. Absolutely beautiful child!
    just read some of Charles Spurgeon's bigotted against Catholicism. Now I know where Ben gets his anti-Catholic sentiments from. Very sad and misguided. Of all the great heroes of the faith its really too bad they chose to honor him.
    wishing you all the best regardless. Peace

    1. Not into religion at all, I have seen too much hurt done in the name of I am not understanding why religion to want anything to do with it.Not understanding why anyone would think god told them what name to choose.

    2. Regardless of the religious undertones of the name, it is a huge legacy for a small boy to live up to. So much pressure for a little boy, I think.

  32. What a sweet beautiful little boy!!!!!

  33. Elliot would have been a much better choice. They could have used the other name as a middle name. I think its a bit mean (in general) to name children after someone because that almost forces the kid to feel the need to live up to the person they were named after, instead of becoming their own person.

  34. Can i say this to nimber 14: Isn't there enough hate on this planet already? My world is shocked right now about the news from the teribble things that happend in Paris..... why this reaction to this couple. It's their decision to name their child Spurgeon Elliot.

  35. @Anonymous

    Agree. I doubt Ben and Jessa actually knew that though. Which is sad because they are "public figures" and had an opportunity to have a strong POSITIVE message with this name instead of a negative one.

  36. Adorable baby and I love his names, it will remind him to follow the heros of our faith. I also love the new header. I like the blue color much better than the green.

  37. I love him! BABY QUINCY is adorable!!!

  38. He is adorable
    I can't decide what picture is cuter this one or the one you chose for the header

  39. He looks like a Seewald, i thought for sure he would look like another Duggar.I think its just ridiculous that so many people are bashing his name.Do people even think that he will probably read those comments some day. No matter what name they would have chosen , there would be those who would find fault in that name too...remember Jill, they did the very same to her, such a livin shame.How would some of you like it if you put your name and families names out there for the world to judge and see how it makes you feel whe people criticize that name.It makes me so sad, be happy and supportive for this young lovely couple.

    1. Ok. Here you go: Elizabeth, Roy, Steven, Christopher, Anthony and Isabelle.

  40. Amy Tucker ( Krum, Texas )November 14, 2015 at 11:39 AM

    I can't wait to see what he looks like in a couple of weeks so we can start telling who he looks like! He's precious!

  41. This poor little man is going to get teased at school. I wish people would think about the child before naming them. He is adorable.

    1. He will most likely be homeschooled anyway

  42. Beautiful baby boy! God bless him! I think the name Elliot Quincy Seewald would have been adorable! But his name Spurgeon is a unique name you don't hear it often.

    1. There's a reason why you dont hear it often and you probably wont hear again in your lifetime. Just saying...

  43. Beautiful baby boy, God Bless him! I think the name Elliot Quincy Seewald would have been perfect for the little one.. But his name Spurgeon is unique and different..

  44. Spurgeon is such a beautiful baby and what a great name to give Charles Spurgeon writings and sermons

  45. i figured you two would be getting a lot of hints to update the header and it looks like you were ahead of the game! it looks fantastic! and the updated pics are great. thanks for all your hard work

  46. He is gorgeous like his Daddy. Jessa your son is such a cutie pie. I pray you are doing better. God Bless You Both with your son.

  47. Thank you so much for posting such a lovely picture of your son. He is so adorable. Congrats to you both. Looking forward to more pictures. The best to all of you. Have a wonderful day.

  48. Spurgeon is a beautiful baby! It is hard to find the right name for a child,but I know you thought long and hard about a name that would honor him.

  49. I think Jessa will lead this child with a loving hand.Ben seems like a very loving husband. They will be very caring parents.

  50. Why is anyone calling him Quincy when he has been named Spurgeon? People name their children all kinds of names, and after different people. There's Moonbeam, Saint Lazlo, Bronx, Seven, and hundreds of other names that are considered out of the ordinary. Ben and Jessa have a healthy baby boy. Be happy for them.

  51. The poor child will spend his whole life spelling his name to everyone. It is frustrating. I have done it for 58 years. Yes I appreciate the thought my Dad put into naming me but he did not realize the repurcussions for me lifelong. I have my children simple names. Spurgeon is a beautiful baby

  52. Love Jessa and Ben, but for the life of me, can't imagine why they would saddle a cute little baby with a name that he will get teased for the rests of his life. It might be "strong" to them, but to kids and everyone else, it is just a horrible name.....sorry if people think that I'm being cruel, but most people would say that, I'm sure. it is their baby to name what they want, thus it is only my opinion and they can do whatever they want as I'm sure they have done all their lives. Being in the spotlight makes me think they are going "Hollywood" with choosing a name like the "stars" choose....unusual and weird. Oh well, maybe his looks will outweigh his name and he can be a "fighter" and defend his name.

  53. He looks just like a baby Winston Churchil

  54. Congratulations! He is a beautiful little one.

  55. I wonder what they'll use for a nickname, because Spurgeon sure is a mouthful! Handsome baby!

  56. If the Spurgster reads these comments some day, he'll wonder why his parents didn't take our advice and change his name!!

  57. He DOES look like Churchill!!

  58. He's a real cutie but poor little Spurgeon is going to have to be a fighter with a name like that

  59. I just read your book:Growing Up Duggar It's all about relationships. I am just like you dressing modestly and i wear Jeans instead of skirts. My boyfriend and i had a courtship and we just got engaged on 10-5-2015. My 25th b-day!!! I thank god every day for my love and keep teaching others about him!!!!

  60. Yes, I'm sure God told them to use the name Spurgeon.

  61. Love those chubby cheeks! I think he looks like Ben, for now anyway

  62. A beautiful and wonderful gift!!!! God bless!!!!!

  63. He is adorable but I'm not a fan of his first name a all. I think he will be teased because of it. It would have been better to name him Charles Elliott. If I were him growing up, I'd never let anyone know what my real first name was and I'd insist on being called Elliott!

  64. Such a handsome little guy with a name loving chosen by his loving parents. Please stop being so negative! They do not need anyone's approval or disapproval for the choices they make for their child. (I am sure you negative people did not ask anyone if they approved of your choices!) Jessa and Ben should be commended for taking the time to choose a name they feel fits their son! They need love and support and positivity not negativity. This is their baby and should not be ridiculed for their choice!

  65. He is a cutie.. God bless your family with a healthy baby boy.He has two great parents.

  66. @Anonymous
    here is a few more last that were given as first names: Finley, Harper, and Hunter. Do you remember Lisa Marie Presley name twins girls finley and Harper

    1. But they are all nice sounding names. I don't think anyone is complaining that it is a last name or an unusual name. The complaints are that its difficult to spell, difficult to pronounce and just unattractive sounding.

  67. He's so handsome. God bless y'all

  68. Frist thing first such a very Handsome boy. od bless you And congrats... Second his name is perfect for him..For one reason is you picked it for him with gods help..Second I want to know why people are calling him Quincy? As who he looks like ...He looks like himself some of each of them....I have 2 kids my daughter looks more like her dad and my son looks more like me... but the both look like them

  69. What an adorable little boy!!!! but his name- ouch....... I think in the long run he isn't going to be to happy with that.... But hay- your kid. And he's a cute one!!!!

  70. He is so cute :) I can't wait to see him grow up ! Y'all are very blessed to have such adorable babies n ur family ��

  71. Absolutely love both his names!!! I'm reading Charles Spurgeon Gems in my devotions and he is a powerful man of God! Loved the missionaries Elliot as a kid! Your lil man have two wonderful names who were followers of God. What a great history in his names! Congrats on lil Spurgeon,enjoy the precious bundle from God!

  72. Why are you anonymous? What is your name then? What is your evidence? He was against Catholic doctrine but never encouraged any meanness against Catholics? Give me some proof and tell me what he did to make him a Catholic hater? Then Christ and Paul were Catholic haters too!

    1. Just read any of his works. Christ and Paul were not Catholic haters; Christ formed the beginning of the Catholic Church which was later carried on by St. Peter (under Christ's direction). If you have any other questions please ask. I'm happy to clarify the misinformation that exists about my faith.

  73. @AnonymousYes. If they have no respect for my religion and beliefs,why should I support them. They haven't been taught to respect all religious beliefs. Marion

  74. Beautiful and handsome little man!

  75. If they wanted to name the baby after Charles Spurgeon, why not name him Charles. Maybe the Duggares are starting to get a little Hollywood, lol. Hollywood celebrities always give their kids "unique" names. But I guess they can name their baby whatever they want. The baby is such a cutie!

  76. Congratulations jessa on having your baby boy

  77. Congratulations jessa on having your baby boy

  78. Please spell God with a capital "G".

  79. He is adorable! Congratulations Ben and Jessa! And BTW the Catholic church didn't bring Christianity to the world, Christ did when he built his church and it wasn't the Catholic church! This "Tolerance" is ruining America. If you don't like the name then don't use it for your kid, leave them alone. Again he's a cutie!

    1. That really has nothing to do with the issue. The issue that people are referring to is that Christians have named their child after a person who was intolerant of other Christians. By doing this they are basically making a statement that they are anti Catholic which is not too cool in this day and age.

  80. I know you named your baby after Charles Haddon Spurgeon(his last name}.
    I was checking baby names in a book store recently,and found out that the name Spurgeon is listed as a boy's name.
    Just wanted to let you know-if you don't know already.
    May God continue to bless you and your precious little Spurgeon.

  81. Yes, Jesus instituted the Catholic Church as a result of his crucifixion and resurrection. The "birthday or the Catholic Church" occurred in the upper room 40 days after Easter when Jesus appeared to the Apostles. He said, "receive the Holy Spirit", and the Roman Catholic Church considers this event the "birthday of the Catholic church, 40 days after Easter, the ORIGINAL Easter Sunday. This religion is the original religion to bring forth Christianity to the world from this faith and Church, all other Christian faith broke off and began their own church, which were founded by men on earth. Look it up. Thank you.

  82. Congratulations to your little family. He is very handsome. He also shares a birthday with my little niece who was also born that day.

  83. In my opinion he is one of the prettiest Duggar babies, aside from Anna's children. I just think of all the trouble little Spurgeon might encounter learning to spell his own name. It might be inspirational but what a mouth full for a 5 year old. Thank God he will most likely be homeschooled. Only adults will have respect for a name like this.

  84. Anonymous #6: then what church was it? Yes, it was the Catholic church, as it began directly with Saint Peter, who Christ said, "thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church"...He was the first pope, with hands on directly by Jesus. Everyone knows this. Please check your facts.

  85. at Least Jessa's Labor was 22 hours shorter than Jill's labor was. Jessa's was labor was only 48 hours compare to Jill's 70 hours labor

  86. @Amy Tucker ( Krum, Texas ) I think he
    looks like Ben in this picture,
    but remember, they change almost
    daily when they are this young.


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