
Friday, October 30, 2015

Duggars Headed to Canada?

After traveling to Europe in 2011 and Asia in 2012, the Duggars are scheduled to make a trip up north to meet fans in Canada.

In April 2015, the Alberta Home Education Association (AHEA) announced that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar had been invited to be keynote speakers at the organization's April 2016 convention.

When news of the mistakes Josh Duggar made as a teenager went public in May, AHEA announced that the Duggars would still speak at the 2016 convention, after much consideration and review of members' feedback.

In light of recent news, the organization announced on its website yesterday that leadership is reviewing the speaker lineup once again and will reach a decision soon.

The 2016 AHEA convention takes place on Friday, April 8th, and Saturday, April 9th, at Westerner Park in Red Deer, Alberta, which is located in Western Canada. Visit the AHEA website to register.

Photo courtesy


  1. It would be awesome if you guys came up to our neck of the woods! I do a radio show on the Christian station here in Red Deer. Would it be possible to have you guys in to talk about the conference and your faith journey? I can be reached at I'd love to work something out. Blessings! (I'm a fan, so I'm not looking to do any "hard hitting" slash job. I promise!)

  2. The Duggars are good people and praying for them and that Jessa has a healthy baby. Miss seeing them on tv and always think of them they are always in my heart and prayers. Hoping that they can be back on tv again and feel that their rights were violated as the records should have remained sealed. Have a safe trip to Canada and be well love and hugs to all. God Bless and never give up.

  3. You should come to New Brunswick, Canada, this is a beautiful province specially in the fall.......
    would really like to meet your family, been watching your show since it first aired and miss watching lots......

  4. I'm so glad the shifts are posting about the whole family again. xoxoxo

  5. I do hope you can start your speaking and touring parts of your life up again. It seems as though Canada might be better at forgiveness and understanding them we in USA are. We'll see.xoxo

    1. As a Canadian, I can state that not everyone in Canada is happy about the Duggars; the consensus of the majority of those commenting on the media apear upset and have negative views about the visit. The homeschooling association that asked them to come is at the provincial level, not federal, only within Alberta, which is one of the remaining strongly Conservative provinces. Canada us quite liberal overall, and the reaction at the federal level as not been positive or favourable. I'm not here to say whether their visit is good or bad; just sharing a take on what the media in Canada is reporting.

    2. I am in Ontario and there would be a lot of interest here if you came! I'm a fan! Canada is a huge country! If you are just going to Alberta though... I wouldn't make it... would likely be about a 40 hour drive. I'd be closer to the states!

  6. I do hope that they will be able to speak at the conference. As the family has been on TV for many years, people are familiar with them. Joshua Duggar has made some pretty poor decisions that have come to light, but he is in rehab now and is hopefully making strides in his therapy. I pray for them, and especially Anna and her children. I do hope the Duggar's are moving forward with their lives and enjoying their grand babies.

  7. No way! That was my first thought. But hey, that's awesome they still get to come to Canada. Not my province, but looking forward to seeing reports. Not sure how the weather is in April in Alberta, but in parts of the prairies, April can still be winter. Make sure you bring your extra leggings/stockings to wear under your skirts.

  8. It will be interesting on the outcome of their decision.
    Prayers for the family and hope's treatment is beginning to help provide the tools to manage.

  9. So glad to hear the Duggars are still out there doing what they do best. I miss seeing them on TV and wish TLC would reconsider putting them back on, minus Josh off course. I'm afraid what he did, and apparently continues to do, is unacceptable. But the rest off the family should not be punished because of his actions. Great blog, keep up the good work!!

  10. I am glad they are coming to Alberta, but it's unfortunate they are only stopping in Red Deer. Hope they have a chance to experience the true Alberta, such as beautiful Banff and Canmore in the Rocky Mountains, what Alberta is known world-wide for!

  11. Out of all the places they could have chosen to visit in Canada- Montreal, Toronto, the beautiful West Coast of Vancouver and Vancouver Island, they choose Red Deer. In the middle of nowhere in the Prairies. Hope they at least get a chance to visit the Rocky Mountains and the beautiful surrounding towns!

  12. Please stop the punishment to the whole family for the mistakes of one person , there are many among us that have committed a young boys crime , and many that have cheated on their wives . This family has suffered enough , punish the abuser not the victims .

  13. i do not belive the tings that Josh did or didnt do should effect what the parents and siblings are allowed to do !!

  14. I am glad to hear they are out and about. We have so much to learn from them.

  15. Could you please come to Windsor ontario canada would love to meet you.

  16. The sins of the son are not the sins of the parents.

    1. Agree, we cann't condemn the whole family members just because one did!I love the duggar family no matter what,I just pray God to help them to overcome this situation that I know for sure God will give them the victory...may God bless the duggar family!!!

  17. So excited! Where else are they going?!!

  18. I so wished that I could be there to hear their speeches. A great leader is not one that doesn't meet adversity but deals with and becomes wiser on how to deal with situations.

  19. @Susan HarveyTLC should still add Josh despite what he did as a juvenile. He learned his lesson. They should put the Duggars on plus Josh.

    1. Agree everybody can commit a sin but if you really regret and ask Jesus to forgive you, please put the duggars family back including josh!

    2. Yes, they should no matter what. He's only human.

  20. I hope they decide not to have the Duggars here. I don't think it would be a good idea

  21. U should come to pei. It's so beautiful here and I would love to meet you.

  22. You're family should really come to Québec! Would love to meet some of you! Québec happens to be where I live. :)

    God bless you all!

  23. I hope they can still speak. But we shouldn't say "mistake". That sounds like it's a little thing. It's a serious problem that needed to be addressed. We learn from this. But please don't make it sound like it was a small thing

  24. Thrilled to know the Duggars can still afford to travel.

    1. If they're traveling to give a talk somewhere, chances are the organization who invited the Duggars to speak pay for their flight.

  25. It is amazing to see you guys growing beyond the trial that was sent by the enemy. I see God's favor still continuing in your lives. God is so much bigger than these ridiculous satanic media drones looking to make money off of embarrassing people. God bless your family in these end days!!

  26. they said jim bod and michelle not the whole family

  27. Yes, Duggar Parents, Speak! Anomaly happens to any family! We are Human . We have faults. We are all imperfectly flawless and u know why!

  28. Glad you are continue ing life's work, we need to hear your message

  29. Why is everyone punishing a whole family for what one did? If your child murdered someone you wouldn't want to be punished for it. Rant over.

    1. I KNOW...Can you just imagine if we were blamed for our families mistakes, heck, i would be in big trouble as well as the rest of the world. No one has a perfect family member...if they do i sure would like to meet this divine being.

  30. Do not blame the rest of the family for what Josh did. Praying for you all, and for Josh.

  31. I'm a Christian, Canadian home schooler of ten years and I feel like this homeschool association has made a big mistake. I don't have anything against the Duggars, but the home school curriculum they use is very cult-like. I have major issues with some of the teachings on sexual abuse (documents from the curriculum can be seen online and I have read them). Bill Gothard has had many, many accusations of sexual misconduct against him and now some of these ladies are taking him to court. I believe they are telling the truth. Throughout the accusations, Bill Gothard being forced to step down etc. I see no sign of the Duggars distancing themselves from this organisation. For this reason I hope the Alberta association cancels the Duggar appearance, as having them keynote this conference makes Canadian home schoolers look bad.

  32. Jim Bob and Michelle, I did send an e-mail to the president at AHEA to give my support. It seems like they have made a decision to go forward with you as guest speakers. Awesome!

    I thought of your family after reading a devotional in "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young (Oct. 28) I'd like to share it. It's so right on, not just for you but all of us who know Jesus personally.

    "Do not expect to be treated fairly in this life. People will say and do hurtful things to you, things that you don't deserve. When someone mistreats you, try to view it as an opportunity to grow in grace. See how quickly you can forgive the one who has wounded you. Don't be concerned about setting the record straight. Instead of obsessing about other people's opinions of you, keep your focus on Me. Ultimately, it is My view of you that counts. As you concentrate on relating to Me, remember that I have clothed you in My righteousness and holiness. I see you attired in these radiant garments, which I bought for you with My blood. This also is not fair; it is pure gift. When others treat you unfairly, remember that My ways with you are much better than fair. My ways are Peace and Love, which I have poured out into your heart by My Spirit." Col 3:13; Isa. 61:10;;Eph. 1:7-8; Rom. 5:5 I loved the part where it says "it is My view of you that counts"!
    His Blessings,
    Sandy B.

  33. What drives me crazy, is all the people who dont realize that the Duggars were millionaires before the show.They had all that realestate and that cell phone tower well before the show. They were financially stable before all this ,and they will continue to be well after, reguardless if they come back to TV or not.People believe heresay or the rag tag magazines/sites and not actual facts. Anyways, i hope TLC films this trip for a future special.

  34. @Anonymous

    That's true! But, on the other side, would you allow said murderer's parents to speak at a conference about how to raise your children? Not that I'm stating an opinion either way, but I can see why people wouldn't want them there.

  35. I am outraged that people who view any member of the LGBT community as sinners, should be allowed a public forum to speak in Canada at an education forum. The Canadian education system promotes - in fact insists on - tolerance for, acceptance of, and inclusion of any and all cultural and social diversities. Shame on you Alberta. Shame on the people who organized this conference. Shame on any parent or educator who attends this Keynote address and allows their hypocritical message to be heard. If you check on the U.S. Speakers website you will see they charge between ten and twenty THOUSAND dollars (U.S. $) to speak. How can any organization, who is familiar with their philosophy, allow them to profit from this? Stay home, Duggars. We do not need your homophobic attitude here, and certainly not in an education context. I am, as I said, outraged.

    1. These are christian homeschoolers organizing the event... not a public school!

    2. As a Canadian I can say Alberta Home Educators do not represent all Canadian up north. Not all of us are liberal and not all of us think we are better. It can happen in any family. Our God's sovereign hand has said no to a speaking engagement at this time and so just move on. God never wastes opportunity to teach us all through these times. Let us focus on our own walk and our own children. Sin is lurking at the door. We need to teach and learn from these situations, not mock it.

  36. The Duggars have been removed from AHEA website and are no longer being mentioned as speakers. I would assume that they will no longer be speaking - honestly I'm not surprised.

  37. Sadly the visit to Canada has been canceled :(

  38. They are not coming. The organizers cancelled them.

  39. @brrymrl

    Brrymrl, the AHEA have listened to the concerns of Canadians, especially their own members, and have canceled the Duggars.

  40. I just found out that AHEA cancelled the Duggars to speak at the conference.
    It seems they recanted and decided not to let them speak due to the overwhelming negative response.
    I do hope this will give the Duggars some introspect and time to reflect on personal matters.
    I also hope that eventually the Duggars will be allowed to share their journey during these crazy times-SOMETHING positive has to come out of all of this negative.........

  41. News release for November 1, 2015
    AHEA Announcement to Alberta home educators, the media, and the public:
    After carefully considering all of the input from you, Alberta home educators, the Alberta Home Education Association has decided to cancel the speaking engagement of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar for our 2016 convention.
    Although early feedback from our members this summer was supportive of having the Duggars come here, recent feedback from our own members points out that their appearance here would not be in the best interests of home educators.
    Our members also pointed out that, as the Duggars would have been giving only two talks (of the more than 40 talks available), their presence would have been only a small part of the convention and that the Duggar’s philosophy is not representative of AHEA as a whole.
    One of our previously scheduled speakers, Chris Butler of the RCMP, will still be presenting his session on preventing child abuse entitled "Protecting the Gift".
    As we have learned, child abuse can happen in any home and is never 'old news'.
    Each year, at our convention in April, we invite many speakers in order that Alberta home educators will be uplifted and inspired but also given practical help for their own home education.
    We bring in speakers from a variety of home education philosophies and viewpoints and with a wealth of experience and insight.
    On April 8th and 9th 2016 in Red Deer, our 30th anniversary convention will feature more than 40 different talks:
    The keynote speakers for the 2016 AHEA Convention will be Andrew Pudewa (Institute for Excellence in Writing), Linda Lacour Hobar (The Mystery of History) and John Carpay (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms).
    I hope to see you there.
    Paul van den Bosch
    Alberta Home Education Association

  42. It is really terrible that Josh has ruined so many things for the family. I don't think everyone in the family should be banned from TV because of what Josh did. I feel terrible for Anna having to go through this and trying to explain to the children is going on. Let Josh suffer on his own and not ruin it for everyone else. Just goes to show you that parents cannot always be blamed for what their children do. He was brought up in a wonderful family, yet he turned out not to be a good person.

  43. I think it is so wrong to punish the family of someone who does something wrong. There is no family without sinners. Because all of Josh's mistakes have become public, it is especially hard for the family to continue with their public lifestyle. Where is the understanding and compassion for a family that is going through terrible times? How about if they put everyone associated with the AHEA on stage and advertise all the mistakes their family members have made. Bet you won't see many people left standing.

  44. All the Hypocrites. Take a bow. Look what u have done to the Duggars. HAPPY NOW?


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