
Friday, October 30, 2015

Baby Seewald Due in 2 Days

Jessa Seewald is due with Baby Seewald in just two days. You can probably imagine how eager she and Ben are to meet their little one. (And we know our readers are eager to see pictures.) For all the mama's out there, what tactics have you experimented with to jump start labor?

As you can see from this picture, Jessa and Ben have a crib all ready to go in their spare bedroom. 

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald at 39 weeks 4 days (Thursday, October 29)

Photo courtesy


  1. With my latest pregnancy, my husband and I made love every couple days for a week before my due date, since the midwife said it might help. I went into labor the night before my due date and had our baby on her due date (7/28/15).

    1. That's my son's birthday 7/ 28/07 & my other little one was born on 7/5/15

  2. Wow she's big! Baby's coming!!! Sooo o excited!
    I've found that walking a lot is good to jump start labor. It is also very good to keep labor going. When my labor started I literally did not stop walking almost until baby was born and he arrived fast!!!

    1. With both my 3rd and 4th babies I also walked/ran right up until I delivered! ( I'm a competitive distance runner so I had dr clearance to continue running as long as comfortable).
      My contractions went from 8 minutes apart to 2 minutes apart while I was running( well a slow jog/ waddle) on the home treadmill. I labored as long as I could at home with most the time running. Probably not advisable for everyone but experience runners or athletes but I can attest that even walking or just activity can get and keep labor going. DONT take castor oil or eat spicy stuff unless you want to poop more than usual during labor- but on the flip side you could deliver your baby sane place Anna delivered Michael!

    2. Did u choose unique names for ur kids?

  3. heard from some where castorl oil an real shotglass full and full glass of orange juice will kick start labor getting things moving this is said to highly nataurl will not hurt baby and mother

    1. I took castor oil with my first baby and I can assure you it was the worst decision I've made. It gave me unnecessary cramps that made my delivery extra painful. It also tasted disgusting. Don't do it!
      Trusting in the Lorsld, walking, keeping well hidrated and not stressing out about anything got me through.

  4. @Anonymouscastorl oil an shotglass followed by orange juice is heard to kick start labor

  5. I think they're having a boy cuz i see blue bedding in background

  6. I walked for almost my whole labor as well and it went fast too! Surrender everything to the Lord, take each contraction at a time and be calm! Trust the Lord! He will not give you more than you can handle and you never loose self control! I'm praying for you Jessa! I have learned God's timing is best for baby to come....

    1. Tht is such good advice! X I wish I got advice like tht, but people would think it's strange to walk as it could make you collapse when the pain kicks in

    2. I had two home births, all natural, and I was able to walk the whole time until I was about to push. The pain really can be managed during contractions through movement. Women are much stronger than we are given credit for and we won't collapse from pain!

  7. Babies will be born when they are ready. All things in God's time. People need to be careful about advice. For example some women walk a lot. However, that can be dangerous if the baby hasn't dropped enough and the cord drops below the baby's head. All will be well. Let nature take its course.

  8. Jessa is already almost due prayers all around for an easy delivery. I am so very curios to find out whether it's a boy or girl.

  9. I'm starting to think she's having a boy. If thats the babys room and she left blue sheets plus her maternity shoot she was wearing blue

  10. Just keep walking Jessa your sweet baby will be here very soon. What an exciting time for you and Ben and the rest of your family. Your fans are anxious to see your precious little one too.

  11. She big!!! If it is a girl name her Allie Jewel or Bella Pearl! A boy Scott James or Hunter John!!

    1. It needs to b somthing unique like Deuteronmy

    2. She can call her what she likes, but I like Bella, how about Rhianna?

    3. Rhianna is unique so is Britton.

    4. What about Bria Faith? I know a ADORABLE 2 year old girl with that name.

  12. Congrats Jessa! I will pray for you for wisdom and peace in the upcoming birth of your child. I am sure God will give you a wonderful experience. God Bless you and your baby!!

  13. Wishing Jessa an easy delivery! She is huge now! Hopefully the baby comes very soon, so he or she is not very big.

  14. Babies come when God sends them. Both our sons were exactly 10 days late. Exercise within reason, and enjoy the last few days as Ben and Jessa, you'll be mom and dad soon enough.

  15. Don't mean to be stirring up any rumors but that crib has a blue look to it...
    Now it could be gender neutral and it looks blue, but...
    It would be very obvious if it was pink. This looks blue.

  16. God be with you Jessa!! It's an awesome time of life- partnering with God in the creation of a new life!!! But it's still a journey of faith to walk through a pregnancy and birth... We just had our 3rd miracle! She was 2 weeks late (neither of my others were late) and I tried just about everything I could think of to get labor started (making love, eating spicy, sitting on a birth ball, walking, master gland formula, etc etc) and nothing worked but finally she came!! Of all three births it was my fastest and easiest and recovery was quick! God is good!

  17. You are beautiful!!! I recommend walking 10 flights of stairs a day for a few days. . . put me into labor with 3 boys out of 4. The one I didn't do stairs with I just walked a lot. Pretty quick labor too, but I kept moving till about 8 cm dialated. I have been blessed by God to have 4 healthy babies born at home with the help of my Husband and my Midwife.

  18. You are beautiful!! Congrats!! You are almost there. I recommend walking 10 flights of stairs each day for a few days. I really think it helped me go into labor. God has blessed us with 4 healthy boys born at home with a midwife. Pretty quick labor too.
    God Bless you!!

  19. Congrats Jessa! I have been keeping up with your blog for years. I hope the best for you.

  20. Why jump start labor? Isn't God's timing best?

  21. Depending on how active baby is I vacuum, moved furniture around cleaning and mopped.

    Walking daily helped taking that time to plan and talk to my hubby.

    That little munchkin will arrive when it is ready but for me staying active delivered mine early. My only concern was recognizing when to slow down if the baby rolled out of position.
    Jessa will do great! Prayers and blessings are with them.

  22. Oh Jessa, so close 39 weeks 4 days. I think you just spilled the beans. We can see your pink phone, and if you zoom the picture on the crib you can see blue bumper padding through the slats. So close to keeping it a surprise!

    Best wishes for a healthy delivery and precious bundle of joy! Enjoy this time in your life!

  23. Praying for your delivery and recovery. You are so beautiful!!!!!! Almost a mom!!

  24. When I was having my first baby my mom told me to drink plenty of icedcold water and this jump started my labor try it ,it may help

  25. Are you sure that's the guest room? It looks like their room. It would be weird to have a B and J above the bed in a guest room...

  26. What worked for my cousin was hot food.

  27. Just do what you normally do; eat what you normally eat. Don't try any "theatrics" that you haven't done before. The more natural the better. Your body will give you clues as to what it needs. Be aware. Leave it up to God and your midwife.

  28. Some of these suggestions are crazy; some have the potential to endanger the baby and the mother. I know Jessa is smart enough and probably busy enough not to take these suggestions into consideration. This was not one of the better questions asked of blog readers. Leave it in God's hands.

  29. So exited for you guys! It will be very exiting for us readers and for you to see pictures of your little blessing from God! I'm praying that the rest of your pregnancy and your labor and recovery will go well and that angels will be watching over you. Your almost parents!

  30. I've had five, and in my experience, you can wear yourself out physically and emotionally trying to get the baby to come (leaving you less energy for labor and delivery). Raspberry leaf tea and pressure on certain areas of the foot/ankle are less physically demanding ways of trying to start labor. I've heard that the castor oil works, but brings unpleasant side effects that you probably don't want to deal with while in labor! Praying for Jessa to have peace as she waits, and for a safe, healthy mom and baby.

  31. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers for a safe delivery.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  32. I walked a lot during all four of my pregnancies and I think it helped a lot.. I only had one natural birth though, due to my not being able to dialate after a certain point. But I pray that Jessa has a supernatural, problem-free delivery and all goes well for her..

  33. castor oil is a BAD idea.

  34. Looks like a boy to me! Could be wrong, though.

  35. pray u have a safe delivery u look great!

  36. Lots of squatting and walking. I also found pumping for a couple of minutes 3-4 times a day helped bring on contractions....a few days later I would go into labor.

  37. I miss seeing the Duggars every week. I sincerely hope there is a way for 19 Kids to come back even if it is on a different network. I am appalled at the negativity and hatred aimed at the Duggars. I believe there are many more fans who love them and miss watching them every week. But it seems the haters have the louder voice. I am impatiently waiting for Counting On to air. It is a start, but I want to see how all of the others are doing as well. Even Anna Duggar is of great interest to me. It is not fair that the other 18 kids or the millions of Duggar fans should suffer for the lack of character and bad choices of one family member. Let the Duggars know that there are millions of fans who love them and want them back.

  38. A drive around a cobble stoned Square in a town in the north of France - it worked wonders for our son several days overdue !!!

  39. Ride a donkey from your house; it worked for Mary. :)

  40. I think there's another big Duggar grandbaby on the way. I hope the baby comes soon, poor Jessa looks exhausted.

  41. PLEASE READ !!!
    The crib is under the vertical blind's strings ....they could choke Spurgeon once he learns to stand in the crib. Please take warning of this....


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