
Saturday, August 15, 2015

Duggars Reunite

This afternoon, Michael Bates will marry Brandon Keilen at Wallace Memorial Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Jill and Derick Dillard flew in from Central America for the weekend. They met up with Jessa and Ben Seewald and Michelle Duggar in New York City to take care of a few business matters. Jill and Jessa will be featured in Breaking the Silence, a TLC documentary about child sexual abuse, on August 30th. (Click here for details).

Michelle was thrilled to see her daughter, son-in-law, and grandson for the first time in more than five weeks.

Michelle Duggar greets Jill and Israel Dillard at the airport

The crew took advantage of their trip to NYC by doing some sightseeing.

Jessa and Ben Seewald pose in front of the Staten Island Ferry Terminal

Yesterday afternoon, Jim Bob Duggar and the rest of the kids headed to Knoxville for the wedding.

Jinger Duggar drives the family's bus

Combined, the Duggars and Bates have eight grandchildren (and at least one more on the way), which includes five born in the past ten months. 

Erin Paine and Jill Dillard have a mommy-to-mommy chat leading up to Michael's wedding

Photos courtesy and the Bates family


  1. Love the pictures

  2. Love you all, praying for the family.

  3. Aww, great times. Such nice families. And CONGRATS to Michaella and Brandon!! What,a sweet day this will be. ♡

  4. I love the updates! The pic of Erin and Jill holding their baby boys is so cute! It's to bad they didn't live close to each other, then their little boys could grow up together and be best buddies!! I love watching the Bates on the UP channel, and I would love to see the Duggars get their own show on the same network. God Bless them all!

  5. Hello my name Ann i am from British Columbia Canada I love your show on TLC and now i will miss i commend you both for raising that many children

  6. Congrats to the bats and we miss the duggars show so much

  7. How exciting cant wait to see more... Miss seeing there show...Im sure it will be a beautiful Wedding...

  8. Let me get this straight ... Jill & Derrick ask people to donate money to them so they can do their mission work, but 5 weeks later they FLY home for wedding that doesn't even include one of their FAMILY members?

  9. Love to see these pictures! Thank you for sharing.

  10. Miss this family. Every big family has one child that has done something they should not have. Even some small families do too. They have really blown this way out of proportion for sure.

  11. We will be there!! Exciting to see Michael and Brandon say their vows and see all the Bates and Duggars and all the babies! God bless them!

  12. Love you all, miss your show and God bless every one of you. 💜

  13. Another event we missed. Would have loved to see them reuniting with the Bates.

  14. Love the Duggar and Bates families and am so happy to see that they are doing well and moving forward in the plan God has for all of them. Wishing Michael and Brandon a lifetime of happiness :) Want to see more of both families on TV though!

  15. Thanks for these updates!

  16. Have a wonderful blessed time Duggar Family at the Bates Wedding ; I hope everyone is blessed on this day !!!!

  17. Jill and Jessa you look great. Thanks for sharing your family photos with us. Michelle seems so happy to see you and little Israel. Hope the Bates wedding goes well have fun and enjoy.

  18. Great to hear about what is happening with the Duggars. Glad to see that Jessa, Ben & Israel could join the festivities,

  19. Awe glad to see the families together, I do watch the Bates on UP. I wish we could see more of you!


  21. It feels unfair being shut out of the Duggar family after feeling parto of it for so long.

  22. Love you all and miss seeing everyone!

  23. If the Duggers enter TV land again, please go with another network and do not trust TLC again! They do not deserve a second chance after the trash they dished out on this God loving Family! Disney owns TLC..and it is teed off with the curs that run TLC!

  24. Love your family! Miss you all, please keep posting!

  25. Love you all! Praying it is a Blessed day.

  26. Congrats to Michaella & Brandon on their special day. Please Michaella enjoy the first year of marriage, adjustment, Chicago (great city) & please delay having children for awhile. Be fruitful & multiply encompasses so much more than continual pregnancy.

  27. Michael's day is finally here., I hope it all goes well, I know it will be beautiful. Erin looks so cute I love her hair worn up like that.

  28. good to hear an update on the family. I miss you guys!!

  29. Isn't her name Michaels?

  30. I AM soooo excited this Documentary date is chosen! Can't wait to see it!!! :)

  31. It's wonderful to see the pics and read all the good news! May God continue to bless you all! Everyone looks great! 😊

  32. It's always great to see your pictures. Really miss you guys! Have a good time at.the wedding. Hope we get to see it. Congratulations Michael and Brandon! God.bless you all!

  33. Hope you all have a beautiful day :)

  34. Awesome to see the Duggars again. Can't wait for the Bates wedding and catch a glimpse of them there. Shame on TLC

  35. Enjoy your family time, may Michael Bates have the best day of her life! Congrats

  36. Awe what a cute pic of the two new mommies & their sons.

  37. Really wish tlc or another network will bring the show back loved it

  38. Miss seeing all of you so much

  39. Awwwwww, Israel and Carson are just too sweet! Glad Derick and Jill are back safely. I hope everyone has a great time at Michaella`s wedding. Please keep us updated!

  40. At least one more on the way!?!? Does this mean More grand-babies!!!!!!

  41. Thanks so much for keeping us "Duggar Family" fans up to date on the family.....sure do miss seeing them every week on TV....hope they come back on another station...God Bless

  42. I love your family and miss seeing you guys on tv. Im praying that you guys stay strong through everything and pay no mind to negative people.

  43. Miss the Duggar's show... glad everyone seems happy & healthy! JanD

  44. It's so good to see this family together! I love seeing pictures and getting updates on this website but sure do miss seeing them on T.V. What a special occasion for them to all be reunited for for Michael and Brandon's wedding. I'm sure this will be a very joyful time for all. The Duggars must be thrilled to have Jill, Derick and Israel home for awhile. I really hope TLC will reconsider and put them back on, or that some other network will pick them up! These people feel like family to their fans who have watched for all these years and WE MISS THEM! Love & blessings to all!

  45. Thank you for keeping us all 'in the loop'. LOVE the Duggars - always have and always will!

  46. WOW! I can't believe that the Dillard's returned for Micheala and Brandon's Wedding! Now I know what some people will say: "What?! Five weeks isn't THAT long!" But, come on. When your family lives close to you, whenever a family leaves for a while; it feels like they've been gone forever. Believe me, I know.

  47. Hope everyone can move forward, and leave the past in the past. I'm sure these two families have already done this. Now the media needs to leave them alone so they can concentrate on getting on with their lives.

  48. Miss seeing you guys. Wishing you all great blessings!

  49. So cute with all the new mommies together!

  50. I miss the Diggers. Great to see these beautiful photos. Thank you! I miss the Duggars. Love Jessa. Love Jinger. Love Jill. Love Jana. Hope you will continue to provide updates. Saw Ben and Jinger witnessing on YouTube, was very impressed. Am so impressed with Jessa and Jinger s stood stand for Our Lord. He did amazing things for us. Once we accept Him, our lives are changed forever. We gain a spiritual life. Thank you for being such wonderful examples to other young girls. You truly are the salt of the earth.l

  51. How long was Jill's air flight?

  52. do you mean Michaela and Brandon?

  53. I love seeing everything about your family! I miss seeing you all on TV.

  54. Thanks so much for this website. I so miss the TV show, but it is great to have the latest news. What are Josh and Anna up to these days?

  55. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    Thank you so much for these wonderful pictures and updates on the Duggars and the Bates and congratulations to Michael and Brandon! God Bless them all!

  56. Dear Lily and Ellie,
    Thank you so much for your wonderful pictures and updates on the Duggars and the Bates. Congratulations to Michael and Brandon -God Bless all of you!

  57. So happy to see everyone,,,,,,and congrats to Micheala and Brandon

  58. I loved watching the Duggers. I watched them so long that I felt like they were my own grandkids. A lot of them were about the same ages as my grandbabies. I loved watching the Bates too. I quit watching that tv station as well, most all their shows were garbage anyway. Wish a different station would pick them up. A Christian station that understands about God's love & His grace & His forgiveness. I am going to pick "Anonymous", not b/c I don't want people to know who I am but b/c I don't want all the negative e-mails from non-Christians that don't understand God's love & grace & forgiveness.

  59. Love you all and miss watching your show, and being invited into your home and lives every week. You all are such a wonderful bunch of folks ! I so hope you get your show back on somewheres.

  60. Thanks for the update on the Bates Family... would love to see/hear more of them as well as your family!! Miss your families each week...

  61. I'm curious. What would happen if one of the Duggar children married and decided they wanted only a couple of children, after 3 years of married life. Would that make them an Outcast??
    WHY do they feel they MUST have babies immediately?? Why not get used to married life and living with another person. Really, a stranger in your home.
    I DO LOVE the DUGGARS and respect their beliefs...yet, these questions still concern me.

    1. I totally understand. I have thought the same thing

  62. Thank you keeping us updated with pictures and info on the family. You have been a blessing as you lived for the Lord & allowed us a peek into your lives. God bless you all. Josh & Anna, congratulations on baby Meredith! Please keep posting pictures of your family!

  63. Thanks for sharing an update. I'm so glad they have such wonderful friends as the Bates family. Duggar Family, you do have fans and supporters out here. I'm hoping the very best for all of you. I'm praying Josh and Anna and the kids are doing ok. Blessings on your family. Stay strong!

  64. Jill & Derrick must be doing well, can afford plane fare round trip from So. America. Jessa looks great, not showing much yet, maybe small baby there ? Best wishes to the family.& God bless you all.

  65. So happy to "catch-up" with you all through this blog. Miss the show but we understand what the enemy is doing, as we are believers as well. We have been praying for all of you. Keep the faith, run the race, there is a reward at the end. God bless you all. PS. Also happy to see the Bates and Duggers together again. (we watch the Bates on their UP TV show)

  66. I'm so happy to see the family and know how you're doing! I miss you all very much! I just love the babies and feel very fortunate to receive the updates! Keep up the good work! I love you all!! Mary

  67. I love all the pictures and it's so good to see the Duggars and the babies. Please post all the pictures you can. I just hate thst all this stuff happened with TLC and the Duggars. Things were going so well. I blame TLC for all the mess. I wish al. The mommy to be's the best of luck and the wedding couple. Have za beautiful wedding. God bless you all

  68. I MISS YOUR SHOW ...

  69. I'm sorry but the shirts jessa's been wearing (especially the green one) are a little raunchy. But still so excited for baby!! :-) <3

  70. Michael and Brandon? Photo, please.

  71. You can see through Jessa's shirt. A darker color is necessary. Pregnancy can change skin color in areas and show through lighter colors.

  72. Miss the show tremendously! Wish TLC would bring it back. Can't believe it was pulled for something Josh did so many years ago. He was a kid that made a mistake. He and the family received counseling and moved on. Everyone else needs to do the same and stop opening up old wounds that had been healed for years. They are a great family that are ideal role models for the youth today. God is forgiving for those who seek forgiveness and don't continue committing the sin. Leave his mistake in the past, and recognize him for what he is today-an astounding individual. Let God be the judge and others should focus on their own skeletons in their closets and seek forgiveness. We've all made mistakes. It's a matter of whether you have learned from them or not.

  73. Thanks for keeping us updated. God's richest blessings and our best to the newlyweds!

  74. Congratulations to, and God Bless Michael and Brandon. Thank you Lily and Ellie for such lovely pictures and uplifting updates.

  75. Love seeing these families together again!

  76. @Anonymous

    Since they came to NY for TLC stuff, TLC probably paid for it. The trip to TN from NYC would just be a rental car unless another duggar picked them up

  77. Anna Dugger must be shocked and overwhelmed to learn of her husband's unfaithfulness. Will they separate /divorce over this new revelation? My prayers are certainly with her and their four children. Until today, I believed Josh made mistakes many years ago but had since changed his ways and closed that chapter of his life. Sadly that is not the case and I can't help but think he will likely never be able to overcome his " addiction"


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