
Saturday, January 31, 2015

New Episodes in 17 Days!

19 Kids and Counting has been on break since November, but new episodes are less than three weeks away. What are you most looking forward to in the upcoming season, which premieres February 17th at 9pm ET/8pm CT?

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald, Jana Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar


  1. I'm looking forward to Jessa's wedding, hearing about Jill's pregnancy and Anna's pregnancy and all the exciting fun things the younger Duggar children are doing.

  2. Everything!!! So excited!!!!!!
    Hope ya'll are planning on doing recaps!! :-)

  3. Seeing Jessa get married! When was this picture taken? They look surprised but for what?

  4. I'm most excited about:
    1. Jill and Derick's baby
    2. Jessa's wedding
    3. Josh and Anna and their new baby

    1. I'm most excited that maybe there will be something about the other kids besides Jill, Jana, Josh and their spouses. TLC has forgotten why we tuned in.....14 kids plus we continued to watch even though there are now only 16 kids at home.

  5. I am looking forward to seeing Jessa and Ben's wedding and Jill's new baby!!! ☺️

  6. I stopped watching last season. This family has become to worldly. So many things they do, wear and say are opposite of what they've always told their fans. It's dissapointing. I had always admired this family for how different they were from the world and how they stood fast to their convictions. I don't see it anymore. Now they are just way too political too. I post because I hope they see how much they have let down a former fan.

  7. jessa's wedding episode

  8. A typical day in the life of the kids, to see how the marriage of Jill amd Jessa and the full time employment of some of the older boys, has impacted all of their lives in such a large family.

    1. That would be good to watch....what life is like without the married siblings being around.

  9. Jill being pregnant!!!

  10. Anna's having multiples

  11. I am looking forward to seeing Jessa and Ben's wedding videos and pictures of Baby Dilly.
    Hurry Feb. 17th, can't wait for the new season.

  12. I'm supar exited about Jessa's wedding !

  13. Im excited for Jessa and Ben's wedding!!!!!

  14. Lily and Ellie please clear this up.......i never believe news that comes out about the Duggers, but please help. So the story goes Anna's sister Susanna had a baby out of wedlock and Jill was told not to help deliver it....what is the real story so the whole knows the Duggars support ALL life!! That baby is still a gift from The Lord.

  15. I'm looking forward to seeing Jessa's wedding, to finding out it she's pregnant, to finding out if Jana, John-David, Jinger, Joseph or Josiah are in courtships, to finding out if Anna is having a girl or boy.

  16. Jessa and Ben's wedding and to see whoo is nect to courting

    1. Most want to see more of Jessa and Ben. We think that is because their postings weren't all about themselves.....making us wanting to see more.

  17. I'm looking forward to Jessa and Ben's wedding. Jill's baby bump. I hope for another courtship. What are the other adult children up to?

  18. Why does joy anna share a room with the little girls?

    1. No all the girls still living at home share a room

    2. All of the girls share one room. :)

  19. It drives me nuts how they fake so many scenes these days... Their acting is terrible! Jill herself told People magazine how they discovered she was pregnant. Jill was over at the house and the Duggar girls begged Jill to take a pregnancy test, so she took one of her mums tests in the girls room, and it was positive. It didn't go down like this at all... I miss the old days where the episodes were more honest and sincere.

    1. We were some of their biggest fans but this fake stuff is wearing us down. We want honesty. We ate surprised Derick and Ben would allow themselves to be a part of the things that aren't truthful, before Derick packs up his family and goes back to Nepal......well, come to think of it....watching them as missionaries would be interesting.

  20. What I'm most looking forward to is some good old quality programming like the first few seasons.Howabout the rest of the family and close the gap a little closer to real time.Maybe show the new family dynamic now that Jill, jessa 's marriage and now Joseph going to college.What the hecks been hapening with JD and the ever so illusive Josiah.There is so so much they still have yet to cover, but chose not to with meaningless foo foo ness like Ben cleaning toilets...come on TLC get it together, us long loyal fans deserve much better than what we have been getting.The seasons are so short and scattered, we never know how long or when a season will last and start up again...wheres the regularity? Why not more two hour specials in between those offbeat seasons.Ask the fans what we want to see as we are the ones watching, i bet they would get some great show ideas.I have said all this before many many times, i guess i was over due again.Although i just answered the question that was being aske d. I will pray that this season has more heart.GODBLESS Y'ALL

    1. Someone asked about John David. I really like him because he isn't always trying to be noticed. Anyhoo, I pulled up licensing for tow truck owners in both Washington and Benton counties in AR and do not see him listed. Anyone know if he no longer has his business or is it licensed in another state?

    2. Someone asked about John David. I really like him because he isn't always trying to be noticed. Anyhoo, I pulled up licensing for tow truck owners in both Washington and Benton counties in AR and do not see him listed. Anyone know if he no longer has his business or is it licensed in another state?

  21. I'm looking for something that isn't going to happen...that they catch up with real time and show episodes that are relevant to the present time. Also, that they quit those "recapping" segments after every commercial and quit showing past footage to "remind" us of what happened. We already know what happened....keep the pace moving and leave out those silly "staged" things.

    1. Oh yeah, i totally forgot about those recapping segments that take up time, its like they think we have amnesia from what happened ten minutes before.Lily and Ellie I think this would be another good topic for u to send off our remarks to TLC like you did before.I actually think it helped a little after the previous half season as opposed to the one before that, its worth a shot.

    2. Oh yeah, i totally forgot about those recapping segments that take up time, its like they think we have amnesia from what happened ten minutes before.Lily and Ellie I think this would be another good topic for u to send off our remarks to TLC like you did before.I actually think it helped a little after the previous half season as opposed to the one before that, its worth a shot.

    3. Please tell them that we want to see more on the other kids--the ones who live at home. Many of our friends say they are bored with so much attention on the married kids. Seriously look at what gets posted online.

  22. thank you for homeschooling your children. thank you for bringing up your children the way you do. we need more of these type of shows.

  23. I'm looking forward for jessa's wedding

  24. I'm looking forward for jessa's wedding

  25. I am most looking forward to Jessa's wedding and updates on Jill and Anna's pregnancies. Also some updates about the rest of family!!!!

  26. I LOVE the facial expressions in the picture! I am really looking forward to everything!

  27. Good. News

    I predict Jill gonna have her baby early
    March 22 2015

  28. Lol...those faces, Jana and Joy. 😉

  29. I am looking forward to jessa's wedding and just watching the duggars.

  30. Jessa's wedding and updates on Jill's pregnancy.

  31. I am not sure I understand what the picture is about. ?

  32. Getting news on Jessa and Ben; and seeing the rest of the kids! Not that I am not interested in the Dillards, I am, but the rest are important too.

    1. Jessa and Ben are the smart ones not Inundating us with every detail of their life....leaving us to beg for more.

  33. Jessa's wedding ☺️

  34. Jessa wedding and Jill & Derick prepering for the birth of Baby Dill. And what the other kids are up too.

  35. what are they screaming at in this pic

  36. Everything! Provided the episodes become available online.... 😁

  37. Will the new full episodes be on the blog then too??

  38. Where I live it comes on at 6:00 pm and when It comes on I don't wanna wait until 8:00 or 9:00 to watch it because I get to excited to wait to watch it and I wish It could come on earlier because I just love 19 kids and counting so much!!!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️

  39. Excited to see Josie, Johanna and the rest of the little kids.

    1. We'd love to see more of precious little Jordyn and Jenni. They are adorable.

  40. Anything concerning the younger children, teens and tweens. Enough of the weddings. The photos and stories have been all over the media. There is no element of surprise. The weddings have been overexposed!

  41. Anything about the rest of the family. Tired of babies and weddings. What about missions the other kids do? School after homeschool. Anything except courting, babies, weddings, politics, i.e. Tired of Josh, Jill and Jessa. There are 16 other kids and so much more to faith than courting, babies, weddings and politics.

    1. Agree. Friends all say they are tired of so much on the ones who are married and so little on the ones still on the home.

  42. I agree with anonymous # 5. Plus isn't everyone tired of the term baby bump and baby Dilly yet? Couldn't you come up with something more original?

  43. I can not wait to see the new episodes!!!!!

  44. When they are planning the weddings and then there are hundreds of people in their house, and when they go travelling for the causes they support, the daily Duggar routines we all learned about in their earlier shows must be disrupted. I am interested to see them calm down and live their home schoolers lifestyle again, like we all saw in their earlier shows. I would like to see how all the younger children are doing following their normal in house routines.

  45. @Anonymous

    I do not recall the episode where Jill announces her pregnancy, are you thinking of Anna?

  46. The negative comments surprised me!!! I will forever be thankful for the wonderful Christian values the Duggar's not only embrace, but model as well in their day to day lives. ...and of course some of the scenes are staged!! This is TV people!!!! There are many us out here who are looking forward to the all new episodes and appreciate family programming as we watch them alongside our grandchildren. What a blessing your family is to this Grandma! May the Lord bless you all with yet, another new year, Duggar family

  47. I want to confirm that the practise TLC has had of constantly previewing and reviewing information they will have in the show during that same show is extremely annoying. It seems like it is an excuse for not having very much film footage of the family in the show, so they are just replaying the same footage as reviews and previews. This is a confirmation that the practise TLC has had in the last seasons shows of constantly previewing and reviewing the information they will have during that same show is extremely annoying. You know it just seems like it is an excuse for not having very much fill footage of the family in the show, so they are just replaying the same footage and as reviews and previews and some where in there we have to spot what is actually the segment that is the show and might have a tad more info than the review and preview. Now let me say that again for you ....(ha)!

  48. @Anonymous
    You mean Jessa. Jana's not even in a courtship yet. :)

  49. i am excite a bout the duggars comming back on tlc i really missed seeing them in action.

  50. To anonymous who said Jill took a preg. test at her moms but then said it didn't go down like that at all.
    How do you know what happened? Were you there? So confused how this poster knows this and goes on to say they wish the Duggars were more honest and sincere.

  51. Many of us are feeling like that. So sad. We were some of their biggest fans. Then we saw that huge list of things Jill and Derick asked for as wedding gifts...and many were duplicates (who does that? What would she want so many? It has been downhill since then.

  52. I don't see Duggar Towing on the Arkansas site:

    but I do see on the Arkansas licenses for midwives that Jill, Jana and Miss Query are midwife apprentices. So that clears it up for those who were asking if Jill is a midwife or an apprentice.

  53. I like these two quotes from the comments: 1. "Also, that they quit those "recapping" segments after every commercial and quit showing past footage to "remind" us of what happened. We already know what happened...." 2. "...about those recapping segments that take up time, its like they think we have amnesia from what happened ten minutes before." (and then number 2. was exactly repeated right away in the very next comment (ha). These are good points, communicate our reviews to TLC who may give us more minutes of new film content instead of the very annoying reviews of only the few minutes of film they got while with the Duggars.

  54. Sooooo tired of all the wedding and baby stuff. This show seems to be stuck on those tracks. Get back to what the show was originally about. It's as though these are the first ever people to marry or have children. We know what pregnant women look like already.

  55. Jill's baby and Jessa's wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. I am very excited about the new season, and I hope the Duggars take a look at the new Bates show to see how their show used to be years ago. The Bates show honest every day lives, the kids all expressing themselves, their home life, and they show all the kids. The Bates parents actually talk with the kids, getting their real responses and opinions which is very intersting and very nice to see in such a large family, which is why we watch, to,learn from their great parenting. the Duggars show recently just show the parents talking at the kids with no responses at all from the kids. Last seasons on the Duggars there seem to be hardly any footage of their day to day home lives, we rarely see the middle boys, nor Josiah, and very very little of the young cute girls. Between extensive commercials there are recap segments that take up further time, so a half hour show is probably about 15 minutes of actual footage. Please write to TLC everyone to ask for more episodes and no more recaps before and after commercials. Also, as mentioned above by others, some Duggar segments seem very staged, such as the way JIm Bob "tested" Ben and Derrick with climbing and toilet washing, etc. also, while Jill's engagement seemed real, the engagement of Jessa was very staged since it was never shown how Or if Ben actually made those posters of Washington DC for the train, and he could not have placed the posters on the train nor could he have put the flowers all around in the park since he was at home and at the church. Much of the prep work must have been done by TLC for that scavenger hunt. The actual true moment in the Church when Ben proposed was so short, maybe only a minute was shown. I am saying these things out of love, because I really love the show! I hope they take our opinions to heart!

  57. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous 35,

    They are reacting to Jill and Derick's pregnancy announcement.

    Lily and Ellie

  58. What I don't understand is how come some of the other TLC shows are more in sync with real time...what gives? Also, how much control does JimBob have with editing, material, taping schedules and such?Something seems very different with the flow of the show and the pace and the material as days long past, its very noticeable and we all have noticed.I have a gut feeling that we are being weaned off slowely, I hope that's not the case.

  59. I would also like to see more of the lives of the young men that are high school and college age. They must be working on skills for their adult lives as well (not only the girls). We need to keep our boys manly and encourage them to be hard-working and seeking the Lord.

  60. I think these days the Duggars are more concerned about doing things to increase their ratings. It feels like everything they do and say is staged!

  61. Hi Lily and Ellie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked up on my phone, if Jessa Duggar was pregnant, and it said that she was pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It gave me a website- Do you guys know if she really is pregnant, or if it's true?

  62. I'm sad the Duggars have changed so much. Really, really enjoyed the show awhile back. So sad how celebrity and all that comes with it seems very important to certain ones. Sure miss them.

  63. Want to see what we haven't been bombarded with. The baby bump is old news. Let's see things that we've never seen such as Jessa doing the laundry or fixing a meal for just two instead of an army. We'd love to see them take off to Colorado to see the mountains alone.

  64. I love you to watch your family so much!! A true inspiration for Christian families. Michelle Dugger is an amazing woman of God and the heart of this beautiful family. God bless you all. Looking forward to another great season.

  65. Some are reporting thst Jessa and Ben took a vacation to Hot Springs,AR. I thought Ben was from there and they just went to visit his family for the holidays.

  66. I would like to see how all the kids are doing and not just the older and married ones. Longer seasons and maybe a two hour special in between seasons. Love the Duggars!!

  67. sounds like a Gossip site to me. Unless it's on, it most likely is a rumor.

  68. Jana is the oldest daughter. It is time for her to find someone and start her own family. She is a beautiful young woman, and I was surprised that Jim Bob did not introduce her to someone instead of Jill.

    1. Jana declined the offers. We think it is wonderful that she is picky since it is a lifetime commitment. It will be exciting when mr. Right comes along.

  69. @Val B.

    Hi Val,

    For most Duggar updates/information, if it's not on our blog or or announced by the Duggars or TLC, chances are it is not reliable. An exception would be an interview that a reliable news outlet does with the Duggars.

    Hope that clears things up. :)
    Lily and Ellie

  70. @Anonymous
    Reply to 83. Finding a husband and starting a family isn't necessarily a priority for some women and I admire Jana for not succumbing to this pressure. Hopefully, she will move out soon and become financially independent.

  71. @AnonymousJana is beautiful and such a lady, never trying to self-promote herself....always letting the others be in the limelight. Glad she is not rushing and we hope she gets the cream of the crop in a husband.

  72. Jana~ being picky, VERY PICKY, pays off! I can testify to that!! The man God has for you is waiting as well for God to have your paths meet.

  73. I really love Jana too. She seems so sweet spirited. I hope God leads her to the right one soon. :)

  74. I think they should start a separate show that features the married kids so that the regular show can focus on the rest of the family


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