
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Keeping the GrandDuggars in Line

If you live in the D.C. area, keep your eyes open for Josh and Anna Duggar and their triple stroller! How do you have any ideas on how to manage multiple small children while out and about?


  1. Very nice. I have a triple stroller from my triplets. Good for Anna when she's alone but they can be heavy to push and Mac will be 4 in oct so she could be learning to walk holding onto the stroller. Looks cute though and looks like there learning to adjust to city life well.

  2. Cute!!! And very smart!

  3. Baby carriers are golden. E.g. Patapum, Ergo Baby and Manduca.

  4. Make a sandwich! I have 4 children 7 years old to 2 years old and am pregnant with our 5th. We have had to go to lots of doctor appointments and to keep everyone on the right side of the hallway and "in line" we make a sandwich. Big brother is the bread, 2 year old in the stroller, being pushed by big brother, is the olive on top, 5 year old is the cheese, 3 year old is the ham (literally!), and I'm the bread at the end. When we get out of line, I can say... "Where's the ham?!" and they come right back in the sandwich. It's really been helpful and easy to manage while we're out :)

    1. Erin, that is the cutest! idea and so unique that I have heard! Blessings and congratulations on your fifth!

    2. That is really cute. And, it makes it fun for the babies to learn to stay in line.

  5. I hope that they don't take that monstrosity on the Metro. There are few things bother city people more than space hogs on public transportation.

  6. I have 3 children under 5 and for me it's all about busy work. We always make sure to take coloring books or something like that when we are going to be waiting in line somewhere or out to a restaurant.

  7. Saw that on I. Thought it was really cute.

  8. I had 3 children under the age of 4..It all works out, you become very creative. Keeping calm is really what works out best. If not you would be pulling out your hair. Bathroom stops, who wants a drink, who wants to sit in front, whos tired. Its a challenge..I loved every minute of it and miss it. Mine are all grown up now. They look like they have it all under control. Great job!!

  9. That, IMHO, is the biggest waste of money I can think of - it would have been much easier to use a sling of some sort (I'm thinking Ergo) for the littlest one, keep a single pram for the middle one and... uh oh, don't suggest it... a four yr old, or close enough to it, should be walking everywhere. get a little ride on plate for th eback of the pram if you have to, but that is just ridiculous.

  10. My 4 were born within 5 1/2 years, so I can definitely relate, even though the "baby" is now 9, sniff, sniff. :-) The multiple strollers and baby backbacks were a lifesaver for us.

  11. That is so cute. Glad they have that. Maybe one day you will see they with a triple wide. So, all the babies can see.

  12. When my three children were 2, 1, and a baby my triple stroller was the only thing that allowed me to get out and about without help. I used it for two years on every errand I had to run.

  13. hmmm... would of bern cheaper and more practical to get a double stroller and get kenzie to walk, holding the stroller. mine start to learn that when they are two or three. depending on how well they walk and tolerance level. and obedience. my kids MUST stop on command if im out and about. particularly near busy roads or places.

    1. Kenzie is still little and in a place like D.C. she can get lost very easily, if she wasn't in the stroller

  14. A $1000.00 dollar stroller-no longer buying used saving the difference

    1. How do you know they didn't buy it used???

    2. necessary safety item, especially for crossing DC streets. If they are in a walkable neighborhood, she can run all her errands without the car.

  15. I have two kids and they are very naughty. ;-) Now they are old enough to walk themselves.

  16. I would expect Kenzie to be walking most of the time or maybe stand on one of these little buggy boards that attatch to the stroller. Marcus could go in a sling.
    But I guess they are planning on having more kids, so it might turn out to be really useful in future.

  17. such a cute picture!!

  18. The tripple stroller is usefull to give the child a break from walking. So many negative people. Its their money.

  19. Ashley from AlabamaAugust 7, 2013 at 9:41 AM

    Wow! What a great idea. Do yall remember the stroller from Jon & Kate Plus 8? I so see Anna using that in her future!! Anna your doing an awesome job!!

  20. Given that they will most likely have more children, maybe even twins, this triple stroller makes sense. If Josh and Anna choose to take long walks with the children around DC, Mackenzie will get tired and want to ride some. They will probably have her walk a lot, then let her ride if an area is crowded, or if she is tired. I think they made a great choice. They already have a double stroller, so now they have options. I did that when I had my five under the age of five.

  21. We have 4 little ones that are 6 and under. We're also expecting our 5th in January! We have a double and a single stroller. I also have some front carriers that I strap on for when my babies are little. That being said I would love to own a triple stroller for a reasonable price thru a reruns are fun or something like that. Josh and Anna probably got theirs at a consignment shop or consignment sale since they buy used and save the difference. My kiddos usually like to walk/ride off and on so it works for us:)

  22. Saw this pic on Instagram. Also saw a pic of the kids visiting with the cousins via Apple computer...Apple, Apple & more Apple! Anyone have any idea why this family that puts so much effort & weight supporting businesses that hold their values (Chik-fil-a and such) have such a strong advertisement for Apple, a company that is very vocal to outright and every chance they get support same-sex marriage? I mean, I know every single item bought won't be researched company for company, but computers, and phones? So many other choices out there!! The executive director of the FRC supporting the total opposite with his dollar, and essentially "promoting it" as well? And the chunk of money used to purchase?...A consumer's dollar is their voice-what's the deal Josh & Anna, and Jim Bob & Michelle, with Apple logos "r us"? Jim Bob has even said, as a family as a whole, they like to purchase from and support businesses that reflect their values. A package of gum is one thing, but thousands of dollars in iphones and macs? Just doesn't make sense guys.

  23. Hopefully, they won't have any more kids. Three is more than enough!

  24. Why is Mackynzie still in a stroller? She is almost 4!

    1. She doesn't always have to ride, and probably won't, but if they are walking a ways, she is still young enough to get tired.

  25. I'm sure the DC natives just love this contraption clogging up their crowded city streets and public transportation... NOT! They probably wish Josh and Anna had never moved there.

    1. Really!!! Most people probably don't even notice, or care if they do.

  26. Provides a nice way to take a leisurely stroll together. Looks nice to me. Surprised none of the vultures here attacked Josh for wearing shorts

    1. Josh was probably out running, and the rest went for a walk. I think that it's great he's keeping up with exercising.

  27. I never comment on here, but people's comments really bother me. Why is there so much judgement for them having a triple stroller? My boys are 4, 3 and 4 months. Yes, they can be trained to walk next to the stroller, but living in DC and trying to get around with all the people and cars, it is SO much better to have the piece of mind that they are safe in their stroller. Sometimes the baby is crying and while trying to attend to them, even the most well trained child can get distracted and be put in harms way in a busy city. And carriers are GREAT and I love them, but sometimes with 3 little ones, it is really nice to have the freedom to help whoever needs it, or be able to pick up one of the other children. It makes me so sad to see all the negative comments about them having a triple stroller. You do what works for you in each stage that you are in, and everyone's children and lives are different. Please don't judge them. We all know that Josh and Anna train their children, but they are CHILDREN and are all very little!! Sometimes getting out the DOOR with 3 kids this age is a success in itself, why does it matter what type of stroller they have??? I love this little family!

    1. I agree with everything you!!!

    2. Agree completely

    3. Well said. It none of our business how they do things. Each to his own

  28. Good for Anna trying out that stroller!
    Whatever works for her

  29. Isn't Mackenzie too old to be riding in a stroller?! She is turning FOUR in October!!

    1. Really!!! little kids do get tired if they're walking a ways!!!

  30. One word. leashes. i know it sounds like im crazy, but im 13 and influential. Just an idea, though.

    btw, HUGE FAN

    1. I thought only dogs had leashes?? Training kids is better. leashes can be a parents excuse not to train their kids.

  31. That's great that they have that. Makekzie might be getting older, but sometimes when it is only one of the parent's, having her riding is great. She is still young. She will learn soon. Josh and Anna are doing a great job raising all their babies.

  32. I love their stroller. I have four children right now, 11, 7, 3, and 10 months. I have a double stroller with a tag-along on it for the 7 year old to grab and hold onto because we have some attention issues. But I think you have to use whatever you can to make it easier on yourself and safe for the children. Every child is different. God bless them and how they are following God's will for their family.

  33. A stroller with seatbelts the kids can't escape from is SO helpful! (Says me, a mother of 7, 9yo and under.) Another idea is to stay home and order needed items on-line, delivered to your door.

    For olders, I teach them to hold onto my pants (or skirt) instead of my hand. I can immediately feel when they let go. If they were instructed to hold onto the stroller, I wouldn't feel their letting go.

    In stores, I sometimes tell my kids to "hold their thumbs" to keep from touching items.

    One mom told me she pushed her stroller in front of her, and pulled a grocery cart behind her in stores.

    For managing kids on errands, we have the motto, "Get in the store quick, get our stuff quick, get out quick ... and don't look at anything else on the way." My kids have this motto memorized. With littles, we need to emphasis we don't have time to browse.

    1. Even if you ordered everyting online, Anna still would need to get out and do something. I think it's great that she's out walking, undertaking the huge feat of getting out the door, and in the city too!!!

  34. Gosh Anna looks great after having Marcus only 2 months ago.

  35. I love triple strollers.....sometimes u just need them. And when the next one comes along they will be ready

  36. I think it is great they are getting out and walking and seeing the sights. I think some people above might have some reservations about the cost and reality of Josh's lifestyle. Josh is becoming the new face of the large family. Jim Bob and Michelle never had a triple stroller or many of the extras, like computers, ipads, iphones, large new cars when they were at the same stage as Josh and Anna. It is great that Josh can afford these items like a $1000 stroller. Most Americans with a GED and 3 kids living in a large city would not have an extra $1000 for a stroller. I know Josh and Anna love their growing large family but it should come with a little disclaimer about how blessed and lucky they are about having extra money and great health to afford the extras and not have an huge bills associated with babies or birth. My husband came from a family larger then Josh's and it can be done without a lot of money(but not the extras Josh has), the last pregnancy was twins and after low cost home births, the huge medical bills hit and they had to be realistic and stop having kids. Anna is so blessed with easy pregnancies and births.

    1. I appreciate Jim Bob & Michelle for what appears to be attempting to continue to stick to their financial principles and not boasting, even though I can only imagine how much cash they regularly pull in on top of what they have already accumulated over the years. While on the other hand, IMO, Josh & Anna are providing a poor example with their own advancement in celebrity financial gain. The supposed $1000 stroller is not an encouragement to larger families trying to make it on one blue-collar income, but rather Josh & Anna showing off a novelty perk of making it to the big leagues. Yes, it can be done without a lot of money, but even if there is a lot of money, it's still nice to see Michelle taking Josie to a Dr. appt. hooking her car seat carrier over a basic umbrella fancy baby travel system there :)

  37. can we just quite talking about THE NEXT !! Let her body HEAL> Its up to God if he Blesses then With THE NEXT.

  38. I know what this is like! I have 4 little ones under the age of 5 and while I never managed a triple stroller I DID have a double. As long as the little ones know the seriousness of staying close to momma and daddy while out and about we usually have an enjoyable time! Even when I take all 4 to the supermarket by myself we've basket-trained them (holding on to the sides in a line while the littlest rides up top) we usually can get everything done with little to no fuss! Unless we've got low blood sugar or nap time is just around the corner :)

    Go Josh and Anna for having the courage to navigate a large city with a brood of littles!!!

  39. I use to watch your program because you were so religious. you were so much like a lot of people out there. not cutting hair, wearing earings, pants, makeup and painting fingernails but yal have changed. god does not change so what happened I don't watch you any more and the ways you believed when you started this show have changed drastically

  40. They are such an encouragement to me as a young mom in a new city as well! If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

  41. @AnonymousAmen thank u. leave the stroller alone its a great idea.

  42. @AnonymousYou know what three separate strollers would equal the price of this triple

  43. @Anonymousi so agree with you!! i just do not understand why Christians as a whole do this type of thing. i just got upset at our local Christian radio station for pushing Star Bucks (which i see the Duggars drinking in the cold form a lot). i also was hoping to see on this thread that others had picked up on the bad behavior of josh and anna's children. i was hoping to see mostly jill, derrick, jessa and ben this season but every episode seems to have anna and her kids having tantrums. i really do not enjoy the show when they are on. wish anna would discipline the children when it is needed. anyway so much for my vent - i really do love the show and this wonderful family.

  44. I just don't understand why some people feel the need to write nasty comments..if you don't like the Duggars, stay off the site..simple as that..why show your ignorance?

  45. That's a really smart idea. This way no one has to worry about anyone wandering off. Michael has the best seat, right at the front he can see everything.

  46. you can have little backpack leashes but i think those are not really teaching much self control


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