
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Josh Duggar at ProLifeCon 2013

While in Washington D.C. for the National March for Life last weekend, Josh Duggar spoke at ProLifeCon 2013. To watch his speech, check out the video on the ProLifeCon website. Emcee Jill Stanek introduces Josh at 16:45.


  1. I watched that live online!! It was interesting. I enjoyed seeing Josh live again.

  2. Yay! Headers back. :)

  3. It is so sad that Josh is only two years older than me, and he is already so settled and conservative. Most of the 24-year-olds I know are single or dating, launching their careers and finishing college, and do not want marriage and children. Most also support gay and women's rights and do not want to take choices away from women.

  4. Dear Duggars and all pro-lifers,
    If you don't like abortion, you don't have to have one.

    -A pro-choice supporter.

  5. Good job, Josh! Keep shining a light into this world!

  6. It seems that Josh is very happy with the path he has chosen. Why ruin it? He has a sweet family. What better legacy can any of us leave than happy children, who in turn become happy parents? The world would be a better place.

  7. Gross! More people trying to take away women's rights. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  8. @ Anonymous at 9:31 P.M.: I honestly don't understand how anybody can be happy living Josh and Anna's lifestyle. It looks miserable at any age, but especially for people in their 20s, because your 20s should be about having fun and finding yourself. Also, not everybody wants children, so that is NOT the best legacy that anybody could leave.

  9. Josh used some pretty aggressive vernacular in his speech. I'd like to know how he'd react if his daughter were violently raped and became pregnant or if his son came home one day to announced his courtship girl is pregnant? What if his mother's, sister's or wife's life was in jeopardy during a pregnancy
    or birth-what would be his reaction? Who would live= the mother or the baby? I am pro-life...but, life throws some very heartbreaking decisions your way. Josh is vey innocent and sheltered; maybe he shouldn't speak in public. His inexperienced, under educated opinions come off as being immature. Note, he was the only one on the list of speakers without a connected organizations. So, holding the last name "Duggar" is does not make at all qualify you as a pro-life mentor.

  10. I wonder how the pro-life Duggars and others feel about the death penalty?

  11. I am a pro-life supporter, and after going to I do not understand at any point how someone could choose to have an abortion. I understand that there are some heartbreaking things that happen in this world, but just because of someone elses choice, why would you kill another person? Answer, you wouldnt. This video is incredible!!
    I would recommend everyone seeing it!
    The American Holocaust began a long time ago on poor inncocent beings that cant even protect themselves.

  12. @pga127-

    I am pro life like Josh, and I could assure you, the answer would be to keep the baby in all of those situations. There is never any reason not to protect the innocent among us, including sin- yes, even somebody else's sin in the instance of rape. Why should an innocent baby suffer? I had a friend in high school who was the result of rape and put up for adoption- he is now intelligent, successful, and has a family of his own. In the case of baby dies or mom dies, I personally would not abort the baby. I would instead choose to trust in God and continue the pregnancy.

    @Anonymous (death penalty)

    In the Bible, God often punished somebody who murdered somebody else by killing them. Life is regarded very highly in the eyes of God which is why taking another life was treated so harshly. That also ties into why I feel so strongly about abortion.

    Thanks for posting the link! I look forward to listening to the speech!

  13. Why don't the Duggars adopt a child? There are plenty of older children who need homes, as well as children of mixed race and kids who are mentally or physically disabled. Or isn't that the Quiverfull way?

  14. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    The Duggars have talked about the possibility of adoption and would be open to it if the Lord laid it on their hearts. Also, the Duggars are not Quiverfull.

    ~Lily and Ellie

  15. I am extremely disappointed in your support of abortion bill! I would think you would have more respect for women & their right to choose!

  16. Totally agree! If a woman makes a mistake by conceiving, it's not the baby's fault, it's the woman's fault, so why kill the innocent baby. Life is precious, and every child is a gift from God.
    I am Pro-Life.


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