
Monday, January 28, 2013


What about the Duggars makes you most curious?


  1. The courtship relationships, marriages and babies !

  2. I always wonder if there is a courtship that they have not told us about yet.

  3. How a single person - and a family as a union - can rely on God in every aspect, every decision and every relationship in life - and how it pays off! It seems perfect and I admire it and wish it for my own future.

  4. it makes me most curious how it is possible to train oneselves in order to be as quiet and patient as you are especially with the children!

    And (but this is more and earthly thing)

    How made it michelle to look so gorgeous , young and sporty after giving birth to 19 kids?

    but another thing i wonder is:

    When you dont want your girls to look attractive in order to attract men why do they wear so much make up and invest so much time in their hair and make up?

    Thank you for inspiring!!

  5. Well there are so many things its hard to choose one. Im most curious about how much longer The Duggars will be on tv. I will always be curious about where they are in life, and how the kids have grown up through the years.

  6. I'm not sure that we are suppose to be poking our heads into other peoples lives but I can not deny that I am curious about the Duggars. How is their faith so strong? I try to have strong faith but I always seem to slip or mess up. But I am glad to know that it is somehow possible for the Duggars are an example of strong faith. I'm also curious about how they really opperate as such a large family. I am always looking for their tips so that I too may raise a large family. God has commanded us to be fruitful and increase in number (Genesis) Also the Duggars have shown me how children are a blessing from the LORD not a burdon. Please keep on showing your tips of how you really do it so that I too may learn.

  7. Hello :)

    I admire how you can stay patient especially with the children no matter what happens. Always calm and nice. How can I train that?

    and michelle looks so gorgeous, sporty and small eventhou she gave birth to 19 Children!
    How did she do that?

    What i also wonder about is, you dont want you girls to look too attractive to men but they invest a lot of time in their make up and hair-do. That iritaded me. Why not stay more plain and natural as good made us?

    Thanks for inspiring and answering :)

    1. Michelle looks after her health (she is a lifetime member of weigh watchers as is Jana.) and the bible says that a woman will be preserved thru childbearing. But sometimes it's just good genes. I also think not allowing herself to get angry also helps.

  8. Even though I have known about the Duggars a long time, read their books, watched their show, and read about them online, I'm still curious about their choices on education beyond high school. It seems a bit ironic that none of the Duggars so far have chosen (or been allowed) to go to college. I know they take classes here and there and they do better themselves, but I would love for one to become a doctor, lawayer, surgeon, professional pilot, if they choose. I hope they each pray and do what God has for them but are not hampered by being told that going away to college or going to an area college is wrong. Christian children can indeed grow up, go away to college and maintain a close realtionship with God and their family.

    1. In some form they are getting a college education. And statistically the likelihood of a young adult leaving his Christian faith is higher when they attend college outside of the home.(see the movie 'divided') and as someone once said. ' college is 10% learning, 90% stuffing around.

  9. Why don't Jim Bob and Michelle allow their kids to have normal childhoods, while they were allowed to?

    1. What is 'normal'? Jimbob and Michelle have learnt from their past both positive and negative and want their kids to not go through the same situations. And I don't blame them. I see what the world has to offer and I don't want it. I'd rather eat garbage. And Jimbob and Michelle didn't get to choose their parents or how they grew up. So what makes you think they were 'allowed' to have 'normal ' lives? Like they had much say In it!

  10. I'm curious to know what their stance would be on finding out that one of their children is gay.

    1. I always wondered that too. A part of me really wants to belive they'd be accepting but I don't really think they would. You also never know,people can suprise you.

    2. Being that homosexuality is a choice to sin, and that no, people are NOT "BORN THAT WAY," it is extremely unlikely that any Duggar would be a homosexual. They of course would love them, but would also make it understood that the lifestyle they were choosing is an abomination to their LORD and Savior, and they would need to repent and ask for forgiveness, and turn away from their sin.

  11. The thing that makes me most curious about the Duggars is the fact that the older Duggar girls are using makeup and fixing their hair differently. I guess they're trying to keep up with the latest fashions and hairstyles.

  12. The Duggar girls are always very fashionable. Where do they purchase their long skirts? Or, do they make them?

    1. They purchase their skirts from thrift stores and sometimes make them. Occasionally they make adjustments to make them more modest.

  13. I want to know why they think skirts are the modest choice of clothing, specifically when horse back riding, riding carnival rides, etc.

  14. Being in the media spotlight has to be very difficult. Is it hard to deal with the people who are "negative" about their decisions and lifestyle on a day-to-day basis?

  15. I wonder how they handle being "famous". It does seem like they are doing more away from home now than they used to when they were first on television. I just wonder what it is like being recognized everywhere they go and I also wonder about tips they have for parents with multiple young children!

  16. I'm curious about how the older children truly feel about not being allowed to go off to college, chaperones accompanying them everywhere, "courtship" vs dating, wearing jeans to perform sports or Modestwear to swim and sharing a bedroom with many little ones?

  17. For me it's if the older girls are pursuing courtship/marriage

  18. I always wonder what they think about other faiths. Christians, Muslims, Methodists, Mormons, etc. Would they ever unite with other believers in God, or just those of their faith?

  19. It's a really random thing, but how do they tell their underwear apart? Do they have a color-coding system? Does each older kid wear a different style? Or do they just sort of share it with any same-sex siblings who happen to be their size? I mean, sharing clean socks isn't a really big deal, but surely they must have their own underwear stash, right? At least for the older ones?

  20. I've always wondered how they keep their curly hair from getting so frizzy my hair is extremely curly and I have a big problem with that and I just love their hair. Thanks

  21. I am super curious if Anna is expecting? Also I am wondering if any of the old Duggar girls maybe in a courtship. I am grateful for their example and also how they are sharing the message that I truly believe that children are a huge Blessing from our Heavenly Father!!!! When does the new season start and will you be uploading them?? Please do :)

  22. What makes me curious is how Duggars make their kids prepared for an adult life by themselves.
    They seem to be very codependent on family. All kids live at home, except for Josh, who has his own family, lives in a grandparents' house and runs a business co-owned with his father. Of course the older kids are still quite young, but they have 7 children over 18, and they don't seem to have own path in life except for what was given to them by parents.

    1. They prepare them to rely on the LORD in any circumstance. And there is nothing wrong with living in a house given to you by your grandparents, or tunning a business that was started by your father. More people should live that way, the world would have a lot less problems.

  23. I am curious about a few things that in all my days of watching and reading about the Duggars I have never been able to figure out.

    First of all the discipline in the house. I still question how they "train" their kids because staying and calm and praising them in my opinion can't account entirely for how well those kids behave. It doesn't quite add up to me that they are truly discipline-as-punishment free.

    I am also very curious about the girls' skirts. I understand they wear them for modesty and the older ones probably are dedicated to maintaining that kind of dress, but the younger girls don't even wear pants in dress-up or swimming, etc. They claim it is a personal choice and they could wear pants if they wanted but I feel like if that were so we'd occasionally see Johannah walking around in pants. Especially since she relates more to Jackson and the other 5 boys above her than her little or older sisters. Just something I'd expect from a child growing and experimenting in life.

    And then this is probably wrong, but I wonder what it's like to be a fly on the wall in that house. I already noticed in the episode where they film themselves they acted quite a bit more casual and natural. I'd love to see what it's like there when the cameras stop rolling completely, when problems arise, and when they aren't striving to appear perfect (as we all would if the world was watching lol but still).

    But somehow I think these are things I will always wonder and never know.

    1. In the DVD 'Tea with Michelle Duggar' Someone asked Michelle if they believe in and practise 'biblical chastisement'. She responded that they do. What is biblical chastisement? Just read the book of proverbs. The ultimate child training book of the bible. ;-)

  24. How are their children coming along with their college degrees? Are they close to finishing them?

  25. How do they discipline the small kids and wonder what questions they have about growing up.she says to speak softley and praise children but xome on their human im sure their is backtalk or rolling eyes or questioms they have about the opposite sex they should film that instead of the same old expensive trips that none of us can take they have loads of money bcuz of the show pf course they debt free but thats may be bcuz they have money to buy used vehicles and have no mortgage due to pauing for it when none of us can .sure they have grear advice but they should film misunderstandings between jim bob and michelle yes they very much love each other and thats wonderful but im sure one of them gets upset with the other thats human nature thats what im curious about

  26. This is a very good question!

    The thing I am most curious about the Duggars: How do they collectively and individually react when they are in public and faced with in-your-face immorality; such as someone brazenly cursing or behaving lewd and vulgarly.

    TLC always shows their family in a sanitized bubble; which is great for television. But, they are exposed to societal ills just like the rest of us. I live in Little Rock and it can be pretty nasty. I can only imagine what NYC and D.C. are like.

    I'd be interested to hear some of their thoughts on this. They've given me such a boost to my Christian walk already.

  27. Is there anything the Bible says people should do that the Duggars don't do?

  28. I heard on a radio interview a while back that they make their own jean skirts and I was wondering if they had instructions on how to do that anywhere

  29. I would like to know if they are using biblical principles for modesty in wearing skirts than why do they at times put on pants even if its a fireman outfit or when sky diving? On certain special occasions modesty can be thrown out the window?

  30. I wonder how Michelle is dealing with being at the end of her child bearing years?

  31. How is it that the older girls are the age they are and not any of them are married? Do they have any activities outside of the home?

  32. How you always seem so calm with thw Children and not snappy, I wish I was that way!

  33. I would like to know how the Duggars feel about Susanna Keller's daughter (Anna's sister) that was just born out of wedlock. Children are a blessing, but do they feel the same about a baby not conceived or born into a marriage? How do they feel about adoption? They have often said children are a reward. Does this mean that someone who is reproductively challenged is being punished and not worthy of the blessing of children?

  34. I was curious if the duggar childern wanted a normal life go to public school,play on sports team,have tv n video games , older kids have a regular job going to college or university for there major in whatever they decied to go for...

  35. Why do they have such unhealthy diets?

  36. I'm curious if any of the Duggar's have naturally curly hair? Jessa looks like she might and I have been trying to figure that out for around 3 months!

  37. I want to really know what they do discipline. I have 4 kids and its like a circus around here. My sons fight daily! I don't recall ever seeing them fight.

  38. I wonder how Michelle keeps so calm, why the older ones don't get married, and how they are famous, yet they lead a pretty normal life...

  39. why are the majority of the kids 18 and over boys and girls still at home and don't have jobs?

  40. How do the boys deal with all the girl attention? And, why do the girls wear pants for some things when they supposedley can do anything in a skirt?

    1. It was easier to be a fire fighter in pants and safer too. I know ladies that snow board in skirts. Just seems cold.

  41. I am mostly curious about the courtship mainly because I will one day enter a courtship.

  42. i've always been curious as to why the duggars think that being a christian is about rules and they are the only ones who are right?

  43. wonder what the duggars would think of of achristian couple who don't want kids? And who believe that overpopulation is a fact?

  44. With so many older children to help, I can't imagine there's enough work to keep them all busy. Mr. and Mrs. Duggar no longer have very small children that require constant supervision; are they relishing this calmer time with their younger children while continuing to minister? I would like to see the older children progress along a life path - are they still taking college courses? Where are they considering getting finishing their degrees? In what fields? Real estate? Car repair? Cosmetology? Teaching? Is anyone going into seminary? How is the daughters' book going? Will they release a preview before publishing? What kind of work are the older children doing? Do they manage the family's web site or the real estate business? Are they running the household and the schooling? How are they balancing what they need to know in college and at work with their faith? How is their faith interacting with growing up and moving on in life?

  45. I admire the way that Michelle mothers her children! She is faithful and committed- this shows in her children's behavior and admiration towards her.

    I am curious about the discipline in the house. I am mom to a 5 year old boy, and staying calm and talking softly is often hard to do :)

  46. Michelles patience, how many times has she fallen off the "wagon" with that and how long did it take before a decent amount of time had past before she started to notice that it had been a while since she had lost her patience????? What was it like for her in the beginning also, to have her body constantly pregnant, did she always have a selfless mindset? This woman is by far the most remarkable woman to Google because of these curious things......I suppose when u do common things in an uncommon way it can inspire and make the world curious tenfold!

  47. I would love for Michelle to share any advice she has on getting sleep when she always has new babies coming along. I have three small children and sometimes I am so desperate for sleep I can't imagine being sleep deprived for over 20 years! And more specifically, when it comes to her babies, does she co-sleep? Does she use any sort of sleep training tactics?

  48. Why some of the older ones seem to not be as connected to the family. For example how Josh talks and acts with his younger siblings is not the same as I would expect. I would expect more enteraction ( playing games, and things he does with his own kids.)

  49. How do they afford the medical costs(labor and deliveries)?

  50. I have always wondered if the kids are allowed to go out alone? Michelle always answers that the siblings love each other and enjoy spending time together. We always see the older girls going out together or with chaperones or families in the same belief system. Can Jana or Jessa just hop in a car and go to the mall herself? or does she have to go with a sibling or approved chaperone? I want a straightforward answer, not they always love being together.

    If the 7 kids above 18 choose to stay at home and not go to a brick and motar college or get their own apartment that is fine if it is their choice. I just find it odd that they never seem to get any alone time outside of the home. I can't imagine being in my 20's and not being able to go out shopping or take a long walk or bike ride by myself once in awhile. Sure most of the time I enjoy being with my friends and family but sometimes you need a litle alone time.

    1. The girls themselves have said they get time alone but its not too long before they miss having people around them. its just something they have gotten used to.

    2. I agree about wanting straight forward answers. I love the duggars, but they're very good about talking in circles and not really answering the question. It must come from their days in politics :)

  51. I would like to know how they homeschool all the age groups espically when they were so younger!

  52. where the duggar girls get their skirts

  53. In response to some comments on young people leaving their faith in college- I think that may be true for some who are just not rooted in their faith or who do not know who they are in Christ. What I see many times is parents full of fear to send their children to college. I went to college. I got a degree. I never ever felt tempted to do drugs or drink or the other things that parents seem to fear. If the Duggar children are not going to college, they may be learning, but they will not have a college degree. Obviously they need to go with the plan God has for each child. I just keep hearing things that make me think that in some Christian circles of belief that there is fear instilled in children that college is a wrong choice and can not be God's plan. I would say that Michelle Duggar is quite grateful for the female nurses at the Little Rock NICU who went to college to become nurses and the doctors who cared for sweet Josie. There are jobs that require college and it is possible for children to attend college with the intent to study. There are honors dorms, there are many students who indeed go to school to learn and not party. As much as the Duggar girls love children, one of them would probably make a wonderful NICU nurse. John David would be a great pilot for an airline, or a policeman. I think it's important not to think about careers that do not require college so much as it matters to find out what God has for each child and then go do it even if it requires college. Have faith in your child to be able to go out in the world. If they know who they are in Christ they will be fine.

  54. Why don't the Duggars eat pork? I know it is a religious conviction, but what is the reasoning behind it?

    1. Pigs don't sweat, therefore are unclean to eat due to all the toxins in their system (which is what we sweat out). There are several references in the bible regarding pork Leviticus 11:7-8 ESV / 257
      And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.

    2. Really? I've seen them eat bacon on the show. Maybe it was turkey bacon?

  55. I love the Duggars, each and every one of them. However I am still somewhat curious as to why they tried to have another baby after the scare with Josie. The Lord provided and saved Josie but I still think that Michelle should have decided to stop trying and leave new Duggars to Anna or one of her eldest daughters once they are married (which would probably be soon). If Michelle and Jim Bob are so eager to have another child they could always adopt (:

  56. I'm curious why the Duggars don't admit the fact that they're Gothardites on the show. If being Quiverfull is so great, why don't they tell the TV audience about it?

  57. I totally agree with Anonymous@7:19 A.M.

  58. I totally agree with you maria! I think that the girls should spend less time on their hair and makeup and show their natural beauty.p.s. yeah michelle looks amazing

  59. I read all the post I think they are fantastic questions and points I truly hope that the duggars or tlc is reading these post to bring something new to the new season .not to fake anything of course they still shpuld be themselves since most of us admire them so much but these are great questions that the duggar family should answer

  60. I guess why when their top half is so modest why they wear splits in their skirts. Splits were put there so men can look at their legs. High heel to make a woman's bottom jiggle more.I find it interesting that they are more concerned about not showing their armpits. And why there isn't more marriages yet. My husband is the oldeSt of 7. He is 35 and the baby is 21. All have been married and the 20the grand baby is due in August. Grandma just turned 50 this month!

  61. why they dont let their children live their own lives? Why would they let their children live in the real world. why would they let their children go to college and online classes do not count.

  62. As someone who goes to church with these families, I would like to answer some questions here if it's okay.
    Yes, there are things they don't always announce in the media. They need to surprise you once in awhile!
    Michelle does look great. She let her body do what the Lord designed it to do, and she is happy. That makes you healthy.
    The older girls do wear a bit too much makeup...we agree. But, they are adults. They can choose what they want to do. The younger girls do not do that, they are under their parents' authority.
    There are some folks in our church who go to college, and there are some who do not. The kids are free to choose what they would like to do and follow. College is a huge amount of money. One thing most of us do not believe in is wasting a bunch of money. If you can get and build a decent career without college, you should. That is being responsible with debt.
    The children have perfectly normal childhoods. The person who asked that doesn't know much about them, obviously.
    The question about being gay....that is most likely something that will not ever happen. The children all have strong relationships with the Lord and KNOW their Bible. The Bible speaks against homosexuality, and this just wouldn't happen in their family group. If for some reason the devil got a stronghold and took over in this area, they would pray for this child like anyone would. The Duggars have shown over and over how they accept any and all people as is, but they certainly would pray and work to show a sinner the ways of the Lord that lead to repentance and healing.
    Most of us wear leggings under our skirts, which makes them very modest when doing athletic things.
    The Duggars are careful to protect their hearts against wrong teaching. But, they would not shun someone for being different. We are Pentecostal, but we are absolutely welcome in their Baptist church!
    The Duggars do eat pork Our family doesn't. We are all allowed to believe whatever the Lord leads us to in that respect.
    Bill Gothard's teaching has nothing to do with the quiverfull movement. That is why they are considered to be a qf family.

    1. They aren't quiverful, I think their book says that

    2. Being gay isn't a sin. Its in your DNA.

  63. I am just happy to read these questions about the Duggars. Yes, some people are a little negative, but it is nice to have a website where more people are positively asking questions with out putting them down.

  64. I'm curious what kind of music they listen to. I'd love to know everyone's favorite CD!!

  65. I'd also love to know if the Duggars immunize their children. And if so, do they follow the recommended schedule or do they alter it at all?

  66. I don't think any of the Duggar kids are allowed to go anywhere by themselves because Jim Bob and Michelle don't trust that they would obey the "rules". If one of them goes off by themselves, they might want to do all the things they have been forbidden to do (like watch tv or kiss someone) and having no supervision means no one could stop them.

  67. @Proverbs Mama, is their Church integrated?

  68. How do the Duggars teach their children about people who are different from them, particularly Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Atheists, Buddhsits, etc.

  69. @Proverbs Mama. Actually it is entirely possible to attend an accredited college for free, and a college degree is far from wasteful in getting a career started. I'm more concerned about their academic ability as a result of homeschooling. Are they able to get decent scores on their SATs? Most homeschoolers I know personally are finished with high school around 15 or 16 and allowed to go to college. Why are they so afraid of their children getting to know people with different beliefs or values? It doesn't mean they'll necessarily abandon their home training. Do they not trust GOd that their grown children will make good decisions, too?

  70. The Duggars are not part of a Quiverfull movement. Jim Bob states this in their latest book, "A Love That Multiples". If you read about the Quiverfull movement, it might seem on the outside that the Duggars follow all those precepts, but actually do not. They believe that it is ok for women to work outside the home, something that is not typically encouraged by the Quiverfull movement. Read their latest book and JIm Bob talks more about what they believe. I believe their older girls are free to dress how they like, but have made it their choice to wear skirts.

    My question for Michelle and Jim Bob is this: I know your older kids will live at home until they are married, but what if God does not bring them a spouse until they are 40? Is there an age at which you would encourage your daughters (and sons!) to get out on their own if they were not yet married?

  71. I want to know how many of her Children were exclusively breastfeed, and for how long, also, if they co sleep or baby wear. I'd love to know about her birthing experiences, did she use drugs, how many c-sections, has she ever had an unassisted childbirth? How has her view on Child birth changed over the years?

  72. @Anonymous

    They have eaten bacon on the show, but it is always turkey bacon.

  73. Proverbs Mama,Thank you for taking the time to answer some questions. When mentioning college, remember that there are many, many scholarship opportunities available. I did not end up paying much for my college education at all. Our family believes that the bible says to owe no man but to love him, so we do not carry debt. My husband and I have one child in college right now and he has a full scholarship. College is possible without mountains of debt and if that is God's will, He will provide. It is always best to seek God's plan, then ask Him to help and bless than to choose a path based on money (or lack thereof) and ask Him to bless the path.

    I am very glad Michelle is taking care of her body and eating well. I also agree that no one knows everything about their lives and that is the way it should be.

    I am no for wearing skirts all the time no matter how it's done, whether leggings or not. If I were to ride a horse, I would be wearing jeans (women's jeans):)

  74. I know Michelle has said that despite what Wikipedia states, they are not a part of Quiverfull. I have both audio books of theirs, and it's in one of them.She specifically addresses this.

  75. Where the Duggar girls get their skirts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. coz im so jealous of them getting to have a huge house and heaps of brothers and sisters would be fun and also i find it interesting how the dynamics of the family work and what they do and how micheele and jim bob give attention to there kids

  77. I was wondering why do the Duggars listen to the older type of music? (I'm not against that it's just the up beat stuff is more for me LOL!)

    Why hasn't Anna had anymore children? Is it because her experience with Michael? I was wondering becasue she was pregnant with him when Mackenzie just turned 1 and now Michael is 3 and still no more children.

  78. I don't blame the Duggar girls for not wanting to leave home. If I had a home like that, I wouldn't want to leave, either. :)

  79. lauren h: i don't think michael is even 2 yet, and if you look at the most recent pictures of Anna, she's 5 or 6 months pregnant. i just don't think it's been announced yet.

  80. I am curious about there internet usage. They say they monitor closely but they have iphones and things like that I see they using a lot. Doesn't that kind of thing come with internet? I could be wrong.

  81. No the Duggar girls are not in a relationship yet. Yes from Josh through Josiah are doing College Plus it is sort of on hold though but yes they are doing college.

  82. Why do they use only plastic plates and plastic cutlery? I love the Duggars, but that is sooooo not good for the environment - all the waste and the chemicals that go into making them. I know that they would use water to wash up, but that is nothing compared to the damage they are doing now. Also, plastic plates and cutlery are not pleasant to eat with and from.

  83. Well, definitly back in 2004 when 14 Children and Pregnant Again premeired, I was interested and in awstruck by the family size and seeing how they lived that way. Then I connected with the family spiritualitly and values wise. Even to this day, almost every other reality show and special says or highlights very little about the people's faith. The Duggars are uniuqe in that they wouldn't and won't do this without their faith shining through. I'd be the same way. My faith isn't part of my life, nor an very important part of my life. My faith IS my life.

    Then of course, their's watching the children and watching them grow up, and the famiy advantures and values. My interest in the family hasn't demised over time.

  84. Hey, I'm 31 and I still with my Mama. I don't have to nor want to live alone. Plus I don't want my Mama to live alone either. She never has lived by herself. God hasn't sent the possiblity of my first date and relationship to me yet, if ever.

  85. Most of these questions (courting, leaving the house, college, wearing skirts, discipline) have been answered on the Duggars' tv show and in their book. I think the people who are a little bit cynical or critical obviously haven't watched the show much.
    As a Christian mama to ten, soon to be eleven children, (who doesn't own a tv but watches their show online) I always feel inspired to be a better mom and wife after viewing their family.
    I don't see how you could watch their kids and not realize how content and loved and happy they are with the way they're being raised. I think their childhood looks totally normal - sadly, in this generation, "normal" looks odd.

  86. Are Josh and Anna planning to move or add an addition to their home? I always wondered why they chose a small home when they expected to have quite a few children.

  87. I believe Josh and Anna have a small home because that's what they could afford at the time without going into debt. Actually, I think they rent it. I am certain they are saving money to buy a larger home when they can afford to --- without a mortgage! The Duggars have been my inspiration for debt-free living. The only debt we have now is the mortgage and we are selling next year and buying next year with CASH!

  88. I wonder whether someone is courting yet. It's remarkable that Josh married so early and already has two children while the others are still not courting someone. But of course they have a right for privacy too - so they won't tell everyone of course.

  89. There was a question about their Iphones and internet. I received their book and their latest book states the boys who own Iphones do not have acces to Safari/internet.

  90. On the episode that showed Jill's birthday, it said that Michelle keeps a running list of her kids' favorites. She gave Jill a bottle of Jill's favorite perfume. I was wondering what the name of it was, and who makes it.

  91. @ElizabethI love the duggers, but I always wonder how they would manage

    if all of the adult daughters were to lead their own lives whether college, careers or marriage out of their parent's home.

  92. How would the parents and sibling react if one child came out as gay/lesbien? would they accept or disown?

  93. @Elizabeth
    I come from a family of 13 children, and the first one married 6 years ago, and they now have 4 children. The second one wasn't married until a month age, so, it is possible that they could not have a wedding in the family for a few years. It all lies in God's timing.

  94. the duggars might be adopting!!!

  95. I wonder what kind of conversation Michelle has with her daughters when they start having their periods.. would be cool to get an answer on that!

  96. @Jessica Jonkman

    Hi Jessica,

    When one of her daughters starts their periods, Michelle takes that girl out to lunch and gives her a kit to welcome her into womanhood. Then Jim Bob takes that daughter out for another meal to show her how she should expect to be treated by a true gentleman.

    Lily and Ellie

  97. I just watched an earlier episode of the Duggars with chickenpox. There are vaccinations now a days to prevent them. Do they not believe in them?

  98. Hello Lily and Ellie, I am curious to know more of the practicalities of the Buddy System Michelle uses. I am trying to incorporate that concept in my home with my two oldest who are just 8 and 5 and haven't felt very successful. I would be interested to hear other mom's input on their buddy systems as well: what ages they started, what responsibilities they gave, how to handle a "bossy" buddy, what kind of guidelines the buddy had to abide by to be a "good" buddy :), when the littler one doesn't listen to the older buddy, and things like that. Thanks so much :).

  99. What would the parents do, if one day the older kids said they all wanted to move out and live life on their own terms, such as college,live with a girl friend or boyfriend. Would they be allowed to or forbidden?

  100. I remember Michelle addressing the question of bedrooms when they were planning their home. The offered to make more bedrooms so the older kids could have their own rooms. She said that everyone, especially the girls, wanted to continue to share with their siblings because they loved being together. I wondered if that were quite true, but thought it was nice.

  101. I believe their hair is naturally straight. I know they have at times given each other permanents.

  102. I am very curious if the Duggars use the book "How to train up a child" by the Pearls.
    Can someone answer my question, please?

  103. Really trivial question but I have always wondered if the Duggar girls have to wear skirts to bed too or if they can rug up in pyjama or track pants?

  104. What do the Duggars do to keep everyone so healthy? I cannot imagine what their medical bills would be like. Do they use any type of alternative medicine? chiropractic? homeopathics? herbs?

  105. I am curious if Michelle is always as calm as she appears on the show or if there are times she just looses it with the children. She always seems so calm and I didn't know if that is just for the show or if she is normal and looses it sometimes.

  106. My name is Sarah question is, how would you react if one of your children came out as gay?

  107. I always wondered what if one of your kids didn't want to be in a courtship and wanted to "date" someone, would you allow them to "date"?

  108. Since I'm a girl... will I marry into the Duggar family, possibly?

  109. The marriages and the kids of course!

  110. I have a question ... The Duggar motto is 'Buy used, save the difference." Does this mean that when they purchase something used - a deep freezer or even a used bicycle- they actually calculate the cost of that item if it were new and then put that difference in the bank?? Thanks :)

  111. Relationships!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really like Anna. She is so sweet and such a loving mama. And her kids are the cutest!!!!!!!


  112. I find this comment very offensive:
    The question about being gay....that is most likely something that will not ever happen. The children all have strong relationships with the Lord and KNOW their Bible. The Bible speaks against homosexuality, and this just wouldn't happen in their family group. If for some reason the devil got a stronghold and took over in this area, they would pray for this child like anyone would. The Duggars have shown over and over how they accept any and all people as is, but they certainly would pray and work to show a sinner the ways of the Lord that lead to repentance and healing..

    Being gay is not a sin.. I thought God loves ALL his children! My God is about love no matter how someone is born.

  113. That is a good question. In 2015, is the Patriarchial way of life really beneficial to the emotional upbringing of people, especially adults who are forced to live at home?

  114. To anonymous 127: Being gay is a sin. Read Romans 1:26-32

  115. How they could possibly turn out to be so much like my family:) I mean, we only have food kids, but thats as many as God chose to give us. we have a strong faith in God and dress much like they do (we dress slightly more conservatively) and have most of the same principles of music, movies, internet, and things like that.

  116. I just want to know why people believe being gay is a sin...who are they hurting? I just don't understand the reason behind it. It is love between two consenting adults why is that a sin?

  117. TV watching is forbidden in their home. How do they explain to the kids the plethora of cameras and tech crews following them around? How do they explain that strangers know their names?

  118. what makes me most curious is how do you prepare meals and say jackson doesn't like eggs...josie hates seafood ect..all those food likes/dislikes how do you do it??????

  119. What possessed you to want to make everything in your lives so public?

    Carol Ann KY

  120. I love rewatching episodes I got to the one of the buddy system and it only showed Jill’s buddy system. I wanna know how are the other kids are divided up?


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