
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Duggar Family Blog Archives: Josh and John Save a Life

We are re-posting this riveting news story for those of you who were not readers in February 2010.

When three vehicles collided in front of Josh Duggar's car lot, he and John sprung into action to save the life of six-year-old Maddye Plascensia.

At the time of the accident, Maddye, a passenger in one of the vehicles, had been eating chicken nuggets.

"I thought fender bender, no big deal, happens quite often here actually. And then I realized there was a little girl,” Josh told 40/29 News.

After carrying the unconscious six-year-old inside, John Duggar began CPR, while Josh called 911. Both men are grateful to have been able to help, but they refuse to take credit, telling the public that they were just a small piece of the puzzle. Josh credits the Springdale paramedics for taking over and quickly reviving Maddye, who was then airlifted to Arkansas Children's Hospital.

Click here to listen to Josh's call with the 911 dispatcher.


  1. It's great that Josh and John knew what to do and were able to help. People caring for one another is just what the world needs more of.

  2. Aww that was such a awesome story!

  3. I think Lily and Ellie are running out of things to say :) Maybe you could start doing posts on the Bates family? Recap of the hour-long episode? Maybe some Duggar trivia questions? Videos and clips? I don't know,just kinda a thought.

  4. Inspires me to take a CPR refresher course. It would be great to have confidence in my rescue skills, just in case something happens.

  5. Does anybody know if you can buy the Bates show on Amazon? I can view Youtube, so I would like to view it on Amazon like I do with the Duggars.


  6. lily and ellie do you know how to contact the duggars the are by midway airport and i am right across the the bridge from them

  7. Hi Lily and Ellie have you seen this on Youtube yet? 19 Reasons and Counting: Vote for Rick


  8. @Anonymous

    Hi Kerri-ann,

    We did see that video and have posted it, but thanks for making sure!

    Have a wonderful week.
    Lily and Ellie

  9. First of all, Rick Santorum supported NDDA and the Patriot Act, which are both unconstitutional usurpations of power. So, he's not going to defend the constitution. Next, Rick Santorum voted to increase the debt ceiling 5 times. So, that means he doesn't care about the baby's future. Third, Rick isn't 100% pro-life. He voted to fund Planned Parenthood. Fourth, he is not honest. His reactions in 2011 to the Tea Party were that he wanted to destroy it ( and now he's saying he is a Tea Party guy. Fifth, Rick supported bank bailouts. Bank bailouts did not help small business owners or the middle class. Bank bailouts led to the increased printing of fiat money, which decreased the value of the dollar.

  10. In the 90s, Rick Santorum voted to support the Lautenberg Gun Ban, which stripped law-abiding gun owners of their Second Amendment rights for their lifetimes, simply because they spanked their children or did nothing more than grab a spouses wrist. He voted for a bill in 1999 disguised as an attempt to increase penalties on drug traffickers with guns… but it also included a provision to require federal background checks at gun shows.

  11. Opinions on so many issues should not be stated without facts to support them.


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