
Sunday, March 18, 2012

"19 Reasons & Counting to Vote for Rick Santorum"

Enjoy this video, produced by the Duggar family.


  1. Aww Josie! So cute!!!!! Lily and Ellie, this may be kinda personal so you don't have to answer buy who are you voting for?

  2. Did Jana dye her hair? It looks brown for some reason. It's usually a blond color.

  3. That was soo cute!!! very well done! Josh's kids and even Josie look so grown up! If I were American, he'd get my vote! Although I heard somewhere he was a mormon, does anyone know if thats the case?

  4. That is so cute! He is Roman Catholic not Mormon! I agree with the video expect with the issue of gay marriage other then that I like him he seems like a good Catholic man! I don't know about president but he seems true to his beliefs! I am pro-life!

  5. Did anyone else just massively cringe?! The camera work and lighting in that made them all look really odd. However, it shows how far behind the shows are atm because they all look so much older

  6. now seeing how all these kids grew up and now looking at josie she has grown so much and now trying to talk and now seeing jinger,joseph with no braces now but only joy has braces now

  7. Rick is Roman Catholic I think. It is Mitt Romney that is a Mormon.

    1. I hope romney retry the president thing.I love he's belivefs

  8. Excellent video! The kids are so grown up! I'm sure they are learning so much participating in this campaign!

  9. Can you view this on another site (tlc player)?

    We can't view Youtube!

  10. I really enjoy the Duggars' show and I admire the way they stick to their convictions, but I often wonder if the children are ever allowed to think for themselves. Why does the whole family have to support the same person? Do they even have a choice or are they told that the whole family will support Rick Santorum and that's the end of the discussion?

  11. I have to wonder if the kids understand the reasons they are giving, since it is clear that they are all reading them...And if they understand them, do they really agree?

  12. doesn't matter if they understand them or even like santorum. daddy tells them what to believe. i'd imagine there's very little they actually have their own opinions on. how could they? they're not allowed to be exposed to the outside world or think critically about a story from all angles until they leave. don't get me wrong, i like the duggars. this is really the only aspect of their treatment of the kids that makes me cringe a bit.

  13. Kids usually agree with their parents as the parents are the ones who explain things to them. Until of course the kids are more independent and learn to question things, based on things they learn at school, things they read, and people they are exposed to. Since the Duggar kids are homeschooled and are around others of like-minds, I'm sure they all believe what they are saying whole-heartedly.

  14. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    As of now, it looks like the only way to view the video is through YouTube. We will keep our eyes open for another website.

    Have a blessed week,
    Lily and Ellie

  15. how is this not brain-washing children?

  16. No he is not Mormon but why would that be a bad thing if he was? The duggars remind me a lot of Mormons and share a lot of the same beliefs. Not 100 percent the same of course but enough that I could see them lending their support to Rick even if he was Mormon

  17. Josie looks so cute

  18. What a wonderful video from the Duggar Family !! I love how all of the Duggars were on there, even little Josie !! ♥

  19. Libby, I was only asking a question, no need to jump down my throat. Two, The kids can think for themselves (GASP!!!) I am sure that Jim bob and Michelle explained to the older ones what all the different runners were in favour of and who they preffered and left it up to the kids to decide for themselves who they would vote for I am sure the kids have come to respect and trust their parents judgement and choice in who they would vote for. And while the Duggars may appear Mormon or Catholic, they are not. I asked Michelle myself and she replied they are Independant Baptists. Which would make sense scince they are heavily involved with IBLP (institute in basic life principles)

  20. I don't think we want to go into a religious debate by in NO WAY are the Duggars like Mormons! I can't see them EVER believing in the book of mormon! Yikes! The kiddos are so adorable on this - so great to see them. I think that Josh might have filmed this video, based on some pictures on his Webstagram account a week or so ago! Cool!

  21. I have noticed a wave of hate lately I just want to ask if you don't like The Duggars and think the kids are brain washed why are you on a fan site! I don't mean to be rude or anything but I am a fan and respect the family! They aren't perfect and I may not agree with them all the time but they are a great family! I just wondered why?

  22. By the way, the Duggar Girls are working on a book called "Growing up Duggar" but there is no release date as yet. As far as I am concerned, that takes a person who can put two neurons together to have a thought of their own in order to execute such a feat.If they were mindless robots they would never attempt it on their own. ;) Here's the link to prove it, this lady's daughter is a penpal to Jill Duggar:

  23. They finally posted it.

  24. @Mmolesy

    Thanks a bunch, Mmolesy! We saw that blog post earlier today but didn't have the chance to read the entire thing. Thanks for the reminder to go back and finish it! (Between blogging, homeschooling, and enjoying the beautiful weather that much of the United States and Canada has been blessed with, we've been busy.)

    What would we do without loyal readers like you?

    Have a fabulous week!
    Lily and Ellie

  25. No probs Guys! Do you mind sending some of that lovely weather down here? our summer is over and soon we will be heading into winter. We generally don't see snow around here. To do so we have to drive for about 45 minutes to see it!! lol. So i am glad it doesnt get that cold. But i still prefer nice warm weather. :)

  26. @Mmolesy

    We will try to send you some of our weather but cannot make any promises. Might have a hard time convincing the rest of the continent to part with it, even for a few milliseconds. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  27. @ Lily and Ellie: ROFL!!

  28. Lily and Ellie - you bring the sunshine no matter what the weather outside! Thanks for all your hard working on this inspirational blog. I check in a few times a day to read posts and comments. I love the Duggar family - they have changed our hearts, encouraged our family, and have been a huge positive influence in our lives. Thanks!! And God Bless!

  29. Too bad for Josiah! Acne has finally made its unwanted appearance! Good Luck, Man! P.S. red colors do not suit you!

  30. Hey Lily and Ellie, I was wondering if you knew what religion Rick Santorum is. There's been some rumors that he is Catholic. I was just thinking that if he's catholic, why are the Duggars behind him? They are supposedly Baptist. Just wanting to know, Abi. Thank you!

  31. @Anonymous

    Hi Anonymous,

    Your kind words made our day. We are thrilled that the blog is an encouragement and are honored to have you as a reader.

    Have a blessed week,
    Lily and Ellie

  32. How can you be for freedom for Americans and less big government involvement and at the same time believe it's ok for the government to tell women what to do with their bodies and tell people who they can marry?

  33. Jana looked so beautiful!

  34. May I give you a thought:
    Wouldn´t you say this is just a video for the campaign? I think the younger Duggar children( Josie,Jordyn,Jennifer,Johannah and Jackson.. maybe more!?) and Grandchildren dont´t know what they are saying.That´s sure!
    Another point is: they are doing it as family,so everybody have to join this video. I think the children are not "brainwashed", they only make video to support Rick Santorum.
    That´s my opinion.
    Of course some readers of this blog and Fanpage have not exactly the same beliefs or religion as the Duggars.
    And because of that reason,some might think they are "brainwashed",because of their differences in beliefs and lifestyles.
    My Opinion is it´s their belief.
    And we might not agree with everything another people are doing.

    PS:I do not have the same beliefs as the Duggar Family.

  35. @Abi McGraw

    Hi Abi,

    Santorum is Catholic. Faith is one's personal relationship with God and is not determined by one's denomination.

    Thanks for being a loyal reader,
    Lily and Ellie

  36. I just want to say one thing, God is in controll of this universe and if he wants Rick santorum to become president then that will happen! I desire for Rick to become pres, but God is in control,Obama could be his plan! We know that all things work together for the good of them that trust God and are called according to his purposes.

  37. I too have notcied more people coming on here expressing their dislike of the Duggars. You don't have to agree with them,but to come here and express obvious disgust at their choices is in poor taste. You don't like them? Don't watch them! I know our family has learnt a lot from them and Iblp after they encouraged us to check it out. We love them dearly and hope they continue to share their wonderful family with the world. We need more families like them. Or at least families that have the same values and character as them.

  38. Help: What does Mackynzie say near the beginning (after Michael talks to us in a thought bubble)?? Thank you to whomever can tell.

  39. @Kay

    Hi Kay,

    After Michael's thought bubble, Mackynzie says, "Rick Santorum for president."

    ~Lily and Ellie

  40. I too don't want to get in a heated debate on religion. But I just wanted to clarify what I said before. I did not mean that the duggars believed in all Mormon doctrine (the book of mormon, etc)I meant their values remind me a lot of Mormon values. Such as family, modesty, honesty, prayer, marriage,pro life, etc. All these things the duggars share. but I do want to say that I did not appreciate the remarks made about the Book Of Mormon. I consider that book to be sacred the same as I do the Bible. Obviously you don't, and that is fine, but why did you feel like you needed to say it that way? I found it very mean.

  41. Now that I've said my part about all that, I would just like to say that I do hope this doesn't turn into a fight about my faith. I get enough of that other places and I know this site isn't about that. It is about this wonderful family the duggars!! I love watching their show and learning about their values and love of the Lord Jesus Christ. There are not many shows that uplift you and draw you closer to good christian values, and so for that I am very grateful for their show!

  42. @Anonymous but isn't that the way it always has been? Parents are the children's first teachers. My children think a lot of the same way that I do. I know one day that they will grow up and that we might not always see eye to eye. That is what happens. As older adults, as some of the Duggar children are, they (the older ones) have access to the outside world more than what we see from their show. However, the children obviously feel that their biblical principles that they were raised with are the right, they would probably agree with their parents.

  43. Annon March 21, You are welcome here. I may not be in favour of the book of mormon, but i wont condemn you for it either. You have just as much right to be here as anybody else. As far as im concerned, the only ones who arent welcome here are ones who will criticize the Duggars or Lily and Ellie.

  44. Woah, Josiah's voice has changed a LOT! :-0 AND JOSIE WAS SO CUTE!!!!! @ Jeffanie: Yeah, I thought the same thing about Jana's hair color!
    If it's God's will, I hope he becomes president. But I heard that he was a Catholic? Or maybe it was a Lutheran. But no, he's definitely not a mormon! And how can anyone say that the Duggars remind them of mormons? :/
    And the lighting or something made them all look kind of weird...and some of them had really heavy makeup it seemed to me.

  45. i honestly cant see them as being LIKE mormons either. The first time i saw them i instantly thought, independant baptists.And turns out, i was right.

  46. thank you Mmolesy for your sweet words. I appreciate it a lot. Like I said I don't think it is appropriate to talk about Mormonism on this site because that isn't what it is suppose to be about. However, a few of you have asked "why would anyone think they were like mormons" or similar remarks. Well I am a member of the mormon faith and a devoted fan of the Duggars. If you would like to know why I thought that or have any questions about my faith, you can email me at No this isn't me trying convert anyone. Just wanted to let you all know that if you do have a question, I'd be more than happy to answer. Oh, and can I just say I am soooooo excited about the Duggar girls writing a book! I've read the other two and a book from the girls perspective will be very interesting

  47. @Anonymous

    Thanks, Anonymous, for your comment.

    We are honored to have you as a reader. :)
    Lily and Ellie

  48. I was wondering how the Duggars support Rick Santorum, knowing that he is Catholic, and they are not. Does anyone know???

  49. I really don't think the government as any business concerning themselves with the relationships between individual. My motto let everyone get married who care but you should require a licence to have a child. (As long as every one involved is 18)

    I have 2 gay uncle I call my gay dad along with my mom and dad. They have been together for 30 years and are wonderful people they don't want the right to get married in a Southern Baptist church or any other church that differ with their beliefs. Marriage is really a religious or personal institution and the government should not be wasting their time with it.

    I say make parents write a plan before they have children people just jump into it thinking haha what fun. Adoption should be encourage and people should maybe get tax cuts that help them to complete an adoption not for just popping out another child.

    The duggars do do a great job for the most part raising their children. but there are many family that don't. My only slight concern with the duggars is I wish that they would consider adoption. adopted children are just as much of a blessing as biological ones.

    If adopted children were just as desired as biological ones then perhaps there would be fewer abortions something that would make me truly happy as an adopted person who thinks abortion is made far to easy an out.



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