
Monday, February 19, 2024

Nails and Mud

 What does a trip to the nail salon have in common with mud? Not much, but both are featured in Joy and Austin Forsyth's latest YouTube video. Joy and the kids join Jana Duggar and Johannah Duggar for manicures and pedicures. And later, the Forsyths meet up with Austin's parents and some friends for a mudding adventure.


  1. Gideon is 5 and still majorly sucking his thumb? Their dentist (if they have one) needs to have a talk with Joy and Gideon about what can happen if that keeps up. They should also talk to his pediatrician about any underlying reason why Gideon feels the need for that kind of physical comfort at his age.

    1. My son sucked his thumb until he was 12 or 13. And the dentist we saw never said a word to us about it.

    2. I am sure they take him to the dentist and a doctor. Every child is different. They go at their own pace. You must had been a perfect child that potty trained early and did everything on time.

    3. You obviously don't have children lol.

    4. A couple of years ago, Joy stated that Gideon's dentist told them that he already has some damage due to the thumb sucking. It did nothing for this little boy as his parents don't seem to care. The Sr Mr. Forsyth tried to coax him to quit this but wasn't received well by Joy and Austin. I agree that there is something else going on with this little boy that needs to be addressed. He also needs to go to a real school which would give him the attention he seems to need. Evie also is mimicking her brother with having her fingers in her teeth most of the time. Their speech also is behind.

    5. You are clearly not a Pediatrician or a parent. You think kids go by the book, ha, you got another thing coming.

    6. It's not that serious. The majority of the time, there is no underlying reason. Most kids don't realize they do it. There isn't a whole lot a Pediatrician can do other than give the parents or guardian tips. 50+ percentage of kids will finally break the habit at 2nd to 3rd Grade.

    7. Who says they haven't discussed this with medical professionals? And why wouldn't they have a dentist? As adults, I'm certain they understand the ramifications of such behaviors in children. If not, after reading your post, I'm sure they will run right out and "fix" their child.

    8. The kids are adorable. Some children suck their thumb or fingers until they are much older than 5…why would anyone want to discipline a child and tell them to stop sucking their’s their way of comforting themselves, I think it’s refreshing to see he does it in front of people and isn’t ashamed of it. I sucked my two fingers until I was 11, but because of family comments I did it in private. I probably could of stopped sooner if my brother hadn’t teased me.

    9. 7:36 this is partially untrue. They did do something about it and Joy took it seriously. Just because a child is having a hard time stopping, it doesn't mean Joy is doing anything wrong. You can take every tip from the book, but at the end of the day it's the child that has to stop. Forcing it will make them more nervous and do it more.

    10. 2:16 and 7:36 are the only ones who get it and see the seriousness of this.

    11. It's a fact that thumb sucking for too long causes mouth and speech problems as well as skin problems on the sucked finger. Joy has a problem on her hands (well, on her son's hands to be specific) and seems oblivious to it. She usually learns things the hard way. Reactive parenting instead of proactive. She's going to have a hard time raising a big family unless she learns to stay ahead of things.

    12. Oh please! You can't be seriously OP. You have a few children and let's see how well they listen to you and the pediatrician lol. You sound like you missed your nap.

    13. An orthodontist can fix a thumbsucker’s buck teeth for about $5,000 when the kid is about 12. One house-flip will pay for all 3 kids.

    14. Really, 7:36? You think school actually care about kids? Hahaha!! Thumb sucking doesn't seem as bad as teachers telling them they're the wrong gender!

    15. @7:28 Wait til I tell my public school teaching friend that she's not teaching properly, because she's never told any kid that.

    16. It's rare for that too mess up your teeth otherwise orthodontists will advise against all baby bottles and pacifiers.

    17. 3:08- I know of some teachers who are pushing a narrative, rather than teaching what should be taught. If your friend is teaching spelling, reading, cursive, telling time using a face clock (not digital) great!

  2. totally impractical nails and a waste of money

    1. Well if you got money, you can do whatever you want with it. Set up a lemonade stand lol.

    2. It's theirs to spend it on!

    3. It's not like they are spending your money OP.

  3. Mudding? Frankly, I think these people need to grow up and do something more productive.

    1. I have to question why they felt it necessary to strap that young baby into the open ATV and take him along. If they were with Austin's father, his mother could have babysat. What they did was dangerous not only to themselves but especially to the kids.

    2. Bogging (mudding) is so much fun for old and young alike.

    3. @2:39 its called family time and people need more of that. These new generation of parents rely on others to raise their children.

    4. Little Gideon looked terrified riding in that silly vehicle. Not a thing for small children. They are wreckless like most of the rest of their families.

    5. 3:20 Isn't the baby a bit young to be expected to experience that kind of fun?

    6. Look, they're making memories

    7. @8:36 Leaving your babies or older kids with their grandmother while you do something dangerous in an open-sided vehicle is not "relying on others to raise your children."

    8. @12:04 it wasn't like how you are trying to make it out to be. Wow.

    9. It's not like they was racing and doing dangerous stunts 12:04. But a hard fact to swallow is that parents these days don't want to do anything with their kids.

  4. Always love a good pedicure and feet soak!

    1. Eww, all I can do is think of the bacteria that might be lurking in that foot tub. There's not enough bleach in the world that would allow me to put my feet in there after someone else's feet had been in it.

    2. @2:19 well that's you. A good nail salon will clean those tubs thoroughly. It's usually more than bleach though.

    3. Do you use public swimming pools?

    4. Yes, particularly some Duggar females who don't seem to wash their feet on any normal basis. Remember how filthy Joy's feet were in that video of her finding a pair of shoes to wear for a "date" with Austin? The bottoms of her feet were black with filth.

    5. My friend got toenail and fingernail fungus at a nail salon.

    6. 2:19. You must not have much experience with pedicures. Rewatch the video and you will see there is a plastic sleeve covering the foot tub. Water is filled in these individual coverings so the person’s feet are the only ones that are soaking in this fresh water. After each pedicure the water is drained, old cover thrown away, tub washed and new individual cover put on. Most states require these safety precautions and the board of health makes regular visits to nail salons to make sure all state regulations are being followed.

    7. 8:10 that means they didn't clean and do things properly๐Ÿ˜ฌ

    8. Plastic liners can have rips. The water spout is probably not cleaned enough (like ice makers in restaurants are always moldy and gross). That guy had no gloves on while handling the feet. No thanks!

    9. 5:49 they usually don't wear gloves. That's because they clean their hands. You need to look on how a nail salon is run.

    10. Doctors, Nurses and Pediatricians don't wear gloves either unless they are giving you a vaccine.

    11. @7:51 Not always the case. But at least they're trained on infection control, better than a nail salon.

    12. 11:22 Pedicure tub plastic linings are often not thrown away. Go around back some of the nail salons, and you'll see a clothesline attached to the building, near the dumpster, and on it are hanging plastic tub linings. Yup!

    13. You don't know how well the salon was that Joy went too. So stop it. She has the right to do her nails if she wants.

    14. 3:41 the plastic lining is always changed. Unless you work at a bad salon.

  5. Nothing like getting your nails done.

  6. Joy needs a spa day and that'll really make haters mad lol

    1. Nobody is "mad." Sorry to burst your bubble.

    2. They are always mad at something they do.

  7. I just got my nails done too! Going green for March!๐Ÿ’š

  8. Looks like a fun time! I need to get my St. Paddy Day nails on.

  9. A three year old needing a pedicure, they must be rich people.

    1. Wow. I have seen non-rich people do this with this with their child. Calm down and go get some help. You obviously was neglected.

    2. They should buy a bottle of nail polish at the dollar store and call it a day. Rich or not.

    3. @10:56 Wow. Maybe that's what is best for you.

    4. Some people want good quality 10:56. Why does that bother you?

  10. Seemed like a fun time for sure!

  11. So relaxing getting nails done! I love my nail technician. I can't wait to get my spring pastels.

  12. Enjoy y'alls family time.

  13. The economy must be doing great if folks can afford frills like manicures, pedicures and mudding!

  14. Happy Birthday Gideon!

  15. Think both Joy and Austin act very immature

    1. It's funny when someone calls someone else immature, it's usually the other way around.

    2. Why is that how it worked out for you? February 29 @ 10:19 pm

  16. I see the birthday list has been updated to include George and Gunner. But surprised to see that the rumors were wrong about Josiah and Lauren. They only have Bella. Keep up the good work Lily and Ellie.

    1. The "rumors" were not wrong. They don't only have Bella...

    2. Josiah and Lauren do have three children, its just they do not announce the births of their children anymore given they quit social media ages ago.

    3. 12:30 they only have 2

  17. There's mud in their new video too but not this kind...

  18. Its always nice when mama can get away to the nail salon or do something for herself. I love it!

  19. Pardon the comment being placed here but I don't know where to put it. .. Why is the header no longer being updated?

    1. They have stated before that it takes awhile to make a new one. They have not been updating this site all that often. I suspect they are gonna redo it soon.

  20. Nothing better than a fresh set of nails! I get mine done once a month.

    1. Glad to know that the economy is humming right along and people can afford manicures and pedicures!

    2. LOL 12:15 Contrary to what you hear when campaign commercials air.

    3. 12:25- a once in awhile mani/pedi won't hurt them...

  21. I enjoy watching the videos. Thank you to Joy and Austin for sharing some of your life with others. Prayers ๐Ÿ™!

  22. Here's hoping that Derick is enjoying his 35th Birthday!!!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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