
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Jinger Vuolo on 'Shiny Happy People'

Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo filmed another interview-style video podcast. In this one, they discuss the docuseries Shiny Happy People. Jinger explains why she chose not to participate. She and Jeremy also share the helpful elements of the docuseries, as well as what they believe it lacked.


  1. I love Jinger and Jeremy's podcast.

  2. You have got to be kidding me! These two again??

    1. You made 3 comments under this post lol.

    2. And you comment again? Gee lol

    3. Its a blog silly, blogs get more then one comment from the same person. Why would you be counting comments from people, bored much??? LOL

    4. Nobody realized before that there was a response limit. Thanks for pointing that out. Guys, only one thought allowed per person. If you've already had your thought, you're finished.

  3. I really enjoy their podcast.

  4. Me watching the comments for the jealous people who take the time out of their day just to post how they can't stand hearing about Jinger when you know good and we'll they are likely the same people who complained that she needs to break free from her strict parents. And when she did they are still finding petty things to complain about and twist.

  5. Jinger made a good point about how the teachings from the Bible were intermingled with Gothards extreme teachings..and that is how so many Christians were caught in the deception. Gothards original Basic Youth conflict seminars in the 1970 was attended by many Bible believers and churches…who then discovered the truth and drew away. I agree with Jinger saying that shiny people was not a Christian production and she did not want to participate in something that she couldn’t have complete say in it. She thought the ending was not good..didn’t show any answers to the hope in Jesus..because it was not a Christian production. It’s obvious when you compare Jinger and Jill in interviews that Jinger is walking with the truths of the Bible and her Lord and Savior. Jill leaves you with such shallow feelings with continuing to expose family tidbits and her attack on her father. Too bad Jill can’t learn from her other siblings..that the true answer to recovery from childhood trauma is accepting Jesus and following the Bible.

    1. I doubt any of them went through trauma..I'd say Anna so far is the only one truly dealing with trauma

    2. @9:05 you need help. Anna knew what she was marrying. Her family asked her to leave him and she wouldn't.

    3. SA is traumatizing.

    4. Yes..Anna is quite a Godly’s a sin what her husband has put her through. She is a great example how to overcome trauma and deception from your husband and continue to raise her children and be joyful.

    5. Once I said Jill wasn't a victim and readers here were outraged. I think Jill was given alot of care and attention in her situation. A situation she really has capitalized off of. I don't know if what everyone is drinking is her lemonade.
      But never drink the kool-aid is their message. That is probably very wise advice now days.

    6. @9:40 I thought that was just one sibling who wanted Anna to leave. Rest of the family hasn't said that. I seriously doubt her mother and father want her to leave. Her father does prison ministry. He probably thinks there's nothing wrong with a Jesus-believing prisoner for a husband.

    7. @4:04 you must had lived with the Duggars.

    8. @11:42 I watched SHP and at no point did I expect it to give me "hope" or be "Christian." That's not what it was about. Quite the opposite.

    9. Perhaps Jilly Muffin needs to get over her so-called atrocities from her younger years. She and her sisters received the help they required. It seems she is still seeking this help. Hopefully she moves on and gets to raising her kids before she makes her older ones do it

    10. It is hard to conceive that Jill would put her face to such an ungodly show, where her family is mocked and disrespected with happy face stickers over their beautiful faces. I totally get what Jinger and Jeremy are trying to get across in this interview. If Jill is a Christian she needs to be more concerned about the gospel of Jesus Christ and not align herself with a non-Christian show whose goal is to mock Jesus.

    11. 5:23 what podcast? They don't do that on here.

    12. 9:54. This segment is on Happy Shiny people.

  6. I love their input and I agree. I feel like they should had did a deeper investigation into Bill Gothard in my opinion.

  7. They love attention. We've heard all this stuff before. Sigh.

  8. Easy for them to criticise what they were too hypocritical to be part off…… those two are quickly becoming the two that are disliked from their “only we matter, us, us, us attitude”, like Harry & Meaghan.

    1. Where did you come up with that assumption? Thats not how they carry themselves at all. You must want to be her.

    2. I am still waiting for the answer

    3. The Harry and Me-again Markle debacle! Yes!

    4. You are mad because the royals finally got outed for what they really are....

    5. 9:53- wrong! The Royals know what Markle is all about.. Harry got duped lol.

  9. Talk about self centred people. Jinger went from going to pull out of the wedding, to be a self absorbed person. She disappoints me in what she has become.

    1. That's funny it seems a very few people on here believe that. Go to her social media. You do know with the app, it shows by color if someone posted twice even under anon, right?

    2. Who cares how many times someone posts? Maybe they had another thought later.

    3. I agree. Maybe she shouldn't have married and waited longer

    4. @10:54 Who needs an app? The grammar alone gives you away.

    5. I remember Jinger saying she almost didn't marry Jeremy, then had the fanciest wedding

  10. Joe and Kendra, you two are gorgeous, please say hi to the world with a cheerful update.

  11. Why would they feel the need to comment on this at all? It was not their docuseries. It had nothing to do with them where they are now. It feels as if they're just trying to promote themselves and their book once again. Either that, or the truths in the docuseries have made them squirm.

    1. They was asked. Y'all quit it.

    2. It had everything to do with them. She's a Duggar, and could have been in the series of she wanted to.

    3. Oh they're just trying to pay the bills to support their lifestyle.

    4. 12:08 she didn't get paid to do these interviews. She isn't like her parents.

    5. @12:08 if you really think they put their lifestyle out there like that, you are wrong. You are so focused on trying to find something and you are jealous that you don't have what they did. Stop embarrassing yourself. Please.

    6. @4:28 Have you been paying attention to what's been happening for years with their lifestyle? Also, jealous? Who's jealous. That's a laugh. Some of us could buy and sell this couple. Without a book. Privately and the old-fashioned way, called work.

    7. Funny in life how ideas like jealousy only pop into the head of a person who already has that on their mind. It never occurs to anyone else. It's like jealousy makes some people think that everyone has jealousy, too. "My dog is brown therefore all dogs are brown." Not the case.

  12. I would had loved to see them on the show.

  13. Jinger is repeating herself and stretching this out way too long. It has been a year already since her book came out. She appears to be very into herself and this is not a good look on a Christian woman.

    1. 9:29 Agreed. It seems desperate.

    2. You obviously didn't know what Jinger said.

    3. What Jinger says this time is immaterial. The fact that she did another interview is what speaks volumes.

  14. I totally agree with them. I am sure this won't be the last documentary about Bill and his teachings though.

  15. I don't understand why these two are so insistent on pushing this narrative that her family were raised in such an oppressed and cultish environment. Her mom and dad raised 19 kids and one went horribly astray and Jinger and Jill rebelled against the parents once they were married and adults. To raise that many kids and none were drug addicts or alcoholics or even divorced is pretty good in anyone's eyes. Jim Bob and Michelle did a lot of things right to have this outcome. Jinger and Jill need to be careful because their kids are really young but wait until they grow up and lets see how they turn out. So far I see one of them is raising their girls to love material things and money and the other is raising their boys to fit into the world and both are raising their kids to dishonor their parents and the parents ministry for all the public to see and for all the public to trash their parents. So lets see how their kids turn out with those life lessons they are being taught.

    1. Jeremy and Jinger have got to see all the negative comments that her parents get when they go on and on about the denomination that the Duggars were raised in. They try and act like they are doing this to help people when in fact everything they do is for more money. If it was about "helping" people then they could have said whatever for free. These two talk bad about the parents belief but do nothing but make money off of the parents name. They are ridiculous!!!

    2. How can those kids be divorced already? They've only been married a hot minute. Give them time. Also, are they all truly happy in their marriages? I don't think Anna is. I think she would have been happy to divorce Josh long ago, had it not been for the pressure from the people all around her to stay.

    3. OP, simply not being a drug addict or an alcoholic or divorced, that's not how we measure the moral value of a person. I've known plenty of people who were not addicts or divorced but treated others badly or had all sorts of other issues. In fact, some of the worst examples are the people who refused to get divorced and stayed together while making married life miserable for each other. Don't just look at those three things and then pat the Duggar parents on the back for "job well done."

  16. I would love to see them invite ex-followers of Bill Gothard on their podcast for even more insight.

  17. Jinger has so much class and grace. She is more woman that me. If I went through what she did, I couldn't welcome my parents back into my life. They made their decision along time ago. That shows the difference between her and them. Some of these girls are scared to leave because they can't afford to live out on their own.

    1. 12:05 What girls are scared to leave, and who would they be leaving? Are you talking about Jana and the younger girls still living at home? Because they're not allowed to leave, per Jim Bob's rules. Plus they have no work experience or education past whatever passed for high school in the Duggar house. Do you mean you'd want to see them totally break away from home, no matter what it meant, like having to find a job or giving up their inheritance? Jinger was lucky in that regard because she automatically got to leave when she got a husband. I doubt she would have ever spoken out if she lived at home into her 30's like Jana.

    2. @7:09 they are allowed to leave. Otherwise Jana couldn't go all the way to California by herself to visit her sister. Stop with the claims.

    3. @5:13 Going to visit someone is not the same as leaving home (for good). Get back to us when you have breaking news of Jana moving out on her own and never living on her parents' property again.

    4. Jana didn't go by herself to visit her sister. She is always accompanied by one of her brothers when traveling; like her mother and married sisters always have a male "chaperone"..which is usually Ben.

    5. 12:50 untrue. It was stated on this blog. She has went to California by herself. Go back on the blogs.

    6. 1:34 did mommy and daddy kick you out at 18?

    7. 8:22 Believe it or not, most kids leave voluntarily at 18, go to college, get jobs, and get their own apartments, unless their parents stunt them by making them stay home for some crazy reason.

    8. 2:57 untrue. In the last almost 4 years that logistics have dropped. Nobody can afford to live out on their own.

  18. What I never understood is why some of the Duggar kids didn't look alike. It wasn't until so got older I understood. I am a licensed beautician. The Duggars need to use more SPF. Especially Jinger and Jessa. Neither one of their parents are that dark. They use to perm their hair. I think they was trying to look mixed to get attention.

    1. There is a thing called genetics. Look at Michelle's side of the family. They are quite olive.

    2. So there must had been a lot of people in the 80s that permed their hair only did it to look "mixed" and not for extra volume. I see...

    3. Michelle is olive toned. As for the perks which they no longer do, thats not trying to look mix. Omg y'all stop reaching.

    4. They "wasn't" perming to "look mixed." They permed because Gothard liked long wavy/curly hair. Or excuse me, "their dad" did. They said that instead of saying Gothard.

    5. You can not be for real OP.

  19. Another rehash. Oh well, it pays the bills.

  20. At 2:03. You must be trolling cause the kids do favor each other, and perming their hair wasn't for attention. My 5 kids don't favor each other, and yes, they have the same father, but they favor their cousins and other relatives. My oldest daughter looks like her great great grandmother. In fact, their father was 1 of 4, and they don't favor each other, either. They also had the same father.

    1. Yeah. People use to say things about me because I have red hair and my parents don't. But my great-grandmother did. We even took those DNA tests to prove my father was who he was and than they claimed we faked it.

    2. Long curly hair is a Gothard thing

    3. Bill liked blonde hair apparently

  21. There are Jinger haters and trolls going wild in the comment section.

  22. It's very unbecoming envying what people have and go far as claiming they brag & try and make money anyway they can to support their lifestyle. You don't know anything about them nor what they do. Maybe if you spent less time being jealous and making nasty comments she'll never see, you would find time to make the same money she does to get what she has.... Try and deny it all you want. You want to be her. You want her life. You want her amount of followers. You want her shoes lol.

    1. That is a ridiculous statement Anon 7:43!! Most people would never take the love and care their parents gave them and all the opportunities that came with their parents loving God and raising them to love God and then turn around and publicly trash the way they were raised and make money off of that. There is no one in their right mind who has a conscience that would think that way is the right way to get material gain. No one is jealous of people who do that which is why there is negative comments about them. They can get honest jobs and buy shoes that way! Ridiculous!

    2. We don't know anything about them or what they do? Have you ever seen their social media? You sound like a broken record with the jealousy thing and none of us care for it or are falling for it. You sound like the woman who wanted Dorothy's shoes.

    3. That's exactly what it is... How they run their social media is no different than anybody else. Everything they do is wrong. But let someone else do it.

    4. That comment is just as unbecoming and the time spent posting it just as wasted. No idea why Ellie found it worth keeping.

    5. No thanks..I love my life as it is..out of the public eye lol.. I love the snow and my boots which help keep my feet warm

  23. I gather these interviews are a cash cow for Jinger and Jeremy. Otherwise I see no reason for them doing them. They have nothing new to offer.

    1. You didn't bother to listen lol

  24. What I got out of this couple their sincere truth for the gospel of Jesus Christ. They are warning people to be careful when choosing a church and that a true Christian will show fruit that reflects the Bible. I don’t think any part of this interview was about attention or money. It’s unfortunate that Jill is continuing to interview and her message is not about the gospel of Christ but gossip about her family.

  25. Jinger and Jeremy did a very graceful reasoning why they weren’t involved in this God mocking Shiny people..that disrespected the whole Duggar family by putting stickers over each face..of course they wouldn’t be involved in anything like that. It quite troubling that Jill doesn’t see how she was used and why her other 18 siblings have enough sense not to be involved in that.

    1. If I were a Duggar, I'd rather see a sticker than my own face on the cover pic for that documentary.


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