
Thursday, August 24, 2023

Jinger Vuolo with Mayim Bialik

The interviews have been slowing down for Jinger, as her book was released seven months ago, but she still does the occasional sit-down with podcasters and talk show hosts. She recently chatted with Mayim Bialik. Among other accomplishments, Mayim was an actress in the show The Big Bang Theory and has also hosted Jeopardy! Her long conversation with Jinger about Becoming Free Indeed can be found on Mayim's YouTube channel, which has over 1 million subscribers (link below).

Jinger Duggar Vuolo with Mayim Bialik


  1. Thanks so much for this link Ellie. I think this is the best empathetic interview with Jinger I have listened to. It was especially interesting to me as my husband is Jewish. For those who are not aware, Mayim is Jewish.I have been saying all along that though Jinger writes specifically to the Gothard upbringing she had, all religions or belief systems that are extreme or have extreme demands on the believers create fear and anxiety as that is how they keep them. I was not raised in the Gothard system, but in a fundamental Christian religion from Holland that impacted my life as a child, then an adult and I see the connections to what Jinger shares in her excellent book. Jinger is very articulate and assured and confident in this interview and I enjoyed it very much. Eileen

    1. I am Jewish too only I am a Messianic Jew. I can honestly say that more people would be won to Christ by the way Jim Bob and Michelle live compared to the way Jinger and Jeremy live. Jim Bob and Michelle might have stricter ways about them but I don't know anyone who would follow a pastor and his wife who could feed a family of 4 for a year in what they spend on sneakers. Who post all their materialistic goodies and new outfits online like they are a badge of honor to them. I would run from a Church who had a pastor and wife who lived that worldly and materialistic. Michelle and Jim Bob always kept things centered around Christ and showed us how to be involved in ministries, how to keep the holidays centered around Christ, how to be involved in community work and to live a simplistic life etc. As a Messianic Jew we take our walk and life serious in Christ and live a life that reflects Christ and not the world. When we think of all the people who gave their lives to bring the Gospel to people all around the world we don't recall any of them living like the Vuolos.

    2. I was raised Roman Catholic, and although I wasn't fearful, my mother always spoke of her upbringing in the Catholic Church and a fear of God was the basis of her religious training. When my mother would remind me to have fear of the Lord, I would always reject the concept, even when I was a child. Fear didn't make any sense to me.

    3. 6:43, I agree with you. Jeremy seems to have an intense need to feed his ego and showing off food, sneakers, pens, watches, golf, cars, famous friends, and even his wife and kids are all ways he does that. Jinger can't see it happening right under her nose, or else she's too naive, after being raised in a "buy used" household. The congregations I've been in would point out to their pastor that he was "putting on airs" if he did half the stuff Jeremy does. But then those pastors wouldn't think of that stuff in the first place. Maybe mega churches create these types of men?

    4. Unfortunately, your comments 6:43 do not apply to me. I am not trying to win anyone to a side. I am stating the interview was interesting for my life and only mine and sharing that after watching it and thanking Ellie. You do what works for you in your life. I am talking religion vs faith not people.

    5. Just a quick chiming in as I read your comment about 'fear of God' - and wanted to let you know that 'fear' isn't used in the context you are thinking. Fear of God means... awe or reverence. Being in awe of God, not wanting to sin or offend because of your great respect of God - type 'fear'. The word is not meant as the current/modern 'fear' in a 'scared of' way. :)

    6. 643, I’m guessing that jinger and Jeremy did not take an oath of poverty. As a pastors wife it amazes me how congregations expect us as a family to live our lives. We are supposed to shop at the 2nd hand store, when the refrigerator died in the parsonage the church was going to replace it with one from someone’s basement (did I mention the mold in it??), not appropriate to have a new car, not appropriate to go on a nice vacation, etc, etc. I’m guessing you have nice things. Members of the congregation have nice things. What message does it send to your pastor when you tell him the moldy Refrigerator is good enough for him. And that church is shocked that you would like a new one. But we are supposed to do with out and make do. We are, as most pastors, very generous with our time and money when it comes to the church and charities. Don’t be so quick to judge them when you have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. And for the record, we replaced the refrigerator with a very nice new one, out of our own pocket, never asked to be reimbursed, and left it for the next pastor.

    7. I too am Roman Catholic. When we speak of fear of the Lord it does not mean that you should be afraid of God. It means holy fear which is awe and profound respect. We should “fear” offending God not because of his just punishment but because he is all good and deserving of our love. It is not meant to be a servile fear but rather a fear of hurting the one we love.

    8. 7:16 the concept is misunderstood by many. As a child I was explained it was not "fear OF God" but the fear of upsetting God/ parents/ people by not acting the way He would like you to. It is the sadness the world is the way it is, people being blind to God, not going His way. So please, don't put your Mother's misconception on Catholic Church as a whole. People listen but do not hear

    9. @4:17 The refrigerator is a practical thing, not the frivolous and vain things Jeremy buys and does. Someone was probably trying to be nice by offering you one for free. Or maybe it wasn't in the church budget at the time (my church's offerings go way down over the summer while people are away or forget to send offerings, and it blows up the budget). I wouldn't put it that gesture down. But try asking your church for a new designer watch, custom-made sneakers, or a luxury SUV. Three of Jeremy's favorites.

    10. I grew up in a predominately Catholic area and most of my friends were raised and schooled in that church. "Fear" in the usual sense was a real thing with those kids, whether it was "fear" of the nuns at school or "fear" of God. Fear and guilt. Very easy for a child's mind to go to those dark places, and nobody back then took any time to explain it differently to the kids. If "fear" made the kids behave, then so be it. The church wanted them to behave. If they treat kids differently now and take time to explain things better, especially after all that's happened with that church and kids, then good. But being a Catholic kid 50-60-70 years ago could be pretty rough on your little conscience.

    11. 7:57 & 2:20 Come on. Any way your slice it, people fear being punished by God for their sins. Look what he did to the firstborn of Egypt, Lot's wife and the whole world when he killed nearly everyone in the great flood. The threat of being tortured for all eternity in a lake of fire will do it, if none of those other atrocities don't. All religions are based on using fear and intimidation.

    12. Thank you all for explaining the concept of "fear" to me. In the Catholic religion, "fear" is awe and respect, not "scared of". I really appreciate learning that today, thank you for your help.

    13. I agree @ 6:43. I've always wondered about Christians who say we should repent and live our lives for Christ when I saw very little difference between people like Jinger is now and non-Christians. At least with Michelle i can see that she's different, that there's something that makes her look different and she would tell me she looks that way because of Christ not Gothard. I always want to ask, "what am i supposed to repent of if i can still basically live as i always have...minus a few sins like you know...cussing?" If i were to put Jinger next to one of my non-Christian relations, they'd look the same. If i put her next to my old Sunday school teacher, the difference would be plainly obvious. I thought Christians were supposed to look different from everybody else because i read in the Bible that they're separate and peculiar. I don't agree with Gothard's extremism, not by a long shot. But looking the opposite of what he taught seems to me to be another extreme. I believe in happy mediums. Jesus is reasonable. He said His burden is light and His yoke is easy. That's how i want to live.

    14. Anon 4:17 I don't think that they meant that our Pastors and their families should live in poverty, but that a Pastor and his family should not be so materialistic that they are known for what they own rather then who they believe in. It is such a wrong message for our Pastors to live for the material things of this life.

    15. Jeremy's desire for fame and fortune and his material pride really is too much. I get embarrassed for Jinger every time I see another one of Jeremy's posts talking about what great food he eats, what expensive recreation he has, and how wonderful everyone's fancy sneakers are. What's that Bible verse about laying up earthly treasures?

    16. I agree that Jim and Michelle represent better what a Christ like way of living looks like. Jesus lived a very humble life. He didn't brag about His ability to do miracles. The fear of the Lord does mean in reverence or awe. That needs to be told to kids and adults in case they do misunderstand.

    17. Anon 4:17 Having a broken refrigerator and wanting a new one is normal, but living in the excess that the Vuolos live in is a whole different thing. .

    18. All I can say to all of these very very constant negative criticisms of Jinger and Jeremy is are you not glad you get to choose to live the life you think is best for you? That you do not have to follow Jinger and Jeremy in the choices they are making for themselves? That you get to do your life according to what you believe? And as is said, he who is without sin cast the first stone?

    19. Living in excess according to who’s standard? Yours? Mine? The Bible? What kind of life do you live? Do you and your family do without to the benefit of others? When you go shopping do you think about what others might think of you because of what’s in your grocery cart, the shoes you buy yourself or your children, what you order in a restaurant? I’m guessing you buy what you want or desire not thinking if I buy ground beef instead of a steak I can give the extra to the poor or the church. If it bothers you so much don’t go to his church or watch the videos.

    20. 1042, are they living for the material things in life or are they enjoying life? Is enjoying fancy food and shoes wrong because it may not be what we enjoy or think is a waste of money? What are our vices? Is it shopping at dollar tree or hobby lobby in excess? Are we envious of the lifestyle they live? I don’t know what’s in their heart. Just asking.

    21. @9:54. The rest of us know better. Jeremy and Jinger should know better too.

    22. @2:14 What's in my grocery cart? The 7 bags of food I took to the church food pantry yesterday. I buy something for them every week and I can do this because I buy what's on sale for myself, I'm wearing 20 year old clothes and shoes, driving an 18 year old car, haven't eaten restaurant food in many years, and yes, eating hamburger (at home) not steak. What a better world it would be if people followed those examples instead of Jinger's and Jeremy's. Oh, and not watching them won't change a thing about how they live and spend. They should come to my house and go shopping with me, then to the food pantry. It would be like going on a mission except without the wasted airfare, and they'd actually be making a difference locally among neighbors.

    23. That’s wonderful that you choose to live that kind of lifestyle and help others in that manner. That is your choice to serve others in that manner. Some of us utilize our gifts and talents to serve in other ways. How do we know how they chose to serve in private? They may extremely generous and have made the choice not to be public on that matter. I don’t believe that ministry beyond the local church/ parish is a waste, those trips with “wasted airfare” can be godsend to the people being served and a humbling trip to those who are serving.

  2. What an absolute delight of an interview. Mayim Bialik really made it personable and fun as well as insightful.

    1. Agree 100%! Excellent interview with Jinger!

  3. I am so happy for Jinger and Jill!

  4. Mayim Bialik, I love her character as Amy on the Big Bang Theory. Very relatable. I love Amy and Sheldon. They are my favorite Big Bang Theory Characters.

  5. JUSTINEKESSNER4@GMAIL.COMAugust 25, 2023 at 7:46 PM


    1. Coffee dreams??


  6. Well, Jinger is having the Big City LA Celebrity lifestyle she wanted.

    1. She appears to be happy which is what matters.

    2. 3:34- appearances are not what they seem

  7. Why is Jinger constantly going to every media outlet and talking so bad about the belief system that she was raised in when the rest of the family not only are doing good but also hold to most of the belief system they were raised in. Seems to me she is the only one living and acting more like the world then the rest of them. This girl has fallen so in love with the Hollywood lifestyle and money and attention that she is in bondage to it. We get it Jinger, you didn't like rules and boundaries, sheesh move on already! Live your life girl!

    1. I believe Jinger was invited to this podcast and accepted that invitation.

    2. Oh ya I agree. It's not everyone who gets raised as well as Jinger and the others. Their parents were intense!
      Those girls were treasured by both of their parents and raised in a real religious household. It's quite obvious that Jinger was well brought up and now she's finding whatever faults she can to capitalize off of. It's quite natural for people to have religious fears, that fluctuates from too fearful to not fearing enough. In a way I think Jinger has swung too far to the not fearing side. The Bible says analyze everything hold to what is good. Jingers book is nothing news under the sun. But for her it's a means to make money. And she's ALL about that. After everything is done her saving grace is going to be that her parents recognize she's made her million too and they can respect that.

    3. She is living her life. She’s also exposing the negative aspects of what Iblp is. She doesn’t owe anything to her parents outside of love. She doesn’t have to continue to live by their religious values just because she was raised in it. She’s an adult who is married and has the religious freedom to practice how she chooses

    4. If you wrote a book and media outlets were inviting you, I think you would go

    5. 7:45 Jinger has a right to express her opinions about IBLP, regardless of what the rest of the family is doing. You can't know if any of them are doing as well as you'd like to believe they are. With the eldest serving time in prison, all has not been so wonderful in Duggarland.

    6. I don't see Jinger as being very "worldly". She seems happy to discuss her current situation with anyone who extends an invitation to her.

    7. @11:22. I hope your post is sarcasm!

  8. I enjoyed the interview. It was really interesting. To the people who commented and explained the "fear of God" quote,thank you. I never understood why someone would fear God,but your explanation as to how it's actually meant to be taken makes sense. About Jinger and Jeremy having nice shoes,I'm sure Jesus and the people of that time would have appreciated having comfortable shoes too. Runners are a lot more comfortable than sandals.I was raised Catholic and know Nuns take a vow of poverty. I still grapple with why you can't help others and still enjoy a few luxuries of this world. I think Jinger is enjoying dressing pretty,sometimes sexy,because of the way she, her siblings,and Mom ,dressed when they were younger. I'm not knocking the kind of pilgrim dresses they wore but I wouldn't want to have to wear them. Also she's a married woman. You like to dress nice for yourself and your husband. I believe you can worship God and still enjoy life's material things too,just don't get so wrapped up in all of it that you forget the important things in life. I don't feel they've forgotten what's really important. 🙂

    1. Anon 12:42 I absolutely think they lost sight of what's really important. The only thing I know about them is what they buy, what they wear and where they go. That's pretty ridiculous considering it is a Pastor and his wife we are talking about.

    2. I agree 4:36. They dumped everything they've believed in. Watch, we will find out one of them decided to live an "alternate " lifestyle in the future

  9. Some of these comments comparing the Duggars and Vuolos as to who are the better Christians are a hoot! They're all cut from the same cloth and have been grifting from a "reality" TV show and social media for years. Doesn't matter where they buy their tennis shoes.



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