
Monday, July 17, 2023

Run, Duggars, Run

The Vuolos had some visitors for 4th of July. Jana Duggar, Jessa and Ben Seewald and their four kids, and Jeremy's sister (Valerie) joined Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo in Los Angeles to celebrate the United States' birthday. On the morning of the 4th, Jinger, Ben, Jana, and Valerie participated in the Santa Clarita Independence Day Classic 5k. The Vuolos released a video detailing the run (link below).

Vuolos: 4th of July 5k


  1. I guess Jeremy can't run, even though he owns closets full of sneakers.

    1. Lol didn't want to get sweaty maybe?

    2. Seems you are choosing to be critical just to stir the pot. Obviously Jeremy was very supportive of Jinger and brought their daughters to cheer her on in a race. I say that’s a great husband.

    3. Have we seen Jeremy do anything physical since that golf bachelor party?

    4. Jeremy who probably has run many 5K’s (just in training) along with probably 1/2 marathons and marathons is allowing Jinger the opportunity to do things she wasn’t allowed as the teen! (I ran them as a teen with friends as it was fun!). So, as far as I am concerned Jeremy is being a wonderful supportive husband!!! Look at all Jinger has been able to experience since being with him. Lucky girl!

    5. 12:56- Jana ran and she still lives at the house.. im sure they were allowed to run..

    6. I'm choosing to treat your comment as a sincere one, rather than as sarcastic. What makes you think he can't run? I own sneakers and am a horrible runner, have never run a marathon. I didn't know you have to be a runner to own sneakers. Fill me in...

    7. 11:51 Have you ever seen Jeremy's sneaker collection? They are all expensive designer models, and no way does he wear them to get them dirty or break them down with running. For that matter, Jinger has her own custom-made sneakers and the girls are wearing expensive models too. Sneaker pride runs deep in that family.

  2. Sounds like it was a fun time!

  3. Good grief is this the Jinger blog??? The most endearing thing about the Duggars and the reason why most of us followed them is because of their simplistic lifestyle and their ability to live a Godly, humble life. Why would we follow someone who is all about themselves and wants the spotlight on themselves and their LA lifestyle? Sheesh, we don't live like that and we don't want to. Why are there so many posts about this same person?

    1. Good question, I miss and really like the other Duggars and have more in common with them.

    2. Many members of the family have stepped back from public exposure.....

    3. Because this is what the Duggars have become. No longer on that pedestal, I think. Maybe they were this way all along and were just acting the other way?

    4. Wow.😳 This has been said before, and perhaps it needs to be said do not have to look at every (or any) posts they make. It isn't required reading or viewing. Please take a deep breath. It isn't worth getting upset about or being rude to the blog owners.

    5. You certainly don’t speak for all of us. I loved seeing Jinger run and Jeremy be the support team.

    6. But yet, you clicked on this link in the blog knowing by the title and short description what this is gonna be about. I don't agree with everything they do but respect that it's their life and this is a fan blog anyway.

    7. Comments like the OP's don't bother me. Comments where people do nothing but complain about someone else's opinion do bother me. If you can respect that it's the Duggar's life, then you can respect that it's someone else's opinion.

  4. If I were Ben and my leg bones met at my knee at those angles, I don't think I'd take up running as a hobby. He may not realize it now, but he's probably looking at knee replacements in his older years, even if he doesn't aggravate them by running. He should check with a doctor before he does any more 5Ks.

  5. Better them running than me! I can barely make 2k!😆

  6. Who still celebrates the 4th? How long did the did fireworks? People do them way to late at night.

    1. Everybody I know does.

    2. Lots of people/towns/places celebrate the 4th! Be sure to search out the truth and not opinions before you stop celebrating the country that gave so much freedom. Not perfection. Freedom!

    3. Fireworks are overrated. They scare animals and people. They cause injuries and fires. Places are doing drone light displays instead. Much saner and safer.

    4. Americans...that's who.

    5. Most everyone celebrates the 4th, is that a problem to you?

    6. Thank you for your comment, 12:39 PM. Well said.

    7. Well said, Diana!

    8. It was fireworks city where I live! Lots of parties celebrating the 4th :)

    9. 4th of July has not been the same since the early 2000s.

    10. Our family still celebrates the 4th! No town fireworks due to fire hazards in our drought ridden state..

    11. @6:53 No one is stopping you from celebrating anything. I just have a problem with people who think the 4th of July justifies shooting off fireworks from Memorial Day right up until Labor Day, at all hours of the night.

    12. 7:09 I agree.

    13. That’s 1 of the most offensive things I’ve ever heard!😤😠😢 You must be a sorry case of misery!!😔😭I’ve had military service members in most every generation of my family to this day!! Our independence has been maintained thanks to service members in general! We all celebrate the 4th & every other patriotic holiday in remembrance of them past & present! Like was previously stated get on a plane & get out of here if you don’t appreciate the sacrifice given for yours, everyone else & everything this country has the privilege of!!

    14. @12:34 I come from a military family and my dislike of the 4th celebrations has nothing to do with anything military. That's an overreaction.

    15. Fireworks are dangerous.

    16. Grown adults misuse and play with fireworks like they are toys. Injuries happen every year and innocent people get hurt. Its time to ban them right along with guns.

    17. Omg there are drugs for dogs..get over it

    18. I have no problem with July 4th celebrations, but I do think that there are better ways to spend money than on fireworks. Fireworks are also a nuisance in neighborhoods where people think it's okay to light them off all night long. A lot of the trash is left behind, too. Just be courteous and thoughtful!

    19. @7:03 People should not have to drug their dogs just because other people want to do something that's ILLEGAL in most places.....

    20. I kind of understand why people get upset over fireworks. I like fireworks but when they shoot them off days and days after the 4th it gets annoying.

    21. 11:54, adults injure themselves with knives and cars too. Should we ban those as well?

    22. At Regina, I'm surprised to hear you and your family celebrate the 4th of July. You claim to want to be a Mennonite, and, as far as I know, they don't celebrate the 4th of July. They don't support the military either.

    23. If you like fireworks but are against guns, that is being a hypocrite at its finest.

    24. @10:12 Knives and cars have practical uses. Fireworks are useless and dangerous. Many places have already outlawed them but people seem to break the laws anyway.

    25. @10:12 People rely on a knife or a car for practical purposes. Fireworks are purely for entertainment and we can get a long without them.

    26. @2:38 At least guns are supposed to have some sort of background check before purchase. Any yahoo can and does buy fireworks, and then has a few drinks, and then...Kaboom. I don't even like public fireworks displays, so no hypocrisy here. They put heavy metals into our water systems, and they terrify animals and people with PTSD or sensory disorders. There is no need to disturb others and poison the environment for entertainment.

  7. I don't know why anyone do marathons. It's not becoming and you are sweating in front of people.

    1. Do you not exercise at all?!

    2. Every runner, cyclist, and swimmer I know has had joint or tendon problems and surgeries by the time they're older. I don't think our bodies were made to take those sports. At least not for the non-Olympians among us.

    3. I don’t exercise to look “becoming”. I exercise, a lot, and enjoy challenging myself physically. I’m a grandmother and do many races with my grown children and their spouses. I look forward to training with my grandchildren as they age.

    4. 9:22. I am truly trying to decide if you are being serious or joking. If you are being serious I’m sorry you think exercise has anything to do with looking becoming?!? I am 100% a hot, sweaty mess after my runs. It means I pushed myself hard and that makes me proud

    5. 9:22. They all did a 5K which is 3.1 miles, not a marathon which is 26.2 miles. I’ve done 3 half-marathons, which is 13.1 miles as well as more 10K’s (6.2miles) than I can count. I promise you I have never crossed a finish line looking “becoming”. That was never the intended goal.

    6. I live in the South. It’s HOT. I sweat in front of people walking in the grocery store. Maybe I will tell the hubs and kiddos “Sorry. No supper tonight. I didn’t want to sweat in front of people and look unbecoming”!🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    7. Oh wow! The race pictures I have are anything but becoming! I don’t know how runners get those great finish photos. The ones where they are smiling and looking cute. Mine always look like “hey, are you ok”? LOL!!

    8. I admire anyone who has the strength and fortitude to run long distances. Sweating is a good thing!

    9. I don't know if you are being serious but I guess we all have our own things we don't like. I don't like to see bare feet.

  8. Yes, the overwhelming majority of citizens celebrate the 4th of July in some way and should. Our country has not ever been perfect and still isn't but it should be loved and it's citizens should be loyal to it. This, IMO, is how you have a country. We have many liberties, including the Duggar family's right to live and believe as they do. If you don't agree with them, that's ok too. Love your country and stick up for it.

  9. If you don't like America and the freedom we enjoy, there are planes leaving this great country literally every second. Maybe you should buy a one-way ticket.

    1. If you don't like America, stay and work/speak out/vote to change it.

    2. Ahh.. the "love it, or leave it" mentality. We can love the fact that we live in a democracy, where people have a say in who represents them. We do NOT need to love that there's the mindset of some who profess "freedoms for me, but not for thee".

    3. No leader represents the people. The leaders pretend and tell you want you want to hear.

    4. How about instead of trying to get rid of people who don't share your views, try taking a moment to understand where they're coming from and why they might feel that way. A little empathy goes a long way.

    5. 7/25@8:56am.....very well stated.

    6. All I am saying is why do haters come here to a fan blog to state their opinion? Why don't you go to their social media pages?

    7. Come on 11:02. You know they get plenty of negative opinions on their media pages, but they wipe them off if they don't fit the narrative.

    8. You do realize haters help boost this page.

  10. Celebrating Independence Day and running a marathon is probably the most American thing you can do.

    1. They didn’t run a marathon. Their 5k was about 1/8th of a marathon.

    2. It was a 5K. BIG difference between that and a marathon.

  11. Congratulations Jinger, Jana, Ben and Valerie. Running is a wonderful addiction. I see a 10K next!

  12. Seems kinda bad to all of a sudden try a 5 k run on a very hot day. Someone could have health consequences. It doesn't seem like anyone is regularly exercising and training do lead up to this event, they just expect their bodies to perform for that strenuous effort without training. I liked a Christian movie all about running training called remember the goal. And the goal was to train a lot and at a pace. Jingers push to be in front wasn't really a good thing as far as I understand.

    1. A 5K is only 3.1 miles. They also walked some of it. It’s really not a danger.

    2. 7:39PM: I'm sure they all exercise regularly. They all look pretty fit

    3. Adrenaline can kick too.

    4. How do you know they didn't do some training beforehand?

    5. Why do you think they ran this race "all of a sudden"? Anyone I know who has done this works up to it. Also, it's only a little over 3 miles. I walk at least that far every day. Also, on a hot day, you pace yourself and stay hydrated.

    6. @10:24 Its not that serious.

    7. Generally the advice before attempting
      strenuous exercise as this is get a doctor to check you out. I think at least Ben wasn't very physically ready for this. Putting up a video it's responsible to tell people to try with proper medical clearance. What do I care, I'd like to see someone successfully sue ginger.

    8. 7:11 if someone got hurt, it wouldn't be on Jinger.

  13. It would be fun to see Jim and J1 doing a 5K. I wonder who would win. I do know it would not be safe for the matriarch to run a 5K.

    1. Who is J1? Are you referring to Michele as the matriarch? Why would it not be safe for her to run? Honestly she looks a whole lot more athletic and able to run a 5K than JimBob.

    2. Why would it be unsafe for a matriarch to run a 5K? Did you know the oldest women to complete and Ironman was an 87 year old nun, Sister Madonna, in 2017. She did her first Ironman at age 55! That’s a true Matriarch!

    3. If by "matriarch", you're referring to Michelle Duggar... it's absurd to think that it's unsafe for a woman of her age to run a 5K. Women older than her do it all the time.

  14. Oh no they need college public school education and college degrees to run marathons. What must we do?

  15. People need professional experience before attempting something like this. If you never even been on a track time, stop fooling yourself in these marathons.

    1. This wasn't a marathon.

    2. Professional experience to run a 5K? That's ludicrous. I don't think you are familiar with how long a 5K is (hint: it's not a marathon) or the fact that 5Ks are very common and lots of people run them (non-professionals).

  16. You can't run the 5k without a college degree, license and you can't have children until your 40 lol

  17. My girlfriend has medical-grade netting holding up her innards. Her doctor told her never to run.

    1. Makes sense to me. Running is an activity most of us can and do live without.

    2. 7:14. Me too. After 5 kids my uterus is shot so I got the netting too.

  18. According to troll logic you have to have a college degree and be properly trained by seasoned trainers to run marathons.

    1. It's not funny. Do you realize how many Saturday-only runners try this kind of race every summer and end up collapsing or needing medical help? Not funny.

    2. @2:28 you know how many professionals collapsed too?

    3. My uterus collapsed too!

    4. @10:25 Of course you have to be properly trained to run marathons. Some of them won't let you enter unless you can prove you're qualified. It's not troll logic, it's marathon logic.

    5. I been in marathons for years and I never heard of you having to qualify to enter except for Olympic running.

    6. @8:19 Larger marathons do require you to submit your qualifying times (proof of your times in qualifying races during a certain date period) before they let you register. You can't just show up and run the NYC, Boston, Chicago, etc. marathons. The rules are there to stop the untrained and inexperienced from running.

    7. Why are marathons being discussed here anyway? A 5k is much shorter than a marathon.

    8. 10:15 Untrue! I would like to know where you got that info. I live in Boston. People who don't run professionally has done that marathon for years.

    9. No 10:03 it is true. You don't have to be a professional runner (you misunderstood that part above), BUT you DO have to submit your finish times from other sanctioned races in the one year period leading up to the Boston Marathon. Even after you submit your times from those races, there is no guarantee your registration will be accepted. So it is correct that you don't just show up out of the blue and run the race, or wake up one day thinking gee, I guess I'll run the Boston Marathon next week. You have to submit paperwork in advance and you have to include proof of other finishes in other (sanctioned) races first, all within the acceptable time guidelines, which go by age. Source: The Boston Marathon, the New York Marathon, etc. etc.

    10. @4:48 That is not true. You clearly are not someone who has ever been to the Boston Marathon. You don't have to ever been in a marathon to be in that race.

    11. @2:41 I have lots of family in Boston! Have for 100 years. I'm quite familiar with that city and the annual marathon. Look up the rules for entering the marathon, and the qualifying race times you must submit. Or I can save you some of the trouble: "Athletes must meet time standards which correspond to age and gender." "For the 2024 Boston Marathon, the qualifying window began on September 1, 2022 and is open through September 15, 2023." "Only a certified full marathon distance will be accepted for qualifying." "Distances shorter than a full marathon will not be accepted." "Qualifying times are based on official submitted net time (also known as chip time)." "If the total amount of submissions surpasses the allotted field size for qualified athletes, then those who are the fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender group will be accepted." And so on. Are you thinking of other races around that same time, not the official Boston Marathon?

  19. Dear Jennifer: I hope that you are having a fantastic 16th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)

  20. Here's hoping that Kendra is enjoying her 25th Birthday!!!!!! (Posted by Here's Hoping.)


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