
Friday, June 30, 2023

Congrats to Jackson and Johannah!

Johannah Duggar and Jackson Duggar, 2010

Fans have known Jackson and Johannah Duggar since the moment they were born, Jackson in 2004 and Johannah in 2005. When the Duggars first appeared on TV, in 14 Children and Pregnant Again, Michelle was expecting Jackson. His birth was featured in that special, and Johannah made her debut in the following special, Raising 16 Children

Now almost 20 years later, this brother-sister duo has reached an exciting milestone. They both just graduated from high school! As they have done for their other children, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar celebrated Jackson and Johannah with a ceremony, a party, and senior pictures. Photos can be found on the Duggars' website. Jackson turned 19 in May, and Johannah will be 18 in October. 

Photo courtesy


  1. I can't ever figure out how the Duggars know when "high school" has "ended" if they have no state oversight and no standardized tests. Nineteen seems old to be finishing what anyone considers high school.

    1. You clearly don't understand homeschooling. Just because a person homeschools doesn't mean there is no state oversight. All states have requirements for homeschooling, including submission of proof of academic progress either in the form of standardized testing or a formal review performed by a professional holding a teaching license. Homeschooled children are still registered, which means the parents have to notify the school district their child will be homeschooled and they progress through in the same way as generic students unless they are accelerated, which requires testing to demonstrate proficiency to the level needed for the desired grade. They know they are finished with high school the same way you did. They get to the end of their senior year, have completed their school work, and have proven their academic understanding and growth. It's really not a difficult concept.

    2. My cousin was 20. Chill. Graduated the same year the cousin below him graduated, at age 18.

    3. @3:11 Each state has oversight in home schools. Each state has different sets of laws concerning home schooling. Some states are more strict then others. Home school curriculum follows the standard kindergarten-12th grade schedule. I was home schooled from day one. Standardized testing is not necessary in many states. I don't know if Arkansas has standardized testing. My state doesn't. Nineteen is hardly "old" and Johannah finished high school at age 17, that would be considered graduating "early". It's called birth dates. That's the factor in Jackson's and Johannah's ages. Besides, he was 18 for most of his 12th grade year. He turned nineteen in May near the end of high school.

    4. Arkansas has test you CAN take but they don't REQUIRE standardized tests. One of the most lax states when it comes to homeschooling.

    5. Arkansas Homeschool Law: No teacher qualifications. No state mandated courses. No assessment requirements. All you have to do is let the state know you're homeschooling and then you're on your own. The state is not tracking your progress or testing you or assessing you. They have very low regulations for homeschooling.

    6. @4:44 if you had watched the docuseries shiny hapy people, you would see they did not follow normal standards for schooling.

    7. You know they are done when they have completed their senior year courses. Just like everyone else.

    8. You're never too old to learn! Shoot I read in the paper about an 80 yr old graduating college. She went back to school to finish after her kids grew up and moved out of the house

    9. @4:44 I suggest you check the state of Arkansas homeschooling requirements. Other than age requirements and notification of intent to homeschool, the state is extremely lax when it comes to homeschool oversight. This includes no mandates of testing, required subjects, nor submission of any records. It's up to the parents to decide when their child has earned a HS diploma. In other words, anything goes and it apparently does.

    10. My son went to public school and birthrate in Oct meant he graduated at 19.5 depends on your state

    11. Not all states have those requirements. In Oklahoma there is no oversight whatsoever and no standard testing required or anything.

    12. 3:23 pm - You don't need any type of teacher qualifications no matter what state in homeschooling. In fact you don't need a college education to be a teacher in public schools. You do know the sub loop hole right? It's honestly baffling to me.

    13. @9:40 There's currently a significant shortage of substitute teachers and states have had to modify their qualifications. Regarding public school teaching qualifications, there are alternative teacher certification programs available in some states. However, you still need to have a college degree of some sort.

    14. 5:31 that is far from the truth because there is also a teacher shortage. You don't need a college education and its been like this for years.

    15. 2:12 You are wrong. Florida only recently started allowing military vets to teach without a degree due to their teacher shortage and Arizona allows some students still in college to teach. Other than that, the rest of the country requires a minimum of a college degree.

    16. There is nothing wrong with a school teacher without a degree. You do realize they follow the curriculum from the school? Lol. This has been happening for yours so those who have their noses in the air need to go back and make sure their teachers had a degree or not when they taught you.

    17. @6:32 That is not correct. There's not a state that allows a school teacher without a teaching certificate, and you can't get that certificate without earning some sort of bachelor's degree first. The teaching certificate has to be earned on top of the degree, through exams. It's not a matter of just looking over a curriculum and deciding you can teach that. Absolutely not.

      @11:15 Yes. But Florida requires vets to have at least 60 college credits in order to teach. In Arizona, that's only allowed with an "emergency" teaching certificate, and yes, you have to be enrolled in college at the time.

    18. 1:37 you clearly never heard of loop holes. This is literally done all the time. You don't need a degree. I know that's hard to comprehend but thanks to the home school people, there is a loop hole.

  2. Let me guess what's next... Hannie will be hanging around the house "helping" and then courting, marrying, and pregnant. Jackson will be pushing things around with heavy equipment, doing construction with or without a license, or selling used cars.

    1. And this does not effect you any way shape or form.

    2. From your forecast, sounds like both will be productive, law-abiding citizens, so that shouldn't be a problem for any of us.

  3. Congratulations Jackson and Johanna. You done good!

  4. What a shame that their formal education ends here. There's so much more to learn and to explore in life. The Duggar kids should stop just rooting for Razorbacks and go become one. Going to college does not ruin you. What are they and their parents afraid of? What if all parents said you don't need to study anything after high school and discouraged their kids from going to college? Innovation would end and life would eventually go back to the Middle Ages...

    1. @11:11 Actually, most people don't go to college anymore. Many people today are foregoing the higher education in favor of learning a trade and getting to work right away instead of getting deep in college debt. Many people don't even use their college degrees.

    2. @11:50 Not sure where you're getting that statistic, but over 60% of high school grads in the US go on to college. You don't have to rack up college debt. There are many sources of free college tuition - grants, scholarships, etc. State colleges are still affordable. About half the US states now offer free community college, a trend that's growing. You may end up in a field different than your college degree, but having that degree shows employers you are educated and you can accomplish a goal.

    3. @11:50 No, the numbers show that most kids do go to college. If you're concerned about debt, maybe you should support legislation that helps students. We would all benefit from it.

    4. This is not true in the US. According to US Census, over 64% of Americans age 25 or older have attended at least some college, and the percentage of people who had completed a bachelor's degree increased by over 7% from 2011 to 2021. The percentage of adults with an advanced degree rose 4.5%.

    5. @11:50 Since the Duggars are savers, why don’t they save for college? There are also scholarships. Also, do your research. College grads make 84% more AT GRADUATION than those who only have a high school diploma. College grads earn much more as they age.

    6. @11:50, if that if the case in the US, it does not look good for the future of the US. A country needs an educated population to make informed decisions. Here, you attend a college to learn a trade. That is where you earn your accrediation. You also are required to take, as while as the courses related to your trade, English/French, math and basic business courses. Then you are an apprentise for several years. As for those attending universities (where you earn degrees), it has been shown that those with universities degrees earn during their life times, on average, more than those who do not. A high school diploma will maybe get you a job at a fast food restaurant, that's it. Even truck drivers are required to take a course. By the way, the majority of young people I know have college or university educations. ALL have good jobs. As for the debt, most have managed to pay down their debt. The MAJORITY (90%) of our high school graduates go on the attend some kind of post secondary training.

    7. A lot of the new jobs being brought in due to new technology, you don't need a college education. But as we advance, factory workers won't be needed.

    8. 2:11 a lot of people have turned to online platforms to make money too and places like Disney opened up at home 8-hour jobs you can start at $20 per hour and you can work your way up to $30+. It's great for at home parents. Amazon is great too.

  5. That's nice. Of course Jackson will go to work for JB and Johanna will get married and have lots of kids.

    1. And if that's what they want to do, that will be great.

    2. Nothing wrong with marriage and babies

    3. And if Johanna does get married and have lots of kids she's not suffering or getting a fate worse then death. People act and treat wife and motherhood as such a terrible thing, like its a punishment, second rate lifestyle, like its the worst and most wasteful thing a woman can do with her life and like slavery. IT IS NOT! Its in the Bible folks! Really!

    4. @6:26 I don't care if it's in the Bible - it's not practical in today's society. Try to imagine every working woman in the world suddenly disappearing from their jobs and staying home with babies. You think the supply chain is crazy now - so many places would have to shut down without their women workers. We'd lose teachers, doctors, scientists, pilots, you name it... I got my car worked on by a woman last month! You can't discourage women from working these days. The Duggar women aren't contributing anything to the workforce or pulling any weight. But they rely on women midwives to be there when they have all those babies!

    5. 3:36 pm - You want more people to pull their weight, then you need to help pay for people to be able to go to college. You make it sound easy.

    6. @9:36 That's easy for anyone to do. Just make the right choices at the poll. I don't know about others, but my taxes do go towards keeping community college affordable. We just approved a bond referendum for that and had our taxes raised.

    7. 3:36 - Like 9:56 said, state and local taxes do fund colleges. We are helping to keep college costs lower than they would be otherwise. Do you realize how many organizations (clubs, civic groups, etc.) also give away college money every year in the form of scholarships and grants? My school alumni association does it every year. Some classes raise more grant money through their reunions. Some graduates do it independently. People ARE helping other people be able to go to college!

    8. 9:56 really? And this last poll win was suppose to help but the prices on everything have sky rocket.

    9. 2:09 Really. Price increases are not new this year. Go back to 2020 when they most recently started. Or go back to the 70's when inflation was at its worst ever. It's a combo of supply chain issues, farm shortages, outsourcing, you name it. I don't believe I've ever seen one particular political group even TRY to do anything to help people cope with these things. Maybe if you're a rich corporation, but not if you're a single mom.

    10. @2:09 Please check your facts and figures. The latest economic numbers show the lowest inflation in 2 years - about 3%, which is not an unusual amount for any year. Prices are down for gas, travel, and even food.

    11. 3:36 -- Wouldn't it be nice to have women raising their own children, instead of leaving them in day cares and after school programs to be cared for by strangers? Relax and let people do what they want to do. I'm sure you'll still be able to find your woman this or woman that, if you prefer to patronize only women.

    12. @11:39 I know plenty of daycares where children get better supervision, better education, and better food than they would if they were home with a non-working mother. My friend runs an inner-city daycare and my sister-in-law taught at one. I'm well familiar with that scene. You need to realize that the entire country is not middle-class. People have problems raising kids and need help. People need to work to pay the bills, too. Besides, your daycare worker is only a "stranger" before Day One. Maybe not even that, if you're left with Grandma.

    13. Amen. I have a feeling the ones wanting all mothers to stay home with their kids are not the people who would be voting to fund social programs to help these mothers. They're quick to talk against things but they wouldn't fork over their tax dollars to solve them.

  6. The Duggar website doesn't say what their future plans are. At a high school graduation ceremony, the students' plans are usually announced..."heading to university to study business", "entering an apprenticeship to study mechanics" or "entering the world of work". Anybody can graduate high school. Let's get excited about their next steps.

    1. Where did you go to high school that they announced the future plans of the students? It must have been a very tiny place. We had our names read and that was absolutely it. No, not everybody can graduate high school. There are plenty of people who don't. This is an accomplishment. It is a rite of passage and it deserves to be recognized and appreciated for what it is. Rather than diminishing them, criticizing them for what you deem not a worthy enough accomplishment, and trying to force them forward through time, let's get excited for this moment in their lives, this moment in the present, and let them enjoy what they have done.

    2. I went to public high school and my future plans weren't announced.

    3. I think 1:12 means that the Duggars usually announce those future plans, and they didn't this time. My huge high school (600+ in each class) always ran something in the school paper with each senior's plans listed. These days, I've seen full-page local newspaper photo spreads of graduates and where they plan to go to college. The private schools all do that in the paper. It's fun to see.

    4. We had 380 students graduating, and each student's future plans was announced.

    5. Whether you go to private, public, or homeschool community, you're future is your business. One may change their minds 100 times before they decide what the plan is

    6. Our graduating class of 375 did a pre-graduation where all future plans were announced, most parents don't attend because they're too busy to bother

    7. Here, when the student's name is called during the ceremony, they will announce what he /she is planning to do as well as what scholarships they may have won. It is up to the student, of course.

    8. Realistically a lot high schools don't do that anymore because of low income families not being able to afford college. It makes perfect sense to me. It makes people feel bad on what is suppose to be a happy day.

    9. 9:33 sad but true. I understand why they don't especially these days.

  7. Congratulations on your awesome accomplishments and many blessing for a long successful future. Keep following the Lord and He will direct your paths.

    1. @1:31. Thank you for leaving an encouraging comment. Seems most people here think we homeschool parents are too stupid to educate our children.

    2. There is an adage well know in pyschology and it goes like this..the more intelligent you are, the more you know what you do not know. My concern is that home schooling parents do not realise what they do not know; they are educating their children to their limited level of education. Those with university degrees, I would have less of a concern. But those like Mrs. Duggar, with only a high school diploma, the children's education will be limited. We saw that, when one of the boys took a "college course". The math level was elementary level. Here, the few home schooled students we have tend to attend actual high schools for the last two or three years so they can earn acceptances in a college or university.

    3. @10:05 - There are a LOT of resources to provide teaching to your children in what you as the parent might not know. You can take live high school classes, online classes, video classes, or read textbooks all with/by college trained professors.

      No one I know who homeschools needs to go to school in order to get into college.

    4. @9:36 Bring it back to the Duggars. No way are Michelle or Jim Bob taking courses so they can teach their children better.

    5. Exactly, 9:36. I have a master's degree in education, yet I outsource my high schoolers' math to an online program with award-winning instructors because math isn't my thing. The number of resources out there for homeschooling is actually overwhelming even for a seasoned homeschool parent.

    6. 9:36 pm - agreed. A lot of homeschool kids I grew up with all went college. Some of them did the online programs and some of them went by their parents own learning program.

  8. Where are they going to college?

    1. You already know the answer to that question!

  9. It's hard to believe it's been that long.

    1. I know! I remember these two cuties as the narrators of their tv show. Always so adorable. Congrats Jackson and Hanny. May all your dreams come true

  10. The Duggar parents do a good job of raising their children. These two look so happy and well. I wonder what all of the other media goes on about? Jill and Jinger both used to seem happy and content with the love and guidance of their parents that brought them to the next season of their lives with nice weddings to good men. Now it's open season on all things of their lives to sell for profit. That's cheap behavior and I feel sorry for the younger family members living under all their belly acing to continue their financial gains. It's sick.

    1. It is, and very sad.

    2. Anon 11:48 I agree with you.

    3. There's no way to determine how a person feels by their appearance. Jill and Jinger were unhappy with things that went on in the family. I don't think they should be demeaned because they pulled the curtain back and revealed that this was not the perfectly functioning family that was shown on TV.

    4. @11:48 I agree. Jim Bob and Michelle weren't perfect parents but they definitely didn't deserve Shiny Happy People or Jill's book Counting the Cost.

    5. @11:48 If we're talking about deserving things, the people in SHP didn't deserve what happened to them.

    6. 8:58- what curtain? They never hid who they were or how they did things. Jill and Jinger got a taste of the "real world" and now resent their parents for holding them back, is what it sounds like. Their big girls now with kids and they need to start acting like adults

    7. @11:52 They never hid who they were or how they did things? Oh my, I think you missed a chapter or three!

  11. How hard is school at home for them? They work from workbooks that Michelle has chosen. I can't imagine they have hard dates set for homework to be turned in, reports to be written, or tests to be taken, with academic consequences if they're not. They have no classmates to keep up with. A large part of school is learning how to manage time and work load to keep deadlines, figuring out how to keep different teachers with different personalities happy with the work you turn in, and seeing how your work compares to that of others. Those are real-life skills that carry over to jobs you have later. Also, I wouldn't have had my field of study or career if it hadn't been for a very wise teacher seeing something in me that I didn't realize was there, then nurturing that to its fullest and changing my life. I'm wondering how Michelle, who is not a trained professional educator, manages to do anything even remotely equal to that.

    1. I homeschool my daughter. Your comments are ignorant, close-minded, and offensive. My child is gifted and has a learning style that is not supported by being shoved into a box the way public school does. I very strong disagree with your assessment of what school is and the purpose of it. People like you judge homeschooling and believe you are so far above anyone who does it or who was educated that way. It is infuriating to be belittled and degraded because you think you know better because it's what an establishment has told you. You make massive leaps of assumption and they are woefully inaccurate for many homeschool families. My child was doing upper high school level work in elementary school because she's homeschooled. She learns through living, doing, and experiencing. That prepares her for LIFE not just a "job" later on. Learn to be more understanding of people who aren't like you and stop assuming you know everything.

    2. Good points but it really doesn't matter in this case. Their futures are already mapped out for them. Jackson will go to work for Daddy, Johanna will get married and have babies. They really don't need the life skills you mention.

    3. 1:57 homeschooling is very different. I don't know what Michelle uses curriculum wise, but the curriculum I have is Christian and Classical. The children learn Latin, sentence diagramming, writing,arithmetic, Science, History, Timeline and Bible memory verses. Many of the students graduated with honors and have gotten into prestigious colleges. The kids didn't get graded, but worked until they understood the subjects. They don't rush through the material, like in public schools. The students learn at their own pace

    4. @ 1:57 Homeschooling is the one room schoolhouse of yesteryear. All grades are in the same room being taught. It fosters ease of communication between different ages, social skills and more. I was home schooled from day one (and had a classmate because I was a twin) Yes, there are set dates for turning in homework and reports and yes home schoolers do take tests. You still have to manage time and work loads to keep deadlines with home schooling. If you watched the show, the Duggar kids had plenty of real-life skills from construction to gardening to working with people etcetera. And who better to nurture a student's talents and skills than their own mother? You don't need to be a trained educational professional to do that. George Washington credited his mother, who home schooled him, with making him what he was, our first president and Founding Father of this country. Home schooling is not lacking in education. It gives a great education. Not all home school curriculums are created equal. Some are better than others. We used Abeka which by far is the best. It gives a thorough and solid education.

    5. @4:37 But you are not the Duggars, and the Duggar kids are not doing high school level work in elementary school. They've showed off their system on TV and talked about it in books. It's not what you're doing! It's not even the same curriculum. So comments here will be based on what the DUGGARS are doing, not what you're doing.

    6. 11:47 The state of Arkansas has little oversight with homeschooling. There are no requirements for testing, subjects taught, or record-keeping. The parents can decide when their child has earned a HS diploma. In other words, anything goes.

    7. @11:47- Just as public schools are not the same, homeschooling situations can vary as well, from good, mediocre, to bad. I preferred public schools for myself, as I enjoyed having that world I could call my own for the school day, away from my big family. It gave me a feeling of independence and I appreciated learning from other adults who were not family members. I thrived, and so did my own kids who attended public schools and universities. There is no one perfect formula for every family.

    8. @4:37, sorry, but you are missing the point of this person's post. You are too defensive. A gifted child, my coment is "so what". I have two who attend a high school for gifted children (top 2% in IQ tests) in our public system. The program was not to push them to take 'advanced courses' but to let them explore more in depth the material their non-gifted peers where taking. And, MORE IMPORTANTLY, to let them be kids. Gifted or not, they were still kids. Both my children have careers now, not jobs as you put it. They are well-adjusted, hard-working and not elitists. Their classmates are doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, artists, master craftsmen...And by upper level high school courses, do you mean calculus, organic chemistry,physics with calculus? Those are upper level courses.

    9. @9:57. This comment is not meant to be critical at all, but why Latin? I thought it was a dead language. But isn't it a basis for other languages? I'm really curious. My Daddy took Latin in college but never used it.

    10. @3:00 For the average person, the only practical use for Latin these days is for an understanding of roots of English words, unless maybe you plan to be an archivist/historian, or you're going to write prescriptions. The kids in the annual national spelling bee all need to know Latin word roots. They help when you encounter vocab words on the college boards, too. We learned the old saying in school (where Latin was offered from 7th grade on): "Latin is a dead language, as dead as it can be. First it killed the Romans and now it's killing me."

    11. July 2 @4:27 The question was "how hard is school for them." Them. Not for your daughter. Good for her. But what about Duggar home school? I'll bet your daughter would be so bored with Michelle and her workbooks around the dining room table (if Michelle even oversees school any more). But that's what Johannah the graduate here went through.

    12. 3pm it's more to introduce the language and learn it early, starting at age 4. Doctors use Latin for medical terms and for those going into Theology. I agree with above comment that it's understanding root words.

    13. @3:29 Thanks for answering my question. I learned something new.

    14. -- Seriously wondering how children given a "Christian" science education can then get into "prestigious" colleges. Last time I looked, no "prestigious" college lets you substitute ideas of Biblical miracles for their lab-based sciences. All the Duggars' "scientific" beliefs would never prepare them for college science classes. I remember when the family visited the Creation Museum and tried to explain why "science" was wrong and the Bible was right...

    15. They don't even teach Latin at my local schools. Its all Chinese and French. When I was in school, it was German and Spanish.

    16. 12:10 pm - most states allow homeschool parents to have their own program, how they see fit.

    17. 11:51, you are just unaware of the lab-based science taught in Christian homeschool curriculum, Christian schools, and Christian colleges. And the scientific facts taught in the Bible. God, though, transcends science. He is not limited by the science He created.

    18. Sorry 1:11, but if you take biology, geology, or any other life/earth sciences like that, the evolution chapters and land formation chapters are going to fall apart if you want to apply those Biblical "facts." You don't get the same outcome as a non-Christian based college science course.

    19. People who are upset that people who went to Christians schools or homeschool programs and got into college are in desperate need of help. Not every program is like IBLP. They got to college because they was educated enough to do it. Stop putting people in a category. Other wise there would be a lot worse things said about public schools who hire in full time teachers who didn't even go to college.

    20. In the homeschool community my son attends they do learn about Darwin. He was a brilliant man, but his evolution theory is wrong. The students debated each other on that once and one of them said if we evolved from monkeys, why are monkeys not evolving today?

    21. 2:05 and they still do this at my son's school.

    22. @3:59 Animals and humans are still evolving. Genetic variations and survival of the fittest are still happening. It's evolution on a microscopic level, and now that we can sequence DNA, we can watch it happening. You can't expect to see entirely new species of monkeys (or humans) appear in your lifetime when it took millions of years for it to first happen. I'd like to know what scientific proof you have that evolution theory is wrong. Not Bible quotes or guesses because the church wants you to think one way. Show me biological and geological evidence - scientific based, not theology based.

    23. 3:59 That's ridiculous. That's like saying, "If apples exist, why aren't I an apple? And why aren't apples becoming more like humans? This didn't happen, so there's no evolution." Sorry, not true, there was evolution, and life is still evolving.

    24. Where did you guys get that all Christian based schools teach wrong about evolution? That's not true at all. I think that's IBLP and Amish schools. Y'all need to educate yourself.

  12. Time to court, marry and have baby after baby after baby


  14. WOW! So far, I actually agree with all of the comments posted on this blog. Everyone, including me, seems concerned about the futures of these two recent graduates.

    1. Lol nope! Not everyone

    2. Your concerning yourself with something that's absolutely none of your business. They share these wonderful and exciting milestones so people can share in their joy. If that isn't how you or anyone else on here feels, then why do you come here? To critique and put their choices down? I feel bad for you and the others like you. You can't be a very happy person. That's a shame.

    3. 11:48 AM- Like many contributors to this blog, I am concerned for these recent graduates well-being. I want them to have healthy, safe, and fulfilling lives. In my comment, "concern" means "interest". Don't you want the Duggar family members to have safe and healthy lives? I do.

    4. @11:48 Why does it bother you so that people express opinions? The Duggars are notorious for giving their opinions when it comes to their theology. They go so far as to say that people will suffer for all eternity if they don't subscribe to it. IMO, that's doing harm and is indoctrination through intimidation.

    5. "Happy people" and "unhappy people" both have opinions - does that surprise you 11:48? I think it's the unhappy ones who complain about it. So we're around full circle, and trying to guess if anyone is "happy" or not by what they want to say is useless.

  15. Congratulations!

  16. Congratulations to you both! Whatever your future holds is going to be awesome.

  17. I thought the point of home school was that you got to do it whatever way you wanted that would best suit your student. It sounds as if some of you think that the Duggars do it "your way" not "their way." There are probably as many ways and as many different qualities of home school as there are parents who home school. So you can't compare one home school (yours) to another (theirs) - it's comparing apples to oranges. We all know that the Duggar home school has not turned out future rocket scientists and brain surgeons. These kids don't go on to 4-year college once their home school is done. They don't have to report their progress to their state or take college entrance exams. Nobody is knocking YOUR home school. But what is the level of education or the quality of education the Duggars receive? That has historically and statistically boiled down to just enough education to operate a used backhoe or to nurse a baby. Out of 19 kids, I can't believe they all happened to have those two things as their future dreams and goals (Josh wanted to be a lawyer once, remember?). Here's hoping these two graduates break that Duggar home school mold and surprise us all by getting PhD's.

    1. I belong to a homeschool community that has a great curriculum! All students who apply to college that go through the program graduate with honors and are accepted to college

  18. Parents don’t need to homeschool any more. The concept of a parent teaching the kids all day has been replaced by Online School. The computer tells the kid what to do. No need for the parents. In the case of some families, as long as the online school is a Christian school the parents really don’t need to be involved.

    1. Please tell me Virtual Reality school or AI school is NOT going to become a thing......

    2. As a homeschool mother, I beg to disagree. Online school does not replace student-teacher/parent interaction. Online school doesn't challenge students to use critical thinking and logic. Online school is spoon-fed information based on whatever agenda (Christian, or otherwise) the educator wants to provide. As you aptly pointed out, "the computer tells the kid what do do." If online schooling worked so well, students would have thrived during the lockdown. Instead, we are seeing children with significant basic educational deficiencies.

      However, homeschooling isn't for everyone. I'm always astounded at the number of non-homeschool parents who felt they needed to explain to me how I was doing a disserve to my children--as if it were their business. Parents can choose what's best for their children based on learning styles and circumstances. If this works for the Duggar family, so be it.

    3. @3:38 That sounds like public school. Parents aren't involved in the teaching there either. I can't believe a computer is better than a real live teacher. This generation is going to lose all interpersonal skills. They already can't add or subtract without pulling out a calculator. They can't remember someone's phone number without pulling it up on their phones. They can't navigate with a paper map. They can't read a wall clock. We're not doing kids' brains any favors by making them dependent on technology for learning or for everyday life. The world is not one big screen, no matter how it may feel like that.

    4. Online schooling is just glorified public schooling.. no interaction personally with the computer. At least if homeschooling is a family affair, there is conversation going on and people challenging one another

    5. Anon 10:37. Oh please!! There's nothing "wrong" with today's younger generation. People have been complaining about the younger generation since the beginning of time. Yes, they are different that what you're used to, but that's not a bad thing.

    6. Homeschool have helped my kids tremendously and they been learning more than they did when they was in public school. There are public and private schools that offer homechool programs. Don't put us all in the same category as the homeschool curriculum that the Duggars are learning. I think people who talk bad about it is just jealous that they wasn't homeschool. My kids are also involved in sports in a public school that allows homeschool kids to participate.

    7. @2:44 Actually, today's younger generation is being negatively impacted by technology. I was discussing this topic with a school psychologist friend recently. They're seeing a decrease in empathy and an increase in aggression tied to violent video game play. A decrease in real-life focus and processing from excessive screen time. A decrease in offline social interaction, and an increase in feelings of social isolation. Exactly opposite from what technology was supposed to be providing. It's not having the same effect in older people, but the younger generation is being impacted in negative ways. It's a mixed bag. There are benefits, but there are also impacts that can't be ignored.

    8. @ 10:37 I'm sorry to learn that you have a such a negative view of your children and/or grandchildren. My kids are great and I lean on their skills with technology to help me navigate the 21st Century.

    9. 4:00 That's fine. But when kids start substituting screen skills for interpersonal and life skills, there's a problem.

    10. 10:56 but these days that is all what public schools are lol. Your kids carry around a chrome book all day.

    11. 9:21 are you the one teaching your children? Just curious.

    12. Public schools are not like what they use to be. They don't even teach the child how to spell and write properly.

  19. Neddy Constant
    Congrats to both of them
    Time 11:55PM Tues 7/4/23
    Happy 4th of July to everyone.

  20. It's their life.

  21. Congratulations to Jackson and Johanna! Wish you well on your paths!

  22. Congratulations to both Jackson & Johannah, on their high school graduations!!!!!!!

  23. Congratulations Jackson and Johanna for graduating high school. I can't wait to see what God has in store for both of you. My Dad and I really miss the Duggar's and extended family members and also the entire Bates family. Hopefully both families will have a new show and lots of new seasons. I know there are other devices besides Cable TV. I really pray for Jesus to mend their hearts. Natasha b

    1. I'm thinking God had some sort of higher education in store for all His children, yet all the Duggar kids have been ignoring that plan. If He wanted them to have babies instead, He would have made sure that happened as soon as possible.

    2. 2:28 God has a plan for all of us but its not up to others to tell people what they think God wants for them. It doesn't work like that.

    3. @2:01 Then nobody should claim that what the Duggars are doing is what God has in store for them. Yet they do.

    4. @2:01 So, we get to decide for ourselves what God wants for us. Sounds like a plan!

    5. 11:19, no God decides for you. You'll know it in your heart if it's right. But when someone tries to tell others what God has planned for them is a whole different story. That's not coming from God, that's coming from man.

  24. 7/6 @ 10:37am....well said. This is all sadly true. Our children are not well educated to say the least. A live, trained teacher is always best. Sitting children in front of a computer to fend for themselves is not doing them any educational favors.

    1. I am very familiar with homeschool. I never heard of a program where you just leave your kid sitting in front of a screen. That's not teaching.

    2. 2:00pm, when lockdown happened, kids were "homeschooled" in front of a computer with the teacher and other kids. I don't see that as homeschooling either. I have a friend who claims she homechools but it's the same thing

    3. @2:00 We've seen the Duggar kids doing that!

    4. 4:02 PM - They are probably enrolled in a homeschool program from a public school. Most home school programs you are sent actual books and worksheets. There is no computer or tablets envolved like public schools. Depending on the program, when they get to high school they are tested a few times online or through mail but that's it. That's before graduation.

    5. @6:23 That's what I love about homeschool programs. You actually get BOOKS. No tablet.

  25. Jackson and Johannah on their recent milestone! It's always heartwarming to witness the joy and excitement that accompanies such special moments within the Duggar family!

  26. Now that Jackson has graduated and is over 18, he can join the military. Duggar boys love their country, love their flag, love (certain) presidents, and love guns. They're used to sleeping with a bunch of other guys in a dorm with bunks. They know how to operate heavy machinery and make things go *boom* (for gender reveals). They are exactly what the military is looking for. Come on Duggars, put your money where your mouths are and sign up to serve. Every man in my family did and two of the women.

    You're worrying about how to pay for college? There's your solution. The military gives you paid training, college credit classes, and the GI Bill. Employers are eager to have you once your enlistment is up, college degree or not. You can even rack up reenlistment bonuses to bank for later. I'd love to hear why Jackson and his brothers continue to turn down such generous offers to support their country and their fellow citizens.

    1. Wow you should think about moving out of the U.S. :)

    2. @6:20 Why would you say that? 8:08 is right, the Duggar men should be serving, for all those reasons.

    3. 1:17 why them? Did you serve?

  27. Homeschooling may work out better for some people but it's not for everyone. Much as I love my children, I'm not up to taking on another full time job. As a person I need some time to do things that don't involve my children or household chores. My children attend public school where they are happy, have nice friends and are getting a good education. I'm a better wife and parent because I have the time to do things I enjoy. My advice is to do what works best for you.

    1. Good for you but there are a lot of public schools that are a complete joke.

  28. For all those knocking today's young people: When we get old THEY are going to be taking care of us. lol.

    1. All the more reason to be worried and to try to set them straight. @3:37

    2. 2:41 they are not your children to correct.


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