
Monday, March 14, 2022

Josh to Be Sentenced Soon

Three months have passed since Josh Duggar was found guilty. According to 40/29 News, he will be sentenced on April 5th. Josh is currently being held in custody and has been since his trial.



  1. The news article said he can be fined up to $250k in addition to serving a sentence. And of course a team of lawyers costs big bucks too. This whole ordeal must be costing his family a fortune.

    1. @4:58 That's called the consequences of one's actions. It shouldn't be cheap to do this. The cost is supposed to act as a deterrent.

    2. Yes. I'm not sure Josh is worth the financial investment but guess they're trying to support him despite his wrong doing.

  2. I think you're missing a chapter. He's been filing motions for acquittal or a new trial. The reasons he claims his first trial was unfair are really reaching. The transcripts of those motions are fascinating.

    1. If you followed the trial from the beginning, the defense has been "really reaching" the entire time. I just don't understand continuing to stretch the truth (and that is putting it mildly) when they say all they want is for "the truth to come out". How can anyone not see through this??

    2. The job of defense lawyers is to keep their clients from being convicted of whatever crime the client is accused of. Truth isn't always on the client's side so the lawyers don't worry about the "truth coming out" when it doesn't favor their client.

    3. @11:21 all I can say is wow!!!

    4. @11:21 "The truth to come out" was a damage control statement, exactly as expected. What they've wanted and still want is for someone else to take the blame and if that can't be, then doubt to be raised. That was the defense strategy during the trial.

  3. Thank you for keeping us up to date.

  4. It will be nice for the family to get past the sentencing. I would like to hear Anna's thoughts and why she is so steadfastly behind him considering the evidence.

    1. I'm not sure I want to hear Anna's thoughts on the matter any more. She put out a statement that the evidence didn't prove Josh committed the crime he was convicted of. I was blown away by that one. I fear for the well being of the children if she continues that sort of thing.

    2. I'm very concerned about the children. Anna is normalizing Josh's behavior by standing by him and claiming that the evidence didn't prove he was guilty of the crime he was convicted of. Scary IMO.

    3. 7:19 It is so sad about Anna--she must have just tuned out during the trial. I don't know how anyone could sit there and hear all the evidence and not find Josh guilty. It makes me think she has been manipulated by Josh for so long that she can't think any other way. I am concerned for her mental health.

    4. Anna didn't tune out, she actively chose to not be present for the most damaging parts of the evidence where agents described in detail the abuse Josh downloaded and had viewed. She opted to leave, a privilege neither the Homeland Security agents nor the jurors got and who are haunted by those atrocities (with the agents regularly receiving PSTD counseling for what they have to wade through to catch these criminals). She is actively and angrily denying the reality because it means her marriage has been a lie. Would also like to inject some logic here: If an innocent law-abiding family-values oriented pro-life/pro-children citizen could somehow manage to "stumble" onto a peer-to-peer CSAM file sharing network (not possible), wouldn't said law-abiding family values-oriented pro-life/pro-children citizen be outraged and immediately contact law enforcement to help catch those people, save those children, shut that network down, and make sure no other innocent computer users stumbled onto it either? If you're a believer, you have the Holy Spirit living in you and He always testifies to the truth-whether we want to hear it or not. We can use our free will to ignore Him, but the reality is that we know because we have to work to ignore Him. Understandably, that knowledge is absolutely, unbelievably devastating, and most people in those situations spend a lot of time, energy, and emotion trying to stuff the truth down. I wish (and my prayer for her is) that she would just go the Lord and safely break and fall apart in God's arms. He's the only one who can put Anna herself back together and He does it so well. He binds up the broken-hearted and is close to those who are crushed in spirit. He's a good Father.

  5. Please update us after he is sentenced and in prison.

  6. I hope he gets the maximum that can be given! I feel for his children- poor babies!

  7. I've read somewhere that he's expected to get the maximum. Whatever he gets, I hope it will help the rest of the family to move forward. Especially the wife and kids.

    1. The judge will take certain things into consideration when determining the sentence. I doubt Josh will get the maximum number of months. And I doubt he'll serve all the time he is sentenced to.

    2. First offenders such as Josh rarely get the maximum sentence. However, the judge will also take into consideration Josh's lack of acceptance of responsibility and give a longer sentence. Guess we'll find out on sentencing day.

    3. There's a points system the judge will use to calculate number of months to serve.

    4. @11:13 Maximum number of months? It is more like years. And he could get the maximum considering his history.

  8. It makes me sad and emotional for everyone involved in this situation (Anna and her 7 kids,Jim Bob and Michelle,all 18 of their kids,in-laws,and nephews and nieces and yes,Josh himself). Just simply praying the judge makes the right and wise decision in how to sentence Josh fairly. I hate that everyone's lives are ruined now all because of Josh's sexual sins and addictions and will never return to having a show on TV to show their Christian lives and aftermath of this tragic event taking place. No matter what happens,I pray Anna will make the right choice to either remain married and be legally separated due to his imprisonment until he gets out someday or decides it's best to file for divorce and go on with her life and also I think it would be best after Josh is sentenced to leave Arkansas and take her 7 kids and move back to her home state of Florida and have the help of her family to take care of her kids and get a job that pays enough to support a family of 8 as a single mom (like maybe a real estate agent and developer of new homes and businesses with a real estate company) and from there restart her life and live it in private for the rest of her life.

    1. Sins and addiction? Call Josh what he is… a convicted criminal, hopefully going to be incarcerated for a very long time.

    2. A lot of viewers felt that the show didn't portray the Duggars truthfully, but nobody had proof until the first news about Josh came out. At that point, all the values they touted on the show became suspicious, so it was certainly time to end things. Maybe it's better that the pressure is off and they don't have to pretend for the cameras any more.

    3. If I were Anna, I'd want my in-laws to provide financial support for as long as needed. I'd feel that they owed it to me, after talking down their son's troubles and trying to convince everyone that he had changed enough to marry. Anna shouldn't have to work if she doesn't want to. The Duggars should pay her, at least until Josh gets out of jail. Who knows what he can do after that. Who will hire him except his father?

    4. I do not think a single mum working a real estate job would earn enough for a family of 8. Keep in mind none of the Duggars that appear on the show live their lifestyle from their day jobs alone, they all get payments for the TV show. Anna will likely get the same

    5. Are you sad for all of his victims?

    6. Wow that's pretty specific on what Anna should do with her life. What makes you think she has an interest or the skills to be involved in real-estate? What gives you the right to dictate anyone's life? Very rude in my opinion.

    7. I don't think Anna is in any position to follow your advice, however well meant. She has seven children the youngest is only a few months old. She has minimal education and therefore would be unable to secure any job that would pay enough to support such a large family. I think her family will help her but I don't think she will be able to work at any paid job for several years. It'll work out.

  9. just curious but how are you going to update the banner without josh?
    i know there's a few babies and a wedding coming up that will need to be updated as well
    (not trying to be mean)

    1. He's not dead.

    2. Josh will always be a Duggar and part of the Duggar family. He has nothing to do eith updating the banner. No matter what he did or did not do or no matter is he is or is not imprisoned.

    3. Why would it be updated? He's still part of the family.

    4. I am completely against the actions of any criminal no matter who they are, but why would they remove him from the picture, he's still their family.

    5. Did they say they are updating the banner without Josh?

    6. The oldest son is a family member so should not be deleted from the banner. Just photoshop him behind bars or something….

    7. It takes a while to make a banner with a family this size. They did respond to someone else a few months back, I think it's in the works.

    8. He needs to stay there as a reminder of who is in this family.

    9. Josh is a living member of the Duggar it or not. Anna is still married to him and I'm sure his children love and miss him. He did some bad stuff and he needs to be punished, however he has not been exiled from his family.

    10. original poster here: anon @6:28, thank you for your courteous response
      shame on every other one of you drama queens with the negative comments. this is exactly what's wrong with the world today. please go back and reread the question and stop putting words in my mouth by reading something into something that isn't there! i never said or even suggested updating the banner without josh! i asked 'HOW' and not 'IF'. maybe i have some ideas for a banner i've been thinking of for a couple of years now so i asked 'HOW' to avoid wasting ellies time with my suggestion.*
      and anon 2:25, how do you think the new additions are included if the banner isn't updated to include them? noticeably, madyson, fern and hannah* aren't in this banner and new babies are on the way so obviously at some point it will be updated (*based on who does it an when, sometimes even the fiancΓ© is also shown. ellie has done a couple of updated banner blogs on here to show how much they've grown)
      *apparently i need to explain for those who haven't followed as long, that back in the day when there weren't as many duggars, their pictures were listed individually and evolved into the family group pictures they've been using these past few years. out of respect for them, ellie only uses pictures and statements that are given to her and okayed by the duggars. will josh be photoshopped into a family picture? will the banner go back to individual pictures?

    11. Think about the story of the prodigal son -- who I hope and pray Josh becomes -- the son was always the son of the father.

    12. Just as God doesn't blot out His children when we sin, the Duggars have not blotted out Josh as their son for his grievous sins, so he still belongs in the header.

  10. Replies
    1. πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

  11. A sad day for the Duggars. I hope Anna will come to terms with reality and accept the outcome of the trial.

    1. Josh is the one who needs to accept the outcome of the trial and stop trying to get another trial to happen. If he has spectacular evidence that could clear him, he should have used it the first time.

    2. I agree. If there had been any evidence that exonerated him, it would have been presented at the trial. Attorneys will keep doing whatever he pays them to do so I think he'll keep having them file motions, appeals, etc. He simply doesn't want to take responsibility for his actions.

  12. Praying for Anna, her beautiful innocent children, all of the Duggar siblings & their families, & Michelle and Jim Bob. May God bless them all & grant them extra Faith, Courage, Strength, Guidance, Love, & Patience they truly need to get through this very dark time.

  13. The whole situation is so disturbing and sad, it's really hard to comment anything positive. I guess I will be relieved when justice is finally served and the Duggars can move on.

    1. When your family member is incarcerated (especially long term), you don't really move on. It's not like closure because they're going to be moved from facility to facility throughout their term, as the security needs within the facility population dictate (not necessarily having anything to do whatsoever with your family member either). Working with a prison ministry I can tell you, people in lock-up get "bored" or have a beef with someone and get surprisingly negatively "creative", necessitating the preemptive shuffling and redistribution of inmates to other facilities. For families of inmates, at times you may not even know where your person is until well after the fact. There's also the constant fear/worry/anxiety about his/her safety. It is jail/prison for a reason. Their fellow inmates aren't usually the safest group of people either and sometimes devious, highly motivated, highly intelligent prisoners with nothing to lose and time on their hands have nothing to do but wait for an opportunity. There's the emotional pull of hoping your family member does finally, actually commit to make Jesus the Lord in charge of them and their life (or at the very least see the error of their ways and "go straight"). Then there's the fact that "everyone knows"-whether it's a small town situation or a celebrity, or somewhere in between. Having a family member finally sentenced and serving time in a facility isn't really something you can just put behind you and move on from. In a sense, the family members get sentenced to. It's really incredibly sad for the families involved (but never more traumatic than for the victims) and completely selfish of the incarcerated family member (barring a self-defense situation).

  14. What happens between Josh and the judge's sentencing is one thing, but I wish people would quit trying to taint the entire family in Josh's guilt. You'd think this was the only family in the nation that had a relative in jail. It saddens me that so many seem to relish criticizing the Duggars any and every way they can. The harshness is unbelievable. Nobody can even have a baby in that family without a snide remark from the public, and try to find one article about anything any of them have done on their own without it turning back to Josh's trial and upcoming sentencing.

    1. I completely agree with you! It's very sad.

    2. 1:57 I don't like the Duggars' religious beliefs. I think they are doing more harm than good. And I would feel that way even if Josh had never done his misdeeds.

    3. 1:57 It's hard to escape the elephant in the room.....

    4. I don't think people are blaming the rest of the Duggars for Josh's misdeeds, but JB and Michelle's non-stop efforts to present their family in the most favorable possible light certainly led Anna to a false conclusion and has caused a great deal of misery in that quarter.

  15. I will be praying that however long the sentence is, Josh will be like the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32 and return back to God. He will welcome him back with open arms. I know because I was that prodigal daughter.

    1. Regina, I love your comment. God's mercies are new every morning,but He will not keep His anger forever. ❤

    2. Regine, I love your comment. I too pray that Josh will finally once and for all get real with himself and God. Given the nature and record of his offenses, my concern is that never knew God and was just religious, parroting all the right Christian-ese and checking his Church boxes. To be frank, judging by his fruit: he's been walking in serious sin a very long time, is haughty and arrogant, self-serving, good at playing Church, gleefully living a double life with zero remorse for his sin nor the people he's victimizing. His heart is hard, his conscience barely alive if that. I hope the sentence is very long-not because I am vengeful, but my hope is that hitting rock bottom may save his soul...not the way God or I would prefer it, but if that's what it takes, so be it.

    3. Josh has had every opportunity to repent and change his ways. So far he has shown no inclination to do so. Who knows what will happen next?

  16. I think Anna is in love with her husband and is going to stand by his side for the rest of her life. I think she wants to honor the Lord. I hope he gets help and that when he gets out he will be free from his addictions. God can make beauty out of ashes.

    I also pray that truly, if Josh is innocent the truth would come out. But it seems like they have so much evidence showing the contrary.

    1. I know she want to honor the Lord but this here... this is not of the Lord. Forgiving sins is one thing but Josh has failed over and over again.

    2. Anna has her children to think about. I'm sure they're confused about who their father really is and if they want to love him unconditionally or not. I hope Anna and the family don't pressure the kids to accept Josh no matter what. If Anna wants to that's one thing. But the kids, especially the oldest ones, should be allowed to come to their own terms with what happened. If they don't want to stand by their father, if they are against the type of man he is and what he did, if they need to distance themselves emotionally, that's understandable. I would worry if everyone, even Anna, is being emotionally forced in some way to support Josh.

    3. The evidence is overwhelming and a jury found Josh guilty. He is not innocent. If Anna really thinks she's honoring the Lord by staying with Josh, she needs some serious mental health intervention. Her kids deserve a better life. She chose to bring them into the world and it's time for her to put their needs first and foremost.

  17. For the sake of the children abused in those videos and photos, I pray Josh gets the maximum sentence, as I pray the same for anyone found guilty of these child SA crimes. My concern for those children comes first, followed by his own children.

  18. As of March 18th, Josh's attorneys are asking for a 30-day continuance before sentencing. So sentencing may not happen April 5th. Judge will decide that soon.

  19. I hope this finally teaches him that when you do illegal things, you have to pay the price.

  20. Josh needs to accept his sentence so his family can get past this all this bad press cant be good


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