
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Fern Meets the Family

Jim Bob Duggar and Fern Seewald

Jessa and Ben Seewald just uploaded the third segment in their birth story sequence (link below). Michelle was able to be in the room when Jessa delivered Fern, and other visitors were allowed later, including Jim Bob and all three of Fern's siblings. Mom and baby were discharged from the hospital yesterday afternoon.

Jessa Seewald's Birth Story, Part 3

Photo courtesy


  1. What an adorable baby!!

  2. Replies
    1. Where I live we have to wear a mask while walking around the hospital, but not in the patient rooms.

    2. Maybe he just took it off for the photo?

    3. Why should a person who is Covid-negative be wearing a mask??? Or are you saying that if Jim Bob were sick he would actually go to a hospital and hold a new baby? That's a pretty filthy accusation, isn't it? (And I'm no Jim Bob fan.)

    4. Maybe it was removed to get a photo

    5. @7:51 The only way to know if you're COVID negative at any given time is to be tested. Even if you've had COVID, you should still be vaccinated. You can be asymptomatic and still be a carrier that can pass it on to others. Any health care facility I know of screens you before you come in by asking basic COVID questions and masks are mandatory as soon as you walk in the door.

    6. I had to wear a mask in the dentist's waiting room yesterday even though everyone on staff there is fully vaccinated and so am I. Maybe one of us will have a breakthrough case? So wearing a mask is no big deal, an easy way to help others.

    7. How is a person who is not sick helping anyone by wearing a "non-medical" (as most are labelled) mask???

    8. 3:12 People can be asymptotic, but still have COVID and be infectious, potentially spreading it to others. Masks have been proven to minimize this.

    9. 3:12 You can have the coronavirus and have no symptoms whatsoever. You can never know for sure that you're not carrying the virus and thus not endangering the people you are talking to.

    10. 3:12 some of my family members had it. My brother and his adult son were asymptomatic. If he hadn't been tested for it he never would have known.His wife, my other brother and my dad were hospitalized with it. Wearing a mask is no big deal.

  3. How sad that she monetizes the birth of this infant, only hours old.

    1. Someday they might learn that "fame" is not an occupation.

    2. I assume they are making money from the ads. You make $2, on average, for 1000 views. Youtube rules to make money from ads, you need at least 1000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time over the last 12 months. They, I assume, have reached that. Based on the number of views of the second video, they made $2382 from ads from that video (on average). They made about $2210 on Part 1. That is probably close to the maximum they will make from the videos... so say $6900 total.

      That is based on the assumption that they are getting $2 per 1000 views, which is the average.

      Although I agree with you about monetizes the birth of a child, they are not the only couple to do it. And they perhaps need the money.

      For those you do not agree with this, the solution is obvious. Don't watch the any of their videos.

    3. To add to my post on how much they would make from the videos, Youtube takes a cut, about 45%. It is rather complicated how the revenue is calculated. They might make more than $2 (called CPM) per 1000 views in some countries and less in others. The countries with the highest CPM are not the countries where most of the fans of the Duggars are.

      So, 55% of $6900 is $3795. I might have been too generous with my assumption of a CPM of $2. In 2020, the average CPM for the US (2020) was $0.38. If I use the 2020 US CPM, the amount goes down to $721.

      It is rather complicated but we can assume that the Duggars are not get rich from these videos.

    4. Unfortunately, there are countless people today exploiting their children for a buck on YouTube, reality TV and other public social media.

    5. I think it's sad that none of the girls weren't allowed to experience college life and then a career, if they wanted to, before marriage. They have to make money some way, not that I'm in favor of selling children's photos for money, but Jessa grew up in the media. This is what she knows. It is a blessing that she is able to be a sahm. I was one for 4 yrs, I had 5, but as soon as the twins were in pre-k, I had to go back to work, and it was a hard row to hoe.

    6. How great that the Covid visitor restrictions are gone and they can have family at the hospital.

    7. 9:52 YouTubers make the most money on ad revenue.

    8. Arkansas has one of the worst surges right now and hospitals there are filling up. They should have restrictions in place. What are they waiting for?

    9. It’s educational to read these comments. This senior citizen, me, is not familiar with making money on social media. It’s interesting to understand the business part of it, so thanks for explaining.

  4. Aw, she's adorable!

  5. Jim Bob looks delighted to have a birthday buddy,she does look more like Ben and Henry but has a bit of Jessa also maybe the tip of her nose, just like Jessa herself looks like her mom but has dad's lips and round nose tip.

    1. She looks like Fern.

    2. Yes, I see the Seewald genes showing. Even with Spurgeon. I used to think he was a Jessa clone, but as he has gotten older, I see more of Ben's father in his eyes and very dark hair color than I did previously. He does have Jessa's curls, as do all the kids. If you look at toddler pictures of Michelle, Ivy seems like Michelle, but her eyes are bigger. She might end up being the most like her mom Jessa's side of any of the kids. Time will tell. Kids change so quickly.

    3. 12:43 - I agree that Spurgeon somehow now looks more like Ben's dad. Both Henry and Ivy have eye that are more spread on their face like Jessa, while Spurgeon starts having eyes being closer together, and it definitely looks like what Ben's dad has. It's not even about how big the eyes are, it's how closed they are set on the face.
      Ivy looks like little Jordyn in some way, same round face.

  6. nice picture of birthday Duo.


  8. It does my heart good to see the real true comments here on this family. I love them so much!! I hope that somehow they will return to tv.

    1. Naa,they got a YouTube channel as their own show and it's on their terms so I don't ever see Jessa and Ben and any of the Duggars returning to TV anytime soon unless it's because they are on the Bates show. Maybe if the Duggar family does return to TV, it definitely will not be on TLC or any other network associated with TLC. Maybe UPTV will pick them up in the future like they did the Bates family after TLC canceled their other show The United Bates of America. Who knows what the future holds for them. Haley P. from Colorado

  9. That's so exciting for all of them. The kids were adorable as kids should be. Thank you for sharing. Natasha b

  10. Adorable, of course. Another beautiful granddaughter that happens to have her grandpa's birthday. Congratulations. Happy that all went well.

  11. "Michelle was allowed" in the delivery room. More like there was no way to keep her out. lol

    1. She cut the cord too, which was really strange. If Ben didn't want to do it, one of the medical team or the midwife could.

    2. The Duggars are not quite as zealous about being in the delivery room as the Bates women. I think the Duggars really try to be as helpful or silent as the birthing mother wants.

    3. Why was it strange? They offered her the opportunity.

    4. Anon 7:15. I don't know much about the Bates family, but Michelle is quite omnipresent at every birth.

    5. What is the big deal about getting to cut it and why in the world would it be considered an honor to do it???

    6. 4:08, it's actually very common for them to offer cutting the cord to a family member. There's not really any reason why they shouldn't.

    7. Why do people care who cut the umbilical cord? REALLY????

  12. I love this photo of Jim Bob & Fern.

  13. Nice photo of a proud grandpa with his little birthday buddy! Congratulations to all the family on the arrival of Fern.

  14. It really is a good picture of JimBob and Fern.

  15. Little Fern is adorable! What a nice little family. Hope they stop at four. Any more than that, and the kids usually just wind up raising each other. Take time to enjoy the four

    1. Mmm, I disagree. I know plenty of families with five or six children and the parents are very present in all of their lives and raise them all. I do think it's more difficult than if you only had two or three children, but it can definitely be done. Also I sincerely doubt they're stopping here lol

    2. 2:17, agree.

    3. @2:17 I grew up as one of six children, but we were spaced out which made it easier for my parents to raise us. However, the Duggars aren't known for stopping with five or six. They had one right after another until they were too old to have more. Jim Bob and MIchelle relied on the older siblings to care for the younger ones. I remember having several very large families in our rural community, over 10 children each. The parents were overwhelmed enough with trying to feed and clothe them all, so the older ones were basically parenting the rest of them.

    4. It's pretty obvious who was taking care of the younger kids in the clips we saw on TV. The older ones were dressing the younger ones, bathing them, feeding them, keeping track of them, and even disciplining them. All parental jobs, not older sibling jobs.

  16. Why does this family have to have a TV show? They are not entitled to one. It was THEIR privilege to be featured on TLC all those years ago. Their time is done. No one goes on and on with TV. They are no longer relevant OR are they models of Christianity...even their own type of Christianity. Their clothing and courting rules have nothing to do with the belief of Jesus. Many cultures who have strict arranged marriage situations are not Christians. The Duggars should practice good manners and "go quietly". I'm still waiting for that.

    1. Go quietly? You'll be waiting a long time! (BTW, I agree with everything you said.)

    2. If you're this down on them, why are you here? Oh yeah -- just to criticize. Too many of you are on this blog.

    3. I disagree that it was their privilege to be on TV. That was a business decision, in which they and TLC bargained out a contract.

    4. Well they don't have one anymore. And the "go quietly" why? if they want to be in the public then it's their choice and they are entitled to do that, like anyone, they can have an instagram and a youtube channel if they want to, who are you to tell them they can't?. If they want to live a more private life then they can do that too, it's their choice, and you can already see which ones like a more public life and which ones prefer a private one.

    5. @3:38 The sensible people with those accounts don't make them a daily posting thing and don't share intimate details of their lives or childrens' lives. Haven't any of the Duggars learned yet what publicity can get you? I don't mean money.

    6. They only mind the publicity when it's bad publicity.

    7. @3:38 I think the point is that it can be argued that using your children to make money on a reality TV show or through social media, YouTube, etc. is not in their best interests. You're sacrificing their privacy for an income stream. How is that a good thing? Sure, it's a choice they can make and no one can stop them, but people are also free to share opinons on the matter. The Duggars are good at doing that.... giving their opinions on such matters as abortion and alternative lifestyles.

  17. What an awesome video. Thanks for sharing! Part 3 is my favorite, keep enjoying your family~

  18. Two boys and two girls! Wow, how nice. Hope you take a long break!

    1. She will most likely be pregnant again before year's end.

    2. @9:06 Her kids are around 2 years apart, so no

  19. Why is it bad for the Duggars to make money in the film business, but it's ok for you to go to the movies and PAY to watch and support actresses and actors.

    1. I don't think it's "bad" to earn money in the entertainment business. That really isn't the issue. As I see problem is with putting your children in the public eye to make money to pay for your life.

    2. They were on tv, not in the movies.

    3. Okay, 9:08 -- people pay for TV, also, in the form of cable TV subscriptions, internet, etc.

    4. The Duggars are not in the film business. They are not under contract to any movie studio. They are video taping their kids and then posting it online in hopes of bumping up their view count to make some cash. Big difference.

    5. What 1:07 said. Actors and actresses choose that paid occupation and have contracts and representation before appearing on camera. Way different than parents taping minor children and putting them online.

    6. There's nothing wrong with being an actress or actor if that's what you want to do, that applies to children as well. But, actors and actresses and this includes children have agents and contracts to protect them. Children even have trusts set up to protect their money. When you tape for you tube the parents get the money. Also, the Duggars weren't film stars, they are reality stars on TV, there is a difference.

  20. I think whoever edited this video is better than those hired by TLC. I loved the fun part about taking the family picture (Ivy picking her nose and Spurge and Henry's funny faces). The section where Jessa was practically whispering was hard to hear on my computer but other than that sound issue they did great. That section with Spurge in those glasses was the best. So dang cute to see him seriously giving the family the details like a boss and them encouragingly listening and asking questions.

  21. I am not one to say ALL newborns are cute. They are special and I would never criticize a particular baby but not all "cute". However, Fern is just adorable. Her little yawn is precious.

    1. What is so previous about a yawn? LOL!

    2. Baby yawns are precious. :)

  22. Jessa and Ben have 4 beautiful children!

  23. Now Jim Bob has one full birthday buddy, Fern, and also 2 other granddaughters that were born close enough - Meredith's birthday is July 16th and Felicity's is July 19th.

  24. We don't know when Anna is due, but would not it be cool, Jim Bob got a birthday buddy Fern, and then if Anna gives birth on Sept 13th, then Michelle could get the birthday buddy too, in the same year with Jim Bob!

    1. I thought Anna is due much sooner than September.

    2. I think she is due around September

  25. Replies
    1. His defense team is busy coming up with reasons why Josh is not guilty. Trial postponed til November.

    2. @1:01 More likely they're frantically trying to come up with something that would get him off on a technicality, not his innocence.

    3. His trial is now scheduled for November 30. I suppose he's still living with that family JB got to take him in. Anna and the children are still living in the warehouse.

    4. @1:01 True. Josh's team is currently trying to discredit the authorities who were involved in the case. They're also claiming that they (the team) are not being given government evidence to inspect. In other words, they're trying to find every technicality loophole they can.

  26. Josh's defense team is doing typically what any other defense team would do. IMO, if there if an overwhelming amount of evidence pointing to the guilt of their client, they look for a technicality to dismiss the charges OR to find them not guilty. They leave no stone unturned.

    1. Or they resort to a plea bargain.

    2. Anon 116. I hope they go the plea bargain route. Save a lot of wear and tear on the REST of the Duggar family.

    3. Doubt he'll plea bargain if he thinks he can get off on a technicality. It will be interesting to watch him and anyone else involved get questioned under oath though.


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