
Monday, July 5, 2021

Duggars' Statement on 'Counting On' Cancellation

Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar

Following TLC's announcement of the cancellation of Counting On, Jim Bob and Michelle posted a response statement to their family website. The link is below.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's Statement on Cancellation of Counting On

Photo courtesy


  1. A bland vanilla statement, totally predictable.

    1. Of course. This family is like that. That's why the show became so boring.

    2. Personal I miss the show . The family isn’t the most interesting but that is what makes them real life is not always interesting. I watch this show mostly because they are a consistent source for weddings and babies and I like to see that and also because this country needs as many good religious people as it can get

  2. "We met children across the country who are alive today because of our testimony that children are a blessing- a special gift from God." Really? That's quite a sacntimonious and boastful statement, not based on reality. Does that mean they think they single-handedly prevented abortions or convinced people not to use birth control? Their mission to encourage relentless procreation is lost considering the charges their son faces with crimes against the very children they want brought into the world. Also, their hint at the end about continuing to "share more" with us along the way was bizarre. The last thing anyone in this family needs to do is be public about anything.

    1. I agree with you.

    2. I agree. Well said.

    3. It's not boastful, it's true. They have heard from viewers who changed their minds about having abortions and kept their babies as a result of watching the show.

    4. I don't agree. Obviously parents have told them that watching their show made them decide to have more children or not to abort. Nothing wrong with that.

    5. Their son's choice to do horrendous things does not negate their message that life is precious. Killing babies is not better than the pornographic treatment of babies. Those are both horrible things.

    6. What you say is not true. Their statement is reality, which they have greater knowledge of than you. They have gotten letters from women who told them that they were planning on abortions, but after seeing a family that joyfully welcomed so many children, that they could handle one and they chose life for their babies. It literally changed their lives. You may not like their message, but that doesn't mean you get to decide what did or did not happen.

    7. Maybe they just mean sharing like their Facebook and other social media presence, like family news.

    8. I find it very hard to believe that anyone considering abortion would watch a TV show about a big (rich from TV) family and decide against the abortion because of that. That sounds like an urban legend. Reasons why women change their minds at the last minute are not as simple as a TV show. Anyone can write a letter saying anything, too.

    9. Anon 4:57pm I have watched the show, faithfully, from the beginning and that is not boastful. Don't allow evil, Josh's situation, to distract or take away from all the good this family has represented through Christ. The Duggar family have undoubtedly inspired others to follow Jesus and choose His ways.

    10. 7:37, your belief doesn't change reality.

    11. 7:37 Exactly!

    12. Well, I'm guessing that people told them they decided to have children or more children after seeing the show and realizing that children are a blessing from God -- which is true. So I don't see it as boastful at all. I'm not a fan of the Duggar parents, but this isn't a statement with which I find fault.

    13. @4:08 Wondering why Josh wasn't inspired by his family to choose Jesus's way. The family could inspire total strangers but not their own child? Doesn't add up.

    14. Agree, 7:37. Why would any woman worried about relationships, money, health, the future, or the many other things that can trouble a pregnant woman, change her mind after watching a big wealthy family rambling around a huge house filled with everything you'd need to raise a family? There's a disconnect between the TV show and what most women are going through. The Duggars may be an example of a family, but not the type of family lifestyle that many people can attain. I'm thinking the "babies that are here today because of us" may have been planned all along. Either that or people needed something flattering to say at a book signing and that was what they came up with.

    15. 3:30, your last two sentences are both ludicrous scenarios. The appeal was NOT in their house size, it was in their pro-child message. It's really not that hard to comprehend.

    16. 12:11, it doesn't have to "add up." You are comparing apples and oranges. Josh did have a big family and none of their children were aborted. His sin has nothing to do with that.

    17. @1:01 What, exactly, is their "pro-child" message? If it means advocating for the rights of children, which includes but is not limited to their right to be safe, loved, cared-for, well-educated, AND their right to privacy, I'm in total and complete agreement. If it means encouraging people to not use any form of contraception and have as many children as possible, or if it means taking away a woman's right to determine whether or not to continue a pregnancy, I am not on board with that. Regardless, I think the Duggars' appeal on was the fact that they were a curiousity having that many kids. I seriously doubt that there have been many people inspired to have 19 kids because of watching their show. That's what reality TV is all about- the unusual, the more outlandish the better. TLC knows what attracts viewers.

    18. 1:03 I think what the OP meant was that why are the Duggars claiming they inspired viewers about anything at all when their own child has so thoroughly gone off the rails and was not inspired to do the right things.

    19. @1:44 I completely agree with you. Having more kids because you saw a big family on TV? Maybe these people need to focus on reality, not un-reality TV.

    20. 1:47, they were mentioning that because it is an impact that their show had on people, and they were reflecting about the years of their show. What Josh chose to do has no bearing on what other people chose to do with not aborting.

  3. I appreciate what they said. I read somewhere on the Internet that people did not like what they said. Maybe because they did not mention Josh? But regardless I liked what they said because Josh is presumed innocent until found to be guilty. So they probably cannot speak too much about the situation right now and I know everybody is praying that Josh is innocent and this has been some kind of a horrible mixup. At least that’s what I’m praying.I’m so sad to hear that the Sun is saying that Anna is not talking to the Duggar family right now. But I choose not to believe that because I know she loves them and they have always had a close relationship. Thank you so much for keeping your blog about the Druggar family!

    1. @ 5:10 pm - You hope it's some kind of a horrible mixup? This isn't like Josh lending his ID to a younger brother who then got into a fender bender. The evidence was on his personal devices. This family needs to stay off social media and TV and just focus on their own family. Like how are the sons and sons in law going to support their own growing families with no TV money coming in now.

    2. Anon 2:04. Exactly. Josh has wronged so many people and his family keeps trying to diminish it. I feel so sorry for the people who were talked into keeping him until his trial.

    3. @5:10 If not Josh, then who do you expect to hold responsible for what was found on his computer? How many other people knew about and had access to a password protected side of the hard drive? Who's going to be held accountable for what was found there? Do trained investigators spend a year and a half looking at mixups and then get indictments for the wrong people? Guess we'll find out. There better not be lawyers getting guilty people free of charges they should in all right have to face, especially when it comes to crimes against children.

    4. 5;10 - Josh has been charged and is awaiting trial. He isn’t under house arrest because there is some big mix-up. What you are saying belittles the child victims that people like Josh are exploiting. Pray for the victims, for heaven’s sake!

    5. I use to love watching the Duggar shows. While I don't agree with them on some things, I enjoyed seeing their family grow up. But what Josh did was not a "mix up". His sisters admitted that he abused them when they were younger. Plus, the evidence of his pornography was found on his computer. He has a serious problem. As a social worker, I can say he was not getting the right treatment for for his issues, so of course the problems continued. I can only pray he gets the right treatment for it. And the right consequences and is not protected by his family from the consequences and treatment.

    6. I can hear the reasons now... They'll try to say that stuff was put on his computer without his knowledge by someone else who was out to get him. Like that happens every day, or that excuses you from what was found on your computer. That not guilty plea he entered already is worrisome.

    7. @3:55 Even if someone else puts stolen property in your house, you can still be found guilty of having stolen property. It's going to come down to looking at Josh's phone records and maybe even credit card records to verify the computer records. I do hope the investigators have found the responsible person.

    8. 5:10 - The Department of Justice's Project Safe Childhood program snags multiple people per day. Josh was one of them. I would think the DOJ knows what they're doing by now. I'm not praying that Josh is innocent, I'm praying that nobody in court is fooled and that the evidence found stands up to any scrutiny, because it was definitely found and someone is guilty. I also pray they arrest the person or persons responsible for producing those images in the first place, and that the DOJ successfully continues with this program to further safeguard children.

  4. Why do they have to make a "statement"? They had years of fame and fortune and it's time to move on to something else.

    1. Either way I think someone will always be upset with what they do. Someone was upset in the post about the show getting cancelled because they did not make a statement.

    2. People were asking where their statement was on one of the other posts. They just can't please everyone all the time. Doesn't matter what they do.

    3. @5:55. They may have made a statement as closure for them.

  5. I will really miss the shows from the courtships/engagements/weddings/honeymoons/births and trips in & out of the U.S.A. I have watched the shows since 2004. I will miss watching everyone. I would love for the UP station to pick up the family! Natasha b

    1. Why would a station as upstanding as UP pick up the Duggars when even TLC had to cancel them.

    2. UP TV would not touch the Duggars with a 10 foot pole!

    3. UP TV has the Bates who don't seem to have all the scandals that keep plaguing the Duggars. They don't need another show about a mega family anyway.

  6. Based on their statement, they sure do have quite the high opinion of themselves! The end of their show is long overdue.

    1. @6:30 Agreed. Claiming there are children alive today because of you is rather stretching your opinion of yourself. Are they sure all those children who came about because of a TV show are safe and secure, well looked after?

    2. I agree. How are they responsible for OTHER people having children?

    3. I think when they talk about “children who are alive today” they are referring to their stance on abortion and their very public outcry about it. I am anti-abortion, but I don’t take credit for living children.

    4. @1:48 Maybe they mean how they always support anti-abortion legislation in their state.

    5. No, it's a fact that there are women who changed their minds about getting abortions after watching the show.

    6. @9:39 That's not the same as claiming you've met children who are alive today because of you.

    7. 3:58, why are you playing word games? They have personally heard from women and met children who would have gone through abortion and literally not be alive today if the moms had not seen their show and had a change of heart.

    8. @9:23 Where are these people? Where are their public statements? Where is the proof of this claim?

    9. 2:36, you would have to ask the Duggars for the names of these people. Why would I have that?

    10. 2:36, why would anyone, Duggars included, know where people who wrote to them or came up and spoke to them in public years ago currently be located? Why would you think a letter or a conversation with the Duggars would be the same as a public statement? Should they have demanded a public statement from people after they told them their personal experiences? Do you make public statements when you talk to people? Why are you asking for "proof" like the Duggars should have made a bibliography and footnotes for things people told them over the years? Ridiculous.

    11. 2:36, your questions don't make any sense. Why should people who shared their personal experience with Duggars make a public statement? I don't keep proof of what people tell me, do you?

    12. 12:22 If you're going to make statements or claims about something based on what other people tell you or your own experiences, it's called anecdotal evidence. It tends to be biased and not based on data or any measured outcomes. To say that they saved babies from abortion is quite a stretch.

    13. If children are alive today because of the Duggars, then I guess we'd better determine if everyone on TV is pro-life or pro-choice, if TV shows have that much influence on people.

    14. anon@1:12 People make statements based entirely on anectodal evidence, which I think applies in this case. There's no way to prove the authenticity of the stories or letters they received, or what motivated people to write them. Therefore, I take with a grain of salt the claim that there are children alive because of them. The fact that they resorted to this in their statement shows me that they are desperate to improve their image under these circumstances and keep themselves in the public spotlight, no matter what. This is not what I think of as being humble.

    15. Agree, 10:46. Why haven't we heard about these miraculous children before the statement when the show was canceled?

    16. Such suspicious minds probably wouldn't recognize notarized statements either, so there is no point in further discussing it.

    17. It's wonderful to hear how pro-child and pro-life the Duggars are! I'll assume they've all had the COVID vaccine and are encouraging their fellow Arkansas neighbors to do the same. It sounds like their state is currently being hit hard with COVID, because so few have been vaccinated. Perhaps the Duggars can make a difference and convince others that lives depend on making the right decision and rolling up a sleeve.

    18. 2:30, I heard about it years ago! This is nothing new that they are just suddenly saying.

    19. 8:01 And Michelle could start a robo-call campaign encouraging people to get vaccinated!
      After all, it's to protect precious lives.

    20. Finally a comment that made me laugh. Thanks 8:18.

    21. Can only speak for myself here, but I found it offensive that the Duggars felt the need to point out the "praise" they personally allegedly received from children who were not aborted allegedly solely because of the Duggars show on Television and their pro-life stance (essentially thanking the Duggars for saving their lives). First of all, that's pride. That's saying "look how important and influential we have been, saving people". Secondly, who;'s getting the glory here? Who's names are coming first getting that praise? Not God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit, but the Duggars. These are not humble people and they're credit grabbing from God. Secondly, the fact that they chose to point out and point up (highlighting) the "good they've done for children" in a statement about their show being cancelled in response to their son being arrested for possessing and viewing child rape pornography is nothing short of sickening. Who does that???

    22. 8:26 I am in complete agreement with you! It appears that the Duggars are desperately trying to salvage what's left of the image they've created for themselves over the years. Their statement was self-serving and not in keeping with the humble or modest spirit they've encouraged others to have.

    23. 8:26, since they wanted to be an encouragement to people through their show, knowing they had a life-changing impact on some people must be a big blessing to them and something they wanted to share with others. Look at the good things that happened and be thankful, not suspiciously, judgmentally decide what their motives are or decide that they can't possibly be telking the truth.

  7. The next "amazing adventure" will be supporting this ever growing mega family without the TV money.

    1. They were doing fine without the show before, J B had already invested in estates to support family,some of his children are also taking up real estate work, son in laws have finished their studies so can now start their careers, some of their children have businesses, the show earnings were just a little extra for them all to share, Jim Bob didn't keep the earnings of the show to himself, he thought of his children's future, the businesses they started was funded by those earnings.

    2. 2:29 They were not doing so wonderfully before the show. They lived in a cramped little house and then TLC helped them finish the big one. It was with TV money that they were able to invest heavily in real estate.

    3. The TLC money is a drop in the bucket compaired with their real estate holdings and properties.

  8. I'll sure miss the show. I began watching it from the very beginning. The Duggars are very resourceful people. I don't think they need TLC anymore than the rest of us and will find new ways to keep in touch with their fans. I'm sorry people are so harsh and critical of them. I'm even sorrier for the terrible suffering Josh has caused so many, including them. Bad times don't last, though, and God takes care of His own. They'll be ok. Wishing them all many blessings.

    1. I'm with you Debbie, so sad that many on here are pitifully angry, nasty with their comments... and cannot see light and truth. This is not a perfect family, they are humble and show the world how to live a Godly life.

    2. Digi@11:27 The definition of humble is "having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance." IMO, their statement did not reflect that at all, as well as the fact that they want to pursue a continued public presence and make money money by doing so.

  9. Statement? More like self serving narrative.

    1. Any one of us could have predicted what would be in that statement And it was.

  10. I thought it was a beautiful statement. I know my life personally is different to to these people. I have derived a lot of comfort, inspiration and joy from them. I don’t understand why some of you would take the time to track down a fan blog to disparage them. This is a space for supporters and while, supporters sometimes critique things they like, there are definitely many comments on here that are simply mean spirited. Duggars, I trust you to make the right choices for your own family. I will miss the show very much and would’ve loved to see how you navigate this tragedy because I believe in you! And our own lives have things that happen that are sometime totally awful. I’m sure I would’ve learned a few things! Hang in there. Know there’s many people in your corner. I’m so sorry Josh has been a painful child. You aren’t alone in that. Many people face that in their families for one reason or another.

    1. @2:28 Some (many?) who supported the show in the beginning later felt deceived by this family who was supposed to have such high Christian principles, or so they told us over and over every week. It became evident that a lot of what we were seeing and hearing was only for show. Did you miss that part of the story, 2:28? Can you understand why some may not be so supportive or look the other way any more?

    2. I don’t view things the way you do. I think good people who try very hard to do the right thing and raise great children have bad luck sometimes with a very difficult child. These people have repeatedly said they aren’t perfect and directed others to God for that ideal. They are just a family trying to do their best. They have said that over and over. If you feel especially angry of deceived by Josh, I think that’s fair game. The guy is disappointing in every way except his ability to produce beautiful children that deserve our support and his taste in women. Anna is lovely. But I fail to understand why you and some others would be so angry with these people who are not to blame for their adult child’s extremely poor decisions. I believe it must come from a place of jealousy that they have such a great family support system and I think people are horribly thrilled to watch their “destruction.” Well, I don’t believe they’ll miss a beat because I think they are the real deal cameras or not.

    3. @8:46 You don't leave the raising of your difficult child to luck, nor do you chalk it up to bad luck when things go wrong. Parents have a responsibility to help their children. The preferable time is before things actually go wrong. The critical time is right after they do.

  11. What a beautiful statement to end that season of their lives. I wish them well.

  12. A statement without mentioning "season of life"? Other than that it reads like any of their birthday or other messages. Wonder who they have write these things.

  13. I think it would have been more appropriate just to say "Good-ye and God Bless".....

    1. Their statement, their choice.

  14. Thank you Duggar Family for opening up your lives to the world all these years, and in doing so being a witness and encouragement to others in following Christ. You have inspired so many people, even to the point of inspiring others to be more open to life! To think that there are parents out there who felt encouraged by you to have more children, and now those children are alive due in part to your influence!!!

    It’s so ironic that in a world that preaches “tolerance” and “accepting people the way they are”, there is so much hatred and criticism directed at your family, and usually by those very people who “preach tolerance and acceptance”. In other words they think that we should accept everyone’s beliefs except yours. This doesn’t make any sense of course. I often wonder if it’s because people are jealous of the love and family togetherness that they witness on your show. The amount of divorce and brokenness in families today is astounding, and I think that on some level, people are craving something that you have(even though they might not conscientiously realize it).

    So now I want to give YOU some encouragement- even though your show is ending, continue being a light in this dark world, because the world desperately needs it!! You are in my prayers.

    1. IMO the skeletons in the Duggar closet led to most of the harsh criticism. The family simply wasn't who they wanted their public to believe they were. I personally don't think they have much to offer a normal family anyway.

    2. Anon 12:00pm: That was a beautiful tribute and I second it whole-heartedly. I think you nailed it when you said those that disparage are embarrassed about their own failures in life. This family and the Bates brought me to Christ. I can't thank them enough.

    3. This is so well written and beautifully said!

    4. anon@12:00 Not sure if this was your intention, but it sounds like you are implying that people who use birth control and limit their family size somehow don't measure up or care enough about life. I think that's a troubling message to give anyone. Perhaps if more people did a better job of family planning, there would be far less child abuse and neglect in the world.

    5. 8:14, no, if people did a better job of teaching that every person was created in the image of God and pushed for healthy, loving marriages and families the way God intended, there would be far less child abuse and neglect in the world.

  15. Will certainly miss seeing them on the screen. Always hoped I could see more of Jana's journey moving forward, but that's okay :) Definitely appreciated having something wholesome and heartwarming to watch on television. Will miss seeing that, but wish them the best!

  16. I will miss the shows very much. Watched since the beginning. I'll continue to follow the Duggars on social media. I've been praying for a lot of people lately and I'm praying for all of you. I, too, cannot stand some of these mean comments. Good luck with your new chapter of life and I know you will always keep the faith.

  17. Dear Samuel: I hope that you are having a fantastic 4th Birthday!!!!

  18. Lots of people get abortions exactly BECAUSE they don't want a big family!

    1. If you don't want a large family then use protection. The slaughter of your own flesh and blood is not birth control it is murder.

  19. TLC will get large viewership if they do a show about Josh and his family. Lots of stories to tell and lots of footage. And gradually the rest of the family could begin making appearances. Plus it would be a good income for Anna to use to maintain her family and save for the children's college expenses.

    1. I really don't think TLC would touch that one.

    2. First of all, I don't think it's ever ok to exploit your family on TV, least of all in a train-wreck situation like Josh's. Furthermore, the kind of viewers such a show would likely attract are those seeking to watch said train wreck. The children in this family do not deserve to be a spectacle for public entertainment. Lastly, it's unlikely any of the kids will go to college- it's not the Duggar way. Only some kind of self-employement or working for JimBob will do.

    3. Maybe JimBob can use Duggar Studios and do that. Make a comeback as a media empire.

  20. When will they announce courtship rumors

    1. Huh? You don't announce a rumor.

    2. No one announces "rumors". If someone gets engaged or gets married, I'm sure the Duggars will announce it.

  21. A question to all who think they know the Duggars based on articles written online written by individuals who strongly dislike the Duggars: Have you ever met them? I think some of you might reconsider your opinion of the Duggars if you actually spent time in their home. Even Jed’s brother in law (who is openly gay) admits how overwhelmed he was by Jim Bob and Michelle’s kindness to him.

    I’ve known the Duggar family personally for a while. They’re certainly not perfect, but who is? But I will stand up in their defense against anyone who says that they are not genuine. Jim Bob and Michelle are some of the most welcoming, hospitable, gracious, and understanding individuals that I know.

    I truly believe if you actually met Jim Bob and Michelle, that, although you still might not agree with their beliefs or how they live their lives, you would find yourself blessed by their warmness and humility.

    Whether or not you believe the Bible, I encourage you to consider this verse: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matthew 7). If we as Americans worked harder at better understanding each other and building better relationships, could find some way to overcome the disagreements that divide us?

    1. Thank you for your testimony regarding the Duggar's social skills. I don't think anyone has suggested that the members of the family are not attractive and personable. I'm sure they are gracious hostesses and make visitors feel welcom.

    2. I appreciate your comment and your unique perspective. I think some people are very miserable and coming here to post nasty comments is somewhat cathartic for them. Sad.

    3. @8:27 You saw the public persona the way the viewers did too. I've known tons of people who act one way in public, around others or while hosting, and quite another way when the doors are closed and the guests are gone. Look at the outcome of actions, not just the (public) actions themselves.

    4. Throughout their many years in the public eye, the Duggars have always shown excellent social skills and good manners. They don't need a testimony on their behalf.

    5. 12:27 Very well stated. I'm sure the Duggars give a good impression to their friends and guests.

    6. Amon 6:12. Exactly. My parents spring to my mind. They were highly regarded in our church and by their friends. No one knew the abuse that went on in our home behind closed doors.

    7. I'm sure the Duggars are excellent hosts. However, I don't see anything special or unusual about that. In our society people are expected to do their best to make their guests feel welcome and comfortable.

    8. @6:12 Right, my best friend growing up had that situation, a father who would be the life of the party when people were around but had a horrible temper when they were not. It happens.

    9. Anyone else remember the video Derick made a few years ago when he was still welcome at the main house?

    10. Some people know exactly how to play the public game, especially when there's something valuable to be gained.

    11. Woah, long comment!

  22. I wonder what Anna will name her coming baby.

    1. Something that starts with the letter M.

    2. Is it a boy or girl? With all the hoo-haw going on, I forgot if they announced the gender.

    3. Madeline for a girl, Marvin for a boy.

    4. Millicent or Mitchell.

    5. Mallory or Micah.

    6. It will be so nice to hear some cheerier news

  23. Let me just say that honestly I like this show because they are a good clean family and they are very few shows on tv that you can sit down and watch with your children or alone without all the dirty language. So with that being said I dont think that the show and the rest of the family should suffer due to what Josh has done. Thank you!!!

    1. A good clean family? That's the illusion the show producers wanted you to have and I guess it worked. Although personally, I always thought the producers were making fun of the family and their lifestyle with the way they made them do things and try things outside their comfort zone. BTW, if you want good clean family shows your children can watch, go back to TV from the 50's and 60's. There were two decades of nothing but carefully scripted and censored shows - I Love Lucy, Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith, Green Acres, and so on. A lot of those shows are still airing on TV or online and are as entertaining and funny now as they were back then. TV writers knew how to write shows like that and didn't need to make goofy "reality" shows with stars that get themselves into trouble.

    2. IMO young women giving birth on TV is not what I want my children to watch no matter how "tastefully" it's done.

    3. I don't think anyone suffers from not having a reality show. If money is an issue, which I don't think it is, they can go out and get a job like the rest of us. They might also consider using some form of contraception.

    4. Anonymous @12:29- From this Leave It To Beaver/ I Love Lucy/ Andy Griffith family to another, Thank you! May I also add that there are always good books for parents and their children to read, along with family-oriented board games and family activities (like mini-golf, walks, etc.) for wholesome family entertainment. Those Classic TV shows also give us a great starting point for family discussions on culture at the time vs current culture (what's Biblical and what's not, the role culture plays in establishing societal standards, surprising and shocking meanings of older idioms, etc.). Also agreeing with Anonymous @ 7:36, young women giving birth on TV isn't something we choose to watch for entertainment or support (much less have our child watch). LOL

    5. @12:29 and @7:45, I understand why parents would not want their children go watch certain TV shows. I did the same when my kids were younger. Even many classic TV shows were not acceptable. However, there are still shows that are good and educational; some game shows,nature and science shows,and,for older children, documentaries.

  24. I am glad they made a statement. I really wish, however, that their message would have addressed the fans more. Not just thanking us, but wishing us the best for our futures. It needs a touch or more of humility.

    1. Oh for crying out loud! Should they have named you by name and sent you a bouquet of flowers too to cover their bases? Would that be what it took to make you happy?

    2. @4:30, you miss the poster's point. The Duggars did not thank their fans. Without the fans,there would not have been a show for so long. They also did not thank their camera crew and all the behind the scene people who worked on the show. They also did not thank TLC who stuck with them for so long.TLC could have cancelled the show years ago and replaced it with a more profitable one.

    3. I am the OP. Thank you 10:35 for clarifying my point. You said it exactly as I wanted to say it. Most tv personalities, at the end of their run, acknowledge the fans first who made the run possible. 4:30 was a bit crass with their criticism so thanks.

    4. Tagging onto 10:53 here- The Duggars also did not thank the shows writers and editors without whom there would have been zero content at all. The Duggars did not write all those lines that they rehearsed and spoke and repeated until they got the takes right, for all those episodes over the years.

    5. @10:35 apparently you did not read the entire statement.

    6. @12:30. I did read the entire statement.

  25. I will miss the show. Every family has a black sheep or two

  26. I am glad I had the opportunity to watch the show. I feel it has been a good influence on my life. Michelle's patience and kindness to her children inspired me to be a better mother. I will miss the show! But I guess maybe it's time

    1. @5:02 You saw patience and kindness that was filmed, edited, and aired.

    2. The Duggars we saw on TV were a mix of truth and fantasy, heavier on the fantasy as the years went by and the truth wasn't so perfect after all. Patience and kindness exhibited by parents on TV? Turn on reruns of The Waltons, a totally scripted show with real actors.

    3. They pretty much lost their appeal to me when they transitioned from a family living in a tiny house, struggling to make ends meet on a modest income to a wealthy family living in a huge house with lavish weddings, honeymoons abroad and flying around the country in their own private plane. I just couldn't relate to the new Duggar lifestyle.

    4. I agree 4:14. It went from appearing humble to "look at us and what TV money lets us do now that we could never do before!" Great big unappealing value shift.

    5. uhhh. The weddings were well attended (lots of gifts) but certainly not lavish.
      Did you see the menus for the receptions?

    6. @8:34 Yes they skimp on the receptions but they go all out for number of guests (means more invitations and postage), number of attendants, traveling out of state to buy a dress, making giant letters out of flowers, etc. But then of course with letting the weddings be filmed, they pay for themselves. Unrelatable there too.

    7. Anon 8:34. If you don't think a wedding with 1,000 guests, the bride wearing a designer gown and several bridesmaids isn't lavish I'm not sure what your criteria for "lavish" is. The majority of us can't afford that sort of thing. They may have been skimpy on the food at the reception but that didn't keep the weddings from being lavish IMO.

  27. A truly humble person or family does not put out a public statement complimenting themselves of 'a job well done'. Their statement should have been short and to the point; thanking their viewership over the years and wishing everyone well. Point made...end of comment. They didn't do that.

    1. Yes, I agree. As I read their statement over again I realize that it reads very defensively. My guess is they feel defensive in light of another Josh scandal and feel that they had to prove that they are a wonderful family after all. I personally am a bit put off by their defensive tone (but I understand it), and would have appreciated some recognition as a long-time fan.
      I think their statement missed the mark in some ways, but it is probably a reflection of where they are mentally. This must be a particularly hard time for the Duggar family and I think their perspective while writing the statement was probably skewed/unclear.

      Although I do not share their religious beliefs, I have enjoyed watching them through the years and will be interested to see future postings/articles on the family. One of the things that really stuck with me from watching the show was how Michelle always said that it is important to express encouragement to your children more often than disapproval/discouragement/correcting their behavior. And she would also follow that up with "This is very hard to do." I heard her say that before I became a mom and it has always stuck with me. Now that I am mom I do follow Michelle's advice and wholeheartedly agree that it is so much better...but so much harder, to encourage our kids more than we reprimand/correct them. Thank you for this, Michelle!

  28. Although I do not share their religious beliefs, I have enjoyed watching them through the years and will be interested to see future postings/articles on the family. One of the things that really stuck with me from watching the show was how Michelle always said that it is important to express encouragement to your children more often than disapproval/discouragement/correcting their behavior. And she would also follow that up with "This is very hard to do." I heard her say that before I became a mom and it has always stuck with me. Now that I am mom I do follow Michelle's advice and wholeheartedly agree that it is so much better...but so much harder, to encourage our kids more than we reprimand/correct them. Thank you for this, Michelle!

  29. I barely know what to say. I am really very sad to hear of the cancellation. I enjoyed the feeling of friendship and good clean viewing. Unfortunately the network will likely choose more disgusting shows as it seems to be going in that direction. Maybe y’all can jump to UP network or another that is better suited for your family. I will miss you and wish you all blessings and happiness. Thank you for always staying true to yourselves and projecting Christianity. Farewell from Texas.

  30. I liked the show except for 1) too much birthing footage 2) too much “Coming up Next,” 3) too much repeat footage, 4) too many stupid questions asked of talking heads. “ All of this speaks to bad producers and is not the fault of the Duggars. I enjoyed the family.

    1. I think it was time for the show to end. All of your complaints about the show are valid. They were simply out stuff to air and the show had just become silly IMO.

  31. Since the show is over can you two talk to the Duggars about doing a QandA show maybe address alot of the rumors about them. I love The Duggars. I am just sick and tired of seeing a picture of one of them and then all the anti Duggar people come out of the woodwork. Some things people say are horrible. But what goes around comes around.


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