
Saturday, March 20, 2021

New Episode on the Way

Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar

We wanted to let you all know that there is a new episode of Counting On in the TLC lineup. The episode is slated to premiere at 10pm ET on Tuesday, March 30th, and rerun at 2am on Wednesday, March 31st. The only information that has been shared is the episode summary and title, which are below. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything more.

A New Life: The Duggars celebrate Easter with several activities, including a Bible study and fun crafts. Kendra goes into labor and gives birth to her second daughter. Later, the family gets together for an Easter brunch and meets their 20th grandchild. 60 minutes

Photo courtesy


  1. Thank you Ellie for letting us know.I will be watching the new episode. J.E.Hag.MD

    1. The episode may be mostly about the labor and birth. That other stuff thrown in to the promotional description might be just to avoid us complaining in advance about "another birth episode."
      Hope I'm wrong and the birth is just 5-minutes.

  2. But Easter is still weeks away?

    1. Perhaps it is Easter 2020..That was my first Sunday missing church services in years. We were all locked up. Covid!!!!

    2. Maybe they're talking about Easter 2020, but people weren't supposed to be getting together in groups then.

    3. But joseph's 3rd baby was born in February 2021 not 2020 ... that's weird ... it says they meet at Easter brunch to meet the baby

    4. Maybe they will pretend to meet the baby, the way they pretend (act out) other stuff on the show.

    5. I'm sure it was Easter 2020. And just because no groups were supposed to be getting together then doesn't mean they did anything wrong. It most likely is that they celebrated within their own homes separately. Then when Kendra gives birth, it is 2021. I'm guessing this episode spans a whole year which I don't like. Its odd but a possibility.

  3. I always look forward to a new episode of Counting On. However it seems as if TLC looks for the most inconvenient times to air this family friendly show.

    1. TLC doesn't seem interested in having content that's family friendly. I don't know why they keep the Duggars around, and just as curious, why the Duggars want anything to do with that network.

    2. @6:35 Ever heard the language or seen the footage on the TLC program commercials between segments of 19KAC or Counting On??? How is that family-friendly? Do you and others have to constantly reach for the remote to mute or change channels?

    3. For 2:26 --- I am not sure what language you are referring to that needs channel changing. I have never heard anything offensive on TLC.

    4. I agree; this show is supposed to be all Christian, modest and family oriented, yet is being televised when most of families are in bed!!! Seems crazy!

    5. 9:26, you haven't heard commercials for the other programs TLC has in its lineup? It always struck me as strange how they'd be showing 19KAC or CO and then go straight into commercials with footage from other shows, airing scenes and language that should have been bleeped. It was really apparent when 19KAC lost sponsors for awhile and all they could show were extended commercials about upcoming TLC programs. Look at TLC's line-up from the last 8 years or so and you'll see how the content of those shows doesn't mesh at all with 19KAC or CO. Yet those shows were (and still are) being promoted during "family friendly" 19KAC and CO.

    6. 6:32, I guess we've been recording it on DVR so many years that the time has never affected us.

  4. does that even make sense? Easter is not until the 4th of march? they are not teling the truth about something.

  5. That's very strange. Obviously, Kendra's daughter was not born on or near Easter and this episode is scheduled to air prior to Easter...

    1. They will be celebrating Easter same time as the rest of us, the real celebration that is,the one they filmed around Brooklyn's birth is just the script they had to follow by tlc because they film weeks early and they want to show the episode in time for Easter week,just like they did with Justin's courtship announcement,but if people criticize that it's all scripted not reality remember that they have no choice as episodes are filmed long before they are aired to give time for editing.

    2. Maybe due to covid, they are piecing segments together, that were taken throughout the year by family members?

    3. Exactly. It is weird and all out of order the way it is written.

    4. They can't meet to meet the baby on Easter 2020 since the baby was not even conceived at that time last year. They probably had an Easter brunch weeks early this year.

    5. People often say the Duggars have no choice, due to scripting, producing, editing, and getting the episode on the air "in time". It makes it sound as if they have no control over anything and therefore, they should get a pass because it's not their fault whatever TLC does (or doesn't do). That's just simply not true. People, including the Duggars, ALWAYS have a choice. The Duggars make personal decisions/concessions when they sign those contracts with TLC. I seriously doubt any reality TV show is real, but I do hold the Duggars to a higher standard because they've claimed a higher standard as Christians and because Jim Bob and Michelle both stated publicly on TLC episodes in the beginning that having a TV show was a platform for their family to "share their faith" and that it simply going to be the cameras following them around as they went through their daily lives. Repeatedly, that's been shown to be, at best untrue, at worst deception. But it doesn't seem to bother the Duggars because they keep renewing those contracts with TLC. So, the question is-Is it ok/acceptable for Christians to participate in a show that falsely portrays their "everyday life" as something it's not, portrays/presents events differently than they actually occurred, or family members differently than they are in real life?

    6. @8:04 I agree with you and no, it's not acceptable for Christians to be part of anything that deceives in any way. Then there's the issue of the motive for doing 1 Timothy comes readily to mind.

    7. Maybe this episode is a view of Easter through the years when the Duggar kids were younger and how they celebrate now that they are married with their own families...with a birth special at the end.

    8. If anyone thinks that reality TV shows, including the Duggars, are anywhere close to depicting real life, I've got some North Dakota oceanfront property to sell you. It's a business with a goal of making money. Those shows are scripted, manipulated and edited for that purpose.

    9. God knows when they're not telling the truth. They will have to answer for it someday.

    10. Honestly, I wouldn't care about how much "reality" is in reality TV, since I don't watch reality TV. I do care, however, when the people involved are claiming to be Christians. They're supposed to representing Jesus, in whom there was no deception. Can't say that about this television show. I care a great deal about this pretense is misrepresenting Jesus to a lot of people.

    11. 8:53 There's an old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." There is no shortage of unscrupulous and self-serving individuals and organizations who claim to be representing Jesus. IMO, if they're on TV and/or the top dog lives in a mansion and flies around in a private jet, that's a huge red flag.

    12. True, 8:42. They're only deceiving themselves.

  6. So excited to watch! Counting down the days!!

  7. Yes!! At least there will be one episode of Counting On to watch!!

  8. Isn’t Easter April 4th? I’m confused.

    1. Well they have to do SOMETHING for the show.

    2. When it gets to the point where you have to "do SOMETHING for the show," maybe it's time to give up.

    3. It’s all for the sake of “the show” and is called ratings.

  9. Yeah! I think they are a good family and offer a different and positive point of view on TV. I am glad to hear we will still get to see them on TV.

  10. Awesome!! Thank you for sharing! My family and I are looking forward to it <3

  11. How can they be getting together for an "Easter brunch" (when Easter is still weeks away on April 4th) and "meeting" Brooklyn (born Feb. 19th)? If the episode description is in fact true of the episode, it's not only stupid, but it's a majorly deceptive for people claiming to follow Christ. First of all, we all know the Duggars didn't wait until an "Easter brunch" to "meet" Brooklyn and no one celebrates Easter in February when she was actually born. Secondly, no Christ-follower celebrates Easter long before Easter, so it can be taped for a TV show and they can collect a paycheck. Please don't tell me about TV production schedules. Actual Christ-followers wouldn't pretend celebrate Jesus' death and Resurrection first of all, much less devalue His sacrifice by changing it to fit some production company's filming schedule, collecting a paycheck for the sham in the process. What is wrong with these people?

    1. I think you already know. The Duggars are doing this show for the money. The timeline is really off though as we all know Brooklyn was born in February and no one "celebrates" Easter then.

    2. Well, remember last season when Justin announced his courtship they all act surprised like they heard for the first time, but there's no way he would have asked her to court without talking to his parents first, and they will do the same with the engagement,same with the Easter celebration which was staged because if they waited for the 4th of April to film the real one it would take weeks to edit it and will have to air it in the summer,tlc wants to show it Easter season so they had to stage it like they have done with a lot of other things,tlc call the shots so the family has to obey, yes because they want the paycheck, would you turn down a lottery win, no I don't think so,anyway they are not conning us because they do celebrate Easter yes they are pretending but in reality they are just showing us the way they usually celebrate Easter,like if I told a child to repeat a show or a poem they had already done at school but I missed it and I want them to repeat it for me.

    3. We'll know it was staged if there's a foot of snow on the ground and the trees are bare at "Easter"! I think they'll use footage from last year. But even that doesn't make much sense because back then, they were driving by houses to drop off masks and presents or to look through windows at babies and birthday kids. They were acting as if they weren't getting together in person at all and being so careful about Covid. I don't know how they're going to explain why that went away as quickly as it did. We all heard about and saw trips and in-person events the rest of the year. Did they all get Covid and feel immune the rest of 2020?

    4. Anon 4:50. You make some good points. I would have more respect for the Duggars if they just say they're working as Christian entertainers and acknowledge that most of what we see on the show is NOT candid but is set up to be filmed for presentation on the TV show. Why would they be "surprised" that Justin announced his courtship? He'd been involved with Claire for at least a year and a half.

    5. @4:50 Anyway you look at it, the show is deceptive. There's no trying to paint it any other way.

    6. I have watched the Duggars since the very first show. I must admit though that I am becoming more and more frustrated with the acting and out of whack timelines. Too much information is easily accessible online now, to debunk some of the content on the show. I feel likeoat of it falls on TLC though. They seem like they checked out of the show a couple years ago. Also, they keep moving the show to later times, which is another indication they have lost interest. I do understand this is the Duggar's main source of income for such a large file, so I do understand the reason they keep signing the contracts.

    7. No, I wouldn't turn down the lottery because I I wouldn't win-I don't play. We work hard for our money and have better things to do with it. LOL And no, staging a fake Easter celebration weeks in advance is not the same as you missed a child's performance at school and asked them to repeat their performance for you. Nice try excusing them, though. ;)

    8. @1:23 am, that small amount of money you wasted on a lottery ticket wouldn't buy you much these days and as far as working hard for your money I've seen the Duggars working in construction and the various business as they have, maybe the money they earn from the show helped to invest in those businesses they are using to support the family with, and if people are interested in seeing how a fundamental family celebrates Easter and other things fundamental families do why not let it tlc use that great idea, lots of people have had great ideas and used it as a business and made money from it, to each their own, I think tlc have showed worse shows in fact I change channel with most of them especially gypsy sisters, who doesn't like the Duggars change channel and you won't have anything to critises about.

    9. I think they did a good job of intertwining certain parts of Easter with meeting Brooklyn Peace. It could be that this year a lot of the married siblings will be celebrating Easter with their in-laws and the family decided to intertwine meeting Brooklyn with some Easter celebrations.

    10. 8:53 - The child's name is Praise, not Peace.

  12. Description is odd but maybe it’s a staged Easter brunch for filming or early celebration with extended friends/fam. I don’t think they worry about group size & safety too much, but perhaps this was when guests & crew are available. Anyhow, we celebrate things early at times to allow time with immediate family or inlaws.

    1. You might celebrate early if that's the only time you can get everyone together, but I doubt a TV production company is telling you when you need to do it, showing up with a camera crew, running through the "celebration" several times until everyone gets it right, and sending you and your relatives a check for your work.

    2. @1:15 It's widely known that reality TV shows are not spontaneous or a reflection of real life. They are staged and edited.

    3. @7:39AM The difference is that most shows don't try to claim that it's "real life," or continually say that this is who we are and how we live. The Duggars wanted you to believe that what you saw was exactly what happened, no script. It may have been that way at first (when the show was more of a documentary style), but when a created public image needed to be continued, along came the editing and the second/third takes and the pretending to do things, things thought up by the producers. That all became pretty obvious.

  13. I am looking forward, to this new episode of Counting On.

  14. I hope we see Yellow Pocket Angel Eggs.

    1. You mean deviled eggs?

    2. What are Yellow pocket Angel Eggs.

    3. What the rest of us call Deviled Eggs.

    4. So the Duggars won't call deviled eggs by that name but they'll make them exactly like that, call them something else, and that makes them OK. Is that right?

    5. Yeah, that’s so strange since deviled eggs have nothing to do with the devil. It’s strictly a cooking term.

    6. 11:36, yes, because there is nothing wrong with the recipe, it's only the name that they object to.

    7. You have git to be kidding me. They won't even say the word deviled in relation to a name of a food? That's really bizarre.

    8. If you believe that the devil is like a roaring lion, looking for who he can devour, which is what the Bible says, then you might not want to mention him flippantly.

    9. No kidding 10:51. They would make and eat the eggs but wouldn't say the name. They came up with the alternate name.

    10. Anon 10:51. Makes you wonder what they call Devil's Food Cake doesn't it. lol

    11. Makes you wonder if they can say what all of us usually say when we answer the phone.

    12. 2:52, I see what you did there! Clever!

  15. Kendra's daughter was born in February 2021. This "Easter" celebration must be from last year. TLC OR the Duggars have always patched events together in an episode and have presented a false time line on things in their episodes. The Duggars themselves have a history of fudging timelines and posting intentional misleading photos. Those pictures of Jessa's family at the beach, where she states they are in New Smyrna, Fl, were NOT taken on a Florida beach. I recently went to Cocoa Beach for lunch and purposely looked at the sand as I went on the beach....that dark, coarse sand posted in the Seewald's day at the beach was NOT in Florida. Cocoa Beach is just up A1A from New Smyrna...the sand on the East coast of Florida is lighter and finer, more like sugar sand. Fess up, Duggars. People will respect you more for it.

  16. Thank you for letting us know Ellie. I'm glad there is going to be a Counting On special episode. It's a start ❣️ My dad read where it's starting mid April. I wish it was true.
    Natasha b

  17. "Episode" not 'the series will return on'. Could this be it for Counting on? I see people confused saying Its not even Easter yet, keep in mind reality TV is usually close to a year behind, its not live streamed. Also, Kendr had Brooklyn in February so she is not an Easter baby. Something is odd about this announcement though.

  18. Kendra’s daughter was born in February and not close to Easter at all. The description is odd.

    1. Yeah. Sort of like Easter Special morphed into Meet the Baby.

    2. I am wondering, if somebody in TLC's IT department, accidentally typed the wrong episode description, onto TLC's online schedule.

    3. I wondered the same thing. To me, “episode” sounds more like a “special,” one and done, than a return of the series. Could it be a test run to see if they have enough of an audience to continue airing the series?

  19. I think there is something odd. It's not Easter, yet.

  20. They're celebrating Easter? Since Easter is April 4th, that's totally off. Oh well whatever floats their boat.

  21. Brooklyn was born in February and the Duggars are celebrating Easter then? Wow. Anything for the TV show.

    1. No, no, no. The show is combining events from different times, which they do a lot.

  22. I don't get the whole Easter timing thing but I think Jinger and Jeremy will get their own show and that's why they have not shown their baby barely at all online.

    1. IDK. I can't see that Jinger and Jeremy could generate enough material to fill up an hour on a weekly basis.

    2. Maybe a half hour?

    3. I think they will get a show too. Maybe combined with Jessa since they are so tight.

    4. I think there’s something up with J & J.
      And, no, they could not drum up enough content for a half hour!

    5. 10 minutes of content, 6-7 minutes of flashback footage and the rest is commercials, they’re good. 🤣 After all that’s what the current model is.

  23. It seems like they are skipping showing Jinger's birth, but then they always show events out of sequence, so maybe that will come later?

    1. TLC aired Jinger's birth special, last December. Thus, Kendra's birth special, and Justin's wedding, would be the next two events, to cover.

  24. Sounds like they will be airing last Easter. So much has happened in the life of this family since then. I wish TLC would show the episodes closer to real time. It will be good to have them back on TV though.

  25. So they're filming the Easter episode, Kendra goes into labor and has her baby then they just combine the two. Way to go TLC.

  26. Thank You for the information.
    Joan.Marion and Marilyn

  27. Not much is “normal” these days with covid still arou;d. So what if the tv sequences are out of order. Maybe some of the Duggar’s actually had covid and the production had to be pieced together. I’m so looking forward to the show no matter when it was filmed!

    1. I totally agree. Nothing is normal so why would we expect the show to be normal. And I too am excited to see the show again. It could be filmed upside down and backward and I would still watch. To those who find it too awkward, don’t watch.

  28. If I were the Duggars. I would get away from TLC if this is all they plan to do.

    1. duggars will not do that. that is their support money to pay their bill. flipping house or rental income cannot support this large family.

    2. Could another network, like UP, air the show. The Bates seem to thrive on that network.

    3. And give up that TV income? No way.

  29. Are they talking about Kendra’s first or second daughter?

    1. I don't think it is Kendra's first daughter Addison. She was born in November 2019, unless they are using old footage. November would be more celebraing Thanksgiving, not Easter. There must be some big changes happening maybe either at TLC or with the Duggar's relationship with the channel. It will be interesting to follow. Who knows what's up. I think we just have to wait and see.

    2. This episode will be about Kendra's second daughter.

    3. Kendra second daughter it said that right were it tells what the show is about.

    4. This is a easter special for thus year. Their showing Kendra.'s 3 baby and this years easter that their celebrity Easter early.

  30. I hope we'll get a season not just 1 episode

    1. I hope so, too.

    2. I am also looking forward, to the next season of Counting On.

    3. Doesn't seem like it other episode is listed ...

  31. Perhaps it is referring to the Easter season (Lent, etc.)...

    1. Seems unlikely as most evangelicals ignore Lent. It's more a Catholic thing.

  32. Perhaps they are talking Easter season (Lent, e.g.)

  33. Why are they showing Bible study and crafts when there are courtships and proposals and weddings left and right that get no mention? What is the point of this show any more? It's hopelessly behind and no longer relevant to what's happening.

    1. You have to consider the possiblity that the new couples have no desire to have their special occasions filmed for TV. I'd think better of them if this were the case. People marrying into the family especially might not want to be a part of the show.

    2. Yes, the show can't possibly keep up with their lives any longer. They are providing that information with their own posts and videos. If you want to know what's going on, simply look at those. No need to wait for a new season or a special. It won't tell you much of anything new anyway and the format is scripted to be a show, not real life.

    3. The show is an afterthought for the Duggars these days. There are life-changing events going on that are not being discussed publicly, at least not very much by the family until after they've happened. It sure feels like they're pulling away from TV or TV is pulling away from them too. It's not like the Duggars of the past, so it's time for them to make an announcement that they're done with TV (and maybe public life) and remove any doubt.

    4. Considering the fact that the show itself has caused a major division in the family, I don't think it's healthy for the Duggars to continue filming or have any business connection with a TV network.

    5. Why bother with the show? Family members seem to be posting their own stuff all the time. The show is fake and obviously staged so I don't find it at all interesting.

    6. @8:35 I agree. It's a shame that they, as Christians, traded money for family connections and put the money and fame first. It also shows that what was going on behind the scenes was different from what we were being told. (Most viewers sensed that anyway.)

  34. I don’t understand a lot of the comments people have made. It clearly states AND LATER ON, which means there will be two events in this episode, one in winter and one in spring. I am looking forward to see both

    1. The problem lies with what comes after that word, LATER. "Later, the family gets together for an Easter brunch and meets their 20th grandchild." Brooklyn was born in February 19, 2021. First of all, the Duggars never, ever wait 1 week (much less 6 weeks from Feb. 19 until Easter on April 4th) to meet a new grandbaby. Secondly, they couldn't possibly wait until Easter to meet this 20th grandchild because they're on the show meeting her at Easter and Easter is still 12 days away. That's kind of impossible to do. Hope that clears up any confusion.

    2. In any event, Easter falls on Aprill 4, after the air date. So, they'd have to stage a celebration and brunch long before then, unless it was filmed last Easter a year ago.

    3. I think it's confusing because her birth is sandwiched between two Easter things in the synopsis. It makes it sound like she was born in the middle of Easter season, which isn't the case.

    4. Yeah. They had "Easter Brunch" and "met the new baby"

    5. I watched the show. They definitely waited awhile to meet Brooklyn. It also looked like it was March when the party was held. Never say never.

  35. The show has become so fake and staged. It’s disappointing.

    1. Why do you always have to say the show is fake and staged. Do you have something against the duggars

    2. Well they are showing Easter things done waaaaay before Easter so it does feel unnatural.

  36. I have a feeling there will be several “special announcements” during this episode. Ie courtships, engagements, weddings, and naturally, more pregnancy announcements ( Anna, Claire, Abby, Lauren, Joy, possibly Jill)

    1. Wow. That would pack quite a punch if that happened.

    2. 10:47 I had thought there might be maybe at least one big announcement with all the possibilities that you menation. So, I was a bit disappointed when I saw the trailer. To me, I think it may mean the show is winding down. Also, the fact that the time is later for the special and another show in the time slot makes me think they are headed in that direction. I look forward to tonight. But it seems like a regular episode with no big announcements to keep our interest in the show. I hope they keep going with it. We will just have to wait and see.

  37. Hopefully, this means the show is canceled. It's run its course.

  38. not sure what is up with this family, but as a Christian myself I would never want to put my family out there. this show was nice at first but now it is not even seem really. everything is staged. let them start a you tube channel.

    1. I don't understand it either. I wouldn't want my family to be in the public eye the way the Duggars are. They are the focus of constant speculation and rumors on the internet. I wouldn't care for that kind of attention.

    2. I couldn't care and as a christian also, if I hear or see things against me I simply act like a adult and ignore it but after being in close contact with one of the family for a while I applaud them because I keep saying that I don't understand why people are so mean and nasty to them but to that person's credit, they never say much apart from that they pray for the mean people. My friend is the nicest ever and I enjoy our emails and messages....

  39. Counting On typically films holidays when they actually happen and then air then regardless of the closeness to said holiday. Example-they aired a Christmas special last summer. I don't think there's gonna be a staged Easter event filmed before Easter - I think they're using that to throw everybody off to keep the real episode content a surprise until it airs.

  40. I think it's time to end this farce of a those who adore them a twice a year update special is all that is needed....with NO FLUFF/recaps.

    1. Yes. No recaps. No "Coming Up Nexts," Those are just fillers. An NO more
      wedding recaps. Those are just too repetitive. I like everything else, though. Even if it's "thrown together." There are different families filming. No production crew for everyone and to tie it together. That's o.k. The logistics and expense would be too much.

  41. Just saw the promo for tomorrow's show. Michelle, JB, Jessa, Ben, Abbie, JD, Joseph and Kendra were there. Did not discuss much of anything new. Nothing in the promo even about Brooklyn. I was disappointed. And we always hear from Jessa and Ben. There are 18 other children as well. Hope the actual show is better. Hope this doesn't mean it's over.

  42. This show needs to be canceled. They should invest that time in fixing their family issues.

    1. Gutless people answer anonymously!

    2. So do non-gutless people. :) Some of us don't like having our names out there in public forums where people can be so awful.

  43. Please No more Jim Bob, Michelle and the Big House.... they need to move on... not about them anymore..... it’s Counting On

    1. simple- don't watch. It's their kids and I doubt the kidds would say no more mum and dad too so get over it.

  44. What a great way to ensure the family does something Easter together! My Mom only had two kids. Her older brother and younger sister not only have 5 and 6 children but since some of my cousins started their family at 18-21, they now have grandkids. I learned that in large families with lots of marrieds, it’s not uncommon to celebrate a holiday like Easter or Thanksgiving early so they can have a large family gathering and then the adult marrieds can celebrate with their in-laws.

  45. The nice thing about seeing Big House footage is that we get to see and hear the younger siblings still left at home.

  46. -Can't wait for Justin, Claire, and Hillary to be on an episode!

  47. Whoever runs TLC is a disgrace. They obviously have dementia and the concept of "family channel" is a joke!

    1. Dementia is an awful thing that shouldn't be used as an insult.

  48. I was a little confused. I watched last weeks show but I thought it was the start of a new season. But wasn't on this week. Anybody know when the new season starts?


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