
Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Jinger and Jeremy Share an Update

Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo, Evangeline Jo Vuolo

"Definitely a time of life that we'll look back on as the good old days."

-Jeremy Vuolo

Evangeline Vuolo is  three-and-a-half months old. Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo and their two girls filmed an update video that is available on the TLC website (link below).

Jinger and Jeremy: Update as a Family of 4

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Love..Love seeing Felicity and baby Evie Jo.. they are a beautiful family. Jeremy and Jinger are doing the right thing for their family. Can’t wait to see more of them in their time😍

  2. It’s annoying that the links to all the update videos they do don’t work in the UK 😞

    1. Well, I couldn't get it to work in the US either.

    2. Nor in Canada....😞 So it doesn’t work anywhere then???

    3. I can’t get them to work in Canada either.

    4. I could only get sound, no video.

  3. How cute are these girls!! Loved Felicity saying "thank you for your camera!"

  4. I found the timing of this interesting. They've been getting a lot of grief on IG lately because they haven't been showing the girls at all. Nothing since they posted a family picture shortly after Evangeline was born. They used to show Felicity all the time, so it's been a curious shift. It makes me wonder if they got some sort of threat or had something happen that made them rethink it. Some fans were genuinely worried that something was up, so perhaps they figured it was time. I did find it interesting they never showed Evangeline's face in full. As parents they are certainly well within their rights to control their daughters' images in media, but when you're already putting your family on TV, I suppose it strikes a little odd to draw the line there. They may not owe anyone an explanation, but it seems simple enough to address the comments with "The girls are fine, just choosing to keep them out of the spotlight." As such, people are accusing them of letting it continue so their comment counts go up. Hate to think they're like that, but who knows. Glad they're doing well, though.

    1. Or... maybe they are just busy with two little ones and life in general and don't have time for social media. They don't owe their fans anything.

    2. @1:43 Then the same could be said for the public, they don't owe J&J anything either.

    3. 1:43PM...You are so right ...their life is full right now and family comes 1st... they don’t have to explain anything to anyone...they are doing nothing wrong....

    4. You are reading a lot into the fact that you couldn't see the babies face. You often can't see a babies face when held by their parents due to the simple fact of the way a baby is naturally held. It's kind of silly for you to make some sort of assumption based on that.

    5. Except that they ARE posting photos of themselves, even just the two of them seemingly out without the kids. They certainly don't owe me or anyone else anything (I even said that)--although I assume some of their income has come from influencer ad-type stuff they've done, which does somewhat depend on keeping a happy audience. Less of that stuff lately, though, and they haven't even been promoting their podcast or merch lately, which was a big thing for a while. I was just surprised the other day to see how many people were criticizing them on IG, which made me realize myself that it had been quite the change, and then found the timing interesting for this update. Not a criticism at all, just an observation.

  5. i personal think jinger may have post pardum depression?

    1. Why from the video clip, I can't connect to see it as I'm in the uk but in that picture she is laughing so I doubt that's the case,she probably has a tired looking face not depressed , with an infant to look after she would be lacking sleep.

    2. They were going through some marital issues they said and were taking a break from their blog they had. Then with them moving so far away from family and all the security and love family provides didn't help matters any. I would have never done that because one thing we can't ever get back in life is time and to lose all those precious family moments together and raising your kids all together is worth much more then living in glitz and glam of LA and Hollywood which has a short shelf life when it comes to peace and fulfillment.

    3. Thank you Doctor Lucy. I am sure you aren't violating any HIPA laws by sharing your professional opinion.

    4. HIPAA laws only apply to one's patients, do they not?

    5. 4:00 does it matter? Lucy's comment was distasteful. I suspect 12:59 was just trying to find a way to explain that.

    6. @4pm That's a fact. Doctor Lucy is free to share her professional or personal opinions with anyone.

  6. I lived far away from my family when I gave birth to my kids. It was so, so incredibly hard. I am guessing Jinger really misses her family and all the support they could provide during this stage in her life. Jinger seems sad, I bet she does miss her family. Maybe one day they will move back to Arkansas or at least a little closer.

    1. I think so too. It must be especially hard because they are very far away from both their families. It must get quite lonely at times.

  7. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy on your lil family. I can't believe Evangeline is already 3 1/2 months old she's beautiful. I'm glad Felicity is adjusting well to being a big sister. I can't wait to watch counting on this summer and seeing all of you. Hopefully we will get to watch the announcement, gender reveal and birth of Evangeline and hopefully a few surprises. Thank you for the update❣️
    Natasha b

    1. I also can't wait to watch Counting On. I definitely hope it returns. J.E. Hag.MD.

  8. I tend to think that all is not well with the Vuolo family. It just seems so odd that they are withholding pics of both babies and that Ginger is not on social media in the way she used to be. And now they don't promote their hats and candles anymore. Nor do they do the podcast they had. It all just seems to have come to a halt. We have no way of knowing if it might be a post-partum thing they might be dealing with or if it's a TLC/JimBob issue. I do believe something difficult has happened. I hope it gets straightened out soon as I really enjoyed them.

    1. Maybe they got sick with covid but don't want to talk about it? That could keep them from feeling up to podcasts and postings.

    2. Or we not create gossip based on assumptions and give people peace and respect.

    3. I happen to have observed the same things you mention. I hope they are truly doing well.

    4. I agree with 3:11

    5. I do believe they just got hit with reality of having 2 kids alone. You have barely time to breathe. I got 2 small, 2 years and 5 months, you don't have time for anything else. You take turn sleeping, and that's all the free time you got when you don't have a bunch siblings/parents to help you out in everything.

    6. 1:37 that’s exactly how it was for me too. 2 little kids is really, really hard - especially when you’re doing it without family nearby. It’s rough.

    7. They have plenty of baby sitters. Remember that birthday party scene with all their friends in the area. They went out on a "date" the other day, just the two of them. Someone watched the kids. It didn't look "rough."

    8. Maybe they just changed their minds and decided to move in another direction?

  9. I love the nickname "Baby Jo!"

  10. It does seem odd to me too, or it could be they were getting negative comments from people and just don’t want to deal with it! Also going from one child to two is a lot of work, they are probably just super busy. I don’t have Facebook or any social media stuff, I realized Facebook took up too much of my time, and it was just getting irritating, so I got rid of it!

  11. For "break out stars" they seem to be keeping a low profile. With two young children I don't see that as a bad thing.

  12. Hi fellow fans, can someone sum up what was in the video for the fan who live outside of the US ? The link doesn't work and it is frustrating 😜

    1. Yes please would appreciate that!

    2. It was a sweet video that showed Felicity trying to pull fruit from the tree and laughing when it moved. That was adorable. They said they were enjoying this time and enjoying seeing Felicity grow into being a big sister. They seemed perfectly fine and happy. At the end Felicity said sweetly "thank you for your camera" and made Jinger laugh at the cute statement.

    3. Thank you ! That does sound sweet !

  13. Seems like they went with Felicity's name for Evangeline: "Baby Jo".

  14. Thank for the update. Hope to see Counting On soon.

  15. The Bows are back! :)

    1. I don't think they left, did they?

  16. They seem so happy and relaxed, which is lovely to see. It looks warm and sunny in California! Lucky ducksπŸ¦†πŸ¦†πŸ¦†πŸ¦†

  17. That’s funny to me that they call her Jo. My daughters name is Evangeline (but we pronounce it Evangel EEN) and my sons name is Joe! πŸ˜‚

  18. Hi,I didn't watch the video but I wanted to share my opinion on the Vuolo family living in Southern California in LA. I sort of wish they would move out of Southern California. For the last several years,LA has been turning into a bad place for any Christian to live in because of the secular culture that has seeped in since ungodly stuff has been put into tv,movies, etc. I feel that raising their girls there is not a good idea for them if Jeremy and Jinger are wanting to raise their family in a strong Christian home without bad,wordly,and ungodly influence causing them to lose their faith and lead them down the wrong road. What I'm saying is that I wish they would maybe consider moving out of LA and moving up to Lancaster,CA for example where there is a good Christian college and academy for their family to attend at West Coast Baptist College and Lancaster Christian Academy and maybe Jeremy could get a job at the college and the church there to teach and preach. If you have ever heard of the pastor there whom started the college and school Paul Chappell,then he is a good Independent Fundamental KJV Bible pastor and also publisher company founder of Striving Together Publications. Or I wish they be like all these other famous good Christian families who know better than to mix their kids with bad influences like Kirk Cameron and move back to Texas or Arkansas to be near one of their families and live in a Conservative Republican state and not a Liberal Democratic state such as California. Its ridiculous how the governor of California is such a hard headed Democratic idiot who is overbearing and too strict with COVID19 restrictions as well as a thief. My opinion. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. anon@9:53 I'll be surprised if my response is posted, but I'll give it a try: I think you have a very narrow and biased view of people in general. Categorizing them according to how "blue" or "red" they are is disregarding the fact that people are way more complicated than that. I think this frame of mind is what ails our country right now in a big way, not to mention we have politicans who are making hay with it. Every single state and its residents have their good points, as well as serious problems. The same can be said of politicians and churches/religion as well. I can argue that the blue state where I live is the best place, for many reasons. However, at least I am willing to admit that I come at it from a rather biased and "blue" point of view.

    2. @9:53 If you lose your faith because of where you're living or what you're seeing, maybe your faith wasn't that strong to begin with. You can't use the rest of the world as an excuse for your own weakness.

    3. Haley's not wrong about their governor, though. There's a reason why so many people want to recall him.

    4. I agree. Jeremy and family should move to a more Christian locale and preach only to good Christians.

    5. Wow who are we to be prejudice against other as you call yourself a Christian. Shame on you . God LOVES ALL. If a person is going to study religion they serve ALL. What kind of Pastor would he be city, state or and town . Because it isn't Christian like . To Anonymous March 9th 9:53pm

    6. I'm a life-long 4th generaion Angeleno, so I know a little bit about what I'm going to say.

      YES, we have a worldly culture here and a very corrupt government. But God has called some of us to be here, and we're commanded to be salt and light where God plants us. So we stay and try our best to do that.

      What happens when if all the Christians leave Los Angeles and California? What then? Where's the salt and light?

      Are those of you who are urging Christians to leave planning to contribute to the mission field here? What if John MacArthur had left Los Angeles instead of pastoring Grace Community Church? I could say that about any number of other pastors here in Los Angeles.

      Finally, and most importantly, look at the Bible. God sent his messengers into the worst of the worst places. Jonah was sent to Ninevah. Why? To spread the Gospel, to be salt and light. Jonah tried to run, just like some of you are urging, but God dealt with him and he eventually obeyed God, leading to all of Ninevah being saved.

      Let's PRAY for California and for Los Angeles. GOD IS ABLE!!!

  19. I find the comments about post pardum depression and asking if Jinger is OK as sexist. It seems that many people (probably the same ones who claim to be feminists) judge a woman in photo's if they don't have a big enough smile or they have photo's with less make up and their hair not all done up. Why anyone would make assumptions when Jinger's posts on instagram are fine is unbelievable to me. She is posting pictures where she is just more relaxed in her appearance but still looks great and people jump to conclusions she is unhappy. That is sexist.

    1. I think it's more that from the early days of the original Duggar family show, Jinger has always been the fashionista. That's just been a large part of who she is from the beginning. So, I think people were understandably "shocked" when she/they were posting pictures of her without her hair and makeup done and not-so-fashionable outfit choices. For some people fans/viewers, it may have been judgemental, but I think for most of them they were genuinely concerned as it was unlike the Jinger they've "always known" (as much as you can know a reality TV star from their carefully cultivated show persona, that is). I don't think it's sexist; I think it's worried and I think it's really nice that some people actually care about someone they don't personally know. I think it's also nice that a number of fans/viewers/posters here and other sites are reaching out with their own personal post-partum experiences to let her know she isn't alone (if she's dealing with that), let other moms know they aren't alone, and to encourage other moms and help other people understand what that experience feels like. That's really incredible of them!

    2. Post partum is sexist? πŸ˜„ If someone sees someone else not looking quite up to snuff, they might reasonably think that there might be something wrong, and they might think of logical causes, like, oh, say, a new mother might be prone to PPD. Because that IS an actual thing that might be going on. It's not "sexist." It might be "jumping to conclusions." Just like over on the Bates blog, people are always claiming Chad is overworked and always looks tired, even when he looks smiley and relaxed. That's just jumping to conclusions as well. But sexist it isn't.

    3. Yes, it is sexist to see a picture and be so harsh in your judgement just because you don't think she looks good enough. Women should not have to look the way you think they should just to not be insulted.
      Post partum is not sexist but you judging someone because they don't look good enough for you in a photo is.

    4. 11:06, still not sexist. You could say a man looks tired too. It's not just makeup. Tiredness shows up around the eyes and even smile.

  20. Oh, and by the way. A woman isn't automatically "tired" if they have a photo with less make up on. That is so rude.

    1. It has nothing to do with the lack of makeup; it has everything to do with how tired her eyes look as well as her body language (not to mention any mom knows how tiring it is to care for a small human being 24/7). ;)

    2. It's not necessarily rude. I, for one, do look less tired with make-up on, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

  21. At least Jeremy wasn't holding an antique or an expensive pen this time. And Jinger wasn't holding food or coffee. Made a nice change.

    1. I should not read this blog while I have liquids in my mouth. My poor keyboard.

    2. I'm bummed because I can't see what shoes they're wearing.

    3. @4:26 Don't worry, shoes have made their comeback.

    4. 2:21, hahahahaha!

    5. @ 2:21

      Ha ha! I love it!

  22. Baby Evangeline and Felicity are so adorable!😍 I love how they call Evangeline “Baby Jo” and Lissy seems like such a great big sister. They look like such a happy little family❤️

  23. What happened to their online business? Plus they're not wearing their own hats right now, they're wearing nothing but hats that say Los Angeles. Odd. If the store had to shut for some reason, they should say so.

    1. Who knows what happened to the business? Maybe the prices were so high that they didn't have enough sales to keep it going.

    2. Stimulus money could be used to save the business. I wouldn’t mind my tax dollars going for that.

    3. Coffee roasting came and went. Photography came and went. Living in the middle of New York City came and went. The store is mothballed, the podcasts are overdue, where's that book?, and aren't we done yet with school and ready to move out of the donated house? Lots going on with no updates.

    4. To 2:05pm... And your point is??? I don’t think they have to answer to you or anyone...Now move along ....

  24. Everyone has aright to change their norm...enough said


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