
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

James with the Bride and Groom

Claire Spivey, James Duggar, Justin Duggar

It has been almost two weeks since Justin Duggar married Claire Spivey. Very few photos of the event have been made public, but we did post a link to the video preview of the wedding. We will let you know when a full video is shared. Until then, we thought you would enjoy this picture of James with the bride and groom.

James and Jason, who are 16 months and two-and-a-half years older than Justin, were in the wedding party. And here's a fun fact: Claire's mom was her matron of honor. Isn't that sweet? Claire's aunt (her mom's sister) was in the wedding party, as well. 

Photo courtesy


  1. James and Justin must go to the SAME barber.

    1. I'm pretty sure one of their sisters cuts their hair.

    2. Barber Jessa? I wonder who does the family hair cuts now.

    3. Yes Jessa, she's the barber although it might be Jana now she has her own family, I do it too in my family with a clipper, saves a lot of money.

    4. And why wouldn’t they???

    5. Yeah, families usually do.

    6. Looks like Jessa's handiwork.

  2. Time 2:45PM Wed 3/10/21
    Nice photo..

  3. She’s gorgeous! I love how she did her hair.

    1. Yes, the roses in her hair also tied in with the rose decorations and the bouquet. Just a guess, but the Spivey name sounds English and the English love their roses. Princess Diana was the "English rose."

    2. 10:06, did you seriously just compare Claire to Princess Diana?! 😂

    3. 2:10, no, she did not. Read it again.

    4. Nobody can be compared to princess Diana she was one of kind

    5. Lots of people love roses.

    6. I don't like the extensions.

    7. Extensions? Then I hope her hair didn't end up looking like Jinger's did after her ceremony. Remember those honeymoon pictures where nobody could figure out what was going on in the back of her head?

    8. Give her a break. Jinger had just awakened after the first night of the honeymoon.

  4. James looks so grown-up now! Anyone knows what he is up to ? Working, studying... ?

    1. Probs working for Jim Bob.

    2. James is headed to a real college.

    3. @5:50

      I hope that’s true!

    4. Yup. Got a scholarship. Not a religious college either!

    5. Documented source please on the James going to a real college and with a scholarship, please and thank you. :)

    6. Why would James need a scholarship?

  5. Can't wait for the next season !!

  6. So who came down the aisle as mother of the bride - seems like that would be her title and role on her daughters wedding day.

    1. A mother if the bride is just seated by an usher or someone, they don’t “come down the aisle” any different than any other special family members who get seated typically.

    2. They probably just had Michelle escorted down. Or maybe they escorted her to the front and then she stepped into the bridal processional from the front. Other moms like Kelly Bates have done it.

    3. JimBob I’m sure had Michelle on his arm ! He was not part of the weeding party.

  7. I didn't realize the boys ages. I ♥️ love the picture of James standing with the bride & groom. I know the wedding is still being processed. My dad & I would like to see it as a wedding special on or around season 12 of counting on. We can't wait for this summer for the new season to come. We love the show❣️ Natasha b

  8. She’s probably pregnant already.

    1. 5:30 This comment made me laff. :)

    2. Sadly, I would not be surprised if she was! All these women do is have babies.

    3. What an insulting thing to say about these SAHMs.

    4. "All these women do is have babies." Besides being completely inaccurate (in the average year, each of them spends less than a day having a baby. The other 364 days a year they are busy doing the same things lots of us do - take care of home, family, friendships, church, exercise, shop, go on family outings, etc.), it's demeaning to make it sound like having a family is a bad thing. It's not. It's healthy and normal for young marrieds to want to start and have a family. The size of that family is no one else's business or choice. For all the talk about empowering women, it's pretty disingenuous to mock women who want to tackle motherhood, one of the most challenging jobs there is, especially to do a really good job at. How about empowering women to make the choice whether they want to work outside the home or not?

    5. @12:01

      It's nice that they do housey, family, and churchy type things, but what about contributing to society by working or volunteering? I have not seen any of them ever do that and I feel that everybody should in some way. Having a family is nice if you're into that type of thing, but people need to see and serve the world beyond their home and family.

    6. Very well stated 12:01!!!
      Have never understood why some people think a woman is only significant if she's doing what a man does! What an insult! Women are significant because we too are made in the image of God! That's all that matters!!!

    7. They are contributing to society by training their children. Something that you can see is sorely lacking in our country right now. And that IS work. Just because no one pays you for it doesn't mean it isn't highly important work that shapes our society.

    8. 4:04, you have a skewed version of contributing to society if you leave out mothers who, oh, actually take care of their kids. So if you are a daycare worker taking care of someone else's kids you are contributing to society, but if you take care of your own kids you are not? No logic there.

    9. 4:04, They DO volunteer. It has been in may past episodes. And having a family and raising them to be good citizens IS contributing to society!!!!!

    10. 12:04- It’s assumed that if you choose to bring kids into the world, you take responsibility for them.

    11. @1:58 The Duggars have stated that they avoid participating in secular society, except of course to have a TV show. Other than hopefully paying their fair share of taxes, their contributions to society as a whole are minimal.

    12. 10:15, hardly true.

    13. Taxes? If I could claim my land as farm land, I would. If I could put properties and accounts into kids' names, I would.

    14. But their contributions to the landfill are gigantic!

  9. James looks older than Justin.

    1. Well he IS older than Justin.

    2. James is older than Justin

    3. James is 19, and Justin is 18, so I am not surprised that James would look older than Justin.

    4. The only brother younger than Justin is Jackson.

  10. They may be very young to get married & that’s just my opinion as I don’t know many 18 year olds that have married & the marriage lasted. I know one couple I went to school with married at 18 & are still to this day at 55, very happy together with 5 children & 8 grandchildren. I hope Claire & Justin are equally as happy. I must also say that Claire made a very lovely bride. Her hair with the roses was beautiful & quite different. Bless this young couple, hopefully as they age they grow together & I wish them well.

    1. Age needn’t be the threshold as much as self-sufficiency. If a couple is not able to support themselves financially — both of them — then they’re too young or unprepared for marriage. Taking an allowance from daddy isn’t adulthood or independence.

    2. Fixing up (without being a licensed contractor through a vocational school) and selling a distressed house that your father bought at a discount isn't being self-sufficient either.

    3. So you don't watch the show at all right? Because it has always been a rule of the Duggars that when you marry and leave home you must make your on way. And as far as working for daddy lots of people work in the family business.

    4. Yup. Leave and Cleave!!!!!!!

  11. Absolutely bizarre.

    1. What is? Looks like a normal candidate wedding shot to me.

    2. Haha, that should say candid wedding shot.

    3. If you think marriage at an early adult age is bizarre, thank God you're living now and not earlier in history. I dont' think you could have handled it.

    4. 5:49 - It would have felt normal back then because most women didn't have the opportunity to go to college and lifespans were often much shorter than today. There's no need to rush into marriage at 18 any more, which is good.

    5. 5:49 I thank my lucky stars that I was not born during a time when young marriage was the norm. History shows that women, by and large, got the short end of that stick- backbreaking work, relentless pregnancies and childbirth, lack of medical care, the overwhelming drudgery and servanthood status... no thanks!

  12. James has his arm around Claire? In my world that is no big deal, but in the Duggar family...I’m surprised.
    I do wish the couple all the best!

    1. That's OK, the Duggar children are allowed side hugs with people from the opposite sex,did you see when the married girls greet their male in-laws they side hug but they front hug with female in-laws, Justin and Claire just had their first front hug after their first kiss as we seen in the video clip of their wedding.

  13. Aww sweet. Hopefully there will be a wedding episode soon!

  14. James and Claire look like the married couple in this photo.

  15. Very nice pic. She's a pretty girl. And I like that new hair look on James with maybe some gel or product. It looks good on him.

  16. I didn't understand, are they 16 months apart or 2 and a half years apart?

    1. I think they mean that James is 16 months older and Jason is 2 and a half years older than Justin.

    2. It is not that difficult.
      James is 16 months older than Justin.
      Jason is two and a half years older than Justin.

    3. No I don't think it is sweet Clairs mother was her matron of honor, I think it is akward.

    4. 4:01am: Ellie was indicating the age differences between James and Justin as well as between Jason and Justin.

    5. 10:19, how is it awkward? She stands up with her daughter at the ceremony, she acts as a hostess the rest of the time.

    6. 10:19 Although Kendra's sister Lauren was maid of honor for her, Kendra's mother was also in her wedding party. It would not have been my preference in my wedding, maybe there was a reason Claire wanted her mother and mother's sister to be a part. I wonder if both of Claire's sisters played a part. Her youngest sister may have been flower girl from some of the pictures. I wonder how many attendants they had. Also wonder who was Justin's best man.

    7. @4:37 Think about it... Most girls have their high school friends or college friends as some of their attendants. Claire had no opportunity to make friends at either place.

    8. 2:10, Claire could certainly have made friends at church or, if she homeschooled, from homeschool groups. The homeschoolers in my town have opportunities for pretty robust social lives. If they're part of IBLP like the Duggars, we know she could know bunches of girls her age.

    9. @2:10 Homeschooling does not mean isolating. There are plenty of opportunities for developing friendships with home school group activities, church, youth groups, etc.

    10. The Duggars only hang out with a certain circle of friends. How is that not being isolated?

    11. 4:21, 😄 most people I know only hang out with a certain circle of friends.

    12. 10:50 Most people have friends from school and work who are not exactly like each other. Since the Duggars can't go to a public school or work for anyone other than their father or themselves, they know only a narrow range of people. That IS isolation. I think that's what 4:21 meant. Their circle is made up of people exactly like them, which is true. Look at who's ever at their house. Their friends come from church or the homeschooling conferences, and the spouses were met through those groups and people too. If this were not true then we'd see the kids hanging out with local kids (like neighbors) and marrying someone they met in college or at work.

    13. 4:21, hanging out with only a certain circle of friends happens in public and private schools all the time.

    14. @12:11 But at least they are exposed to others, not like themselves. And that circle of friends are not limited to those of the same religion or race or economic background. My children had friends who were of similar intellectual ability and those friends were of different racial and religious backgrounds.

    15. My daughter was home schooled K-12 and we're Christians. She had friends from different races, cultural backgrounds, religions, economic backgrounds, different family sizes, mixed race families, different intellectual abilities,and different challenges (physical disability, autism spectrum, etc.). We also have extended family-some of them are gay and married to their partner, some are living with their significant other, some drink/have tattoos/smoke/and some do drugs...and we love them very much. We may not agree with their lifestyle choices, but we love them and they all know that if they ever need anything, we've got their back. Please don't paint all home schoolers (and home schooling families) with the same wide brush. :)

    16. Just because you go to school does not mean you automatically have lots of ftiends from school.

    17. You know I have noticed when someone says things like"they should know different ways or be allowed to dress differently" what they really mean is they should be and look just like me

    18. I keep in touch with no one I went to any school with. School has nothing at all to do with it. There are many other ways to make real and lasting friendships.

  17. James was born in July 2001 and Justin in November 2002, so 16 months apart

  18. The brothers look so nice is this picture with Claire. Kind of upset still on how Justin got married before his 4 other older brothers Jed,Jer,Jason, and James. It is just all wrong, but that is my opinion. But rumor has it that one of the twins (can't remember which one) is possibly seeing Kendra's little sister Lauren Caldwell. Is this true ladies? If so,please post the truth so this rumor can be answered and put to rest with all the Duggar fans. And same with Jana seeing a guy in Texas.

    1. There are rumors that Jed and Lauren are a couple. No way of telling for sure. Rumors are just rumors at this point in time.

    2. Why would that upset you? People get married outside of age order all the time.

    3. How is it fair to make someone who is ready to get married wait for people who aren't even in relationships to get married just because they're different ages? Kind of an archaic practice.

    4. We won’t get verification of anybody “seeing” anybody! We must be patient and await courtship announcements. People, we all know how this works!

    5. Why are you upset? The other brothers aren't dating anyone.

    6. Lauren Caldwell is already engaged to a man named Titus, so it’s not a Duggar boy, ya’ll.

    7. The rumors are tht both Need and He's are courting right now, and that Jana is courting a guy from Indiana.

    8. I am the oldest of three siblings, all in our 30's, and I can safely say that I would not have wanted my two younger siblings, to have had to wait until I got married, before they could get married. As of today, my sister & her husband, have been married for nine years, and my brother & his wife, have been married for seven years. I am still single/never married, and I would feel incredibly guilty, if my two younger siblings, as well as their respective partners, were still holding off on getting married, until such time, as I got married.

    9. Anon 3:47. Who is "Need"? As for Jana courting, I'll wait for HER announcement of a courtship. There have been too many false claims of her being in a relationship to buy into rumors.

    10. Lauren is NOT engaged to Titus. That ended last fall.

    11. Need & He’s? Never heard of them.

    12. OP Apparently you've not learned that information will only be released when the Duggars choose to do so. The blog owners are not in a position to confirm or deny anything.

    13. Who are 'Need' and 'He's'? Lol!

    14. Looks like someone's been a victim of "autocorrect" ;)

  19. I had to do a double take. I thought that was Jana!

  20. Thank You for the photo and the information. Two handsome guys and a beautiful woman.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  21. What a nice picture, of Claire, James and Justin. I wonder if Justin included Jackson, in his group of groomsmen?

  22. I love the way she did her hair with the flowers in it, so beautiful. She was a very beautiful bride.

  23. If the Duggar children had to wait for birth order to marry, no one would be married after Jana is still single.

    1. Haha, 6:27, good point!

    2. So true. I wish Duggar fans would stop linking Jana to various men. It's awkward and embarrassing for Jana and the men she's rumored to be dating. I don't see why people think she NEEDS to be married.

    3. @1:32- It’s not hat “people” think she needs to be married; it’s her family’s belief system! So, as she’s not in a courtship or married, show us what you are interested in doing, Jana! Maybe. If Jana committed to working at something consistently; all the comments would settle down.

    4. 3:57, no, it is most definitely the fans. If it were their belief system, her dad would have arranged a marriage for her a decade ago.

    5. 3:57 : Jana owes you or any of us nothing. She doesn't need to prove anything to anyone but herself and the Lord.

  24. I wonder which brother was best man? Also isn't it funny how the mother of the bride wil sometimes be in the wedding party, but never the father of the bride or groom?

    1. Never? Plenty of fathers have been in weddings.

    2. I wish Michelle would be in the bridal party for all her daughters and sons. She is so pretty and such a part of their lives, from baby training, to home schooling to Bible lessons, etc. She deserves a spot of honor.

    3. My nephew had his dad as a groomsman in his wedding last summer!

    4. Maybe that meant for these weddings, but I've known guys who've had their father as their best man (how very cool) and a few that their dad has been the pastor marrying them. :)

    5. 6;27

      Her walk down the aisle is her being honored

    6. 6:27, the bride’s mother has a place of honor. She doesn’t have to be a bridesmaid to be honored. Also, her looks should have nothing to do with how much she is honored. The wedding isn’t about the mother, it’s about the bride & groom.

    7. I agree that Michelle should be in the bridal party every time. The TV cameras should focus on her.

    8. Mother of the Bride already is considered a member of the bridal party. She should not also be a bridesmaid or bridesmatron. But I guess people like to create their own rules nowadays and to heck with tradition.

  25. It is kind of odd how James is between the bride and groom.

    1. Nope! No odd!

    2. Would have made for a much better pic with her center

  26. My opinion of bridal parties is that it should not be made up of 'old ladies' like mothers, aunts of the bride. Mother of the Bride is an honorary place in itself. Bridal parties are made up of younger women; relatives and/or friends of the bride. It's like having a flower-girl aged person being your maid of honor...silly IMO.

    1. Some brides have had their grandmothers as flower girls, so there's that.

    2. Both my grandmothers were my flower girls. It was a hit!

  27. 4:27, I agree 100% & I'm what you would call an old lady. I would feel like a fool in a bridesmaid dress. About 20 years ago a younger co-worker assumed I would love to be in her wedding & didn't bother asking me. Just told me where to go for the fitting. I was appalled to see the dresses would be bright purple with a huge bow on the backside. I couldn't wait for that wedding to be over!

    1. 6:09, That was not very nice of them to command you got get fitted without even asking, but, you could have easily said "No, thank you." The dress should be appropriate for age. It could be the same color but different style though.


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