
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

'A New Life' Recap

Counting On "A New Life"

  • Kendra is two weeks away from her due date with Baby #3. Jessa and Joy come over to help her put together some items for the nursery. Kendra will only be allowed to have two people in the delivery room, her mom and Joseph.
  • When asked by the producer how she leans on her faith to get her through difficult parenting moments, Joy says: “I’ve actually been studying the fruits of the spirit right now, which has been really good. But it’s like patience, faithfulness, kindness, love. That is Christ. And so, you’re trying to be more like Christ and set a good example for them.”
  • Later, Michelle (aka Lolli) and some of the young moms lead the younger kids in decorating hats for Easter.
  • Jim Bob, Michelle, Jessa, Ben, Joseph, Kendra, John-David, and Abbie get together to discuss the true meaning of Easter. Jim Bob starts with some encouraging words for Joe and Kendra. “It seems like just yesterday that we were expecting our second and third child,” he says, smiling. “And it goes pretty quick from there. Once you have three, you add a fourth, a fifth, and it’s just like, it’s no big deal.”
  • The Duggars take turns sharing how their faith in Christ has made a difference in their lives.
  • “At 15 was the first time I really heard that I could be forgiven for everything that I had done wrong and know that I have eternal life,” shares Michelle. “And boy, did I have a lot of baggage. I just remember when I asked Jesus to forgive me, I was a changed person.”
  • Ben asked Jesus into his heart at age 15. “It was like springtime in my soul,” he says.
  • At age 12, Jessa thought a lot about eternity. “I also knew that I was a difficult person to be around,” she says. “I was contentious, I was selfish and self-centered, and I was coming to a place where I was not content with staying that way.” After confessing her sin and turning her heart towards Jesus, she says she saw a change in her life.
  • The group gathers around Joe and Kendra to pray for the delivery and for the baby.
  • Kendra ends up going into labor 10 days ahead of her March 1st due date. She is admitted into the hospital around 4pm, and Brooklyn Praise Duggar arrives before 8pm. Her birthday is February 19th, which was also Michelle’s mom’s birthday.
  • On another day, Jessa dyes eggs with her kids, and they bring them over to the big house to make angel eggs, the Duggars’ name for deviled eggs. They also make empty tomb rolls by rolling a marshmallow in butter and cinnamon and rolling that into a piece of crescent dough.
  • Some of the family comes over for an Easter brunch. Joe and Kendra bring newborn Brooklyn over, as well. “I fell like Garrett’s adjusted pretty well to Brooklyn, but I feel like Addie is still struggling, so we’re working through that right now,” says Kendra.


  1. I saw the episode and it is apparent that all is not well with the clan. Half of them weren’t even there! So disappointing but I got the distinct feel that the seasonal saga of the Duggar family show is over. If you ask me, it seems like something unhappy overall happened

    1. Time 4:58PM Wed 3/31/21
      Well Honey I disagree with u on that
      Episode I loved it. It wasn't the best
      Counting on episodes but it was great.
      SI & Lauren could had been in the episode but I guess they had other plans. Brooklyn Praise Duggar is so

    2. Who knows what's going on? Jill keeps airing her issues and some of the others seem to be going their own route. I think the show is winding down and TLC doesn't appear to be eager to start up another season.

    3. Or maybe some of them could have gone to in-laws home, etc.

    4. That testimony segment is right in Jeremy's lane--why weren't Jinger and Jeremy calling in or involved? And have Josiah and Lauren quit the show? Or Joy and Austin? And neither John or Abbie said a word. It does seem like they are done. Maybe everyone is growing up and moving on with separate lives, which is not a bad thing.

    5. Time 6:39PM Thurs 4/1/21
      Well Anonymous that could be true or
      Everyone was busy. I don't think
      Jing & Jer will quit the show or
      Abbie & JD or Joy & Austin & SI & Lauren. Maybe they need a break from
      The show. But it's up to them if they
      Decide to quit the show.

    6. There were 2 people on camera who don't seem to want to get off camera though.

    7. Just one time I would like to hear Michelle speak the truth concerning all her 15 years of baggage she states as to when she was saved!!! Come on Michelle, how bad could it have been???

    8. @9:23 She wore a bikini to mow her lawn and didn't realize how she could have been tempting neighbors. That's all I've ever heard of it. She was a cheerleader and a gymnast too but has never said she regrets that, just bikini lawn mowing.

    9. Yes, 9:23, I concur. I mean, how much baggage could a child of 15 possibly have?

    10. 9:23, kind of nosy to want to hear her past sins. Maybe you can go first. ;)

    11. @11:15am, I agree with you there just isn't enough to make her want to turn her life around, I reckon the genuine reason she turned to God is what she once declared herself, that she was scared of dying, and she didn't come from a religious family so had to find comfort elsewhere for that fear,imo, but hey she ended up getting the life that gave her satisfaction and happiness by turning to God, same with me but I'm not fundamental,but I know praying has worked for me more than anything else.

    12. Kind of nosy wanting to hear her past sins? When they're sitting there talking about how they had past sin and wanting you to think it's wonderful to have found Jesus?? "I had sin but now I'm free" isn't a stirring message of Christ's forgiveness that will inspire others to take the right path. It was her moment in the spotlight, if anything.

    13. I had sim, but now I'm free is ab extremely stirring message if you really think about it. Sin has power over us without Jesus. Power of death and power to ruin our lives.

    14. Haha, autocorrect was having fun with my 2:33 post.

  2. So was there any explanation for the weird Easter timing? Maybe TLC had them do Easter stuff because of the timing of this episode?

    1. They celebrated Easter early when just a few. Most of them go to their in laws for Easter.

      They didn'want Kendra New baby get covid with every on over their

  3. I was uncomfortable listening to them describe their struggles with religion, Kendra especially. No child should be made to feel so morally guilty so young or to struggle with religious concepts far too advanced for their young minds (being "saved"). It seems their religion is based on fear and self-doubt. Based on being made to feel less than enough, unworthy, or sinful from birth. I don't find that healthy, especially for a child. Any message of love is lost among those fears. You don't have to knock a child down or frighten them to make them realize they can be be happy and content. I know others won't agree but I stand firm with my opinion. I absolutely do not believe in making children struggle to accept any religion.

    1. I completely agree. I’ve also watched videos of Jessa, Jinger, and Tori and Erin Bates sharing their testimony and they were all pretty much the same story as this one.

    2. Realistically children pretty much believe what their parents believe. The concept of guilt and sin is fundamental to Christian belief. They were just echoing what they've been taught since birth. Being saved is supposed to bring comfort to the person who is saved. I'm not sure that it always works that way. We see many people struggling with their salvation and seeming to think they have to keep proving themselves to be Christian. Just my observation.

    3. Human condition = separated from God because of sin. The earlier you recognize that, the sooner you can start living the life God made you for and enjoying the blessings of bring saved.

    4. Actually Jesus told adults that they needed to have the faith of a child to believe in Him and that the kingdom of heaven is made up of such as the child He pointed out to them. Adults are often too full of themselves to admit their spiritual need.

    5. Actually, most children can understand the concept of sin because they haven't developed long-time habits of deluding themselves about their basic nature.

    6. I agree with you anonymous 1:43

    7. I believe Kendra’s struggle was her own not anything she was made to believe

      The scripture teaches itself to save some with fear and some with compassion Jude 1:23
      We are not God to know how a person should be saved let’s just be thankful she’s not in hell today because of God’s Amazing Grace that is so deeply Amazing I can see how she did struggle but very glad she accepted it 🙌🏻❤️
      God is Love but He is also a consuming fire Hebrews 12:28-29

    8. True words. These religious leaders enforce religion on others to gain power. How very ironic that those who preach love are oftentimes so far away from being loving and caring humans beings...

    9. Actually, salvation is not that difficult for most children to comprehend. It's adults who make it complicated.

    10. Don't worry, you don't have to struggle. It's the Holy Spirit who does the convicting, NOT man.

    11. I don't agree with you at do suggle at any age

    12. Recognizing you are a sinner should be a fearful thing. Accepting a family's "religion" is not the same as believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. I thought Kendra was spot on, basically saying she was playing the game and trying to be good instead of letting Jesus be the good for her. Works is a dangerous thing!

    13. @7:31 I'm very glad that I don't believe in hell. I think it's a myth conjured up by religious hierarchy eons ago to keep the flocks in line. It's an old game passed down through the ages. Using intimidation and fear are tried and true ways to ensure compliance.

    14. 5:58, I would rather believe in the existence of hell and accept Jesus' gift of eternal life in heaven and find out I was wrong than not believe, not receive, and find out I was wrong.

    15. 12;34 Yes. I believe too. "just in case."

    16. 7:40, I hope your belief is more than just in case.

    17. Needing to have the faith of a child to believe is rather obvious. Children tend to believe what we tell them. Even fables. Adults usually have more logic. Many children who believe grow up into adults who see the light and stop believing the fable.

    18. 5:39, adults believe a lot of things that aren't true and can be gullible. We've certainly seen that in the past 12 months.

  4. I really enjoyed the Mar. 30th episode of Counting On. I hope that the viewers won't have too long a wait, before the next season of Counting On, airs on TLC.

  5. I don't get it. ..."comes over for Easter brunch?" Easter 2021 hasn't happened yet. This goes to show you that this program is all fake and staged. What aired was NOT the Duggar Easter holiday unless they live in an alternate time warp.
    Kendra's baby was born last month in February 2021; Easter in 2021 is April 4th. The only authentic thing inn this SHOW is the family uses their real names and relationships towards one another. Time to end it.

    1. I agree, and I also find it interesting that only half of the family was present. It just proves how staged and torn the family is currently. I didn't see any signs of another episode following this one, so it'll be interesting to watch the situation develop.

    2. It “proves” nothing. Random family choose to gather with their kids to be filmed doing an Easter craft. Period.

    3. It's a mega family. Kind of hard for everyone to be together at any time. There's only one type of occasion (hopefully far off) that will ever bring them all together at one time.

  6. I love watching Joe and Kendra. Many criticize their choice to have babies one after another but they seem so happy to me!

    1. I also love Kendra and Joe!! There so sweet! And I love seeing them have baby after baby :) Makes me happy!

  7. How can they have Easter brunch when Easter hasn't happened yet?! Anything for the cameras, I guess.

    1. Anonymouse@ 6:47, They had it early because most of the Kids will be with their in laws for Easter.

    2. Having an early Easter celebration usually means the week before. Not months before. Also, if the reason for having it early was so the in-laws could celebrate with their own families on Easter then why weren’t more of them there?

  8. I still can believe they don’t want to say deviled eggs. It it really that big of a deal to use a cooking term? It’s not like it will summon the devil or something 🤣

    1. As someone said the other day, how do they answer the phone without taking a risk of saying something wrong?!

    2. It's just another of their affectations. I find that rather tiresome.

    3. Is it really a big deal what they call them?

    4. A little over board for sure!😂

    5. Anon 4:06 Exactly.

    6. 4:08, it is not hard to just say Hello when answering a phone so what is wrong with that?

    7. Hello? Including the first letters? When you can't say deviled eggs?

    8. You mean they don't ever say the word Hello?????????

    9. The word Hello has nothing to do with hell. Read its origins.

    10. Why could they say hello but not say deviled eggs?

  9. I really like this episode. It was good to see Counting On again even if it was just one episode!

  10. Thank you so much for using your gifting in creating and keeping up with this blog. I hope you know that you are a blessing to so many of us strangers!

  11. Sorry, I miss Counting On.Thank you Ellie for the recap.🙂

  12. We really loved ♥️ the show. I loved their testimonials. I liked how they named the deviled eggs Angel eggs. Very happy Kendra had a short labor and baby was healthy. It was good Kendra had Jessa and Joy to help prepare for the arrival of Brooklyn. I'm glad the younger ones had the activity of making hats for Easter. I was really glad to see Anna and the kids. I miss seeing them. Wishing season 12 would start soon. Natasha b

  13. I saw this last episode and was rather let down. I have always watched the show since the very first time they ever appeared and have enjoyed it in regardless of their lifestyle. That they were so different but decent and seemingly nice was part of what drew me to it. This last episode, though, was not only flat compared to their other episodes, it has me thnking that they are probably on the way out the door. I was sorry not to see most of the older children which left a huge question mark about the series as a whole. I think something is not well in Duggarland which is their business and should be the reason they should now may their exit.

    1. Wow, you know, some of the older kids could've chosen to go to in-laws homes because they were simply invited. And out of respect for their spouse. Went to the other family's home.

    2. 9:46, while that is completely possible, the show wasn’t filmed anywhere close to Easter. It’s not likely that all the in-laws would have celebrated Easter before February.

  14. I loved this episode! I’m so excited to make Easter memories with our kids, the first of which is due this Saturday!

  15. They're coloring Easter eggs in February? Whatever floats their boat. Do they know the eggs are a fertility rite from pagans?

  16. Good show.. Pro: Only 8 minutes of birth talk and birth. Pro: We found out the grandkids call Michelle "Grandma," not "Lolly." Con: The "How I was saved," conversation, awkwardly led by Jim Bob was a little too long. Con: As always, the "Coming up" footage before each commercial is a stupid way the producers use repeat footage to avoid having to show more unseen footage. But overall, good show.

  17. Where can I watch this for free or pay for it!? Is it on Amazon or YouTube?

    1. It's ususlly on YouTube after 2-3 days.

  18. Wow I am so happy to hear what this episode will be about. It sounds like it will be such a blessing and it reminds me of the way the Duggar s use to be. I hope it stays Christ centered like this because they are in a position to reach so many people for Jesus and having shows like the one will be is such a powerful witness for Christ. What a Blessing!

    1. I don't want people witnessing to me with tales of their struggles. That's their problem. I don't need to hear that baggage (Michelle's word).

    2. To 4:13 - I agree! I don't need to hear other people problems when I have enough of my own and their problems are personal and they shouldn't be forced to share for the sake of a tv show. What may be useful is if they had just shared how they overcame their problems to maybe help others try to do the same.

    3. Wait a minute here, why would people sharing their testimonies be a bad thing? I have heard testimony after testimony of people on the brink of suicide hearing a testimony on tv, stereo, online and in person who now had hope and the will to live again. When people hear that no matter what they are going through that God is able to Save and rescue you then everything changes for that person. Sometimes we are the only Bible a person has heard, so give your testimony every chance you get.

    4. @8AM They just turned to Christ and the problems somehow disappeared. That's great, but it doesn't solve everything like how to pay the bills due tomorrow and put food on the table today. The Duggars supposedly struggled with that stuff at first and needed handouts and help from others (clothing, inexpensive housing, etc.), but they don't talk about that any more.

    5. 11:12, trusting in Jesus doesn't mean life on earth is perfect, because the world is imperfect. It does mean that God gives grace, peace, and guidance for each day. They have been open about past struggles, but we already know about that, so why should they keep dwelling on something when their lives are different now? Their money struggles are in the past, while their spiritual lives are an ongoing journey.

    6. IMO People should not have children if they cannot afford to raise, feed, and care for them.

    7. @8:56 You're forgetting that some people, like the Duggars, don't use birth control and then what happens happens, whether you realize later or not if you can afford it.

  19. Well that was nice but there were no new courtships, engagements or pregnancies announced. Guess that might happen on a later episode.

    1. There’s a big announcement coming after this weekend.

  20. There was way too much Michelle and JB in this episode. The show is not supposed to be about them. They had their show ended years ago! It's like telling your child to stay in their room and then they come right back out of their room anyway, nobody stops them, and the child feels no remorse.

    1. Blame TLC then. They're the ones calling the shots, literally.

    2. Yeah, there's no punishment in losing your show and immediately getting a new one with a slightly different name. If Anna was there that day you know Josh wasn't far behind.

  21. So they tried to go back to their roots of the show having that ministry message. But they had to throw in a baby being born (of course) and some out-of-season Easter stuff. We see what they did there.

  22. Making those Easter hats seemed very wasteful and the kids weren't that into it. Lots of money spent on materials for very little use afterwards. Donate that money to the local food bank and no need to wear a silly hat. This is like every other activity on the show, nothing but a waste of good money.

    1. They should have had the kids take Easter food to a food bank!

    2. I'm OK with the kids doing crafts. However, it didn't seem this particular activity was of any interest to the kids.

    3. I was disappointed that most of the kids were so indifferent about the hats. It was a fun idea.

    4. I love how people always want other people to donate money.

    5. They could have made hats or decorations and donated them to a nursing home too. Just seal them in a plastic bag for a week (plenty of time if you film in Feb.) and they'd be free from any Covid risk. There are so many other things they could have done that could have been filmed but would have carried the very Jesus-like message of giving and caring.

    6. DITTO!!!!!!!!!!

    7. @9:30 I love it too. And when those other people actually listen and donate, everyone benefits and it's all good! "To whom much is given, much will be required." Luke 12

    8. Yes it sure would be great if they donated money and time. More people should do both! If more people did, this world would be vastly improved!

    9. We actually don't know how they all volunteer and how much they donate, but they do.

    10. 6:51, do you have intimate knowledge of how they spend their money and time, or just what you see on the show and social media? I thought we weren't supposed to let our left hand know what our right hand is doing when it comes to giving charitably? Matthew 6:33. That means we shouldn't be tooting our own horns about giving.

    11. I don't understand people begrudging them doing a craft activity with the kids. For that matter, why should they have wasted money on dye for the eggs, if we're being the Easter Grinch?

  23. I can't say it's my favorite Duggar special. They showed only bits and pieces of Kendra's pregnancy and delivery, and then somehow spent so much time on the religious issues. Like why?? I'd rather see more of the kids, and what happened when Gideon was crying, Making hats was strange, like why allow kids pile whatever they could find at a dollar store onto a hat instead of just decorating it with normal flowers.

  24. Time 4:55PM Wed 3/31/21
    Before I make a comment about this
    Episode. Congrats to Dan Derricks brother
    He is a dad again Him & Denna are parents
    For the 2nd time to newborn Brady
    Jax is a big brother. So Jill & Derrick
    Got to meet there new nephew Also
    Sam & Israel as well.

  25. Who taught Jessa the word “contentious?”

    1. Why do you ask?

    2. One theory is that Jana taught Jessa the word 'contentious'
      when Jana was 8 and in charge of homeschooling her sisters...

  26. Nice episode but an odd timing... not complaining though! One thing is for sure, Joe & Kendra should learn how to hold a baby properly. Poor Brooklyn's head was wobbling all over the place when she was being held by them.

  27. Thank you so much for last night's episode of Counting On! I appreciate having something good to watch on TV, dedicated to Christian kindness and values. Thank you for sharing your testimonies so that others can come to know our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Blessings to everyone in the Duggar family from my own family.

  28. Jim Bob always heaps a lot of attention on Kendra, and she seems very happy around family. John's wife Abbie never seems to get much attention, and John and Abbie both seemed pretty uncomfortable in last night's show, like they didn't really want to be there at the church, discussing religion. I think they might be the next ones to transition out of the spotlight, and into their own life.

  29. I think that confession circle was a direct response at what has happened with Jill and Derick. Saving face.

    1. Perhaps you're right. I hadn't considered that aspect. I had thought they were being overly pious for some reason.

  30. There’s nothing wrong with using the term “deviled eggs.” It just means something spiced, in this case it’s by using mustard. Also, don’t they know any other songs than Amazing Grace? They always sing that one. The song can still be Christ-centered but more kid friendly and happy. It can be joyfully celebrating Easter.

    1. Why does it matter if they want to call them something else? And what song they sang for the camera?

  31. This was a really good episode. I am glad to not just see the frivolous. I am not saying they just have to preach every episode but putting in the testimonials and reminders of what Easter is about was really good. I don't know if it was due to Covid or their decision but I am also happy we didn't have to watch a full half hour of Kendra's birth. I would suggest to the family (if any of them stumble onto this) that only births from new moms be shown in full. There will be too many births with all the married siblings and the show has to be more than just births. Let the new moms have the spotlight if they want it because some fans do love the birth specials. The rest should tastefully just show photos like Abbie and John did and now Kendra. I don't care that they had a separate early Easter celebration with some of the family. The message was good and it was interesting.

    1. Michelle made it a point to call Easter, "Easter, The Resurrection" 3x.

    2. I wonder why she does that

    3. Because Easter can have the connotations of a secular holiday meaning, while the Resurrection is more specific. Many people just think eggs and bunnies when they hear Easter.

    4. Maybe she does it for the camera?

  32. My struggle with this content is that the Bible teaches baptism as means of salvation not faith only. Nowhere in the Bible does it show someone being saved without baptism.

    1. That's not true. It's "believe and be baptized." Belief comes first. Read the story of the Ethiopian eunuch's conversion in Acts 8. He asks Philip what hinders him from being baptized, and Philip tells him to believe and then be baptized. It's an act of obedience that follows faith. No work can save you.

    2. The thief on the cross wasn’t baptized. The Bible does not teach that you have to be baptized to be saved.

    3. The thief on the cross repented and Jesus said today you will be with me in Paradise. He never had time for baptism.

    4. Actually, a good word study proves otherwise. "Belief" is coupled with many other words throughout Scripture, baptism being only one of them depending on the context; but in the end, belief shows up in every verse dealing with salvation.

    5. Check out Romans 10:10-17. Nary a mention of baptism.

    6. I was baptized as a baby against my wishes now. Can you un-baptize yourself? I'd like to. I did not baptize my kids, on purpose. Their choice. Not something you should force on someone else or do without their knowledge and permission.

    7. 9:54, I was infant-baptized as well, but I chose to get immersion-baptized at 12. My parents let us choose when, because baptism is an act of obedience after salvation. If someone else is choosing for you, then you aren't obeying God, you're obeying another person.

    8. I don't think anyone needs to be baptized to be saved. Jesus was baptized although I'm not sure why. He didn't need to be saved.

    9. 11:26, Jesus was baptized as an example to us, but no one is saved by being baptized.

  33. I’ve never been impressed when people share “testimonies” about being saved, especially when it involves kids. It does not seem genuine when they talk about how sinful they were, but they saw the light. It sounds quite self-righteous and smug to me.

    1. Um, talking about how unrighteous you are and needing Christ's blood to cover your sins because your own goodness can't get you to heaven is the exact opposite of self-righteousness.

    2. @5:50 If you're the one doing the testifying, you likely wouldn't consider yourself being self-righteous or you wouldn't do it. However, that does not diminish or discount the negative impression being given to some people. They do have a right to their viewpoints.

    3. 6:03, being self-righteous is focusing on your own righteousness. The word is self-explanatory. A salvation testimony is about how God saved you from the punishment for your sin. It has everything to do with Christ's righteousness and a person's UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. If listeners think that is self-righteous then they are lacking in understanding.

    4. 6:03, talking about what God has done for you as a sinner has nothing to do with self-righteousness. That's the whole point of salvation. We are NOT righteous, which is why we need saving. Being saved doesn't turn us into perfect people. It turns us into saved sinners, who have Christ's righteousness applied to our account, to pay the penalty for our sins. If a person takes credit for earning their way into heaven, then yeah, that would be self-righteous. If they bragged about how perfect they were after salvation, then, yeah, that would be self-righteous. So you have to look at who they're giving credit to.

    5. 8:37- In your testimony about God saving you from sin and hell, you are assuming your religious beliefs are right and those who don’t agree are going to suffer God’s wrath. You think you’re a part of “ chosen” people, no? I heard this all from the pulpit growing up. I call it self righteousness accompanied by a good dose of condescension and piety.

    6. 5:49, you can't have faith if you don't believe in whatever you have faith in. Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me." If you believe that it doesn't make you better than anyone else, it means you admit you are a sinner and you can't do anything to help your lost condition. You can only rely on Jesus to save you. Believing that what the Bible says is true is not pride, it's belief. I beg you to study the whole Bible for yourself and reach out to the God of heaven while you can.

    7. @8:37 How exactly does a salvation testimony prove that you are "saved from the punishment for your sin"? Is it admissible in court? Does it stop all bad things from happening to you if you misbehave? Does it give you immunity to do whatever you want? Or is it what you have to tell yourself after you misbehave, and you hope you're right because otherwise, you couldn't live with your own guilt? That alone is supposed to stop you from misbehaving in the first place, by the way.

    8. 2:59, you ask some interesting questions. Your salvation is only directly witnessed by the two parties involved, you and God. You can tell other people about it, but they may or may not believe you. Their not believing you doesn't mean it didn't happen. No, God does not protect you from the natural consequences of your sin. You rob a bank or tell a lie, God is not going to condone that and give you a free pass from going to jail or facing the backlash from that lie. The Bible teaches that you reap what you sow here on earth. If you cheapen God's grace by making that an excuse to sin, you are wrong and don't understand what Jesus did for you. The Bible talks about that too. Every time you sin, you break your fellowship with God, and the Bible says if you regard iniquity in your heart, He will not hear you. If a Christian wants God to answer prayer, they need to have that fellowship restored with heartfelt repentance and confession of sin, not just a flippant, "Sorry, God." Having God's blessing, knowing He hears your prayer, wanting peace of heart, wanting God to be able to use you, wanting to please God because you love Him and are thankful to Him - those are all reasons to say no to sin, not just because you don't want to feel guilty. When you confess sin to God and let Him clear the slate, He gives you an awesome peace and joy that you just can't understand unless you experience it.

    9. 5:49, that is what the Bible teaches, so if you're going to be a Christian, then yes, you choose to believe what the Bible teaches.

    10. @2:50 So you tell yourself you believe in someone you've never seen who supposedly has powers and acts as a gatekeeper of some sort, and that makes your life and everything you do OK? This is why I can't join any religion. It all sounds like such a made-up story, from people with an agenda. I will continue to believe that good works have to be done by humans while alive simply so that we can get along with each other as a society and survive. I don't feel one needs to do behave a certain way because of some story, or rely on that concept to absolve you of anything bad you might do.

    11. 12:33, being a Christian involves an ongoing, daily relationship with God. His Holy Spirit indwells you and you can have fellowship with Him every day. Sinning brings a break in that relationship until you surrender your will back to God's. It's a pretty amazing way to live life, and something people mock when they don't have it and can't understand it.


    12. Was the oldest boy and his wife present in the group of adult children that shared their testimonies? He seems to be a nice man.

  34. Jana appeared to be feeling awkward standing beside Michelle in one clip where Michelle was talking. All around this episode seemed to be different than other ones in the past few years.

    1. I totally agree, I've always enjoyed Counting on but this one felt weird.

    2. The episode was awkward because they combined an Easter special with Kendra giving birth. Sort of like TLC didn't want to air two shows. I wonder what will happen next.

    3. There were some scenes like Jessa dyeing eggs with her kids that were fun, but a lot of it seemed like they were just reciting lines. I agree that it felt different. :( It really felt like they were just doing what was expected and going through the motions. I'm wondering if this is going to be a one-time episode.

    4. It was awkward because they were celebrating Easter in February. You can tell most of them think it's silly to be doing that.

  35. This episode seemed very forced. They don't need to celebrate Easter 2 months early, viewers are smarter than that and catch on that it's fake. They need to do what they've always done, focus on the new relationships, and grandkids. It should be more natural and not forced.

  36. At least Ben had a prepared speech ready, instead of stumbling along trying to come up with a spontaneous response as usual.

    1. He sounded over scripted and not genuine, in my opinion. He should just be his real self, stumbling along or not, at least it would be authentic.

  37. Jessa seems joyless and robotic. I feel sorry for her. She is trying to keep the show going, but why, if she doesn't want to? Maybe it is time to move on from Counting On.

    1. I'm wondering if they realized they really liked not being on camera as much with covid, kind of like some of us realized we enjoyed not having to go-go-go and do-do-do all the time. They all, except Michelle, seemed unenthused.

  38. It's so strange how Jinger and Jeremy disappeared after their new baby. Josiah and Lauren also seem to have withdrawn from the show and social media. Have they decided not to share their families with the public any longer?

  39. "Deviled" is a cooking term.

    1. The Duggars don't use the term. lol

    2. I've been making deviled eggs for 53 years and can honestly say when I say deviled eggs I don't think about Satan.

    3. My mother used to call deviled eggs "dressed eggs". I never heard anyone else use that term though.

    4. Some call it "stuffed eggs". You can actually make the stuffing not just from boiled yolks, but adding mushrooms, guacamole etc.

  40. when I saw what it was about I knew I wouldn't like it, so I didn't watch. I don't like the birth episodes. I prefer watching shows with their families' like Jessa's family or Joy's family with the children/family.

  41. Who did Michelle’s make-up? So. Much. Bronzer.

    1. She looks like she has lost weight in her face.

    2. Her hair looks like it has thinned. That comes that "season of life."

    3. 9:01, she definitely looks like she's slimmed down. She looks good.

  42. Families don't sit around giving testimonies like that. It seemed so artificial and was just for the cameras.

  43. After having 5 kids the rest are "no big deal'? Imagine how kids 6-19 must feel hearing their father say those words.

    1. @9:37 That didn't sit right with me either. He wanted quantity over quality (time).

    2. I wonder how Kids #6-19 feel hearing their own father say they were no big deal.

    3. Was he talking about them personally or was he talking about the fact that once you have a large family, more kids don't seem that much harder? For me, going from 4 to 5 kids wasn't a big deal as far as being harder. It doesn't mean my youngest is not important.

    4. 9:37, he wasn't saying that his other kids weren't just as special or important. It's just that it's less of an adjustment since you already have a bunch of kids. That was true in my family. 3 was the hardest adjustment for us. 4 and 5 were less of an adjustment.

    5. I don't think he meant to be unkind. However, with so many kids they probably didn't see another one as anything but the "usual" thing that happened frequently.

    6. It was a joke. He was saying by the time you've had 5, you can handle more. And he was only referring to the number, not the children themselves. Don't read so much into things.

  44. It was a nice episode but kinda thrown together to keep us fans satisfied. The kids are growing up and coming into their own with a good foundation. I'm sure they want their privacy, but it would be LOVELY to see Justing & Claire's wedding, Jed's maybe (?), an update on Anna, and some new pics of all the grandkids. Also, I would love to see what's happening with the younger set of kids now that there are only half at home. I'll be waiting!!

  45. I didn’t understand this video at all. I don’t understand why the sound did not match what was going on. Why were there so many back and forth scenes showing people talking but no sound? I did not even try to watch hardly any of it. I hope they do not cont8nue to do episodes like this because Inwon’t watch it anymore.

    1. I didn't have that issue. Maybe you had a technological problem when you tried to watch?

  46. I liked seeing the show. Doesn't matter if it's out of order. We get to see some of the Duggars.
    It's especially nice to see the still-at-home little girls and how they've grown.

  47. It was a beautiful episode. It made me tear up. God bless

  48. His wife resembles Michelle.


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