
Sunday, February 28, 2021

Claire Turns 20

Justin Duggar and Claire Duggar

What a big weekend it has been for Justin and Claire! They got married on Friday, and Claire turned 20 on Saturday. Years ago, February was one of the only months when the Duggars didn't have a birthday to celebrate. Now, there are five Duggar birthdays in February. It sure is exciting to see their family grow. 

Photo courtesy


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!! May God bless your years to come:)

  2. Interesting. She got married the day before her birthday. Now she will have back to back celebrations.

    1. That's lucky because now she has all her family and in laws together because of the previous day wedding so she can have a big birthday celebration too before heading off for the honeymoon.

    2. My grandpa had it the same way said he had the best birthday present of his life that way ❤️

  3. Time 3:10PM Sun 2/28/21
    Happy 20th Claire Duggar she has
    The same BDAY as my older brother
    Jean who is now 37.

  4. A generation or so ago, neither would have been old enough to vote. They still aren't old enough to buy wine for cooking.

    1. Oh my that made me laugh... not old enough to buy wine for cooking.

    2. Who cares? I have never cooked with wine and my family and I are just fine.

    3. A generation or so ago it was perfectly normal to get married as young as 18. Why do you care?

    4. Well, that doesn't bother them.

    5. Is it 21 in the US to buy alcohol, here in the uk you need to be 18 or over but if Justin and Claire were here they would need ID with them as they both look younger, hang on but there's no chance as they don't consume alcohol,but it goes to show if you are seen as an adult at 18 and are allowed to do many things including marrying it means you are meant to be mature enough to marry, they shouldn't be criticized for being mature enough to marry, they didn't in the olden days.

    6. Or rent a car or hotel room from most business establishments.

    7. Don't need to worry about the wine, they don't believe in drinking. But, have to agree with you they are way to young to be married. They should be in college or trade school, dating around to see what they want in a lifetime partner, going out with friends. For all you people who married young and are still together that's great, but you did miss out on a lot.

    8. A generation ago they could have legally married younger and could have been at war younger too.

      What did we miss marrying young that was worth doing? I have precious children I wouldn’t trade in for anything. We built a life we are enjoying that I wouldnt trade for “fun” nights that I still was able to enjoy with my husband. Dating around for my friends resulted in lots of heart break . Didn’t look good from where I was and they all have said they regret most of it.

    9. No I didn’t. I was married at 18 and this month we celebrate 45 years married.

    10. You can't claim that marrying young is good, because there are plenty of examples otherwise. You can't say that dating around is bad, because there are examples otherwise for that, too. Lots of people date multiple people until they find The One. Nothing wrong with that. You get over "heart break" and the fact that it hurts tells you it wasn't right to begin with. Each person you date teaches you something not only about other people, but about yourself too - very important lessons to learn.

    11. Truthie, It's wonderful that you've been happy with your choices in life. We all have our own perspectives on things, with one way not necessarily being better than another. It depends on circumstances and the individuals. My parents married at age 20 because they were in the throes of WWII and my dad was being shipped overseas. They thought they'd never see each other again. My mom admitted to me many years later that they would've waited a couple of years had the situation been different. I dated quite a few guys, found the right one, married at 35, and just like you, I have no regrets. I was fortunate to earn a graduate degree and have a wonderful career. Being financially independent has been a good thing for me. I've had the best of both worlds really, two great kids and a wonderful husband for over 30 years. To each his or her own!

    12. Well. 11:09, you could have educated yourself further, traveled more, established a solid career, enjoyed single as an adult for starts!

    13. You can marry young and still do all the things a single person does (aside from dating / sleeping around). My husband and I worked, played and studied hard throughout our 20’s. We traveled and grew a lot as individuals and as a couple. Wouldn’t trade those years for anything. The problem is that Justin and Claire won’t do this. They will miss out on this aspect of youth. They will have babies immediately and settle into domestic responsibilities.

    14. 3:58, Being single is not all it's cracked up to be. I got education but was too busy working 2 or 3 jobs just to afford rent and never had time or money to travel. Plus.'s seriously LONELY and DEPRESSING when all you ever wanted was to be married and have a family and you don't have either.

    15. Uhhhhhhh, they don't take alcohol of any kind.

    16. I love the wisdom in some of the comments such a the one submitted by Truthie. I know that not everyone agrees and there different opinions and perspectives. One thing I know to be true is regardless of the age one gets married at its the foundation of the marriage that matters. A marriage founded on God and his values is much more likely to stand the storms regardless of how strong. I got married at seventeen and we will celebrate 24 years next month.

    17. My husband and I married at 22, right out of college. I thought that was pretty young. We will celebrate 47 years together this year. One of the advantages of marrying young is that you grow together and experience life changes together. You experience things together rather than waiting until after certain life changes, like job or career changes. You have an ally to help think things through. But my advise to those getting married younger to help make it succeed is to do just that. Realize that the way your at 20 can be different from 20 years from now. Realize that you will both grow and have hard times as well as good times. If you enter it with an attitude of adaptability and experiencing and facing life's challenges togehter, it can work very, very well if you want it to.

    18. I am bewildered by people who WANT others to suffer through loneliness and bad relationships just so they can get married later. If you meet the right person at 16 or 36 then go for it!

    19. I don't think there's a single poster on this board that "wants others to suffer through loneliness and bad relationships just so they can get married later". Many of us are over 30-35 and just have a lot of life experience and know the odds of young marriages succeeding are extremely slim (adding children to the mix early increases the odds of failure). The statistics are what they are. Does that mean every young marriage will fail? Of course not. Does that mean this marriage is doomed to failure? Of course not. It DOES mean that to date, a larger number of young marriages have failed than later-in-life marriages. It also means that a fair percentage of those young marriages involved at least one spouse identifying as Christian. The concerns being expressed here are largely by people (many of them fans) who care about these two young people and do not want to see either of them hurt in any way, at any point in time...whether that's at 16 or 36, somewhere in between or later. :)

    20. Good point, 10:06. There's a big lack of understanding that people don't have to live cookie cutter lives.

    21. Every one is different and unique. There are no such things as cookie cutter lives.

    22. 2:18, exactly. That's why no one should be saying what these young people "should" be doing with their lives.

  5. Here's hoping that Claire, had a fantastic 20th Birthday!!!!!!

  6. Hey Claire Happy Birthday!!!!! Hey U might be young, but at least U 2 will never die of a broken heart!!!!! That is always good!!!!

    1. No one dies of a broken heart. Also being legally married doesn’t guarantee a happily ever after.

    2. I have to agree with 1:31. I've known quite a few married couples who were broken hearted. A marriage certificate doesn't guarantee happiness!

    3. Not true. Some people have died after severe sorrow, such as the death of a loved one.

  7. Congratulations Claire on your & Justin big day. Hopefully we will see home videos of the wedding. 😀 Happy 20th 🎂 birthday. May God bless you. I can't wait to see what he has in store for you. My Mom and you share the same day. I can't wait to see everyone hopefully on counting on for a season 12. Now 1 year of coved 19. Natasha b

  8. 18-year olds are still "boys", and he looks like one.

  9. She’s really pretty in this picture!

  10. Claire could buy alcohol in multiple locations. 19 is the legal age in quite a few places.

    1. It's 21 in Arkansas and Texas so no matter where they live, she'll have to wait.

    2. Who cares? They don't drink.

    3. Truthie. In United States you have to be 21 to get alcohol. Overseas is 18.

    4. Didn’t know Canada was overseas 🤦🏽‍♀️ Didn’t catch the 20th century’s upgrades on the link I was reading. Looks like quite a few still allow under 21 to drink if they wished though. Just not purchase. If you can sign up for the Army at 18 you should be considered an adult in every way 🤷🏼‍♀️

    5. Central America was overseas if you asked Jill.

  11. They are doing what they want to do;)

  12. (Now, there are four Duggar birthdays in February. It sure is exciting to see their family grow.)
    Now, there are five birthday in February, 3 gradkids, grand-nephew Tyler and Claire.

  13. It's such a disgrace, IMO, that Claire, Kendra and Lauren, still very young people are treated more like adults with more 'rights' than 31 year old Jana ONLY because Jana isn't married. Something is terribly wrong with that way of thinking.

    1. Why do you think that? Just because she hasn’t moved out yet?

    2. Sometimes it's easier to stick with what someone knows, rather than try something new and different (the known vs. the unknown). Sometimes that can be a good thing; sometimes it can really limit personal growth.

  14. Happy birthday, Claire!!! I find it interesting how much she looks like Jana in my opinion lol. But happy bday nonetheless!!!

    1. She definitely resembles her from certain angles.

    2. My first thought when they announced a courtship was how much she resembled Jana.

  15. Happy Birthday Claire!!!

  16. They look like twins!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I wonder where they will be honeymooning and where they will live!?!?!?

    1. Hopefully they wait until after the pandemic to take a honeymoon. Nobody should be traveling for leisure right now.

    2. Yes, let's bankrupt any hotels and other tourist trades that have managed to hang on until now. Who cares if they can find ways to sanitize, distance, and otherwise make things safe for their patrons.

    3. @12:13 The point is to keep people alive. There are too many instances, when a person travels, for infection.

      And anyways, they can only travel within the US. Borders are closed.

    4. @12:13 How can any hotel guarantee that their guests don't arrive carrying the virus? They could have a negative test before traveling but pick it up in the airport or on the way. Are hotels putting all guests on separate floors with separate elevators and separate air supplies? If not, then they basically turn into a hospital for Covid patients.

    5. They could certainly honeymoon at an airbnb, a cabin, or some other spot where it's just them.

  18. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY CLAIRE Happiness and Blessings throughout the year.
    God Bless
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  19. I'm just curious was she dating one of the Duggar boys a couple years back and they broke it off. Or am I imagining things.

    1. The only Duggar boy she was dating was Justin. This relationship has been going on for a couple of years.

    2. Mascara makes a good birthday present.

  20. Wow, they had normal food and a somewhat traditional wedding/ reception, sans the first dance ,I'm sure. They are lil'darling though 😇

    1. Nothing says wedding like fix-your-own tacos.


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