
Monday, January 4, 2021

11-Year Blog Anniversary

We are few days late in writing our annual post about our blog anniversary, but better late than never, right? 

On December 26th, this blog turned 11 years old! That's right, we have been blogging about Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar and their family for one decade plus one full year. It has been a true honor to be a small part of their ministry to encourage others and share the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ with the world. This year, our page view count is up to 245 million.

For fun, we have inserted our very first blog header below. And how fitting that we just posted an updated one a few days ago (shout-out to the wonderful reader who designed it for us!).


  1. Thanks so much for all the info on the Duggar’s. Can your next blog be about Kendra or Abbie?

  2. Thanks so much for all the information on the Duggars. Could your next blog be about either Kendra or Abbie?

  3. Wow, 11 years. I had no idea. I've only been here maybe a year, if that. Thank you for doing the blog. I'm sure it's a lot of work. I think there are a lot more trolls that visit your blog, but enough good people on it that I've chosen to stay.

  4. 11 years! Yay! Socially distant happy dance....

    1. All of our interactions here are socially distant. 😄

  5. I don't think the Duggars (or this blog) have been sharing any religious news in a long time. More like engagement news, marriage news, baby news, and some other very un-religious news.

    1. You have a good point!

    2. Not that long,religion was mentioned at Easter and Christmas and the true meaning of those holidays , anyway blogs need to have a variety of subjects to keep them interesting and the blog is about the Duggar family so it's only natural it would share everything to do with the family.

    3. Thank you for your blog! I enjoy reading it. The new header is wonderful as well!

  6. Congratulations on 11 years. You've done a great job, and your efforts are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  7. Love your blog!!! Thank you! Thanks for letting the trolls do their thing. Love from Queenie Lovehart.

    1. Will the real Queenie Loveheart please stand up.

    2. Well said, Queenie. That's just what I was thinking. 😂

    3. I'm all for free speech, but often wonder why the trolls here bother posting. Their responses are so predictable. A Duggar woman wearing pants? A new announcement of a pregnancy? Jill not in a photo? Jana trying something new? Oh, here come the trolls, and you can write for them what they will say, they're so redundant.

    4. Haha, you're right, Debbie. They're so predictable.

  8. I really enjoy writing about what's on the blog. I can't believe it's been 11 years already. It seems like time has flown by. I definitely know me & a lot of other fans can't wait for new season of Counting On. I'm praying for season 12 to begin but I hope that season 12 will have Joe's & Kendra's 3rd babies birth in it as much as they can plus Justin's & Claire's courtship. Hopefully John & Abbie or Jessa & Ben may have something to say on season 12. Yes keep putting the Duggers & extended family members on here. Thank you, Natasha b

  9. Did you forget to add Tyler to the picture?

    1. Tyler is never forgotten. How much public exposure Tyler has, is for him and Michelle & JimBob to decide.

  10. Thanks for doing this blog. So many of us are blessed by your hard work!

  11. happy 11th anniversary! wow, i guess i've been following you for about 10 years now. thank you for all the work you put into this and the bates page, giving true and up-to-date info. i know i'm not the only one who appreciates you giving of your time to do this. happy new year and here's to another 11!

  12. Nice header,but in Joe and Kendra's photo they wrote baby girl as though she were in picture with them oh well as she will be around a year old by the time the header changes again I suppose she needed to be mentioned even if there's no photo of her,just thought I'd mention it, but we'll be seeing photos of her separately on this blog after she's born anyway.

    1. 7:22, there used to be spaces for the unborn babies, so if you looked at the picture you could know the exact family makeup.

  13. I think the new header is very nice. Much less confusing than the old one.

  14. Happy Anniversary

  15. Justin and Claire look like they are twins.

  16. Ladies you do a wonderful job. Realised over the past months of being at home just how much I enjoy reading & contributing to your blog, let’s hope you can continue to do work on the blog for many years to come.

  17. I bet you've seen your share of nasty comments over the years!

    1. No worse than some of the things the Duggars have said, I bet.

    2. ??? Why go there?

  18. Good job Ellie! Thank you for taking the time and effort to write these blogs. You show a good example of faithfulness and I'm sure you are an inspiration to many.

  19. I’ve been reading your blog since shortly before Jill got engaged. Thank you for your hard work over the years, making it possible for us to keep up with how things are going for the Duggars. :) Love the new header!

  20. Whoooooohoooo! Congrats! You all do a great job.

  21. Nice pictures. However Justin and Claire look like they should be attending Senior Prom at high school instead of getting married in short order.

    1. my personal opionion, Claire looks about 3-4 years older than Justin.

  22. Wow, your headers have come a long way! Congrats on the 11 years. I've been following since Josie's birth.

  23. I'm sure the person who created the new header worked very hard on it and the Bates header but personally I do not like it. It doesn't allow readers to see the faces of the children or even the adults properly. I prefer the previous blog where one could actually see who they were looking at. Keep the family pictures for the blog.

    1. Yes. I can't see the kids' faces, and it's just hard to look at it.

    2. I also find the new header hard to look at. It's almost like it's blurry and the font is too small. The pictures show up much better against the colored background on the bottom, while the ones on top seem to fade into the white.

    3. It looks like a screen shot or a copy/pasted image, not crisp clear graphics.

    4. i agree with you OP, however still appreciate the time you took to work on it.

  24. I really like the new header and how the pictures are formatted with family groups!

  25. It’s great that you decided to make this blog. Thanks for showing us your first header! Thanks for keeping up with new headers regularly! You’re doing a great job!

  26. Who is Lily and why is she mentioned? I understand she used to be a part of the blog years ago but not any longer. So why to mention her?

    1. I think Lily is Ellie’s mom. “Why to mention her?” Because she probably still does work behind the scenes, and even if she doesn’t, she should still be credited with starting this blog with Ellie, who might’ve been a teenager then?

  27. I don't why but your header looks super blurry for me :(

  28. Congratulations on your 11th year blog. The new header is nice. Wishing you many more years. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  29. Happy Blog-adversery! I've been following this blog for 7 years this year (2021). Found it by accident when I was looking for the Duggar family birthdays (back when only Josh and Anna were the only ones married and with kids and Jill and Jessa where courting their then future husband's Derrick and Ben). I was 14 and this year I will be 22. I just this past year got back into reading it regularly after I got out of reading it (except occasionally) following the scandal in 2017. Mainly because my mom held a huge grudge and hate for the family for calling themselves Christian's when they were hiding a huge secret and lie behind the world's back. It made our household stop watching their follow-up show Counting On,the blog and Facebook pages for good. That is except me still following the blog behind my family's back (since until last year when I got my own Google account,my mom could see what I looked at on the internet,so I had to be careful and not look at the blog much). After the affair of the scandal calmed down that summer,I decided to do the Christian thing and forgive and not hold a grudge against the Duggars the rest of my life. Keep up the good work ladies. Haley P. from Colorado

    1. Why are you keeping your interest in the Duggar family a secret from your family? I don't understand. There's nothing wrong with either watching their show or following them on the blog.

    2. 2:28, she explained that her family doesn't want her to.

  30. I go to your blog as the most reliable source. The internet is so unreliable. Just a suggestion for the pictures the guys wearing hats their face is in shadow could you change the pictures so so their handsome faces are not covered. The banner looks great otherwise. Thank you and God bless you all.

  31. You do a great job running the blog Ellie :-)

  32. Congratulations!! I have enjoyed reading it for at least 6 years.

  33. I visit your blog often, as I stopped watching the show long ago. The footage was repeated way too often.

  34. Congratulations Lily and Ellie on 11 successful great blog years. You do a wonderful job! I have enjoyed reading it for all 11 years. Best wishes for many more.

  35. Thanks for your hard work writing this blog, and the one on the Bates family, and your own Nashville Wife blog, Ellie!

    My opinion of the Duggars has plummeted since seeing videos of the huge New Years Eve party held at their home, attended by what looked like well over 50 people of all ages, from multiple households, many of whom traveled from other states to attend. Some of those people now are in Washington DC to protest, no masks in sight at either event. I am disgusted at their "witness." They may think COVID is a "hoax" or that they will be protected by their prayers, but for people who have lost loved ones and suffered through enduring this pandemic illness, this is a slap in the face.

    I have lost interest and respect for the Duggar family.

  36. So does this mean you are fully supporting ALL Duggar/Bates actions?

    1. Why does it matter?

    2. This question sounds like a set-up to find a reason to attack the blogger.

    3. 8:13, this site has never been about posting gossip and we rarely see her post opinions. You're free to start your own blog and run it however you wish.

    4. We can enjoy the blog without knowing her personal politics or opinions. She doesn't "owe" us access to her personal thoughts. This blog is not about her. If you suspect she might think differently than you and that bothers you, you certainly don't have to read the blog.

    5. Oh, let her post whatever she wants on her own blog.

    6. Yeah, I don't think it's a legitimate question. This blog isn't about the blogger's personal beliefs, and we all know if she shares those beliefs she's going to get attacked by someone. We have such a volatile online culture right now, not to mention the cancel culture that thinks it has the right to shut up anyone who doesn't agree with it, that I think it's a better idea to stick to the blog's purpose, which is to share Duggar family news. If you want to start your own Duggar attack blog, feel free. I'm confident that would fit the cancel culture's agenda and be perfectly safe from getting shut down.

  37. One problem with the beautiful new header : If Michelle has two or three more kids, where would you put them. There’s no room next to Josie. And please no one say it’s impossible. It’s not. Modern medicine is a miracle. There are embryo implants. And there are possible surrogates—like one of the older girls.

    1. Michelle is not going to do embryo implants. There are enough grandbabies coming yearly for her to get her fill of babies. All the snuggling but none of the work.

    2. I seriously don't think that's going to be an issue.

    3. Michelle is not going to have other children, she's not going to have embryo implants, and if her daughters carry babies, they will be their own babies. Michelle is done.

    4. After what happened with Josie and Jubilee, her body was telling her enough was enough. The older girls are busy having their own children and don't need to volunteer to be surrogates. The header is safe.

    5. I think that Michelle is quite content with the new grandbabies coming into the family. I think if Jim Bob and Michelle would have had another baby, they would have tired after losing Jubilee. Maybe that lost, was harder on them, then we think.


    6. They did try again after Jubilee, since they do nothing to prevent conception. I'm sure Michelle has worked through all the emotions of childbearing years ending and is focused on enjoying the family she does have.

  38. Oh for Pete’s sake. I guess if by some miracle Michelle has more kids the header could be revamped again. Curious, do you honestly believe that they would use a daughter as a surrogate just to have more kids? Or an embryo transplant? Would that be letting God decide how many kids they have? I highly doubt it.

    1. The Lord gave us the technology to do implants and surrogates. Many babies are happy to have arrived on earth because of this technology. God is good.

  39. Congrats on 11 years. I've been following the Duggar blog for a long time and appreciate all that you do. Thank you Hag

  40. Yes it was time for a new header and I can only imagine the difficulty in putting also fifty people in a small space. However, this new header is very difficult to see. Perhaps you only need to change the background color.

  41. 9:55: Good idea re surrogates! -Would be an interesting story for TLC to track and film.

    1. It's not a good idea. 19 kids is more than enough. Besids, what about letting God decide? If she hasn't had any more, it must be his idea.

    2. Not going to happen, 8:24. I doubt the cancel culture is going to let them be on the air anymore anyway, since we're starting the process of shutting down conservatives.

    3. Anon 6:03. What is "cancel culture"? If the show is cancelled it's because the network thinks it's no longer profitable, nothing else. Network TV is all about $$$ not "shutting down conservatives".

    4. 11:55, either you're naive or unaware. Cancel culture has been getting worse and worse, silencing conservative voices.

    5. 11:55, cancel culture is NOT referring to canceling tv shows, although it can include that. It refers to silencing voices that disagree with you by canceling book contracts, tv shows, endorsements, removing from social media, etc. I'd someone has said something others disagree with. It could even be something someone wrote or said years ago. Now it's extending to talk of impeaching (not talking about the president), removing access to bank accounts, and removing college degrees. It's always been unfair, but now it's becoming something you would see in a communist country. When people are referring to some Democrars as communists, it's based on a good reason.

    6. TV used to be about Money, Ratings and now they are all about not upsetting the cancel culture.

  42. I like previous header a little better than this one, only few picture needed to fix on old previous one, because all the married couple with children are too same to see all them properly. Especially Josh & Anna Duggar family

    1. I like the family grouping idea and all of the single Duggars individually featured. If we could somehow just "stretch" the header a bit to make the family pictures the same size as the individual ones (they are a little small to see clearly). Realizing that's probably like asking for the stars and the moon, design-wise and work-wise! LOL Although I'm married to an IT guy, I know nothing about website design and banners-I'm sorry!


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.