
Sunday, December 13, 2020

Snow in Arkansas

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Northwest Arkansas has had some wintry weather today, with a total snow accumulation of several inches. For an area with an average annual snowfall of just over half a foot, today's storm was significant.

Joseph Duggar, Addison Duggar, Kendra Duggar, Garrett Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. MO- Wow, I see the snow but it must not be too cold... No one has as much as a winter jacket on. But it is pretty! :o)

    1. I used to live in Minnesota, and it wasn't always "cold" feeling when it snowed, more so if it was windy.

    2. @5:40 I don't care how the Duggars choose to dress ourdoors. However, I will say this- I've lived in Minnesota for 66 years. In order for it to snow, atmospheric temperatures must be at or below freezing, regardless of wind. I'd say that's "cold".
      Everything is relative, however. 32 degrees F can feel downright balmy when compared to zero degrees or anything below, along with a stiff breeze. That's why it's not unusual to see Minnesotans outside in their shirtsleeves on a 32 degree January day.

  2. AWE!!! What a sweet photo, of Joe, Kendra, Garrett and Addison. Also, happy belated birthday to Austin.

  3. What happened to Kendra? She looks so tired and much older than 22!

    1. She’s pregnant with baby #3

    2. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with the way she looks. I think she looks happy! And those boys are adorable!

    3. Kendra looks great....not sure what you are seeing๐Ÿ˜ฒ

    4. Having two kids under three close together and being pregnant with your third will do that to you!

    5. She looks fine, and she looks her age.

    6. Marriage happened, two babies happened, and now she is pregnant again.

    7. Well she’s about to have 3 under 3 so...

    8. Well she has 2 toddlers and is pregnant!!!

    9. Looks like a beautiful mama of 2 and expecting to me! I looked way more tired than her at that point ๐Ÿ˜Š

    10. It's called pregnancy and morning sickness.

    11. Kendra looks amazing, and I don't find her looking tired or older than her age. On opposite, she looks great and happy.

    12. Joe needs to help her. She looks so tired.

    13. 3:46, joe can help by not getting her pregnant for at least a year after the third one is born. I will be impressed if he does that.

    14. Well the average 22 year old does not have 2 kids and is pregnant again. So obviously Kendra will look more tired than the average 22 year old.

    15. She doesn't look "so tired," she looks fine and happy. Also, I'm positive Joe helps when he can.

  4. That cute for a Christmas card! Next year they will be taking pictures with a new baby girl. Kendra now does not even look that she is pregnant, she looks amazing, the same face (no swelling as usually happens with pregnancy), all smiles. Kids are adorable.

    1. How can you tell if Kendra has swelling in her face or not with her extremely chubby cheeks anyway?

    2. And than maybe pregnant again.

  5. Dressed in suits and ties on a Sunday...they were at church in person, weren't they? Is that advisable for a pregnant woman in a pandemic?

    1. It's not advisable for anyone to be going to large gatherings during a pandemic! COVID doesn't care if it's church or a family event!

    2. Pregnant women can wear a mask and social distance just like everyone else.

    3. They are pictured right outside their home, so hopefully they got dressed up to watch church online. Some people do. Unlike me, watching church in my jammies.

    4. They were obviously going to church or something else that required dressing up. I fear with how reckless this whole family has been this year about visiting each other that they will get the virus at some point, if they haven't had it already. It's the small gatherings and friends/family celebrations that's driving the numbers up right now. Christmas is going to cause another spike the way Thanksgiving did, maybe worse.

    5. Yes, it is advisable for a "pandemic" with an over 99% survival rate.

    6. They can do what they want

    7. If pregnant women can go shopping or fly in an airplane, they can go to church.

    8. @10:51, why is pandemic in quotation marks?

    9. Flying is safer than gathering anywhere else in person. Pregnant women are getting blood clots in the placenta from Covid.

    10. Or they came out to do a Christmas photo for a Christmas card because it was snowing, and it would make for a great picture.

    11. She should stay at home with the childeren. Its a pandemic.

    12. 12:36AM: Who gave the Duggar family that incredible privilege, that "they can do what they want"? They don't have to do their part for society, during a pandemic? My oh my, to be famous and just do what you want. While the rest of us regular folk tow the line, right? Wow!

    13. Maybe they are dressed up for the pictures, for a WhatsApp call with the grandparents or a church group, etc. Don't be so quick to judge !

    14. 1:09, how is sitting elbow-to-elbow with people in a small space for hours safer than anywhere else?

    15. @8:16 Flying isn't 100% safe, but some airlines are keeping middle seats open to try to put more space between passengers. They've also cracked down big time on mask wearing, no exceptions, and if you refuse to cooperate, you'll be banned for life from that airline (they have hundreds of new people on the No Fly lists this year). Beyond that, the air exchange in planes has always been good - exchanged every few minutes and put thru HEPA filters, even before the pandemic started. Some airlines are spacing out flight schedules so they have time to go in and "fog" the passenger compartment with sanitizer between takeoffs. Others are diligently wiping down all surfaces. Snacks and drinks have been suspended on some flights so people will leave their masks on the whole time. All that said, it's still not 100% foolproof being in a plane, because you have to go through a lot of hoops before you're seated, with plenty of other possible exposure points in a terminal. But if I had to choose between sitting for an hour in a plane or sitting for an hour in church or around someone's dinner table, I'd choose the plane.

  6. All that snow sounds like a Christmas blessing to them. My parents live in Oklahoma, where it rarely snows, and they got a little bit, too. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let's hope we can get back to a normal life in 2021.

    1. If I remember correctly from other posts, you are a COVID-denier. Thanks to people acting like you, we won't be getting back to normal anytime soon!

  7. They look wonderful.
    Merry Christmas to all!

  8. U 2 have the best cutest family, and I am proud that U 2 worked out!!!! Merry Christmas, and a very happy New Years!!!!!! I love U 5!!!!!

  9. Time 7:58PM Mon 12/14/20
    Nice photo of Kendra & Joe Duggars
    Kids. Time ❤❤❤๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿงธ๐Ÿงธ๐Ÿงธ๐ŸŒˆ

  10. addison looks like mom. sweet photo

  11. What a sweet family picture! It's almost a whit Christmas for them.

  12. With several inches of snow hopefully you got to take the sleds out. I love the picture of Joseph, Kendra, Addison and Garrett. The kids are getting so big.
    I'm excited for the special coming up with Jinger❣️ Hopefully means the season will start in a few months. Natasha b.

    1. Yes.--- the political sign sleds LOL!!!!!

    2. Hoping the season starts soon! Can’t wait!

    3. Oh definitely time to get the sleds out!

    4. They have 2 sets of failed political campaign sign sleds to choose from now.

  13. What a beautiful picture! I love your sweet family!! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  14. These kids need coats on!

    1. For a quick selfie? Maybe they just went outside for a quick picture.

    2. Depends where you live I guess but my kiddos are usually pretty good without coats in a light snow for a little while ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♀️

    3. I’m sure they just popped out for a quick photo in their cute outfits.

    4. And hats and mittens, please!

    5. They came out to make a phone for a family Christmas card!!! That was supposed to be a nice Winter photo, when it was snowing (rare in Arkansas).

    6. At 3:28 how do you make a phone for a Christmas card? I want to try that. It sounds like fun. Natasha b

  15. I would think those young ones would have hats on in snow!

    1. They probably were only outside for a minute to get a picture

    2. I can never understand why some parents don't put hats on their babies heads or have them dressed warmly but are barefooted. Makes no sense to me. At least put some booties on their feet.

    3. It looks like they're outside their house? So maybe they snapped a quick picture on the way from house to car or vice versa. Kind of looks like they weren't expecting snow.

    4. The critical comments never fail.

    5. That does irritate me when I’m in the grocery store and see babies with no socks on their feet or anything, especially when it’s cold outside!

    6. Babies kick socks off. For all you know, those babies in the store could have lost their socks between home and the store.

    7. 10:03 That is why as a mom you always have a spare pair of socks in your purse or the car, along with the million other things moms need to carry just in case.

  16. Lovely family photo. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. Great picture! Joe & Kendra are such a nice couple and their children are adorable.

  18. Why are none of them in hats, gloves, and coats in snow????

    1. Well some of us live in places where it isn’t actually that cold in a light snow. If I bundled up my kids in all that for a light snow they would come in soaked in sweat. I am guessing their kids were just fine especially for a few minutes ❤️

  19. What a lovely photo of Joe,Kendra and their son and daughter, Garrett and Addison! Used to live in the Northeast where winters got really cold and snow would pile up. As children we loved to sled down our neighbors hill. We would often have a hat and mittens so full of snow and sludge your fingers would be frozen. We survived, red rosy cheeks and fingers that thawed as soon as we warmed up with a cup of hot chocolate. For lovely Christians, I never can get over the judging and awful comments made about other people.

    1. If they're lovely Christians, they're not the ones making awful comments.

  20. Joe and Kendra are my favorite of the couple's and seem so happy together. Their kids are sooo Adoreable!!!

  21. What a lovely family photo. I hope the kids got to play in the nosw. Merry Christmas.

  22. Doesn't Addison look just like her mom now ?

  23. Very cute family photo. I doubt they were out there long enough to get cold, as nobody's noses or hands are even slightly red (even the children's).


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