
Saturday, December 26, 2020

Duggars Pose with Santa

Merry Christmas to all! To celebrate the season, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar hosted a Duggar family get together that included a gift exchange. Not everyone was able to attend in person (some dialed in via video chat), but Santa Claus managed to make an appearance. Below is a group photo and a link to a home video from Jessa.

Duggar family Christmas 2020

Video: Duggar Christmas 2020 by Jessa Seewald

Photo courtesy


  1. Family being together, as it should be. The physical distance between people is a "contract' between the individuals involved. The government has no right to issue such decrees.

    1. That's all well and good, as long as they quarantine afterwards and stay away from the general public for a period of time. No one has the right to engage in risky behavior that can potentially spread an infectious disease to others during a pandemic.

    2. Very nice comment, 7:08PM.
      Thank you.

    3. Studies show that if you don't have Covid or if you do test positive but are not contagious, you can't pass Covid. So let's all calm down. The death rate is very low. I know two people who've tested positive. One had zero symptoms (and is 85 with diabetes) and the other is 65 and felt achy and tired. None of their family members got it. There are medications for those with more extreme symptoms, and the doctors who have promoted these medications have been silenced for MONTHS. That's on the media and social media outlets who have been silencing their voices -- literally taking down their posts and videos from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc -- and not on the rest of us who are trying to live our lives. If this were truly the "pandemic" they're trying to sell (to control us), we would be disposing of our PPE in hazmat disposals instead of throwing them here and there.

    4. Very nice comment 5:24AM. Thank you.

    5. Well said, 5:24 AM!!!!!!!!!!!

    6. @7:08 That is exactly the kind of toxic individualism that has driven the pandemic numbers all year. If you're not going to stay away from others voluntarily then someone has to stop you. I wish it could be me and others like me, but I'll take the government controlling you instead.

    7. A 7:08: a “contract” exists between two people who don’t want to distance? Fine. But no contract exists when one or both of those people subsequently passes their newly-aquired virus to their family, shoppers at the grocery store, or people foolishly gathering in crowded places. Where’s the contract with those people?

  2. 😢 why isn't Jill there? Make up with her, please!

    1. Jessa herself posted a comment on the youtube version of this. It was simply that Jill and Derick chose not to attend.

    2. Jill was invited, but chose not to come. It's Jill's fault that her kids were not there enjoying the big family celebration.

    3. Shame on people who make assumptions, remark negatively, and pose unfair questions about their handling of their family and Covid without having all the detail and facts behind the choices. Your gossips and really not very mature or spiritually correct with trying to shame or challenge them when they would NEVER make those comments on any of you. With 19 children and so many inlaw members and grandchildren......there will always be differences and choices you can not possibly judge because you don't have all the truths and facts surrounding the actions. Out of 19 ...its not really a big deal there are problems or differences between a couple of them. Its remarkable they function as well as they do and they do a whole lot more right than wrong why question or judge ....Surely you know if your family and circumstances were made public there would be many speaking harshly against you too don't be one of those type of people...who know they are not perfect but they try to blame others for not being perfect..... Its neither kind, loving, wise or mature to make such comments. Pray for them don't judge them and stop the Gossip....its Ugly and makes me realize your not someone I would want to know. Surely you can do more for your world than waste your time trying to shame and hurt others. I hope you rethink before judging and gossiping. I enjoy the Duggar family and we think they have tried to do their best .realize we all have to learn and grow as we age.....None of you are doing better just think you are. No one is perfect...and few do as much good as they do ...quite gossiping please ...its ugly and unkind..

    4. You make it sound as if this is something being done to Jill, I believe that Jill has made a choice to live her life and most likely declined the invitation. Jill has a family of four and in-laws....she just may have had other plans.

    5. Jill is the smart Duggar. She and Derick are protecting themselves, their children and Derick's mother

    6. I think it’s pretty obvious Jill chose to distance herself (or Derrick chose for her).

    7. Time 8:00AM Tues 12/29/20
      Smart Duggar really? I FIND IT VERY

    8. Needy Constant December 29, 7am. Someone just made a quick comment about Jill. Maybe they meant Jill is still not ready to BOND with her entire family. They just voiced there own opinion. I myself feel she is smart. Might mean COVID smart for not going Happy New Year Nedy Constant . Mary Keim Hambden Twp., Ohio

  3. Is this covid savy? I honestly don't think so, but all can do what they want.

    1. Yes, it's nice to do what you want, under normal circumstances. However, when things go wrong, as they have for almost 20 million people now in the US, and you need health care from someone, that's when you need to stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about what YOUR actions are doing to others. People have lost their lives, their loved ones' lives, and health care workers have been forced to the breaking point, sometimes losing their lives as well, all while dealing with a virus spread when people were too close together. A lot of that closeness was preventable, such as Christmas gatherings.

  4. Beautiful Christmas Video. Merry Christmas from my family to yours. May 2021 bring us all happiness, prosperity and health. Pray all stay safe.

  5. Oh Lauren with the hat

    1. She was participating and seemed happy to be there...

    2. What does participation have to do with her wearing strange hats? Lol

    3. I think Lauren is probably a really nice person in real life. She looks cute in a hat and maybe Josiah finds that attractive, but it did seem really out of place and showy in this situation (like dress up for the photographer).

  6. That was an amazing party! My concern only would be aren't they afraid that one of them could catch Covid somewhere in a store or anywhere, and then the whole party would get it?? There was at least 22 Duggars (parents, children and their spouses) and 15 grandkids.

    1. Most people (way over 95%) don't die of it. Most will recover or have and not even know it. It's the elderly and those with certain risk factors that have to be concerned and take extra precaution. They are all relatively young (including Jim Bob and Michelle) so it would be highly improbably that if one of them got it they would have a severe reaction. All the fear mongering is out of control considering the low death rate for the young and healthy percentage wise.

    2. Merry Christmas to the Dugger family! May 2021 be a great year for them and to everyone of us! God Bless them and everyone!

    3. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to the whole Dugger family! May 2021 be a great year for them. God Bless them and everyone! No More Covid-19 in 2021!

    4. Better check facts and figures 12:38. Doctors have found dangerous heart inflammation in 30% of Covid patients. It's also causing strokes, kidney damage, lung damage, brain damage, and pulmonary embolisms. Even a mild case can have lasting effects such as hair loss, memory loss, brain fog, skin rashes, circulation problems, smell and taste loss, and neurological problems. Talk to the survivors. They are NOT "fear mongering." They are real people with real problems from a virus that has disrupted their lives. You don't need to become a death statistic to have your life and health ruined by a case of Covid.

  7. Lots of fun by all. I wonder is somebody accidently took the wrong gift home?

    1. I wonder if anyone took the wrong kid home...

    2. I wonder if anyone accidentally took the wrong kid home

    3. I'll bet there were dozens of lost pieces of toys in and under those couches.

    4. These replies are PRICELESS!

  8. Merry Christmas to all the Duggars. You're my favorite family. I'm so glad you had Santa Claus at your Christmas party. 🎅 Natasha b

  9. Happy Holidays to you Duggars. A nice note to leave for others who comment is no one please slam the Duggars for this gathering at Christmas. Yes,I know COVID19 cases are bad right now,but this picture is a blessing to me. Family is more important than ever during these hard times. I love you guys and pray you all stay well as 2020 closes and 2021 comes. Sad that the ongoing feud with Jill is still going on and she,Derrick and the boys are absent and Jinger and Jeremy and the girls could not travel from California due to the state being in strict orders from their crazy governor and of course having an almost 1 month old child. And its best not to travel with a new baby either. With love from Colorado, Haley P.

    1. Pray to stay well?I'm sorry but I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, you need to actually use precautions to keep Covid away, Santa isn't part of the family so they are obviously not doing that, someone is going to get infected sooner or later with the way they are behaving.

    2. California crazy governor? What is crazy about trying to control the spread of the disease? And Jill could have made the decision to protect herself and her family by staying at home.

  10. I thought they didn't believe in or celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus so this is rather surprising.

    1. Yes, I am not condemning them, but you are right. Years ago, they said they celebrate Jesus' birth and do not incorporate the secular side of Christmas. Course, there has been a lot of modifying made in their original stance of their Christian beliefs lately.

  11. If the way the Duggar's love and spend time with their large family terrifies you. If you are concerned for every health care worker in the state of Arkansas because the Duggar's had a get together, then you should probably stop checking in on the Duggar's. They will keep seeing each other. That is their choice. Maybe some of the family members chose to stay home, that is their choice.
    My husband works in health care in Illinois. He is around people with Covid for 10-12 hours per shift. We didn't see our parents for 4 months that was our choice, to keep our parents safe. After 4 months of perfect health in our immediate family my parents begged us to come visit them. They said they would rather get sick then die of missing their children and grandchildren. My husbands parents made the same choice to see us after 5 months. That is their choice. After 10 months of caring for people with Covid we are all still in perfect health. We don't go anywhere except the grocery store and our families homes who have chosen to take a 1%-2% chance of dieing in order to keep living. We are not afraid of getting sick or dieing. We will not be around anyone who is afraid. Anyway I hope the Duggar's had a wonderful Christmas.

    1. I bet you'd change your mind if you were dying. Our friend, who always said he wasn't afraid of Covid, changed his mind about that when he was dying. He wanted to live. Wanted to see his unborn grandchild. He died Dec 12.

    2. You are ignoring an important detail- If everyone had your attitude about being fine with taking a risk of getting sick or dying, our health care system would suffer the consequences. Even now, hospitals are bursting with new cases and health care workers are stretched thin while putting themselves at risk for infection by caring for many, like you and the Duggars, who are willing to be careless with not only their own lives, but others.

    3. @3:49 So right, and so sad. I've even heard people say that they regretted doing what they did to catch the virus because it's absolutely horrible to go through and left them with ongoing health problems. People who claim "it's not so bad, there's only a 1% chance of dying" forget that they could permanently wreck their health (or the health of someone around them) if they catch it and live. A 3 year old had a stroke from Covid the other day! It made national news.

    4. My husband is a Paramedic and they are very busy taking people to the hospital with Covid. And then with about 95 percent of they people they take to the hospital they must then return them to there home a few hours later because the Covid ward has determined they do not need to be there. My cousin works in a Covid ward and has said the same thing. The system is bogged down by people panicking and going to the hospital when the do not need to.

    5. 2:58 -- I hear the same thing from those who work in the ER. The MSM is driving this unwarranted panic. The vast majority of those who test positive have mile symptoms and recover just fine. I've known a 85 year old who had no symptoms and was tested negative again within a week or two. A 63 year old man who had fatigue only. Neither required hospitalization or drugs. Covid is real, but let's leave the hospitals open for those who actually need them.

    6. @2:58 Let me tell you about my friend's husband. Hospitalized on a Friday with Covid. Sent home Saturday, even though he was diabetic and obese and at high risk. Returned to the hospital on Sunday by ambulance when he passed out at home, unable to breathe. Died 5 days later in the hospital. Nobody was panicking. The case load is causing hospitals to have to make difficult decisions and send people home to make more space for those in even worse shape. But that doesn't mean the ones who went to the hospital didn't need medical care.

    7. @11:30 You're making it sound as if people are going to the hospital and/or being kept there when it's not needed, as if it's the patient who decides if they get to stay or not. That's what hospital triage is for! And even with proper triage, hospitals are bursting at the seams right now with patients who definitely need that kind of care!

    8. @12:01 Sorry about your friend's husband. I would expect that paramedics are trained to know when to take someone to the hospital or not.

      @2:58 Seems to be a waste of resources for ambulances to transport people home from the hospital. They should only do that if the person is too sick to get home by themselves/picked up by family.

  12. I thought they didn’t believe in Santa because Christmas is just Jesus’ birthday...they have really done away with all their old believes...

    1. It was a relative. He may not have asked if he could come dressed as santa. They didn’t act like he was really santa or say the gifts were from him.

    2. 7:22 ----- How do you know this? Were you at their family party?

    3. If I truly didn't believe in Santa and didn't want my children to believe in that image, and someone came to the house dressed that way, I'd stand with my convictions and offer that person other clothes to change into. Obviously Jim Bob was OK with this in his own house or it wouldn't have happened. So that still leaves the question of why Jim Bob was OK with Santa after openly stating that the family didn't celebrate that part of Christmas.

    4. How do we know who it was or what the intention?

  13. I'm confused here. The Duggar parents went on tv and absolutely stated that they don't 'do Santa" or any other non religious Christmas symbols/practices. Jim Bob said that they wanted their children to not think that a man in a red suit can fix their problems and bring them what they want in's only Jesus who could do that for them, etc. So, why now is a tree and a Santa Claus in attendance OK? Also, I caught a glimpse of Anna in the video. I truly believe that she is expecting again. Is this true?

    1. They said they didn't want to lie to their children about Santa being the one bringing presents,they most likely know that a man dressing up as Santa is a Christmas tradition and are enjoying the fun that other families have,like once they went to visit a science museum about evolution,they said they didn't believe in those things but they visited for fun.

    2. Maybe people change, and Jim Bob realized Santa isn't so bad?

    3. I'm convinced that the TV show is a facade. The way they really are comes out in the pictures they post and the things they do when TV isn't filming. I don't find that being true to themselves, to us, or to their religious principles. They aired what they wanted to sell us and wanted us to believe, a picture of a large devout thrifty family. Meanwhile they did whatever they wanted to, Josh's behavior being one example and shunning Jill's family another. What we need next is a new series showing what really goes on in that house, no editing. Now that would be something to watch.

    4. Anonymous @ 10:19- I totally agree with you. There have been enough inconsistencies and information has come out over the last four years that a lot of what we were told on the show and in Growing Up Duggar was not true. Our issue in our household is that if some of it is "enhanced"/"stretched"/"exaggerated"/"over-dramatized" for the show, isn't that the same as lying? So, if some of it isn't exactly true, then how can you trust that any of it is true? Those are questions raised by our teenage daughter, who avidly read Growing Up Duggar and believed the Duggars were what they were presenting...until Josh and all the inconsistencies began coming to light. We're just really glad her faith wasn't in the Duggars, but in Jesus. It's provoked some good discussion about the dangers of following men instead of God, how a little yeast works its way through the dough (a little self-deception leads to deceiving others), minimizing sin by calling it by a less-offensive name, and the dangers of dishonesty (if they're dishonest, how can you trust they're being honest about anything else).

    5. If they want to change their minds about how they do Christmas, it’s fine. Like they changed their minds about all wearing matching prairie dresses when they go out! That’s fine too!

    6. @10:30 It sounds as if you're taking the right approach in your family. It's a shame when a TV show or a book that's supposed to be about a family who puts the Bible, Jesus, and others first and foremost turns out to be something you have to explain to your children like that. It's good you're having those discussions, but a shame that the Duggars of all people are the examples why.

    7. "Minimizing sin" @ 10:30PM Yes, that's exactly what bothered me about the time that Jim Bob and Michelle went on TV to try to explain away what was going on behind the scenes in their family. So wrong.

  14. Wow! Happy to see they are letting the little ones enjoy Santa. Wasn’t sure they allowed this.

    Sad sad to see no Jill. I think it’s worse than we know.

    1. I saw a post written by Jessa herself on the youtube version of this. Jill's family is not being ostracized. According to Jessa, Jill and Derick chose not to attend.

    2. What’s so sad about someone wanting to spend time with her MIL as well as keeping their public school child safe? I think it’s very sweet and noble of Jill to be respectful of the fact her MIL is high risk,

    3. So why would Jill "choose" not to attend when all the rest of her Duggar family was there? Because things are still too tense? Very big of them to invite Jill, but things must still be so bad that she doesn't feel comfortable attending. That negates the invitation.

    4. Jill has had sisters over to her house all this year so she's not doing everything possible to keep her MIL safe.

  15. So much for keeping Christmas focused on religious things. The Duggars have really changed their tunes from what they told us on 19KAC.

  16. I hope they didn't give Santa COVID!

  17. So...they’ve decided not to boycott Santa anymore, despite their previously-stated closely held beliefs?

    1. Yep. My how things have changed.

    2. He was an uncle. They didn’t tell the kids he was really santa

    3. @7:23 Then that turns it into a costume like on Halloween, and they don't believe in that concept.

  18. This is puzzling. The Duggars posing with not only a Christmas tree, but Santa, no less! If memory serves, those secular holiday frivolities were at one time frowned upon by this family. What gives?

    1. I think Santa was for the grandchildren.

  19. Great video by Jessa. Thanks so much for letting us into your home. The big tree was beautiful. A couple of suggestions for futre videos. I know Jessa did this mainly for her family and kids. I don't suggest less of that. But I would like to see more of the other kids and grandkids. For ex, they cut off Evy Mae before we got to see her gift. I would like to see everyone included in this day. The kids are growing up beautifully, all the younger kids and grandkids. Jordyn sure does love her niece Ivy. Bella is growing up to be very pretty. She has changed along the way. At first I thought she looked like Lauren, then Si. Now is see both of them. I love her big eyes like her mom, but she has Si's coloring. Grace is also very pretty. I wonder if John and Abbie will have the first twin grandchildren at some point. Abbie has twin sisters and John is a twin, so it would not surprise me. I was a little afraid the ladder might fall since it wasn't braced against anything. It is a clever ladder, but please be careful. Josh's kids are really growing up. They take good pictures. Jenni is still quiet, but very pretty. I am still hoping she becomes a vet if she wants to. Jordyn seems much happier than a few years ago. Josie is becoming prettier as a preteen than she was as a toddler. In a few years with some make-up she will be very pretty. Johanna looks like Joy's twin. It was interesting to see Lauren Caldwell. She seems to like the Duggars. Jackson is getting tall.
    Missed Justin, Jill and Derick's family and Jinger and Jeremy's family.
    It is sad not to see Israel and Sam interact with the cousins. Everyone seemed happy. Again, thanks for sharing this very family time with all of us. If I missed anyone, you all looked great.

    1. Twins generally don't have anything at all to do with heredity, or genetics. Identical twins are a spontaneous occurence that happens roughly 1 in 90 births. Fraternal twins, on the other hand, occur when a woman drops multiple eggs. This could have something to do with heredity, although it typically happens more often as a woman ages. Also, fertility drugs can cause a woman to drop multiple eggs.
      And of course, there are the instances when women have multiples as a result of multiple embryos being implanted in their uteruses.

    2. Thank you for the video of the family,loved it!

    3. IMO this family needs to TURN OFF the cameras and stop seeking attention from the public. I don't "share" my family times with total strangers.

    4. It is sad to see someone posting here about children’s looks and how they might be improved with make-up.

    5. 2:09 -- As long as there's a demand, there will be a supply. In other words, if you truly feel they should be off the air, then don't consume them. Don't read about them or come to this site.

    6. 10:18 You're thanking Jessa for "letting us into their home"? She has a YouTube channel and films these vlogs to make money. She should be thanking anyone who subscribes or watches!

    7. 6:20 Are you a geneticist that knows all?

    8. 2:31 I meant nothing negative. Why do you have to make it so? My comments were intended as complimentary, in all ways, to everyone in the video. They all looked great and happy.

    9. 6:20 If you're a woman and non-identical twins run in your family (like Abbie), you're more likely to have a set yourself. It's estimated that you're about two and a half times more likely than average to have twins if you're a non-identical twin, or have siblings who are non-identical twins.

    10. @2:31 I agree about the makeup comment.

  20. Let me guess...Jill's family couldn't attend in person.

    1. Perhaps they're following CDC recommendations and not attending a large family gathering that mixes several households.

    2. But Santa Claus could?!

    3. @10:22 Or choose not to attend.

    4. That was their choice. Considering all the children that were there, it is also their problem.

    5. Santa is an uncle

  21. Duggars: "Pandemic? There's no pandemic here in Arkansas". lol

    1. You quoted them, so when did they say that?

  22. Shouldn't they be driving around dropping gifts off at front doors? Seeing as how they were worried about a virus back in March and being so responsible.

    1. Thank you for saying what I was thinking!

    2. Naw. That was for the TV show.

    3. Oh don't worry we will continue seeing that on next season too and all the seasons during the pandemic,that's just for the show,reality is another thing,I mean didn't you see on the last season they met Justin's girlfriend only via video chat do you really think she had never been to Duggar home before that,I don't think so.

    4. How can a family who bases their lives on Biblical principles turn around and "fib" for the camera all the time? Something there doesn't add up.

  23. Josh and family were there but Jill only got facetime from some siblings even though she was at her house and not out of town? Wow, things must be pretty bad between Jill and her parents. I thought this family preached and practiced forgiveness.

    1. I’ve been thinking the same thing.

    2. Jessa replied to a comment on her YouTube video about Jill and family not being there. She said the Dillard's were invited but chose to celebrate the day with Derrick's family. What is so unusual about that? Personally, we always celebrated Christmas Eve at my in-laws so we would be at home for Christmas day.

    3. MO- Very good point. Can't work things out with Jill but there's Josh and his family. :o(

    4. Jill was invited. She chose not to attend.

    5. Like somehow Jill & Derick wanting to actually leave and cleave, and speaking the truth about the finances, is worse than all of Josh's offenses? Hardly. I think someone has a really messed up concept of forgiveness.

  24. I noticed Justin is missing,he must be spending the Christmas period with his fiance's family, I've seen a picture of him wearing a t-shirt with Spivey construction logo so it looks like he will move to Texas and start working for his father in law when they marry,seems they are planning the wedding in Texas if he's staying with them.

    1. It would do Justin a world of good to move to Texas and have a job with his father-in-law.

    2. That really would be no better than staying home and working tor his own father.

    3. 2:06 It would do him a world of good to wait at least five years before considering marriage, move out and find his own job.

    4. 8:26-I disagree; it is different working for anyone you’re not related to by blood...especially JimBob!

  25. Interesting to see that the Duggars now acknowledge Santa Claus.

    1. Now we're seeing the Duggars the way they really are. Jill

    2. @2:20 THE Jill???

    3. 3:02, of course not.

    4. Yes, it is interesting; why the change of thinking???

    5. Not only acknowledge Santa, they invite him to their parties. Ho-Ho-Ho

    6. Who were the two girls playing the piano together?

    7. Since when do you give up what you stand for because an uncle wants to wear a red suit? What if he had come dressed as another character who's always pictured in red?

    8. @7:17: It was Joy and Lauren Caldwell, who were playing the piano together.

    9. Santa is an uncle!

    10. @6:55-whose “uncle” and how come we’ve never seen him prior to this video? One of Michelle’s brothers?

    11. 3:38-thank you!

  26. I watched Jessa's video on YouTube yesterday and enjoyed it very much. They are very fortunate to have so many family members.

  27. The Duggar Christmas Day videos have always been my favorites. I subscribe to Jessa's and Joy-Anna's YouTube channels, and I think they're far more enjoyable than watching "Counting On." The Duggar Christmases remind me of my family's Christmases back when. I also enjoy seeing how much the Duggar small ones have grown.

  28. What happened to "happy birthday Jesus"?

    1. Santa Claus came along. lol

    2. Yep. Was thinking the same thing. They must have known they would get feedback like this.

    3. Hey, Santa likes birthday cake too

  29. Merry Christmas, to all of the Duggars!!!!!!

  30. Time 3:08PM Sun 12/27/20
    Merry late Christmas to Everyone & A
    Happy New Year. Love the photo of Santa &
    The kids. My Christmas was great stayed
    Home watched movies on YouTube had 2
    Perfumes from my mom.

    1. Merry Christmas, Neddy. Sounds like you had a lovely Christmas! Have a happy healthy New Year.

  31. Things have sure changed! The young women wearing pants, and now Santa Claus? I wonder what is next?

    1. @ 3:13

      That would be great!

    2. I voted Liberal ONCE to rebel against family tradition (also because I was extremely stoned) and regretted it. I think I was in my early 20s. Never did it again.

    3. Loved the video! Thank you Jessa. Does anyone care to speculate why Lauren Caldwell was there? Or why Anna seems large? Yes, Lauren Duggar, we saw you and your hat. Thought you would want to know. I loved seeing all the kids and grandkids. But I could have done without Jim and Michelle’s kiss, which no doubt lingered for the camera. Creepy. Again, thank you for the video, Jessa. I loved last year’s too. Please keep it up.

    4. What’s next is that some of the future couples will stop at 1or 2 kids.

    5. Nah -- I'm pretty sure none of the Duggars will vote for the party of abortion.

    6. My thoughts exactly!!! Quite a change for the fam!

    7. Santa Claus has always worn pants.

    8. @7:03 Lauren Caldwell, minus her engagement ring, which was only on her hand for a very short time. She was probably there to take her mind off of such matters. But...she's been spending a LOT of time with the Duggars lately...

    9. Another pregnancy! I am hoping Jill, Jessa, or Abbie.

    10. 2:41 LOL! That's a winner!

    11. Alberta Rose,you are in Canada. In his country, people vote not based on family tradition. We make our own decisions. Making your own choices is NOT being rebellious.

      In many family, we have all voted for different parties. It depends on the platforms at the time and makes for some interesting family discussions.

    12. Alberta Rose, you keep showing your age. First, you thought you'd introduce us all to "search engines" lol, and now you use the word "stoned". My grandparents said "stoned" for drunk way way back, while younger people say "wasted" or "high" if it's drugs. You are too funny!

    13. 1:12, I think you missed the sarcasm in her search engine comment.

  32. Nice group photo. Blessed Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Yer to all.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  33. For all those commenting about Santa...we do not “do” Santa in our home either. We don’t tell kids he’s real (that would be a lie) and they don’t get gifts from him. However, we do watch movies with Santa and take him for what he is, a fairy tale. He’s still fun and they’ve never said they don’t allow movies with him to be seen or pictures of him, etc.

    1. They had someone dress up like Santa and interact with the kids. It's a symbolic thing, sure. However, in the past the Duggars denounced such secular or mainstream Christmas traditions that don't have anything to do with what they believe is the true meaning of the holiday- Christ's birth.

    2. We do that too! Kids don't believe Cinderella is real, but it wouldn't be wrong to read a Cinderella book or visit a dressed up Cinderella at Disneyland.

  34. The Arkansas Dept. of Health issues a statement on Dec 17th or 18th, that the best way to control the spread of Covid this holiday season is to keep to your own household, but if you must gather, then not to forget the 3 W's: Wear a mask, Watch your distance, Wash your hands. The Duggars did none of this. And they made the proof public. They are in defiance of protocols made to protect the health and safety of the general public and healthcare workers.

  35. I know my words won't change their actions. God wants us to do everything we can to keep each other healthy and safe. The Coronavirus has brought out the worst in a lot of people.

    1. I think that last sentence is an understatement! I am not sure how people can sleep at night, doing the reckless and selfish behsviors they do.

    2. I agree Audrey. I think the coronavirus became political, in ways that it never should have. I also agree that God wants everyone to care for one another, and so many people have fallen way short. I am so discouraged that we didn’t come together because of Covid like we did after 9/11. What has become of us!

  36. The Duggars have had a tree for many years. I remember how decorated their house was when Josie arrived early. As for Santa Claus, as long as kids are taught who the real Saint Nicholas is, where he is buried, how he morphed into the man in the red suit and that as Christians, Jesus is the reason for the season, there is no reason to fear Santa Claus.

    1. Jessa identified him as "Uncle Eric" in the Santa suit. Does anyone know if he's Michelle's brother-in-law, or one of their cousins?

  37. Who is the guy in the black and white shirt behind Si and Lauren

    1. The photographer-In Jessa's video, he's taking numerous photos during this event.

  38. I thought their associations with Santa were limited.

    1. The person who is Santa is their Uncle Eric who came down to be with the family this year.

  39. I also don’t understand including Santa as I thought they didn’t do that. Unless maybe they tell the kids he’s not real?
    For those asking about Jill, the intro paragraph said some attended via video chat.
    Y’all think they excluded Jill. Maybe she doesn’t want to get together with them?

    1. Apparently the fellow wearing a Santa suit is Jim Bob's uncle, who has natural white beard. No difference telling kids that uncle is dressing in a costume, just as many dress in costumes at Halloween or other times. Doesn't mean they are telling kids that 'Santa' is real, or the reason for the season.

    2. If you watch Jill and Derrick's own videos, they mention that they have time as their own family/household, other time visiting Derrick's family, and other time visiting Jill's. Just because they aren't seen on camera at every mega-gathering on her side of the family, doesn't mean they never visit.

    3. Why would you allow someone to come into your house dressed like someone you don't believe in and be around your kids and grandkids?

  40. Do the Duggars know how many doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, and so on, sacrificed their Christmas with family to take care of the sick and dying? Heaven forbid any of the Duggars need those people in a week or two. They may be too busy because of selfish gatherings like this one.

    1. Thoughts and prayers.

    2. Obviously, their own wants and desires come first and foremost.

    3. No, how many? How many times have the Duggars been together the past 8 months and not needed the medical professionals?

    4. Nurses are striking and quitting. I can't imagine having a job like that this year and being expected to take care of all the people who ignored the recommendations and came down with the virus. Not talking about the innocent ones like nursing home residents who were given the virus by someone else. I'm talking about people like the Duggars who won't wear masks, won't stay home, and won't stay apart. Then they expect the health care system to help if they need it.

  41. Merry Christmas to the Duggar. The Christmas tree is gorgeous. I love how festive the younger children were dressed. No white Christmas for the Duggars. I very much enjoyed Jessa's video. Thank you Ellie and Lilly for all your work maintain this blog. You are doing a wonderful job.

    1. Merry Christmas! We are blessed to have you as a reader.

      Lily and Ellie

  42. It was a nice video. Jessa is engaging with her children. The one thing she does NOT know how to do is to say NO. How do they just stand there are play with the kids like they are 5 years old themselves? And just watch them throw darts at the front door?? They must have to constantly replace broken things around the house. It would have been easy enough to tell Spurgeon NOT to throw darts at the front door. Kids need BOUNDARIES as well as engagement. They need someone to set some guidelines, not just be a cheerleader. Not trying to be mean, just that they will pay for it as they grow up in that kind of environment.

    1. Are these foam darts? I haven't seen it yet.

    2. They had plastic tips I think. I just did not think it was a good idea to be shooting them at the front door. I saw Meredith go out. She could have come back in at the same time Spurgeon let one go. It might have ended up in her face. Toys are fun, but if this is the way they treat them, they are probably having to redecorate all the time. And the adults were right there encouraging them and playing with them. I did see that the playroom was closed off and there were gates at the stairs, so they are doing some things right.

    3. It's pretty simple: "Spurgeon, you can continue to shoot darts at the door and lose your gun. Or, you can go to the playroom and shoot the darts at the lockers when no one else is in the room. Which do you want to do?"
      I was surprised how the kids were allowed to climb all over the furniture with their shoes on, how no one seemed to be parenting their own children, and no one seemed to be minding anyone else's children either (looking out for their safety). The adults were all too busy socializing or cuddling.

    4. Who gives a kid that age a projectile toy in the first place?

    5. 11:45 One of the kids was walking around and sitting on the sofa eating a tomato like an apple.😣

  43. Sad to see so materialistic . Thats not what Christmas is about.

    1. Agree 10:03. Some of those gifts were joke gifts too (purple sparkly change purse, My Little Pony for one of the guys), which is downright silly and a waste of good money.

    2. Yes, 10:03. I agree. Didn't they used to do only 1 gift per person?

    3. This is far from how it used to be with one gift a person.

    4. I'm more sad about the blatant violation of COVID guidelines!

  44. I loved their You Tube Christmas video. Looked like a lot of fun and memories to cherish.

  45. I know that this is not necessarily on topic, but Mackenzie has bloomed into a gorgeous young lady. She seems like a wonderful big sister and daughter. I hope that she continues to shine a light unto others so that they can see Christ through her. 🌻

  46. Also, Lily and Ellie, I have very much enjoyed reading the Duggar and Bates blogs!

  47. Insane tree and insane amount of gifts!!! I like the system how they opened the gifts, from the youngest married sibling...

  48. All I could see was the box that 1000 Styrofoam cups came in. They're still not being responsible when it comes to plastic.

    1. To Dec 30 @ 4:36pm..Well why don’t you go wash all those 1000 cups..plates etc.... oh yes... if they did wash all those cups you would have complained about all the water they were used... now move on or go read a nice book 😳

    2. Water in our country is reusable/recyclable. It goes down the drain, back to the treatment plant, is cleaned up, and is pumped out again. It also falls from the sky in the natural water cycle. Plastic is environmentally terrible to produce, stays in the landfill for eons, ends up trashing our oceans, and poisons or kills wildlife. You can read that in a book too.

    3. 9:51- The Duggars made a big deal about being frugal. How does going through all that disposable dinnerware fit that story? Oh...right, it doesn’t!

  49. My grandfather is dying alone in the ICU of COVID. I haven't hugged him since March. I haven't seen him except through his window in months. My mother had to risk her health and my father's to be with him for 15 minutes to say goodbye. People like the Duggars who are broadcasting their large gatherings are not Christians. They care only about themselves and their image. Any remaining respect I had for them (and for you for supporting them) is gone. I've learned so much about people's true character during this pandemic, and I am disgusted.

    1. 6:50PM: I agree with you 100%

    2. I am so sorry for your loss. The elderly and the people who had to suffer alone is a tragedy, something that never should have happened. God made us for community; that's the way we are designed.

      We are each entitled to our own opinions, but don't let fear keep you from living. Fear is what the mainstream media/so-called news has been promoting since March. It has been proven scientifically that this virus has a 99.9% survival rate, so the vast majority of people won't have any major problems. Yes, protect the elderly and the immunocompromised, but the rest of us absolutely need people interaction. We need our families! Perhaps that can be a resolution for a lot of people. Drop the fear, and do community!

    3. Jana, Johanna, Jennifer and Jordyn cleaned up after all the Christmas guests left. The boys will get the tree down. And then the girls will vacuum. Meanwhile Jim Bob is in the den, reading all our comments...

    4. @10:21 A hospital doctor on the national news tonight said that the death rate right now is 7%. I'm positive of that number because it caused me to drop my fork when I heard it. They were also talking on the news yesterday about morgues and funeral homes being overwhelmed with bodies.

    5. 10:21AM: You believe in conspiracy theories sooooo much, I'm surprised you believe in God and you don't get tricked into thinking He's a theory too.

  50. There is no need to 'wash 100 cups', etc. The Duggars have TWO industrial dishwashers that restaurants use to wash any dishes, glasses and utensils in less than 90 seconds and sterilizes them to restaurant health codes. Why they don't use them is beyond me. YES, it is wasteful of them to use plastic dishware, cups and utensils. They showed this appliance on more than one occasion, even one of the boys playing with it and putting his cellphone camera inside, running it and seeing if he could see inside after a wash..with the phone in it only...Wasteful beyond belief.


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