
Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Jed's Election Results

The unofficial election results are in for District 89 in Northwest Arkansas. Jedidiah Duggar went against Democrat Megan Godfrey, the incumbent state representative who had won the seat in 2018 by only one percentage point. 

Jedidiah was not victorious in this election but made a wonderful showing for a young man new to politics. He took 44% and lost by less than 700 votes. Don't worry, Jed, you'll get them next time. If Jedidiah does make it to the house, he will be following in the footsteps of his dad. Jim Bob Duggar served two terms in the House of Representatives for District 6 from 1998 to 2002.

Jedidiah Duggar

Photo courtesy;


  1. I applaud Jedidah for running for office. At least he threw his hat in the ring instead of sitting around complaining about our government. There's no harm in trying. I'm sure he learned a lot from the experience. Keep working, keep trying!

    1. No harm in trying? Do you know how much money you waste doing something like this when you're inexperienced and not going to win? Printing all that campaign stuff is expensive. What he spent could have done a lot better work elsewhere.

    2. If everyone who complained about government also threw a hat in the ring, that ring would be 1000 feet deep in hats. Complaining about the status quo is no reason to run for office, all the more so if you have no qualifications.

    3. I agree too, 2:17!

    4. Wonderful job Jed! That was a close one! I know you'll have a grin amazing future in Government. Keep going! Remember, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

    5. 2:08. Most people don’t have the financial resources or name recognition required to run for public office.

    6. 8:27 Public office includes serving in local government such as a school board, library board, city commission. These positions don't require a lot of money, name recognition, or time for campaigning. Most towns are "begging" for candidates to run for office. I've lived in small towns across the West and it's always been a "chore" to get people to participate in government. To Jed, "start small and work your way up".

  2. Win or lose, I commend Jed for getting involved and running.

  3. Congrats Megan! I’ve been following her campaign since hearing about her when Jed ran, she seems like an amazing woman, who truly cares about her district. She’s been living in this district for 11 years, while Jed only moved there last year, she’s an educator, pursuing her PhD, she fought a fair fight without saying a single bad word about Jed. She deserved it fair and square. I’m proud of you Megan!

    1. She sent out the most amazing personalized thank-you letters to anyone who donated to her campaign, too. A true class act.

    2. I couldn’t agree more!!

  4. The right person won this race.

  5. I am glad he lost!!!

  6. He lost by very little. Next time Jed!

    1. Considering he lost in an overwhelming GOP stronghold, his performance was not that great.

  7. Faith-based politics is terrible and doesn't represent the majority of Americans. Jed and Jim Bob would both fall into that category of politics.

    1. Interesting as it sure looks that way with the presidential election right now. A lot of people looking for the morality that comes with faith

    2. 4:50PM: Faith based politics appeals to quite a few Americans. Look how important anti-abortion laws are to the Republicans.

    3. And the government of the people shall be on his shoulders. People in faith based politics serve the true Leader.

    4. "Our Constitution is meant only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.". John Adams, 2nd US President.....Far too many people are ignorant of American history. Did you know that the the Senate building once held Sunday church service? Be educated, not indoctrinated

    5. 6:44 What religious doctrine do you suggest be the framework for our government? There is nothing in the Constitution about that.

    6. Anon10:54. If "morality comes with faith" how do you explain Jerry Falwell?

    7. 6:44, maybe it is time to bring thé US into the 21st century ?

    8. 6:44 The Constitution is clear: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." It also makes no mention of God or a higher power. I'm not sure whose church you feel should be guiding or leading our country. All claim to believe in a divine entity of some sort. Worship in your churches, but it has no place in government. We have basic moral codes that guide our laws and protect our citizenry. You don't need a religion to do that.

  8. Lets see if he moves back home. They did not really had their own house. It was empty.

  9. I'm sorry Jedediah didn't win, but it sounds like he fought a tough fight. It's never a win for the public when a pro-choice candidate like Megan Godfrey is in office over a pro-life candidate.

    1. Megan is not going around handing out free abortions or personally driving women to the clinics. Stop trying to make choice sound like mandate.

    2. Why is it always only about pro-life or pro-choice? Even with the election of the president, I don't understand how evangelical Christians place this one point above everything else - there are far more sins than abortion, but that is completely ignored. Adulterer, liar, misogynist ... doesn't matter, as long as he is against abortion. From the perspective of evangelical Christians in other countries it is incomprehensible.

    3. @5:31 Fought a tough fight? How? He gave no pre-election interviews, even though he was asked by the local news - what - over 40 times I read? He didn't openly debate his opponent. All he did was put some signs up around town, send out some not-so-nice flyers, and hope that his father's name would pull him through. Didn't work.

    4. Anon 5.21. It seems like many people that comment here are very pro-life, & that’s fine as we are all entitled to make our own decisions. Which leads me into the point that EVERYONE is entitled to be pro-choice. For many years I did not agree with abortion, however I then through my work met a young 13 year old severely disabled girl who had been abused by a relative & the only outcome for her health was to terminate the pregnancy. If some of you had your way this is what would be taken away from women, & believe me abortions would not go away, they would be performed by unqualified back street butchers, like they were in the 50s & 60s. Here in the UK many women lost their lives because of ill practice on the part of unqualified back street abortionists. I for one would hope that never happens again. Life is precious, I know that more than many people. However there are instances where a woman (under the guidance of a doctor), needs to be able to choose this path of termination if need be. I also think there is a lot more to politics & being good for the area & people you represent than being pro-choice or pro-life. So it’s unfair to base saying it’s no win for the public on one point, no matter how passionate you may be about the issue.

    5. 10:04, both candidates have had moral flaws. One of them told a whole group of people that if they didn't vote for him, they weren't black. Sounds racist to me.

    6. I've never understand why the pro-life (actually pro-birth since they lose interest after the baby is born) crowd think they're entitled to force people they don't even know to comply with their opinions. There are many other MORE important issues facing this country. One issue doesn't make someone suitable for public office. Look at what we got when the evangelicals were led to believe that Trump cared about their agenda. Yikes.

    7. Well said, Fuzzyferet!

    8. The trouble I have with this "pro-life" agenda is that although we're told God gave us free choice, we have a group that wants to legislate that right away from people who might make a choice they disagree with. No one making anyone have an abortion if they don't want one.

    9. 10:04
      While I agree that adulterer, liar, and misogynist, (All things that apply to our current president) are horrible and important things, I, as well as many other Christians, put the murder, dismemberment, and absolute disregard of life above those things because ultimately, the biggest injustice to our human race is to take away their God-given right to live, by no fault of their own. I think our current president has said and done horrendous things that have devalued human life greatly, but, I do not believe in risking the lives of these young humans by electing officials that won't use legislation in these babies favor. And yes, I am pro-life in all other aspects as well, but abortion is currently the one of the leading causes of death, so therefore the most important of all social justices.

    10. It’s fine to be anti-abortion, but not fine if that’s the only issue you’re running on. The few things he did actually say, was about anti abortion. His website mentioned education, which is bold coming from a 21 year old with nothing more than a “high school” education. I don’t like abortion, but I believe women have the right to make that choice for themselves. He also used the phrase “god given constitutional rights”. God did not write the constitution. Most of the founders were religious, but deliberately did not mention anything about religion other than “freedom to worship”.

    11. The Duggars are only pro-life when it's about giving birth... Guns and death penalty are also against lifes...Theynever talk about that....

    12. Abortions are reduced with access to healthcare and contraceptives. The end. It isn’t rocket science at this point.

    13. We all know that Trump has no morals and is not faith based,even I who was Republican,until now, who changed to Independent can see that.He has never cared about abortion or religion until he thought about running.Maybe if more people weren't so radical on either side there would be peace.I LOVE my country! We need to be united so we can fight our enemies instead of being enemies with each other. Blessings to you all😇✌❤💙

    14. I honestly dont care if you like murder or not. We do NOT ever, ever, get to decide an if an innocent human being gets to live. And thats on basic human rights.

    15. @4:26 What about an "innocent human being" like a mother whose pregnancy is going to kill her AND her unborn baby? Two lives have to be lost because there's not a choice option? The mother should not be allowed to live and possibly go on to have a successful pregnancy later? Seems it's also basic human rights to have your life saved if it's in danger.

    16. Exactly a reason why Choice needs to remain. If you don't like it don't use it but don't tell others what they have to do with their bodies.

    17. There are also 13 year old girls who would far sooner go to a homeless shelter for pregnancy t females and out the baby up for adoption then concede to their parents desire to abort the result of abuse by a relative.

    18. Of course I care about the mother! In many cases, both lives can be saved. And even if the baby isn't guarantied to live, it can at least be delivered and put on life support. Both lives are very important and deserve the chance to live.

    19. @7:32 No, in many cases the baby can't be saved. My friend's case for instance. Not only was the baby completely not viable but the pregnancy started jeopardizing her life too with organ failure. Her only option was termination. Why would you put a mother through the trauma of carrying a non-viable pregnancy to birth and why would you try "life support" in a case where there is no hope or severe abnormalities? Unless you're a doctor, you can't make the call about the chances a baby would have and what the mother's outcome would be. It sounds as if you doubt there's ever a time when termination is necessary. There are many circumstances where it is.

    20. @7:32 I certainly hope you're not suggesting that a nonviable fetus be put on life support after it's born. That's just plain cruel. We treat animals with more compassion.

    21. 2:33, when the baby is delivered, the parents have a chance to hold and say goodbye to the baby. It provides closure and bittersweet memories. When the mom aborts, she loses that, not to mention the baggage of knowing what was purposely done to her baby.

    22. @8:13 How or why do you put an anencephalic infant, one with severe neural tube defects, or one with profound birth defects of major organs on life support? Parents have a chance to say goodbye without that. Maybe there's no other option but to "purposely" do a termination. You're lumping all cases together and assuming an outcome that may not happen.

    23. 8:13- The parents should make the decision about what’s best in their situation, not you or politicians.

    24. 3:35, I actually said nothing about life support.

    25. Someone certainly did say life support...

    26. Well, yes, but that wasn't me.

  10. Jed, don't give up! You can do it. And 44% is pretty darn good!👏👏👏

    1. Jed should give up and let someone who's actually qualified run. If you are Republican and you care about representation, you'd be asking for a better candidate. Jed would have been clueless in an elected government position. He would have been asking Jim Bob what to do, and it would have been as if Jim Bob had been elected.

  11. I'm sorry you lost Jed but there is always next time should you decide to run again. And I think 44% isn't too bad.👍

  12. Jed I'm sorry that you lost. You're my favorite Duggar. I can't wait to see you on Counting On next season. Natasha b

    1. You’re sorry?

    2. Every Duggar is your favorite, Natasha... :-)

    3. And she can't wait to see whatever what :-)

    4. NATASHA b. I appreciate your comments. It seems like we have some petty, nasty responses here that are uncalled for. They sound like the unkind girls I encountered in high school. Right 4:40, 6:02??

  13. For a Democrat to win in Northwest Arkansas, she must be doing a great job. I hope he can find a position where there is less competition to start.

  14. In the meantime, maybe Jed could go to school or join the military, or anything to expand his world beyond the insulated views of his family & their church.

    1. @9:34 That's not going to happen. Back to the car lot. Maybe even back to his parents' house to live.

    2. Perhaps a period of study about government if he’s interested in government.

  15. Congrats to Megan!!!

  16. That's too bad but it sounds like it was a good effort. Better luck next time. I wish you the best.

  17. Jed, a 44% showing is very respectable! Congratulations. I hope, if the Lord leads, that you will continue down this path of public service. Honesty and integrity are invaluable qualities in our leaders.

    1. Those weren’t votes for Jed, they were votes for R.

    2. You think his opponent was in some way dishonest or had no integrity, only Jed did? Have you seen her personal accomplishments?

  18. Sorry to hear that Jed lost.☹ Better luck next time. The picture you used Lily and Ellie is a familiar spot to me.🙂 I live right in the state where this sign is. Hint:Its Colorful Colorado.😁 Was this taken a few weeks ago when some of the Duggar men with Austin went to Colorado to hunt? Or was this taken at another time?

  19. For the sake of full disclosure, Megan Godfrey won in 2018 50.4% to 49.6% (Republican) - by only 29 votes! She defeated Jedediah 56.3% to 43.7% - 686 votes.

    1. I can only guess what your point is, but I can read between the lines.

    2. Quality of candidates is my guess.

  20. A young man with little education, work, and life experience has no place in the legislature. It isn’t ambitious to think your name from a TV show qualifies you to legislate and lead. Just look at where that got us the last 4 years! I also saw the mailer that went out attacking his opponent as a “princess” using a doctored photo. Even if Jed himself didn’t make that mailer he should have denounced it. It was a very classless move and even other republicans in the state admonished it. Jed has a lot to learn about a lot of things.

    1. I fully agree 11:21. It's pretty clear who was behind his run too. That "princess" mailer was ridiculous. The picture was taken from a homecoming parade. She was a past homecoming queen and was back for the parade, that's all. It would be like calling Derick a "cowboy" when he goes back to his college for homecoming and puts on his old mascot outfit again. Jed should never have allowed that mailer in his campaign. Shows you how low he and his party would go to get what they want.

    2. I laughed at the "a young man with little education, work and life experience."- very ignorant statement. Please educate yourself before you make false claims about another.

    3. Wow! Let's act like Christians and encourage one another..please.. Too much negativity in this world..we all fall short! Look at your life and reflect on your choices and outcome...Thank God for His grace and mercy for they shall enduruth forever. Praying for the world to be not only hearers of the word but put those words into action! Love one another as Christ does

    4. Ha ha as if the people in government are not selected from the people. King David was considered an unlikely choice by man but God put him on the throne.

  21. Jed needs some more education and a whole lot more life experience before he starts making decisions that will impact others' lives.

    1. 17 year old Greta Thunberg needs more education and life experience as well. It seems to be perfectly ok for Greta to be an activist but not for Jed to become a politician. Greta gets all the admiration and Jed because he represents conservative values gets ridiculed. I agree both young people need more education and life experience but it is for sure a double standard.

    2. How much education does it take til a person disregards the rights of the unborn?

    3. I agree to a point he would be a better representative with a variety of education and life experiences. However, he lost by a small margin. What does that tell us about those who voted for him:
      They wanted a change
      They wanted a younger representative
      They are Duggar fans
      They are fundamentalis

      I’d love to see an exit poll survey!

    4. Anon 1:06. Greta is running around loudly proclaiming her views. That's fine. She is NOT running for any sort of public office. Jed can run around and proclaim his views too, but that doesn't qualify him to represent his district which he moved into in order to run.

    5. There’s a difference between an activist and a politician. An activist voices an opinion; an elected official makes decisions that impact people’s’ lives legally.

    6. On the contrary, for a Republican candidate to lose in a Republican district shows just how ill qualified they must be. A legitimate candidate would have had an easy win.

    7. Greta is an incredible activist, not an elected official. She does not have any official power. She has dedicated her young life to something (like so many others have) and happened to get a lot of attention, attention that was thrust upon her that she never really asked for. She has since embraced it and used it for good.

      The equivalent of this would be Jed! finding a way to make it easier for girls and young women who become pregnant to give their children up for adoption. He’s anti-abortion so he should do something to deter abortions other than trying to make it illegal.

    8. To be honest, the only way I'd vote for such a young candidate is if that person had lived and worked in the community for several years (at least 4-5), had developed relationships within the community, and had a good sense of what the citizens needed/wanted. I'd want someone with a history of volunteering in that community (Salvation Army, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, local homeless shelter/domestic abuse shelter/free clinic,literacy volunteer, Church service to local neighborhoods-trash pickup/building wheelchair ramps/mowing lawns for elderly or disabled people/home repair/house painting, volunteering on local planning commission/other service boards). In a nutshell, looking for someone with a history of serving the citizens to serve the citizens in the state legislature. I'd want someone with some college coursework in municipal government, city planning, political science, economics, etc. And yes, I'd want someone who's been managing themselves for themselves for several years-someone paying rent/mortgage payments, car payments, groceries, utilities, personal property, income tax; someone who does their own grocery shopping, cleaning, cooking, mending, ironing, laundry, tax preparation, balancing their own checkbooks; someone who's juggled work, their household work, school, and outside commitments). There's a ton of multitasking, problem-solving, research skills, political etiquette involved in political office, not to mention representing a very diverse population with equally diverse wants/needs...all of which take time to acquire the necessary skills.

    9. @1:06 Greta Thunberg isn't running for public office. If and when she does, at an age as young as Jed, then you have some basis for your comparison.

    10. We already have a known and proven way to drastically reduce abortions. Access to healthcare and contraception. Democratic approaches to the issue reduce abortions where conservative ones do not. Something for this crowd to research and think about. What are your real motivations? Perhaps they aren’t what you say.

    11. @3:03- Where is that rule stated?

    12. @8.53. So true,there is NO comparison between Jed and Greta. Greta would be the first to say she needs more education. But her level of education and knowledge in the issue of climate change is impressive. This young lady speaks several languages,delivered speeches not in her native tongue, has keep herself current on climate change issues across the world.

  22. I wouldn't vote for a duggar either

    1. I wouldn't vote for one of them either. They have such extreme views.

  23. This just wasn't your timing - keep trying !! You would have had my vote if I was in your area.

  24. I would not want a Duggar making policy decisions in my neck of the woods, that's for sure.

  25. So glad that Godfrey won!

  26. Good for the voters in his district. When you have zero qualifications to represent a district, then you shouldn't be elected to public office. We've had enough trouble with a reality TV star in public office.

    1. Speak for yourself. I've been thrillled with our "reality star" in office. He's appointed pro-life judges, which lines up with my values. What, exactly, did career-politician Biden accomplish in his 47 years in public office? Can you name ONE achievement? The "reality star" business man has a list of achievements too long to list here -- major criminal justice reform and record unemployment levels for minorities, just to name two...

    2. That business man for decades, reality star for a few years, has brokered peace deals, overseen a growing economy, rebuilt the military (the last administration fired 214 key military officials in his first year in office), fast-tracked Covid vaccine development, caused the stock market to raise to record levels over 100 times, has lowered the unemployment rate for Blacks and Latinos, and so much more. He isn't in the Presidency for the money; he donates his salary to various causes. He goes through constant mockery, belittlement, and slander because he wants this country to be successful and protected.

    3. I agree with you, 6:35pm. Thank you.

    4. Anon 10:33. The majority of US voters didn't agree with your rosy assessment of Trump's presidency (including myself) and voted him out of office. It's time for Trump to stop living in denial and to come to grips with reality. The election is over and we as a country should unite behind our new president, Joe Biden.

    5. Anon 10:33 I'm absolutely baffled as the why you and others think we need to "build up our military". We have the largest and best equipped military in the world which after 20 years of warfare in Afghanistan has been unable to defeat a few thousand goat herders armed with rifles and IEDs. Other countries are able to defend their homeland without this sort of thing. The enormous military isn't working and it's time to rethink how we do things.

    6. @10:33 The sheer number of people in the military is not what counts any more. Our machinery has changed. Drones and robotic warfare machines are here or in development. This is not the WW2 era where you had to put massive amounts of troops on the ground to get a job done. We can be a leaner military and still be powerful.

    7. No offense Anonymous @ 3:47, but North Korea has the largest and best equipped military in the world (I teach History). The "few thousand goat herders" in Afghanistan (as you call them) are in fact a network of highly organized, highly trained religious extremist sleeper cells, regularly using hospitals/schools/orphanages as places to stage attacks from (knowing the U.S. military will not strike those due to high civilian casualty counts=worldwide outrage).

    8. @12:40 Took the words right out of my mouth about Afghanistan and how hard it is to pinpoint where to strike. BTW, I know 2 young men who gave their lives there in the line of duty.

    9. Anon 12:40. If you teach history you should deal in FACTS. The US has about 1.3 MILLION active duty military and about 800,000 reserve troops. North Korea has about 700,000 active duty troops (our best estimate). As for equipment, do you really think they are better equipped than US troops. However you are correct in that throughout history a well organized group of partisans can out maneuver and keep a much larger army at bay almost indefinitely. We should learn from history and get of Afghanistan and the other countries in which we're meddling in their affairs.

  27. Well, I'm sure it was a good learning experience for him. Did he win a primary, or were there no older, more qualified people to run against the opponent?

    1. It was an uncontested seat which is why he moved into the district.

    2. What do you think he learned???

    3. 1:19, you would have to ask him that question. It wasn't my learning experience.

  28. Follow the Lord they God with all your never lose when you are led by the Holy Spirit. No matter who mocks you keep running the race! Jesus did! This was a test run for something greater! May you continue to be blessed by the Lord!

  29. I fear I agree. Total support for this family but I’d have trouble voting for a man with such little experience in work and life

    1. do they gain experience but going through the experience itself? Everybody had to start out too sometime...experience is the best teacher! He has to start somewhere! And then practice makes perfect.

    2. 11:05 - he doesn’t have to start holding public office. He can be a business man for a while, he can intern for congressmen/women, etc. That way he will be more qualified for public office.

    3. 11:05 I'd rather elected officials come into the job with rich education/life/work experiences under their belt, so they have the broad perspectives and honed wisdom to make educated and solid decisions that affect everyone.

  30. There is absolutely no way I would vote for a 21 year old who has no college education to represent my district. He didn’t even live in the district until last year. What does he know about state budgets or the intricacies of the education system. He’s a good guy but he’s grossly unqualified

  31. True Jed has little to no experience, but look at Biden and with 47 years experience, I ask if you can name one thing he has done to benefit us instead of his own family!!! Have they found Hunter yet??

    1. I think you meant President Biden.

    2. 6:55 Funny, I just did a quick Google search and found quite a long lisiting of Biden's legislative accomplishments. I won't post them all here, when you can do the same. While you may not agree with his poitics, it's off base of you to claim he is only in it for his family. BTW, we have a sitting president who has placed close family members in prominent White House positions. Trump, of all people, has made sure he benefits his own relatives.

    3. Yep, experience is nothing without integrity.

    4. Oh please. Biden didn't sit in the Senate without being involved in a great deal of legislation. Apparently the majority of Americans don't share your view of him. BTW Hunter is not missing.

    5. Do you seriously believe anyone, R or D, could be elected so many times and serve for so long without accomplishing anything the voters wanted? Come on.

    6. Biden championed the Violence Against Women Act, was tough on crime, and ushered in Obamacare.

    7. You were only supposed to name one thing 7:51! LOL

    8. 2:16, absolutely! People keep corrupt politicians in office for decades just because of the letter next to their name. How many people actively pay attention to what their person is doing in Congress? Not nearly enough.

  32. What a bad week for the Duggars politically. Time to mow something else into that front yard, take down the signs, and put the flags away.

    1. Election is over, time to move on.

    2. Yep, no place for American flags with this new administration.

    3. Nice try 2:56 but you'll see just as many flags come January.

    4. Thank you 8:23! Democrats do NOT hate America! I am so sick of that stereotype.

    5. Agree, the silly caricature of a non-working, grifting, anti-American democrat is very ignorant and off-base. I pay a fortune in taxes, have always worked full-time (and beyond), volunteer, donate to charities, vote, and fly our flag. I have many friends and acquaintances who are in the top 5% and even 1% of earners who are solidly democrat. The smear campaign is silly and inaccurate. Perhaps that’s why we won.

    6. 6:01, me too! I’m also sick of hearing that Democrats hate God and want churches abolished. I’m a Democrat & a Christian. I also fly the flag from my front porch & tear up when I hear the national anthem. Patriotism and faith don’t belong to one party. I’m also pretty sure God isn’t a Republican or Democrat.

    7. Democrats may have a different view of what's best for the country, but that doesn't mean they "hate" America. That sort of demonization of people who don't see it your way is what is tearing this country apart. We deal with things by compromising (just as we do in marriage) not with "my way or the highway".

    8. The Democrats literally voted into control a party who wants to reduce our constitutionally protected freedoms, turn sovereignty into globalism, and punish those who disagree. That's highly unamerican.

    9. 9:12 What "freedom" do you think is going to be erased? I think the last 4 years have been the "highly unamerican" ones. Like embarrassingly un-American. Look what kind of leader we showed the world we'd be willing to elect in 2016.

    10. Well, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion have all taken a hit from Democrat governors and Democrat-supoorting technology companies. I can't imagine they're magically going to give those freedoms back.

    11. @2:03 Really? Instead of throwing out statements like this... PROVIDE PROOF.

      Americans do not seem to have any problem with expressing their views. What do you call all the protests over the last 4 years but people exercising their "freedom of speech" and "freedom of assembly"? The US is in very DEEP trouble today because people exercising their freedom of assembly WITHOUT any regard to their own safety and to the safely of their neighbors. Assembled and protest but DO IT FOLLOWING health guidelines.

      "Freedom of religion" Huh? No one is telling you not to practice whatever religion you want to. I would guess that it is YOU who want restrictions on others freedom of religion.

    12. @9:27. As a non-American, I can tell you that we are shaking our heads in disbelief. American's reputation and standing in the world has taken a serious "hit". The US is no longer considered a trusted ally; the leader of the free world; a friend.

      We know that there are Americans, like yourself, but, unfortunately, there are too many not like you. Stay safe

  33. I am sorry to hear that Trump lost, WOW, never thought that would happen!!!!!!1 I am a Canadian Liberal, but I know what it means, for him to lose!!!!!!!! God bless America!!!!!!

    1. No winner has been declared yet. In the US, the delegates in the Electoral College pick the winner, not the news media.

    2. I guess it means that he will no longer be inviolable.... I can imagine that must hurt....

    3. Maybe, Biden will be a bigger blessing to the Usa than some people can imagine... God works in mysyerious ways....

    4. Same! It was all fraud tho

    5. 9:24 Your evidence?

    6. Anon 9:24 Making unsubstantiated claims of "fraud" sounds like sour grapes to me. If you have any evidence of fraud you should report it to election officials, not complain on a web site.

    7. They are investigating the fraud claims.

    8. Don't you have to wonder why Democrats would go through all the trouble to win the Presidential election through "fraud" (no easy task) but neglect to win control of the Senate at the same time? I mean, you'd think that if there was a concerted effort to win one successfully, you'd do the same thing to win the other while you were at it. Unless there was NO fraud.... Hmmmmm.

    9. It is very clear through results across the states that many republicans voted for their congressional reps but not for Trump. Anyone pretending to be surprised that many have grown tired of his antics and incompetence is lying to themselves. Many people I know voted for him in 2016 and not in 2020. The election is over, people. If you are disappointed that is fine, but it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

    10. it ain't over yet!!

  34. I Would like to know, How is Joe Biden going to improve Our lives? Did his supporters vote for him just because he wasn't Trump ? I know this is a Duggar site, but we are talking about elections.

    1. He's not, unless you like higher taxes, more interference from globalists, more nanny-governing, less personal choice, etc.

    2. I think we should STOP talking about the election. It's over and the results are in. Time to move on.

    3. Our current president has not improved my life one iota. Rather, the last four years have left me feeling as though it's been a never-ending nightmare. We've reached the bottom and I think that Biden can only be an improvement.

    4. So tell us about your neverending nightmare? Is it similar to the neverending Obamacare financial nightmare that my sister has been dealing with?

    5. We can all start breathing again. Perhaps there will be less hypocrisy. Hopefully more equality. Biden is a good man. A role model for our children. There will be less hate. Less belittling. These are just a few ways that your life will better.

    6. 12:36, that's malarkey. I try to stay away from the news, but I have heard some pretty mean, nasty, and scary rhetoric against Trump voters, basically half the voting public, in the past days since the election.

    7. @9:14 Have you seen how some of those Trump voters are behaving?

    8. 9:22, you mean like the Trump voters who were attacked in DC on Saturday?

  35. Have any of the Duggars made statements about the outcome of the Presidential race?

  36. Is anyone like me, and very displeased with what Evangelical Christians have become? Jesus didn't say to manage sinners through man-made laws and government. He didn't say to fight to make the world a more comfortable place for Christians. He said this is not our home. He said to spread the saving message of the gospel. What good does it do to force the lost to behave as we wish? Even if Christians win in setting up the whole world the way they want it, sinners are still lost. Forever. Making them " behave" according to our beliefs only benefits Christians. We are supposed to be concerned about the salvation of others, not about having power over them and always getting our way. Chrisitianity is not about being in charge of everyone else, it is about spreading a message of hope in a life after death. Eternal life in a perfect place called Heaven, not a perfect life on Earth. Politics are not the way to lead anyone to Christ, but somehow having a political advantage has become a primary focus of Evangelical Christians, at least in the USA,

    1. I agree. Well said.

    2. I agree to a point BUT... Jesus said never obey to the enemy. We fight!

  37. We need more pro-life representatives in government. Go get 'em next time, Jed!

    1. Why? We don't need the government making medical decisions for us.

    2. You're right, 5:54. Like mandating vaccines.

    3. @10:40 That's in the interest of ALL public health and there are medical and in some cases religious exemptions allowed. So you still have CHOICE. See how choice works?

  38. Congratulations! From Klamath Falls, Oregon
    Looking forward to seeing your Beautiful Wedding!

  39. Engelbert and TheodosiaNovember 21, 2020 at 4:40 PM

    Great run, Jedediah. Better luck next election. Hope you run again


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