
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

'Jana's Secret Garden' Recap

Counting On "Jana's Secret Garden"

  • Jessa has Anna, Abbie, Kendra, and Lauren over to eat and chat about raising daughters. Kendra brings a recipe for lactation cookies, and Anna brings the ingredients to make homemade baby soap. 
  • Kendra shares that she was only able to nurse Garrett for a few months before having to supplement formula. He had lip and tongue tie, which affected her supply. “You just kind of feel bad because you’re like, ‘I’m not able to do this for my child, even though this is what I wanted and I know this is what’s best,’” says Kendra. “You just kind of have all of this…guilt, and there’s nothing wrong with it. As long as they’re being fed and they’re healthy, you’re doing your job.”
  • Later, John flies Abbie, Jana, and Grace to Knoxville for a short trip. Jana and John take a woodworking class. “Over the years, Jana has done a lot of home renovation projects,” says John. Jana makes a classy sign that says “Home, Springdale, AR” with the Arkansas state outline. 
  • Jana is starting an online business called Arbor Acres and is hoping to sell home items. “It’s still in the beginning stages,” she says.
  • “She probably is the first girl, daughter that’s really ventured out to do a business like that,” says Michelle. 
  • “Matter of fact, she’s probably done more than most of us guys here by starting this pretty big endeavor she’s taking on,” says John.
  • Also in Knoxville, Abbie goes with Jana to get her hair done. The stylist asks Jana about her love life. “Sometimes it gets a little old,” says Jana in an interview, of being asked if she’s in a relationship. “I feel like we do this whole groupings of the marrieds and the singles, and we forget that, oh wait, we’re all sisters, we’re all brothers and sisters. And so keeping that focus, it makes it more enjoyable and it’s not this whole awkward, oh, I’m not one of y’all. It’s like, no, we’re family.”
  • Abbie can relate to Jana because she was the oldest single child left at home before marrying John.
  • People often ask Jana if she is just really picky. “I used to be a little more strict,” she says. She has always thought that she wanted a guy who would stay in Arkansas, but she now realizes that that is not a necessity. “…If I really love the guy, I’ll follow him to the ends of the earth. I’ll want to go wherever he is. And so far, I just haven’t found that one.”
  • “…If the right one had come along, I would have been married, ya, a long time ago,” says Jana. “I just don’t think that it’s been God’s timing yet, and I have been able to accomplish a lot of other things that maybe I wouldn’t have had I been married.”
  • Back at home, Jim Bob and the boys put together a glass greenhouse as a surprise for Jana. Their contractor friend lends a hand. “Several of the boys have actually kind of surpassed me in my knowledge of building skills,” says Jim Bob. Installing the glass is the hardest part, and the work crew wonders if they will finish it in time. 
  • They complete the job at the last minute. Jim Bob is in communication with John, as the rest of the family scrambles to set up food and balloons. John and Abbie lead Jana into the backyard, where she sees the greenhouse. Everyone jumps out from behind a big tree. The family agrees that Jana is not usually an emotional person, but this surprise brings her to tears.
  • “Jana deserves so much more than just a greenhouse,” says John. “She’s somebody who is a giver, giver. [She] gives of her time, of her assets, of just all of herself to everybody all the time.”
  • “I’m just blown away by their love,” says Jana.


  1. I'm glad to hear that Jana can now hang out with the marrieds, even though she's still single. They are siblings and she still belongs in their group. There was a time not too long ago when she wasn't allowed and I commented on it back then that it was just terrible that she wasn't allowed to socialize with them simply because she wasn't married. I'm glad they've changed their minds about it.

    1. Jana needs to broaden her horizons away from the family and find her own friends to hang out with.

    2. I for one think it rude and hateful and hurtful for married people to not have our with single people. I unfortunately know this from experience.

  2. Time 1:21AM Wed 9/16/20
    Great recap.

  3. The day with the moms and the baby girls was cute. Ivy taking her cousins bows. Then was nice that Kendra shared about breastfeeding Garrett, it shows no matter who you are that majority of moms feel guilt... Jana sharing peoples opinions on why she is single and atleast she relented a little on the distance thing. BUT Oh my badness, it was lovely her family did that greenhouse for her and that she got emotional!

    1. I thought it was very generous of Kendra to share her breastfeeding struggles and guilt. It's hard when the other mother's you know don't appear to have problems or you see tv moms that seem to be totally successful at not do feel bad about yourself, bad for your baby. I think Kendra sharing her issues and her powerful statement about a well fed happy , healthy baby is what's important will really help other moms.

    2. I thought the women getting together was such fun to watch. I wonder where I could find the recipe for the soaps that Anna made. I would like to try making some. I enjoyed the greenhouse part of this episode and Janas reaction to their gift to her, that was priceless. This was my favorite episode and I hope they have more of them like this one.

    3. I didn't understand how it could be cheaper to make that soap instead of buying it. Did you see all the bottles on the counter? They must have cost a lot, added up.

  4. I never understood why anyone annoys an adult woman with these embarrassing questions about her relationship status. TLC in particular, always attaching so much importance to diversity etc., can think of nothing else than to come up with this topic sooner or later in every interview. Obviously, Jana actually has plans for her life other than marrying the next man coming along. And maybe she just likes to live at home and take the opportunity to save loads of money to finance her business idea. But probably the target group of this show consists mainly of people who would like to lead a Guggar life themselves and therefore only want to know about courtship, marriage and babys...

    1. I agree with what you say about TLC and Jana. She is such a sweet lady. I remember a TLC seasonal preview where they teased a surprise. The producer was direct with Jana saying that he had heard from one of the brothers that the surprise was about her. She paused, didn't know what to say. She deserves to be happy. I love the greenhouse. I would love to know where they bought the kit.

    2. It's no wonder why a family who sold their privacy would get nosy personal questions. Why wonder. You can't be paid to be on TV for years and stay private too. Doesn't work that way. You have to choose one or the other. We see which one Jim Bob chose for his family. Obviously Jana was too little to have any say in the matter when it began. And now because she still lives at home, she's still caught up in it.

    3. @1:08pm,maybe the surprise was about her,maybe she had just started a special friendship but decided not to tell anyone until courtship started,I know Justin is the one that's courting a girl named claire so he's the one that's announcing it next episode but you never know they might announce on the episode after that someone else is courting and then Nathan on bringing up bates will announce he's promised to Jana...yeah hey!and if Nathan says it's someone else than my bubble will burst and I will have to accept and wait for a future courtship from Jana,aww I'm getting impatient I really want Jana to be in love and excited like her sister's were when they found the one.

    4. Probably because she lives at her parents’ home.

  5. I teared up alongside Jana. That was so sweet of her family ❤️

  6. I really enjoyed, the Sept. 15th episode, of Counting On. I thought, that it was really sweet, of the Duggars, to come together, and surprise Jana, with a greenhouse.

  7. We liked Jana's greenhouse best of all. The boys did a great job of building it and putting the glass in. It was very nice of the family to do that for Jana. Jana brought us to tears when she saw it. We liked watching her getting her haircut and loved the hair when it was done. We loved everything about the show. We can't wait for season finale especially where one of them have quarantine courtship. I hope it's Jana but we'll have to tune in to see. We always can't wait for the next season. Natasha b

  8. Building the greenhouse for Jana was a loving gesture. However, if the premise of this episode was to reassure viewers that she is happy with her life, IMO it fell flat. I didn't think she even showed much enthusiasm for starting up her own business. Perhaps Jana is simply not comfortable with being filmed. If that's the case, she should back away from it like two of her sisters have. In any event, I think a 30 year old who has never lived independently from her parents will have difficulty with self-esteem, as well as having opportunities to meet people outside the family dynamics. Jana's situation is further complicated by the relentless courtships, young marriages and pregnancies that surround her.
    This show only succeeded in emphasizing that fact.

    1. I totally agree with all of 5:43's statements. Well said.

    2. I agree with you. Rewarding Jana with a greenhouse seems rather pointless. It's STILL on her parent's property and she's STILL living in their house under their rules.

    3. Y'all are always trying to get them to end their show. I hope it's on for the next 100 years

    4. Patricia - when did anyone in this comment thread talk about ending the show?

    5. Patricia- The OP only suggested that Jana leave the show if she's not happy with filming. Jill and Joy have left it already.

    6. I don't think Joy has stopped filming. The Forsyths have an update about Evelyn on TLC's website and have participated in the pandemic episodes. The update video was filmed specifically for TLC and they were called a Counting On couple. They may be stepping back some in favor of YouTube, but will still film some segments. Jessa also said they are still on the show. The only person who said they stopped filming was Derick.

    7. I get the feeling Joy and Austin want to stop filming, but the family as a whole still wants to cash in on the latest birth.

  9. By the previews of next week’s episode, it seems like Justin is the one courting. He’s only17! I hope it’s not him and he’s announcing the news for another brother.

    1. Who knows? They do so many teases.

    2. I wish he would announce he's going to college, not courting.

    3. He is too young to be courting and preparing for marriage. Too bad the Duggar and Bates parents don’t encourage higher education the same way they encourage young marriages and having so many babies.

    4. I'm still not convinced, that the Sept. 22nd episode of Counting On, will include the news, that Justin, is in a Courtship. Until, I watch this episode, the picture of Justin, could have been, some sort of teaser.

  10. Kendra is spot on with her breast feeding mindset and comments and I totally agree with her!

  11. The hair stylist "asks" about Jana'a love life? This was SOOOO staged. Jana deserves the greenhouse after putting up with that nonsense.

    1. Doesn't everyone go into a hair salon with a TV camera crew and start a discussion about their love life? lol

    2. I think now that it has all been said, TLC needs to leave Jana alone!!! It is just rude to keep featuring Jana when she’s clearly not excited about being part of some things. That was evident by her lack of enthusiasm shopping in LA and the episode with the gingerbread houses. We love Jana but somebody (JimBob, TLC, we who are fans?) is taking advantage of this woman for commerce. I realize she is a grown woman, but she seems powerless, as a single woman in this situation, (or too nice to disagree) to say, “No. I do not care to be part of this storyline. I know it’s difficult. I’ve been there more often than not. Jana doesn’t need a husband as much as an advocate.

  12. Jana is the "first daughter" to "start a business". More like the ONLY daughter to do that. Of course Jana's business doesn't seem to exist except on paper.

    1. Somebody has to be first

    2. Well when you're announcing a first, that does mean the only. And didn't she say the business wasn't ready to launch quite yet? A lot of planning, I'm sure.

    3. If it’s not earning money, it isn’t a business. It’s a dream or perhaps a hobby.

    4. I think Jana is starting a business (even if it's only on paper) to get a deduction on her income taxes. She earns an income from the TV show but has very few deductions, unlike her married siblings, especially those with children. I do appreciate Jana's independence in this endeavor, however.

    5. She said on the show that she was still in the figuring it out phase.

  13. Lactation cookies? LOL. Of course women have to eat more to generate the milk but IMO these cookies only work because women think they do.

    1. Science disagrees with you.

    2. A bottle of beer....or other beverage made of hops will also stimulate milk production.

  14. Wow. The Duggar boys are so clever. They were able to assemble a greenhouse kit under the supervision of a contractor. lol

    1. @8:34 Exactly how the big house got built too. Lots of uncredited help.

    2. Yes, the uncredited help on the night house like the friends like Chuck Wilson who they showed and told us were helping? That uncredited help?

    3. I think 7:14 was talking about the big house.

    4. Yes, 10:18, my phone changed big house to night house because it's smart like that. They did credit people who helped them on the big house. We knew about Chuck and other men who helped them, and we also knew TLC came in and helped them. They never said they did everything themselves.

    5. If U think of The Duggar's like that, why even watch the show!!!???

  15. “I feel like we do this whole groupings of the marrieds and the singles, and we forget that, oh wait, we’re all sisters, we’re all brothers and sisters. And so keeping that focus, it makes it more enjoyable and it’s not this whole awkward, oh, I’m not one of y’all. It’s like, no, we’re family.” Jana's comment speaks volumes. While building a greenhouse for her was a nice gesture, it sounds like her feelings are not regarded in other ways, such as excluding her from "married" group activities. I really do feel sorry for Jana. She comes across as rather melancholy. Although she didn't show any real excitement about her business venture, I hope it succeeds and she can build a life for herself- hopefully by moving out on her own. You don't need a man to do that!

    1. I completely agree. I kind of wish they did something like this sooner or showed Jana in other ways how much they love, value and appreciate her both as simply who she is and also everything she’s done for the family. Like John said in the episode, Jana truly deserves more than a greenhouse. I hope she takes care of herself well and, as I wish with all the Duggar women and all women generally, I hope she into a woman who confidently knows her value and worth and laughs without fear of the future.

    2. I think you're wrong, I think Jana is a visionary and she made that comment because it was a slight change that needed to happen.

  16. This episode was filmed months ago. If Jana has a business, then you'd think this family would be promoting it now. It seems to be like most Duggar "businesses", it only exists on paper.

    1. She said it was a work in progress and she was still coming up with ideas and planning... it doesn't happen overnight. These things take time if you want them to succeed. Not to mention if she is going to sell handmade items, she has to make them and have enough to sell.

    2. I've been starting up a furniture and home decor business for the last three years, it really does take time to get into the market, especially if you aren't equipped or already used to producing your own goods. I'm a woodworker and it still took me two and a half years to get things all in line, of course then covid hit, but that's life. Give her some time, she doesn't seem like the kind of give up easy.

    3. Just a thought here...Handmade doesn't necessarily mean Jana herself will be handmaking all the items to sell in her online business. She can contract with others to supply her with handmade items. Many online businesses do this already. Many Etsy sellers do make their own items though. Oftentimes the Duggars introduce their business on the show, but we actually see little of it. So, guess we'll see in time.

    4. Arbor Acres Group LLC was formed in April of 2019, about a year and a half ago. Plenty of time to work on opening a business, especially when you're staying home in a pandemic.

    5. Her business could go the same way Jinger's coffee roasting business idea went.

    6. 4:41 The Bates sisters got a business up and running rather quickly. A year and a half is a long time to get things rolling. It's not as though Jana has other responsibilities, like school, a job, or kids, to hinder her progress.

    7. @6:51 She could have a hard time contracting with others to make handmade things. She could lose control over the quality of those things since she wasn't making them herself. When you're selling things, you're responsible for how those things are made. Letting someone else do the making can mess that up. What if she contracted and the items came in less than perfect? Lost time and lost merchandise.

    8. I wonder if Jana is aware that a good percent of small businesses fail in the first year, and many more fail in the years after that?

    9. The key word is SISTERS...more than one. What's not mentioned is how much the husbands, mothers, mother-in-laws may have helped. Jana has never been effusive. Give her a break, for heaven's sake.

    10. This is the perfect time to start an on-line business. People are doing so much more on-line shopping. Is Jana getting the help she needs? She needs to pair up with a young female business owner mentor, or even fly down to be with the Bates Sisters for awhile, to help her properly.

    11. @8:50-I think Jana is a very underwhelmed, slow mover. She really seems to lack energy.

    12. 12:02, that's very funny. The only time she seems low energy is in her interviews, which are clearly not her jam. She has plenty of energy for her projects.

    13. Anonymous @8:31- Let's not forget Jana's bestie Laura DeMasie (who's got major contacts in the design and business world and a wealth of marketing experience). You can bet Jana has already been talking with the Bates girls, not to mention cousin Amy (who also launched her own business).

  17. well fans....I guess we were ALL wrong....did not see that one coming...Justin?! well played TLC, well played. I do still think something is going on with Jana....normally when they do an "all about" episode, it means something is stirring up behind the I still think something else will be announced.

    1. Are you serious? Justin is like 17. A bit young even by Duggar standards to get married and start a family.

    2. We weren’t ALL wrong. I knew it wouldn’t be Jana. Stop holding your breath

    3. Justin may have something to tell his ma or may not be a courtship.

    4. There’s been photos of Justin and the girl on fb for months. It’s not news at all but he is way too young in my opinion. I just find it sad that they mainly get married so young just so stay pure

    5. 6:20 - the title of next episode is A Quarantine Courtship and the description talks about someone announcing a courtship. It does make it likely that Justin’s announcement is about that.

    6. ooooh! Do you think maybe he’s ___?

    7. How old is Justin? He appears extremely immature and young.

    8. 3:45 - 17 years old

    9. He'll be 18 in November.

    10. And he'll be 19 next November. What difference does that make? He was 16 when he got to know her and 17 when courting. Way too young.

  18. Arbor Acres also appears to be a street in Springdale, Arkansas, and the Duggars own a house on that street. Did she name her business the same name as her street?

  19. So they just happened to "vacation" in Knoxville, TN. Uh huh. The headquarters of HGTV. What's really going on, Duggars?

    1. Jana went there to have her hair styled?? Didn’t look much different. It would have looked better with some inches cut off. But I lthink Jana’s her own person & admire her answering the repetitive questions.

    2. Jana adores her idol Joanna Gaines on that network so I wouldn't be surprised if Jana was there to make a deal to appear on the show, or working on some deal of her own with the network.

    3. Very coincidental!

    4. 7:08 Jana does not come across as the type of enthusiastic personality needed for their own home improvement show. Also, I think you're overestimating her talents.

    5. The Gaines’ newest show isn’t on HGTV.

    6. Aren’t the Gaines out of WACO? Is their new program affiliated with HGTV? It would be great for Jana to spend some time with Joanna. Jana does not have the same gifts as Joanna, but Joanna is a perfect person to advise Jana in discerning and using her particular gifts.

    7. @8:48-agree. We have not seen any very amazing talent from Jana and she is not an articulate speaker.

    8. The Gaines are going to have their own channel called Magnolia Network. It's replacing the DIY Network channel which is owned by Discovery, Inc. HGTV and TLC are also owned by Discovery, Inc. So the Gaines and Jana under the same parent company.
      It could mean that there is something bigger in the works for Jana.... or Jana, JD, and Abbie were having fun in Knoxville and catching up with the Bates family.

  20. When they were in the craft shop, it was terrible how John called what Jana is doing her "little Arbor Acres dream there." How belittling! Did anyone ever call his work his "little pilot dream there"? It's awful how this family treats women like second-class citizens. It's not a good example of Christianity OR family love!

    1. I totally agree with you!

    2. I caught that too and totally agree.

    3. What about that statement makes you think John views Jana as a second class citizen. He adores her and that is simply how he chose to describe it. It’s very easy to see how proud he is of her, you’re just looking for things to complain about.

    4. It would be awesome if Mr. Right proposed to her in the greenhouse

    5. I didn’t think it was belittling at all! It sounded as if he was just saying it like that so he could sensitively and casually try bring it up. It may have been a dream Jana had for a while but wasn’t ready to share yet to the whole world. I think he’s a great brother to Jana

    6. John David was definitely downplaying her "little" business. It almost sounded as if he were mocking the idea.

    7. I think John meant that endearingly because he knows it's Jana's heart to be a wife first, possibly business woman second. I think it was a nod to that. I think Jana is/has been looking for things to occupy her and her time while she waits for Mr. Right. But honestly, she should really consider the possibility that she may be one of those people who aren't going to marry. The Bible does talk about some won't marry. God hasn't ordained that every person marry. Unfortunately, she and her family are in a culture that a woman's value is tied into marrying and producing as many children as possible. Sometimes that "goal" becomes an idol and the person's/her culture's plan for her, not God's (1 Corinthians 7:25-27, 32-35). Wanting an husband and family may be her desire, not God's. I hope Jana is spending considerable time making sure God's desires are hers. Perhaps her long haul of not finding Mr. Right is actually God speaking to her that she's supposed to remain single.

    8. Agree. Sometimes I don't think they can see that women can be strong, capable, and independent. And women TOTALLY can be strong, capable and independent! I wish they would open their minds a little.

    9. 5:08 - Thank you for saying something nice in the middle of "snarky" comments. And, I agree with you; John has always admired Jana and all they things she's able to do. I think some folks must be very unhappy; they watch shows they don't like so they can gripe :)

    10. I do not think people are griping. I think they care about Jana and the way she is treated. It’s just that people see different things in different ways. They are not necessarily being mean-spirited.

    11. I don’t care if Jana married or not; but I do wish she’d move out on her own!

  21. Lactating cookies? Yeah if you made a batch of chocolate chip cookies and told women they were "lactating cookies" they'd work equally well. lol

    1. Actually their are some herbs that help trigger lactation which is what is in the cookies.

    2. What did women do since the dawn of time without lactation cookies?

    3. there* autocorrect🙄🙄

    4. They probably just ate the herbs 6:20.

    5. Flax seed and brewer's yeast are not technically herbs. While both might help milk production some, it would be better to eat them other ways instead of in a little sugary cookie (smoothies, juices, yogurt). Ideally, flax seed should be ground so the body can digest it and get its benefits.

    6. Anonymous@ 6:20-LOL Actually, in a lot of cultures, the older women passed down knowledge of what herbs helped lactating women produce more milk or what helped mothers relax (too much stress/too little rest inhibit milk production). [not talking CBD/marijuana/sketchy drugs/essential oils-to be clear] We're talking medically sound, OB-GYN approved herbs.

    7. They used the same herbs but consumed them in a different way.

    8. @6:20 Some women’s babies died. Some got wet nurses. But mostly women of old knew the herbs to take and foods to eat to stimulate milk production. Today we are trendy and make cookies, but back then women just munched on fennel and drank beer and ate oats.

    9. 6:20 - I don't think lactation cookies should be belittled if the brewer's yeast in them helps with milk production. It's similar to women who drink beer to increase production. It's not a miracle cure all but it's something that can help and tastes good at the same time.

    10. They ate the herbs some other way.

    11. Drink beer to breastfeed? Now I've heard it all.

    12. 6:46PM: Actually, 30 - 35 years ago, some hospitals used to encourage new breastfeeding moms to have a beer to improve milk supply. I thought it was crazy at the time, and never did it.

    13. I doubt that the amount of anything in one batch of cookies made any difference in lactation. That was done because it was someone's idea of something to do for the camera.

    14. @12:45-a beer was suggested to moms struggling with lactation to relax them and encourage the let down of their milk supply.

  22. I think that was a wonderful gift this family chose to give Jana. Jana is a very talented person in a lot of ways.

  23. Yay for JUSTIN in his courtship!!!!

    1. Yay for a 17 year old about to marry?

    2. If he were at least five years older, I might agree. However, he's far too young to be considering a lifelong commitment like marriage.

    3. If Justin is in fact courting I don’t think that’s something to celebrate. 17 is entirely too young to be even thinking of marriage.

    4. I never would have guessed Justin. He is so young. Is there a chance TLC is setting us up?

    5. I agree that 17 is too young to be thinking of marriage however there is a precedent in that family since Josiah’s first girlfriend, Marjorie Jackson, was only 17 when she and Josiah were courting.

    6. I agree that 17 is too young to be thinking of marriage however there is a precedent in that family since Josiah's first girlfriend, Marjorie Jackson, was only 17 when she and Josiah were courting.

    7. But look what quickly happened to Marjorie. No wedding. She seems quite happy since the courtship dissolved.

    8. But Marjorie was also not the right one for him. They would have broken up if they had been five years older.

    9. @9:35 That's not why Marjorie (and her family) broke it off. Look back at what was happening then.

    10. But ultimately, Marjorie was not the right person for him. The family scandal no doubt was the cause of their break-up, but if they has been older while courting, they probably would still not have stayed together.

  24. Wow,one of the single questions Jana gets asked by people is "what's wrong with you"that's just plain nasty,but there are a lot of cruel people out there, I've gotten quite a few myself, one I can think of is "what have you been doing" when I miscarried a baby.

    1. Since the Duggars have to have some control over content, you'd think they would shield Jana from these continued questions about her relationship status. She's clearly uncomfortable with them. IMO that would show their love for her a LOT more than giving her a greenhouse.

    2. Anon 1:06 Call me crazy but I would rather have the greenhouse and deal with the questions of my single status, yep I'll take that awesome greenhouse anyday. I always wanted a greenhouse like Jana did and that one is a nice one.

    3. AGREED!!!!! It doesn’t make sense. It’s like they’re hurting her just for ratings

    4. Jana told tlc that people asked what's wrong with you,it wasn't tlc who said that,it was Jana's choice to tell all the comments people make about her,I think tlc and the public are her confidant.

    5. 7:29 Call me crazy, but I'd rather have a greenhouse I bought for myself on my own property, rather than having one bought for me at the age of 30 and put up on my parents' property.

  25. Why no safety gear when they were building the greenhouse? Jim Bob almost got beaned by a metal beam. That could have seriously hurt him. There were no gloves, hardhats, eye protection, nothing. There were men and boys there who are in the construction industry! Where are your good examples, Duggars?

    1. Totally agree. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen them wear anything of the like. I don’t think I’d hire them if I lived in the area.

    2. For people who've touted their building skills for years on their show(s), this was beyond lame. Even my eight-year old nephew knows to put the goggles on before you start (his dad is a contractor). Our mechanic dad taught us that at 7- no goggles,no tools.

    3. Only sissies wear hard hats and safety glasses. lol

    4. So important when cutting metal the way they were. One shard in the eye could blind you.

    5. They looked like a bunch of "weekend warriors" (people who are trying to do projects without any real knowledge of construction). My daughter is a construction project manager. SHE wears a hard hat when she's on a construction site even though she's not doing the actual labor

    6. 7:25 lol? Not funny and your comment is out of line, whether or not you're serious. My brother-in-law suffered a traumatic brain injury, because he was not wearing a hard hat on the job. The brain damage was life-altering.

    7. Anonymous 8:30AM - I believe 7:25AM was being sarcastic, but you are right, it's nothing to joke about. Sorry about your brother-in-law.

    8. @8:07 Yes, and those were men who supposedly make a living by construction. Their lack of safety equipment was terrible. Maybe this is what happens when you get no formal construction training and you go to work for your father at age 18?

    9. Following up w/ Anonymous @8:30- Just wanted to add it won't be so cool, manly,or funny if any of them need an MRI for something later in life and can't get it because they have metal shards embedded in their skin or eyes. Happens more often than you think and they're often way too tiny to be visible.

  26. Guess it's not going to be Jana's year to court based off next week's preview.

    1. That was a real teaser. TLC does that a lot. Rumor is that Justin (aged 17) is courting.

    2. I'd rather see her move out, get a regular job or education and find a place of her own. It's important you learn to be your own person before committing to being someone's spouse for the rest of your life. There's more to life than finding a man. As Mae West once said, "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution."

    3. It seems Justin is making some sort of "announcement". Who knows what that means? He's a bit young to be getting married and starting a family even by Duggar standards. Maybe he's going to "announce" that one of the others is courting.

    4. I don't see Justin at the ripe old age of 17 courting anyone, so my guess is it's something else. TLC loves to do courtship rumors to pump up ratings.

  27. Please let us know when Jana's online store opens. I would love to support her endeavor.

  28. Jana may have an overly romantic view of marriage. To be waiting for an ideal that won't really ever manifest. As far as this show has shown.... it is taking the good with the rest of the packages and being loving and committed. Then there are babies. Then whatever glamour there was gets muddled by refocusing on just basic survival. Just life to goes on stuff.
    Or Jana knows by now if she is going to have to do it all again herself it is only going to work out for her if she really does love the man not just surviving a mess everyday.

  29. The ridiculous harping about Jana's being single is being prmoted by TLC and the family. The hairdresser's relentless interrogation about it was absolutely disgusting. This was obviously scripted and completely marginalized Jana as a human being, whose life should not be defined by whether or not she has a significant other. The family and the network are exploiting her situation to boost ratings. I simply cannot understand why she puts up with it, unless she's given an lucrative offer she simply can't refuse. I'd tune in if she packs her bags, gets a regular job and finds a home of her own. If she does find a special someone, I hope it's someone she chooses, not her dad.

    1. I agree. The relentless hounding of Jana is wrong. Giving her a greenhouse is not going to right that wrong. I doubt Jana will ever leave home unless she marries someone. She simply isn't programmed to do move out of the family home prior to marriage.

    2. @6:51-I feel that questioning from the hairdresser was totally scripted and staged.

    3. Which makes me wonder what will happen if Jana never marries, what will she do when Jim-Bob and Michelle are no longer here. Will she be expected to move in with one of her married siblings and live with their family for the rest of her life?

  30. It's really a shame that Jana has become so solidly identified as the "single one". I like to think of her as the one who isn't in a big rush to get married and start having kids. I do think education is so important- marriage can wait, it can not. If it's true that Justin is "courting" at his young age, I think that's a crying shame, too.

    1. But that’s the thing, she would have loved to be married at a younger age, and she frequently said on the show ten years or so ago, she just hasn’t met the right person. If she had been pursuing a career for the last decade then I don’t think people would have felt the same way.

    2. Unfortunately the Duggars value getting married and having babies over a good education. Jana hasn't met the family expectation therefore she's always going to be the odd one in this family. Instead of shielding her from the questioning by TLC they let the interviews continue. Perhaps it's a way of putting pressure on Jana to marry on JB and Michelle's part.

    3. 7:52 I wouldn’t be surprised if Jana is expected to participate in the show, whether she wants to or not. Still living at home, she has to abide by Jim Bob’s authority. She seems to be simply enduring it.

    4. I agree. “Simply enduring” is spot on.

  31. This family has turned breast feeding into some sort of "badge of honor". When Kendra experienced difficulties she ended up feeling guilty. That was simply wrong. Breast feeding doesn't always work out for everyone and no one should be beating themselves up if it doesn't.

    1. Most mothers beat themselves up if they are not able to breast feed, not just women in fundie circles.

    2. But it's true, you do feel guilty if you can't breastfeed or you stop early. Society, baby books and doctors promote breastfeeding exclusively as best, and it makes the mom who can't nurse feel like a failure, unable to provide her baby with the best. It's powerful. It's not just the Duggar family.

    3. It’s more likely breast feeding is correlated with other behaviors that cause children to be healthy and well-developed, more than it being causational.

    4. Breastfeeding didn't work out with my baby 45 yrs. ago and I didn't feel guilty. My mom didn't breastfeed or my mom-in-law. My mom had four children. I'm the only one that was sickly with colds and earaches. I got my tonsils and adenoids out when I was around 5 yrs. old. My sister and two brothers still have their tonsils and adenoids and they are senior citizens.

  32. I really don’t think Justin is the one courting. He probably has some news but not the news y’all are thinking. He’s too young. They just want to throw us off by showing us that scene.

    1. I'm still not convinced, that the Sept. 22nd episode of Counting On, will include the news, that Justin, is in a Courtship. Until, I watch this episode, the picture of Justin, could have been, some sort of teaser.

    2. 17! The CHILD is 17!! Too young!! Come on Jim Bob and Michelle!! You should be discouraging your 17 year old child from courting at the age of 17! I get it that it means no touching, but come on! A wedding will be what, a few short months away?

  33. The show was very nice. I love watching the duggar family. It was good how the sisters in laws got together. It was also good to see the little kids in the episode.

  34. Maybe a better title would have been “Jana’s Secret”!

    1. Don't U remember that book called 'The Secret Garden' I think the name of the show was the best ever!!!! It made me happy, and made me laugh lots!!!!! I love books, and they really are special!!! Good Job TLC!!!!!

  35. Is this episode online yet to watch? I can't seem to find it and really want to see it.

  36. Why would they build a greenhouse for Jana on her parent's property if she was going to be leaving soon for marriage? Obviously she is going to stay put and there is no secret courtship happening for her.

  37. Ok. So i was re watching last season of counting on, and i noticed that in the episode remembering grandma mary, in one of the shots at the viewing the camera shows a pew with kendea, joe, and kendras sister, and next to her is james.....yes is it coincidental? Could be. But my guess is still james and kendras sister....maybe its a double courtship or something. I feel like without a courtship announcement in two years, they may just be waiting to make an announcement with multiple relationships going on.

    1. James has been at the Caldwell house a lot too. There's probably a "getting to know you" phase going on and the courtship announcement coming one of these days.

  38. Maybe Jana would be happy just having babies. She doesn’t need a husband for that.

  39. That whole episode felt like one big advertisement for Available Jana.

    1. Yeah. I sort of had the same impression.

    2. Yes! Up next, the courtship of Justin, a 17 year old. There's no end to the exploitaion.

    3. No wonder she appears so unhappy. On the "auction block" and no takers.

  40. Hey Jana,U can now say your garden has lots of glass, (get it), LOL!!!!!!1 I love that your family made U feel special, and I think U are very wonderful girl too, I am 100% happy for U, I love U 1!!!!!!

  41. Justine, I don’t get the joke. I’ve tried to figure out what’s funny but I just can’t . Maybe someone can explain it to me.

    1. Maybe she meant it as a pun on lots of class? I can't figure anything else out that makes sense.

  42. I don't get the joke either.


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