
Sunday, August 16, 2020

Gracie and Aunt Jana

Grace Duggar and Jana Duggar
Grace Duggar and Jana Duggar

Do you recognize this sweet girl sitting next to Jana? We'll give you a hint: She's seven months old, and she's the daughter of Jana's twin brother. What a cute little baby Grace is!

Photo courtesy


  1. Baby Grace is looking more like John David now she's older,she looked just like Abbie when she was born how babies change,looks like Jana's started wearing trousers as you can see the material around her foot and seams around the inside leg,there so she doesn't have to dress as their parents say while under their roof,probably when their minors but they can dress as they like when they are adult,doesn't have to wait till married,nothing wrong with trousers they are still modest.

  2. MO- Aunt Jana has to be a favorite with the nieces and nephews. I know I'd like to have an Aunt Jana! :o)

  3. What a sweet picture. Is Jana wearing slacks!?!

  4. Time 7:15PM Sun 8/16/20
    Aww so cute Grace & Auntie Jana.

  5. She's tiny. The babies in our family have rolls on their legs.

    1. I think Gracie is too thin. Got to fatten the little one up because they take lots of falls and need some padding for protection. lol

    2. Haha -- ours, too.

    3. To 12:57, I am appalled anyone would suggest "to fatten the little one up"! There is nothing wrong with her size here and being overweight is unhealthy. Why would a parent intentionally damage their child's health unless there is something seriously wrong with the parent's thinking abilities?! That is so disturbing to even think, let alone suggest someone actually say and suggest someone do!

    4. 8:20 -- A Chubby baby is NOT unhealthy. Most babies do have rolls. It's called baby fat, and it's totally normal.

    5. Anon 8:20 ok I think you are being a little dramatic there. I too thought the baby was on the thin side and yes I would put some weight on my baby too so they wouldn't be breaking them little bones when they take all the tumbles they will take pulling themselves up and falling down. I don't think the poster meant getting the baby so fat that they would be harmed by the extra weight. Sheesh, lighten up.

    6. A baby doesn't have to be roly-poly to not break bones when they fall. Babies are more resilient than that.

    7. Being overweight is unhealthy. Period.

  6. It would’ve been fun to guess but the title gave it away 😅

  7. Is Jana wearing pants?

  8. Awe sweet photo of Grace and Aunt Jana... She so little

  9. Gabrielle 🍩 Hepfler!!August 16, 2020 at 8:12 PM

    So cute !!!

  10. This is unrelated to the precious pic of Jana & Gracie but I’m just posting on the newest thread hoping it gets seen. Totally unrelated to ANYTHING, but, yesterday I purchased more perfume; & it made me wonder.......whar are all of you girls wearing? I’m so excited to find out! ❤️

    1. The only scent I wear, and have been for many years, is Philosophy's Amazing Grace body lotion. Perfume is too strong for my liking.

    2. I love and wear anything Givenchy. Givenchy is the best fragrant perfume IMO.

    3. I love the Chanel scents, Georgia, which I buy at Sephora. The two I'm currently wearing are "Chance Eau Tendre" (in the pink Chance bottle), which is sweet, soft and girlie, and "Gabrielle," which is a lighter Chanel No. 5 with a bit of a honey scent (at least, I think so) and more sophisticated.

    4. Unfortunately I am allergic to perfume and can't wear any

    5. I wear none. Can't afford it and allergic too.

    6. Once I finally figured out that perfume gives me migraines, life is so much better. I do all I can to avoid others who are wearing perfume.

    7. Essential oils for me

    8. We’re discussing perfume now?

  11. Years on TV and low quality snaps! Jana's headtop and a baby in an oversized dress. Can't they make at least a bit of an effort?

    1. They took a picture from the top so people will notice Jana has started wearing pants,possible male suitors you can step forward now if you were put off by Jana not dressing like everyone else,lol,or maybe she had to do an activity where trousers were necessary maybe hill climbing,we will never know the reason,oh the mysteries of life.

    2. I wouldn’t want a suitor who is only interested in me because I wear pants.

    3. I think it's a nice and artistic camera angle.

  12. Grace looks beautiful with her Aunt Jana. I think she looks like a Duggar. I know she's 7 months old I can imagine her crawling and getting to walk. I can't wait to see what she's able to do at Thanksgiving. I can't wait to see Grace with her family and extended family. Can't wait for season 12. Natasha b

    1. You mean can’t wait to see a COVID-19 superspreader event?

    2. You understand that someone has to first have corona to spread it, correct?

    3. 12:03 You understand that the way you catch it is to be around someone who has it, either before you go to your big event or while you're there. Events are often where superspreading happens.

    4. 12:03- You understand that people can be asymptomatic carriers and spreaders, correct?

    5. Newsflash: lots of families will be getting together for Thanksgiving. It's called living. Just because you won't be, don't rain on everyone else's parade.

    6. Newsflash: Then there will be a rise in Covid cases during the first weeks of December. It's not raining on anyone's parade, it's reality. At least take precautions around the elderly and those with underlying conditions.

    7. @6:14- A relative of mine, along with 2 others, were infected with COVID on Mother's Day at a family gathering in her own home. Someone came with what they thought was just the sniffles. Of the four who were sick, 3 were fighting it for weeks. It wasn't just the sniffles or the flu. So, when you attend your family gathering- because you're just living your life- remember not to rain on anyone else's parade by being careless and potentially getting them sick.

    8. 6:14 --- And then after Thanksgiving there will probably be a ride in positive cases and deaths. I call that dying. Not living.

    9. I know my family will be all getting together for big holiday events. We are already making plans for the Holidays and are looking forward to all our get togethers and activities. Schools are opening, pretty much everything is opened now and most people aren't even wearing masks now. I know the thought of all this freedom will keep the doomsday, black cloud people up at night but that's going to have to be your issue because it is no longer ours.

    10. 9:19- Do everyone a favor and don't travel outside the state where you live. It's obviously one that has downplayed the virus from the start.

  13. What a cute photo! Grace looks like both of her parents equally to me. Did Jana lighten her hair again? It looks a lot blonder here than in the pics from recently like the maze or scavenger hunt. I think it suits her better this blonder look. Looks like she might be wearing pants too! And I like the Chip and Joanna Waco shirt!

    1. I like the blonder look on her too! On the latest shows, her hair is soooooo dark for sure

    2. The lighter hair suits her better.

  14. The way these girls constantly play with the god-given color of their hair makes me wonder what they're trying to achieve.

    1. Internet attention. You know, modesty.

    2. Ummm--- They are trying to achieve a different color.

    3. It's no different than wearing makeup. As far as 'God-given color', the color of my hair has changed a great deal since I was born. I went from being a towhead, as a small child, to light blond, to ash blond as I aged, and now I'm gray. For many years, I highlighted my hair to give it the natural-looking lights I had in my younger days. Perhaps that's what Jana is trying to achieve.

    4. Well there's Michelle "playing with" her hair color to keep the gray at bay. lol

    5. Women often lighten their hair because our hair tends to darken as we get older, and some women prefer the lighter color of youth. Also, sun can bleach the hair out. Do you also quibble when women get braces on their teeth or use acne treatments?

    6. God gives you a color. They should not change it.

    7. I'll bet some of these girls are starting to go gray so that's whey they're changing hair color and adding highlights. Some women start to go gray early, in their 20's. Michelle is obviously coloring her hair. Wonder if Jim Bob is too?!

    8. It's just a color. Changing it doesn't change who they are. It's just for fun or for whatever reason the person wants to do it.

    9. 12:14 Oh no, another rule we must obey! How do you keep track of them all?

    10. It’s ok to change the hair color God assigned you. And nowadays it’s ok to change the gender God assigned you....

  15. What happened to Jana's hair? It looks MUCH lighter than it used to. Not a complaint as I think it looks good on her. Gracie is cute.

    1. I think that this current color is closer to her natural hair color than what she has on the current season of CO.

  16. What a sweet photo, of Gracie, and her Aunt Jana!!!!

  17. Beautiful picture . God Bless.
    Joan,marion and Marilyn

  18. I blew up the picture and it looks like a long skirt pulled tight against her leg causing wrinkling. Not sure why people are saying she's wearing pants.

    1. I thought the same thing lol

    2. Because she is wearing pants.

      And there is nothing wrong with it.

    3. Y’all, she is clearly wearing pants. You can see it where her knees are bent and if you look at her ankle, you can see a pant leg. Even Jessa wears sweatpants on occasion. We have also seen joy wear sweatpants. Nothing new here. Don’t bend over backward to say she is wearing an oddly paneled skirt. Yes you saw them wearing those awful long paneled jean skirts in the past, but have you seen anything resembling them in the last five years?

    4. It looks like a skirt to me.

  19. Can I get an "Amen!" for the pants?!?!?!?!

    1. Yes, woohoo!!!!

    2. I don’t know that those are pants. I see fabric in her lap and some confusing seams. Could be an oddly-paneled skirt, which they are known to wear. Until you see Jana plainly standing in 2-legged pants, I wouldn’t be deceived by an optical illusion.

    3. Probably not going to get an amen from her family because we've been told over and over that women don't dress like men and that long loose skirts are modest.

    4. @11:32 I think she has a pair of loose wind-suit type pants she's worn when she bikes. I'd like to see her wear jeans sometime, and I don't mean a jeans skirt. Maybe she wears pants when she doesn't take pictures? She has to appear desirable right now so she has to be seen in skirts.

    5. 11:32, when I expand the picture, it definitely looks like pants. You can see the outlines of her legs.

    6. I don't care what she's wearing that's always between the person and GOD to decide

    7. Between the person and God and the person's parents who have a TV show contract and book deals and speaking engagements, all stating what they wear.

  20. Gracie looks very cute. She s petite. And i really like the pants on Jana.

  21. I wonder if Abbie's curls are natural or she does a perm on her hair. And if it's natural, will baby Gracie inherit it. John's hair is not so thick, so I'm hoping the baby will have Abbie's hair.

  22. Aww that is adorable. Gracie is so cute. And I love Jana's outfit


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