
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Josh and Anna, July 2020

Hope that all our readers are having a relaxing summer, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We thought we would share a new photo of Josh and Anna, as well as their two oldest boys, Michael and Marcus.

Josh Duggar and Anna Duggar
Marcus Duggar and Michael Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. I feel like the majority of people who visit the blog don’t wish to see pictures of josh.

    1. I don't mind. He looks like he's much older than Anna and I wonder what happened to his hair.

    2. I don't mind.

    3. I feel those people don't have to read the post if they don't like the subject. I know many people appreciate the update, and don't mind seeing pictures of Josh...

    4. 12:47 I agree.

    5. I don't want to see Josh on the show and would prefer not to see him on the blog. I understand he is part of the family, but he committed crimes and betrayed his family.

      I hope Josh is living a clean life now and treating Anna and the kids well.

    6. I feel like the majority of those that feel that way should not visit the blog.
      Unlike the portrayal that TLC gives...Josh is still apart of the family. In fact, he’s there during a lot of the filming...he just stays out of view of the camera out of respect for his family. Do you really think he doesn’t show for the weddings? I’ve been...he’s there. He’s even mc’d a wedding reception.
      Move on people...

    7. Doesn't bother me. I can look at pictures of people who I dislike or don't respect and not get triggered.

    8. If that were truly the case, that the majority of the people on the blog didn’t want to see Josh, that would be an awful lot of unforgiving, and unhappy people!!!

    9. I would rather see just Jill and her boys instead. It is a shame she is having family troubles with her parents, she is so kind, she has always been my favorite.At least she has Amy and lots of new and old friends to support her.Blessings😇

    10. I’m grateful every time I see pictures of God’s restoration of a marriage! It gives such hope!!! And I’m glad people don’t say they don’t want to see pictures of me when I make mistakes! Love seeing pics of them!

    11. Perhaps you should speak for yourself and not assume what other people want.

    12. I appreciate seeing an update on them.
      I feel like the majority of people who visit the blog understand grace, forgiveness and 2nd chances.
      Anna always looks so pretty.
      Thanks for the update on these 2.

    13. I feel like you should speak for yourself. If you don't wish to see Josh then for crying out loud don't read the post. There are some of us who aren't holding on to bitterness. Bring on the pictures Ellie!

    14. It is hard to see pictures of Josh without remembering what happened, yes. But let’s not forget that forgiveness is necessary and people *can* change. Josh admitted he was wrong and apologized. As bystanders who don’t even know him, I don’t see what more we can demand before considering him “redeemed” enough for us.

    15. I feel like the majority of people forgave and forgot Josh’s past and are looking forward, happy to see Josh and his family healing.

    16. Speak for yourself.....Josh is Anna's husband and the father of their children. He did nothing to you or me, his family has forgiven him.... it's time to move on.

    17. Why? Christians don’t make mistakes? And we don’t forgive them?

    18. And I feel like you should speak for yourself. I'm happy to see their family looking happy. Have YOU ever done anything wrong? Would YOU want people to hold it against you for the rest of your life? Has God forgiven YOU?

    19. Jesus tells us to love.,vengeance is His.The whole Gospel is based on Love and forgiveness

    20. I do like to see them.
      Who are we to judge?

    21. That is your opinon only, i like seeing Josh's picture :)

    22. It doesn't bother me. I have to see the faces of politicians who have done disgusting things all the time. I've learned to cope.

    23. Not for me, I Love to see pics of him and Anna and just see how they are doing. Even though he did something terrible, he still moved on and has healed along with his whole family.

    24. I want to see them. If you don’t, just don’t click on the link. It isn’t hard!

      They look happy and healthy!

    25. I want to see them!

    26. You are so right!!

    27. Those who are not interested may simply choose to not read it and hit the delete button.

    28. I feel like the majority of people who visit the blog can decide for themselves what to read or not read and don't need others to speak for them.

    29. I agree. Anna certainly doesn't look happy here, and her smile looks forced.

    30. I don’t know. I feel like redemption of flawed humans, even those who have horribly hurt others, is a much better outcome than casting humanity off as worthless and unable to change for the better. It’s nice to see an example of GENUINE forgiveness and restoration. I could not possibly wish otherwise, lest my own faults be unforgivable as well.

    31. Speak for yourself but personally I have no problem seeing him.

    32. @July 23 12:47 So you feel like you are speaking for the majority of 3208+ readers here? This blog isn't required reading and if you don't wish to see pictures of Josh then don't read the post. Easy peasy!

    33. People commenting on here saying bad things about Josh remember when you do that you are hurting Anna. I'm glad my mother forgave my dad when he made a mistake. It's Anna's life, she forgave him so it's really none of your business. His family love him too. They have forgiven him. You don't stop loving a family member just because they made a mistake. Grow up people. Life is complicated sometimes.

    34. When I see Anna, I still see the pain in her eyes... She cannot flourish in the way she was created to... I can see the suppression in her eyes... and in the eyes of the kids... :-(

    35. It sounds like most of you would throw open all jail doors as long as the inmates admitted they were wrong and claimed to have changed. It doesn't work that way!

    36. MO- I TOTALY agree. And don't give me this talk about "flawless humans"! Josh had a second change and blew it. He lived a lie that hurt an entire family and ended their show. He shouldn't be rewarded for that. Poor Anna had how many kids at the time of all his nonsense? What was she going to do- leave the family that supported her? I wish she had dumped Josh the multi-time cheater! Who knows, he might still be lying to everyone. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Wake-up, he fessed-up because He Got Caught! :o(

    37. 12:47 Josh asked for forgiveness and from everything we see and know, he has changed. I think the mistake some Christians make is when they mess up royally they ask for forgiveness and change their ways and then go and hide from everyone never to be heard from again. That's what the enemy wants us to do, run and hide and live in condemnation and become unfruitful for the Kingdom. No don't do that, the previous mess in our lives can become our testimony to help others who are struggling in that area. You now become a walking testimony of the MERCY and REDEMPTION POWER of God and are able to reach into others lives to share with them what God has done for you in that specific area. Remember what God said to us, "what the enemy meant for your harm, I will use for your good" So we get up and accept forgiveness and get back out in the field serving God. 🙏

    38. I’m so encouraged by all these comments by Christian people! Wow I’ve never seen such a group of comments all in unity of the power of forgiveness and encouraging the ones that still have bitterness to let go and let God take over. I just want to applaud y’all. I hope God can speak through this blog and reach out to the ones that need Him in their life. Thankyou Ellie for posting this.

    39. I don't know how any of you can look at a picture and then claim you see restoration or forgiveness. Anyone can smile for a camera. You have no idea what might really be going on, or how tormented and betrayed either of them still feel.

    40. I don't know how any of you can look at a picture and then claim you see restoration or forgiveness. Anyone can smile for a camera. You have no idea what might really be going on, or how tormented and betrayed either of them still feel.

    41. I bet you’re WRONG!!! I love seeing pictures of all the Duggar’s, especially Josh!! I miss seeing him on the show. Forgive and stop throwing stones!!

    42. @2:34- I've been on the receiving end of some of that "walking testimony" of mercy and redemption. Unfortunately, it's a manipulative game for some sick individuals who use church teachings about forgiveness to continue their dysfuntional pattern of behavior. At some point, moving on may mean keeping toxic people out of your life altogether.

    43. 4Me@3:50- Have you had personal experience with someone who has repeatedly betrayed and lied to you, even after so-called forgiveness and redemption? I have. There is a point where one has to protect oneself and not allow further manipulation by someone who does not have the capacity for empathy, compassion or anything but what's in their own self-interests. I'm not saying this is the case with Josh Duggar, but it's nonetheless an unfortunate reality when it comes to human behavior. No one should be guilted or shamed into offering unconditional forgiveness.

    44. It bothers me to see Josh’s picture more than I thought it would. Josh’s problem is more than a “mistake.” I know God can work miracles in people. I feel like I’m the one God needs to work on because I wish I could see Josh without seeing his serious transgressions.

    45. @12:45 No one here is saying throw open the doors of the jails and let out anyone who says they are sorry. No one is saying what Josh did was ok. As Christians it is our responsibility to forgive and leave the judgement to God. People saying Anna doesn't look do realize how many years ago this happened. She has six children and is a really busy mom. We see pictures of a single moment in someone's life and to make a statement about how they feel is just wrong.... I'm sure she suffered, let's stop continuing to punish her with our comments.

    46. I am not a fan of Josh Duggar, but it's up to the blog owners to decide their own content. If I don't like something, I skip over it.

    47. 2:34 There's really nothing the public knows or sees about Josh. I hope for his wife's sake that he's changed.

    48. If that's Christianity then I want no part of it.

    49. Heaven forbid that ANY of you should have a problem that needs to be forgiven and help sought in order to rid you of it! I am NOT condoning what he did. I was molested as a child, I harbor no I’ll will! I have forgiven! What is it to any of you to continue persecute him? I nor you are his judge, or have you forgotten the mistakes you’ve made........

    50. Judge not, for you shall be judged!
      If you don’t want to see the Duggers than why may I ask are you on there blog? Oh wait let me guess, to spread your nasty comments, right! And please don’t speak for the majority as I am one of them! Thank you Anna and Josh for the pictures!

    51. Original commenter: how ridiculous to think you have any say in what someone else posts to THEIR blog. Sorry they don't approve every post with you before posting. 🙄

  2. Everyone looks good. Stay safe!

  3. Anna keeps getting prettier and prettier! After having 6 kids, she still looks unfrazzled... I looked frazzled when I had only 3 young ones

  4. 12:47pm... I felt the same way about seeing this pic of Josh and Anna.... then I just listened to Jinger and Jeremy’s Podcast on “Forgiveness”. As Christians we need to forgive even if they haven’t asked for forgiveness. I really don’t know if Josh ever publicly asked the Christian community for forgiveness. I’m sure this was done in his family but maybe something to genuinely apologize to the Christian fan base. If this isn’t done well it’s on us to forgive and not necessary to write these messages. I thank Jeremy and Jinger for this podcast on forgiveness. It’s such a burden to carry not forgiving someone ... release it and feel free and lighter .. Remember give it to the Lord.. he can handle EVERYTHING 🙏🙏

    1. @2:54 In a word, no. When you forgive someone who has done something terrible to you, that person can feel they've won. They're likely to repeat that behavior since "forgiveness," which has little or NO meaning to them, is given so freely. That's not punishment. It doesn't change them. It's only encouragement to that type of person. They think they're welcome to be part of your life again. I can tell that you've never truly dealt with a person capable of doing terrible things to you. I HAVE. Forgiveness or telling yourself to feel "free and lighter" is not the answer. Being on guard for the next hurtful behavior is, especially if that person is incapable of changing or being helped.

    2. Forgiveness is for YOU not the person that did the transgression. If you dont truly forgive that person, you are bound together forever and they control you. I have been there and I choose forgiveness every time. That is the example Jesus taught us.

    3. @8:43 after reading your post the only thing I can say help. Bad things happen and we can not allow them to hold us back from the full life of joy God promised. Forgiveness is for you, not the other person. Forgive does not mean forget....don't let that person "win" buy allowing them to mess up your whole life.

    4. I agree with the points made by 8:43AM. Anna may have forgiven Josh and Josh may have been remorseful; we'll never know and that's the way it should be. However, Anna likely will not ever be trustful of Josh. Every time Josh goes to work, a meeting, or an appointment, Anna will worry if Josh will stay "true" to her. "Forgiveness" is not the long-term issue. The long-term issue is "Trust".

    5. @10:47 How insensitive of you to tell that person that they are the ones who need to seek help!

    6. Forgiveness has to be sincerely earned by the person who did the wrong thing. Some people are absolutely incapable of earning that! If you give it to them anyway, they're likely to see it as your weakness and use it against you at any opportunity. "She'll forgive me no matter what I do." There's no benefit at all in that for you. You are setting yourself up to be the victim again. Sometimes it's best to cut ties and stop unnecessary communication. You don't owe them another thing and don't let anyone tell you that you do. Ask the staff at any women's shelter what happens sometimes when an offender has so graciously been given forgiveness...

    7. sooo....if God “handles everything” then why do humans “need” to forgive him?

    8. Obviously some people have no experience being around someone with any form of mental illness. Forgiveness is not the solution.

    9. @7:33, I am @10:47 IiI suggested that this person should get help because they seem very angry and stuck in something in their past. Personal violations of our bodies or our hearts leave wounds, we need help to heal those wounds so we can carry on and live a joyous life. And yes I have also survived both rape as a young woman and then severe domestic abuse. I spent so many years angry at what happened and who did it that I missed many good times. Finally at 61 I have let go....but not forgotten who and what happened.

    10. Some are forgetting that forgiveness and trust are two different things. You can forgive and still have walls and precautions up.

  5. Love to see Josh. Hope god will forgive him for his sins, it happened almost 5 years ago now.

    1. Look! Ellie posted your comment! So no more complaining right?

  6. Anna looks lovely, but what happened to Josh? He looks so much older than he has in previous pictures.

    1. Let's see pictures of you across time and see if you look different or older.

    2. Why would pictures of any of us have any bearing on how Josh is aging?

    3. I sure didn't look like that at 32. I was still being asked for ID when I tried to buy cooking wine. I was picking up my child from school at about that age and someone asked me if the high school was letting out early that day. They thought I went to high school!

  7. Michael sure looks like his mother. Marcus looks like his grandfather Keller. You can Anna's kids are brothers and sisters. Also, the Keller genes seem to predominate in all of them.

  8. Maybe it's just me but whenever I see Josh and Anna pose together for a picture, Anna's smile looks "forced", almost like she's cringing. What do others think?
    One of my favorite pictures of Anna was when she took all her kids to a lake for fishing.
    Anna seems truly happy when she's surrounded by her children.

    1. She smiles the same way Michelle does: not genuine...

  9. Josh looks great! So does Anna.

  10. I like seeing Anna and the kids. It’s hard to look at Josh knowing what he did in the past. However, if Anna and his sisters and the one other have forgiven him; so shall I. I just can’t help wonder if he was genuinely remorseful on both counts.

  11. Every soul, even Josh, is able to be redeemed. Anna is a strong woman who has beautiful children. Congratulations on 2 good looking boys! And, I know the girls are just as cute as the boys are handsome! Blessings to the family.

  12. I sure give Anna all the credit for keeping her family together. She seems like a wonderful mother and a very strong and courageous woman. I always feel sad for Anna that the other Duggar girls have wonderful husbands and she got Josh and all the pain and trouble he brought. She deserved so much better. I'm sorry we don't see as much of Anna as I would like, also. She always seems to be in the background now, tainted by Josh. And I still miss "19 Kids." "Counting On" is just not the same.

    1. I completely agree with you on every point

  13. Josh and Anna sure have beautiful, happy children.

  14. I don’t understand that a lot people make mistakes and people need to learn how forgive another persons for the mistakes They made look at your own life I’m sure you made plenty of mistakes. We don’t live as a perfect person The Duggar’s are not a perfect family. Either you and me I know I made plenty of mistakes in my life that I’m not proud of.

    1. I don't think anyone expects the Duggars to be perfect or not make mistakes. Josh made thought out decisions that lasted for years. He lived a double life, it was no mistake.
      You can forgive and still have discernment.

    2. 99% of us haven’t made THOSE mistakes.

      Some mistakes are unforgivable.

    3. I agree KitKath. 99% of us haven't made them repeatedly either.

    4. Trusting him would be a very big pill to swallow!

    5. Sometimes people treat you so shabbily that you don't owe them any forgiveness. Why give them the chance to walk all over you again? No means no and goodbye means goodbye.

    6. Thank you, 9:49 PM. Not sure why so many are so quick to forgive Josh. They say “God forgives” So we should, too.

      But if God forgives, why is it imperative that we do?

    7. KitKath, God's forgiveness and ours are two separate things. We forgive so that we can have inner peace. When we keep unforgiveness, it festers into bitterness and warps us.

    8. A mistake is something done on accident; a sin is something done intentionally. Please stop confusing the two. They are not the same. If you're not willing to call it a sin, then you need to ask yourself why. God doesn't use "soft" or minimizing language when confronting sin, as Christians neither should we. It is better to offend that person than to minimize what they've done. When we change the language (so as not to offend the person), we're actually offending God. We're also signalling to that person that what they did really wasn't THAT bad-we're helping them deceive themselves.

  15. I love seeing the whole family!

  16. Good to see Josh and Anna, yes he did wrong in the past but if Anna forgives him then so should we. No one is perfect!

  17. Great pictures. I like to see all family members. Josh is family.

  18. Love it!!!! Thank you for keeping us updated on everyone. I miss seeing them on the show but I completely understand why things are where they are... God bless them<3

  19. Those two boys do look mostly like Josh,I don't know who Josh looks like,he only looks a little like J B and nothing like Michelle although he does look a little like Michelle's father,same with my brother he looks more like my uncle than my parents.

    1. I think Josh looks like his brothers. They all have a strong family resemblance.

    2. Josh looks a lot like John David now to me.

  20. 12:47, I disagree. Maybe we need to be a bit more forgiving?

  21. Anna looks so much like her sister, Suzanna, in this picture!

  22. The boys are adorable. God bless their family.

  23. You can’t just erase family members. I am glad to see a picture of him and Anna together. She stayed with him and he is still the Duggar Family’s firstborn, so everyone who doesn’t “wish to see pictures of Josh” need to get over themselves. Is he just supposed to disappear forever or what? Get real. What else is he supposed to do? The past is past and everyone needs to move on. It’s not your family business anyway and he was already taken out of the spotlight years ago. I see nothing wrong with Ellie posting a picture of this married couple and parents of the M kids.

    1. Um yes, josh should fully step out of the eyes of the public. He lied on camera for years and was living a fake double life. Even if he’s moved on, people don’t have to want to see him

    2. I don't really care if Josh's photo is posted, however the sight of him brings only brings negative things to mind.

    3. I could never trust him after everything that came to light. But, it’s Anna’s choice- not ours.

  24. I really like Anna's dress!!!!

    1. I was thinking too that I like her dress. When my sewing skills improve, I'd like to sew one like it or something similar. I have a hard time sewing curves. Anyway it looks like it would be an easy one to sew.

  25. I pray for Anna, She deserves the best out of life, Anna is a good woman, God bless you,

  26. I'm glad to see a picture of Josh and Anna. The boys are getting so big. Happy to see Anna and the kids on counting on. Natasha B.

  27. Where do they live now?

  28. I am very happy to see a picture of Josh and Anna. They have withstood many trials, but God has helped them to stay together. We are all sinners so no one has the right to "cast the first stone." God bless them and their lovely family.

  29. I personally come to this page to see pictures of the entire family. I do not pick and choose! Please continue to share pictures of the entire family!

  30. you kmow your comment will definately cause negativity due to your assumption. God tells us to forgive, and true forgiveness doesnt mean forgive but hold a grudge. And if we choose altogether to NOT forgive, then how can we ever ask God to forgive us of anything WE will do, while holding unforgiveness im our heart? It doesnt work that way.

    1. @1:28 Not everyone in the world has the same religion you do, and you shouldn't speak to them as if they do. That's also an assumption.

    2. 1:28 No, it does not "work that way". I don't earn God's forgiveness by first forgiving another person.

    3. Well, God does tell us that if we won't forgive the other person, God won't forgive us when we need forgiveness. He's got a perfect right to say that because He gave His own Son to die an excruciating death for what each one of us has done and we didn't deserve the mercy. So, we should be willing to extend the same kind of mercy to that other person if we're Christians.

  31. I like Anna and the children. It s nice to see pictures of them. Anna is such a sweet lady.

  32. Josh and Anna are looking good and the kiddos are getting big!! Hope they are staying healthy and safe!!

  33. Something looks different about Anna’s face. I can’t figure it out. I hope they’re happy together raising their family.

    1. Yes, she still has a Keller resemblance, but it almost looks like she's had surgery of some sort. Her nose, maybe?

    2. You’ve heard of makeup? That what I see.

    3. I think she had her eyebrows done, per the latest trend. She used to have thin arched eyebrows.

    4. I agree about the eyebrows, but it's not the only thing.

    5. 8:04 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  34. What a beautiful family they have! I hope everyone is doing well.

  35. We do like seeing pictures of Josh. -Gives us something to complain about. It also attracts trolls who amuse us with their comments.

  36. Thank you for showing a picture of Josh and Anna. I'm so glad to know that they are doing well. Praise God for His mercy and grace!

  37. MY EYES!! Why wouldn’t you warn us, Ellie?? Most of us are incredibly offended at the sight of this person, and we wonder why you’d bother posting this.

    1. KitKath please speak for yourself. The post is titled "Josh and Anna"(warning enough) so if you don't want to see him then don't read the post. Like someone said earlier the blog isn't required reading, that is unless of course you feel like it is. I absolutely promise you won't be "assimilated" ( like Star Trek Borg) if you read posts that don't interest you.

    2. You should first read the comments posted so far, then speak for yourself... your opinions are not the same as the majority of the readers here. Nobody made you click on the post. MOST of us like seeing the WHOLE family. If Anna forgave Josh and moved on, then you should as well... after all, who are you to judge him?

    3. Agreed. I could have done without seeing that picture.

    4. Refer to a couple comments back up, anon at 5:30 pm. It’s what I’m saying too.

    5. Have you ever sought forgiveness for anything? Do you ever make mistakes? Let’s put the spotlight on ourselves for a moment... and do unto others as we would want others to do to us.

    6. Forgiveness will help your eyes(and soul)heal.

    7. Kitkath Oh my gosh your eyes👀....what did Josh do to you? The people he directly harmed have forgiven him, you really have no reason to be so personally offended. What happened with his sister's was sixteen or seventeen years ago and the things that occurred that harmed his marriage....well that is totally none of our business. Don't read the posts about Josh if they upset on forgiveness and being a grown up.

    8. KitKath -- If you're offended by sinners, I bet you have trouble reading the Bible. King David was an adulterer and a murderer. Saul of Tarsus (the Apostle Paul) was a murderer. I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture. Maybe turn off your computer and TV and pull your blinds. I bet you have a neighbor who is an adulterer -- wouldn't want to see him crossing the street!

    9. @2:13 The difference is that neighbor probably doesn't want to be in the public eye whereas Josh and the entire family seem to thrive on it, no matter what they've done. There's such a thing as being humble, and here's not an example of it.

  38. Anna looks great. the boys are growing on up

  39. Their marriage has been redeemed; what a blessing from our amazing Lord and Savior.

    1. Hopefully. Josh and Anna are the only ones who know if it has truly been redeemed.

  40. Where are my comments? I don’t see them? You’re not posting them yet again???!!!

    1. But Ellie posted did post this one so why would she not have posted the others,the other comments probably didn't go through,it happens to me sometimes,try not exiting the website directly after sending,wait a couple of minutes after seeing the message above the comment saying p"after approval"if you don't see that message press publish again.

    2. Sometimes we post comments on posts that I think the blog owners are no longer reviewing....too old...or you have said almost the same thing as many others. My comments have sometimes not been published most likely due to my more liberal stance on some social's their blog, they get to decide, don't take it personally.

    3. My comments don't always get posted, either. I figure they have a lot to go through. Just try again?

  41. So nice to see a picture of Josh & Anna.

  42. Marcus and Michael are two handsome boys. Michael resembles Mackynesie. Keep well and safe all.
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion

  43. Are you and the Duggars in Ohio this weekend for Anna's brother's wedding to the Rodrigues girl?

  44. Love seeing updates on Josh and Anna! I wish them both the best and hope they are doing well.

  45. What sweet pictures! Thank you for sharing!

  46. I believe God is love ❤. he love us and forgive us for our sins. God don't wants us to judge others. please share love not hate.when you read these negative comments against people it seems you don't know the lord because you don't love him. God teach us to love one another. thanks for sharing pictures may God bless anna and Josh and their beautiful children.

    1. I don't think God expects that we keep people in our lives who have repeatedly hurt us and betrayed our trust. Forgiveness does not require unconditional acceptance or trust.

    2. There's an old saying- "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." IMO, unconditional forgiveness in every circumstance is simply not realistic. We are not God, but human beings with all the feelings and emotions that are vulnerable to the actions of others. Someone who shows repeated and intentional cruelty or disregard for the feelings of others does not have the capacity to care if they are forgiven or not. In fact, it can simply be another way to manipulate others. Whatever the relationship between Josh and Anna is their business. However, in my own experience, there comes a time when you can be justified in shutting a toxic person out of your life and not be shamed for doing so.

    3. Why are you assuming that all people are Christian and need to know that lord? Do you know Buddah? Confucius? Allah? Gurus? How would you like to be told by someone here that you don't love them?

  47. Here’s where I stand: what Josh did is terrible. However, he didn’t blame his family for his mistakes. He’s taken the well-deserved hit, moved home and made a seemingly honest attempt at family life both immediate and extended. Anna has been a saint through this. I not mind seeing him here because he isn’t covered very much and his wife and children have done nothing but been strong and loving.

    However, Derek is a different story. He is CURRENTLY betraying the family publicly repeatedly and it’s all about not getting the cut of money he feels he deserves. There will never be enough money or fame for that man. This is not Christian behavior.

    What I’m not understanding is why did the blog address josh’s problems but we’re pretending the Derek issue isn’t occurring?

    1. I think Derick is more likely to tell the truth than Josh would ever be.

    2. Agree with you completely.

  48. I think the entire Josh scandals were handled terribly, and so is his reappearance in public. It's one big PR fumble for this family, and that's what people are reacting to.

  49. Anna looks a lot like Jinger in this photo!

  50. @832am, yes I HAVE. My own parents, whom I chose to forgive “70 x 7.” That has kept me from being chained to bitterness, and FREED me to extend grace and mercy. I win! FWIW, it’s Anna’s call regarding whether Josh has the capacity you speak of. In a world of fallen and fallible people, I can’t fault her for her choice.

  51. I personally am glad to see pictures of all of them. Everyone makes mistakes and deserves God's forgiveness. I think that his redemption in Christ and in his family is a beautiful thing. We've been watching since their first documentary aired and love watching their family grow 😎

  52. I want to see photos of Josh, Anna and the kids. The guy made a mistake. He sought help for the things that happened with his sisters, they had healed from that. A lot of men stray. He's working through this and he deserves a fair chance. If you don't like him, don't visit, don't comment...just be an adult and scroll on by. Stop living in a cancel culture snowflake world. God forgives, it's none of our places not to. Jesus commanded us to love.
    And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
    1 Corinthians 1:13.


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