
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Jill Turns 29

The Duggars are entering spring birthday mode. Jill Dillard, Lauren Duggar, and Ben Seewald all have back-to-back birthdays over the next three days, followed closely by Jackson Duggar and Ivy Seewald. Then in early June, Marcus Duggar, Garrett Duggar, and Michael Duggar all have their special days. Get ready to party, Duggars!

Happy 29th birthday to Jill!

Photos courtesy,,


  1. Birthday season for the Duggars has arrived. All the best to Jill.

  2. Happy Birthday Jill!! Hope you and your beautiful little family have a wonderful celebration!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jill! Enjoy your day!!

    - Leann

  4. Happy Birthday to Jill.
    While our family is not as large as the Duggars, we have 6 birthdays in the month of May!
    With the country being shut down, it's been difficult to shop for gifts but everyone will get their presents, thanks to shopping online.

    1. I don't drive and haven't for years. I've never found it "difficult" to shop for gifts for my friends and family. It's very convenient and I can have whatever I purchase on line sent directly to the person I bought the gift for.

    2. 11:40 -- I agree. It's so much nicer to be able to shop for gifts in person. It's more personal and means more to me to know the person shopped in person and wrapped it for me. Shopping online is a bit impersonal, but I guess some people don't mind that.

    3. I am the OP:
      I was merely mentioning that my shopping habits have changed because of the shut down due to Corona virus. Shopping may not be difficult for you but it has become difficult for me as I adjust to this lifestyle. No need to put down my "difficulty".
      Thank you.

    4. Many people don't have the luxury of shopping online as you do.

    5. I don't drive either I's not hard to get someone anything just order online or get a gift card.

    6. 11:47, obviously 11:40 is used to shopping in person and you are not, and both are fine. Many people are having to do things differently these days.

    7. The hoax virus.. not that it isn't real but it's like the flu. Shut down the country to destroy economy is what it is. (Check out movie or book 1984)

    8. 10:05, actually it is hard if you don't have the internet at your house. My mom can't shop online. It's literally not an option for her, so yes, it is difficult right now.

    9. 1:20 Many times, you have no way of knowing if a gift is bought in a store or not. I don't know how shopping online for a gift is any less personal than going into a store. I pick something out and either have it delivered to me so that I can wrap it and give it to the person, or I have it delivered directly to them if I won't be seeing them in the near future. There are many great online businesses that may not have their products in stores. In-store shopping has become more of a headache and chore to me than anything else. There have been many times I've trudged through stores searching for a gift, only to end up finding just what I was looking for online. Besides, sometimes those "personal" gifts are more appealing to the giver than the recipient. I don't mind receiving gift cards, that's for sure!

    10. Anon 3:33 Bingo!!! If this 600.00 a week extra money along with the unemployment benefits doesn't stop soon this country will go bankrupt. So us people who are working and around this supposedly deadly virus work and receive our working man's wages, but if your job shut down for a while you collect unemployment and an additional 600.00 to sit home, yeah because that makes a whole lot of sense. hmmm I wonder if people are going to take advantage of that situation. They are working really hard to destroy this country and our economy. This shut down needs to end quick.

    11. Anon 2:30 Not only are people who are getting unemployment getting a 600.00 a week extra check but they also get the 1,200 stimulus check that was given to everyone. So technically they are getting a 1,200 stimulus check every two weeks with that extra 600. Talk about abuse of tax payer money. It makes zero sense.

    12. 2:30, so you don’t believe people have died from this virus? Interesting. I would love for you to go up to someone who has lost family members from Covid-19 & tell that to their face.

    13. To 3:33 and 2:30 : you do know that the whole world is infected and affected by the virus, right ? And that the whole world had to be quarantined in order to stop this highly deadly and highly transmittable virus from spreading and killing people (and not just the elderly !)

    14. @2:30, it is people like you that make me so very glad that our border is closed to all non-essential travel from the US. The vast majority of the people here support the border closure to keep us safe. I doubt that it will be opened again until 2021. And, even after it is opened, travel to the US will be socially discouraged.

    15. Anon 7:24 You do realize that the recovery rate for someone with covid 19 is 99.8 percent recovery. That is about the same recovery rate for the flu that comes around every year. The elderly need to be protected from the virus because it brings on breathing problems which can lead to death. However if you have a love one in a nursing home or long term care home you need to check up on them because on th news last night it showed horrible abuse that was being done to the elderly by their caretakers. It showed physical abuse so find a way to check on them even if you have to wrap yourself in protective gear with a mask on to see them. Keep an eye out on your elderly grandparents, oarents, aunts and uncles.

    16. 9:51- No one is getting a $1200 stimulus check every two weeks. That was a one time deal for everyone. Don't spread false information. BTW, the people who are now out of work were paying taxes at their jobs and they are now paying taxes on their unemployement benefits. I just do not understand the vitrol and bitterness that some people are showing now. This is a time when we need to be looking out for one another, not tearing each other apart.

    17. @ 2:30- "They are working really hard to destroy this country and our economy." My question is... who do you think THEY are? Before you answer that, consider that the $2 Trillion stimulus deal was bipartisan- approved by both the House and Senate and sign by Trump. Tip- It is the virus that is intent on destroying our economy. It is the bitterness, angst and division that will destory our country if we allow it to continue to fester.

    18. Anon 2:30 I wouldn't take some of the comments people are saying to you to serious, remember there are a whole lot of people who want to keep things shut down because that big check in addition to their unemployment check is something they don't want to let go of. But these same people don't have a dog in the race, like the small business owners who are losing their businesses in this shut down. Now we are hearing that some employers who were allowed to open are having a hard time getting some workers to come back because some workers are saying they are making more on unemployment then when they were working, so there you have it. Everyone knows the recovery rate for covid 19 is 99 percent and it mostly affects the elderly in a dangerous way so we should protect them but not shut the country down. But thank God our President said he isn't shutting the country down again, so that is good news.

    19. Anon 7:13 If someone is getting 600 extra dollars a week along with their unemployment then in two weeks that equals 1,200 dollars which is what the onetime stimulus check everyone got equals so, yes it is exactly like getting a stimulus check every two weeks for months, oh and they also got the one-time 1,200 check that everyone got in addition to the 600 extra a week. It's wrong no matter how you try to spin it and as far as false information, nope it's not false info and the dems are fighting to keep unemployment coming with the 600.00 until Jan 2021. But this is not free money because my children will be paying this off along with their children. So people need to go back to work for the sake of our children. My kids don't need to carry this heavy debt of overpaid unemployment benefits. It's ridiculous!!

    20. For heaven’s sake! There are off the subject discussions on here and this is one of them. Leave the OP alone. I agree with her/him. Anon 3:35, put the jealousy away. I think people are getting out of hand here with this discussion. Please use another venue for it. This is about the Duggar’s and Happy Birthday Jill.

    21. I am the OP.
      Many thanks, 10:13pm.
      Happy Birthday to Jill.

  5. May, June and November are the busiest Duggar months.
    May has 3 Duggar birthdays, 1 GrandDuggar birthday, 2 Duggar in-law birthdays, 1 wedding (Joy) and 1 engagement (Joe). In June they have 3 GrandDuggar birthday, Anna's birthday and Jill and Josiah's weddings. In November, they have 2 Duggar birthdays (Jessa and Justin), 4 Duggar grandkids (Spurgeon, Addison, Bella, Maryella) and 3 Duggar weddings (Jessa, Jinger and John).

    1. 1:06 PM Thanks for all the information and keeping track. I see someone is really a fan! With 11 kids still unmarried and without children, there are bound to be more birthdays and weddings. I hope we can keep following this family in everything they do, including work, travel, etc.

  6. I wonder if Jill is going to have more kids. She is already 29 and has only 2 children. Her mother Michelle has 7 children at 29. I think Jill's husband does not want more kids.

    1. !:54- The number of children a couple has is a personal decision. Jill is not obligated to follow in her mother's footsteps and have one child after another. It's entirely possible that the current size of the Dillard's family is just right for both Jill and Derick.

    2. It is their business. Do you really think they would want 19 kids in this day and age?? Derick is from a small family-1 brother, and is probably leaning to a smaller family. Plus he is college educated & probably wants that for his children.

    3. Maybe they both agreed not to have more kids or health issues were involved. Either way it really is not anybody's business and seems not very nice to comment on.

    4. How many children a couple chooses to have isn’t something I spend time pondering.

    5. I agree. People applaud Derrick for being so modern but I think he's actually the most controlling of all the husbands.

    6. You make it seem like 29 is super old. Having 2 kids by 29 is an extremely normal scenario.
      Also, Michelle had 9 kids on her 30s and 2 or 3 in her 40s so Jill technically could still have plenty more.
      I don’t think she’ll have many more though, and that’s completely fine.

    7. I think that’s exactly why Jill doesn’t have 7 children at 29. She doesn’t want to repeat her childhood on to her own children.

    8. Why does it matter? Let her choose how many kids she wants. Just because her mom had 7 kids at 29, does that mean she needs to too? Each to his own!

    9. It is up to them; their business and their joint decision. Limiting the size of their family shows that they are being thoughtful about their future and that of their children. This is also not a competition.

    10. That's up to Jill and Derrick. Many couples are happy with "only" two children. Not everyone is on board with the unrestrained child bearing advocated by IBLP.

    11. Didn’t they say in their vows they’d leave the size of their family up to the lord? Lied? Didn’t understand what they were committing to? Weren’t mature enough to make that vow? Controlled by her dad?

    12. OP - Why in the world do you think 29 is old to have children? This is not the Victorian age.

    13. Poor Jill...what was supposed to be a birthday post has turned into a debate over whether she should have more kids. No woman wants to see that on her birthday! Please consider removing the original post along with all of the comments.

    14. Anon 7:23 AM: if she did not want to repeat her childhood, she would give each child an own room.

    15. She might have couple of more kids, she still can physically. Though, usually people have kids right after the other when they start having children.

    16. That not unusual, the majority of people have 0 kids by 29.

    17. @10:52 Derick has indicated since that he's "not anti-birth control," whatever that means.

    18. She had 2 c-sections, it's difficult on the body. Maybe she wants to heal the body, her youngest son is not even 3 years old.

    19. Anon11:59 Jill raised her children at home not in daycare. I always thought Jill even when she was younger had such good mothering skills. I remember when she got married how she would bring the younger sisters who were in her buddy group to her house for play dates and you could see they really enjoyed being around her. I thought that was so sweet and seen that she has a real tender heart for her siblings and always seemed to mother them which was awesome. She is a good person and I hope she had the best Birthday this year.

    20. I pray that no matter how many children they have, that they leave the matter in God's hands. For me personally, I struggle with fertility issues. I'm 39 and only have 3 children, not of choice, but because my husband and I trust that God will give us as many children as He wills. We don't use contraception as a way of showing God that we trust in Him. I can't tell you how much this has deepened my faith simply by "letting go, and letting God".

    21. 12:49. It means Derick is not against using birth control. I’m very much pro-life, but pro-birth control. Just because I believe in the wisdom of wise family planning doesn’t not mean I’m anti-life.

    22. Jill has stated that she wants more children multiple times so I don’t know why this question keeps coming up. Just because she’s still axing her children out doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want/can’t have any more kids.

    23. *just because she’s spacing her children out

    24. Well she is almost 30 so if there are more kids in the future they better get movin

    25. To me, having 3 children is not a fertility struggle. There are those couples that have fertility struggles with 0 children. You are blessed.

    26. Why does it matter weather or not Jill and Derick have more children. It's up to them if they want more children.

    27. 11:33, it may not be a struggle for you personally, but secondary infertility is a real, difficult struggle for some women. Don't diminish someone else's pain.

    28. I agree with @11.33. Plus, three children are more than enough in these days. Be thankful for the family you have. @8:04,just because you experiences "pain" over on unfilled desire or wish, does not mean people have to acknowledge or support that "pain". The loss of a loved one, not able to have ANY children and not able to adopt, a serious illness.. these are examples for which people's pain should be acknowledge. Not having more than 3 children is not one of those examples. It is far from being tragic.

    29. Wow, 2:05. I'm glad I don't have friends with that kind of mindset. Secondary infertility is not something I've experienced or understood personally, but I still have empathy for those I've known who have.

    30. 10:05, who said it was tragic? No one. Something doesn't have to be drastically awful to cause pain. After personally knowing women who have experienced secondary infertility, I can tell you that your words would be offensive and hurtful to them. As far as three children being "more than enough," that is also a personal thing, and many people have a different opinion. I do agree that one should be thankful for what one has.

    31. I remember Jill saying that they won't limit their family size when she got married. But then she had two very difficult child births and both babies were born via C-section. Having c-sections limits your births. I remember thinking that I hope they don't take any risk when it comes to her health, some women with a quiverfull mind set have risked their lives in order to welcome all the children and I know some that have even died. It might not have been easy to give up the dream of having a large family. But I'm happy for Jill that she has two beautiful boys.

  7. Happy birthday Jil. Sure do miss all you guys and your kiddos. Your shows are one of the few things on TV that's watchable.:) hope your day is fun. God bless you and your loved ones.

  8. Happy Birthday to her!

  9. I wonder what kind of celebration Jill will have for her birthday? I hope she’s made to feel very special.

  10. Here's hoping that Jill, is enjoying her 29th Birthday!!!!

  11. When the show started, Jackson was to be born 16 years ago, Jill was 12 or 13. Now Jill is 29 and stay at home mom with 2 kids. Jessa, Jinger, Joy also are stay at home moms. Like, if their husbands are ok with fully supporting the family, it's their business.

  12. Here's hoping that Lauren, is enjoying her 21st Birthday!!!

  13. Happy belated 29th birthday Jill Michelle Dillard 🎂 I hope you had a great day 🎈

    Happy 21st birthday Lauren Milagro Duggar 🎂 I hope you have a great day 🎈

    Happy 25th birthday Benjamin Michael Seewald 🎂 I hope you have a great day 🎈

    I would love to see everyone back on Counting On. I can't wait for season 11 to start hopefully this year. Natasha B

  14. Happy Birthday Jill!!!

    1. Happy Belated Birthday Jill!

  15. Happy birthdays, Jill and Lauren! To have even one child is a huge blessing. God will bless them with as many as He sees fit and it's not our business what so ever.

  16. Blessings to Jill and happiness for the year. God Bless.

    Joon,Marion and Marion

  17. Happy Birthday Jill! May it be a blessed day!

  18. happy birthday jill i hope you have a wonderful birthday :)

  19. Happy birthday Jill have a wonderful day.


  21. Happy birthday, Jill! Extra prayers for health and happiness for you and your family. May God bless your special day.

  22. Happy Birthday to Jill.
    Jill has many life changes in this year: a new house her family moved into, a son who will enter public school, and a husband who will be in his final year of law school. Enjoy!

    1. Hopefully schools will be back to normal in September with Covid, so Israel can enjoy being in a classroom!!!

    2. If his school follows all the CDC guidelines, I don't think it will be all that enjoyable.

    3. @7:39 How can anything be "back to normal in September" after a summer of people traveling and gathering in groups, with no vaccine and very little immunity? If anything, opening schools will become a science experiment with no known outcome, and innocent people will be paying the price with their health.

    4. Yep - two weeks after opening school, there will come the surge of new cases... This danger feels like it's never going to leave our lives.

    5. I am the OP. I am also a retired teacher. The children need to get back to school. I know there are a lot of home schoolers on this site but those who are not in a home school need to return to school. Psychological damage can occur if children are not allowed to attend school.
      Parents need to be able to make decisions for the education of their children.

    6. For some who were being bullied in school, it may be psychologically better to not return to school. From seeing all the social distancing and removal of things like p.e., cafeteria, library, and face to face interactions, the new face of public school doesn't look that psychologically appealing either. Everyone is going to be affected, whether they are masked in classrooms or not meeting up with their homeschool groups and classes like normal. I'm praying for a cure, because of the many ramifications of both the disease and the new social and financial awfulness that has accompanied it.

    7. This is not a question of "allowing" kids to go to school. This is a matter of life and death, a real risk, a fight with an invisible enemy. Do we "allow" our kids to face that too soon? How many kids have scary news snippets tangled up in their minds now and are going to have mental health problems when back in school as well as physical health problems? How many lost a parent or a grandparent and are depressed, angry, or terribly scared now? You say you want parents to make the decisions but you know who's ultimately going to have to deal with those decisions and what behaviors they bring all day long - you were in the classroom.

    8. 10:00, are you a parent? Parents still have to deal with their children's problems when they go to school.

    9. Remember 12:42, for 7 or 8 hours each school day, teachers deal with those problems first.

  23. Don't forget that all the babies that were born last November are turning 6 months in May!

  24. My favorite along with Jinger minds of there own!

  25. Happy Birthday Jill! Many Blessings to you!
    Just a note: always remember life is short, none of us are perfect, we all stumble sometimes, but but having a forgiving heart really is a good thing and makes you a better person. Love your family they are yours!


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