
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Quarantining with the Vuolos

Living in Los Angeles, Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo have been under a stay-at-home order since last month. While officials are working on a plan to ease the order, the reopening will be a slow process. So for now, the Vuolos are stuck at home, like millions of other Americans and folks across the world. Felicity will be two years old in just a few months

Felicity Vuolo and Jinger Vuolo

Photo courtesy


  1. Duggar & Bates FanApril 26, 2020 at 4:49 PM

    Rumor is going around that Jinger is expecting, what do think? I think there could be a chance she is but who knows, if she is happy where’s she’s at then ok. Love to hear your opinion.

    1. I think it’s none of our business....If she is great.. Lissy is now even 2 yrs old... Let them just enjoy this time.. also; Jeremy is in Masters Seminary so this may not be the best time for them to have a baby.... They will know when the time is right and will be excited to let everyone know. Please stop asking😍. Everyone be safe and God Bless🙏🙏

    2. Only time, will reveal the answer, to this question.

    3. 4:49- I don't ponder whether or not TV celebrities are pregnant, because I don't know them personally or care one way or the other.

    4. I think we should let her announce when she is good and ready and stop speculating and creating hype when there is none.

    5. I think Jill and Jinger both are pregnant but we won’t know until there is an official announcement. I think a lot of the Duggar women ( and women in general) will be expecting this year or early next year just bc of all this quarantine time....

    6. I was thinking the same thing, that she’s expecting. Just she looks tired in her recent pics and I thought I saw a baby bump too

    7. I think she is

  2. Felicity is getting big and look at that red hair.

    1. That’s just the lighting, her hair is light brown

  3. MO- A very sweet picture... We all need to get back to work! :o)

    1. Some may not even have jobs to go back to.

    2. MO- Very true and very sad. But I believe we'd be in even worse shape if we didn't have a strong leader like President Trump. God Bless all who have lost their jobs and I pray that our economy will come back stronger than before. :o)

    3. 6:30 I have to disagree, in that I don't think Trump has proven himself to be a strong leader at all- quite the opposite. The bizarre and contradictory things he's said at his daily briefings have convinced me that he's not fit to hold office. The last straw is him ordering meat-packing faciities to reopen, with no regard for the health and safety of the people working there. I wouldn't blame them if they all refused to return to work. I simply do not trust the man.

    4. 11:07 You are so right. Being a business mogul in no way translates to running a country, let alone one in the middle of an unprecedented health crisis. Trump is in way over his head and those press conference questions he has squirmed through prove it. He's pretty much quit taking questions now because without his script to tell him what to say, he's hurting his reelection chances and his inner circle knows it.

      I can't help but wonder how FDR, who got us out of the Great Depression and through a terrible war while inspiring courage and unity, would have handled this. What happened to great leaders?

    5. I have A lot of respect for our President and if you heard some of the bizarre questions some of the bias media ask him you would understand why he isn't always taking questions. What I find unbelievable is the pro abortion and even up and after birth libs acting like they are so concerned about people not dying as they sit on camera with no mask telling us to wear them and telling us no nonessential travel as they are being caught traveling to their vacation homes and even visiting family while telling us no social gatherings. One was even caught after saying he had the virus and was out in public with no mask with the virus. So I know our President sees the insanity of the liberals and doesn't feel the need to be scrutinized by a pack of hypocrites. President Trump is exactly what this country needed and we Praise God for him!

  4. AWE!!!! What a sweet, mother/daughter photo!!!!!

  5. California opened up beaches, but Los Angeles remained on lockdown

  6. That's great! Cute picture

  7. You realize that is not only Americans who are "stuck at home"?

    1. I'm sure Ellie is aware of that. However, she is an American and is addressing a mostly American audience, so it makes sense that she tries to make her post relatable to most of her readers.

    2. No one is stuck here in the US. You can go outside and leave your home. We are not jailed for goodness sake.

    3. 8:01AM: I think Ellie just added "and folks across the world" to that line, in appreciation of your comment that it's not just Americans stuck at home.

    4. Actually, you didn't read it carefully. She said "millions of Americans and folks around the world". Don't be so quick to criticize...

    5. You would be surprised how many non-Americans visit this blog.

    6. 4:04, it originally only said millions of Americans.

  8. Instead of eating in restaurants, we have been seeing them eating take out in their car! Not quite the same, but they are still eating some good food and getting out of the house, so it's not so bad. Their time in LA may not have turned out as they hoped, but Felicity now gets to enjoy having both parents around all the time.

  9. I also live in southern California, and I'm fed up with the stay at home orders. If your sick, stay home....if your well you should be allowed to freely travel as you like. The government is using this supposed virus as an excuse to control the masses.

    1. I beg to differ. Asymptomatic transmission can help spread the virus. Watch the news from NYC and NJ. I live in NJ and it is really bad here! Hospitals had to turn patients away and we are still getting thousands of new cases every day. The stay-at-home order is necessary. Our governor announced today that NJ is on lockdown indefinitely with no expiration date. Everybody is starting to go a little stir crazy, but social distancing is necessary and I will continue to comply with it to protect myself and everyone around me. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the good of yourself and others.

    2. BINGO. Look how easy it's been for them to control us to such an extreme using a disease with a very low fatality rate.

    3. I'd rather be "controlled" and still be alive than uncontrolled and the alternative. The way some people are acting, they need to be controlled or they'd be even more of a risk to everyone. Nobody really knows who's "well" and who isn't, because it's become painfully apparent that people who feel well are actually shedding and spreading the virus. Some are running around without any face covering too, which is risky not only to themselves but to others. And seeing how members of government and their families have been infected, I doubt this is any kind of government control plot. If so, they forgot to leave themselves out of it.

    4. It is a real virus and people have really died - and it's time for places that aren't being overrun to start opening up again, with precautions. If we can grocery shop with precautions, we can do other things with precautions too.

    5. Few issues here. Stay-at-home orders are definitely not what any government wants. They want people out making money, spending money and paying taxes! Second, we all have to stay home whether you feel healthy or well because "healthy" people can be contagious a few days before they feel unwell. feeling well doesn't not be virus-free. Hang in there!

    6. I live in Southern California and disagree with you. The government is not trying to control the masses, but is trying to slowdown the spread of the disease. Over 55,000 people in the US have died as of today. A month ago the US only had 400 deaths. This death count will increase dramatically if the shutdown is lifted too soon. In the next two weeks, it will be interesting to see if there are significant increases in numbers for the states that open too soon. While I want life to return to normal, I know precautions need to be in place and sacrifices need to occur do that we can go to work and not have to shutdown the state again. In the interim, I will enjoy time with my family, organize some long overdue areas of the house, and be thankful that my family and I are all healthy.

    7. I disagree with you. I'm older and have several medical problems. I would rather be "stuck at home" than risk catching this disease which could easily kill me. I was relieved when my doctor postponed the treatment I receive at his office for 3 weeks so I don't have to go to his office today and be exposed to whatever all the other patients may have. This "stay at home" thing will be lifted in a few weeks. It's not a "supposed virus" being used by the government to control people.

    8. 5:06- Do you really believe our government, or those around the world, would purposely sink their economies in order to "control the masses"? History has shown us what happens during pandemics when people are careless. This is a crushingly hard time for everyone, more so for those working on the front lines who are watching people die and risking their lives every day so that the sick can be treated. I don't pretend to have all the answers, however I do think it's simply common sense to listen to the medical experts. If we open up too fast or all at once, we run a very serious risk of another wave that could be worse than this one has been. We do have guidelines for opening and we should follow them as best we can.

    9. You should be thanking government for keeping you and your family as safe as possible.

    10. To anonymous 8:59: At approximately 10:45 this morning (4/28), the number of people in the U.S. who have died is 56,752. In my opinion, that is not a "very low mortality rate". Can we please not involve the "they" who are "controlling us". I am 80 and in relatively good health. I worry about people who are asymptomatic and are out and about spreading the virus. One would never know....and ask one wife, child or grandchild who has lost a loved one if this is a "very low mortality rate". God help us all.

    11. I don't know about other states but here in Ohio people are out in public everywhere here, including me. People here have had enough of this lockdown and although certain stores aren't opened yet a lot of them are. It didn't cause any spike in cases and most of us believe we had the corona virus way back in January and February because we had the symptoms way back then and guess what, we survived. lol We are in large crowds in all the stores and it's impossible in a large grocery store or a Lowe's and Builders Square social distance all the time and yet the cases haven't spiked. I see maybe 3 people in any large store wearing a mask so I have come to the conclusion that this "pandemic" is being blown way out of proportion. I know lots of people who were sicker last year with that flu then this one. Most of us don't trust half of what we hear on the news because it has proven itself to be not only bias but also fake and I speak for lots of people in this.

    12. 5:06, I’m curious as to why you think the virus isn’t real. So my good friend who died at age 39 from the supposed virus was just faking? All the coffins we’ve seen buried in mass graves were a plot by the deep state? Please use logic to see how incredibly unlikely it would be for not only our government, but governments all across the globe to shut down their economies, risking a total economic collapse just to control their populations. What would the benefit be? How was this coordinated on a global scale? I’ve heard it’s a ploy to bring down the President. I haven’t heard anyone say why all the countries of the world want to bring down our president. It completely defies logic.

    13. 2:38, those numbers are not at all correct. There has been lots of false reposting done on the death total because of the way they’re tallying them.

    14. @8:59 very low fatality rate? Really? I guess you do not read the news. The US has about 58,000 deaths. Those are only those deaths they are sure was caused by Covid-19. There are, according to a recent study by Yale, at least twice as many deaths that could be caused by Covid-19 but not counted (people not tested, people who died of heart attacks and strokes caused by Covid-19, people who died of what doctors thought was only the flu...

    15. The fatality rate is not the problem-the transmission rate is. This virus (unlike the flu) has a 14 day incubation period, meaning anyone can be within that 14 day range without discernible symptoms. Also unlike the flu, viral carriers can be asymptomatic the entire 14 days while they're spreading it to others. The fatality rates are lower BECAUSE we're locking down and staying home. Look around, we have a lot of elderly in this nation (and the world as well). They don't recover so quickly. End game Coronavirus fills your lungs with fluid leaking from your cells. I don't want to drown in my own fluids, nor do I want anyone I know and love to (or strangers either for that matter). Initial reports were that if you were under 60 and really healthy, no biggie. Then they discovered that wasn't true as children, adolescents, millennials, and thirty-and-ups were dying too. My fitness freak (exercises every morning at 4 and eat only plant-based) brother-in-law contracted it- he survived but his doctor said it was likely because he was so fit. I layed him low for nearly two weeks. While it's easily killed in a 20-seconfd handwashing with soap and water (thanks to it being wrapped in a fatty outer layer), we have no way to predict how it will react in each person's body. Better safe than stupid and dead.

    16. Anon 9:11 Spending 20 minutes in a grocery store is hardly comparable to working an 8 hour shift. Yes, we do need to reopen the country but with a more realistic mindset that we cannot force things just because we are "bored" at home.

    17. I do think that the government and press have fostered more panic than need be. At the same time, containment is necessary with this virus. One of the things they look before shutting things done is how fast and contagious this thing is. They can't just look at numbers of deaths, but also need to look at how many people have from this in just a matter of a couple of months. It is extremely contagious. That factors big in shutdowns.

    18. @10:31 I looked up the metrics for Ohio, and your state went from 418 daily new cases 5 days ago to 534 daily new cases reported yesterday. Sure sounds like an uptick. That's not fake news from some TV news report. That's from the Ohio Dept. of Health, who tracks the cases in the state. Maybe this higher number is the result of what you say you're seeing, people out in public everywhere?

    19. @10:31- It sounds as though some people in Ohio think they know better than medical experts or the latest spin on Faux News. Where I live, for the most part people are taking this virus seriously. There is o treatment or vaccine like there is for the flu and it's much more infectious. I have two family members, both living in different states, who are both sick with it. If ind it appalling that there are deniers who think this is a big hoax. Everyone is sick of this- you are not alone it that. However, I would rather sacrifice and be inconvenenced now rather than have a surge in a few months or next winter that makes this crisis look like a Sunday school picnic. Educate yourself on the 1918 flu pandemic. That was not fake news.

    20. I'm the one from Ohio and we have decided that we aren't going out o sit in fear in our homes and we see first hand that the media is saying one thing and we are seeing and hearing something totally different in public here. I'm not telling you what you should do, I'm telling you what we are doing, and yes the media is blowing this way out of proportion. So you can just stay home hiding in fear but we will go ahead and live our lives.

    21. Or 1917 as Trump likes to state for the Spanish Flu - yes, he does not know the correct year for the Spanish Flu!

    22. 11:00, Our last president said there were something like 54 states. Don't get me started on what his vice president says. Everyone misspeaks sometimes.

    23. I'd rather have a president who inflated the number of states there are than one who said Covid lungs can be disinfected, so people drank disinfectant.

    24. @5:59 How about Ohioans and everyone else trying to be part of the solution instead part of the problem? Act responsibly and stop spreading this virus. In other words, stay home and keep to yourself until there's a reliable cure or a vaccine. Charging out in public without a mask because it's "your right" is exactly what the virus looks for. There are 4,000 people hospitalized with the virus in your state today, over 1100 in ICU. The same number have died so far. Go ahead and live your life because right now, you're one of the lucky ones. Others aren't. It's up to all of us to stop this monster, not just those in other states.

    25. Anon 7:57 It sounds like you are really passionate about saving lives. You mentioned the statistics on the virus in Ohio which you said were 4,000 died and I'll give you the statistics on abortions this year in Ohio of the ones reported and they are 22,730 and so maybe you and I together can pray for the lives of people dying in Ohio both outside and inside the womb. I figured I would suggest this because you seem so passionate about saving lives. So let's keep them in prayer ok?

    26. People on this blog need to stop equating abortion with anything other than what it is - a legal elective medical procedure. It is not a virus. It is not spread to you by others. It is not something you get without your consent. We're talking about a communicable disease with no cure, so it's time to stop pulling out the abortion card and trying to play it in a virus scenario. The same goes for car accidents. They don't equate to viruses or abortions either. If they did, then why aren't people out lobbying to make viruses and accidents illegal too?

    27. One of mother's good friends just survived COVID-19, having spent six hours packed in ice in ICU to get his 105 down, the next 5 days on 60 L of oxygen and major antibiotics, and being sent home with a port in his arm to administer his own antibiotics for the next 8 days. Having spent 3 hours in an ice bath, being alcohol sponged, and force fed ice chips when I was 13 (serious flu complications during a major ice storm-impassable roads), it's not something I'd ever want to repeat (much less volunteer for). That stay-at-home orders are for your protection people and for everyone else's too. I thank God I have a roof over my head to stay-at-home and the people sharing it with me, and I pray for those who are burying their loved ones.

    28. Huh?? Anon 1:22 Just a legal elective medical procedure? Reminds me of what Germany under Hitler said about killing the Jews. They made that legal too remember? Murder becomes legal when people become so hard hearted that their concern and compassion for their fellow man dies. To say let's stay quarantined so no one will get a virus but ignore the cries of the unborn who are about to be slaughtered is ludicrous and exactly what happened in Germany. We should All have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that includes everyone, inside and outside the womb. To think that we should even be discussing the fact that a baby shouldn't be slaughtered is disgusting!!!

    29. 11:22, exactly. The piles of aborted babies found in that abortionist's back yard reminds me of Holocaust pictures.

  10. I get life is slow; but I think we all know everyone is pretty much staying home including Jinger.

    1. Yep, that's why she said like millions of other Americans.

    2. We are all dealing with the quarantine so the Vuolos dealing with it too is a given. lol

  11. So, what’s Jana up to these days? Didn’t she by a retail store front? Does it have an online presence?

    1. An old area tattoo parlor building was bought and put in her name. No retail establishment run by her or a Duggar family member came out of it. If anything, I'd guess she could have something in the works with the Gaines family, since they will soon be launching their own network through Discovery. Just speculation, but I could see something happening there for Jana. There was also a mysterious "business" trip Jana and Jim Bob took about a year ago...for TV talks?? Can we put 2 and 2 together here? Stay tuned.

    2. Pretty sure if she had an online business we'd have heard about it already.

    3. Jana is talented but not on the scale of getting her own show on the Gaines new network. I’ve seen the previews & there is not a show featuring her. Thinking this is a possibility goes right along with people thinking Anna and Josh’s oldest daughter might marry Prince George someday.

    4. 9:16 I can't imagine Jana carrying a show all by herself. She seems shy and unable to express much during the interview segments on the Duggar show. It's great that she has some decorating skills but are they at the level of the Gaines?? I guess I am saying this is a silly rumor...

    5. I don't know. I could see Jana being featured on a DIY show of some sort. She is a fan of Gaines, if not friends. And I could see Jim Bob doing TV show talks for Jana. He handles that stuff.

    6. Maybe it’s the shop building owned by Amy and Jana is renting it out to her.

    7. No, Amy is not renting Jana's shop.

  12. This is a beautiful picture of a mother’s love; teaching her daughter Gods word . I just adore how Jinger and Jeremy are parenting little Lissy.. they are so hands on and it’s lovely to see. I see a Christ filled home filled with love ... Just beautiful🙏💕

  13. It's not only Americans that are stuck at home! Pretty much the entire world is...

    1. Yes, she said "millions of Americans and folks around the world."

    2. 4:09, originally it just said Americans.

    3. 4:09 - she added it after people commented. It used to only address Americans

    4. No one is stuck. You can go outsidd. You are not locked up in a cell. Please let's be real here.

    5. North Dakota's opening up businesses. Their Gov is smart

    6. North Dakota doesn't have the densely populated areas that other states have. The Gov's of those other states are smart to remain shut. There are less than a million people in the entire state of ND. There are countless counties and cities in other states that have that much population in a much smaller single area. You can't use ND as an indicator for the rest of the country!

    7. North Dakota sounds like a nice idea right now.

    8. The International Space Station does too. At least they're smart and strictly following "stay at home" guidelines. Can't say the same for the rest of the world.

  14. Finally! A redhead in that family...LOL

    1. Lissy does not have red hair... just the lighting😍

    2. Is it really red? This is the first picture I've seen of her where it looked red instead of brown.

    3. That’s just the lighting, her hair isn’t red.

    4. Jinger has posted lots of pictures of Felicity. She isn't a redhead, it's the lighting.

  15. I was wondering if you guys are going to have bàby # 2? hopefully season 11 will piçk up & start filming again hopefully after all this sickness is over with. I can not wait to see everyone on Counting On and I can not wait for this season to start. Natasha B

  16. Felicity is all Vuolo! Such a cutie.

  17. As a degree holder in Culinary Arts, 1 semester/4 months, was in a class called Sanitation, which covered how food handlers get people sick, bacteria, epidemics, microbiology. The way to eradicate this virus that kills 0.02% of people who contract it (less than the flu) is no carryout food prepared by others. A carrier who doesn't exhibit symptoms is touching your food or being near it will get you sick! Eat your own food or roll the dice. This oversight is causing extensions of govt control when it could be done with in 21 days. I also had 3 college Biology classes, I understand bacterial/viral transmission very well. I say if a person is at risk, stay home. If you're not, live your life. Everyone is quarantined when healthy idividuals don't have to be and now it will be a pattern when a cold, flu or allergies (jk) are going around. 0.02%, seriously, be responsible for yourself not shut the world down. Good point @5:06!

    1. Your .02% mortality number is way off the actual mark for Covid-19. It's currently more like 5%.

      This virus is not being transmitted primarily by getting carryout food. It's primarily person-to-person transmission through close (airspace) contact, often with no facial protection. (The case of 45 church choir members getting sick after a choir practice session where nobody seemed to be sick.) It's easy to identify surfaces where the virus might be and to take steps to wash and sanitize them. It's harder to identify where the virus is in the air and try to stop transmission there. There's nothing magical about 21 days of quarantine and then it's fine to go out again. Other flu seasons and other pandemics have lasted much longer than that.

      Another problem is that a LOT of people THINK they're healthy when in fact they're not - they could be in the early stages of being infected, when they are highly infectious to others (the choir). If you had Bio classes then you should know that you can easily transmit a virus before you ever show symptoms. We also have no definitive numbers for how long any person remains contagious after outward symptoms of this particular virus subside. The infected people who feel OK enough to go out in public are putting all others at risk. You can be a "healthy individual" one minute and a carrier the next. There is no way right now to identify those people. You could have a negative test on Monday and be exposed on Tuesday, making Monday's test result useless. Distancing and shutdowns are the only way we can control this pandemic right now. I really don't understand why some people are not getting that and are so set on relaxing restrictions this soon! There isn't a single state in the US that's had a consistent (over 2-week) decrease in new cases yet. Reopening before that is only wishful thinking.

    2. That's why the experts are saying to heat up carry out food to kill germs and wash up after dealing with packaging.

    3. Chef solves it, maybe you should contact Dr. Fauci immediately. You seem to have learned a lot about epidemiology in culinary school! I bet he doesn’t know that all we have to do to stop Covid-19 is stop take out food orders. His years of medical school must have been a waste of time.

    4. @4:48 Love you response!

    5. It's a wonder Trump hasn't appointed the White House food service staff to oversee the Covid commission.

    6. Anon 7:10. lol. He appointed his son-in-law to oversee PPE distribution and look how that turned out. States were on their own fighting for needed supplies for the caregivers.

    7. @11:52 That was ridiculous and difficult to hear about. There should have been a concerted federal effort to procure those items and then distribute them fairly according to case loads and population. It also pained me to hear that states had to bid against each other and the government to get those things, jacking up the prices. All in all, a bungled effort.

    8. Whatever happened to 'my body my choice?'hypocrite liberals who just want to take away freedoms..wake up!!!

    9. 8:55 Yeah... whatever happened to the so-called pro-life crowd, now claiming the government has no right to impose restrictions when it affects them, yet would have the same government take away a woman's right to make decisions that affect her own body carrying an unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy?! Hypocrites!

    10. @8:55 What? Your body your choice to catch Coronavirus and spread it to a zillion others including those more vulnerable than you? If so then yah, I'd say the liberals had better take away that freedom from you.

    11. 5:52, abortion is about TWO peoples' bodies and always involves one body deciding the other body should be killed. That's what pro-lifers acknowledge. Let the women do what they want with their bodies, but not when it comes to disposing the bodies of their babies. 😭

  18. 1:59 Healthy people get sick also. My state is incrementing small steps to reopen, and I am grateful cause we all want to go live our lives, and a lot of us need to go back to work but I don't know about my job. I do agree with you about eating out. I have worked in school nutrition for 21 yrs and have to take sanitation classes as well as others every summer. Handwashing is imperative! Talking while prepping food is not good either because saliva droplets get sprayed. Hopefully our school system will be able to reopen this fall. I miss being around people.

  19. Omg.. they'll never be able to leave the house is Newsome has any say..

    1. Well that's not true. The state of California is starting to ease restrictions. Do try to keep up.

    2. Actuality They want be able to leave the house as long as the virus has a say


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