
Monday, April 6, 2020

Israel's Birthday Visitors

As we posted this morning, today is Israel's 5th birthday! The Dillards are social distancing due to the coronavirus pandemic, but Israel was still able to see each of his grandmothers from a distance. Can you tell who is looking through the window?

Israel Dillard and Samuel Dillard
Visitors for Israel's birthday

Photo courtesy


  1. Thank you for showing us a very fine example of social-distancing. I appreciate it very much.
    Happy Birthday, Israel!

    1. I don't think this is a good example at all! The window is open and did they just pass those groceries through it? Good social distancing is making a phone call or doing something online, not driving around to get together in front of an open window.

    2. No, a fine example of social distancing is when you stay home, no matter how much you would prefer to go out. You don't take a few family members and go visiting others through an open window or hand them things. You realize that the rules have to apply to everyone in order for this pandemic to slow down or stop. Even if your state hasn't set rules, you set them for yourself and your family. You must make sacrifices now, or we all could regret it later.

    3. Or not! The post said that the Dillards were practicing social distancing, the Duggars have not made such a statement (and they probably shouldn't because of the flack they will receive).

      I'm in retail, considered an essential service. I have not missed a day of work, and plenty of people here in Florida are coming out and shopping (some with masks, some without). Fresh air, sunshine and a little common sense please. Although CV19 is a nasty flu, it is JUST that, a flu. Open your eyes folks.

    4. I completely agree, 2:09. There seems a shocking lack of people complying to any rules where I am. No masks, no distancing, no staying home. Some have even had parties. I wish the entire country would be put on lockdown as is done in some European counties. It is the quickest and best way to get rid of it for good and save the most lives. It is a very small price to pay. We should all show compliance and passion for one another.

    5. If fresh air and sunshine were the cure for this or the way to prevent it, they'd be bottling that stuff and selling it. You can catch any virus on a sunny day sitting outside next to someone who's a carrier. Our noon news had three stories of workers at three different stores (grocery, hardware, and fast food) who are sick now, and the health department wants everyone to know that if they had contact with those places on those dates, to closely monitor themselves. This is not JUST a flu. There are preventative shots for other flu strains, plus there are anti-viral drugs for them that have been tested and used for years. This strain is spreading easier, lasting longer, is more severe, is harder to find a drug for, and is more deadly. It's killing otherwise healthy and (relatively) young people. You can be carrying it and spreading it for 2 weeks before symptoms show and again for weeks after your last symptom. I think the folks who need to open their eyes are the ones who are in denial about how severe this problem is, and how anyone could spread it to someone else with potentially deadly consequences.

    6. Fresh air and sunshine both have health benefits. Covid-19 hasn't made all the other health problems disappear.

    7. You can't compare Covid-19 to the seasonal flu strains. Not yet, anyway.

      The seasonal flu strains, there are vaccines for. There have been vaccines for years. Many people get those vaccines each fall, and that prevention does help the overall seasonal flu strain numbers. There is no vaccine (yet) for Covid.

      The seasonal flu strains, many people have antibodies to, from being exposed or having it before. Nobody started out immune to this strain. We're all exciting new territory for this virus, especially our lungs, which this strain seems to target best.

      The seasonal flu strains have Tamiflu, Relenza, Xofluza, and Rapivab, all drugs that help slow or stop the virus from making symptoms worse. There is no proven or tested drug (yet) to stop this strain, only stories of people MAYBE getting better with something a doctor tried off-label.

      Seasonal flu kills one-tenth of one percent (0.1%) of its victims. With this strain, of all the cases that had outcomes (recoveries or deaths), currently 21% of those people have died. We don't know yet what the final percent will be, when all the numbers are in.

      Those are eye-openers.

    8. Amy2, your state had 526 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. Your state has 18,494 known cases, making it #8 out of all 50 states. Maybe that's because all those folks are out and around without face masks? Maybe your state hasn't had enough fresh air and sunshine? Or maybe it's a lack of the third thing you mentioned?

    9. 7:50 - Where is it you are getting a mortality rate of 21%???? Everything I have read or heard only says 1-4%!!!!!

    10. I saw that 20% rate too. It's on that site that is live tracking cases around the world. It was the death percent number for the cases that were closed because the people had either recovered or died. The number's been changing, but it's been as high as 40% when Italy was having so many deaths.

    11. Loving your neighbor (whether it's next door or extended family) means staying home unless it's essential travel (work medical, or grocery-related)...whether your state has issued a stay-at-home order or not. Yes, the Duggars aren't technically face-to-face with Israel in the pic, but if they're involved in an accident (their fault or someone else's) on the way or on the way home, they're causing medical/rescue resources to be diverted and who wants to volunteer to go the ER right now??? Very few people plan to be in an accident. This is the kind of thing we need to be thinking about. How can my actions potentially affect other people? Especially those who may have to come to my aid. We can't just do what we want because we want to. We need to be more responsible than that, especially if we're calling ourselves Christ-followers. That's not being fearful or living in fear; it's actively loving our neighbors, especially emergency services and the police. We're prioritizing what's best for them over what we want and making their jobs a little easier. We've celebrated our Nana from our home and we'll do the same for our brother in 3 weeks (our mandatory stay-at-home goes through June 11). Love one another.

    12. @10:42 That is an accurate number for known case fatalities. You're thinking overall morbidity rate, which is yet to be determined. What we're counting right now are fatalities of known cases, which is where the 21% comes from. Afterwards, you can calculate morbidity rate from all cases vs. all deaths.

    13. Amy2 9.36. I am sorry but Covid19 is way more than the flu. Are you aware that as of Easter Sunday the US have had more fatalities because of this virus than any other country in the world ? That is a title I’m very sure no one in your country wants, but to stop this thing properly everyone needs to stay indoors & stay away from people other than those you live with & maybe then we will all be able to curtail the amount of deaths from this disease. As I mentioned in a previous post my son is a doctor in an ICU in the UK & a few days ago he lost 7 patients in one shift, I was crying for him at the frustration & helplessness he felt in not being able to save his patients. Imagine being 24 years old & having to deal with loosing that amount of patients in one shift from one disease. Now will you stop telling people all they need is some fresh air & sunshine & to stop panicking. We must take this seriously & stop going outdoors, because the very fresh air & sunshine your recommending could be the downfall of many millions more people around our planet.

    14. Do you all know that the CDC is instructing that COVID-19 be listed on death certificates even if the person HAS NOT BEEN TESTED? And you can go verify that yourselves.

    15. Fuzzyferet, going outdoors is not the problem. Going outdoors around other people is the problem. We can spend time in our yards or on a walk in nature by ourselves. Shutting ourselves in our house is a great way to incubate emotional problems. Ever heard of cabin fever?

    16. 2:17, yes. I've seen the documentation for myself. We have no accurate data if this is true.

    17. Fuzzyferet, vitamin D deficiency can cause all sorts of issues. We need to take care of our bodies! Panicking and locking yourself in your house when you could be getting physical and mental benefits by spending time outdoors every day is not the best course of action. If you live in an apartment, I could see that. But if you have a yard or other access to the outdoors, take advantage of it! Obviously you don't do this around people who don't live in your house. That's just common sense. Ask your doctor.

    18. I googled benefits of fresh air and found the following: reduces stress, depression and anxiety; increases serotonin; helps digestion, blood pressure, and heart rate; strengthens the immune system; helps lung airways to dilate more fully; and increases energy. Staying locked up in your home constantly if you can safely be outside in fresh air -away from others- is depriving yourself of free health benefits. Covid-19 is NOT the only disease out there. I have to wonder how much more unhealthy we will be after this, Covid-19 aside, after months of less exercise, less fresh air and sunshine, more social isolation, more boredom snacking, and less medical care because of fear of visiting medical facilities. We need to use cautious, common sense, but a blanket statement to not ever go outdoors is not helpful.

    19. Fuzzyferet, I am sorry this is impacting your family in such a strong way. Please don't think anyone is saying fresh air and sunshine are the cure, because they are not. At the same time, they (fresh air and sunshine) are not making anyone sick, and actually have health benefits. It's like saying we shouldn't eat fresh fruits and vegetables because someone sick might have walked past them in the grocery store. We can't avoid all the things that are good for our overall health because we're afraid. We just need to be more cautious than usual. Many of us have woods in our backyard or a sizable yard or a farm. We CAN get fresh air and sunshine and exercise without being exposed to anyone. It's healthier for us than staying inside constantly.

    20. Anon 4.48. The point I’m trying to make is that how do you know your not going to be within 18 feet of someone when your out, & if you drive somewhere, what about when you fill your car with gas ? Think of how many people may have touched the pump at the gas station. Also many countries are on total lockdown & unless you are absolutely 18 feet away from someone when out shopping you will be fined. The queue’s at the shops in the UK look very odd as everyone has to stand 18 feet away, there are white lines on the ground so people know where to stand & some stores are only allowing 2-4 people in the store at one time & there are security men at the ends of aisles making sure there is only one person in each aisle. If you go to a beach, what’s the chance of you not bumping into people that are not far enough away from you ? You can exercise in your garden or home even, you actually don’t need to go out. Many people in many other countries apart from the US are being forced to stay inside their homes. They would all rather have “cabin fever” as you put it, than be dead.

    21. Fuzzyferet, here in the US it's very possible to be outdoors away from others. I think we are coming at this from two different perspectives. When you say stay in the house, I'm sure you aren't picturing the lawn where my kids are playing and not close to any neighbors at all.

    22. Anon 4.48. Obviously I didn’t mean for people to not use their garden. I actually stated in one post you don’t have to go outside (meaning in the streets, parks, or beaches), to take your exercise. You could use your garden if your lucky enough to have outdoor space, or if you don’t have a garden then use your apartment, we all need exercise, both for our physical & mental health. When I say “don’t go outside, stay home & keep safe” I mean don’t go out wandering the streets walking or running or using parks or beaches, all of these places your likely to encounter other people. I would of thought people would understand what I meant, especially as I stated in another post not far from your comment to make use of gardens, I don’t know about people on this blog, but my back garden is totally inaccessible to people unless it’s accessed through the house, so I know no one will get anywhere near me when I’m in ny back garden.

    23. Don't be so quick to give up your rights and constitutional liberties. We are already seeing several governors implementing non-constitutional restrictions on the people of their states. If you want to stay home or keep your distance from others, then go ahead. Don't put that off on every one. Why not tell people to stop driving cars and take public transportation. It would save lives on the road. This thing is blown way out of proportion and the power hungry governors have duped the people into giving up their rights and letting them dictate what they can and cannot do.

  2. Happy Birthday Issy! I hope your having a good one and making the best of it in this time of Crisis. I’m sorry that you are having to spend your birthday this way. I hope it’s still great. I’m sure you can have a nice big birthday party after all the Covid-19 is said and done. Hang in there🎂

  3. That's Michelle, Josie, and some other girl. Oh I just love the Duggars. Natasha B.

  4. Awww how sweet! Happy birthday, Israel! And that looks like Michelle, Josie, and Jordyn.

  5. Michelle, Jordyn, Josie

  6. Josie, Michelle, and Jordan?

  7. Happy 5th Birthday Israel!!!

  8. Happy Birthday, Israel!!! Hope you had a great day. My guess for who is looking in the window is Jennifer, Michelle and Josie.

  9. looks like josie, michelle and i cant see who's behind her! good for them for practicing 'social distancing'. we can all celebrate when this pandemic is over with and we'll sure deserve it!

  10. I can see who isn't looking through the window! Jim-Bob!

  11. Wow, Israel is a splitting image of his daddy!!
    I see Josie, Michelle, and Johannah.

    1. Michelle , Josie , and Jordan !( I zoomed in on the pic )❣️

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and yea! for Cheezits YUM

  13. What part of 'stay at home' are people not understanding???????

    1. They are talking through the window. It is perfectly fine.

    2. I guess rules the rest of us follow don't apply to Duggars. It makes me mad, since my entire family has been staying home for a month, as we've been told, and even one person going to the curb of a grocery store to pick up an order is a risk for all of us. I'd love to go peer in the window of relatives, but I know better than to do that!

    3. Who are they going to get or spread germs from/to if they are going from their house to their vehicle to someone's window to their vehicle to their house? Makes zero sense to say this is wrong.

    4. Relax!!! Taking a walk and being outside is ok where I live. They aren't around a bunch of people or anything.
      Lol some people just have to start, no matter how petty it is...

      Happy birthday Issy, hope you had an amazing day!

    5. People don’t have to stay in their houses, we’re all still being encouraged to go on walks and get outside in general. Window walks are completely fine.

    6. Not everyone has a stay at home order. If you can go to the grocery store, then why not stop by and wish your grandchild a happy birthday?

    7. I agree with saying at home, order or not, why risk it? As of April 7th Arkansas doesn’t have this type of order.

      Lots of folks have visited through windows...seeing elderly parents in nursing facilities, visiting grandparents. My community did a parade of teachers where we waved at our neighbors and kids. We wore masks and stood 10-15 feet apart but played music and dressed up. Lifted the morale for many. There are indeed those that are not following recommended guidelines and endanger others.

      Arkansas coronavirus policy:

      The Duggars also aren’t known for their use of safety measures; such as lack of appropriate shoes in the woods, guns lying around children ( in reference to this is not encouraging gun safety), lack of bike helmets, (I know none of us wore them, or used seat belts but we know better now) eye & hearing protection when building or noise protection for developing aural systems. To each their own, Just remember we all impact each other. Please Stay safe. everyone.

    8. arkansas has not yet implemented the 'safer at home' order that most states have. they are perfectly fine to be visiting this way where they live. i applaud them for using common sense

    9. You can go out for walks. My friend and I live close together. We do plenty of visiting back and forth.

    10. Dear 4:51 : Are the Diggers really within walking distance of Ji!!'s house?

    11. 2:28 - Through the OPEN window which is definitely NOT safe!

    12. Why are the boys so close together and why are the people outside huddled together and no one doing 6 foot distancing? The 6 foot rule applies to family as much as to outside strangers!

    13. I think you must be misinformed - people in the same household have never been told to stay 6 feet apart from each other.

    14. Dear anonymous 6:06. No, I'm not sure if they are walking distance. Regardless if they are walking distance or not, they didn't infect anyone by walking out of their house to their car. Or from their car on the way there or back... they didn't go out in a public place, which is what we are supposed to be doing less of. Going for a walk or ride is perfectly fine for people to be doing.

    15. Arkansas has 1000 active cases today and added 54 new ones yesterday. Those are known, tested cases. How many more untested ones are out there? How many more carriers? I don't know why their governor thinks that state is immune or why it doesn't need a stay at home order. People need to put their own order in place if the government won't.

    16. 9:25, I'm sorry, I am not sure what you're talking about. I have read nothing on the 6-foot rule applying to immediate family, and I have read lots about the virus for weeks! Sure, it applies for family members who aren't in the same household, but seriously... to say what you said about brothers when neither has the virus, you really just lost me on that one!

    17. 9:25, where is the recommendation for nuclear families to stay 6 feet apart? I don’t think that’s expected or possible when you’re living together in a home.

    18. No, actually, it does not apply to people living in the same household. Please provide us with a link of where you are finding this information? I don't think you will be able to find it, because it doesn't exist.

    19. @9:25 If the family members live together and they are not showing any signs of having the virus, 6ft rule does not apply.

    20. Anon 9.25. You actually don’t need to keep 6 feet away from people within your own family (unless they are showing symptoms of covid). I understand this rule would usually apply to between 2-6 people maximum in most average households of parents & up to say 4 children, so the Duggar’s are different instantly as there are so many of them. If everyone in one family is staying home & all keeping safe then they won’t have the virus or be able to pass it to other family members anyway.

    21. Anon 3.46. My daughter & I have been at home on lockdown in the UK for the past month. We are having our groceries delivered & the guy knocks at our door then runs out the gate back to his van having left the bags at the door. My lovely daughter has decided not to go stay with her boyfriend but to stay with me & not leave the house at all as I have an autoimmune disease & by her not going leaving the house either it means we don’t have to distance from one another as there isn’t a single soul we are coming into contact with. This virus is very serious. My son lost 7 patients yesterday in ICU all of covid, & in total there were almost 1000 deaths yesterday alone in our country from the virus. Now our Prine Minister is in ICU too, fighting for his life. This virus discriminates against no one, we must all stay at home, stay safe, & then hopefully we can irradicate this thing. God bless everyone & take care.

    22. Whoever said the 6 foot rule applies to family living in the same space? I have not heard ONE official stating that, and it's extremely hard to enforce with sharing spaces and surfaces, not to mention air.

    23. 9:25, even the CDC website says nothing about 6 feet apart inside your home. You are all breathing the same air if you're in the same house, anyway, and people are breathing and touching things and releasing droplets when they speak all the time.

    24. 9:26 The six foot rule does not apply to family! Good grief! If you live in the same house and breathe the same air, you are exposed to the same germs. If you have stayed home the whole time, who would you get the virus from to give it to your kids? Are you not sleeping in the same bed as your spouse? Little kids need to be loved and held and hugged. You should not social distance from your children!

    25. All you have to do is search online for social distancing at home. A also only 1 person per house is supposed to be going out if necessary. It limits chances of bringing it home and makes it easy to trace back if they do get it. If everyone in the house goes out it greatly increases the chance that people in that house could fall ill.

    26. Well of course people should social distance in the house! Your own family you love are the ones you most don't want to infect! This should be a no braner! If you don't and one of you gets it then all of you will probably get it. There is more than enough space in a home for the people to be socially distant. It is the best and easiest way to keep everyone safe.

    27. WOW this is turning into a hot topic here!!!! If we all just practice social distance at all levels it's the safest thing all around. Don't we ALL want this covid 19 over with as soon as possible and with as little loss of life as possible??????

    28. One doesn't have to wait for home distancing to be a law in order to be proactive and make intelligent decisions to assure family safety and good health.

    29. People certainly could social distance within their home, but they just choose not too. I think it's because Americans are so spoiled by space and don't like being told what to do. This would only be a problem in tight quarters such as poor slums in India where they live so close together.

    30. Anonymous @ 10%7 AM- Some of us aren't spoiled, we're just not that wealthy. (Housing is high in our college town and Beltway bedroom community and we have not moved somewhere more affordable because we were taking care of my dying father who passed). Many of us live in 1,000 sq. foot, one or two bedroom apartments with one bathroom, so maintaining 6 feet from each other at all times inside our home is impossible. Please don't make assumptions about people you know nothing about.

      As for social distancing, it only works if everyone (or the vast majority) work it. We're under mandatory stay-at-home until June 11. My spouse is essential, so when he comes home, he hits the hand sanitizer at the door, removes his shoes (which I clean with disinfectant), drops his clothing in the washer on the way to the shower (where towels and fresh clothes are waiting and the lights are already on), and I clean the door knobs he's touched. He's in the high risk category and so is our next-door neighbor who lives less than 3 feet from our door. We stay home. It's people who have no symptoms (yet or are asymptomatic), coming into contact with others who are spreading COVID 19 (that's why it's called Community Spread). Yes, we have the "right" to do what we want, but we can't use that right/freedom to endanger other people...nor should we be endangering our own families by acting foolishly.

    31. Melissa 4.51. People are not being petty about the Duggar’s leaving their house to go visit Izzy, they are being concerned. Covid 19 is not a petty subject. Some of the comments Iv read on this blog over the past few days have both infuriated & worried me so very much. Clearly many of you are not taking this virus seriously, from the people who think sunshine will help, to those who say there is no going out problem where they live, I’m just speechless. Does the person who thinks there is no problem going out where she lives feel they have no virus in their area ? This thing is EVERYWHERE. People in the UK were very blaze about staying in here too, many took no notice & some Still are not. Maybe I am so chrome to about this as it’s affecting me so directly having colleagues & my own son working on the front line, however please people start to take this virus more seriously, I beg you to stay in & try all you can to both stop getting infected yourself or infecting a vulnerable loved one. I would hate to think of any of the good people from this blog becoming seriously ill with this disease through their own ignorance of nit staying in their homes. It’s not a lot to ask, this is a good time to reconnect with our families & see more of them. My daughter & I are loving being together every day & are watching more movies together & spending time playing board games, things we haven’t done in years as we are always so busy with work & she doesn’t live at home anymore but has come back while we undergo lockdown so I didn’t have to be on my own. Keep safe everyone PLEASE, & PLEASE STAY IN YOUR HOMES.

  14. That's great to at least be able to see each other, a luxury in this time.

    1. IMHO, not very smart and an unnecessary risk, not a luxury.

    2. No, it is a luxury because they are close enough to drive to see each other, even through a window. We are hours and hours away from my kids' grandparents and we have no idea when we may see them again.

    3. A risk? How exactly? Do you think if they had the virus it could travel that far through that inch of open window? The virus isn’t that powerful!

    4. The window is open way more than an inch. That stuff on the sill probably came in through the opening. When you talk, what comes out of your mouth goes into the air and floats for quite a long way. Any opening will allow it to reach someone else.

    5. 8:41 That window is plainly up much more than one inch.

    6. The virus doesn't need to be "powerful" or have legs of its own to get around. It simply floats in the air. Look how well dust and pollen are able to do that. If you open your windows at all in the spring, you'll get pollen in the house. Dust seems to come out of nowhere all winter long, even with closed windows. Virus particles are smaller and more weightless than dust and pollen, so it's easy to stay aloft and move between people. Why else do you think medical personnel are covered head to toe for protection?

  15. What is the story with all of the junk food? It's so sad. It seems rare these poor children ever eat healthy foods.

    1. I noticed that too. It's easy to cook healthy foods with a slow cooker or instant pot.

    2. Considering the fact that we don't regularly see what food these children are eating, the answer is we don't know the story.

    3. By the looks of where the stuff is and the tissue paper in the box, it's probably what the Duggars brought to the house for the boys. Don't they know that Covid-19 can be on things at the store? Grocery store clerks and stockers are getting sick while on the job, and they're the ones handling the things you pick up and buy. You have to wash or wipe down whatever comes in the house or seal it away for several days until the virus becomes inactive.

    4. You have no idea how long the Duggars had those gifts before they gave them to Israel. Really, stop judging!

    5. Don't you think it's possible Michelle could have wiped down the food before bringing it to her grandchildren? Maybe she bought it a few days before taking it over there. Why scold someone for something when you don't know what they actually did or didn't do?

    6. Look at the picture closely. There are gift bags with tissue paper in the box. Grandma may have brought these as treats, just like she would give her kids their favorite candy on their birthdays. It doesn't have to mean they regularly eat those things. And Michelle just might be aware from the explosion of virus warnings all over the media/social media and just might know that she needed to clean off the packaging before she gave it to them. They aren't living under a rock. 🙄

    7. I have a hard time picturing the Duggars cleaning off everything they bring home from the store.

    8. I agree. Even if it's a birthday, they don't have to dump on those kids boxes of junk food. Make a nice birthday cake, that's enough.

    9. one thing we enjoy giving as gifts are things that we dont usually get to buy for ourselves. my sons girlfriend got a box of cheeze-its from me for xmas because she doesnt splurge on herself for them. one of my friends loves candy corn so i got her some for xmas. neither of them would have gotten them for themselves so they were appreciated. nothing wrong with this at all.

      btw, i distinctly remember in an episode about grocery shopping and storing the groceries, that someone always had the jurisdiction of cleaning off the cans before they were stored in the pantry. lets all give them credit for using common sense way back then because i'm sure they're still practicing good and basic hygiene now

    10. They were cleaning the cans off in the kitchen before they opened them IIRC. Michelle was standing next to one of the little boys who was doing the lid cleaning. They were not cleaning the cans off when they went into the pantry room. The cases they hauled in went straight onto the shelves.

    11. Yes the cans were being wiped off while Michelle was cooking at the kitchen counter. She was teaching one of the boys how to do that before opening the cans. Not right after shopping.

    12. It depends how they are wiping down the cans. Do they have a dirt zone/ clean zone on the kitchen counter? Are they using disinfecting cleaner? Are they wiping down food in plastic? Washing their hands before and after they have cleaned the groceries? Not touching those non-perishable items for 72 hours?

      Wiping down the lid of a can before you open it is not enough.

    13. For 12:48. Why does what day it is matter when it comes to good health?

    14. 11:01, some people think it's ok to occasionally have treats on special days.

    15. @ 3:56, A treat can be a healthy treat you know. Good healthy doesn't have to go out the window just because of the excuse of a special day. I just can't see putting all that non nutritive food in anyone but especially not in a growing child. That stuff is barely even food mostly chemicals.

    16. Yes. I know the difference between healthy and non healthy treats.

  16. Nice to see Michelle, Jordyn and Josie go to wish Israel on happy birthday. Wishing Israel a year of happiness and blessings. God Bless.
    HAPPY 5th Birthday Israel
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  17. ok ellie, who is that behind michelle? johanna, jennifer or jordyn?

    1. I had said Jennifer but now I'm thinking Jordyn. Yes, Ellie please let us know.

  18. How unsafe!!!! The window next to him is open to potentially let germs right in to all of them!!!!!!

    1. Yes, either through the open window or on the things they're handling in the picture.

    2. I'm picturing the interesting path the germs would have to take to get in there.

    3. 5:36PM: The path isn't that interesting. It's just straight. Straight through the open window.

    4. Floating straight in with the air that the kids were inhaling as those outside were exhaling.

  19. It sounds like some of you don't understand. Right now, 85,000 people have died of this virus worldwide - probably more, if every suspicious death was counted. That's the equivalent of 215 fully loaded 747's crashing with nobody surviving. Yesterday, we lost the equivalent of 4 full planes in the US alone! If that many planes were crashing every day for weeks on end, it would certainly get your attention. You wouldn't get on a plane, let alone leave your house! You'd be demanding that something be done to stop it!

    The latest CDC figures indicate that up to 50% of exposed people are "silent spreaders" meaning they are out in public actively spreading the disease to others. Unfortunately, you can't tell who those people are, since their symptoms are mild or missing. Those are the people who think they can run errands or have a quick visit with family and friends. They're why the CDC now recommends that everyone wears some sort of face covering in public. The virus can spread 6 feet in particles and 25 feet in aerosol form from the mouth and nose. Anyone in that vicinity could inhale and become infected.

    Please don't think that if you feel fine, you can't be spreading the virus. If you're breathing out around anyone else breathing in, you could be spreading it. This is why we all have to stop leaving our homes, whether or not the local officials have put an order in place.

    There's nothing magical about being outside. There's still air there and people breathing. How many more planes will crash before this is over? How many more precious loved ones will be lost? The responsibility to stop it is OURS.

    1. Do you know that 56 MILLION people die globally each year? That puts your alarming statistic into some perspective. MANY of those people who die EACH year are elderly people who die of similar viruses because they are OLD and FRAIL. This has been happening forever. I'm not saying it isn't very sad when people die, but I think your long reply is alarmist and why our entire global society has come to an un-necessary stand still.

    2. "and 25 feet in aerosol form from the mouth and nose"
      Virus is not airbone. It can spread 6ft after landing on someone or something and if someone touches they CARRY it whereever they go.

    3. How can you compare re-circulated air in an enclosed space to freely-blowing air outside?

    4. Do you not know how many people die everyday? More than 15 million people worldwide have died this year alone. 3 million plus people have died of communicable diseases and over 2 million of died of cancer. Look at to see how many of died of various things. 98% of people who get covid 19 recover. We don’t need to panic over it. What I find absolutely horrifying is that 11 million babies have been murdered by abortion this year alone! Where is the outrage for all those wonderful children who never got the chance to be born? Throughout the world, people are willing killing more humans than the virus will even come close to killing. It is heart breaking.

    5. If we weren't all on lockdown, the death toll from covid 19 would be MUCH higher, because our healthcare systems would COLLAPSE from so many needing medical help at the same time. People would be dying in the streets. Keep yourselves home. Let our hospitals be able to cope.

    6. 8:51, yes, yes, yes! I was just telling my husband that while I appreciate our protection of the elderly and immune compromise during this pandemic, when will we go to such lengths to protect the unborn, the most vulnerable among us?

    7. @Chels That is no longer correct. The virus is spreading in the air from breathing out (aerosol form). It's able to float more than 6 feet while suspended in that form. Hospitals have found it in odd places (crevices) around the rooms of infected patients, meaning it's floating further than 6 feet and able to get into tiny openings with the air. It's also been found in building ventilation systems, where nobody has coughed. Look up "virus is spreading in aerosol form" and you'll see that the 6 foot rule for spread no longer applies. This new information was released after it became obvious that the virus was spreading so easily that it had to be happening some other way than just droplets or particles on surfaces. That was the original thinking, which has changed.

    8. We should all really be staying a minimum of 8 or 10 feet away from each other! Do the math people. If virus can go 6 feet and you are only 6 feet away it can get you. You have to be further away than 6 feet. Where has common sense gone in this world? If you are scared of catching it just stay home. It's really that easy.

    9. 1. You're relying on inaccurate models. 2. You are believing the CDC. 1.5 million people in the world died from TB last year. Get some perspective.

    10. @8:51 The Coronavirus death numbers are on top of everything else, not in place of it. They're also in large preventable deaths if people would follow proper social distancing! You catch this from someone who has it. You can't compare this to abortions, which are elective medical procedures. Nobody elects to get a virus. If you're wondering where the outrage is for abortions, read no further than this blog.

    11. With misinformation and "it's not really a big deal" opinions, I can see why the virus is spreading. A global standstill is exactly what we need right now, until we can get a vaccine and drugs that will fight this virus. People are dying needlessly because they're not taking the right precautions to protect themselves and others. These are not deaths of natural attrition. These are premature and untimely deaths, including medical professionals who only died because they were exposed while trying to save others!

    12. @8:51- It’s not appropriate to bring the abortion debate into this, nor compare it with the COVID 19 pandemic.

    13. I 100% agree with you.
      Anon @8:51

    14. @1:46 They say the vaccine could take from several months to over a year to develop. A "global standstill" would be extremely unrealistic! I don't know too many people that could go that long without working.

    15. @9:30 Are you implying that the CDC is purposely spreading false information? Your #2 makes no sense.

    16. 8:51, what I find horrifying is how you “ pro-lifers” seem to not care about living people. Do you know how many people have had their life cut short because of this virus? A lot of people in their 40’s 30’s 50’s are dying, they had soo much more life to live. You have no right to complain about abortions when you seem to not care about millions of wonderful people dying unnecessarily.

    17. @Unknown People who die from this won't be working ever again. The rest of us can pause awhile and try not to become one of them, no matter how painful it seems right now.

    18. 6:40, actually no, “a lot of people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, have not died, they account for a VERY small number of deaths, and almost all of them had weakened immune systems, meaning that they just as easily could have died from the flu or another virus this year. For those living in America the corona virus only has a 1% higher death rate than the flu. Also “millions” of people are not dying from this. We have not yet reached even close to one million.

    19. 6:40 Millions of people are not dying of this! Worldwide there have been 106 thousand deaths not even remotely close to a million! There is a 97 to 98% recovery rate if you get this virus and that is of the people known to have it. There are reports that 25 to 50% of those who get it don't even know they have it and don't show any signs at all. If that is the case, then the death rates are even lower. Pro-lifers care about everyone alive in the womb and out.

    20. Anonymous 640. What about all the people whose lives are cut short from car accidents? Should we take cars away from everybody?

    21. What news stations are you watching? Read the real data and findings, NOT the projected figures when this began. They were so wrong about people under 60 not being at risk. The age 30 thru 59 group had as many deaths so far as the 60-70, 70-80, and 80+ groups, over 1000 in the US as of last week. The virus is killing otherwise healthy people who had no immune issues before they got sick.

      As far as car accidents, most can be traced to negligence of some sort, making an unwise move on the road, drinking and driving, speeding, recklessness, inexperience, not wearing seat belts, etc. Operating a motor vehicle incorrectly and fatally hurting yourself or others can't be compared to innocently catching a virus that then takes a turn for the worse no matter what you try to do to stop that. At least cars come with air bags and seat belts to try to protect the passengers. What do we have right now that equals that level of protection for victims of this virus?

    22. Trish@8:02- Please do some study of the 1918 influenza epidemic, as well as the polio outbreaks prior to the Salk vaccine. Comparing a highly contagious disease to car accidents is not relative, nor is it productive.

    23. @1:40 and @11:40 with statements like yours,I fear for people in the US. We are in the early stages of this pandemic, especially in the US.

      People with NO known preexisting disease are dying of this disease. In addition, the number of deaths is only the tip of the iceberg. People are getting extremely sick, even those otherwise healthy, and require hospitalization to keep them alive causing a strain on the already strained health system. There is a reason why the number of ICU beds and ventilators is critical. This cascades down to services for people with other conditions. How many people, who would have been saved in normal times, are dying of heart attacks or strokes? How many people are having their cancer treatments or "required" surgeries postponed? Think about all that you "this is only a flu" deniers.

      We do not know the long term consequences of contracting this disease, potential damage to the lungs. And,unlike the flu, for which there is a vaccination, there is nothing. We have reduced the death rate of the flu because there are vaccinations. Comparing this disease to the flu is comparing apples to oranges.

      I know this will not make sense to many of you, especially on this blog, but the 21% death rate is actually correct since it is calculated based on the number of cases that have been resolved in the world. You cannot based the death rate calculations on the number of known cases because you do not know how many of these known cases will progress to death or recovery, at this time. The correct way to calculate the death rate is to use the number of total resolved cases (recovered plus deaths). That is where the 21% comes from. The true rate is probably not as high as 21%, we will never know. But we CANNOT include the number of those exposed and showing no symptoms in the calculations. Being a carrier DOES NOT mean you have the disease. The numbers being reported are only those with ACTIVE disease, as it should be.

      Another statistics that should give all you deniers pause is the number of serious cases in the world. As of today, it is 4% of known active cases.

      Plus, @1:40, the actual number of deaths is UNDER REPORTED in many countries. In Italy, for example, only deaths in the hospital are counted in the Covid-19 tally. Reports out of Italy estimates the actual death toll could be as much as 2X the reported number.

    24. @8:02 Every country has rules to try to limit the number of car accidents to save lives. In my country, getting a driver's license is not easy. It takes several years, with in-class and in-car lessons and multiple road tests.

      We have very strict laws against impaired driving. We take owning a car not as a right but a privilege. As a result, we have seen the number of deaths due to car accidents plummet. Just like our mandated sex education in our schools (which have been shown to dramatically reduced unwanted pregnancies), we understand that prevention and education saves lives.

      In this pandemic, medical authorities have asked people to take certain precautions to SAVE LIVES. Our political leaders, at least in this country, has asked us to THINK, to do everything we can to keep ourselves, our families, and our neighbors SAFE and HEALTHY.

    25. Car accidents and abortions have nothing to do with this. Please let's stay in the topic folks.

    26. Car accidents and abortions are the two things people always bring up when they have nothing fact-based to add to the discussion. It took awhile, but they appeared.

    27. Anonymous 1112. I didn’t know we needed your permission as to what we could talk about. But, the point about the car accident was that 640 mentioned about the number of young people that have died from the virus. My point was that young people die from many many things such as car accidents.

    28. Anon 11.14. Many people in their 20s,30s,40s,50s, are all dying of this disease. Many who had no pre existing health conditions are dying of this disease. We have had children & healthy teenagers dying of this disease. Also how often do you hear of 7 patients dying of the same disease on the same day in one ICU ? If this virus isn’t that serious how come 1000 people per day are succumbing to this in the UK alone ? We are also loosing our health care workers to the disease, young 26 year old doctors & 21 year old nurses with no underlying health conditions, contracting the virus & having to be put onto Ventilators before succumbing to Covid19. I cannot stress enough to those of you who don’t think this is anything serious to worry about, it most definitely is serious to everyone, no matter what age or whatever their Previous medical Conditions.

  20. I can't believe how nonchalant some of you are being about this virus. My friend's family is dealing with it. Grandson got it first, probably from "essential" work at a warehouse. Within days, the rest of the family got it too. The father is in ICU on oxygen...we really don't know what is going to happen next... This is not an ordinary cold or the flu! This spreads like wildfire, hits hard, and can kill an otherwise healthy person in days. "Oh I'll just run out and visit someone" is not what anyone should be doing right now!

    1. 9:45, nonchalance is saying it's ok to visit inside someone else's house. Common sense is saying it's ok to see someone through a window.

    2. I'm really sorry that your friend has to go through this. I agree with you, and science, this virus is not a joke. I really wish the father will make it, because sadly many people won't. I'm very happy to be Canadian these days... And frankly most days. I would not feel safe in many countries right now, especially USA. This disease is not taken seriously enough, imo. Stay safe, stay home.

    3. 9:45 and 3:37, you both realize that 98% of people who get this make a full recovery, correct? And that’s not even factoring in the number of people who get this and are asymptomatic. The disease is being taken as seriously as it should be, and reports are now starting to come in showing that it is not anywhere close to being as bad as they had expected even when they had been factoring in everyone staying home. There has not been a single person in America unable to get on a ventilator who needed one.

    4. @3:37. I echo that sentiment. I am Canadian too and am so proud of our country's leaders. They have put aside their differences and are working together for the good of the country. Our leaders are listening and being guided by our chef medical officers. They are also not sugar-coating this and telling us the truth. And are doing whatever they can to protect the economy from a depression. Canada will emerge from this stronger and more united.

      I fear for my relatives in the US. As you wrote.. stay home, stay safe.

    5. 11:09 AM -- I'm new to this thread, but I realize what you're saying and a LOT more. People need to WAKE UP about how the fear mongers are engineering our loss of freedoms.

    6. 11:09- I think the doctors, nurses, EMT's, coroners, morticians, and gravediggers in NYC would take issue with your summation that this isn't as bad as they expected. Considering they are reusing masks and putting their own lives on the line, your comment is inappropriate.

    7. @11:09 Till now. The disease progress in the US is in its earlier days. We will have this disease for at least 18 months.

      People staying home has helped. The disease is too early in its progression to state that 98% full recover. We cannot base any conclusions on the numbers coming out of China.

      In the world today, there is estimated to be 1,805,367 known cases of which 412,789 have recovered and 110,936 have died. Do the math, 412,789 is NOT 98% of 1,805,367.

    8. 3:37: what so special that your Canadian government does? People are wiped out in nursing homes. I don't think it's s good place to criticize governments here.

    9. @11:09 You said "there has not been a single person in America unable to get on a ventilator" Do you realize that the best idea is never to get to the point where you need a ventilator? If you go on a ventilator, you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting off it again. Most people are on it for 2 weeks. Ventilated people often die later or die earlier than they would have due to lung damage from being on the machine. Just because ventilators are available doesn't mean they fix everything. They are a last resort. We should do everything we can to avoid infecting people who would then need this kind of breathing assistance. That means keeping to ourselves until there's hope for a vaccine and medications to help with this virus. This is not a 30 day problem. This is a problem that will linger for many months. Covid-19 will probably still be in the news next year at this time, in some form.

    10. 1:04, Sadly, people are dying in nursing homes all over the world. what you see or hear in the news is only part of the reality. Saying that I feel safe where I live is not criticizing any government. I'll let Americans do that in USA, and Italians or Frenchs do the same in their country. The numbers are telling the truth about this terrible disease, and the numbers in USA are scary. stay safe, wherever you live.

    11. @1:04 What is so special that the CDN government is doing? Simple, the federal and provincial governments are WORKING together, no matter what political party is in power. There is no finger pointing; no blaming others. The whole country (and this is a huge country, 2nd largest in the world) is on the same page. There is no patch work of isolation rules. Our leaders are listening to our Chef medical officers; in new conferences they are ones answering questions about the virus.

      If our nursing homes were all being wiped out, why is the death count at 771 (which is an accurate number) and not higher? Yes, there are problems in some care homes (authorities are taking steps in those homes) but there are many more that are doing OK.

    12. 10:57, numbers are showing the truth. Not me, not you. Stay safe, stay home.

  21. Great loving family! Did the other grandma also came to visit or stayed at home and sent text messages?

    1. 4:53PM: They were going to the other grandma's house to have a birthday party on her front lawn, while social distancing.

    2. I wonder if those grandmas see eye to eye in real life too. I feel like Derick's distancing from Duggar family roots in what his mother advises to him.

    3. 1:05 - Are you saying Derick is a mommy's boy? What evidence do you have to support your theory?

    4. Remember Cathy certainly should be considered immune compromised due to having had cancer. Everyone needs to take extra care around her.

    5. 11:14 AM: I would not call Derick "a mommy's boy", he was looking for guidance from JimBob after his father died, so probably his mother could not give him that.

  22. Hey Israel HAPPY BIRTHDAY, I love seeing U have, grown, into such a young man, how happy U are, and how big U are too!!!!! I LOVE U 4!!!!!!

  23. We're under a Stay At Home order, which means nobody is allowed to leave their home except for essential errands. We're not allowed to visit with neighbors off our property, stand in the street with others, stop in to say hi to family, or anything like that. People are receiving visits from the police and face a citation and fine if they violate the order.

    1. That’s insane

    2. No it's not insane it's the smartest and quickest way to eradicate the virus. The whole country should be like that so we can get rid of it sooner instead of later. I wish people took this situation seriously.

    3. No, it's not insane. It's the only way to make sure the people in the community are socially distancing. I live in a college town under mandatory stay-at-home until June. Our 40,000 college students were allowed to go on Spring Break after this started and went to Italy (of all things!) and to the beaches to get drunk, party and hook-up...and then came back to our city. They defied the stay-at-home guidelines when classes went online and partied in their housing complexes (which house thousands of students) and then shopped our grocery stores (completely disregarding the elderly, the immuno-comprimised, the pregnant, and all those who need to shop for them or live with them). It's about protecting everybody because people are inherently selfish and don't like rules.

    4. That will help stop the spread of the virus. Our governor has said that anyone known to have attended an in person religious service will be required to quarantine for two weeks. He's doing what he can for ALL of us. A virus doesn't become inactive at a place of worship and so it's necessary.

    5. I don't think it's insane. I think it's a good idea. There has to be some way to enforce regulations when people still insist on getting together in groups. All the stores where I am are limiting the number of people allowed inside at once, based on 20% of the fire code capacity for that building. That means if only 20 people are allowed inside and you insist on bringing your spouse and 5 kids, then 6 other people have to stand outside and wait til you're done shopping before they can enter. Some smart stores are limiting entrance to one person per cart, or one person per household. People aren't obeying stay-at-home rules enough, so something has to be done.

    6. It is most assuredly not insane. It is intelligent.

  24. Maybe the Duggars are truly obeying the social distancing rule; they have certainly be very quiet. Nothing exciting to report.

    1. Hopes for a new season are fading quickly. Of course watching them sit in their houses doing little or nothing would be very boring.

    2. I don't think there will be new footage anytime soon, but it's laughable to think that their family is sitting around doing nothing. They are very good at entertaining themselves.

    3. The Duggars could video themselves. I recall them having the equipment upstairs when Josh still lived at home. So, dust it off and get filming. Here’s some ideas: Michelle modeling just how successful home schooling is done, Jana giving tutorials on DIY face masks, Zoom family check ins with everyone living out of the big house, concerts, and Bible time.

  25. @7:53 The original poster said that we needed to have a global standstill until a vaccine was discovered. Experts say this could take up to 18 months. Most Americans are willing "pause" to try to stop this horrible virus, but to think that we would still be confined to our homes, not working, having little to no money coming in,teaching our own children, not being able to see our family,etc. over a year from now, would be highly unrealistic.

    1. That's a timeline for mass vaccination. They hope to have one out a lot sooner for high risk groups like health care workers. Wait and see. Until then, social distancing continues.

    2. @10:10-I could imagine more aggression and ignoring of mandates to stay home should this go on past May in the US.

    3. There's going to be a very tricky balance between stopping the spread and starting the economy again. We're going to have to ask ourselves which is more valuable - money or human life.

  26. Wow. I am truly saddened by so many comments completely dismissive of the seriousness of this pandemic. "Only a few people have died, so what's the problem?" I suggest they take a course in immunology and infectious diseases, as well as educate themselves on the influenza epidemic of 1918 and the polio outbreaks prior to the Salk vaccine. While I understand that our world cannot remain under lockdown indefinitely, we must take a measured approach that looks at hard data and geography. Being 65 years old, I know I will not be setting foot in an airport or attending any large gatherings until a vaccine is available.

    1. I too find those comments troubling. Every one of those who died had a circle of family and friends who mourned their passing. Many of the 98% who recovered were severely ill and needed advanced medical care. When this virus gets into a nursing home or assisted living facility the death toll is much higher than 2% there. I don't think there's any wide scale panic but we do need to abide by the measures put in place to slow the spread of the virus.

  27. Happy birthday to Israel. I'm glad some Duggar family members came over to visit Israel and wish him a Happy Birthday. I do wish they had kept the window closed, however.
    My thoughts are turning to the opening of our society. In a few weeks, our communities and businesses will be open again. I will be cautious but I am determined not to let "fear" rule my life. I will have knowledge, wisdom, discipline, and trust in the Lord.

    1. I really don’t think we’ll be open for business as usual in just a few weeks. It will be a gradual thing, depending on testing capabilities and where we are in the curve. I also think it will be some time before we see crowds of activity. There are already summer events and city rec programs cancelled for the entire summer where we live.

    2. If you trust in the Lord, then know that he holds you in His hands. An open window to wish a child Happy Birthday is not something that can bring you down unless GOD gives permission for that.

    3. @10:12- There will not be a light switch the turns everything back on again. This is going to be a very gradual process that will take time. I don't think things will ever go back to entirely "normal" again, at least not until there's a vaccine or treatment protocol. Major summer events are being cancelled all over the country. I know it will be a long time before I ever get on an airplane and I will be cancelling both summer trips I had planned. A cruise? Forget it!

    4. Anonymous @2:20-Yes, God is bigger than a virus. However, we're also expected to use wisdom and specifically instructed to obey those in authority over us. While Arkansas may not have a Stay-at-home order, our President (whom God has allowed to be in charge Romans 13:1-4) did instruct us to stay-at-home unless it's for essential travel (defined by the President as work, medical, groceries). It's not a matter of faith or trust in God; it's a question of obeying God.

    5. I am the OP writer: No one knows how/when communities and businesses are going to open up again. I have great confidence that in a few months people will be outdoors enjoying their lives. I also think that many of these "cancelled" events will become "un-cancelled". I have hope, faith, and trust in the Lord. I look ahead, not behind. There's a big, bright future ahead. I intend to be part of it.

    6. 2:20- I don't believe for a minute that God give permission for all the people to get sick and die from this virus. He did give us brains to use, however, which means we take precautions so we aren't infected and take the advice of medical experts.

    7. I was reading in some astrology report that the same combination of planets was when Saturn was in Aquarius in 1991-1994 (now it entered Aquarius on March 21, 2020), and those were the years when the Soviet Union collapsed, the economies became more open, many people moved countries. Before that Saturn was in Aquarius in 1962-1964, and the Cold War began in 1962. Like this coronavirus global pandemic is going to change the world the same way.

    8. 2:20- A Virginia evangelical bishop recently passed away from CORVOD19, just two weeks after he held church services for his congregation and declared that God was bigger than this virus. Did the pastor not have enough trust in the Lord?

    9. @9:10 The planets "wander around" (not literally - but the name planet comes from the Greek word for wanderer) all the time and always appear to be in different parts of the sky at different times for Earthly observers. While I am aware of the history of Zoroastrianism and the connection to astrology, it's a stretch to say that planetary alignments dictate world events. History repeats itself cyclically. Mankind creates most events, or causes them to happen (natural disasters aside). Astrology is fascinating, but at best a pseudoscience.

  28. Since Michelle and JB came to visit, the persistent rumor that Jill is on bad terms with her family seems to be false.

    1. JB didn't visit.

    2. For 4:44 PM. Where do you see Jim Bob there?


    1. If they were living in Ohio, they would be following the rules in Ohio.

    2. Why on earth is the governor of Arkansas resisting a stay at home order? The governor of South Dakota did too and now she's got one of the biggest spot outbreaks anywhere, 300 workers (10% of the workforce) sick at a meat processing plant which had to shut down. The governor of Arkansas, a Republican (like the 6 other states' governors who refuse to issue an order), is fooling himself if he thinks the pandemic won't come to his doorstep. The residents are fooling themselves if they think they can go visit other people's doorsteps, too!

    3. 5:06 -- You honestly believe you'll get the virus from someone on your doorstep? Do you bring mail and packages into your home that were delivered by USPS, UPS, FedEx, and Amazon? Do you bring in grocery bags that were touched by the same checker that touches money? You're quick to condemn Republicans, but ask yourself if YOU are thinking critically. My family member is a front lines essential worker, and we're all just FINE. Trust God and stop the fear mongering.

  30. Are u sure they would be following the rules in Ohio?


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