
Saturday, February 15, 2020

Vuolos on Valentine's

It has been quite some time since we have posted a new photo of Felicity. At almost 19 months, she is an active little girl who loves to explore her surroundings. Last season of Counting On ended before Felicity's first birthday, and we know you are hoping that the show will return soon so you can watch all the newest footage. No news on a premiere date, but we will keep you posted.

Felicity Vuolo, Jeremy Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo
Valentine's Day 2020

Photo courtesy


  1. Felicity looks like Jeremy’s mom!

    1. She's always reminded me of his sister (who I've only seen in their wedding pics and video). Definitely looks more Vuolo than Duggar.

    2. I agree. Looks like Jeremy sister

  2. Jinger has that "California-girl" look. Very pretty.
    Felicity is a cutie! (At least they didn't slap a big bow on her head).
    A beautiful family. It's nice to see them again.

    1. Yes, I realize that. I'm talking about the surfer, beach-going gals popular in the media in the 60's.

    2. 5:44 PM - that's an expression "California girl", the image of blond pretty white girl.

    3. California isn't blonde...or clean...anymore!

    4. Yes, I'm sure OP realizes that, but there is a stereotype "California girl" with blonde hair that goes back to the 60s, if not earlier.

    5. Her hair is very cute here. But she's just as cute with a bow.

    6. It's long past time to stop saying "California girl" and implying blonde, tanned, and surfing. Look at the current demographics of that state and you'll see.

      @8:06 I'm not sure what you mean by "not clean." I hope it's not what that could mean.

    7. 1:25, I'm not 8:06, but I'm pretty sure she was referring to the mass garbage, human waste, rats, etc. seen on the streets in certain areas in California. I've seen pictures myself. Not what I expect to see in our country.

    8. Name any city, large or small, anywhere in the world that doesn't have trash and rats somewhere. You may not always see them, but they're there. Wherever humans are, so are those things. If California is having particularly bad problems with these things, then maybe the residents aren't making sure their city leaders deal with them. Have elected officials cut clean-up or health programs somewhere in the funding pipeline?

  3. Felicity is looking more like Jeremy!

  4. Lovely picture of this little family. Jinger’s hair looks amazing that blond & I very much like the shorter style, very appropriate for the hot weather in LA. Hope they are settling into their new lives well & enjoying their new lifestyle.

    1. I think Jinger with her long brown hair looked like a natural beauty. I don't know why someone would keep changing their hair when what they had was so pretty.

    2. 7:52 PM: Jinger always was using tons of makeup, permed her hair, either tanned a lot or just used a lot of darker primer/foundation. She always was into these things. So I think now she is just experimenting with hair color.

    3. Anon 7.52. Sometimes people just like a change & just because we liked her hair as it was maybe Jinger wasn’t that keen on it. Most people chance their appearance somewhat when they get married or get into their mid 20s, it’s just about growing up & maturing. I like Jinger’s new hair style & colour, it brightens her whole face.

    4. I agree... Jinger is better with her natural color

  5. I believe Felicity is going go be tall like her dad.Beautiful family, can't wait to see the Vuolos on Counting On.

  6. Felicity just gets cuter and cuter!

  7. Who took the picture? Do they have press agents following them?

    1. Perhaps there was a special Valentine's Day event at church or at seminary?
      Also it's easy to set up your phone or tablet to take really nice photos.

    2. Probably Jeremy’s sister took the picture... she is there visiting .

    3. I would assume it was a friend...I have friends take candid pictures of our family all the time.

    4. Thank you!! I wonder that stuff all the time. Especially when the pictures seem to look intimate.

    5. Perhaps they have friends with cameras.

    6. You realize you can set up a self timer on a phone camera correct?

    7. Good grief. Everyone carries a phone around with them these days, even kids. It's no big effort to take pictures.

    8. I’d like to know who these uninformed people are who make such silly accusations. Friends can take pictures; family can take pictures; neighbors can take pictures; I’ve volunteered to take pictures for strangers. They don’t have staff photographers following them on specific occasions.

  8. Such an attractive family. Living in LA seems to suit them.

  9. Beautiful couple with beautiful little blessing

  10. Felicity looks so grown! And I love Jinger's shorter hair.

  11. Felicity is so cute and growing so fast. I think she favors Jinger, although she seems to go back and forth. Lovely family picture!!

  12. Beautiful little family! They seem so nice and joyful! Thanks for sharing the positivity! I love how Jinger is simply blossoming, also her haircut & color suits her! Blessings to them!

    1. Ahh I think her brown hair looked so beautiful on her. She had gorgeous hair.

    2. She ruined her hair

  13. Omg she changed so much ! Such a sweet heart ! Can't wait for the new season. In the meantime, I will watch Gracie's bieth special tonight :)

  14. I love that after Jill, Jinger cut her hair too! It's very feminine and elegant, but also more modern and practical: I can't imagine how long it takes for Jessa and Joy to wash their hair!

    1. I have very long and "modern" hair it doesn't take too long to wash. And if Jesse and Joy want to have their hair long then it's their choice.
      Their hair! Their choice!

    2. I agree. Jinger looks great. I'm glad she's trying new things and seems to be so happy with Jeremy.

    3. What!!! Jessa and Joy have beautiful hair. Why would you want them to cut it and do this to their beautiful hair.

    4. The washing does not take long, the drying takes long time. I ve got very long hair like Jessa. I think all the woman look pretty. They are all beautiful. But Jinger looks great with her blond hair.

    5. I think longer hair is easier to take care of, you just wash and dry, and then you style only for an occasion because you can keep longer hair in a bun or ponytail. Shorter hair needs to be styled all the time. After some time shorter hair looks just average unless you style it.

    6. 5:22 - I totally agree. I cut my hair short thinking it would be easier. I was so wrong. It takes me forever to get my short hair under control.

    7. It's weird. Know countless women who cut their hair a bit shorter after kids for various reasons...time spent styling it, too heavy, too hot, children pulling it while nursing, got caught in baby slings, etc. Jinger enjoys fashion. I think she looks lovely. Hair grows back. Let her explore options without criticism. I, for one, have some photos of 80's era perms that never looked anywhere near as lovely as Jinger's hair and nobody was as cruel or critical about those as they are to Jinger. I'd rather see and hear women support other women's right to make their own choices.

    8. 11:09, I love your comment. The memory of my own 80’s perm is something I’d rather forget! I agree, Jinger looks beautiful with the shorter, sleeker hairstyle. Much more flattering than her own crunchy permed hair from past years.

  15. Who took this photo?

    1. Does it really who took the picture? Jeremy’s sister took the picture, as she is visiting.

    2. That might explain this picture, but what about all the other pictures they post? They always seem staged.

    3. 2:46, how do they always seem staged?

    4. I agree, their photos don't look like something out of the family photo album, they look set up with just the right lighting, facial angles, clothing, and props.

    5. 4:13, you can get pretty good pictures with a phone camera. This picture does not look any more special than one I could take.

  16. Boy, Felicity sure is getting big. I'm really happy for Jinger and Jeremy. They seem to be enjoying their lives so much.

  17. AWE!!!! What a sweet, family picture!!!!

  18. Time 10:08PM Sat 2/15/20
    Awe so cute.

  19. I don't understand Jeremy, if he wanted a wife who listened to secular music, who lived out in LA, who dressed secular and dyed her hair constantly and looked and acted Hollywood, then why didn't he just move out there and find his self a wordly, materialistic woman instead of taking a woman away from her family and changing everything about her to meet his worldly desires. Jinger should be careful with this guy, because something is not right about him. Most of us got married but we didn't become unrecognizable afterwards because our husbands loved us the way we are.

    1. Not a good reply. People change and how can you not expect 19 kids to stay with the ways it was growing up???? So weird to me. The only thing I say is, why hasn't more or them go the path of original plans?

    2. The only person who can change Jinger is Jinger herself. Obviously It is Jinger who did not agree with her upbringing and found a husband she is compatible with. Just be happy for her.

    3. Because a worldly woman like that would be more difficult for him to control.

    4. 10:06: SO TRUE!!!! Agreed.

    5. Perhaps Wifey always wanted to explore new ideas, hair, music, pants etc..but out of habit or respect for family standards, didn’t.

      We don’t know her heart and while might seems extreme, it works for her. I had always wanted to live in a large city and never have children.

      20 yrs later we have 2 and live in rural Oregon. Just because we change doesn’t mean there isn’t growth or we’ve abandoned our values, principles, and interests. Life, marriage, careers, children, hobbies, places we live etc..: are on a continuum and evolving! Be happy she’s able to explore things how ever that looks for her (them).

      Having blonde hair, wearing jeans or living different than others doesn’t make her a evil woman, even if she did it for her her husband. Let’s just hope she’s happy and continues down her own eclectic path with kid and husb along side.

    6. Oh my. So judgmental. Jeremy appears to be a kind and supportive husband. If Jinger is free to try new things, I see it as a positive. I don't think Jeremy is at all "worldly".

    7. Really???? Where did you get that from??? 1st... Jeremy was pastoring a church in Texas. 2nd.. he did not take her away from family .. when one marries a pastor the wife goes where he is pastoring..this was discussed before they married and non of your concern. You appear to be very judgmental ... that’s a shame. If a woman colors ones hair certainly doesn’t deem them worldly.... I know many godly Christian woman that color their hair. I’m almost 70yrs old and I heard my fundamental Baptist pastor has said “a little paint in an old barn is good”. Another words women keep your self looking good for your husband!!! Now go look at yourself in the mirror and if you’re happy with what you see great..... we’re all different ... you Do You and we all will be us💕💕🙏

    8. Jinger respected her father and did nothing outside of his rules until she was married and no longer under his leadership. To say she is only “following Jeremy’s worldy desires” is so judgemental and demeaning to her. Most young people get to explore all kinds of new things, including changes to their appearance, while learning who they are and what works for them. Jeremy appears to be very loving and patient toward her as she is growing and changing. It can’t be easy to undergo such change while the public is watching—and judging.

    9. Why do you assume that Jeremy is pushing her to do these things for his benefit? If he’s pushing her to do anything, it’s to be independent and for the first time in her life decide things on her own.

    10. Couples decided to move away from "home" all the time. Job opportunities, schooling, feeling led by the Lord to go somewhere new. It's not strange at all these days. True, being near family is nice, but you can still be close to your family while living far away. Jinger may really like her life the way it is. We would have no reason to think otherwise unless we know them personally...

    11. I think he married her for what was on the inside, not just on the outside.

    12. Listening to ~secular music~ (aka anything non-Christian) and dying your hair doesn’t make you any less religious or “godly”. You see 2-3 pictures of Jinger per month and you think you know her?
      It’s not wrong to move from your family. Jinger knew what she was getting into when she married Jeremy. Jinger seems to be enjoying the LA food scene and natural, scenic beauty.
      (Not that I know them either but it seems like) Jinger is making choices her for herself, and her husband supports her, unlike her parents who still make the rules for Jana.

    13. These girls need to come out and say "We were wrong about everything we told you about hair and clothes and music." They don't have the strength to admit that. They just post pictures to say it for them.

    14. And because not to think that she is the one who wanted to make those changes and her husband only supports her in his decisions after all jinger has never had so much freedom I really think that she is fulfilling her dreams between them living in a big city thing that her parents sie they denied him and they always opposed

    15. Why blame Jeremy? Jinger appears to very, very happy. She wanted a husband who was more “worldly” and found one. And, Jinger is not unrecognizable. She got a cut/color on her hair( which looks amazing) and listens to some secular songs. I think both Jinger and Jeremy are materialistic so they are compatible with that. Jinger always wanted to live in a big city and Jeremy is fulfilling that desire not taking her away from her family.

    16. He was an unknown pastor in a small Texas town. If he moved to LA from Laredo on his own, he would be a newcomer from a small Texas town. No worldly woman would be interested in him. Being married to a cast member of a show that was on TV for over 15 years, he is now on TV himself as well. He got a paid honeymoon to Australia. He is a celebrity now.
      As for Jinger being unrecognizable now, it might be her own choice, don't you think?

    17. What if she wanted to do those things? What if she no longer wanted to live under her parents restrictions, but still savored her relationship with God and desires a husband who wanted the same?

    18. Or....maybe she found someone who accepts whatever *she* wants to be, rather than what her family wanted her to be. Jinger always had a spark long before Jeremy (remember how much she loved NYC, for example?), and it just seems that he's allowed her to explore the world she's long wanted to see. She's clearly doing these things for herself, not him. God forbid she wants to be comfortable in pants or explore a different hair color! Just because she's done any of these things doesn't mean her personal relationship with Christ has changed. And BTW...HE loves her no matter what she's wearing or what color her hair is, too.

    19. I'm a skirt-wearing Baptist, but I don't think there is something "not right" because she has changed her style since marrying Jeremy. As a single she enjoyed stepping outside the family box with her trendier, yet still conservative, clothing choices. Now that she's married to a man who doesn't have a problem with pants, she's able to expand her repertoire. Same for her hair. She's able to experiment more than she could at her parents' house. I know plenty of conservative Baptist women who dye and cut their hair.

    20. Why so suspicious of Jeremy? How do you know it's not Jinger's idea to make these changes? And she is far from unrecognizable. When the Duggars lived at home everyone complained that they didn't get to express their individuality, and now that Jinger has married and living as an adult woman, wife, and mother and making her own decisions people are upset that she changed too much or changed the wrong way. How about if instead of criticizing every move she makes, let's have everyone live their own life and let Jinger live hers

    21. Why Jeremy is at some fault here?? He was pastoring in a small church in Laredo when he met Jinger, I think Ben Seewald knew him first. They married in 2016, and they lived in Laredo for 3 years, till 2019. Jinger lived away from her family for 3 years. She visited Jeremy's family in PA several times, she attended some religious conferences with Jeremy, it's different environment, she saw people around. People, women who were not dressed in long dresses, and it was normal for them. Like, Jinger was sort of growing up and seeing the world. She chose to be induced for the baby delivery and had epidural, because she was afraid of pain, unlike her sisters. She took care of herself, she did what she wanted it. She is probably still discovering the world, it's been only 3 years since she moved away from her home, where sisters all dresses in long skirts and curled hair in a particular way and where Walmart was the main attraction. She just changed her environment, and the environment is changing her.

    22. What does it mean to “dress secular”? I’m honestly curious as I’ve never heard that term used for clothing choices.

    23. I agree O.P. they were safer in Texas too

    24. Jinger is obviously doing her own thing now that she's out from under her father's thumb, but it would be nice if she addressed it with her fans, since her book advised differently.

    25. Poster @ 6:40 - Your pastor actually said, “A little paint in an old barn looks good,” ?!? That is so insulting in so many ways. Why would a pastor say that?

    26. I don't think Jeremy had to drag Jinger kicking and screaming away from her family. Children grow up and become adults with their own ideas and desires. I know it's a shocker, but sometimes they don't live within the bosom of their family forever, living by those same standards.
      Jinger is likely doing exactly what she wants to do and looks they way she does because it's her preferences.

    27. Jinger is 26 years old, and she married Jeremy when she was 23. So for 23 years she was living at home with her parents. She graduated high school probably around 17 or 18. So for 5 or 6 years she was not doing anything, she was just living at home and helping with cooking and younger siblings. I'm sure she was happy to get out of it and marry. But also -- she was not interested in any working or studying, she wanted to be a housewife, and now she is a housewife! Even if Jeremy tells her his opinion of what she should do about her style, that is what Jinger always wanted!

    28. Jinger is an amazing photographer it’s sad that she was denied to pursue a career in that field before getting married.

    29. 3:57 PM - who denied anything to Jinger before she got married? She was doing photography, for others too. Only when she got married and moved with Jeremy to TX she became this housewife, pastor's wife, companion for his travel to conferences, home-stay mother.

    30. If you all think he is so conservative and a preacher
      How come they NEVER post about God, being a pastor, school
      Its always about style, food, looking good

  20. Lovely picture they look well.

  21. Jeremy looks like he has aged considerably. He looks like he is about 40 in this picture. Seminary must be stressful? Hope you get some rest Jeremy!

    1. I disagree! I think they all look great

    2. He is turning 33 this year.

    3. So then he’s 32. Closer to 30 than 40. OP is right he has aged.

  22. Jinger should go back to dark hair. The blonde was cute for a moment

    1. Yes! California born and raised and lived in L A for 4 years. I never felt I needed to be a blonde. News Flash: not all CALIFORNIA girls are blond. (eye roll) Be who you are and love it! Change is fun, but not just because you’re going somewhere where you THINK you need to look a certain way.

  23. Jeremy looks exactly the same as he did when they first got married and Jinger looks totally different, like a whole different person. What's that guy saying to her to make her so insecure about how she looked that she feels the need to radically change everything about herself including even the music she use to like. He hasn't changed anything about himself other then walking away from his Pastoral job. Hmmmm weird.

    1. Yep, I agree and a whole lot of people are seeing how much she changed don't understand it.

    2. not a true statement. They are on their own as grown-ups.....not everyone of the 19 kids have to think the same. Individulisam is what it is all about

    3. I agree with you 100%!

    4. Jeremy didn't "walk away from his pastoral job" he got the opportunity to attend college to study more about being a good pastoral!

    5. Other than "going blonde" I don't think Jinger has changed. I think Jeremy has encouraged her to spread her wings and try new things. I see him as a positive in her life.

    6. Wow!!!! You sure seem unhappy!! Jeremy walked away from nothing .... he is in seminars classes.... moving closer to our Savior to me ... Jinger and Jeremy are a beautiful young Christian couple...I see no radical change in them... except radically moving closer to out Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now move along and have a blessed day🙏🙏🙏

    7. I suppose he didn’t change her. He just let her be herself, which her parents didn’t do. That’s why she looks different - she can now look the way she wants to and gets to experiment with clothes, hair and makeup. Which by the way is not a sin as far as I know - she looks classy and there’s nothing inappropriate about her appearance.

    8. 10:34 AM: Why do you think it is Jeremy who tells Jinger how to look?? She gets out herself, to a store at least, and she visited LA several times, she probably is trying to match the styles that she sees. In addition, we don't really know what she dreamt of when she was growing up. Maybe her dream was to be this blond stylish woman with a dark and handsome husband? She did not seem enjoying camping activities like Joy does, for example. Jinger in her teenage years was all about makeup, curling her hair and all. Next step is obviously to change haircolor, do a haircut and so on.

    9. That's a great conspiracy theory. How many men play around with different looks compared to women? Which tend to change their hair styles, hair colors, and clothing styles more often, men or women? Oh, that's right. It's women.

    10. Ease up on Jinger. Dying your hair doesn't mean you're "worldly" or prevents you from being a Christian. I'm glad she's developing her own look and is no longer a carbon copy of her sisters.

    11. 10:34. Wow, you’re really digging for the negative. People can and do change and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. BTW, I seem to recall Jinger saying when still a teen that she wanted to live in a big city.

    12. Going for further education just sounds a lot less scandalous than walking away from his pastoral job, doesn't it?

    13. Huh? Maybe Jinger wanted to change her look.

    14. First of all, if you look at past pictrures, Jermey has changed quie a bit. Jinger isn't insecure. Quite the opposite. She is finding herself away from her family and there is nothing wrong with that. ANd he didn't "walk away" from his job. He is going to scholl to be better at it. What is wrong with that??

    15. Let's see here, Derick married a Duggar, left his job and is in school now, Ben married a Duggar and left work and now in school, Jeremy married a Duggar walks away from his Pastor position after just moving to a new Church and is now in school, hmmm I'm picking up a trend here. lol could it be being on a reality show produces lazy men??? Hmmmm

    16. Jeremy did not walk away from his pastoral job. He went on to study more on theology, to get more knowledge. That's very natural development for a pastor who did not have theological education. And why do you think that Jinger feels like she was pressured to walk away from something and change?? She married, moved to another town, she was growing as a personality. Of course she changed! Jessa did not change much, maybe just became softer as she is a mother now and seems to have been enjoying motherhood. But Jessa stayed in the same rural area where all her family lives, and she was saying she would not want to live in a big city (Ben actually said he would not mind). Jinger was always wearing different shoes and outfits, unlike her sisters. Like, Joy was happy barefoot. Jinger is just her own person, I'm sure she is enjoying wearing heels and jeans and dying her hair blond.

    17. Keyboard psychoanalysis. Sheesh!

    18. I totally agree. She is finding herself.

    19. 12:58, if a person is lazy, they won't decide to further their education. 🙄

    20. @ Feb 18 12:58 Not always true. I know someone who stayed what he called "a professional student" first to avoid the draft and later because he didn't feel like working full-time. He eventually earned a doctorate and had to get a job, but he managed to avoid being drafted and working for well over a decade.

    21. In my area they call people who go to college for years and never work, campus lifers lol. It's a Midwest joke about them.

    22. Not always true 12:58 Lots of people take college classes as an excuse to sit on their bum instead of working.

    23. Many churches will not call a pastor who has not been trained and ordained by a seminary, considering those without theological training to have a paper ordaination that can easily be bought online. Although I have concerns about this particular seminary's credentials, the point is that going to sem to become ordained is the accredited way to become a recognized pastor by virtually all denominations.

    24. So are you saying that colleges don't require any work out of their students or that college classes aren't work? If a student is lazy, how long will the college let them keep taking classes? I suppose someone could be both brilliant and lazy, and therefore not do any actual work. Or maybe college is a lot easier than when I was there 25 years ago?

    25. Huh??? My brother is a Pastor and my sister married a Pastor and I never heard of them or any other P way of needing to have seminary credentials. Who God calls, God quips and man's opinion (countless seminary studies) gets in the way of God's teaching.

  24. Felicity is adorable. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  25. I think Jeremy, Jinger and Felicity looks nice. I can't wait for season 11. I also can't wait to see what is happening with birthdays, graduations and courtships. I'm sure the lil Duggars are all growing up. I would love to see more of the family on the show with they're activities and outings. Natasha B.

  26. Awe, what a great family poic! Lissy is such a big girl now and gets cuter by the day! Jinger looks absolutely incredible! The shorter style really frames her beautiful face and stand out more, what an excellent choice! The blonde is fantastic! Jinger looks in style and like a hip, young L.A. Momma, yet it's also very classy and stunning! Jills cut was also a fabulous choice, she looks younger than her age and same thing as Jinger, the shorter length really brings more attention to her very pretty face and pretty facial features! It must take a lot less time and will be easier to fix and keep cooler in the Summer! Such pretty girls, I bet it took a lot of courage to make such a big change, I am proud of them for taking a worked out wonderfully!

  27. I think Jinger is changing because1, they live in California now, she’s adapting to the California lifestyle and 2, she’s breaking away from her family’s traditions. There’s nothing wrong with that. Or 3, Jeremy is convincing her to change her look because he wants her to look a certain way

  28. I personally liked jingers hair better dark, it looks more natural for her. I always thought she was beautiful the way she was, I don’t know why she felt the need to change her entire look

    1. I like her better as a blonde. I think she became an adult and wanted to find her own style, not the look her parents had dictated.

  29. That girl doesn’t have an insecure bone in her body! For the first time in her life She’s experiencing freedom and living like a normal person.

  30. Sure they adore their little girl,but I have a feeling they are looking so over the moon because they are expecting,and Jinger is holding the flowers in fromt of her tummy to hide her bump,announcement coming up?

    1. I thought the same thing with the flowers, but we're probably reading a lot into nothing. 😄

    2. I have a feeling you are wrong. You do realize you can “look over the moon” at your one child and husband, right?

    3. Jinger is looking over the moon because she only has one child. She’s not stressed.

    4. I have a feeling Jinger is NOT pregnant and there is no "announcement" coming forthwith.

    5. Felicity will be 2 in the Summer, and it would be perfect to have a sibling for her very soon, so they could play together, be friends later in life. But I don't think that Jinger herself would love to have a second child. She now lives in LA, there are so many things to do there. Her daughter is not a baby anymore, it's a little bit less work. And having another baby? That would be focusing only on the kids. While she could go to museums, numerous coffee shops, travel around the Coast.

  31. I’m happy to see Jinger and Jeremy are spacing their children. It will give their children a greater sense of stability.

    1. Felicity is only 1.5 year. Jinger could be pregnant now, and the next baby could be just 2 years younger. It's not really "spacing".

    2. She has one child. Not sure how that is "spacing."

  32. Sorry, but I don' t like Jingers new hairstyle

  33. These sudden changes certainly are confusing. I feel now as if we weren't told the truth when the girls claimed that the way they dressed and how had their hair while growing up was "their choice." I don't think it was.

    1. Many people grow and change as they become young adults and leave their parents' homes.

    2. They were CHILDREN and eager to please their parents. That's natural. However, when children grow up, marry and start a family of their own, they make different choices. Again that is a natural progression in life. I don't see it as "confusing" at all. Jinger is adult and as she matures she will change. Her interests and tastes will also change as she moves through life. I think many Duggar fans don't understand this and are upset and/or bothered by it.

    3. @4:52- They said what fit the narrative at the time. The kids were basically spokespersons for their parents. Are you really surprised that there are changes as the Duggars get married and leave home?

    4. It could never truly be their choice. They could choose out of limited choices: straight or curly, bangs or not. But it seems to me they did both perms and highlighting in their younger years. Jinger went very dark for a brief period.

  34. She (Felicity) looks like her Grandma Diana.

  35. My, my can so much be read in one picture? They have been "over the moon" about each other since they met!

  36. Don’t understand why so many people must “read into” a beautiful picture. It’s just a picture of a couple and their daughter....that’s all! We have watched Jinger grow from a little girl to a beautiful young lady. As a little girl she honored her parents, their teachings and rules while living under their roof. Which I believe children should do. As a young married lady she is free to make her own decisions! Her mother dressed all the girls in dresses because of her own personal conviction. Again as a parent her decision! It leads me to believe that when mom was wearing pants perhaps she was wearing them to get the boys attention (maybe the motive wasn’t Christ honoring. Again, not our business). Just my thought on why her conviction is not to wear them. But who are any of us to judge?
    Jinger elects to wear pants her decision, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it!!! Period! Ones attire doesn’t make a person anymore or any less Godly. It is strictly a personal RELATIONSHIP with our Lord.

    1. There's nothing wrong with questioning ("reading into") anything you see online. Critical thinking skills are good, especially when you see something that raises questions. The changes in Jinger and the other girls raise valid questions.

    2. 6:02- Critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment. In the case of Jinger and her sisters, there's simply not enough clarifying evidence to support coming to a definitive conclusion about motivations that have driven their changes. Sure, questioning is a healthy thing. However, unless some of the posters on here have had indepth interviews with the Vuolos, they've come to some very far-fetched conspiracies.

  37. I personally love the way Jinger has changed. News flash..... God doesn't care if you have long or short hair or whether you dye it or not. He also doesn't have if a woman wears slacks, Jean's or shorts. )I have had both knees replaced and love showing my battlescars.) Jinger has just gotten out in the world and sees how most Christian's live. Jinger and Jill both look great. All the Duggar women need a decent haircut.

    1. I think God does care, or he wouldn't have included directions for women to dress modestly in the Bible.

    2. Especially Michelle!! New wardrobe too!!

    3. What is immodest about pants? They cover more skin than a lot of skirts. And if we are talking Duggar immodesty here, let's not forget the girls penchant for wearing skin tight maternity clothing that shoes every single curve and bump leaving nothing to the imagination. As long as Jinger feels confident and at peace with her new fashion decisions then it is the right thing for her. End of.

    4. 8:23- Dress however modestly you wish. However, don't hold everyone else to your same standard, just because you believe that God only wants women to wear long dresses and high necklines.

    5. Anon 8:23. Clothing that women wear has changed a great deal since Bible times. God doesn't seem to care. I think the purpose of the teaching was to tell women not to violate the social norms with their clothing. The Duggars have turned it into something else. How they dress is part of their "brand". Jinger is moving away from her parent's brand and making her own clothing choices now.

    6. Hmmm, I never saw or heard of Jesus wearing pants in the Bible. More like a modest long dress! Which makes total confusion out of any passage about men dressing "like men" and women dressing "like women." Back then, it was all loose cloth for everyone.

    7. 2:09, God does seem to care or He wouldn't have mentioned it in the Bible, including the New Testament. Man's standards don't determine God's standards.

    8. My point was not long sleeves or long dresses or men in pants or any other particular clothing item. I was solely responding to the statement that God doesn't seem to care about clothing. If there were no commands about clothing in the Bible, I would agree with you. But there are, which is why I can't agree.

    9. @11:58 Why then did everyone dress in basically the same outerwear in Biblical times? Men and women. It wasn't until recently that there were "male" clothes and "female" clothes, but only in certain cultures. Lots of people around the world still wear draped loose garments, and (Christian) men in Scotland wear kilts. As recently as 100 years ago, you couldn't tell boy babies from girl babies, and pink was for boys. Gender rules for clothes are more of a man-made thing than a Biblical or a God-commanded thing.

    10. Anon 9:59. What ARE God's standards regarding clothing? I really don't understand what you're talking about. Clothing styles vary widely throughout the world so how do you tell when someone is dressing according to "God's standards"?

    11. 2:49, if there wasn't a distinction between male and female clothing in Old Testament times, then why did God say it was wrong for women to wear men's clothing?

    12. Anon 2:49. You're so right. I think we need to give up on "God's clothing standards". I have several pictures from the 1900's of male relatives wearing frilly dresses and with shoulder length hair. According to my grandmother that was how boys were dressed back then. Around age 4 or 5 they started wearing pants and their hair was cut for the first time. Clothing is such a cultural thing.

    13. "God's standards" are (1) women wearing men's clothing is an abomination, (2) women are told to dress modestly. Modesty is about not drawing attention to yourself, whether it's revealing body parts or being ostentatious. The Bible says that women are to develop their inner beauty, not be all about expensive, fancy clothes. Those standards leave lots of room for changes in styles through the years. Oh, and it also addresses longer hair being for women and not men. Those are all in the Bible for anyone to read. If you have a problem with any of that, you don't have a problem with me. You have a problem with what the Bible says, and that is between you and God, not between you and me or any other commenter. I'm not creating my own teaching here, just telling you what's in the Bible.

    14. At any rate, my whole point, and this is the third time I'm stating it, is that it doesn't make sense to say God doesn't seem to care about something when it's actually mentioned more than once in His book. How are you deciding that He doesn't seem to care?

  38. I LOVE YOUR CHANGING, and 1 should grow!!!!! I used to colour my hair all the time. I had everything, from Green hair to Red Red hair, like Ariel, The Disney Charter, and now I have no own hair colour!!!!! 1 never knows!!!!

  39. Jinger is married. She can choose which of the family rules to embrace and dismiss. Michelle’s best friend wears pants, at the conferences the dress code was always “business casual”, not “women must wear skirts.” As for secular music, Jeremy and Jinger are not the only ones to do so. Not all secular music is evil and to be shunned.

  40. I can’t stand the Vuolos. They have become so egotistical. I’d rather read about Jessa or Joy Anna.

    1. Really? I find Jeremy and Jinger far more interesting as they aren't just sitting in the family compound having one baby after another.

    2. I find the Vuolo's more interesting.

    3. In my opinion, that's not a nice thing to say 12:38 AM. If you don't like them, don't read about them or look at their pictures. Just ignore them, but don't be hurtful.

  41. I heard that Counting On is still fliming epsidoes for Season 11. :)


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