
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Duggar Twins Turn 21

Twins Jedidiah and Jeremiah celebrated their 21st birthday yesterday. Jed owns a car lot in Northwest Arkansas and is running for state representative, while Jer earned his commercial pilot license this year. Happy birthday to these two!

Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar
Jedidiah Duggar and Jeremiah Duggar

Photos courtesy


  1. Does that mean that Jer is going to work for an airline, flying planes for a living?

    1. No, it does not. The Duggars don’t work for other people, they find a way to be self-employed.

    2. I didn't know that! But, I don't have an inside track.

    3. If he did go that route, it would be fantastic, he would need years and years of hours and a way into commercial airlines, its a tough market and long road, my cousin flies for Delta and my bestie flies for Spirit and it is an incredible career, but not an option after graduation, sadly. The Duggar boys might enjoy it for sure and it would be neat to say my Florida flight was a Duggar on Delta!

    4. Happy Birthday Jed and Jer! How nice to share your whole life and birthday with your bestie!

    5. If Jer becomes an airline pilot he would show far more ambition and independence than any of his siblings have.

    6. A commercial pilot is not an airline pilot. Jer can pilot planes that haul cargo and some sightseeing planes. I think it's a nice way to earn an income.

    7. There are many steps and certifications involved beyond having a commericial pilot's license if you want to fly for an airline, not the least of which is accumulating many flight hours. Most airlines prefer college degrees, as well. Military training is especially coveted. My nephew is a pilot for Delta and has a degree in aerospace and flight training from a major university. He had to work his way up at very low-paying regional airlines before he was eventually hired by a major airline. He makes good money now, but it took many years to work his way up to captain. It's very competetive. I doubt any of the Duggars would be willing to devote so much time towards a secular endeavor. The Duggar pilots fly their family members, as well as for ALERT missions. Other than that, it isn't clear what else they do that would earn a living.

    8. @4:36 The pilots I know who make a living by hauling cargo do not say it is a nice way to make a living. It is hard life, with long periods of time away from home. Like being an airline pilot, you have to work your way up the ladder. Sightseeing planes? There would expensive insurance involved.

    9. I was only making a comment that a commercial pilot is not an airline pilot. The only things he can do with his license is haul cargo and fly sightseers. It will give him an income that might pry him loose from the family business and allow him some independence for his own family.

  2. Happy birthday, guys & congratulations on your accomplishments. Hope 2020 is a wonderful year filled with many blessings for you and your family!

  3. Now that they're 21, time to go courting.

    1. Or something even more exciting! Go for it twins- lead YOUR best life!!!

    2. 3:41- Kidding or not, that's a very tired and worn out refrain.

    3. Courting is exciting

    4. Yes, courting is exciting, but not everyone is ready to court at 21. Most aren't. Yes, lots of the Duggars have courted at 21 and younger, but not all will and that's okay too.

  4. i still remember on 14 kids and pregnant again when they were introducing themselves and jedidiah forgot his name. (it was sooo cute!)

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEDIDIAH Blessings and happiness for you through the year. Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  6. Wishing you a Blessed Birthday and happiness throughout the year.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  7. Happy Birthday Jedidiah & Jeremiah

  8. Happy 21st birthday Jedidiah and Jeremiah, I hope you had a great day. Can't wait to see you on Counting On. Good luck in the coming year. Natasha B

  9. Happy Birthday to these nice young men. It would be good to see Jer working for a commercial airline doing a job outside the family & not just flying his parents & siblings about from here to there, after all there are already at least 2 pilots in the family JD & Josiah, who fly family members around the country, I don’t feel they need a third to do that. Good luck to them both for their futures, I wish them both well.

    1. I agree. Getting a commercial license is quite expensive. He should do something with it. There is a shortage of commercial airline pilots here so he would have no trouble getting a job in the airline industry.

    2. I agree, it would be nice to see at least one of the Duggar kids want something more for themselves besides working in a Duggar business. Put yourselves out there, be and do more than what is expected.

    3. I think owning your own business is "putty yourself out there". It takes money and a willingness to risk your assets. It's sad so many people on this blog don't respect small business owners. As far as those that work for their parents business that should not be demeaned as well.

    4. Anon 2:07. I don't think anyone is being "disrespectful" to small business owners when they find it strange that one Duggar son after the other simply hitches himself to the family business like cars on a train. NONE of them appear to have any ambition or interest in doing anything but flipping junk cars and working on properties owned by their father. That really doesn't happen in most families. Many including myself would like to see them show more independence from JB and Michelle once they reach adulthood.

    5. 2:07. No one is demeaning business owners. It’s just unusual that with such a huge family, none of them have followed different path.

    6. Most kids who work for their parents' businesses leave first, go to college, then come back to work once they have a degree. Either that, or they're free to leave at any time and work elsewhere. The Duggars have the odd system of never sending a kid to college and the kids never working for anyone else or a big corporation, unless you count being on TV as working for a corporation.

    7. @8:18 None of the Duggars would be qualified to be an airline pilot. They do not have bachelor degrees.

  10. What handsome young men.

  11. happy birthday Jedidiah and Jeremiah i hope you guys have a wonderful birthday :)

  12. I hope they had a nice birthday. Now they're starting to look like their older brothers. Life is good.

  13. Wow half the boys in the family want to fly! Must he the ones without motion sickness, but good luck to both twins in their choices! Hope their bday was good.

  14. Why is it now ok for Jed to be unmarried and living on his own away from his parents' house? The parents have plainly stated that their rules include unmarried children being required to live at home until they marry? Are the rules 'changed' if one is running for office? You can't have it both ways. Please explain why this is now ok for him?

    1. John David lived on his own for years before marriage.

    2. I'm not sure exactly WHERE Jed lives. It would be strange indeed if he lived anywhere but at his parent's house. The Duggars NEVER explain these sorts of things.

    3. Why should he explain where he lives? There are things the general public has no need of knowing.

    4. Jed must reside in the district for which he is running for office. Perhaps the rules were relaxed for that purpose.

    5. Anon 6:52. If Jed is running for office as a state representative he's supposed to LIVE in the district he's hoping to represent. That's why people are questioning exactly where he lives.

    6. Anon 727. Since JB and Michelle have always proclaimed their children live at home until they marry, it's unclear exactly where Jed lives. That needs to be cleared up before he's elected to any political office. JB and Michelle don't live in the district he's running to represent. I hope they clarify this matter to the voters in the district Jed wants to represent. His PRIMARY residence should be in that district.

    7. John David did not live on his own. He rented out the house he owned.

      @8:14 How can Jed run for election in a district he does not reside in? I would think that would be a black mark against him in the mind of many voters.

    8. Anon 9:30. I don't know what goes on in Arkansas, but in MY state candidates are required to live in the district they want to represent. If their address is not in the district or it's found they're using an address they don't live at in order to run they are disqualified and don't appear on the ballot.

    9. We don't have to have anything clarified for us unless we're in his district. Otherwise it's not our concern.

  15. A post about all of the pilots in the family and what they are planning to do with their licenses would be great!

  16. Such handsome young men! Happy birthday!
    Time to get engaged and get married! :)

    1. @4:21- No one should ever feel pressured to get married, even a Duggar, especially when they're only 21 years old. It's just wrong.

  17. Jeremiah and James are the most prettiest boys.

  18. anonymous @ 8:41 am why do you feel they need to get engaged/married? Let them experience life outside the home , date different girls have fun . Why the rush for marriage. Ledabeth

  19. How can a family be this large, have that many children, and not one member desires to further their education by going to college? Not one member desires to have a career other than working for dad? Have their own health insurance? Know what it’s like to take sick or personal days at work?

    1. They'e been taught that higher education is not important to furthering their life goals, and it seems to be working for them, just like we've been taught that an expensive college degree is necessary for every job (when we know it's not).

    2. 3:51....the original poster never said that one must get an expensive college degree. However, there is something said for going to a college. It’s called being intelligent, well-rounded and independent. It is odd, that I’m a family that big, no one has the drive to do something different.

    3. @3:51- I disagree that no higher ed. is working for them, the glaring reason being the Duggar adult kids are all pretty much still relying on their dad in some capacity, whether it be their jobs or the homes they live in. It's a cookie-cutter existence and you can pretty much figure out what each of them will do. While it's a part of their religious ideology, that secular education is evil and to be avoided, it's also about control, IMO. BTW, I come from a large family. None of us were pressured one way or another about college, but were encouraged to pursue our passions. Some of us have graduate degrees and professional careers, others are self-employed. That not one member of the huge Duggar family has deviated from the set pattern and gone on to college suggests that the paths they take are prescriptive, rather than true choices made by each child. If every single family followed this, we'd have no doctors, lawyers, accountants, scientists, nurses, architects, teachers, engineers, etc. We'd certainly have an over abundance of used car salesman, house-flippers, realtors and women who have been taught that their only value is in being a wife, mother and housekeeper.

    4. Anon 3:51. Although a college education isn't necessary to secure a job, most of us don't have the TV money to enhance our lives. If we want to stop importing our doctors, engineers, scientists and teachers from other countries we need to ensure our young people get the college education these jobs require. The Duggars are a role model and they've made it clear they don't value a good education which I find rather sad.

    5. One of them went to Crown College for a year so obviously they have the choice to go to college or not. They don’t believe in going into debt. If they wanted to go to college, I would think they would have to pay their own way. By the time they start working to earn the money for college, they might realize that they don’t need the degree to afford a good life. Nearly half of people who start college don’t finish and end up in debt. There are plenty of others who do finish that are in student loan debt for years.

    6. All you have to do is compare the Duggar and Bates families to see that there's a striking difference between the offspring. The families are the SAME size, have similar religious beliefs and the parents are close friends. The uniformity of the Duggar offspring seems very odd to me.

    7. Anon 9:26. No one accomplishes anything in life if they're ruled by fear of failing. Saying we shouldn't go to college because we might not finish or might fall into debt is pretty self defeating. With that attitude Columbus would have never set out to explore and would have just stayed home. I'm sorry you feel the way you do.

  20. does not have to go into debt in order to get an education. There are plenty of community colleges and state universities that are affordable. The Duggars in particular....they are wealthy. They can certainly afford school without debt.


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