
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

'Kendra's Got a Secret' Recap

Counting On "Kendra's Got a Secret"

  • Kendra has just taken a pregnancy test and found out that she’s expecting Baby #2. “I just couldn’t believe it,” says the expectant mom. She puts a sticker at the bottom of an ice cream bowl that says “Baby Coming Soon” and covers it with edible glue.
  • Garrett is eight months old and is crawling and growing teeth. “Sometimes I have these moments where I’m just like, ‘Wow, I’m really an adult and a mom,’” says Kendra. “And it’s just crazy because I still feel like I’m young…”
  • Joseph has been employed at the Duggar car lot for a few years, where he fixes up cars and works as a salesman. Joe returns home, and the family of three sits down to eat. “During the dinner, it was hard for me to stay calm,” says Kendra. She puts ice cream in the bowl and serves it to Joe. At first, he thinks there’s a piece of grass in his dessert. When Joseph reads the message, he smiles and gives Kendra a hug.
  • Jessa is in full-on nesting mode and has been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing at the house. Jedidiah, James, Jason, and Justin come over to install a double door and a deck off the master bedroom so the Seewalds can access their large backyard.
  • Jason is heading up the project because he has already done two house renovations. “Normally on construction side, I’ll do what Jason says, unless I think I got a better idea,” says Jedidiah. “He’s still a little younger than me, but overall, more than not, he’s right.”
  • At OP Schnabel Park in San Antonio, Jeremy drops Jinger and Felicity off at a stroller fitness class for moms called Stroller Strides.
  • “I think that there can be a lot of pressure on moms to do and be everything, but it’s just not realistic,” says Jinger. “That’s what’s nice about coming together with other moms, and you can see, just the reality of what that looks like and bearing with one another in those struggles and challenges.”
  • “So the years when we were up with babies, we thought, ‘Oh, we’re going to get through this phase, and we’ll get more sleep,’” says Michelle. “Well, it just changes, and you’re still not getting the sleep, and that’s okay. It’s a good reason to lose sleep.” Jim Bob and Michelle always make themselves available when their kids want to talk, even if it’s late at night.
  • Jessa and Ben take Henry, who has just turned two, to an ENT to discuss his speech delays. The Seewalds say that Henry is not able to talk and communicate well. He had a tongue tie clipped when he was born, and they are wondering if that has anything to do with it. The doctor determines that Henry’s hearing is perfect and recommends that he sees a speech pathologist.
  • Meanwhile, Spurgeon stays at the house with the boys to work on the deck. “Spurgeon loves to spend time with his uncles,” says Jessa. “I trust them. I mean, Spurgeon’s three, so it’s not like he’s a newborn. I would probably be a little more worried to leave a newborn. But Spurgeon can fend for himself in a lot of ways.”
  • While the guys are working outside, Spurgeon sneaks into the house and eats two ice cream sandwiches. Pretty soon after that, Spurgeon informs the guys that he has a poopy diaper. The Seewalds are only five minutes away, and Spurgeon says he can wait. “Toddler diapers are especially disgusting, so I would not expect the boys to change him,” says Jessa.
  • The deck is finished in just two days and looks great. Jana comes over to help Jessa set up for her gender guessing party. The Duggars all pile into Jessa and Ben’s house and are able to ask Jessa questions about her pregnancy. Then, they make their guesses. Jessa tells the family that they are waiting to reveal the gender until the baby is born, but she opens up the floor for other announcements. Joe and Kendra inform everyone that they are expecting. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a busy year, Mama,” Jim Bob says to Michelle.


  1. Good episode. Seems like production might be trying to steer this show toward a more honest insider look into the adult children's lives. I appreciated the candor when talking about adjusting to parenthood. I enjoyed the show. When I initially watched I have to admit, I wondered why Spurgeon was still in diapers. I found myself judging. However, then I took a moment to see Jessa's situation with being pregnant and dealing with Henry's delay. She's doing the best she can. Another moment of fleeting judgment came to me when I saw Joe's reaction to the pregnancy. I was underwhelmed and feeling so sorry for Kendra. Kendra just doesn't seem happy to me in general lately. But then I realized that Joe is just a very introverted person. I hope he opens up with his wife and shares more emotion. I think they just act different when the cameras are around. Who wouldn't.

    1. Wow. I am so, so refreshed and encouraged by your willingness to admit your own wrongful judgments. Good for you, and thank you. We all do this, and it’s such a shame to let it go on for long.

    2. Some little kids aren’t but ready to potty train until closer to four even. It all has to do with the way their nerves work. Spurgeon will be fine on that front, I’m sure he won’t still be in diapers when he’s ten lol Also I think Joe and Kendra just have a harder time around the cameras. I think they’re probably less awkward in real life.

    3. I liked the episode too. I think Joe is just a less emotional guy and awkward on TV since he is why. He seems like a genuinely good man though and is probably a fine husband. She knew he was shy when they got married. I thought your comments though were thoughtful and honest without being mean. Thanks for that.

    4. You know anon @ 9:33 this is a perfect example of how we as viewers can become very judgemental without knowing them personally. Just because they give us a tiny glimpse into their lives doesn’t mean we know everything going on with them.
      You make pretty good points!!
      Thank you!

    5. Not all men are emotional or quick to show emotion. I am the same way but I am a woman. This is why you should get to know someone well before you marry them. In my opinion, they balance each other out well and I don’t get the sense that Kendra is unhappy.

    6. Very nicely written. It is easy to judge. My cousin had her two kids potty trained by a year old! I had a busy child who just would not settle down and go so between was out of diapers by just over three. Still needed huge amounts of patience for bowel movements til 4 1/2! So if Jessa has three little ones, yes, some things get delayed. I guarantee Spurgeon won't be a teen and still in diapers ha ha.

      As for Joe, I agree he seems quiet and probably they are a bit more open off camera.

    7. Yeah, I think it was mentioned at some point that Spurgeon has some very mild sensory “issues”. That can delay potty training a little bit too. I had them and I wasn’t potty trained until 3 and a half, and wasn’t even close to delayed in any other way.

      Kids are different and develop at different times. As long as it is something that is on their radar, its fine

    8. It took my son longer with #2. He'd go #1 just fine but he always ran and hid to go do the other business lol. They get it in time

    9. @8:02 A one year old can not be trained. That is developmentally impossible. The mom just has been trained when to put the child on the potty.

      To be trained, a child must be able to known when they have to use the potty, have the muscle control to wait till they get to the potty, able to take themselves to the potty, and to use the potty themselves. Putting a child on a potty set times in the day is NOT potty training the child.

    10. My cousin were potty train at 8 months. She when right in the bathroom and said potty.

  2. If Spurgeon is three, shouldn't he be toilet-trained already?!

    1. Boys can be slower to train but generally yes, by age 3 you should at least be trained by day.

    2. Boys tend to be a bit slower to potty train. 3 isn't unusual. When my son turned three and still had no interest in losing the diapers, I told him we were all out and he'd have to use the potty. He put on his undies and that was that!

    3. How many kids do you have ?

    4. Exactly my thought....If Spurgeon can tell you he pooped in his pants then he can say he needs to potty!

    5. Boys generally take longer than girls and really, who cares? This is a little boy, with two younger siblings, and who probably does not spend a great deal of time with other 3-year-old boys (i.e. social pressure to be like his little friends).

      When he is ready, he will do it. If it is the parents' concern, not anyone else's.

      My son was 3.5 when he was completely out of diapers and training pants. Judgemental moms would ask me if my child was "mentally deficient" and then go on to tell me about their "genius" children, who were walking and toilet trained by 1.

      Years latter, guess what? The kids of the judgemental moms are mostly working retail jobs, with no futures, having barely got out of high school. My son has a graduate degree and a position in research, with a very bright future.

    6. If a child can verbally inform the adults he has a poopy diaper he’s to old to be wearing diapers. Ew.

    7. Not necessarily. My little brother wasn’t toilet trained until he was three years and eleven months old, and it wasn’t from lack of my mom trying lol Some kids just aren’t ready until a little bit later.

    8. Kids train when they are ready.... You can take them every thirty minutes or give gold stars or treats for staying clean and dry....or withhold treats for accidents but the truth is they do it when they're ready....

    9. My oldest didn't potty train until nearly 3; then he broke in one day!

    10. Maybe both boys are toilet trained by now. Spurgeon is now 4 & Henry is 2 1/2.

    11. We did a pretty low-key, consistent potty training and had no issues, but it does take a parent committed to being consistent and paying attention. It's less about the age of the child and more about establishing the routine of when to go and working with your child's natural tendencies. We ignored all the wonder moms (and a few "helpful" relatives) who potty-trained really early. When our child was old enough to know body function vocabulary and put it together with what was happening in the diaper, we started potty-training. We found it helpful to keep a little basket of special books only for potty time. Since they weren't accessible all the time, they kept our child's attention while we waited for nature to do it's thing first thing in the morning and after each meal. ;) Some children may do alright training after three, but other children become accustomed to the routine of a diaper and regularly wearing one, and they become very resistant to changing that...especially if it's coupled with the birth of a new sibling who's already taking time away with mommy. Sometimes, they perceive the baby as getting sttention during diaper changes and the older child wants to stay in diapers.

    12. Spurgeon SHOULD be potty trained but Henry isn't anywhere close. If he's having speech problems, he isn't ready.

    13. Good grief. There are no hard and fast rules about potty training. My son wasn't completly out of diapers until after his third birthday. Contrary to what some may think, he didn't grow up to be a social misfit. He's now a successful electrical engineer and happily married.
      Why is it there are some people who think they're experts on how other people's kids don't quite measure up? When you were potty trained is not usually a question found on a job application or an expectation on a resume. Life is short. Do what you can to support one another, not tear each other down.

    14. my almost 3 year old is still in pull ups . She goes to the potty some but mostly still poops in her pull up. Potty training isn’t easy and that is her first child to potty train . I think your child saying they have a poop is a sign that they are ready to potty train , but that doesn’t mean that they learn in just a short time to only use the potty and not a pull-up/diaper .

    15. The two ice cream sandwiches may have had something to do with Spurgeon's accident. Also, he may have been in underwear already---just not fully trained. As others have commented, its not so unusual for little boys to continue to have issues with toilet training.

    16. I starting potty training too early with my first child, which was very frustrating. Running her to the potty every half hour, proved only that I was the one being trained. I looked at other moms and kids and realized each child is different. With my second one, I was much more patient and laid back; and lo and behold, when he was ready, he was ready. There is no hard and and fast rule book - only helpful hints as to what to watch for, and strategies to try. But be judicious about the advice you get. Please moms and dads, don’t listen to others who passively-aggressively give unwanted potty training advice, or brag about their children’s successful training. Smile and nod; then turn away and forget what they told you. You are the parents; they are your children, and between you, you will know when your child is ready. Jessa and Ben are doing what they believe is right for their children, and that’s just as it should be.

    17. 12:21, loved your reply! Sounds like your son was the actual genius! 😊
      I taught kindergarten before becoming a SAHM, and I never taught a student who wasn’t toilet-trained by the age of 5! My experience with my 4 children was the older they started (3+), the more ready they were to be trained, and it took little time to master the life skill.

  3. Gender guessing party without finding out the gender? Not sure about that one. However, Jessa and Ben are super brave to let the world in on the concerns for Henry’s speech development. That’s a hard thing to do, be vulnerable, when it’s about your child. I feel like I’ve watched Ben mature before my eyes, from an awkward teenager to a confident man, husband and father. At least from what I can see from tv, ha! Kendra is a cutie pie. 😄

    1. Yes so true about Ben. When they were courting i was like uh he is kinda immature, but he has blossomed.

  4. Spurgeon was 3.5 years old when this was filmed and still in diapers..

    1. My son was late to potty train and to talk and he was diagnosed with autism at age five,I'm not saying her boys are after all Spurgeon was late potty training and Henry was late talking,if it was one boy with both difficulties it would be more likely and there are other symptons along with those tp autism,I guess all children learn at different ages,thats why my son was diagnosed later when other symptoms were noticeable.

    2. Waaaaay too old. If he can tell you that he needs a dirty diaper change, he is too old for diapers.

    3. I don't think Jessa has much of a clue about potty training. Bet it wasn't discussed at home and wasn't reinforced early. Bet as long as someone (older sister) was around to change a diaper, potty training was not important.

    4. 2:39- If you feel a need to tell others how they're failing at parenting, it can very well mean you are too insecure about your own skills in that department. I've lived a long time and I can assure you, I've never been asked when I was potty trained in a job interview.

    5. Being able to tell you he needs changed just means he's there ready to be trained. He will most likely be fast at training

    6. My son was 4 when he finally was potty trained because of an undiagnosed food allergy.

      Not everything is mom isn't trying hard enough.

    7. My oldest sons were both out of diapers at 4 years old. I thought they’d never get out of diapers, but after Cheerios in the toilet, candy as a reward, being diaper less at home, and everything else I could think day my oldest just put on undies and went without me having to ask or push. Same with his younger brother! My daughter, the third born right at 2 years old potty trained with probably only 2x having an accident. Crazy how ALL kids developed differently. They are now all 19, 18, and 16 and living happy normal lives 😀

  5. Why have a gender reveal if they didn’t tell everyone !!? Of course we all know by now but that was a waste of time ..I’m sure the night was fun but but to not announce the gender was a waste of time!great epdisode tho ❤️

    1. I don't get it either. It just seemed to be an excuse to "have a party".

    2. Probably literally just to film

    3. That whole episode was so staged. The ice cream pregnancy reveal was the worst. It looked like that was take #15 and they still hadn't gotten it right so they had to do it over. Joe was the least surprised person I've ever seen.

    4. Anon 8:27. I wonder how many bowls of ice cream Joe had to eat for that scene? lol

    5. I would love to see Joe really excited for something just once!

    6. Anonymous Nov6 @8:27pm. This was not staged. Why do you keep saying that. If you don't like it don't watched.
      Please get off this websit you are do mean.

  6. It was funny when Kendra said she feels like she is still young! She IS still young...she was only 20 1/2 when this episode was filmed.
    Kendra's pregnancy announcement finally aired, three days after actually having their baby !!!
    It was a cute show. I loved how excited she was to tell Joe. And I liked watching the work the boys did on Ben and Jessa's house. They did a great job, in two days!

  7. what a fun episode! i love how they make up party ideas/themes. they always seem like they're having a good time

    and spurgeon is just too adorable!! hangin with the uncles!

    lol, i remember when neither ben or jessa would say the word 'poopy' when spurgeon was first born and now they just go with it. so glad to see they've 'relaxed' some of their verbiage. (poppy diapers will do that to ya lol!!)

  8. If those young men can fix up old, broken down homes, they can change a dirty diaper. Surely they changed their younger siblings diapers, years ago? It's sad to see the Duggar men so ineffective.

    1. Actually michelle and Jim bob put up a “safe guard” rule that only the girls could change diapers. This statement was aired on national TV shortly before the cancellation of nineteen kids and counting

    2. I’ll be only the Duggar girls changed younger siblings diapers.

    3. The boys weren't required to change diapers, just the girls.

    4. I agree. They never talk about how the boys helped with the children. It was always the girls who did that. Men should be able to take care of children too. Shouldn't just fall on women.

    5. That's pretty sad, if things have gotten so bad around your house that you can't have certain people changing diapers - even if those people have never done anything wrong. And we all saw how those rules slipped through the cracks anyway, when Josie was seen sitting on different laps on the sofa. That wasn't supposed to happen.

    6. Well, they ARE able to do help but they don't WANT to! Here is the same with my little brother who just will not change diapers cause it's gross.. 😂 And I have 2 in diapers so it would be easy for me if he did once in a while.. 🙈

  9. Spurgeon was three and a half when this was filmed and still in diapers, that’s awfully old. I know boys are harder but delaying it only makes it harder. If he can tell you he has a dirty diaper he is ready to be toilet trained

    1. I totally agree. I would have put more effort into that than Jessa seems to have. Does she really want THREE kids in diapers at the same time?

    2. I don’t think Jessa is the one putting it off, some kids just aren’t ready until later.

    3. My daughter's first non bio child was late to potty train. He just wasn't ready. Then all of a sudden he trained at 3 years and 8 months practically all by himself. Now the second little that isn't a non bio is 2 years and 5 months. She's not ready. My #3 potty trained late. Every kid is different.

    4. If she put him in undies and let's him get wet, he will feel the sensation and realize he doesn't like it so well! Same with poop. It can be tiring to keep washing undies but he will get it

    5. 5:20, why do you feel the need to point out that the children are your daughter’s biological kids? If they are her children they are children, leave it at that.

  10. Thats sweet what Kendra did! Also i know its their house but with a third kid coming and that house being so small I'd have added a room to it instead of deck. Thats nice Spurge got to hang with his Uncles.

    1. That's what I was wondering too. A deck seems like a waste of building time and money for a family that's obviously growing and needs another bedroom. I have a feeling the deck was put on maybe to make the house more sell-able? Bet they put it on the market and move soon. Either that or it was done for the cameras.

    2. It’ll work at least until Ivy moves out of their room, which I doubt will be until she turns 1. I think it was smart to add in the deck and the back door, it’ll make the house easier to sell when they move out.

    3. The house won't be sold! It will be passed on to another couple.

    4. 11:07, you are probably correct, but I still think a back door is important.

  11. Business must be booming at that used car lot they own in order to justify so many family members all being employed there.

    1. Yes, I agree. That is what I was going to mention. I enjoyed the show but I thought Joe was doing real estate. Ben is sweet but he always seems like he is in la la land or sort of unfocused. Jackson and Tyler were cute on the interview couch.

    2. Yeah. It's in a small town so you have to wonder where all their customers come from.

    3. I seem to remember they have more than one lot.

  12. I think Jessa's remark that a 3 year old can fend for themselves was a bit glib. Spurgeon obviously needed more supervision if he was able to down two ice cream sandwiches on his own. No telling what else he could get into. My own kids wouldn've dismantled the house in short order at that age if I'd left them to their own devices. Also, why should the young men be spared from changing a diaper? It's good experience for them, as they'll likely have kids of their own sooner than later.

    1. I would never turn my back on a 3 year old or claim they could fend for themselves. They can express themselves better by that age and communicate their wants or needs to you, but a 3 year old is not capable of making rational decisions about his own care. He cannot watch himself! That's about the age that when it's too quiet, you'd better check what's going on!! And you'll probably regret turning your back for even a second...

    2. I must be old fashioned but I'm always taken aback when i see three year olds in diapers. My kids were toilet trained by that age. I agree with about leaving Spurgeon to his own devices in the house. The guys were busy with the project and didn't have time to properly supervise him. I'm surprised he didn't get into other things as well as raiding the refrigerator.

    3. A three year old can fend for himself among power tools? That's ridiculous. He's lucky he didn't get hurt. Why didn't the boys take turns watching him, one at time, while the others built the deck.

    4. So the blanket training didnt work? Lol

    5. Stop with the potty training criticism. It’s Jessa’s decision, not yours.

  13. I participated in a Stroller Strides class from 4 months postpartum to 11 months postpartum. It was fun, but then I started going to physical therapy and learned it was harmful. There were lots of crunches, running, and jumping, including jumping jacks. Those are bad for your abs and pelvic floor while they're recovering the first year postpartum. My PT even said no mothers should ever do jumping jacks. :O There was no discussion in the class of whether some of us should be modifying our exercise for pelvic floor safety, such as your often hear in yoga classes. I know different instructors may vary on that count, but I would think the most important part of instructor training for an exercise class for mothers of babies would be postpartum safety! I had a great time, but in retrospect I wish I'd never gone.

    1. There are many schools of thought regarding exercise. I think you encountered two different ones. I'm not sure which is correct, but I do think jumping jacks rather after giving birth isn't a good idea.

    2. Your view.... Jinger and Jeremy are into fitness.... Jinger is such a lovely young woman.....😀

    3. I was pretty surprised last month at my OB-GYN appointment. I mentioned wanting to start training soon for a 5K and she told me running is the absolute worst thing a woman could do after having a baby. It leads to pelvic floor issues later because those muscles are not intended for the regular jarring you get from running (and running is hard on knees and hips too later). She recommended walking several miles a week, a fitness dance class, or a combination of both.

  14. Let me get this straight. These Duggars don't go to college but when Henry needs help with his speech issues, they see a (gasp) doctor and will go to a speech pathologist to help him. Guess higher education does have its benefits even if the Duggars won't embrace it.

    1. That's just silly. They have never said anything anti-doctor, and they have been shown to go to different medical professionals throughout the years they've been televised. That's like saying I shouldn't be protected by the police because no one in my family has gone to police academy.

    2. The Duggars don't do mainstream obstetricians either. Imagine if all high school graduates sold used cars or flipped houses. Imagine if all parents told their kids it's OK to immediately start working for Dad, or to simply live at home doing not much of anything until they marry. The country would instantly be in a muddle.

    3. They can go to college of they choose to. So far they have all chosen specialized training in a certain field which has turned out to be much cheaper!

    4. I have never ever heard them say that no one should get a higher education. Their son did a year of Bible college. Some of them took college courses long distance. Just because they don't have college degrees it doesn't mean that they are lesser beings. Let them live their lives the way they choose. They seem to be happy enough.

    5. good point here. I'm also wondering why there has been no update about the teaser about someone else being in a courtship. I am also glad that Jessa &. Ben shared their struggle about Henry's speech issue. It makes them more relatable.

    6. They never said they boycott people who went to college. As of yet, none of them have wanted to have occupations that require college. That’s fine! And it’s fine to want a job requiring college also, like being a doctor. Get over this.

    7. The Duggars have never bashed higher education, but unless you’re planning on becoming something like a doctor or lawyer it really isn’t necessary. That’s just not the life path any of them have chosen.

    8. You don't have to have a college education to know when to seek physicians. Jessa demonstrated that she wants the bet for her children. And, I could be wrong, but I believe that all of the women with children had ob-gyns.

    9. Even if you don't go to college you can still see the benefit of it and the benefit of educated professionals.

    10. Just because they do go to college themselves doesn't mean they don't believe in higher education. They know that their son needs help and are getting him the proper help. I'm not big on taking or giving medicine to my kids but I know it's proven to help so I'll give them it when they really need it or I'll take it when I needed too

    11. Have they actually said they don't embrace it? Honestly, unless someone wants to be something that requires a degree, why spend the money on school? So far, the Duggars make a living without a degree and they have no student loans to try and pay off.

    12. Your comment is very mean. I have three university degrees. My cousin is a farmer and has zero beyond high school. Yet he provides food with all his crops. He is as much a necessity in society as I am.

    13. It's not like they're Amish lol. I'm educated but not in medicine so yes, like the Duggars I would still take my kid to the dr.. smh lol

    14. The amish believe in health care and take their members and children to medical specialists when necessary.

    15. Anon @ 817, what magazine do you work for?

    16. You don't have to work for a magazine to recognize hypocrisy.

  15. Seems like Him Bob and Michelle are on every show. I thought the show was about the adult Duggar children.
    Don't see why Jim Bob and Michelle were ask questions same as young parents.
    This show is getting so boring ,it's all about them having babies after babies.

    1. You must have missed the segments about the building project and the exercise class and the doctor appointment.

    2. Changing the channel is always a choice. Personally, I look forward to every program. It's so nice to watch something that isn't focused on sex, murder and zombies. Thank you TLC for keeping the Duggars on the air.

    3. I also have noticed that JB and Michelle are back on the show that was supposed to be about the adult children.

    4. Well then watch the Bates instead

  16. I enjoyed this show. Looking forward to watching it again over the weekend.

  17. Yes, Kendra, you are an adult and a mom! :) I hope she realizes that with her 2nd baby.

  18. Definitely very good job on those double doors and the deck... Maybe with time they will transform the deck into another room? Put a roof over it, make it at least a den. Their house is very small for 3 kids!

    1. I think the deck is nice, but what they really need is a room addition to accommodate their growing family.

  19. One thing I don't understand - all Duggar brothers work on a used car lot, while I think the town where they live is very small. So how many cars they can sell to keep the living?

  20. I guess I'm missing something. Who would let a 3 year old run around the house unsupervised, raid the refrigerator and get into everything? I know his uncles were at the house, but they were busy working on a project and none of them were supervising Spurgeon.

    1. You also have to think about others who were there filming. Did they not notice when Spurgeon went into the house by himself and began eating the ice cream? Did they allow it to happen so they’d have something to film? You really shouldn’t take your eyes off a 3 year old when babysitting. They can and will get into anything.

    2. That wasn't funny - someone from the film crew should have stepped in instead of keeping the cameras rolling and making everyone look like a fool.

    3. It's not the camera person's or sound person's responsibility to babysit. The uncles agreed to the responsibility.

    4. The film crew isn’t supposed to intervene. In some places they arnt even supposed to in medical situations which I’m glad they do most of the time (During Josies seizure for example)

  21. My dad & I liked how the deck was built. Also how the boys babysat Spurgeon while Ben & Jessa took Henry to the Dr. We enjoyed the gender reveal party. Loved how Kendra surprised Joseph that they were going to have a 2nd child. Also Jessa letting them tell the rest of the family. We like how the seasonings are always interesting. We can't wait for season 11 and possibly season 12 in 2020. Natasha B

    1. The deck was fine, but the babysitting left a lot to be desired. What sort of babysitter would let a 3 year old raid the refrigerator and eat two ice cream sandwiches, then refuse to change a dirty diaper?

    2. The boys did not babysit Spurgeon, they left him alone long enough for him to eat not one, but TWO ice cream sandwiches.

    3. They failed babysitting 101 lol. You cannot take your eyes off a 3yr old! They were lucky it was ice cream.. it could be worse

    4. 1:29 - you are right. I didn’t think of it, but in the time he ate 2 ice cream sandwiches, he could have gotten into something more troublesome. I don’t think the cameramen were there until after the fact.

  22. 🙄Your comment makes a lot of sense. With your logic if somebody doesn’t want to be a plumber so never becomes one they shouldn’t hire a plumber?

  23. I still have questions about how the Duggar boys earn their living. I know they work at the used car lot. But they all do including Josh! How do they support all these babies? It's not like their car lot is some exclusive massive enterprise.

    1. The lot can't possibly support ALL these families. Even the large used car lots where I live have 3 or 4 employees.

    2. They are on a reality tv show and get a cut of the cash.

    3. That reality tv cash, if its given to the adult children at all, still can't possibly support these younger non-stop growing families.

    4. I'm guessing a few of them still live frugal, except Jinger whose living the high life in California. High as in taxes

    5. My niece left behind a well-paying job in the midwest in order to move to CA to be with her significant other, only to find that wages out there don't even come close to matching the high cost of living. It was a rude awakening.

    6. They have said they do many things to make an income. I don't know but don't think they all work at the car dealerships. Plus, it seems they may have a few car dealerships. Jedidiah said he owns his own car lot so unless he is a partner with Joe it's probably a different car lot. They said Jason make some of his money remodelling homes. I don't know what John David does anymore but he was doing construction "dirt work" for a while. He owned his own home when he was younger and living at home so he may have rented it out. The point is they do a lot that they don't share so you shouldn't assume they are all working in one car lot barely getting by. They make all sorts of references if you listen close to other business activities. Just a couple of episodes ago Abbie said John takes more chances then she is used to through business investments. I trust they are doing just fine in business. I think the only ones that are mainly living off the show are Ben and Jess as Ben appears just to work part time and is not entrepreneurial. I hope he graduates soon and starts working.

  24. The not so subtle propaganda for Jed now that he’s running for office is super annoying.

    1. If anything the episode made me like him less lol

    2. ANON @ 217, Are you serious??
      Why on earth would they not advertise that Jed is running for office? That's what people do when they run for office. They get the word out any way possible... signs, emails, phone calls, canvassing door to door, word of mouth ( at work, in the supermarket...) Have you or has anyone that you've ever known ever advertised for themselves or others? Or have you ever mentioned to anyone that you, or anyone you knew, were looking for a job?
      What a strange comment.......

    3. I thought television broadcasters were bound by FCC rules to give equal time to all candidates. ???

  25. WOW! At this rate, Ben and Jessa could have 3 children in diapers. We had 2 children in diapers and it was quite an expense for our family. And no, cloth diapers don't save a lot of money for a family when the cost of washing them (soap, water, electricity), and the time it takes are calculated. In addition, our family does not smoke, drink, or use take-out foods so we add very little to our local landfill.
    I know I'll get lots of pushback on this post but I that's OK with me.

    1. The cost of cloth diapers is less and then you don't fill up the landfills with used diapers. I had diaper service because I worked and it STILL was less than using disposable diapers and saved a lot of wear and tear on me and my washing machine.

    2. Then why post? And you still save a ton of money on cloth diapers, even with the cost of water and soap.

    3. Do you use paper plates and cups? Since soap and water and electricity will cost money?

      I saved a ton cloth diapering 11 years ago.

    4. They probably had 3 kids in diapers! If Kendra was 5 weeks, then the show was shot somewhere in March, and Spurgeon was still wearing diapers. At the end of May they had Ivy. I'd think that Spurgeon was still in diapers then.

    5. Here we go...smh

    6. If you want to save landfills, have em go outside in nature... fertilizer. Yes you opened yourself to this one

  26. I'm surprised that they actually admitted that one of the kids has a problem. Usually they are silent about these sorts of issues.

    1. Since he appears on the TV show, they pretty much had to explain why he doesn't talk like other kids his age.

    2. How do you know they’re usually silent about those things? The show featured Josie’s stuggles they don’t really seem to hide any “problems” that the kids may have. And having a speach delay at the age of two is very common, especially for children who aren’t the oldest, as many will let their older siblings talk for them and so they talk less.

    3. Maybe TLC is paying for the doctor's visit.

    4. Considering he was 2 at the time of the filming, it's not unusual that he wasn't talking. As with potty training, children develop individually, not on a scale. My son understood everything we said and did things we asked of him. When I spoke with his pediatrician, he asked of my son had a "language" of his own. Turns out, he would just take us to, for example, the kitchen and point to what he wanted. He had us well trained (lol) and didn't need to talk. Once we started making him tell us what he wanted, he went from pointing to full sentences. For the most part, boys mature later than girls, but I'm not sure why you think the Duggars "hide" things.

  27. Jedidiah is funny. He has a confidence about him and is really lighthearted. His comment about the diaper is funny. I know some have made a big deal out of it but he is a typical young single man. Mom is coming home in 5, she can do it. It's not like he was stuck in the diaper for long.

    1. When a man won't change a kid's diaper, he's pretty lame IMO.

    2. Jed should be happy that someone was there to change his diaper, even at age 3. If he plans to ever have kids, then he'd better get over that ick factor.

    3. You really take life too seriously if you can't see the humor in that. Are you never around any young women who leave certain chores for the men in their life and Visa versa. It's natural and no big deal unless it's taken too the extreme. It's nice to see a Duggars be willing to make jokes and not worry about what people think of them as much. If people couldn't make jokes or tease without people judging you this would be a sad world.

    4. I don't see anything funny about leaving a kid in a dirty diaper because you don't want to change it. Shall we discuss the chemical action of a dirty diaper and what it can do to a child's skin if not removed promptly?

    5. It was about 5 minutes!!!! Not an hour!

  28. It was interesting how much Jed was featured on this episode, since he has just announced his candidacy.

  29. Twenty years old, grew up in a house full of kids, wants to be married someday with his own kids, is running for election, and can't or won't change a diaper. Man up, Jed.

    1. I agree... they need to know how to do it

  30. So first of all, my son wasn’t potty trained till almost 4 years old, some kids have a harder time with it! And also, why did Kendra ask joe to get off work early because dinners ready early? Um I don’t think a lot of wives could ask that of their husbands...

    1. I think it had more to do with the fact that the camera crew was supposed to film at a certain time, but they aren’t going to say that on the show lol And no, most couldn’t, but most also don’t work at a family owned car lot and have a tv show that they need to leave work early sometimes for.

    2. I’m just sayin, Kendra acts like life is a little fairy tale, a lot of these girls do. Try working 2 jobs and being pregnant and taking care of a 2 year old without sleep, working opposite shifts as your husband...that was my life. Some of these girls don’t realize how good they have it, being able to be a stay at home mom, not having to worry about finances, and not having to do everything because their husbands will do all the work, and also they have friends that will even decorate their nursery for them...just sayin

    3. @9:37- If you were in a precarious financial situation and had to work two jobs, I have to wonder why you didn't wait to have kids until your situtation improved. Life can throw us lots of curveballs, but the choices we make are on us. It doesn't solve anything to be envious or resent other people you think have it better... just sayin.

    4. @1:01 That's harsh. Situations never become optimal...the grass is never greener...household finances ride roller coasters even for the best of us...babies sometimes come when you don't expect them to...countermeasures can fail you...are you suggesting some procedure to take care of that situation until finances improve?

    5. @6:04- People are free to do whatever they want, as long as they're not resentful of others and cast aspersions towards those who they think have it better or easier than they do.

  31. Why do these young women who don't use BC pretend like they're "shocked" and "surprised" when they become pregnant? That is so disingenious.

    1. i don’t think they pretend. When you see that positive on a pregnancy test, that is some BIG news. I don’t think it matters if it was planned or not, or how many times you’ve been through it. The realization in that moment, that there is a new life inside of you, is pretty shocking. It’s such a crazy amazing gift

    2. They likely mean they're shocked and surprised it's positive this time because they've been checking every single time and it hasn't been before.

    3. We were trying to have children and still shocked when we got pregnant. Just because you want children and aren’t using birth control doesn’t mean you will get pregnant right away. I have friends who never used birth control and had only one child.

    4. If she is breastfeeding and she hadn’t had a cycle yet after having Garrett then it would have been shocking. You don’t know all the details, leave the poor girl alone.

    5. She just had a baby. She is 20 years old. She said herself it's weird for her to think that she is an adult and a mom. It does not matter is realistically speaking she knows she can get pregnant. On emotional level she is just a teenage girl who wants to go shopping and laugh with her sister. And now what, second kid?

  32. Congrats to Joseph and Kendra on the baby but TLC a little bit behind as just showing pregancy and baby is already here

    1. IMO being so far behind is rather annoying.

    2. Yes! Yes! Yes!!!

  33. The episode was quite enjoyable. Could have done without the group of mothers running and exercising. It was boring.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    1. Yes, and not one of those mothers looked like they needed a post-pregnancy workout. Bunch of skinny women in yoga pants.

    2. They are not obese precisely because they do work out. Good for them for considering their health to be important.

    3. 8:23, you realize that they’re skinny BECAUSE they work out?? Just because you’re thin doesn’t mean you don’t need to exercise, what a weird thing to post.

    4. @3:48 @10:16 Working out does not guarantee that you won't be overweight. Plenty of overweight people exercise and don't lose weight. Sometimes there's a body's set point and some people will never be skinny. There's no one reason why everyone's weight is different. If exercise alone were the answer, then nobody who moved around would be overweight.

      I agree that not one of those women looked like they were dealing with post-pregnancy weight. Maybe they've got fast metabolisms? Or maybe they were the only ones who agreed to be on camera.

    5. Anon@8, I agree with you. This was one of the better episodes. I like hearing about what the Duggar clan does during their regular day to day.For awhile it seemed like the show was getting too commercial, but this episode brought back my faith in them. In my opinion, they are perfect role-models of how families should be. I hope that there are more episodes like this one. Loved it!
      And yeah, the mom's exercise class didn't really interest me that much either. I don't dislike Jinger or her family ( and I pray for them as much as I do the other Duggars) but I would rather hear more about the main family in Arkansas. The ones that we are fell in love with ten years ago.

    6. Sure it's cute to see Mommy & Me exercising now. But just wait til there are 3 or 4 more in and around that stroller and she hasn't slept in months. Workout time will go out the window. She'll be lucky if she remembers which end of the brush you use on your teeth and where the car keys got to.

    7. 5:58, not true. Exercising shouldn’t be going out the window if you’re wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I don’t know what women you know, but they’re very different from the ones that I do.

  34. Spurge is old enough to fend for himself, but not old enough to use the toilet?

    1. Yeah. He can be left unattended in the house and rummage through the fridge but isn't toilet trained. I found that rather strange too.

    2. @10:48-I know; pretty contradictory!

    3. Yeah... that makes

    4. She didn't mean it literally.

  35. Counting is getting boring.....please more of Jinger,Jeremy and Felicity...... They are the most interesting !!

    1. I disagree...those three aren’t anymore interesting than the others. It’s all the same...courtship, engagement, wedding, babies, repeat!!!

  36. Our son had a tongue-tie clip and was diagnosed at age 2 with a speech impediment, just like Henry. When I heard the diagnosis, I was really worried and anxious about it, but speech therapy helped him so much. My son wound up having to go to therapy clear through high school, but he is 27 now and speaks just fine. I hope Ben and Jessa won't worry too much about Henry and wish I could reassure them.

    1. If you clip the tie when they are very little and can't talk, how can it effect the speech? Or was it clipped later?

    2. My friend had that too and she is 40. She has a lisp of sort. I dont know if she ever went to speech as a kid.

  37. Is anybody else bothered about talking about Spurgeon, a child, in this manner? I mean, yes, the parents put them out there but Discussing his mental development or insinuating he is behind seems very mean. It seems as if people who find the Duggars to be hypocrites could show love, kindness and tolerance as an example. Criticizing a 3.5 year old seems to miss that mark.

    1. 11:09AM : It was Henry they were talking about, not Spurgeon, and he was 2 years old, not 3.5 years old. And they weren't criticizing, they were being honest about a concern. If anyone watching has the same concerns, it was probably helpful to see Henry having his hearing tested and to have speech therapy recommended.

    2. People aren't talking about Spurgeon himself; they're talking about the issues of toilet training (and often their own experiences training their own children) and babysitting safely and responsibly. Not the same thing.

    3. I think for the parents it's more of a concern. The potty training they could leave to themselves as there's many people out there who will criticize and have their opinions

    4. I think it's cruel to film him saying, "I have a poopy diaper." I feel so sorry for him. Ten years from now, his peers will be teasing him saying, "Do you have a poopy diaper, Spurge?" It's very shortsighted of his parents. He will not always be three.

    5. I don't think the parents are consulted before film is edited in or out of the show. I think TLC takes delight in airing stuff like that. If I were under contract to them, I wouldn't renew. Priorities?

    6. 11:32, why would anyone say that? And let’s be honest, ten years from now will other kids really be pulling up a single line from a show that aired when they were toddlers? Will they even have seen it? TLC won’t be playing reruns of episodes that are this old on their station.

  38. The chicken Kendra cooked looked delicious. Anyone know the recipe?

  39. Everything on this show is so staged. Joe had to come home because the film crew was ready and the Chick-fil-A order had arrived.

  40. So at first I thought baby watch 2019 would be Kendra, Anna, Lauren. But now I think it will go in order on how they are announcing this season. So this episode aired and Kendra had her baby in real time. Next week, Lauren and Si will be announcing their pregnancy, so I think they will be next. Then Anna. But that's my guess. Can't Wait!

    1. It was from the beginning first Kendra, then Lauren, then Anna. Anna said it a while ago. I think Anna announced her pregnancy before Lauren though. Lauren is due November 17th.

  41. All kids get potty trained at a different time parents know when there kid is ready, my oldest was potty trained by two and half and under 3 months, while my nephew who is a month younger than him wasn't fully potty trained until he was closer to 3. My pediatrician was really impressed and said it's rare for toddler to be fully potty trained that's including bedtime not just during the day and naps too by two and a half years old. Also with Kendra being surprised she is pregnant isn't that big. When I got pregnant with my youngest, I was surprised even though my husband and I were trying to get pregnant, the reason we were so surprised was cause we just started t trying the month before I got my positive test, so leave these two momma's alone please


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