
Monday, October 28, 2019

Duggars Try New Foods in Finland

John and Abbie Duggar
Honeymoon in Finalnd
"My dad used to call my mom Miss America, and so I thought it would be great to call my wife Miss America because that's what she is to me. She's Miss Universe, as well."
-John-David Duggar

Tomorrow on TLC, an all-new episode of Counting On airs at 9pm ET/8pm CT, with a rerun following at 1am on Wednesday.

The adventure continues for John and Abbie Duggar, as they wrap up their honeymoon in Finland. Lauren Duggar opens up about her struggles with grief and depression, and Jinger travels to Arkansas for a visit when Grandma Duggar's health declines. Jessa and Ben also find out the gender of their third child.

Photo courtesy; video courtesy TLC


  1. Looks like the "courtship" thing was just another teaser. They're so far behind that Grandma's funeral won't make the show until the next season

    1. This episode was filmed in February, because John said they took their honeymoon three months after their wedding. Grandma's funeral will be included in this season.

    2. It’s going to be on this season

    3. I think that one of the boys like Jason might be in pre-courtship phase. That's just the feeling I got but who knows.

  2. It should be a universal law that people with views like Austin and Joy should not travel abroad. Why should other countries have U.S. restaurants? Grow up and learn to eat like the locals.

    1. Someone shouldn't be allowed to travel because of their food choices? I wouldn't want to live in your nanny-state world.

    2. +1000

      The Duggars' behavior is so embarrassing when they travel to other countries, as well as to more diverse, cosmopolitan parts of the U.S. like NYC. Joy and Austin should stay on the farm in their trailer!

    3. I think international travel was wasted on them. If you just want "American food" then stay in the USA.

    4. I thought the same thing. why would you expect other countries to serve American food? Isn't part of the purpose to being in another place taking in the entire culture including the food?
      Also why weren't Lauren and Josiah shown on their honeymoon? Did they not take an international trip?

    5. Sadly, there's a McDonald's and Starbucks in every major city in the world. Perhaps they should stick to only those places, so they can be sure to eat a french fry and a muffin as needed in between all that cultural sight-seeing.

    6. I agree. When my daughter did her semester abroad in France she loved the food her "host Mama" made for meals. Especially the crepes. She also took a summer class in Morocco and enjoyed their food.

    7. It's their opinion. Doesn't have to match yours.

    8. 3:56- Josiah and Lauren’s honeymoon was shown a while ago. They went to Austria

    9. @4:44 But those American chain restaurants serve food items with a local twist. Have you ever seen the menus at McDonald's restaurants around the world? The Duggars might be hard-pressed to find french fries without plum-flavored seasoning, or a dessert made without taro or blue corn.

    10. Josiah and Lauren went to Austria on their honeymoon and it was filmed and shown.

    11. Then anyone from Italy shouldn't go to Italian restaurants in U.S.? America has restaurants with all types of foods so there is nothing wrong with wishing you can have a cheeseburger while in another country. I am not that adventurous with food but respect and love to learn about and see other countries. I am not going to feel guilty because I don't like their foods.

  3. Love the extract, but the part with Joy and Austin is strange. They are disgusted by the idea food having eyes and teeth and ataring back at them?! Seriously? Hunters?!

    1. What kind of hunting do they do where the eyes and teeth are kept on when they eat the meat? You generally remove that kind of thing

    2. 7:18- I think the point was that the animal is often times staring back at you when you shoot it.

    3. Austin fishes too, and takes his pregnant wife ice fishing. You can cook fish whole, with eyes and lips/mouth (kind of like the teeth).

    4. Yeah, I'm kind of surprised by anybody who hunts and guts the animal to be squeamish about that to be honest. Personally, I think it's a bit more yuck to do the butchering. You see fish in the grocery store all the time with heads and eyes. I'd be willing to bet Austin and his friends have one or more hunting trophies hanging around their house with eyes. LOL

    5. Well, it's different when the head and eyes are sitting on the dinner plate. I may fish but I don't want to see his head while I am eating.

    6. Fish are eaten whole. In some countries, whole lamb and sheep heads are served, and the most honored guest gets the eyes. If you eat meat, you need to realize that at some point, it had a head and a mouth. If you hunt your own meat, this especially should come as no surprise!

  4. Finland seems like a nice place to visit! I would try the reindeer jerky or salmon soup...But definitely not the squid!

  5. john & abbie are such an adorable couple!

  6. I have been to Helsinki in Finland a bunch of times, I know exactly where they are, lol. The reindeer sticks are actually really good :)

  7. My heart still goes out to Lauren. I’m glad she is being so open and transparent about her loss and grief. So many women have experienced the exact same thing! I really hope Lauren will be encouraged and supported by her husband to receive counseling and/or therapy for her depression. I know several Duggar’s believe depression can be just prayed away but in the real world that doesn’t happen. Sometimes more help than prayer is needed. I hope Lauren recieves the help she needs without being ousted. And I really hope tlc isn’t playing into her grief in order to boost ratings. Lauren’s grief seems to be extra highlighted on tv to the point it looks like Lauren is consumed with despair. ☹️

    1. This is far from being real-time film footage and the miscarriage happened a year ago. Lauren is well along in her new pregnancy and is obviously moving on. TLC and fans should move on, too. I would agree that TLC is likely taking advantage of her grief in order to boost ratings.

    2. Anon 8:42. I think you're right. It was the same with Grandma Duggar's "failing health". Why would they show that when we all know she died in June?

    3. I respectfully disagree that because Lauren is well along in a new pregnancy that she is somehow "over" losing her first baby. It's not at all uncommon for a subsequent pregnancy will trigger some grief issues at various points throughout the pregnancy. Josiah has proven himself to be a huge support and hopefully those around her will respect and honor her feelings, rather than "encourage" her to be grateful to be pregnant.

    4. 8:07 No one said that she should just "get over" the miscarriage or that people shouldn't respect her feelings. However, it seems TLC is dragging this unfortunate event out for filming purposes and fans continue to wring their hands over Lauren, even though this happened over a year ago. Robert Frost once said that what he's learned about life can be summed up in 3 words, "It goes on."

  8. Can anyone comment on whether Jinger and family are safe and away from the fires in California?

    1. The Getty fire only 5% contained right now, last I heard. J&J are miles away, with several major roadways between them and the fire(s). They'd probably smell the smoke or see the bad air, but they're not close enough to be in immediate danger of having to evacuate, at least not with the current situation. The LA fire website has evac info and maps of where the fire is.

    2. They should be fine. The fires aren't in the area where they live.

    3. The big fire isn't too far but not near enough that they'd have to leave.

    4. Thank you for your replies to my question. I am so releaved to hear Jinger and family are safe.

    5. Although the winds have died down from how high they were earlier, there are still new fires popping up almost daily.....

  9. I find it bizarre to call your wife what your dad calls your mom.

    1. I don't think it's weird. It's just a term of endearment.

    2. What if your dad called you mom Honey, or Babe, or Gorgeous? Would that be bizarre? Don’t go looking for weird, lol

    3. Couples should have their own individual terms of endearment for each other. It's indicative of a healthy ability to separate from their parents and have their own identity. It should be the natural byproduct of their bonding to each other emotionally. John David's comments worried me because the adult Duggars seem to overly identify with their parents. It's one thing to greatly admire your parents; it's another to be conformed in their image.

    4. 8:15, my parents used honey and dear, just like my husband and I do. I can assure you that we very much have our own marriage.

  10. I would love to try salmon soup!! That sounds really delicious. Also smoked salmon slices for breakfast, like a sandwich. Also Finns have amazing liquors from local berries.

    1. Yes. However the Duggars wouldn't try the liquors. They have beliefs about that sort of thing.

  11. Living in Switzerland, I fully disagree with Joy Anna saying that sparkling water is automatically been brought to your table when going to a restaurant - never happened to me before (and I‘m, due to my job, frequently eating put in different places). I fear they visited very atypical restaurants where this happened...
    MO Austins comment about typical american food places needed in just any country of the world seems strange and a little narrow-minded to me... I feel like if you travel, you have to be a little more open to different cultures, food etc.

    1. Austin seems to be rigid in his views. I hope he loosens up.

    2. I think the TV crew set up Joy and Austin and they didn't realize they'd been pranked. In my experience sparkling water is served upon request and you pay for it.

    3. Anon 12.16. I agree with you totally. If I travelled to China or India I wouldn’t expect to eat fish & chips or shepherds pie (typical dishes here in the uk), I would venture into their food & make the most of it. Submersing oneself in the culture of a country includes their food & it’s half the fun trying new things, it’s a shame these young people are so sheltered in their opinions.

  12. Austin needs to be aware that the world does not nor should not cater to American tastes.

    1. The world doesn't cater to American tastes? How do you explain the presence of McDonald's all over the world?

    2. Let's not be hating on America now

    3. McDonald's "all over the world" does not serve the same food that they serve in the US. The name's the same but the menu definitely is not. They cater to local tastes.

    4. I don’t believe the OP was hating on America. Just stating a fact that other countries don’t need to cater to Americans traveling there. To think otherwise is a very ethnocentric view. Our culture isn’t the best just because it’s familiar to us.

    5. Well because of America's free market system we cater to foods from all over the world. My city of under a hundred thousand has Chinese, Japanese, Italian,t Sushi, and a ton of Mexican resaurants. You shouldn't expect it in other countries but it sure wouldn't make me sad to see a steak house on a foreign vacation. Besides, I couldn't watch the video but I am sure Austin's comment was lighthearted and not meant to be serious or mean spirited.

  13. It was filmed back in February or March, so if by now (October) no courtship was announced, there was no courtship? They usually announce real life events when they happen, like courtships, engagements, weddings.

    1. The "courtship" seems to be a teaser. If anyone was courting, it would be announced by now and wedding plans in full swing.

  14. I love how Austin wants to have little piece of home (home food) in every place he travels. It actually so corresponds with all those Asian markets or small European Deli shops all over the US where people can buy foods they are used to eat in their home countries.

    1. Asian markets and European delis depend on people from other cultures buying from them too. They can't survive if they sit with crickets chirping, waiting for someone from a "home" country to come in.

    2. Well to be fair those "Asian markets and European Delis" are usually patronized by citizens of this country. We are a very diverse country after all and the people who settled here brought their taste in food with them. You should travel to New Mexico where they put chilies in everything.

    3. Those people are living in the US, not in their home countries. And they probably want to eat better quality food than hamburgers and french fries. For Austin to think that 75% of the world population should cater to 25% of the population is ridiculous.

    4. I'm of European descent so I can't call an Asian market a "piece of home" but when I lived in a large city I always bought my fresh food from the one near my house. Their produce was MUCH better than anything the regular (chain) groceries had to offer. Now that I live in a rural area, I really miss it.

  15. What did Austin expect in Switzerland? A Cracker Barrel, Golden Corral or Bab Evans everywhere he went? The whole idea of travel is to broaden your horizons and try new things.

    1. He was probably hoping for a Chic-fil-A 😏

    2. Yes I think that is exactly what they’d prefer. “Where’s the Marketplace Grille!?”

  16. Austin comes across as a very opinionated young man who has limited education. Why would he expect other countries to have restaurants with food he's used to eating?

  17. There's Asian, Italian, Mexican, etc., restaurants here in the U.S.A, so why not a variety in other countries ?

    1. They have McDonald's in most countries. Apparently there's little demand for other types of American food in the rest of the world.

    2. There is. Have you ever been to another country?

  18. I absolutely love that picture of Abbie kissing John <3 I wonder who took the picture?

  19. Well, the Duggars obviously don’t go on their honeymoons alone (weird but true). I’m sure one of the camera crew took it. I still have a hard time getting the image of Jinger in the hotel room on the honeymoon out of my mind. That was very intrusive in my opinion. I think I would have had to put my foot down if I were them. I’m sure these exotic locations are wonderful but having your first days as a newlywed filmed wouldn’t be worth it to me.

    1. At least John and Abbie took a private honeymoon first.


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