
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fall in LA with the Vuolo Parents

Diana (Grandma Vuolo), Felicity Vuolo, Jinger Vuolo
Jeremy's parents (Felicity's Grandma and Grandpa Vuolo) traveled to Los Angeles back in July to help celebrate Felicity's first birthday. This week, they are back in town for another visit.

Photo courtesy of


  1. Oh my Felicity is getting so big!
    Such a beautiful family!

  2. I wish you would had some updates on Abby and Joy and some of the other girls besides just Jinger. You sure post a lot about Jinger.

    1. There are so many other things you could post, too!

    2. That’s because Jinger provides be more content for the blog. Joy and Abby are more private which is totally fine too. You shouldn’t pressure people into sharing more than what they’re comfortable with.

    3. They can only post what's given to them to post!

    4. She's a California girl now. They love the limelight

    5. We see plenty of pictures of Joy barefoot in her trailer.

  3. I really like Valerie's outfit!

    1. That is Jeremy's mother and I think she is named Diane or Diana. His sister is Valerie.

    2. Thanks for correcting my mistake!

  4. Time 11:20PM Wed 9/25/19
    Aww that is so sweet

  5. Love Jinger's hair now that it's grown out. Very happy trio❗❤

    1. It hasn’t grown out like that this quickly. She had it colored back to brown with blond ends. It does look better than all blonde.

  6. I'm glad that Jeremy's parents are able to visit fairly often.

  7. At least jing is wearing a dress. So nice. Feminine.

    1. I fail to understand the mindset some people have that a woman should only wear dresses. It isn't up to you to define what's right for someone else. If you like something, wear it. Just don't expect others to follow suit.

    2. 5:14-The word feminine is really a subjective term. How one feels about their feminitiy and what to wear or not wear to reflect that is a personal preference. No one should feel pressured to conform to someone else's definition of the word or taste.

    3. I think Jinger looks very attractive no matter what she wears- jeans, dresses, sleeveless tops, what have you- it simply doesn't matter to me in the least.

  8. It is so nice that the Vuolos make such efforts to see Jeremy and Jinger and Felicity. Sweet photo. Eileen

  9. It's all about Jeremy and Jinger. KInd of boring

    1. When we heard nothing from Jeremy and Jinger, we complained.

    2. Why not? They do interesting things.

  10. So nice to read about Jinger's in laws visiting. I believe that they are a good influence on her. Showing that woman can wear slacks and have short hair. That they don't have to keep having babies and still be Christian's. Sorry @11:15 I have to disagree, they are the only interesting ones right now. They are living like a normal young Christian family.

    1. I agree. Jeremy's parents seem so nice and like the other Christians I have known in my lifetime.

    2. You're right,I think Jinger is going by their beliefs now not her parents,its obvious she's using family planning,that's why she's not pregnant yet and waited to buy a house before trying for their first baby,but by no means am I saying Jinger has desappointed her parents I'm sure they are fine with it because she and Jeremy make desitions about their lives,Jim Bob and Michelle can just incourage their children to do the best they can to please the Lord but they would'nt expect them to do everything the same way they have done.

    3. Anon 1:50 The only interesting ones?? The only normal ones?? I am not sure what normal is for you but spending tons of money on clothes, getting my hair colored and styled all the time, constant vacations and eating out all the time and neither spouse having a job is not normal where I come from. Normal to most of our lives comes with responsibilities as in working for a living, living a conservative life, being involved in ministries and no way do most of us choose to live a life of vanity and over indulgence like they do. We were Duggar fans because they were at one-time not caught up in materialism but instead lived frugal ministry oriented lives, like most of us do. How we live is normal.

    4. @5:25 The kids sure were expected to do things their parents' way before this, including faith, dress, education, job, courtship, family planning, etc. Or so we were told over and over.

    5. @9:15 pm,yes Jinger did things her parents way before marrying and now she is doing things her husbands way,Michelle did the same,in fact Michelle's transformation was much more dramatic,remember she wore bikinis and kissed before marriage so they should'nt mind Jinger changing just a few small rules, her faith has not changed.

    6. 11:10- I wouldn’t say that leading a ministerial oriented life is normal for most people. In fact, there are increasing numbers who do not attend church or
      espouse any religion at all, myself included. The Duggars are not your every day family because they have a TV show, along with the financial benefits of it.

  11. I agree 1000% @11:19. You said it!


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