
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Duggars Return October 15th

Jeremy Vuolo and Felicity Vuolo

After being off the air for almost seven months, new episodes of Counting On are slated to return to TLC on Tuesday, October 15th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT. Check out the promo video below (from the Counting On Facebook page) to see what the Duggars have in store for viewers.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Replies
    1. I still can’t find anything on the TLC UK website about when we maybe getting the new series, really hope we don’t have to wait months. Last season we got it just a few episodes later than in the US which was so nice as for once it felt we weren’t months behind.

    2. Fuzzyferet, I hope we get it here soon too. :)

  2. Watched the promo video and it looks like the new season of "Counting On" is going to be amazing. Also sad, because of Grandma's passing. Can't wait to see the new shows! God Bless the Duggar family.

    1. And Joy and Austin's miscarriage another sad day for them all

    2. I find it distasteful to exploit anyone's grief on a reality TV show. If you're being paid for filming and broadcasting a funeral or other tragic circumstance, it does not put that person in a good light, IMO.

    3. TLC website offered no indication that Joy’s miscarriage would be covered??

    4. Maybe we could keep Joy & Austin in our prayers the next 5-6 months. Not only are the vast majority of her social circle (her close in age sisters) expecting, so are Erin Paine, Whitney Bates (both due by end of year), and Joy's close friend Carlin Bates (due in February). Even as much as Joy loves her sisters and Carlin, this walk will not be easy over the next 6-8 months.

    5. It is normal to grieve. Why should they hide it? If they acted like their grandmother's death was unimportant or they didn't care, people would question that. Grief is part of real life. Loss is part of life. It isn't exploitation to show it.

  3. Gosh, couldn’t the segment be edited out in respect for Joy ? How awful to relive on film your miscarriage and what a happy moment that photo shoot must have been.

    1. Think you will find Joy and Austin wanted it kept in

    2. It's their choice. I wouldn't do it, but I'm not Joy and Austin.

    3. And how many more would complain if it were not included?

    4. I think they accepted their loss. This way also their baby would not be forgotten.

    5. Wait, all this time you all have been saying - if this is a reality show then show us your real life!!! Well folks, this Is Real Life! This is as real as it gets, they are real people after all. They are sharing the good & bad because we want to see, hear, & know it all. Well, this is the whole truth. Stop picking things apart & just enjoy the story. Life changes & so do people. Each child has the right to make their own way in life. It does not mean they are not modest, or christian enough. They do not force their beliefs on anyone, they are living their life. Stop casting stones, none of us remain the same. They are a good family, have raised & continue to raise nice children in a world of not always such good outcomes! They are a loving family, who love their children. Enjoy their story & go with the flow, life's to short to pick it apart.

    6. You want them to act like she was never pregnant?

  4. At the 1:20 mark of the video, I started crying because I love Michelle Duggar so so much. At the 1:40 mark, I started sobbing. Is something wrong with me??

    1. No, there's nothing wrong with you. You have a heart and I've heard it does wonders to have a good cry.

  5. Oh, man. Some beautiful moments and some heartbreaking ones. This will not be a dull season.

    1. Plenty of tissues need this season for sure

    2. Yes, definitely. Couldn't make it through the promo without tears.

    3. I think the saddest part of the promo was the look on Jim Bob's face at the very end of the promo. Ahhh I could just feel what he was feeling because when I lost my Mother I too felt that devastating, and shock feeling at her burial plot. But Praise God that we will one day see our parents and love ones again and we will see our God gave to face!! 👫👬😇👫👫

    4. 11:25PM: You are right, plenty of tissues... Oh my, a couple of really sad episodes this season.

  6. Time 10:18PM Thurs 9/19/19
    This might be the first season of counting on with no courtship news. Which is a shock.

    1. After several years, of back-to-back Duggar weddings, I am also surprised by the lack, of any new announcements. Come November 3rd (John David and Abbie's first anniversary,) it will have been a whole year, since there were any Duggar Weddings, or Duggar Courtship announcements.

    2. Well, at the beginning of this year I was thinking how weird it was to have only one baby on the horizon, and then came the great baby explosion. So maybe there will be news around the corner.

    3. Well. Jana is really the only eligible one at this point. The guys are all pretty young. Mayyybe one of the twins in a year or two.

    4. 2015 did not have courtships or weddings. Jill and Jessa married in 2014 (in June and November).
      Then in 2016 Jinger started dating Jeremy and then got married in November. Joy started dating the same November. Joy got married in May 2017, and then Joseph was dating/getting married in 2017 (September) too.
      In 2018 Josiah was courting and getting married (in June). And John-David had this quick courtship and wedding in November 2018.
      They all are probably enjoying this no-wedding time. Like, no dress search, no shopping, no wedding planning... They all can relax, kids just study or work, parents can take vacation. The girls room now has 4 girls (I'd think Jana does not share that room). Boys' room had 10 boys, and now it's down to 6 plus Tyler, they all have more space.

    5. Everyone else is young, except for Jana but I don't think she is courting

  7. So much to cover. I wonder if they are going to include John and Abby's honeymoon in Finland. I would love to see them cover the northern lights. There were also the graduations of Jason and James. There were so many pregnancy announcements. I hope they include other things, too..

    1. I.m sure they will as it has been 7 months I.m sure they will want happy occasions as well as very sad ones

    2. I hope so! It will be very interesting to watch!

  8. The preview is incredible! Seven months is way too long to wait! So much to pack in, i really hope this season (and future seasons) are much longer! So many Duggar fans and so much news in a big family, they could run episodes all year and have good content, that would be fantastic!

    1. I so agree, I hope this season will be longer than just a few episodes. These 7 months were so eventful for the family. Grandma's passing, so many pregnancies, Ivy's birth, Jinger's move to LA.

  9. I know this isn't going to be a popular post-infact it likely won't make the cut and be posted at all. Having recently lost my beloved Dad to Congestive Heart Failure and Liver Failure, I know how devastating it was for my husband, my daughter, and I; for my brother and sister-in-law, and our six nephews. I can't imagine anyone making money off the death of his mother and the death of his granddaughter. Receiving a paycheck for allowing a TLC film crew to film a mother's funeral and burial, his children's and grandchildren's brokenness. What kind of a son does that? What kind of a father does that to his children and grandchildren? A father and a grandfather is supposed to protect his children's hearts. What kind of a man does that? What is wrong with Jim Bob and Michelle?

    1. I don't think the Duggars see it that way. They're so used to having every aspect of their lives filmed by the TV crew it seems normal to them. It may seem callous to you, but this is how they make their living.

    2. Anon 12.13. I agree I wouldn’t want cameras around at such a sad time & I know myself how devastated I was after both my parents died many years ago. It’s not the first funeral they have allowed to be filmed though, so it really doesn’t surprise me at all. Jim Bob, lately is not ingratiating himself to me either, however I have huge respect for Michelle, who I truly believe is a wonderful loving mother with the best of intentions. Perhaps Michelle is unable to put her displeasure across enough to stop JB going ahead with such things, who knows. It will be very sad watching all the grandchildren’s tears, it will make for a difficult watch.

    3. I'm sorry about your father. I lost my dad this year too. I kind of see this as a tribute to Grandma Duggar, not a money-grubbing opportunity, but of course I don't know their hearts. Many fans loved and admired Grandma Duggar.

    4. The problem is not with them - it is with your accusation that they are money-driven. Maybe you should consider the likelihood that they are grieving, and celebrating Mary's life and sharing her life and testimony, and that they are comforted in their grief by the assurance that Mary is with her Heavenly Father and they will see her again.

    5. Maybe it is not money related, it's just that she was part of the show at times, too so they allowed us as viewers to be a part of mourning her death.

    6. Grandma was part of their lives and the show as well. In my opinion you're being pretty hard with Jim Bob. And, I'm sure all of the adult children had a voice. Please be kind....

    7. I can understand how you feel but I am a private person and have nothing on social media so I would not publicize a funeral. However, I have two cousins who put everything on various social media platforms and have, indeed, put all kinds of things about a grandparent's death out in public. It is not right or wrong one way or the other. Each person grieves differently.

    8. I too thought it was in very poor taste. Not everything needs to be filmed and aired.

    9. This family has trouble understanding what privacy is and what boundaries are. There is no need to film events like this. Yes, Jim Bob could have thought that the public was sharing their grief about his mother. But on the other hand, this is the ONE time you get to say goodbye to your mother, and adding TV cameras just doesn't seem appropriate. I know lots of people aren't comfortable watching funerals, too.

    10. I agree with you 12:13 and Fuzzyferet Something's should be sacred private moments between the family and God and this was definitely one of those moments. If gives me a really uneasy feeling to see this was something they used to make money on.

    11. I have to agree, this wasn't very nice to film Mary's funeral or the kids so devastated. My goodness does everything have to be filmed like this.

    12. They've been on TV for decades. If TLC would not film the funeral of their beloved Grandma, I would take it as if she was not granted the respect of her funeral shown to the whole country. When CNN filmed funeral of G H Bush, not sure who got the pay, but many people were watching and paying their respect as they could not attend in person. So if his grandkids cried at his funeral, does it show G W Bush as a horrible father not caring about his kids feelings???
      Like, what a BS you just posted in your huge post. Duggar family is being loved by so many, and so many were grieving along with them, and will grieve while watching the funeral of the beloved Grandma.

    13. Who's to say the family didn't have private time with Grandma to share personal thoughts, memories and personal prayers for her journey "home" and for each other in this huge loss? We aren't in their shoes and every individual handles grief differently.

    14. Anon 8:20 I'm in agreement with you and the others that find this uncomfortable.

    15. Why does everyone assume it's about MONEY??? Is that the way you are?

    16. I think it’s important to show it because it’s a big event in their life. Not all big events are happy. It’s a nice way to honor her.

    17. Grandma Duggar was a big part of the show, she was a well known and successful real estate broker in Arkansas and very much loved by her family and friends. I think the intent here was to honor her, express love and fans a chance to be part of the celebration of her life. Yes, the Duggars get paid to make a show about their lives, death is part of life.

    18. Anon 11.06. GW Bush was an ex president of your country I can totally understand why his funeral was televised, the same as Margaret Thatcher’s was here in the UK or that of princess Diana, they are historical events that need to be shown. I agree Mary was a very integral part of their family but I think some people just find it hard that a reality tv family are happy allowing cameras at such an event, which could have remained private. As much as Mary was loved by many loyal fans, she was not an ex leader of your country so equating the coverage her funeral against an ex president is very different & the entire nation would not need to see it for historical purposes as they would that of a man who once ruled your country.

    19. @11:06; There's a different set of protocol for dignitaries and comparing Mary's televised funeral with that of a former POTUS is way off base. If you think about it, it's highly unusual for Hollywood celebrities to film the funeral of a loved one and then air it on national TV. They keep things like that private. Personally, I just think it's inappropriate to make a funeral a public TV spectacle, especially when the family is making money by doing so.

    20. @11:06- The Duggars are not on par with a president. Most people don't even know anything about the family. BTW, they've not been on TV for decades. They first aired in 2008, so that makes 11 years, which is a decade + 1 year.

    21. We have shared so many joyous occasions with the Duggar’s - babies, birthdays, weddings. I think it makes perfect sense to include Grandma Mary’s celebration of life as part of the telecast. Of course it will be sad, but we’ve watched and admired Grandma Mary as a blessed matriarch of the Duggar family. Many of us will be grieving for their loss and smiling at their memories. That’s ok. I respect JimBob’s decision, and totally trust his judgement. They shared her life with us. Why not her death?

    22. How do you think those TV cameras made the other mourners feel? Did anybody consider them and their grief? The Duggars could have easily honored Mary with a memorial service TLC was welcome to film (of course the Duggars would still be paid for that),with a private graveside service (which anybody should be able to understand). But that's not what happened now, is it?

    23. Anon 11:06. Our President is in a whole different category then Jim Bob's mother. Of course a Presidents funeral would be public, they were a leader of our Country. Mary was Jim Bob's mother who should have had a private funeral so her family could grieve in Privacy not filmed for money. Sheesh

    24. I admired Grandma Duggar and I would like to see her funeral. I've been to funerals before so I know what to expect. I miss seeing Grandma Mary Duggar,so after I watch the funeral,I probably can move on. God Bless the Duggars.

    25. This is really up to Jim Bob and his sister. Grandma was a huge part of the show. They filmed Jubilee funeral too and that was so sad.

    26. @3:37 PM: It was G H Bush who died; G W Bush, his son is alive and striving.
      But that's not the point of course. The point is that Duggars were on TV forever, and they are like family to many people now. If the funeral is televised, then all who watches the show can participate in paying respect to the Grandma. If the family decided to share it, its their choice.

    27. 8:15 They get to decide for their family what is right for them. Everyone gets to make their own decisions. I think they showed it to honor her life and show how important she was to them. Death is part of one makes it out of this life alive. Maybe the stigma associated with death and funerals needs to go away. Let everyone grieve and celebrate the life of their family member in their way. If they want to keep it private or choose to share, let people choose without judgment.

  10. What an upcoming season filled with highs and lows. I no longer have the TLC channel available to me. I am going to be relying on your excellent summaries Ellie! I could not hear what was said in the promo video but could watch it and happy to see all the Duggars in it.Eileen

  11. First Grandma Mary and then Joy, this is going to be a sad season for sure.✝️🕊🙏🏼

    1. Life tends to be full of ups and downs. I think the Duggars have experienced some downs this year but seem to be working through them.

    2. There will be other happier things on the show too. Jessa had a baby, Abbie is pregnant, Jinger moved to LA. Maybe a new courtship??

    3. They also had a new baby, Ivy. And now 4 daughters-in-law are expecting as well. In November there will be 3 little Duggar girls born, and in January another Duggar girl. That town will go crazy issuing birth certificates for all those Duggars.

    4. First Kendra, Joy, Anna and Amy announce their pregnancies. Then jessa has her baby. Then all pregnant girls do photoshoots together and celebrate their pregnancies, fing out the gender of their babies, have gender reveals... Then Grandma passes away. Joy has a miscarriage. But new life comes in, now Abbie has her gender reveal, and Kendra, Lauren and Anna will have their baby showers shown in the season I'd think. And then we will see those babies born in November. I'm sure by the end of the season Joy will announce another pregnancy.

  12. I would love to see the honeymoon, graduations and gender reveal parties. Looking forward to the new season. Natasha B.

  13. Man I really feel for Jinger, honestly and Jill. Because Jinger has all these rumors circulating and Jill it seems on social media is getting a lot of hate. Not sure why people have to be cruel when they don’t like someone.

    1. Just dont even pay any attention to rumors, because talking about them only adds to the non sense. Just ignore.

    2. Please define "hate". Yes, social media is a hotbed of bullying and nastiness and when you place yourself on it, you're vulnerable. However, many comments I've read are asking serious questions regarding public stances the Duggars have made regarding social/political issues, as well as what is perceived to be double standards. Asking questions is not necessarily hateful, especially when the individuals are public figures who've promoted themselves as Godly Christians and whose intent is to convert others. I think the biggest problems are when questions go unanswered- or worse, the questions are never asked at all.

    3. What rumors? I haven’t heard anything majorly negative.

    4. The internet has brought out the dark side of many people, unfortunately.

    5. There's a lot of cruel people out there,I know only too well I've had to put up with a lot from nasty people myself because I don't come from an overprotective family,that's why it's tough on Jinger,because she's been sheltered from nasty people from her parents,that's why Michelle was'nt bothered,because she grew up in a different upbringing,we all knew it was made up by people, that they want to gossip,why would they argue about wearing pants,did'nt Michelle wear pants before she married.

    6. Anon 6:21 I don't think there is all kinds of rumors circulating about Jinger or Jill. I haven't read any other then people thinking that her Mom and Dad are disappointed not mad that they are wearing pants and more revealing tops etc. But that's a reasonable assumption for people to make since they never dressed in tight pants and the tighter tops like that and they even went as far as saying that it causes desires in men that can't righteously be fulfilled. So it only stands to reason for people to wonder how the parents feel.

    7. They're subjecting themselves to speculation

    8. Anon 9:56 I agree with you. They should answer questions since the public watching their show is their income. I remember the first time I seen Jill and then Jinger wearing pants and shoulder exposed blouses, and I was like, wait a minute I thought you guys said you don't believe in that, then a nose ring and then constant new more expensive clothes, and I was like wait a minute here what is going on. lol. They should have just explained why and how their standards changed and it would have settled the issue.

    9. When people like the Duggars go on social media they are accepting that there will be some blow back. They're not so fragile that they can't handle it.

    10. Anon @8:09 PM Jill might be wearing a cute nose ring, just as women do in Nepal or India. However she is not drinking alcohol, she is not doing drugs and she does not sleep around like many of young American women do, especially in colleges. They don't go on drinking binges like many college girls do.

      They simply wear clothes that are more comfortable for them. And you might remember, they both have husbands and they both follow what their husbands are comfortable with. I'm sure Jeremy is the one who has been encouraging Jinger dress more contemporary, similar to Derick and Jill. Joy said that she likes pants but her husband Austin likes her wearing dresses, and so she does that! No standards are compromised here. The main standard is women look up to what men say :).

    11. The comments on Yahoo are atrocious when it concerns the Duggar family. Yahoo is not much of a news source anyway..more like a gossip column

    12. I think the Duggar s have become like any other reality family now. They aren't that family from years back anymore. They dress like any other family now, they own private planes, vacation all over the place so I don't know why anyone at this point would be shocked at anything they wear or anything they do. Money changed everything.

    13. 8:20 It has been interesting to see the changes as the adult children marry and start families, which is really what "Counting On" is about, not the original family and their way of life. Money (and I would add "fame") has changed them for sure, in both good and not so good ways. I am more concerned, however, about the fans that worship the Duggars, than the Duggars themselves! Maybe the fans need to experience some changes too!

  14. I'm so excited, can't wait. I love this family how they show the world that Children are a blessing. God keep blessing them. Thank you for sharing your life experiences with the world.

    1. Some people do not want to be "blessed" with any children at all and some prefer a small family. There's absolutely nothing wrong with either scenario. The Duggar way of procreation may be fine for them, but certainly not the whole world. Just because God refers to children as blessings does not mean we are required to keep having them without any family planning or birth control involved. Any so-called blessings when taken to excess can pose problems, depending upon the individual situation.

    2. I'm reminded of an old saying, "It's possible to have too much of a good thing." One does not need to prove their love for the Lord by having children or a huge family.

    3. Anon 9:45 AM: we don't know why the Joy's baby was not viable. Maybe she had some genetic disease so she would not live after birth anyway of she was born full term. Maybe God gave this baby to Joy knowing that she is strong and will be able to cope.

    4. Are you implying that because children are a blessing, we must have as many as possible in order to please God? I sincerely hope that is not what you are saying.

    5. I am a minister and I am so offended when people say things like 10:08 did. God did not give Joy a dead baby because she was a strong person. Human “stuff” happens to humans, stillborn babies included. God is there in our joys and in our sorrows. God loves us and grieves with us. But God doesn’t hand out stillbirths and miscarriages.

    6. @7:33 PM There is no too much of a good thing. If you don't love children, you probably love at least something you can excel at. That also counts as being faithful to God.

    7. Ellie 10:08s comment is in very poor taste whether it was intended as such or not.

    8. @5:24 pm but God allows it to happen, WHY?

    9. 5:24 how do you know? Doesn't God have the power to prevent or stop bad things? If so, why doesn't he do that? To make us strong or correct some fault within us or teach us something are the usual reasons that I have heard.

  15. I don't know how to watch Counting On in my area of Monmouth County NJ.

    1. Hi there,

      The show airs on TLC. If you don't have that channel, you can purchase the episodes of Amazon and iTunes within a couple days of the original air date.

      Thanks for being a loyal reader,
      Lily and Ellie

    2. Can also purchase from GooglePlay.

  16. Yay! Seems like forever. Welcome back, y'all.

  17. I’m curious as to why Jinger mentioned that she chose to wear pants on the hike, almost apologetically. She’s been wearing pants since she married Jeremy. Also, the clip of her and Michelle where she was crying when asked about her pants wearing was quite telling. I realize that the producers edit scenes to make them more dramatic but it appears from this clip that Michelle might not be ok with it. Maybe there’s some tension between them about it? I hope not as that’s such a trivial thing to come between parents and daughters.

    1. I guess we'll find out more when it is broadcast and we learn what was said.

    2. Jinger is also wearing short-shorts, not just pants and jeans. That teary clip was likely just for drama.

    3. I wondered why Jinger mentioned that too since pretty much every picture we see anymore she is wearing pants. LOL

    4. I have a feeling the clip is giving a false impression and when we see the episode it won't be such a dramatic thing. The tears might be completely unrelated.

    5. I think, they manage having different opinions, but still love each other a lot! It was hard for me to tell my father, I‘d have earrings even though he was opposed to it. We still have a good relationship, though.

    6. Jinger has been photographed many times on outings with her husband and is often wearing pants, jeans, and jeggings, even shorts that expose quite a bit of thigh... gasp! I think there's quite a bit of drama created for the TV show that simply isn't present in real life. Why would Michelle object to what Jinger wears when all along they've said the girls had a choice about their clothes?

    7. I predict Michelle says that she loves Jinger just the same, or how Jinger dresses is up to her now that she is a married adult, or how respectful Jinger was to follow her parent's dress code while living at home... while Jinger wipes away tears, which may or may not be real. No way are they going to show a conflict on camera. They have never done that!

    8. @10:15 I completely agree. They tend to try and make things more dramatic in the promos.
      Last season they aged like there was this big announcement. Was it that Jinger was LA bound?
      There are plenty of photos of Jill and Michelle together with Jill in pants. Maybe Jinger is upset over the rumor mill.

    9. It's a little like when tLC hinted at
      courting news, while showing Jana and the episode had nothing to do with Jana courting at all. But if the Duggars allow such manufactured drama, by continuing to provide material, continuing to sign those contracts, and not publicly confronting the scam, then they're guilty of deception because they know what TLC's showing isn't true, they're not doing anything to stop the deception, and they're continuing to participate. It's not the first time by a long shot that TLC has pulled a switch and bait publicity hook to increase viewer ratings. The fans on this blog have complained about it quite a bit over that least few years. But the Duggars keep allowing it. At some point, you have to ask "Why?". It's not because the Duggars signed contracts and therefore have no control and TLC's calling all the shots. The Duggars are the ones renewing those contracts. So, the question becomes, how much does honesty/integrity does this reportedly "Christian" family actually have?

    10. 8:27, Jana could have been in a relationship at the time of that being filmed. She said she has been in relationships before, but they didn’t pan out. Just a thought.

    11. Michelle may not be ok with it as all but Jinger is an adult who can make her own decisions. That said, as a Christian woman who grew up saying she chooses to dress modest.. I dont know...

  18. Jim Bob cracked me up when he said, "We're all biting each other" 😂😂

    1. It was more like a question :). He said "We are all really biting each other guys?"

    2. I'd be so happy to see how Josiah and Lauren announced their pregnancy, they should have been so happy at that moment!!

    3. He probably was comparing grandkids with his kids, and like - his kids did not bite. So are we really biting now? Hilarious. Overwhelmed grandparents. They got like 10 grandkids there.

    4. I think it was more that he was embarrassed that a Duggar grandkid were choosing to bite on camera and he was trying to play if off. They've made their living off how well-behaved their own 19 children were.

  19. I wonder why Jinger was crying when asked about the conflict with the pants

    1. Michelle could have said something nice about it, like maybe my daughter has grown up and is ready to make her own decisions about it.

    2. I was wondering the same thing. It could be because there is tension due to this, but it also could be the stress of being in the limelight and having people analyze your every decision & action. I'm leaning toward that there is tension between them, by looking at their body language. We will need to wait and see.

    3. I was confused about that too because of it bothered her that bad she would have stopped wearing pants awhile ago. Seems strange

    4. Editing, likely.

    5. JB and Michelle made such an issue of the girls not wearing pants, I thought Jinger was having a guilt trip over it.

    6. I think Michelle thinks it’s between Jinger and her husband, they have extended family like Amy and her mother who didn’t follow the strict dress code. No one wants to disappoint their parents, Jinger could feel some guilt. I’m glad to see her blossom into her own expression of who she is. There is no loss of love between Jinger and her parents....just growing pains.

    7. Those click-bait clips are rarely sequenced to match the scenes. They were likely tearing up over something else, like Mary's death.

    8. You would think Jinger would dress more conservative around her parents

  20. The part where Jinger is sitting next to Michelle and crying about whether there was conflict about her wearing pants, was heart wrenching. I feel for these girls. I am sure she didn't want to disappoint her parents but she realized wearing pants are not as horrible as she was taught.

    1. Maybe they were tears of happiness. We don't know yet what was said.

    2. Wearing pants is really more modest. Wearing pants your legs are completely covered. Some activities wearing a dress or skirt is not modest. I just don't understand why Michelle and Jim Bob think a woman wearing pants is not modest?

    3. I doubt it was at the same time; they were probably crying talking about the death of the grandma. And then production combined the tears and the pants question for the ad.

    4. At the beginning of the season they will have 12 grandkids, then will show #13 being born (Ivy), then Joy losing her pregnancy, and then Kendra, Lauren and Anna having their babies... it will be 16 grandkids by the end of the season.

    5. I doubt Michelle even cares about pants anymore; they continue the skirt charade now only because being weird keeps their show on the air. Everything they do is for money via the show.

    6. She's probably just sad that there's a perception of a rift between them. TLC showed this clip to attract viewers who would rather see a big conflict heating up.

    7. I Agree with the last two comments (9:54 and 8:53)!

    8. I agree that the tears are engineered into the clip by tlc to give the impression of conflict, which tlc hopes will draw in more viewers. Hey, tlc, we aren’t as ignorant as you hope we are!

    9. I think all the older girls wear pants and tighter blouses, just some probably do it off camera. I think they are just trying to make everything look like it did when it was 19 kids and counting to keep the conservative dressing theme thing going. The family has changed so much and seeing how Jinger and Jill dress and live, there is no way that the other kids dress and live the way TLC films them living.

    10. It was a "teaser" to stir up interest among fans.

    11. That was just cut and paste I'm sure, not related clips.
      But like, if Jinger finds wearing pants more comfortable - good for her. I personally like wearing skirts. There is nothing religious about it, but I like wearing skirts. k[\

  21. Wow, it's hard even watching the video clip, especially of Grandma Duggar's funeral. Some may criticize this family for airing these things, but I think the Duggars have always wanted to show real life on their show and share their lives with us. Life isn't always pretty.

  22. Love this show! Hope there are many more episodes.

  23. I wonder if their efforts in the Bahamas will be shown during the new season. That would be a real change of pace.

    1. We’ve seen footage of them eating Chik Fil A before...

    2. Who knows? It might be too recent to be shown on the upcoming season.

    3. Anon 1:53. We've seen them "donate" food too.

  24. Great news. Looking forward to the new season.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  25. So they did know about Abbie's pregnancy before Joy-Anna's loss, but chose not to announce it publicly right away. Joy Anna is in the pregnancy photo with the other pregnant girls. They kept it private for awhile. That was why it slipped out as "fall and winter" babies. Must be a really hard time for Joy-Anna and throughout the fall and winter.

    1. Most people tell their family that they’re pregnant before they tell the world, or even social media. Many people may tell their parents and siblings almost as soon as they see two lines on the stick. Some will tell after the first dr apt. But they may wait to tell coworkers and acquaintances until the woman is showing, which may not be until she is 5 months along.

    2. I think it was somewhere that Jessa said that Grandma knew about a new baby coming in January (so that must be Abbie's). I think Abbie announced only on August 1st to the public maybe to let Joy heal a little from her miscarriage. But also, they took those pics after Ivy was born on May 26th and before Joy's miscarriage on June 26th. If Abbie is due in January and had her gender reveal on August 25th at around 18 weeks... - then in June she was at the very early stage of her pregnancy, and this is usually not announced publicly. Usually women wait till 12 weeks.

  26. It's going to be a season full of events! 6 pregnancies, 1 miscarriage, grandma's death, and Vuolos moving... It's so sad to look at Joy at the photoshoot when she looks really very pregnant. But then most probably the season will last long enough to show Amy having her baby, then Kendra who is due November 6 and Lauren due November 17. Anna said she is due after Lauren, but I hope the season will last more than just a month.

  27. Both Lauren and Kendra announced their due dates, and they are not the same week. I was hoping they all will have their babies in the same week. I hope Lauren will go to the hospital for the birth.

  28. Ben & Jessa's house is like a birthing center itself. Anna gave birth to Mackynzie there in the bedroom, then to Michael on a toilet. Now Jessa gave birth to her boys in the bedroom and Ivy on the sofa. Five kids were born in that house!!

    1. They should just add a "birthing room" and then there wouldn't be babies born all around the rest of the house. lol

    2. Anon 12:37 PM: they tend to try having babies in the bedroom. Not sure why Jessa did not want it this time. I would agree though. Sleeping in the same bed where you were suffering for hours giving birth? I'd rather not.

    3. They can't designate any of the rooms as a birthing room; they already have 5 people living in a 2-bedroom house. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are one room. I think there's one bathroom.

  29. So Jim Bob and Michelle watched all grandkids or just some? Seems like it was Jessa's kids, then Josh's and little Garrett.

    1. Felicity was probably not included. Too far away.

    2. We will probably get more details, when that particular episode airs.

  30. I'm still surprised there is no Duggar wedding this year. Jer and Jed are almost 21, time to get married.

    1. The human brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. They are just boys. Give them time.

    2. Josh got married at 20, Joy at 19. Other Duggar kids were marring later - Jill at 23, Jessa at 22, Joseph at 22, Josiah at 22, John-David at 28. Maybe Jer and Jed will wait till 22 or even later.

    3. Anon @ 2:55 PM: One can vote at 18 with not fully developed brain?

  31. Jinger married well, now living in LA with the stars. Others are shopping at thrift stores.

    1. So you are doing well if you are living a big life with stars and Hollywood. NO THANK YOU! People with simple lives are normally happier.

    2. Who says so? In LA,they're called "consignment" stores, that's all! ❤

  32. Jessa is the first daughter to have 3 kids. Jill has 2, Jinger and Joy - 1. Josh is having his 6th kid, Joseph -2nd, Josiah and John -1st, but they just got married last year.

    1. Josh technically was the first to have three kids. He had three kids in the years before Meredith, Mason, and baby 6 were born.

    2. Thats why she said the first daughter

    3. 8:36, she said the first Duggar daughter, which would obviously exclude Josh.

    4. Anon 8:26 PM: Josh was the first Duggar child to have 3 kids. Jessa is the first Duggar daughter to have 3 kids. Anna, Josh's wife, is daughter-in-law.

  33. I find it intersting that Michelle had 19 kids just like that, and her daughters all have some issues having children. Jill had very difficult deliveries. Jessa had some bleedings too. Joy had to have a c-section and then she had this late term miscarriage. Who knows how Jinger would do if she did not decide to get induced earlier.

    1. She had two miscarriages. (Circa 1989 and 2010)

    2. Anon 1:09 PM: Michelle did not have extensive bleeding like Jessa, and she did not have emergency c-sections hours into labor, just because her baby was breach. She had a c-section with first twins because of her blood pressure, so she went to the hospital and had a c-section. It was all healthy and reasonable. Her next c-section was I think with Jackson, the 15th child. Jill was suffering for 70 hrs first time with her 1st child, then 40 hrs the second time. Joy also was suffering in labor for a long time, before a midwife detected the baby was breach. Jessa had to call 911 too.

  34. 6 pregnancies at the same time in one year is Duggar record so far. In 2015 it was 3 (Israel, Meredith and Spurgeon), and 3 in 2017 (Henry, Samuel and Mason). In 2018 3 Duggars were pregnant but not at the same time: Kendra and Jinger were at the same time, but Jessa got pregnant later in the year.

    1. That was bound to happen as more of them are married. I see the trend of many pregnancies in a year continuing.

    2. 2020 could be a slow season for new pregnaancies. There are only three practical possibilities, Jinger, Jill and Joy-Anna. Who knows, every other year could be big like this one.

  35. Would be nice to see Duggar boys to get married. Jeremiah and Jedidiah are 20, Jason is 19. They could do like a triple wedding some day :). I hope they start dating soon.

    1. They should become independent adults first.

    2. They are probably just happy that all the courtships and weddings are over, siblings moved out, and they can just re-arrange their living spaces and have regular life for a little while.

    3. Oh good grief. They will grow and mature and know when the time is right for each of them. I highly doubt they are looking toward a triple wedding. That is just silly musing.

    4. I think people should stop with saying there would be double weddings. There never ever would be. This family would milk each wedding out for all it was worth, not combine them to get them over with?

    5. 1:48 True, but in this belief system, adult children are not considered independent adults until married.

  36. That makes 11 kids living at home, including 29 yo Jana and then 20 yo twins, 19 yo Jason, James 18, Justin 16, Jackson 15, Johannah 14 (in October), Jennifer 12, Jordyn 10 and Josie 9. They do have more time with parents now. I wonder if they are friends between themselves more or visit older siblings often. Jordyn is always seen with Jessa's baby.

  37. So Felicity is growing up without her numerous aunts and uncles?

    1. I am "assuming" there will be visits from east to west and vice versa. Jinger is so close to all of her siblings, she will want Felicity to know them. And........there is always FaceTime, FaceBook, etc. For everything there is a season....this is a season for Jeremy, Jinger and Felicity. God only knows where they will go after Jeremy graduates from seminary.

    2. Yes, she is. However, that's very common these days especially in a military family like mine.

    3. No, she still has all her aunts and uncles, same as always.

    4. Felicity will not have the closeness as the rest of the cousins so it will be interesting to see how she is raised compared to all the rest

    5. I'm sure in this day and age, there's quite a bit of Face-timing/Skypping going on. I suspect there's a lot of visits home or to Jinger's that aren't shown on the show.

    6. Yeah, practically all Duggar kids settle around their parents home, and the cousins all play together, and younger Duggar kids babysit for their nieces and nephews... Felicity will be growing surrounded by people who are not family, and who might be changing depending of friendships her parents make.

  38. We are so thrilled for this new season. I pray God will keep this family. Jimbob and Michelle are such a breath of fresh air

  39. The Duggars received a tremendous outpouring of love and support after the death of Grandma Duggar but I will say I'm rather put off by the arrangement to have the funeral filmed and aired on TLC. The death of a beloved woman should not be an occasion to make money.

    1. What if it isn’t about money but about sharing the celebration of her life? They get paid for filming their lives not for the exact content. That is like saying they get paid to give birth. No, they get paid for showing a small portion of their lives. If they choose to show the celebration of Mary’s life which is part of their life experience, then I don’t see the harm in it. They didn’t kill someone and film it. They just filmed part of their life. If you watch the show, you know Mary. She was a wonderful woman, and they let everyone know how much they loved her. I think it is beautiful.

  40. I find it interesting that the show has clearly shifted from the first season or two to show the parents and the little kids more. I’m glad they will feature Grandma’s funeral. Her passing had an impact on all of their lives. I wonder if they will edit out Josh and Jill.

    1. I doubt they would edit out Jill, they left her in on Ivy’s birth episode.

    2. Jill has never been edited out. She's appeared on the show many times since she and Derick "quit."

    3. It wasn't planned that Jill would participate in Ivy's birth. She was called in unexpectedly, because Jessa went into labor when the rest of the family was out of town at Carlin Bates wedding. I think Jill probably had to sign some sort of waiver/temporary contract to allow her to be shown, and it is not a permanent change in status.

  41. I wonder how the older boys spend their free time. Like, they work for Jim Bob, but do they go home every day for dinner or they can go out together and hang out somewhere to talk or just spend time?

  42. My heart breaks for this family. With Grandma Duggar no longer here, and the miscarriages this family has experienced, this family needs a break!

  43. Hi Ellie. Do you know the air date of the episode when the older boys moved Grandmas cabin?

  44. I can't wait for a new season so sorry about grandma I always loved watching her but she is now in heaven with Jesus
    God bless!

  45. Oh my goodness! Felicity! So cute! ❤️


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