
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Duggars Provide Relief to Bahamas

Austin Forsyth, James Duggar, Jason Duggar, John-David Duggar,
Nathan Bates, Lawson Bates

For the residents of the Bahamas, the past 36 hours have been a nightmare, as Hurricane Dorian stalled over the islands and caused mass destruction. A few of the Duggars (John-David, Jana, Jason, James, and Austin), along with Lawson Bates and Nathan Bates, flew to the Bahamas this morning to lend a hand. They are with an organization called Medic Corps and will be using their training to deliver emergency supplies and provide medical and disaster relief. Those who are interested in supporting their efforts can do so on the Medic Corps website.

Photo courtesy


  1. Lily/Ellie,
    Who is the other guy pictured? A friend of the family or just part of the medical team?

    1. A friend of the family.

    2. I think this is the group Nathan Bates has been working for in the Philippines. It is the correct website.

  2. The Medic Corps website is vague about who operates this organization. The only hint is contact info that specifies Springdale, Arkansas and that it's Christian based. Sounds like a Duggar venture. Are they bringing doctors and nurses along to help? Kudos to them for lending a hand with disaster relief, but I think they should leave the preaching and soul saving out of it. I prefer to donate to the Red Cross.

    1. The most important part of someone is not their physical body. The soul will live forever; therefore, preaching and soul saving are much more important than simply meeting physical needs.

    2. @12:04 So you would simply pray over someone who was dying instead of trying to save them, because prayer is more important? Why not ask that person what they want most - CPR or prayer.

    3. Anon 12.04. I’m afraid I disagree. No one wants to be preached to when they have lost their home & all their possessions. To hear someone say “it’s gods will” would just about tip most people over the edge.

    4. The Red Cross is a joke. Just ask the thousands like my family how the Red Cross helped them after Hurricane Harvey. I will NEVER DONATE TO THE RED CROSS

    5. When you could die from hunger, thirst or a viral infection, the physical body becomes the most important thing.

    6. 12:04 - tell that to the injured people. Look to Jesus as your example!!! People will respond to preaching if they are made whole and have their basic needs of food, water, and shelter are met first.

    7. But after a natural disaster like the Bahamas have experienced, getting people to safety and giving them medical attention is also if the upmost importance.

    8. LOL, spoken like someone who does not have an absessed tooth or a ruptured appendix!

    9. That may be your beliefs. One should be be respectful of the fact that others may not believe the same you do. Especially after a huge disaster, people will need their basic needs tended to. It might make it easier for the ones affected to be open for the preaching afterwards, if that's the main reason for them going.

    10. @12:04 You're saying that we have no need for doctors or hospitals, and those services aren't important because the physical body is not important. All we need to do is pray for someone if they're sick or in need. Do you and your family follow your own advice and eschew doctors? Go straight to church when ill? Call a minister instead of 911? Please explain the reasoning behind your comment and why meeting physical needs is not important.

    11. If the organization does not provide details about their non profit status, who’s in charge and how donations are used, probably not a good idea to donate.

    12. Found this on their website:
      Medic Corps volunteers have various levels of training including search & rescue, EMR/EMT, paramedic, firefighting, technical rescue, law enforcement, active and former military and other related training. In addition, Medic Corps volunteer staff include doctors, specialty physicians, professional pilots, lawyers, pastors & chaplains along with catastrophe relief and crisis volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or know someone who may be qualified and willing to help serve with our team, please contact us.

    13. 3:45 I think you pulled up information about different organization with a strikingly similar name. The Duggar MedicCorps has only been in operation for a year or so. They do not have doctors or specialty physicians volunteering with them.

    14. 3:45 I don’t believe you went to the correct site.

    15. The 501/503 status for this organization is pending, if you will want a tax write off for your donation that could fall through.

    16. I’d never donate to an organization whose goal is to convert people to a certain spiritual ideology. If you want to help people during disasters, that’s wonderful. But respect them enough to leave religious indoctrination out of it.

    17. 3:45- John David's organization is less than a year old. That's quite a feat if he's managed to recruit so many professionals in such a short period of time. There are other groups out there with very similar names, which makes it very confusing.

    18. I think after all the troubles with Jill & Derick's mission fund, people have every right to be wary about giving anything to this new endeavor.

    19. You do both! Take care of their physical and spiritual needs both. It doesn't have to be either/or.

    20. @1:53 Sorry to hear your negative experience with the Red Cross. People can have unreasonable expectations is a disaster.

      Here, in this country, I applaud the efforts of the Red Cross and other certified organization, working with the government agencies and air forces, during the floods, tornadoes, large scale fires and other disasters my country has suffered recently.

      I personally know people who have been helped by the Red Cross, with shelter, food and clothing.

    21. I never said that meeting a physical need was unimportant. I was responding to the person who said they shouldn’t spread the gospel when they go to help someone. Jesus met physical needs but never stopped there. If you help someone physically but not spiritually then it is temporary help. Sharing the gospel is just letting people know what Jesus has done for them. Everyone has the God given choice of whether to believe or not. As a Christian, it is our job to share the gospel. How people respond or if they believe is completely up to them. No one can be pushed into salvation. God offers salvation freely, and He won’t force anyone to accept it. John 3:16

    22. The commenter 3:45 did go to the correct site. That is exactly what it says and it's the correct site because it's the one the Duggars Instagram links to. Those of you saying they don't have paramedics and volunteer doctors they work with don't know that. Unless you have inside knowledge you are just assuming the worst because you don't like them.

    23. You should research the Red Cross before you give them your hard-earned money. Here's a headline on the National Public Radio (NPR) website, hardly a conservative source - "Report: Red Cross Spent 25 Percent Of Haiti Donations On Internal Expenses"

    24. Oh please. The Red Cross has been around for almost 140 years and has helped countless people all over the world. They're still more transparent than any Duggar-made charity.

    25. Anon 3.45. I think you have got information on another organisation with a very similar name as I assure you the Duggar site does not mention anything about training only about prayer & donations. It was that very reason I didn’t donate.

    26. I agree... red cross is a joke..

    27. @7:47. The Red Cross workers should not get paid? The permanent employees should work for free? The workers should pay for their own fares and food while on missions? How about rental of equipment? Shipment of equipment?

      The Red Cross should not spend any money on funding their offices, on planning for disasters? They should not spend any money maintaining their equipment?

      25% is not a huge cut; it is reasonable given the size and responsibilities of the organization.

  3. Good for them! And it’s the ones who truly can help!

  4. Any excuse to take a trip for Jesus. Notice they are never called to simply get jobs.

    1. And this effects you how? They aren't on Government assistance so what's it matter to you? Judge much?!

    2. @4:22...exactly! Quite a coincidence!

    3. Since you know so much....they own a large amount of property, rental houses and earn their way.
      What are you doing to help others??? Try some KINDNESS!

    4. Jessa's statement regarding the death of her grandmother mentioned that several of the adult Duggar grandchildren held real estate licenses, as they were all taught the business by Mary. In addition to that, they have their income from the show, as well as some holding additional jobs, such as Austin and Joy flipping houses and Josh running a car lot. Why do people question the Duggars' employment? Seems to me they have plenty of employment.

    5. 10:00 Since the Duggars own so much property, etc, why do they need to ask for donations to fund their rescue operation?

    6. Good question 9:23. They use their own money to fund politicians but ask for donations to fund what should be volunteer work done freely.

  5. It’s great that they have skills, compassion and the flexibility in their daily schedules to help! Lots of us would love to help, too; but work full time jobs and/or don’t own a private plane.

    1. You can help by not judging others who do help and send in a donation

  6. I'm glad they can use their ALERT training to help out.

  7. Thanking God for young men like these. Also asking God to bless their work and keep them safe.

  8. Very commendable, however I do hope they have enough medical skills to be of use & not just get in the way of the highly skilled medics that are there already. Knowing a little first aid from voluntary EMT training is very different to helping in a disaster zone. Most of the medical people out there will have been trained for years not just a few days here & there. I do think the skills these young people possess in DIY & construction could be hugely helpful in working to get temporary shelters up & running. It broke my heart watching tv reports about the devastation this Hurricane has caused. My daughter’s school is having a coffee afternoon on Thursday to raise money for the disaster aid appeal. I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in a country where awful natural disasters take place. Let’s hope this storm is calming down & the people of Florida do not suffer the effects too much.

    1. I think they're bringing in supplies. I don't know how MUCH they can bring in small planes that can only carry a few passengers and don't have a lot of cargo space. The Royal Navy is sending a huge boat with supplies. Maybe they can help unload it or something.

    2. I just saw a lot of people with scrapes and blood running down their legs or faces on the weather channel. It doesn't take a lot of training to bandage someone up. Sometimes people need someone to listen to what happened to them. Don't underestimate the value of a kind person to someone who has been through trauma. If they can care for those less hurt than that leaves the doctors free to care for those more seriously injured. Also they don't have a hospital on the one island and were having to fly people by helicopter to another island for treatment. I would imagine any medical help would be better than none while they are waiting to get taken to another island.

    3. I doubt they had room in that little plane for many supplies. There were at least 8 in their group. I would hope they brought enough supplies for themselves, though. You don't need to burden a torn-apart country with people showing up needing Egyptian cotton sheets and lattes.

    4. The question is how can they fly into restricted space. The news have reported that only one airport is working and that is only taking one plane at a time. Air space is restricted so as to not interfere with Search & Rescue by the professionals.

      People are being gathered together in shelters where they can get supplies, medical care. They do not need a group of DIYs at this time building "temporary" shelters.

      People cannot just hop in a plane and fly over there, even if they are bringing supplies.

      And what supplies? Have they been in contact with the authorities asking what they need?

    5. Joy said that Austin was a certified EMT. In my state that is a step below paramedic but still highly skilled at emergency assessment and advanced first aid....any skilled help is good and being a strong guy to help with some of the other issues is good also.

    6. If the people they brought in are search and rescue trained, they will be useful in these circumstances. At this point in a disaster response, that is the priority.
      I’m no Duggar apologist, but I do remember at least a few of them getting this kind of training. I think they probably can help right now, and I don’t think they’d have gotten the clearance from the Bahamian government to show up if they didn’t have the skills to be of use in this disaster. I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt.

    7. @10:15 How do you know that they got clearance from the Bahamian Government? They could have just showed up at that private airport.

    8. @9:53 That's the problem. Too many people are showing up at that private airport only to find out that's as far as they're allowed to go.

  9. Thank you so much for your kind work and loving hearts.. they can use all the help possible. Just be safe. I have in-laws that lives there..

  10. Thank you for you kind work and loving hearts. They need all the help they can get. I have in-laws that live there. Prayers for safety

  11. So nice to see the Duggar boys helping out! We have seen the Bates boys in the past help out with natural disasters. I am hoping they are able to help many, many people...the pictures I have seen have been horrible. Pure devastation. Praying for the Bahamas.

  12. I wonder how many planes they flew there? Proud of you guys!

  13. You forgot Jana. Jim Bob said, Jana

    1. Please tell me Jana didn't go to the Bahamas to do this kind of work in a denim skirt.

    2. Mostly like she take pix

  14. I'm sure they're going, but they were saying on the news that the airport runways on Grand Bahama were under 6 feet of water.

    1. They're at a private air field in Nassau.

    2. Yes I heard that as well. They may need to land in Nassau and then take a boat to Abaco Island and Grand Bahama Island.

    3. But boats should be reserved for the authorities. This is not a vacation. And even if they landed on the private airfield near Nassau, the whole country's air space was restricted.

      I hope that they have put themselves under the authority of the government relief agencies.

    4. The boats have been having trouble reaching the islands because of all the debris in the water. Ports have to be cleared first. People have been waiting for days to leave by boat. The first way out was by helicopter. The Duggars don't have a helicopter.

    5. Saw them with some teeny tiny almost Tonka-sized helicopter. Certainly nothing that could transport anyone off of a damaged island.

  15. Seems like they might've created that organization themselves! It's located in Springdale, AR, and they don't have much info or pics, so I'd think it's newly created. Good idea!

    1. If they want to create an organization to help people, they should choose a name for it that isn't so similar to another long established group that has been around for decades. People will confuse them with the other group.

  16. God bless you guys! What a privilege to be able to go and serve. May God use you to be His hands and feet to the people devastated by this storm. Will be praying for your safety.

  17. Praise the Lord. Dorian was like an f4 tornado sitting on top of them for almost 2 days. I would be surprised if there is anything left of grand Bahama island.

  18. Faith in action; serving! Love these two families! May God bless others through you! ❤

  19. Why would they take a picture of themselves? It seems so self-promoting. I don't they should use the peopleof the Bahamas to promote their brand.

    1. Perhaps the picture is for their own "albums"; let's not make something negative out of this......please.

    2. If it's for their own albums, then what is it doing here?

    3. It wasn't for their album, it was used by that organization to promote themselves. Check and you'll see.

  20. What a generous and inspiring gesture.

    Who's the babe between John and Nathan?

    1. IDK. Since Jana doesn't like to fly and is going along, it might be that she has an interest there.

    2. He is a friend of the family. He is married and has a baby.

    3. Ok so what’s his name @ 10:03?

    4. We do not need to reveal his name.

  21. i'm so happy to see the duggars working with the bates! nathan seems to always be the first one on the scene and with all their alert and disaster training, i'm glad the duggars can put it to good use! love seeing james and jason so involved too. what awesome young men they are becoming

  22. Nice they are able to help.

  23. The real story from this family would be: Duggar goes to work on a regular basis, earns honest living

    1. They earn an honest living. They aren’t sitting at home collecting welfare. They buy and rent commercial properties, fix up houses and resell them, buy cars and fix them up to sell, etc. It doesn’t matter if you think they should be doing other things. They also earn money from the show which is also honest work.

      We get a very small glimpse of their lives. No one goes online and posts pictures of themselves at work all of the time. You shouldn’t expect to “see” them working all of the time. We have seen them at car auctions and fixing up properties and doing outside maintenance on some of the properties. The show wouldn’t be interesting if all we did was watch them work. Don’t make assumptions about the rest of their lives when we barely see any of it.

    2. Because helping people is basically stealing?

    3. You do realize that the majority of what "we see on the show" is scripted and staged and we're seeing it after all the takes and editing, right?

  24. The heading really should include the Bates as well. It is a team effort!

  25. Both of your families are amazing, I would love to meet all of you someday,my kids and I love watching your shoes, I wish I had money to give right now but I can offer up lots of prayers for everyone,God Bless you all��♥️��♥️��♥️ Michele Homer,NY

    1. Why are their shoes so fascinating for you and your kids. Do they get them specially made?

    2. Are they just a family of loafers?? LOLOLOLOL

      (And yes, I know e and w are beside each other on a keyboard and fingers slip, but sometimes the result is comical.)

    3. 11:37 I think that Michele meant their shows.

    4. I’m sure that spell check trying to be helpful, and it was supposed to say shows, not shoes!!!

    5. I'm guessing the original poster meant to say "shows" but the autoccorect decided to change it and make it more original :D

    6. Typo; shoes=shows! Honest mistake. Lighten up.

  26. It is a wonderful thing to be able to use your talents to help other people. So happy to see them doing this. Suzanne from Holland.

    1. Yes, they'll use their talents as long as you donate your money.

    2. I am not sure what you are implying. A lot of people do medical missions with funds given by others. Someone has to be willing to go to other countries to give of their time and talents. I don't mind helping ministries reach out to others while I am at a time in my life where I can't go myself. It isn't always safe to go into these locations where there is limited fresh water supplies and food. Anyone willing to give of their time and wisdom should be applauded. They could be home with their own families.

    3. Name an organization that doesn’t need donated money to run?

    4. I am sure that Holland has offered aide to the government of the Bahamas. My country has. We are sending water-treatment equipment,as well as $$$ for supplies and engineers to help.

      The Bahamas is a Commonwealth Country; the rest of the Commonwealth is stepping up to help a sister country.

    5. 1:11 that’s the way it’s been done by the Red Cross for many many years....and it works!

    6. @8:55 OK. Bill & Melinda Gates, Elton John, Milton Hershey, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Wozniak, Andrew Carnegie, William Vanderbilt, and a slew of other philanthropists worldwide all started organizations on their own, using their own money. Some will accept donations now, but the original endowments were all from these people's own pockets. They didn't need a Go Fund Me or a website with a Click To Donate button to begin their programs.

    7. 2:53- That's the difference, the Red Cross has been around a very long time. Also, they're not trying to influence people to join a certain church. I'd rathe donate to an organization with a good history, than one just recently started up whose goal is to plant churches of a certain faiith.

    8. Well you can't have it both ways people. Many claim they don't work and don't know how they support families and now people want them to fund an organization with no donations. They don't have billions like Bill Gates and Oprah. They clearly have put money and time into the organization and by now allowing people to donate on their site they can do more. Common sense says that if you get donations you can help More people. They don't have hundreds of millions of dollars so getting donations will help do more. Expecting them to go into the poor house before asking for donations is silly because know one except the super rich would bother then. If you don't want to donate fine but there is nothing wrong with them accepting donations as long as they are using them properly. I trust they are and am glad I donated.

    9. 4:19 hahahaha! You name some of the people richest people in the world and think you’ve made a good point?? Only multi-billionaires (relative to the time period) can use solely their own funds. Are you suggesting that unless a company can’t be fully self funded it shouldn’t exist at all? Whelp...there goes every government in the world. Oh well.

    10. The Gates, Oprah, etc all use their foundations as a tax write-off. They pay no income tax because they donate instead. In fact, my cousin owns a tiny corner store and was angry at the federal government and decided to make a huge donation to a kids' camp instead of paying his taxes. You can do that, too.

    11. 2:11. Or you can have 19 kids and use them as a tax benefit, too.

  27. You guy's are amazing! Always there to help! God bless you!

  28. I wonder who the 7th guy in the picture is.

  29. God bless you all and keep you safe. Multiply the work of your hands, comfort the hearts of those in need. Restore everything lost, and reward the kindness of the Your servants. Praying in our Lord Jesus Christ name Amen 🙏

  30. I think it is just wonderful that these young people use their God given gifts to help others in need! Praying for them and all those affected by Dorian. 🙏🏻

  31. And who is number 5, is someone dating?

    1. I’m wondering if there is something going on between him and Jana. She seems to be more private with her love life as she said that she has dated before without having it filmed, and the relationships didn’t last.

    2. Mr. Shorts? Who knows? Evidently he's not OK with his name being revealed on this blog.

    3. There are people dying and you are concerned with who’s dating who? Good grief!

  32. Not to be confused with Medicorps, which has been around for decades and does humanitarian work without bringing religion into it. Why would you name your group something so close to another existing group? I hope people looking to donate to Medicorps don't end up giving to Medic Corps by mistake. Vice versa could happen, too.

    1. Thanks for the heads up \seems very misleading

  33. Which one is courting Jana? (She's there, too.)

  34. I went online to try & find out what training is required to be qualified as an EMT. In the UK our paramedics need excellent A level exams from secondary school, a three year degree & then continually update their skills on courses throughout their career. I could find nothing regarding their training for Medic Corps & only links to how to donate & pray (which worried me somewhat as I want to know more about an organisation before I donate to it). I did read up in general about certified EMT training & discovered it can take as little as 3/6 weeks to qualify. How on earth can anyone know anything more than basic first aid with only 3/6 weeks training. It’s most concerning as a little knowledge can be more dangerous than non at all. How can people in the US train to be EMTs, Midwives & certain kinds of nurses when they haven’t even attended secondary school & are doing such basic courses. Iv always assumed your country to be so advanced in medical care, whereas it appears this isn’t always the case. My daughter did a 6 week first aid course, however she wouldn’t dream of saying she was qualified to do very much at all & her brother even told her she had been told to give CPR too low down & was pumping air into the abdomen not the lungs.

    1. In NY an EMT course is about 6 months. Classroom and hands on training are both required. A paramedic is a two year degree program with much more vigorous hands on training requirements. Both certificates have to be reapplied for every three years and additional requirements meet. I know this because I was an EMT and my husband teaches both courses.

    2. Thank you anon 11.57. I take it from your knowledge that an EMT is different to a paramedic, I was unclear on this. It really frightened me hearing some courses will train you in 3/6 weeks. As you will know from your husband & yourself properly qualified paramedics are highly skilled individuals who are in the front line of accidents & emergencies, & I for one take my hat off to them. I do wonder with the limited training the Duggar’s have (including this Alert training), what actual skills they could have to help medically. I do however hope they are there to help build temporary shelters & use their excellent DIY skills to help where their particular range of skills are really needed.

    3. Fuzzyferet, it is the same in this country-Canada.
      Here, to become an EMT you have to attend a college and have to have graduated from high school, with basic science courses.

      People do take the Red Cross First Aide Course but that is only so people can help/ know what to do while they wait for the EMTs to arrive.

    4. In my state the EMTs have a 4 month training period with classroom instruction and then an additional 2 months of field instruction before they qualify for their EMT certificate. They're pretty well trained to care for people that are sick or injured.

    5. According to the Alert academy website-EMT Basic is two weeks of Clinical Training "with ambulance crews and ER staff at the East Texas Medical Center".

    6. My grandson just started EMT training. It’s at least 4 months and then ride alongside under supervision for 2 months. He’s then going to the Fire Academy. So, Alert is not nearly as advanced.

    7. So, basically, they rode along with the ambulance for two weeks.

  35. Faith in action. May God's Love shine through you to others. Prayers for your safety & Bahamanians in their devastation. ❤

  36. They are asking for donations to fund their trip.

    1. Yes, very common practice for relief organizations to ask for donations.

  37. Is Jana courting? I wish she was. I would love to see her happy. The families are doing wonderful work. Prayer's for the Bahamas. I hope the families are safe. Natasha B.

    1. Maybe she is happy right now!

    2. I hope Jana's happy,she might never get married. I believe 3:36PM just wants her married.;-)

    3. If she's unhappy, a marriage is unlikely to make her happy. She needs to find happiness within herself, which perhaps she has.

    4. You can be happy without being married. I’ve known quite a few unhappy married people.

  38. People are literally dying in the Bahamas right now from being buried under rubble. Those not the danger zone don’t understand. It was like a giant f5 tornado sitting over grand Bahama for the last two days.
    It is very courageous of them to go. It will be very dangerous for the people who are involved in search and rescue.

    1. Why didnt they evacuate?? Did they get warnings?

  39. Who’s the 5th guy in the gray t-shirt and cap?

  40. Exactly what will they be doing in Freeport?

    1. Nothing. Time for the Duggars/Bates group to go home. A cruise ship has arrived with ample food, supplies and will evacuate anyone that wants/or needs to leave the devastated area.

    2. @12:46 The need will be on going. The cruise ship will be taking multiple trips and only is taking US citizens and those people who can legally land in the States.

      There are reports of multiple charities sending aid and workers. Unless the Duggars and the Bates have attached themselves to some relief group like the Bahamian Red Cross, they can be in the way.

    3. According to CBS they are at a private airport in Nassau "standing by" their plane ready to help.

    4. See the next post. It tells what they have been doing, all of which sounds like hard work, none of which the rest of us are doing. How about we choose to stop the arm chair quarterbacking and get to work helping people as well?

  41. The airport was closed; where did they land?

    1. Nassau was not affected by the hurricane. They probably went there.

  42. Prayers for all and their safety. God Bless you all for your helping the people.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  43. It's a bit weird that the website says their goal is to have Protestant chaplains in the Philippines, which is a mostly Catholic country. Not sure why helping people medically has to be turned into converting to Protestantism.

    1. They are addressing both physical and spiritual needs. We have missionaries to the Philippines who have told us about the many spiritually hungry people over there. People can identify with a religion but not truly have a personal relationship with God, and that is true all over the world.

  44. Why isn’t Jana in the picture?

  45. Is Jana dating the guy to her twins left side!? S. I'm thinking yes!

    1. That guy is supposedly a "family friend" and already married to someone else.

  46. They should have flown to LA first to help clean up all the rats and garbage we've been hearing about on this blog. Save Jinger from having to see that.

  47. Sorry people, but it looks like the corporation is way bigger than the Duggar family! Look at the report for Hurricane Dorian on the website. Also they are working in the Philippines on emergency response systems and hospitals. Just wanted to throw that in there.

    1. That is Medicorp the Duggar one is Medic corp basically the first one with one C is the biggest and well know the other has been round just the other day

    2. How do you know that? People can say anything on a web site. This is a non-profit set up by John Duggar and Nathan Bates and is less than one year old. There's no way to tell what they actually DO.

  48. Just so that everyone who wants to donate is aware, MEDIC CORPS is a company owned by John David Duggar, Nathan Bates and one other, and was incorporated in December of 2018. John David also owns, separately, MEDIC CHOPPERS LLC. It's always good to know that background of any company you donate to.

    1. well, I am even more impressed they started a non-profit. Shows me they are not out for personal glory if they didn't publicize they non-profit. I donated before I because I don't assume the Duggars have negative motives and trusted their judgement. Even happier now that I know it is an organization they started. Way to go guys.

    2. I wonder if John is licensed to fly helicopters. The Duggars never explain their interest in businesses. One has to dig it out through other means.

    3. I have to question their motivation for choosing a name that is guaranteed to be confused with another well known and respected charity that has been in operation for many years.

    4. 1) I've never heard of Medicorps and I've worked in health care for 30 years so it is not a very commonly known group.
      2) Sending money is not a great idea because it mostly goes to administration. Donating supplies is a much better idea.
      3) I really like the entrepreneurial spirit of the Duggars and Bates.

    5. Hi fuzzyferet,

      Thanks so much for being a loyal reader and commenter! We love reading and posting your comments. Just wanted to let you know why the comment referring to a quote by Jim Bob wasn't posted. I think that was the first comment of yours that we haven't posted, so we didn't want you to think that we don't like your comments. :)

      The article that you mentioned is a misleading article, and the quote wasn't a direct quote from Jim Bob. The tabloid used a click-bait method that makes readers think it's a direct quote when it isn't.

      Hope that clears things up. Have a great weekend.


    6. Anon 2:15. By your logic we shouldn't donate money to ANY charity including the Duggar's charity. They are asking for 20 K. I'll keep supporting the Red Cross and Salvation Army though since I know what they do to help people.

    7. Dear Ellie thank you for clearing that up for me. I apologise. I just felt something seemed wrong in this instance. I went to the website full of encouragement about donating but could find so little info it put me off. Then hearing the misleading quote & a fellow commenter saying the organisation was run by John David had me overly suspicious. I have great respect for this family & bringing up 19 children but there are things I wish they were clearer about sometimes. Always love reading your blog though, you have some super readers who have enlightened me to many things about your country that I never knew, & for that I am very grateful.

  49. Happy 32nd Birthday, to Jeremy!!!!

  50. Again, Duggars trying to do things they're not properly trained or qualified to do, asking people for money, and posting pictures of themselves standing around smiling. Let's not forget the aim to convert people in the middle of a disaster too. This is not impressive, other than the fact that it's so typically Duggar.

    1. You are being negative and hateful. Based on your logic no star or business person should ever offer to donate their time to organizations that want their help or start organizations with the money they have earned. The world is better when people who have had success in other areas of life start organizations to make a difference. Plus, if starts and other successful people could never start non-profits and ask for donation unless they gave up all of their worldly possessions and lived like Mother Theresa then very few would step up and help. All non-profits ask for donations and some of those that started the organization had money. As long as they are using the donations to help or administrations costs then it is fine. The site says "All donated funds are 100% supporting the relief effort on of our all-volunteer team".

    2. You nailed it 6:05.

    3. Does being nasty make you feel better about yourself?If I am not mistaken, Austin and John David are trained first responder's. And even if all they are doing is helping with clean up, at least they are helping. Are you?

    4. See the next post. It explains what they have been doing. Stop assuming the worst about them because of their last name.

  51. Glad they’re out doing something and not just sending prayers. We need more action, and yes, I am involved in my local Charleston Community. God speed to all. Be safe.

  52. Please remember that Jana has training as a mid wife witch includes training in first aid and thinking fast

    1. Jeanne, Jana has training as a doula, not a midwife, & will have very little first aid training. These people simply are not qualified to go into a disaster zone. I adore Jana, if she was in the Bahamas in a few months time, helping to rebuild homes & using her huge talents in that area I would be greatly impressed. As for going at this point, I think for many people they see it as total folly. I know some people see nothing but good in the Duggar’s, however this family don’t have a great amount of training in anything except DIY, & building, which at the moment isn’t needed in the Bahamas. If the Duggar’s really had so much medical training, then why not get proper paid employment or join already established agencies that are in the disaster zone ? Why have to set up their own organisation ? Bigger organisations are better equipped to deal with such disasters, not a group of 9 people on a small plane.

    2. Jana is a lay mid wife? I think you're confusing her with Jill

    3. Jana was not trained as a midwife. She started training as a doula, but decided it wasn’t for her.

    4. What is training in "thinking fast"?

    5. 12:32. Setting up their own non-profit organization is a tax write off.

    6. Anon 4:17. Good question. lol

  53. It's funny, all the Duggar haters are going to so much trouble to research to find "dirt" on this organization. However, the more information they find just impresses me more. If the non-profit is John and Nathan's that is wonderful. Good for them for putting their time and resources into this organization. The organization has done some work in the Philippines evidently and a previous natural disaster and they are just now asking for donations. Nothing wrong with asking for donations because this will just help them do more.

    1. Frankly, the revelation of this charity and the Duggar/Bates connection raises more questions in my mind. I am not a "Duggar hater" but I don't blindly accept everything they do. If they wanted to do the work the web site says they do, why didn't they use their media connections to publicize the charity when it was formed? Why is their connection to the charity concealed on the site? Who is in charge of how donations are spent? This whole thing opens up a Pandora's box of questions in my mind. That is not trying to find "dirt" on the organization but rather ensuring that my donation goes to the work the charity was established to do.

    2. Something strikes me as very odd about this charity. Most people who have a charity are quite passionate about it and are eager to talk about the work their charity does. We never knew this charity that John David had even existed until it came to light a day or so ago. Jeremy's parents are involved with a charity and they talk about it.

    3. Anon 9.23. I agree totally, I am a fan of the Duggar’s but I wanted more info on the organisation before I donated a penny, & when I could find nothing I decided against giving my money. If they really wanted to help why set up their own organisation ? Why not join some large well established organisation & help in that way. As I said before if I was seeking employment I would expect the employer to check out my qualifications & do background checks, it’s the same donating to charities, people have a right to know what their money is being spent on.

    4. Then don't donate to them but all the unfounded accusations are wrong. It will be up to them as they begin getting donations to show how they are spending the money and if they don't then they won't get as many donations. They are a new organization so if you are skeptical that is fine. The unfounded accusations are unfair.

    5. Anon 3.15. When I looked into this organisation I didn’t even know it had anything to do with the Duggar’s. I only found this out after reading this blog & other commenters. However the reason I checked into it was simply to see how they organisation worked & what training was involved, which most organisations go into detail about on websites. The Medic Corps website has no info at all & that’s what bothered me & why I didn’t donate. Reading this blog the following day, I was enlightened as to the fact it was an organisation just set up by the Duggar’s to go to the Bahamas.They give the impression that the organisation is a medical one with Doctors & Nurses, this is clear misrepresentation as non of the Duggar’s or Bates are registered Doctors or nurses.

  54. I just saw them on a CBS morning news clip. It was funny because the reporter didn't know who they were and described them in a positive tone of "a family from Arkansas" who brought their own plane and have an organization.

    1. They are a family from Arkansas.

    2. Yes. Standing by their airplane eager to help. Pity the affected area isn't open to have small private planes fly in and out of.

  55. Just a there a reason why none of the females in each family go on these wonderful missions to help people? Please don't be rude in answering my question.. Abby Duggar has so much she alone could offer (yes I realize she is pregnant) I have seen year after year the amazing work and time put in these men do..I am just asking as I am curious thank you Tania

    1. I believe Jana is with them. And Jana and Jill have done tornado clean-up work before.

    2. Since adult women in the family all have small children and/or are pregnant, I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to respond to disasters.

    3. Austin has a small child, but he is there.

    4. Anon 9:18. The question was why the Duggar women didn't go. Austin is NOT a woman.

    5. He's not the mother. Not to take anything away from him as he seems to be a great father. Again, he's not the mother.

  56. Why didn't they use their plane and their skills to evacuate people ahead of the storm? Then they wouldn't have to do so many rescues now. It's not like this storm came with no warning.

    1. Oh my goodness, now they are responsible evacuating people before storms???? Unbelievable.

    2. Other 1st world.countries should be helping too not just u.s. these ppl chose to live in hurricane areas so they should know what to do and get out when they can. Not the responsibility of the U.S. to take care of everyone... have enough of our own issues

    3. 5:31- Other countries are helping out, not just the U.S. Do you expect that we just ignore the people of the Bahamas because we have enough of our own issues? That isn't how the world is supposed to work. We look out for one another, because you never know when we will be needing help in some capacity. BTW, there are people all across our country living in many different areas that are vulnerable to natural disasters of one kind or another- earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, etc. Do you expect them all to just be on their own when disaster strikes?

  57. I was so grateful to have Jason and James with us at the Treasure Cay airport when we were evacuated from Man-O-War last Wednesday. Very traumatic for us, but they were awesome young men, very composed and solid guys, gave us water and the best apples in the world! Love you guys. Thank you so much for letting us lean on you.


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